How to find out the release date by the iPhone number. How to find out iPhone release date by serial number and other options

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If you are interested in the question how to find out the date iPhone release- this article will be a good guide. This question is usually asked by those who purchased an iPhone from their hands. It is important to know when it was manufactured and also when it was activated.

You also need to be able to distinguish a real smartphone from Chinese counterfeiting... Sometimes it is absolutely impossible to do this outwardly. In order to obtain the information we need, a serial number is required. We will tell you how to find it out, and how to see the date of activation of the device, as well as its production.

How to find out the date of activation of an iPhone of any model

The activation date is needed for more than just finding out when the user bought it. With its help we will install on iPhone warranty or no longer. Lack of warranty can sometimes lead to a refusal to purchase. Usage time is like a car mileage: the device also wears out over time.

Find out the serial number of the iPhone in iTunes

So, it's time to find out the serial number. The first way is to connect to iTunes. If you have never done this before - you need to download / install latest version this program and connect the device using original cable... We connect, run, look: in the "Overview" tab there is data on serial number... We copy it.


Find out the serial number in the iPhone itself

We need to go to the main iPhone settings and select the "About this device" tab. Information about your iPhone will appear there. There will also be a serial number. Hold your finger on it and copy.


We get information of the release date

It doesn't matter which device you used to access the Internet. You will need to follow this link. In a special window, you must enter the device number. Then you will see one of the messages:

  1. If the warranty period has not expired, information about its expiration will appear. Subtracting the year - and we get the exact information on the date when the user purchased and activated the iPhone. Now we know exactly how long the iPhone has been in constant use.
  2. If the warranty period has expired, you will have to take the former owner's word. The only proof would be a check. But not everyone keeps receipts, even for such expensive purchases, if the warranty period has expired. The only thing we can do is find out the production date of the iPhone.

How to find out the iPhone production date

This is done quite simply: follow the link to a special service. There we insert the serial number. We press one button - and all the data is in front of you. The year of production and the week are displayed. That is, if we know both the activation date and the production date, we can find out how long the iPhone has been in warehouses. When there was no such service, the decryption had to be done independently. There are instructions on how to do this on the Internet, there are special tables. But you won't need it.

If your iPhone is a hand-bought device, then you will certainly be interested in the date of its production. Firstly, sellers can deceive you in order to pass off an ancient device for a more recent one. Secondly, even if outwardly the iPhone looks great, this does not mean that it has not been actively used. Remember that the battery of your device is designed for 300 cyclesv fully charged and discharged, after which it gradually begins to die. Therefore, knowing the age of your iPhone is very important.

Well, if you bought your iPhone officially - in a store - then you will also be interested to know how long it was gathering dust in the warehouse, and then on the shelf of the salon, wouldn't it?

Today we will tell you how to find out date of manufacture and activation of the device... You don't need to know any additional information except the serial number of the iPhone. By the way, everything written below is also relevant for the iPod Touch.

For those who did not keep in iPhone hands, but really wants to buy it, we explain how to find out the serial number of the iPhone right at the time of purchase. Look for a silver icon on one of the desktops of your device "Settings" and click on it:

Scroll down and select the first item in the third section of settings - "Basic", click on it, then select the top item - "About device"... Scroll down to item "Serial number" and you will see an 11-character code like:

8892 9 KST4NS

We are interested in you third, fourth and fifth digits this serial number. The third digit shows the year of manufacture. 7 - 2007, 8 - 2008, etc.

The fourth and fifth digits are the serial number of the week of production of the device. This number can take values ​​from 01 to 52.

Now you can easily determine that the iPhone with the serial number given above was manufactured in 29th week of 2009, i.e. during the period from 13 to 19 July.

If you are interested, the first two digits of the serial are the identifier of the plant where the device was assembled, and the last six are the code unique for each device.

For reference, here is the 2009 calendar with week numbers:

That's not all. By serial number, you can also check legality of iphone... Go to and enter your serial. The location you choose in the list below does not play a special role.

You will see something like this:

Follow the link See full coverage details:

Pay attention to the inscription Estimated Expiration Date: September 12, 2010. This means that the iPhone was first activated in the store on September 12, 2009, and from that date the one-year warranty started.

If the iPhone has never been activated, which is quite possible if it is locked, then you will see an error like Please activate your iPhone. We are unable to display coverage details because your iPhone has not been activated.

Successful purchases of your iPhone and no less successful use of it;) Don't let sellers fool you.

Greetings to everyone and everything! The first thing you need to pay attention to is that this article will not talk about the official release date of any iPhone models(about this you can) in general, but about each specific device in particular. After all, as you understand, the release of devices occurs almost every day and for each of iPhone date its exit from the factory will be individual.

The second important note - we will figure out how to determine not only what year the iPhone is in your hands, but even its release week. Well, the third is that there will only be several ways to find out the age of the device and by combining them, you can achieve 100% reliability of the result obtained. We will not postpone the matter in long box and pull animals for different places ... start quickly and decisively!

However, a small preface is nevertheless necessary. Why do you need to find out all this at all - how old is he, dates, numbers? Use it and that's it! However, not everything is so simple and here are some situations when it is necessary:

  • So when buying an iPhone or iPad "hand-held".
  • When buying a new device (not all stores are equally honest and I can sell a used one under the guise of a new one).
  • Just out of curiosity.

By the way, for all checks we will use the serial number (IMEI) of the iPhone (). Which is quite convenient, because you don't even need access to the device - when buying a used one, you can ask for it in advance, and if the gadget is still in the box, you can do without opening it. Well, now to the main thing ...

Find out what year the iPhone was released by decrypting IMEI

Serial number can tell a lot of information about the device - factory, model, etc. But we are interested in the exact release date. And here it is necessary to find out what kind of gadget model it is, the type of serial number and its decoding will depend on this.

If the iPhone was released before 2010 (typically iPhone 4 and earlier)

For these devices, the serial number consists of 11 numbers and letters. We will only be interested in the third, fourth and fifth characters. Everything is quite simple here:

  • The third digit in the serial indicates the last digit of the year in which this device was manufactured.
  • The fourth and fifth digits are the ordinal number of the week this year.

To make it clearer, an example: MN81412ABC1. In this case, the third digit is 8, the fourth and fifth are 14. From this we conclude that given iPhone was released in the factory in 2008 at week 14 (March 31 - April 6)

After 2010 (iPhone 4S and older)

But here, everything is not as simple as in the previous example. Since 2010, Apple started produce devices with serial numbers 12 characters long. And all would be fine, but besides that, she also encrypted the release date in it, using various numbers and letters.

So, in the 12-character serial number, we are only interested in the fourth and fifth characters from the beginning:

  • The 4th character denotes the year and half year in which the device was released.
  • The 5th character means the week of release in this very half of the year.

True, the whole "ambush" is that not only numbers, but also letters are already present here. Therefore, here are the character and date tables for decoding.

In the first, we look at the letter that is indicated as the 4th from the beginning in the serial number and find out the year, as well as the half year in which your iPhone was made.

Let's look at this case as an example. Here is the serial number - NPL JN DP7FDG5. The fourth letter is J, which according to our table means the 2nd half of 2012. The 5th character is the letter N, we look at the second table and see that the letter N for the 2nd half of the year corresponds to the 45th week of release. It turns out - year 2012, week 45. It's simple!

However, if you do not trust various tables, there are several more options to determine iPhone age.

How to find out how old your iPhone is through special services

Fortunately, you don't always need to look at the serial number and calculate how old your iPhone is using it. There are various services that will do all this work for you. Here are the most famous ones.

  1. The date of manufacture of the iPhone can be found by going to this page and entering the serial number there. Perhaps this is the oldest and most famous service for checking. Despite the fact that everything is in a foreign language, you don't really need to figure it out - you indicate the IMEI in a special form and you get the result.
  2. The second option would be to download special program- Coconutid. Unfortunately, there is only a version for MAC OS, and this is a minus. However, it allows you to find out the date of birth not only of iOS devices, but also of MAC. Which is undoubtedly a plus.

As you can see, you can find out the release date of the iPhone in different ways - either "stretch your brain" and calculate it yourself, or trust specially designed services and programs.

Due to the rather high cost of the iPhone, and most importantly, due to the huge number of fakes, be sure to carefully check the data on the device before buying. Especially before purchasing it from your hands, it will be useful to find out the date and place of release of this iPhone. This alone will help to make sure of its originality. Because there were times when an old refurbished phone was inserted into the body of a new model, and outwardly it looked pretty decent. And the factory serial number and other codes are written in the device's memory and cannot be changed.

In light of the fact that with the exit new iPhones 6S, many owners will sell their used "six" in order to buy a more advanced new product, this instruction you will probably come in handy.

We are looking for a serial number

In this case, the analysis of the serial number of the device will be very informative, which will help at the initial stage to immediately dismiss dubious gadgets. It can be found on the original packaging of any iPhone, on the back - on a sticker with the main characteristics and barcodes. Therefore, having a branded box is especially important when buying used iPhones. We are interested in the second row of numbers marked - Serial No. It contains encrypted data about the place of production (which specific plant), release date (half a year and a week), information about the series and technical parameters, the personal code of this unit.

However, there are cases when cunning businessmen pack a fake or problem iPhone (locked, broken, restored, stolen, locked, etc.) into the original box. So, be sure to check the data on the package and the ones preinstalled in the phone itself. True, they can only be recognized by turning on the smartphone, if it is new and not configured, ask the seller to help activate it.

After that go to the settings. Select the section - General, and in it - the item "About device". If the data matches exactly - great!

It is also important to find out the date of release and activation of the iPhone for the correct calculation of the validity period of the official warranty. Especially if the previous owner activated it immediately, and the allotted year has already passed. You can check the remaining manufacturer's support period in a special section on the Apple website.

You can also take information about the serial number from the iPhone purchase receipt. Authorized points register these data so that the user has a confirmation on the start of the warranty period.

Another way to find manufacturer's data about an iPhone is to connect it to a computer that has a proprietary iTunes app(always download the latest version to avoid conflicts of updates and errors).

After connecting, find your device in the program menu, select it. Click on the first tab in the list of settings - Overview. Information about capacity, cell and serial number will be displayed.

In older models iPhone serial the number was printed on the SIM card slot. Starting from "fives" to back side housings are indicated only by IMEI (MEID).

Determine the production time

So, we found the serial number. What will he tell us? Until 2012, it was applied old encoding- eleven characters. In it - the third, in a row from the left, the symbol showed the last digit of the year, and the 4th and 5th - the corresponding week - in the interval from the first to fifty-third.

Modern iPhones have a twelve-digit code consisting of a combination of letters and numbers. When checking, please note that Apple never uses the letter O in serial numbers, most likely it will be the number zero. Otherwise, the search will return an error, although the smartphone is actually fine.

For example, let's see what this serial number of this iPhone tells us.

In the "About device" menu of the smartphone settings, we find the required code: F17NGDERG5MG. We are interested in two letters in the middle: the fourth and the fifth - F17 NG DERG5MG.

We will use the special plates below to find out the production date. We look in the first table for the letter N - this is the code of the year of manufacture. It means that the device was produced in 2014, in the second half of the year.

  1. Spell Definition Table (4th character in serial number)

years of production of iPhones:

Year First half of the year Second semester
2010 WITH D
2011 F G
2012 H J
2013 K L
2014 M N
2015 P Q
2016 R S
2017 T V
2018 W X
2019 Y Z

Now we clarify the week of production, punching the letter G according to another table (we select the column of the second half of the year, based on the results of the analysis of the previous code). It turns out that our iPhone was released in week 39.

  1. Definition table by letter (5th character in serial number)

iPhones production weeks:

Symbol Production week number Symbol Production week number
1 semester (January-June) 2 semester (July-December) 1 semester (January-June) 2 semester (July-December)
1 1 27 J 15 41
2 2 28 K 16 42
3 3 29 L 17 43
4 4 30 M 18 44
5 5 31 N 19 45
6 6 32 P 20 46
7 7 33 Q 21 47
8 8 34 R 22 48
9 9 35 T 23 49
WITH 10 36 V 24 50
D 11 37 W 25 51
F 12 38 X 26 52
G 13 39 Y 53
H 14 40

In addition, almost all of the listed information about the device, without unnecessary "troubles", can be found using the following service.

The given result completely coincides with ours. This iPhone released in 2014, at week 39, by the Chinese manufacturer Foxconn, which officially manufactures most of the Apple technology. You can safely take such a device.

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