Russian nationalists. Party of Russian Nationalists. VKontakte closed the largest nationalist group Russian nationalists in contact

The line between patriotism and nationalism is sometimes very unclear. From hypertrophied love for one's own people to hatred to others - one step. Nazism, also called Hitlerism and Fascism, became an extreme form of nationalism. This plague of the 20th century brought the peoples of the world an unprecedented number of disasters and victims in history. It would seem that after 1945 the issue of national exclusivity was removed from the agenda forever. But the habit of repeating mistakes among humanity is ineradicable. Attempts to establish the preferential rights of the indigenous population are being made in different countries, including those who suffered huge losses during the Second World War. In the Baltics, Moldova, Ukraine and other republics of the former Soviet Union, after the collapse of the USSR, radical nationalists are gaining significant popularity. Russia, with its multi-confessional and diverse population, it would seem, racial ideas should be alien. But there are also nationalist parties here.

Ideological base

The historical conditions in which Russia found itself after the collapse of communism have a number of similarities with those in which Germany found itself after the conclusion of the Versailles Peace Treaty. In both cases, the rules imposed from outside proved to be humiliating. The population, mostly educated and hardworking, was plunged into poverty. Russian nationalists at the end of the twentieth century did not come up with anything new - they, like the National Socialists of Germany, pointed out quite obvious problems, while offering the simplest and seemingly effective way of solving them. At the same time, the reasons for the catastrophic situation of the native country were sought exclusively outside its borders, and if the culprits were inside it, then they were exclusively foreigners.

Slogans and banner

The symbolism of Russian nationalists also speaks of the continuity of ideologies. It is a set of stylized runic signs, to one degree or another showing similarities with the swastika.

People and nationalism

There are at least two reasons for the doom of Russian nationalism.

First, the peculiarities of education in the spirit of friendship between peoples, adopted in the USSR and having pre-revolutionary roots. In tsarist Russia there were, of course, Black Hundred organizations and political forces, but even then they were not very popular.

Secondly, the personal life experience of almost any sober-minded person plays against nationalism. As it accumulates and with age, people understand that personal qualities are more important than the notorious "fifth column", and any calls to beat or humiliate their own kind because of hair color or nose shape do not meet with mass understanding.

All this depresses the champions of ethnic purity and racial superiority. It seems to them that the people are again caught in the wrong, as a result, many of them abandon their beliefs and further struggle. Others generally become Russophobes.

Why a Russian nationalist can hate Russians

A convinced nationalist (even Russian, Ukrainian or Moldovan) thinks in lofty categories. Not even centuries - millennia - pass before his mind's eye. Peoples move somewhere, fight among themselves and seize more and more territories, the strongest wins, in fact proving his own superiority, mainly by force. The way of thinking of an ordinary citizen, contemptuously called by these romantics “the philistine”, is very different from the product of the passionary thinking of an “ideological fighter”. He is interested in much more mundane categories, for example, how to raise his children, where to find a job to his liking and to get paid more, and the like. It is not enough for hunters to die and suffer for the idea of \u200b\u200bracial purity, and not only in Russia. Therefore, every militant organization of Russian nationalists relies on young people - it is they who serve as the social base of any extremist structure. A youth that does not know life, with the appropriate ideological pumping, is capable of cruelty to a greater extent than maturity. And most of the population for these ideas "is not mature enough." Nationalists do not like their own people mainly because they do not want to support them.

Nationalism and emigre movements

Most of the first wave of emigrants who left the camp after the October Revolution of 1917 were decent people. There was, however, among them a certain stratum, consisting of supporters of the overthrow of the communist government at any cost, even if this would require fighting with its own people on the side of the invaders. Some of the leaders of the White emigration made an unsuccessful attempt to implement this idea in 1941-1945.

Germanophilism as a form of Russian nationalism

In addition to them, there were (and are) adherents of the theory of the belonging of the Russian (again, the original) ethnos to the Aryan Nordic race. At the same time, Russian nationalists are not embarrassed by the numerous Slavophobic statements of the leaders of Nazi Germany, they are above these small details. Even stranger is the fact that among the admirers of the "gloomy Germanic genius" there are many who cannot be attributed to the Aryans even in the most crude approximation. What unites this "mishpukha" is, again, contempt for the Russian people and annoyance that "they give us little lumps."


Every time a regular march of Russian nationalists takes place in the capital or another big city, the column is led by one of the leaders of the movement, and sometimes several of them. If in Germany or Italy in the 1920s, the charisma of the leader played a crucial role, then at the present stage this quality seems to have lost its former significance. Nationalist movements are led by people who are not distinguished by either intelligence or eloquence. They try to compensate for the lack of personal charm and the lack of general development with rudeness and shocking. Given this state of affairs, not a single party of Russian nationalists (and there are several of them in the country) has no serious chances not only for victory, but also for success or popularity.

The author of the article, in the light of current events in the world, in particular directly in our country, in Russia, and of course in Ukraine, sees the issue of attracting people to nationalist groups as relevant. It is the 21st century, and now the most convenient way to attract people to your organizations is through social networks. The author will examine the activities of nationalists in one of the most popular and politicized social networks Vkontakte.

The active development of the global Internet network today makes it possible to connect people at different distances from each other. This makes it possible to keep abreast of events for people who are at different points of not only one country, but the entire planet.

Social networks are very popular on the modern Internet. ,. One of the most popular social networks in Russia is Vkontakte. On this site, it is possible not only to communicate in the form of correspondence, but also to upload videos, photos, audio materials, various texts, books, the ability to join interest groups. The author considers how modern nationalists use these opportunities.

It is on social networks that people are currently discussing the accumulated problems, looking for ways to solve them, expressing dissatisfaction, agreeing on meetings and demonstrations. ... But how to attract a social network user to your group? Different nationalist groups do this in different ways.

According to the author, it is worth considering the largest nationalist groups on Vkontakte, such as: BROTHERS SLAVS ( (139,965 people), RASA. ( (40 788 people), Slavic Russia ( (29 930 people), I AM RUSSIAN ( ( 264 180 subscribers), Right ( (147 355 subscribers). These groups identify themselves as supporters of Russian nationalism. Each group has its own distinct way of attracting users. ,. Each group has its own special content.

Let's consider each of them in more detail.

Let's start with the SLAVIAN BROTHERS group. The slogan of this group: "Our plans to live forever - our plans to live with dignity." Here the idea of \u200b\u200bnot only Russian nationalism is being pursued, the emphasis is on uniting all Slavic peoples. Visitors from the Caucasian and Central Asian regions are shown here as enemies. But the administration of the group always tries to emphasize that subscribers in no case should incite hatred towards certain nations, but only towards those who commit crimes. Anchored news is a quote from Russian boxer Dmitry Kudryashov, nicknamed "Russian Sledgehammer": “I am not against people of another nation, I am against sheep representing this nation, and I will never be tolerant of people who do not respect my faith, culture, customs and traditions . " (\u003dwall-25612449_877876). The group's theme tries to adhere to this idea.

There are 14 topics for discussion in the BROTHERS SLAVIANS group, the most popular are: 1) Gather an army of right-wing friends. Russians, let's unite !, 2) What to do with Caucasians who harass Russian girls ?, 3) WHAT DO YOU TAKE ABOUT THE REPRESENTATIVES OF THE SOUTHERN REPUBLICS LIVING IN RUSSIA ?, 4) CIVIL WAR IN UKRAINE, 5) WHAT IS THE DANGER FOR RUSSIA? , 6) Can I consider myself a Slav ?. All community subscribers have the right to express their thoughts in these topics. The site administration tries to keep order in the discussions, but sometimes there are very radical statements, various calls for the destruction of certain social groups, their humiliation. There are provocateurs who incite enmity according to national, religious, racial types. But sometimes there are constructive discussions of various problems related to conflicts on ethnic grounds, where people prove their position with sufficient reasoning, and without offending other participants in the conversation. But such a phenomenon happens extremely rarely, because often when arguments are exhausted, the disputants begin to turn to personal insults. They try to delete such comments whenever possible and leave mostly arguments confirming the correctness of the Russian people.

The community wall is dominated by materials related to Russian, Slavic culture, there are motivational calls for a healthy lifestyle. Videos with raids against smoking, alcohol and drugs are being posted. There is an advertisement for Slavic workshops making amulets. The enemies are the Western world, led by the United States, as well as the Muslim world, whose face in Russia is the Caucasian regions. Frequent patriotic memes, videos, songs of Slavic performers, various articles by authors writing about the history of Russia, as they say, from a different point of view than the official point of view.

In general, we can say that the group is not extremely radical, yes, there are nationalist materials, but they are served mainly under a patriotic sauce, so as not to violate the rules of the Vkontakte website.

The next group we will look at is called RASA. Slogan: "Glory to our Gods and Ancestors!" This community is focused on Slavic mythology. The main materials are articles by authors about Slavic myths, gods, life of the Slavic people before the adoption of Christianity. The group's albums contain numerous images of Slavic gods, symbols, runes. Books about the life of the Slavic people have been published. The songs of modern Slavic performers, mainly in the genre of folk-rock, have been posted. Posted videos with lectures of modern neopagans, with films about the life of the Slavs before the adoption of Christianity, videos that seek to show from the point of view of community administrators the true history of the Slavic people, their culture, traditions, customs, writing, beliefs, there are feature films and documentaries showing the greatness of the Slavic people.

On the wall of the group, demotivators are often exhibited, calling on the Slavs to unite, a healthy lifestyle, and intolerance to enemies. The idea of \u200b\u200bthe greatness of the Slavic people before the imposition of Christianity on them, the desire to throw off the Christian cross and return to their true gods is carried out. The idea of \u200b\u200ba strong family is being put forward. Alcohol, smoking, drugs are rejected.

There are frequent materials about Slavic culture, in particular about writing, gods, about the correct interpretation of Slavic swastika symbols. There are many articles about Slavic heroes, for example, such as Evpatiy Kolovrat, Prince Svyatoslav. Slavic folk musical instruments are popular. The chronology "from the Creation of the World in the Star Temple" is conducted (\u003dwall-58597087_192599), which is considered, as the authors write, from the victory of the Slavic people over the land of dragons (meaning China). Now is the year 7524 according to this calendar, which has its own rather interesting specifics.

In general, the community cannot be called radical. It positions itself as a source of spiritual strength without focusing on politics. But considering in more detail the context of the group's materials, the political orientation of the content is noticeable.

This is followed by a group called Slavic Rus. From the name it follows that the interests of not only the Russian, but also the entire Slavic people are defended here. The slogan of the community is: "..." Glory to my Great Russia! My pride and honor! "...". But the group has its own specifics, compared to the previous two. In this community, the emphasis is placed not only on Slavic swastika symbols, runes, but also on the imperial flag. That is, there is no direct denial of the greatness of Russia during the period of Christianity. There is also a place to glorify the successes of the Russian people in the Soviet period, directly to the victory in the Great Patriotic War, attributing exclusively to the Russian people, and not to the "Jews", which are considered by the administrators of the group of rulers of the USSR and present-day Russia. In general, a rather negative attitude towards any government is positioned in this community. Power is presented in the form of a world conspiracy of "Zhidomassons" who rule over everyone.

On the wall of the group, political news is published, according to the moderators, exposing the authorities in their crimes against the Russian people. The current government is considered one of the main enemies of the Russian people, robbing them to the bone, imposing false values \u200b\u200bin the form of entertainment, Western culture, tolerance, alcohol, smoking, drugs and the like. The idea of \u200b\u200bthe purity of Slavic blood, a strong Slavic family, contempt for promiscuous and numerous sexual relations is being carried out, respect for the ancestors and traditions of the Slavs is encouraged. It speaks of the shamefulness of betrayal, it expresses contempt for the accomplices of the main enemies of the Slavic people: Jews, Jews, Muslims, Americans.

This community is pretty radical. There is content with direct criticism of the authorities, humiliation of peoples, religious groups, calls for a forceful solution to the problems of oppression of the Russian people on Russian soil.

Let's move on to a group called I AM RUSSIAN. The slogan of this community is: "We will fan the heat of hearts" ". Group administrators pay attention to the entire history of the Russian people, focusing on the great achievements. On the wall of the group there is no direct criticism of the current government, on the contrary, there is even news about the unity of the government and the Russian people. Moreover, in the community, in principle, there is no criticism by the administrators of the power that has existed in Russia throughout its history. Criticism is available only in comments or discussions. But even there it is natural not to do without the so-called "bots" and "trolls".

The group strives to unite absolutely all nationalist movements under its wing, speaking about the unity of the entire Russian people, and that it is foolish to divide oneself, for example, into monarchists, pagans, Christians, etc., since in any case, in the first place the main thing is that the person is Russian.

There are patriotic videos, songs, and photographs showing the beauty of Russian nature, the successes of Russian athletes and politicians. The leading place is taken by the victory in the Great Patriotic War. The community wall actively combines news about the greatness of the pre-Christian Slavs, the successes of the Russian people during the monarchy, the achievements of the Soviet period, and modern victories. Of course, this all leaves its definite imprint on the news feed, discussions in the group, since sometimes it is difficult to please absolutely all subscribers, no matter how hard the moderators try to do it.

Although the name of the group suggests its possible extreme radicalism, in reality this is not. Quite calm, one might even say a democratic group, without insults, humiliation, mainly with patriotic content, albeit a certain, of the Russian people. But the desire to please all nationalist movements sometimes plays a cruel joke in discussions of topics and causes a storm of indignation among some people, but here there is more intra-Russian dispute than interethnic one.

A group called the Right wins our research. The slogan of the community is a small article entitled "Dear Ministry of Internal Affairs, FSB, and also: vegetables, Internet variores, sent" patriots "liberals, homosexuals, and other eccentrics ...", in which the group administrators express their main ideas, views, the meaning of the functioning of the community ...

The group's administrators declare: “We are not enemies of our people, not spies who have not sold themselves to 'sponsors', the whole movement is built solely on our own forces. We are outside of religion and respect all beliefs and teachings that do not contradict our aspirations and goals. We are not looking for war, we are looking for unity. " (\u003dwall-23486475_1361878).

This community does not focus on any one specific enemy; first of all, it considers the enemy within the Russian people itself. That is, in order to raise the standard of living, one must not blame the authorities, not look for an external enemy, but act independently. First of all, this must be achieved thanks to a healthy lifestyle, a strong family, uniting with like-minded people, helping each other "Russian help Russian". (

The group's wall mainly contains material of a political nature, content about ethnic crime, about the oppression of the Russian people on Russian soil, about the problem with migrants, sexual minorities, pedophiles. This community conducts the idea of \u200b\u200bcivil Russian society: that is, you do not need to wait for decisions from the authorities, you need to act yourself, lead a healthy lifestyle, unite in popular squads, conduct raids against illegal migration, the sale of drugs, drinking and smoking in public places, and promote the traditional values \u200b\u200bof the Russian people ... Much attention is paid to family values \u200b\u200band raising children.

Articles and videos about the Chechen and Afghan wars are being posted. About the exploits of Russian soldiers not only in the Great Patriotic War, but also in the conflicts after it.

An active emphasis is made on the social problems of modern Russian society, on the failures of Russia's economic policy, the weakness of spiritual culture, the immoral values \u200b\u200bof youth.

Perhaps the most political group we have reviewed. Here you can see a clear plan of action for solutions to the current crisis of the Russian people; values \u200b\u200band guidelines are needed to overcome obstacles. Abstract appeals to the people are not traced, in the main there is specificity.

Making a general conclusion of the studied nationalist groups of the social network Vkontakte, we can say that each group has its own methods of attracting users. There are both differences and similarities between these methods.

Different features are the distinctive features of each group: someone promotes the pre-Christian, pagan beliefs of the Slavs, someone seeks to show the monarchical, Christian successes of the Russian people, certain groups seek to combine the successes of the Russian people throughout history and combine them in their news feeds, some focus attention on the fact that nature is the only temple for a person, others talk about the need to go to churches, others generally consider such differences to be trifles and strive for the complete unification of the entire Russian people, abstract thoughts are expressed about the greatness of the Russian people, its bright future, and there are also those who offer a clear, structured plan to achieve greatness without expecting anyone to help.

Common features are, first of all, ideas about a strong family, a purebred nation, a healthy lifestyle, denial of alcohol, smoking, drugs, various immoral entertainments, “parties”. Each group also declares the need to unite the Russian people, even if each declares that their values \u200b\u200bare the only true ones, but the idea of \u200b\u200bunification is present in every community. An equally important common feature is the desire to honor one's own culture, traditions, honor ancestors, be proud of their achievements, oppose oneself to other cultures of the world, considering the need for original development to be personal, without extraneous impurities.

The content of the groups under consideration clearly showed that the stereotype that if a community positions itself as a nationalist group does not work in modern social networks. Nationalists use various methods of attraction, technologies do not stand still, they develop, many groups have very diverse, interesting content, and often a person may not even realize that he has entered a nationalist group.

The most important thing is to have your own opinion and be able to be critical of any information, to double-check it, otherwise, if you believe any article, any author, you can fall under someone's strong influence and it will be very difficult to get out of these networks.


2. Zharchinskaya K.A. // CONSTRUCTION OF IDENTITY IN SOCIAL NETWORKS ON THE EXAMPLE OF THE COMMUNITIES OF SLAVIC NATIONALISTS // Man in a changing world. Problems of Identity and Social Adaptation in History and Present: Methodology, Methods and Practice of Research International Scientific Conference, Program and Abstracts. Tomsk, 2014.S. 170-172.
3. Klyuchko E.I. // INTEREST OF YOUTH IN NATIONALIST IDEAS ON THE INTERNET // SEARCH: Politics. Social studies. Art. Sociology. Culture. 2015. No. 4 (51). S. 64-69.
4. Pain E. A., Prostakov S. A. // Many-faced Russian nationalism. Ideological and political varieties (2010-2014). - Policy. Political Studies. 2014. No. 4. S. 96-113.
5. Khabenskaya E.O. // XENOPHOBIA REAL AND VIRTUAL // Sociological journal. 2010. No. 2. S. 50-67.

Lukin Maxim Olegovich,
2nd year student of the Faculty of History, Political Science and Law, Moscow State University

Academic Supervisor - Fedorchenko S.N., Associate Professor, Candidate of Political Science, Associate Professor of the Department of Political Science and Law, Deputy Dean of the Faculty of History, Political Science and Law for scientific work of Moscow State University

An unusually powerful journalistic news site. An extraordinary team of journalists: Shcherbatov, Karabanov (the same one), Oreshek, Vodoleev regularly cover events both within the country and abroad. Along with this, the site has in-depth articles on Russian nationalism: goals, means.

All-Slavic National Socialist Forum

One of the most popular forums dedicated to nationalism. Read, write, communicate.

People's Sovereign Party of Russia

Site of the People's Sovereign Party of Russia, the mouthpiece of the Russian national intelligentsia. The site contains works by Alexander Nikitich Sevastyanov, issues of the newspapers "National newspaper", "Russian front", "Union of Officers"


The most powerful site aimed at attracting young people, who are always the vanguard of any revolutionary initiative. If you are a skinhead - you are here. Here you will be shown the way further, here you can clearly see the PURPOSE.

United National Assembly Forum

One of the leading forums on our topic. A lot of smart and interesting participants. If you have any questions - ask.

Russian Movement Against Illegal Immigration

DPNI's activity conquers with its power and scope. Effectively using official methods of struggle: elections, leaflets DPNI as a locomotive, picking up speed. The activities of the DPNI are one of the few examples of effective use of the instruments of struggle permitted by the current legislation.

Russian National Unity

The most powerful news information resource that can claim the title of one of the best on the right flank. In addition to the news, RNU's ideology is detailed and detailed.

Russian National Union

A resource informing about the activities of the Russian National Union. In light of the recent successes (and we are sure that this is exactly the case) in the elections in the Vladimir region, we recommend that you closely monitor the activities of this organization and its energetic leader.

Russian Business website

An informational and publicistic site summarizing and covering the activities of the national forces.

Glory to Russia

The site "SLAVA RUSSIA" is the fruit of the joint efforts of members of the organization "National Patriots of Russia" (NPR). Today "SLAVA RUSSIA" is the main source of information disseminated by the NPR organization.

Slavic Union

The energy and indomitable activity of the leader of the Slavic Union Dmitry Demushkin is felt in every line, in every word on this site. Irresistibility and power, these are the slogans of its creators.

»Often complaining about claims for the content and content posted in it, she dismissed the nationalist community for the photos posted in it by users. In the actions of the social network, at least a policy of double standards can be traced. And if the next time a social network asks for help from the general public with an explanation: “what they say we have nothing to do with it, the users downloaded it”. We can safely laugh in the eyes of liars. Either give the rules for everyone, which you yourself observe, or do not appeal with those that you yourself prohibit.

At the time of closing, the "Right" group had about 150 thousand subscribers.

Greetings fellows!

And so, the latest information about what is with the official group "RIGHT".

The group is blocked, many have already noticed this annoying moment. How significant that the blocking of the group took place on the eve of November 4, on the day when the triumphal Russian Marches swept across the country and beyond. And just on the very day when our main group was going to publish all the information as close as possible to a live broadcast about all marches throughout the country, about all possible victories and vice versa, the arrests of our associates. But they didn't report, they couldn't - they blocked it.

The official reason for the blocking is "a call to violent action." He's extremism.

The actual reason for the blocking is uploading dubious pictures to an open album by one of the community members, for which the group was blocked.

Not blocking a profile in contact, not deleting material, but blocking a group - this is the solution to technical support. That is, to understand that this is a possible provocation (and this was it), no one will and will not. The chances are more than one hundred percent that the person who downloaded this did not even receive a warning from technical support.
The question is different: why communities where similar appeals are published from the administration of these groups directly and in open form - are not blocked for years? And here, for the actions of a community member (and whether a member? Or so, running through) the community is blocked and the way out of the block is put under a huge question?

In general, the “right” network will exist in any case, we hope that we will still be able to find a common language with support, since we have proposed a number of sanctions to suppress such incidents, but the truth is, the feedback is not debugged in the most rosy way. They asked for time to reflect on whether it is worth unlocking us before December 4th! Let's wait what remains.

In any case, the network will exist. In any case, we will continue to develop. In any case, we will go beyond social networks and from dependence on these dubious rules and instilling tolerance. We will go beyond the Internet (by the way, work is being actively carried out in the regions).

But, comrades-in-arms who have been with us for years, your support is now more than ever needed by our - the largest and first RIGHT NETWORK. Stay tuned, subscribe to our reserve group. Repost. We are always ready and open to dialogue with you. We need people! Let's break through Together!

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