How to distinguish an original iPhone from a non-original one. Differences in menu items and features of work. How to distinguish a real iPhone from a fake

Increasingly, despite the fact that apple has released version 8 of the iphon smartphone, Russian consumers are looking for information on how to distinguish the original iphon 5s from a fake. It is this question that we will consider in today's review.

How to distinguish an iPhone 5s original from a fake

First and foremost, the original iPhone has an official serial activation code. When you connect the original iPhone, it must identify it and synchronize with it.

If you are offered a smartphone that is not activated on the official website, then you can safely say goodbye to such a seller.

iPhone box and contents
The box of the original iPhone is made with high quality. On the bottom of the box there should be stickers with description and information with model number, serial number and IMEI. If these stickers are not present, then it is definitely a fake.

Box contents
Envelope with a paper clip to open the SIM card slot. Original instructions, Apple logo stickers.
Charger American or European standard in a wrapper, although there are exceptions with a Russian standard plug.
original headphones EarPods in a square glossy packaging with rounded edges and an engraved apple. The headphones themselves can be distinguished by the metal mesh and the snow-white color of the headphones themselves.
Original Lightning cable, also wrapped. It can be distinguished by a thin base. In most fakes, it is more massive.

Appearance of the original iPhone 5s

The body of many replicas is made of plastic, while the original models are made of aluminum. The colors of the original iPhone are grey, white and gold.

On the back of the smartphone is the inscription "iPhone, Designed by Apple in California, Assembled in China".

Also, the model number and certification marks are indicated not only on the box, but also on the back cover of the smartphone. The nano SIM card slot is on the right. Also on the carriage is serial number, which must be identical to the one indicated on the box.

The original iPhone does not have an antenna, memory cards, stylus, dual SIM, USB or mini-USB charging.

In addition, it is a one-piece monoblock. Therefore, the back cover can only be removed by unscrewing the fixing screws.

iPhone Software

The original iPhone does not slow down (at least while it is new), has a bright display, good sound quality, and a menu in Russian. You also need to go to "Settings" - "General" - "About device" and find the serial number. It must match the one indicated on the box and carriage of the SIM card.

We turn on the iPhone.

While loading, you should see a black screen with a white apple (or vice versa) - the original loading screen.
After downloading, we should observe iOS and only iOS. Any hints of Android equate the iPhone to a Chinese copy.

iCloud and Accounts.

Go to "Settings", "iCloud". Here we can add or disable Apple ID accounts. If accounts are not enabled, click on "User" and if prompted to add Google account, Mail, etc. then it's fake.

Since the iPhone 5s has a fingerprint identification sensor

It is built into the Home button (Touch ID), if this function is not in the specified iPhone models, then it is a fake. Let's check the function of unlocking the phone with a fingerprint. Go to "Settings", "General", "Touch ID and password", "Touch ID", then click "add fingerprint" and follow the instructions. We block the phone, and try to unlock it with a finger by placing it on the "Home" button. If nothing happens, or the phone just can't unlock, then it's fake.

A person who prefers products Apple other brands, can easily distinguish an original smartphone from a Chinese fake. But if you decide to buy an iPhone for the first time, you need to know how to distinguish the Chinese "iPhone" from the original in order to avoid problems in the future. Such ignorance is usually costly, as the cost of a fake in this case is equal to the cost of a real phone. By the way, the price is the first criterion that you should pay attention to when buying. it doesn’t happen, remember this, so if you are offered to buy the latest model phone from Apple for a symbolic amount, do not rush to make a “bargain” purchase. Make sure you don't get your hands on a Chinese copy of the iPhone.

Where to buy?

If you want to become the owner of an iPhone, we advise you to consider only well-known stores as places to buy. They should specialize in the sale of such equipment, and ideally be an official dealer Apple products. Even if you are well aware of the characteristics of the "iPhone 5S", the original from hand to get a minimal chance. Of course, now you can find ads for the sale of used "iPhones" from their former owners, but latest models it is almost impossible to buy in this way. Suspicious street stalls, as well as dubious personalities offering here and now to buy a new original phone “for only 10 thousand rubles” are ways with a high degree of probability to give your money for a cheap fake. Dishonest sellers and use your ignorance on the question of how to distinguish the Chinese "iPhone" from the original. Have you ever compared these devices? We will tell you how to distinguish an iPhone from a fake, and we hope this information will help you avoid mistakes.

Apple has become a global brand for a reason. The company's specialists produce their products of deliberately emphasized high quality, and this favorably distinguishes any "apple" products on store shelves. Moreover, this feature is visible in everything, and the packaging of the smartphone is no exception. Firstly, the box should not have any flaws (dents, torn corners, uneven seams, scratches, signs of opening, etc.). Secondly, take it in your hands and appreciate the sensations. The original packaging gives the impression of plastic, it is so neat and pleasantly made, although, of course, ordinary material was used as its material. And thirdly, pay attention to such details as stickers and inscriptions on the box in which the IPhone 5S is located. How to distinguish a fake with their help? All names of the device, as well as the manufacturer's logo, must be embossed according to the rules, and they must be located on the sides of the box. In addition, check the availability of additional vacuum transparent plastic packaging.

Now turn the box upside down and see if there is a sticker with the name of the model. If you have an original iPhone in your hands, this part will contain, in addition to this, information about the amount of memory of the device, IMEI number, batch numbers and product series. And even a bitten apple - the traditional Apple logo - should be carefully examined. A Chinese cheap copy may give out an apple with a notch on the left, which is wrong.

How to distinguish the Chinese "iPhone" from the original: external differences

The next step in recognizing a copy is to inspect the smartphone itself and work with it. Also, first of all, we will evaluate it. We have already mentioned the highest build quality of the original Apple technology. If you keep this in mind, then all sorts of defects on the phone case, even subtle ones, will indicate to you that this is a Chinese fake. The original is distinguished by the impeccable quality of the fit of all panels, the absence of backlash, gaps, chips, squeaks or sinking. The front panel should have a factory one. As a rule, the original one has a perforated tongue at the bottom. It is needed for quick and easy removal of protection from the display.

And the most main feature, which the original Apple phone cannot have - a detachable back panel! A real iPhone is a monolithic device that cannot be disassembled by hand. If you have a obviously original iPhone, you can advise to put two devices side by side and compare them visually. "Chinese" will be distinguished by a more elongated body format.

First impression: take a look at the menu

Next, for testing purposes, turn on the phone. When you first turn on the original iPhone, a logo will appear on the display, and then an invitation will appear to activate the device. True, this item does not always help to correctly determine the originality of the device, the fact is that many real iPhones go through the activation procedure even in the store before they hit the counter. The premature opening of the package is also connected with this - at some points they are necessarily checked for serviceability. If you still have doubts, inspect the display, listen to the system sounds and music - the colors should be bright, the sound should be clear. We hope it is clear that a high-quality "iPhone" is distinguished only by a menu in Russian and a high-quality built-in camera. Here I would like to tell you how to distinguish the Chinese "iPhone" from the original most fast way. The secret is that the original device supports only a certain operating system - iOS, updates of which are available through the iTunes service. So, if you connect the device to a computer, this application will automatically recognize the original device and send a notification to its owner! Unfortunately, such a quick and high-quality check is possible only after buying a phone.

Differences in menu items and features of work

So, we turned on the phone and think about how to distinguish an "iPhone" from a fake. It should be remembered that there are differences between them in the "Settings" menu. For a non-original version, it will be incomplete, or rather, it will not be possible to see the “Phone model” and “Serial number” items there.


Do you doubt that you have an iPhone 5S in front of you? How to distinguish a fake? Go from the settings, for example, to the "Messages" menu and try to type any text. The appearance of the visual keyboard that appears is another way to recognize Chinese production. The latter has a keypad design similar to the keypad design of series phones samsung galaxy, consists of individual touch buttons with letters and the ability to switch characters. Often, these keyboards also support the Swype function.

Slow work as a clear sign of "Chinese"

But, probably, the first thing that catches your eye when you turn on the Chinese copy is braking. Sometimes it comes to such an extent that the phone manages to unlock the keys only from the fifth time! A high-quality iPhone instantly responds to the touch of your fingers (and only fingers!), And unlocking it will not take even two seconds.

Package contents of the original Apple device

List additional devices, supplied with the phone, has not changed since the first day of iPhone production. Thanks to this, the equipment of the original device, which we will present below, has become a kind of standard. If you don’t know other ways to understand if you are offered to buy an iPhone 5 for real, how to distinguish a fake, it will be enough to remember this list and compare the availability of all the details. In addition to the device in the box, you will also always find:

  • Envelope with colored instructions inside. It, in turn, is made in printing and has a high-quality appearance, it will not have any tears, cuts, dents, stains, crumpled corners and blurry text, indicating a low level of printing, and other defects. There are two Apple logos on the cover.
  • Soft flexible earmuffs.
  • Data cable.
  • Original charger (its standard weight is 60 grams).

All these things are done in white color scheme. Cables should be folded as neatly as possible, have wide transparent ties (to prevent unwinding) and placed in additional polyethylene packaging. Headphones from the original "iPhone" are always pleasant to hold in your hands, they have a soft flexible rubberized wire. Their plastic parts must be free from defects (chips, scratches, sharp corners, protruding sections of material, burrs, etc.).

How to distinguish "iPhone" from a fake the first time?

The following signs, which we list, are characteristic only of non-original products! If you, when buying an iPhone, find at least one of them, be sure that you have a Chinese handicraft product in front of you:


Chinese engineers, of course, are becoming more creative from year to year, and one can only envy their diligence. Therefore, fakes are increasingly adopting the features of original products and flooding the technology market. How to distinguish "iPhone" from the Chinese counterpart, we told, and the conclusions suggest themselves. Alas, a similar Chinese design does not at all mean the fullness of functions that is inherent in quality goods. Therefore, before deciding to buy a phone from Apple, remember this material and pass by suspiciously “profitable” offers from unverified sellers. Forewarned is forearmed!

A distinctive feature of the products are not only their impeccable specifications, but also the corresponding price requested by the manufacturer. The development of a world famous brand has led to the emergence of a large number fakes of dubious quality, which can be problematic for an ordinary user to recognize. First of all, it concerns mobile phones, which are very popular and recognizable regardless of the age of the model, whether it is an old iPhone 5S or a recent one. We will talk about the main differences between the original and the fake in this article.

iPhone Authentication Methods

In order not to become a victim of scammers when buying a new smartphone, you need to use the services of a specialized store or the official Apple website, where you can easily order delivery. Thus, you get a 100% guarantee that the products you purchased have original characteristics, as well as high quality assemblies. Unfortunately, not everyone can afford this luxury, which is why they turn to third-party sellers in an attempt to get an iPhone at a better price.

As you know, it was not difficult until recently to distinguish a real iPhone from a fake. Fakes were identified by creaking body parts, poor screen color reproduction, and clumsily copied design elements. However, with the advent of the market latest generations iPhone recognizing a fake has become not so easy even for an experienced user of Apple products. In order not to be left with nothing when buying a phone, do not forget to use the methods described below to determine its authenticity.

Basic equipment check

It is necessary to start acquaintance with a newly purchased gadget with a detailed analysis of its packaging. Having received the coveted box with new iPhone, make sure you have all the required accessories by checking the package box. Typically, the list aids may vary depending on the model. For example, for a standard delivery set includes the following components:

  • mobile phone;
  • Charger;
  • USB/Lightning cable;
  • a clip for a SIM card;
  • EarPods headphones;
  • two stickers with an apple;
  • documentation.

The absence of one or more accessories is a completely reasonable reason for doubting the authenticity of the purchased product. Even if all the components are in their places, pay attention to their quality, as well as the integrity of the packaging.

Will be useful

For a detailed list of equipment for your smartphone, use the official network resource Apple company.

A thorough inspection of the iPhone

Have you encountered fake iPhones?

Having finished with the analysis of the box, pick up a smartphone and take a closer look at it. Despite the impressive development of the market Chinese fakes, developers of such products still cannot completely replicate the iPhone case. That is why a careful examination of the mobile device may well reveal some discrepancies with the original. Distinctive features fakes are:

Take a close look at the back cover of your mobile device. In addition to the well-known apple logo, it should contain the inscription “iPhone” without a model serial number, that is, not , 8 or X. Looking down a little lower, in the case of the original, you can see the following text: “Designed by Apple in California, Assembled in China ”, followed by the model number with certification marks.

iOS health check

Everyone knows that the mobile OS that runs Apple smartphones is famous for its unique design style, as well as an excellent level of optimization. If you are at least a little familiar with the original iOS interface, then confuse her with another operating sheath, for example Android, will be very difficult. However, in Lately resourceful Chinese developers have learned quite well to copy the design of iOS familiar to many, right down to the size of the icons and the thickness of the fonts.

How to distinguish a real iPhone from a fake in this case? It's very simple: try using your local app store. If you have an original Apple product in your hands, you will be taken to trading floor called the App Store. Otherwise, the Google Play store familiar to users of the Android OS or its analogue with hieroglyphs and a bunch of non-working software will open.

Serial number identification

To find out exactly whether new iphone fake, maybe using the warranty check service on the Apple website. To do this, you will need access to a smartphone and the ability to access the Internet:

In the event that the iPhone is fake, the system will give an error and ask you to re-enter the verification code. Otherwise, an image of the current model, as well as its full name, should appear on the screen.

The box of the original iPhone is made with high quality. It should have stickers on the back with a description and information about the model number, serial number and IMEI. If these stickers are not present, then it is definitely a fake. You can check your iPhone without opening the box.

To do this, go to the Apple code verification system, enter the serial number from the sticker on the box in the appropriate field, and if it passes and the site page shows reliable information, then everything is fine with your iPhone. All printing on the box must be of high quality.

For the 6th iPhone, the camera should not be drawn on the front side of the phone sketch, and “iPhone” should be written on the side without any numbers.

  • The iPhone itself (we'll cover that later)
  • Envelope containing: a paper clip to open the Namo-card slot. Original instructions, and most importantly - Apple logo stickers, that is, apples, which are missing in many Chinese fakes.
  • Wrapped American or European standard charger. Thus, you may need a charging adapter, which is sometimes given out for free in a store when buying an iPhone, although there are exceptions with a Russian standard plug.
  • Original EarPods in a square glossy packaging with rounded edges and an engraved apple, in a wrapper. The headphones themselves can be distinguished by the metal mesh and the snow-white color of the headphones themselves.
  • Original Lightning cable, also wrapped. It can be distinguished by a thin base. In most fakes, it is more massive.

Appearance iPhone

Now let's look at the phone itself. What to pay special attention to?

  1. First, there must be film on the display.
  2. Secondly, take it in your hand and pay attention to the tactile sensations. How does the phone fit in your hand? Plastic fake to decide immediately. The body of the original iPhone is made entirely of aluminum. The weight of the original iPhone 5 is 112g, the iPhone 5s is 112g and the iPhone 6 is 129g.
  3. Look at the back panel and the inscriptions on it. The original iPhone never indicates the amount of phone memory, unlike a fake. Also pay attention to the font and text color, body color. In the photo on the left, the original iPhone 5s is on the left, a copy is on the right. It can be seen that the color of the back panel is different, it is darker for the fake, and the text color for the fake is gray, and for the original it is black. The text itself is the same, you can remember it. For other iPhone models, the text will be slightly different.
  4. Pay special attention to the camera and flash. The original iPhone 5 has a bright LED and does not have the characteristic yellow color for a fake.
  5. The camera of the original has a rim, well, or in other words, a halo, it is wide. Many fakes have a narrow chamber, no rim. In the photo, the original iPhone 5s is on top, and the fake is on the bottom; note that the flashes are almost identical.
  6. Let's take a look at the sides of the iPhone. There should be a slot for a nanosim card, I repeat for a nanosim card, not for a microsim card, as is often the case with Chinese fakes. The slot for we apply should be compact and made neatly and efficiently, without any gaps. Press the volume buttons and the lock button. The buttons should click a little, and the "+" and "-" signs should be poured, not drawn. The switch should move smoothly, with a click and not stick.

  7. Let's look at bottom face. iPhone bolts are real and small, as opposed to large and / or not real (plastic plugs) for a fake, but there are exceptions. The photo shows that the fake has more bolts.
  8. Let's move on to the front side of the iPhone. Take a close look at the turned off display, it should be dark, tinted and should not stand out much from the rest of the surface (in the case of a black iPhone). For fakes, the display is lighter and stands out well, this difference is clearly visible in the photo (a fake iPhone 5s is on the right, the original is on the left).

Software component

WITH appearance finished, now let's move on to the insides, more precisely to the software component of the iPhone.

Device price

It doesn't take an expert to figure out that a $200 iPhone isn't an iPhone at all. Do not be fooled by cheapness, buy in good salons, and use this instruction - this will save you from acquiring a fake. Buying a copy of an iPhone or its original is up to you, there are quite worthy copies.


Guided by this instruction, you can protect yourself from acquiring a fake. Remember that there are a lot of fakes, they are very high quality, the more items you check, the greater the guarantee that you will get the original iPhone. Be careful when buying.

Smartphone from the company from Cupertino iPhone 5 is one of the most famous and favorite mobile phones in the world. At the same time, its popularity plays into the hands of Chinese counterfeit smartphone makers. Quite a long time ago it was customary to produce fake phones of popular brands.

iPhone smartphones are no exception, and with each appearance of a new model, underground manufacturers immediately release their copies of the novelty. On the wave of popularity, dishonest sellers mobile devices they don’t make bad money selling fakes to inexperienced users.

A fake from the original is of very poor quality, the phones themselves are not certified, and numerous violations of product licensing rules and trademarks have led to a ban on the sale of non-original devices.

Buying such a fake harms both the user and the manufacturing company. The buyer forms the wrong opinion about the smartphone, as a result, he may decide not to purchase products from this company anymore.
To avoid such deceptions when buying an iPhone 5, we will describe how to distinguish an original smartphone from a copy.

Differences in connectors and interfaces

It is very easy to distinguish a genuine device by visually checking the presence or absence of certain connectors in the phone. Here are the interface options that reveal a fake:

  • The original iPhone lacks any TV tuner. Therefore, if you notice an antenna on the phone, it's a fake. On a real iPhone 5, you can watch TV using certain programs;
  • The original mobile phone cannot have a stylus;
  • It is easy to distinguish a fake from a real phone by the presence of a USB connector. The original iPhone 5 is equipped with its own unique Lightning connector, which is almost impossible to confuse with USB;
  • A fake often has a built-in slot for reading memory cards. The original phone does not have such an interface;
  • A real iPhone only supports one SIM card. Therefore, if you are offered a phone with support for 2 or more SIM cards, then this will not be real iPhone 5.


Fake copies can also be distinguished by inscriptions printed on the body of the device. The first thing to check is the iPhone itself. Often it is distorted or replaced by a consonant word. Also, instead of the amount of memory in a fake, there may be an inscription Wi-Fi, 3G and more.

Secondly, inspect the logo on the back of the smartphone. There should be the original Apple symbol - an apple bitten on the right side. In fakes, the logo may be changed or it will be completely absent.

Among other inscriptions and markings on the back cover original iPhone must attend:

  • under the inscription iPhone in a small rectangle is the total amount of phone memory;
  • further - standard inscription for all models Apple smartphones- “Designed by Apple in California, Assembled in China”;
  • under the previous inscription - the FCC ID and serial number of the smartphone;
  • at the very bottom of the lid - various certification designations and the FOXCONN logo.

Design differences

A fake can be distinguished from the original by a higher weight, which is quite easy to feel if you hold the device in your hand. The original body is made of aluminum, while the Chinese copy is made of cheap plastic. The back cover of the real iPhone smartphone You can't remove it because it is rigidly fixed. Sometimes the size of the diagonal of the screen may differ slightly (usually upwards).

The body thickness may also vary slightly. The original iPhone 5 has 7mm. The color of the back cover of the phone can also distinguish a fake, since the original can only have 2 colors - white and black.

Software Features

Any iPhone model issued with installed operating system iOS system. It is impossible to install such a system in a fake, therefore, at best, with a copy of the iPhone the user will not receive the fastest Android OS.

At any iOS versions a large number of useful and unique applications from Apple are preinstalled, but the most main way to distinguish a fake - the lack of an AppStore store in it, which a fake cannot have. You can also pay attention to the names and signatures of applications..

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