Check iPhone for year of issue. How to find iPhone release date by serial number and other options

If you are interested in the question of how to find out the release date of the iPhone, this article will be a good guide. This question is usually asked by those who purchased an iPhone from their hands. It is important to know when it was manufactured and also when it was activated.

You also need to be able to distinguish a real smartphone from a Chinese counterfeit. Sometimes it is absolutely impossible to do this outwardly. In order to obtain the information we need, a serial number is required. We will tell you how to find it out, and how to see the date of activation of the device, as well as its production.

How to find out the activation date for any iPhone model

The activation date is needed for more than just finding out when the user bought it. With its help, we will determine if the iPhone is under warranty or no longer. Lack of warranty can sometimes lead to a refusal to purchase. Usage time is like a car mileage: the device also wears out over time.

Find out the serial number of the iPhone in iTunes

So, it's time to find out the serial number. The first way is to connect to iTunes. If you have never done this before, you need to download / install the latest version of this program and connect the device using the original cable. We connect, launch, look: in the "Overview" tab there is data on the serial number. We copy it.


Find out the serial number in the iPhone itself

We need to go to the main settings of the iPhone and select the "About this device" tab. Information about your iPhone will appear there. There will also be a serial number. Hold your finger on it and copy.


We get information of the release date

It doesn't matter which device you used to access the Internet. You will need to follow this link. In a special window, you must enter the device number. Then you will see one of the messages:

  1. If the warranty period has not expired, information about its expiration will appear. Subtracting the year - and we get the exact information on the date when the user purchased and activated the iPhone. Now we know exactly how long the iPhone has been in constant use.
  2. If the warranty has expired, you will have to take the former owner's word. The only proof would be a check. But not everyone keeps receipts, even for such expensive purchases, if the warranty period has expired. The only thing we can do is find out the iPhone production date.

How to find out the iPhone production date

This is done quite simply: follow the link to a special service. We insert the serial number there. We press one button - and all the data is in front of you. The year of production and the week are displayed. That is, if we know both the activation date and the production date, we can find out how long the iPhone has been in the warehouses. When there was no such service, the decryption had to be done independently. There are instructions on how to do this on the Internet, there are special tables. But you won't need it.

What is Serial Number?

The manufacturer assigns each released device a unique serial number, which encrypts all information about the device model, country, and release date. The serial number is unique for each device from the same manufacturer.

What is IMEI?

Mobile phones, in addition to the serial number, have the so-called IMEI code. IMEI is an International Identifier unique to each mobile phone. IMEI is a generally accepted standard for all mobile devices, which is "sewn" into the phone during production at the factory. This is something like a serial number that is broadcast to the operator when the phone is authorized on the network. The IMEI code format is the same for all phones regardless of the manufacturer. Also, the IMEI code is used to track and block stolen phones at the level of a mobile operator, which in the future does not allow the use of such a device in the network of this operator. However, blocking the IMEI code from one operator does not prevent its use in other networks.

How can I find the serial number of the device?

As a rule, the serial number is printed on the packaging and duplicated on the device body, in most cases the serial number is available through the software shell.

How to find out the IMEI of the phone?

To check your phone IMEI dial * # 06 # and the call button on your phone. The IMEI of the phone looks like a 15-digit numeric code. The IMEI code is duplicated under the battery of your phone, on the packaging and in the warranty card.

Why do I need this?

SNDeepInfo is the most affordable way to find out all the information about a device before you give money for it. Enter the serial number of the device or the IMEI of the phone in the input field and get the exact information about the phone model. Apple users receive extended information indicating physical and technical characteristics (device color, memory size, production date, firmware version when the device is sold, unlocking and jailbreak methods).

What is it all for?

SNDeepInfo will protect you from buying a fake device. If, when checking, the serial number does not appear in the system, think about whether you are buying fake equipment.

SNDeepInfo saves you from buying stolen goods. Every user who has become a victim of theft or who has lost a device has the opportunity to leave the stolen phone number or the serial number of the device in the IMEI database. Therefore, SNDeepInfo is not only a service for checking IMEI and serial numbers, but also a database of stolen phones and devices.

SNDeepInfo helps find stolen and lost. Enter the code of the stolen phone or the serial number of the missing device into the IMEI database, and increase the chances of finding the lost one. If, upon verification, it turns out that the device is listed as stolen, you can return it to its rightful owner and receive a reward if the owner appointed it.

SNDeepInfo is not just a base of IMEI phones and a check of serial numbers, it is a service for in-depth verification of the quality of devices, a test for the conscientiousness of sellers and a service for finding stolen phones and lost devices.

Currently, the service supports checking the IMEI codes of all phones, including IMEI Apple iPhone 8, iPhone 8 Plus and iPhone X, as well as Samsung Galaxy S8, and Galaxy Note 8! It is planned to expand the service for checking the serial numbers of devices for any electronic equipment.

If you are interested in the question of how to find out the release date of the iPhone, this article will be a good guide. This question is usually asked by those who purchased an iPhone from their hands. It is important to know when it was manufactured and also when it was activated.

You also need to be able to distinguish a real smartphone from a Chinese counterfeit. Sometimes it is absolutely impossible to do this outwardly. In order to obtain the information we need, a serial number is required. We will tell you how to find it out, and how to see the date of activation of the device, as well as its production.

How to find out the activation date for any iPhone model

The activation date is needed for more than just finding out when the user bought it. With its help, we will determine if the iPhone is under warranty or no longer. Lack of warranty can sometimes lead to a refusal to purchase. Usage time is like a car mileage: the device also wears out over time.

Find out the serial number of the iPhone in iTunes

So, it's time to find out the serial number. The first way is to connect to iTunes. If you have never done this before, you need to download / install the latest version of this program and connect the device using the original cable. We connect, launch, look: in the "Overview" tab there is data on the serial number. We copy it.


Find out the serial number in the iPhone itself

We need to go to the main settings of the iPhone and select the "About this device" tab. Information about your iPhone will appear there. There will also be a serial number. Hold your finger on it and copy.


We get information of the release date

It doesn't matter which device you used to access the Internet. You will need to follow this link. In a special window, you must enter the device number. Then you will see one of the messages:

  1. If the warranty period has not expired, information about its expiration will appear. Subtracting the year - and we get the exact information on the date when the user purchased and activated the iPhone. Now we know exactly how long the iPhone has been in constant use.
  2. If the warranty has expired, you will have to take the former owner's word. The only proof would be a check. But not everyone keeps receipts, even for such expensive purchases, if the warranty period has expired. The only thing we can do is find out the iPhone production date.

How to find out the iPhone production date

This is done quite simply: follow the link to a special service. We insert the serial number there. We press one button - and all the data is in front of you. The year of production and the week are displayed. That is, if we know both the activation date and the production date, we can find out how long the iPhone has been in the warehouses. When there was no such service, the decryption had to be done independently. There are instructions on how to do this on the Internet, there are special tables. But you won't need it.

Articles and Life Hacks

Why do you need to know the release date of your Apple device? An increasing number of consumers are interested in how to determine the release date of an iPhone... This can be done, as well, not only out of sports interest, but also in order to find out the authenticity of a particular smartphone.

For example, a unique combination known as a serial number provides this information. However, with Apple switching to a new serial number format, this is causing confusion. Let's try to figure out how to find out the release date of your iOS device.

Determine the release date of the iPhone by the serial number

The serial number is present on any Apple device, be it a smartphone, player, computer or tablet. It is also available for all components and accessories - adapters, cables, even covers.

At first glance, this unique combination is completely random. However, in fact, it contains all the necessary information about the time and place of release, model and manufacturer.

Previously, the serial number included 11 items, having studied which, it was possible to find out not only the year the device was released, but also to verify its authenticity.
In the case of the date, attention was paid to the numbers 3,4 and 5, where 3 was the last number of the year of the device's release, and 4 and 5 indicated the week of release in the range from 01 to 52. You could find the combination in the main settings, item "About the device" ...

For example, if the first 5 digits of the serial combination of the device 85220, it means that it was released in May 2012.

However, this system was relevant only until a certain point in 2010, when Apple switched to 12-digit numbers. So how to determine the release date of an iPhone starting from this time? It is somewhat more difficult to do this, but it is still quite possible. At the same time, in this case, nothing will help.

Now we are interested in the numbers 4 and 5, where 4 means the half-year code when a specific device came out, and 5 is the week code of the release within half a year. Accordingly, additional decryption will be required.

The half-year count also starts from 2010; the numbering is based on the letter system, starting with C. Letters such as U, O, I and E are excluded from the list. 20 letters remain. Following this system, 12-digit combinations are expected to be used for 10 years, and in 2020 a transition to a new format will take place.

There is a certain correspondence between years and letters. A detailed table of such correspondences is easy to find on the net.
The week code contains both numbers in the range 1-9 and Latin letters (except for A, B, I, E, O, U, S, Z) - a total of 27 possible characters. It should be noted that the number 5 cannot be deciphered without the number 4, since it is very important to find out initially whether the device came out in the 1st or in the 2nd half of the year.

For example, before us is the combination DСPJL8QEF18G. The 4th character is the letter J, which corresponds to the 2nd half of 2012, and the 5th is L. This means the 43rd week of 2012.

Determine the release date of the iPhone by packaging

It is worth noting that the user will be able to find out the release date of his mobile device simply by carefully examining its box. There you can also find out information about the place of assembly, the model of the device and even the number of the plant where it was assembled.

Today, there are many resources on the network that allow you to find out data on any device from Apple. Special programs recognize the year of the appearance of the model and the release of the device, as well as the week and month of its production by the serial number.

This method is quite convenient if it is not possible to open the package.

After purchasing an iPad in a store, the first step is to activate it. Without initial activation, the tablet simply won't work. Previously, activation was only possible using a PC (those were the fun times), now the option of activation without a computer is available.

In this article, we will look at how to activate iPad in two ways. And also we will answer the question: how to find out the date of activation of the iPad. The manual is fully compatible with the iPhone and iPod Touch, so the owners of these gadgets can safely apply it in practice.

How to activate iPad

Method 1. The most obvious and oldest activation method is through a computer. This method worked with the first iPad, and will work with the newfangled iPad Air and iPad Mini with Retina.

1. To do this, first install the official Apple application - iTunes (for Windows, in OS X iTunes is a built-in program).

2. We connect the iPad to the computer using the cable supplied with the tablet.

3. Press and hold the power button on the iPad (it is located on the top end) until a white apple appears on the screen.

4. iTunes will launch and iPad will activate for the first time.

Method 2. Activation directly from the tablet. For this method, you only need a Wi-Fi network with the Internet. It is much simpler than the first one. This feature appeared with iOS 5.

1. After unpacking the iPad, turn it on by holding the button (the Power button is on the top).

2. We act according to the instructions that will be shown on the screen. These directions include actions that will activate the iPad.

This is called initial device setup. If you are not sure of your abilities and knowledge, then follow the instructions for Firmware iPad to iOS9. Initial setup. I did not show the activation screen in that instruction, because I was flashing iOS 7 on an already activated tablet, but you will have - do not worry.

How to know when iPad is activated

What is it for?

1. You buy an iPad hand-held. This guide will tell you when the iPad was first activated. That is, the real "mileage" of the device.

2. From the moment the device is activated, the warranty on it begins. Not from the moment the tablet was delivered to the store, nor from the moment of purchase, nor from the moment when you presented it, etc., namely from the moment the iPad was activated!

So that iPad activation date is very important. In order to find it, we need the serial number of the iPad. There are two ways to find the iPad serial number.

Method 1

Connect iPad to computer. Launch iTunes. Find your iPad in iTunes and click on it. The Serial Number will be displayed in the device information (Overview).

In the menu, you can select the item Edit-\u003e Copy Serial Number and this number will appear on the clipboard.

Method 2

On iPad, go to Settings-\u003e About this device... Any useful information will include the serial number.

If you hold your finger on it, you will be prompted to copy it to the clipboard.

Next, we try to break through the activation date using the serial number. We go to the Apple website using a special link. And we insert the serial into an empty field. Click the Check button.

Now two situations are possible. If your warranty has not expired (that is, less than a year has passed since activation), then you will see the following picture.

The date on the screenshot May 7, 2014 means that the product was activated on May 7, 2013, that is, exactly one year before the specified date.

If you see the following picture, as in the screenshot below, then your iPad was activated over a year ago.

It remains to be content with only this information? Not really. We can find out the production date by the serial number. But as practice shows, the production date can be very different from the activation date. The devices may then be in warehouses. But for general development, let's find out.

How to find out the iPad production date

There is a service on the network that, by the serial number, will determine when and where the device was produced. ...

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