Photoshop training cs6. Photoshop for beginners - step-by-step instructions and guidelines. Toning in Adobe Photoshop

Yes. This video course can be watched both in Windows and in OS X (Mac OS), as well as in any other systems where there is a web browser and support for MP4 video format.

Where to contact if you have any questions about the course?

After payment, you will get access to the online platform, where you can watch this training material and ask any of your questions in the comments below the lesson.

Do I need to activate the course before watching?

The course works right away. You will not need any keys or activation codes. You can watch the course on as many computers as you like.

Is there a disc version of the course?

We refused from disks in favor of flash drives, you can order a course on a flash drive with delivery by mail.

Can I place an order today and pay later?

Yes it is possible. Just start placing an order, after the basket you will see a link "Save the order in your personal account, I will pay for it later." Watch the video tutorial:

Where to download and how to install Photoshop?

What's the difference between Photoshop for Dummies 57 Tutorials and Photoshop from Scratch Video 3.0?

The course "Photoshop for Dummies, 57 Practical Lessons" does not provide a detailed description of the tools and commands of Adobe Photoshop. Here are only practical lessons in various areas: restoration and retouching of pictures, creation of collages and decoration of photographs, drawing, design, creation of textures and text effects.

In which version of Photoshop are the lessons of the course recorded?

Some of the lessons were recorded using CS6, and most in the CC 2014, CC 2015 version.

I am not from Russia, can I buy a course?

Oh sure. Available payment methods for you: Visa / MasterCard / Maestro, Yandex.Money, RBK Money, WebMoney, QIWI, Money transfers, Paypal. After payment, you will receive a letter with a link to download the course to your computer, but if at registration you chose delivery on a USB flash drive, then in addition to this letter we will send you the course on a USB flash drive by air mail.

I have not found the answer to my question. How to be?

Contact our online consultant. The online consultant button is located in the lower right corner of the page. Or you can write to our support team at:

Yes. This video course can be watched both in Windows and in OS X (Mac OS), as well as in any other systems where there is a web browser and support for MP4 video format.

Where to contact if you have any questions about the course?

After payment, you will get access to the online platform, where you can watch this training material and ask any of your questions in the comments below the lesson.

Do I need to activate the course before watching?

The course works right away. You will not need any keys or activation codes. You can watch the course on as many computers as you like.

Is there a disc version of the course?

We refused from disks in favor of flash drives, you can order a course on a flash drive with delivery by mail.

Can I place an order today and pay later?

Yes it is possible. Just start placing an order, after the basket you will see a link "Save the order in your personal account, I will pay for it later." Watch the video tutorial:

Where to download and how to install Photoshop?

What's the difference between Photoshop for Dummies 57 Tutorials and Photoshop from Scratch Video 3.0?

The course "Photoshop for Dummies, 57 Practical Lessons" does not provide a detailed description of the tools and commands of Adobe Photoshop. Here are only practical lessons in various areas: restoration and retouching of pictures, creation of collages and decoration of photographs, drawing, design, creation of textures and text effects.

In which version of Photoshop are the lessons of the course recorded?

Some of the lessons were recorded using CS6, and most in the CC 2014, CC 2015 version.

I am not from Russia, can I buy a course?

Oh sure. Available payment methods for you: Visa / MasterCard / Maestro, Yandex.Money, RBK Money, WebMoney, QIWI, Money transfers, Paypal. After payment, you will receive a letter with a link to download the course to your computer, but if at registration you chose delivery on a USB flash drive, then in addition to this letter we will send you the course on a USB flash drive by air mail.

I have not found the answer to my question. How to be?

Contact our online consultant. The online consultant button is located in the lower right corner of the page. Or you can write to our support team at:

3 votes

Good day, dear readers. I don’t want to say platitudes, but knowledge of Photoshop opens up incredible opportunities for those who decided to master it. However, in this program, you can do both very healthy things and complete slag. It all depends on the learning strategy.

Let me give you a small analogy. Check out this video and skip ahead.

It was made in the same program in which Deadpool, Avatar, and any modern film were created. Why did I suddenly remember in the article about photographs? Because we are talking about Adobe products, only in the first case it is Premier Pro, and in the second - Photoshop.

In both of these programs, you can do cool projects, or you can do what you just saw. And it's not about the capabilities of the tools we use. Full slag is being created now. That is why I, this is not the first time, want to touch on Photoshop for dummies - a step-by-step instruction for beginners. I'll show you how to learn how to use Photoshop 100%. Let's get started?

Preparation and what knowledge can give you

Why would you want to learn Photoshop? There can be many answers, and only one is worth actually doing it. Now I'm talking about making money on my own skills. If you are thinking about how to have fun for yourself, then you just need to discover , choose a level for beginners, "Working with photos" and watch a few videos, for more you will not be enough. Yes, in principle, it is not necessary.

There are decent video tutorials and text manuals here. Choose what you want to master today and you're done. Learn.

But what will you achieve? Entertain yourself with a new hobby, but after a week or two, throw it all to hell. You will learn some tricks, learn to implement several effects and that's it. You cannot create anything of your own.

You will miss a lot. Meanwhile, such a picture, made in Photoshop for a specific order, costs around 500 - 1,000 rubles in the worst case scenario.

Such a site (this is just his drawing) will cost the customer from 5,000 - 10,000 rubles. If we get lucky. Time of creation: well, a maximum of a week and then if you pick your nose most of the time.

It is very difficult to name specific prices and times, since a lot depends not only on the knowledge of the program, but also on the portfolio and the ability to find orders. For example, on this site all projects cost 500 rubles.

And on prices depend on the project, the generosity of the client and the ability of the contractor to negotiate.

Did I interest you? Then your preparation is almost complete. I recommend that you somehow focus on your ultimate goal: the desire to make money. Only thanks to him you will be able not to give up everything at a rudimentary level and really reach the final.

I do not know how to help you more specifically ... try registering on these sites and view orders. You may not be able to do anything yet, but, perhaps, seeing the prices and what the customers want from the designer, you will have an incentive to continue learning. It is important. Support yourself.

It's time to get started

For some simple tasks, even I often use the online version of the Photoshop program: ... You can also get acquainted with the program online. It is in Russian, you just need to select the desired language in the language panel.

The version is very stripped down, so I don't recommend spending more than one or two days on it, although it's better to even download Photoshop from the official website right away and not bother with unnecessary gestures.

It has become quite profitable to use the official version of the program. The developers do not care much about protection from pirates and in Russia you can download Photoshop for free on every corner.

Naturally, this program is more often than others filled with viruses, since it is incredibly popular. Think a hundred times before downloading. Why be afraid and fooled with reinstalling the system, when the official website provides an opportunity to use its product for only 300 rubles a month.

Moreover, you are given the opportunity not only to use Photoshop, but also Lightroom. An interesting thing that professional photographers use. But it is too early to talk about it.

Let's start

After you have all the program, I recommend downloading the course "100 Video Tutorials to Improve Your Skills" ... Don't think I’m not crazy. Remember that you are newbies. Nevertheless, the first lessons should be interesting for you. If you start learning about tools now, then learning will cause nothing but fatigue and negative emotions. Something else is needed.

Why this particular course? Recently I learned an interesting thing in one of the courses for improving the skills for bloggers, which is used by a huge number of "teachers" on the Internet. The author advised to keep silent about any details when creating a training video or article, thereby motivating readers to leave comments.

For example, “forget” to write how to create a layer, although this is an important detail or not tell you that somewhere you need to use a certain keyboard shortcut. A beginner will not understand how to perform the trick and will ask at the bottom of the article. This advice caused me a wave of negativity. It became clearer why Runet is so ... bad.

It became very insulting for novice users to whom the authors of publications put a spoke in their wheels. But, back to the course, in addition to the fact that here you will find complete information, so it will also be detailed, since the level of "professionalism" for those who want to improve their skills is different.

Here you can easily learn how to work like a professional, see how projects are carried out and learn some very cool tricks.

V "100 lessons" very clear structure. You can find a lesson on a topic that will interest you right now. Today, which I want to process, tomorrow we started retouching, on the third day we created a postcard.

You don’t need to force yourself and do what you don’t want to do step by step. The main thing is that learning brings you pleasure and not associated with torment. It was not a mockery of my own willpower.

This course will be very useful even for beginners. You will understand a lot and motivate yourself to study, but without the knowledge of tools, you will never learn to create something of your own. And you can only work according to specific schemes.

Detailed study and independent work

Along with these tutorials, I recommend that you download "Basic course" ... From it you will learn what layers are, why you need this or that tool, what is in all panels of the program, and so on. This course, without additional, interesting lessons, will quickly bore you. Only a few will reach the end, too "academic" knowledge has to be obtained. Like at school. But you cannot do without them.

What makes a specialist different from any other person? Everyone is faced with difficult tasks, but a professional always has several ways in his head to solve any problem. This only happens because the specialist has more "unbearably boring" knowledge.

With these two courses, you will be able to reach incredible heights. Tired of special features - entertained yourself with an interesting practical lesson, feel that you are ready to understand the basics and quickly began to do it. You don't need to go anywhere and look for something.

Both courses will cost a small amount, but after paying the money, you will want to go all the way for a return on investment. And this will happen after the first project, which you can easily, the links to which I gave you at the beginning.

So that is all. If you liked this article - subscribe to the newsletter and learn more about making money on the Internet. I'll show you how to sell your own services and find the best clients.

I wish you success in your endeavors. Until next time.

Quite often, PC users tend to learn new programs in order to be able to design images to their taste and even earn income. One of the most sophisticated and powerful graphics tools is Adobe Photoshop. How to use, where to start - all this will be described below.

Interface, tools and menus

First you need to run the installed program. A beginner is recommended to go through the menu (horizontal top), explore the tools on the left. To find out what the icon is and what it is responsible for, you need to move the cursor. A tooltip should appear. If you left-click on a tool, for example, "Fill", then it will be active. At the same time, the settings appear below the horizontal menu at the top of the screen. Experienced users almost always set the desired tool parameters.

Pay attention to the triangle in the lower right corner of some tools. If you press the right mouse button, then additional options will open.

And now we should talk about the menu in Adobe Photoshop, how to use it when working with photographs and drawings. First you need to go to the File menu to open an existing image for editing, or create a new document. This menu also contains the function of saving the work done.

The rest of the items located after the "File" and before the "Help" refer directly to the work on the image.

First steps in work

It is worth starting to study the program using an existing photograph. To do this, go to the "File" menu, click "Open" and find the desired picture. When it is added, you can start working.

A small tabbed window will appear to the right of the image. When working, you almost always need the "Layers" tab, since all actions on the image take place on it.

At this point, every beginner asks the question about:

  • how to use Photoshop (Adobe Photoshop);
  • why it is not possible to work with the picture;
  • is it possible to correct errors if they appeared in the course of work.

You should immediately answer the second question: by default, an open image is locked, that is, it has To turn it into a layer (that is, unlock), you need to double-click in the window to the right of the image and the inscription "Background" in the "Layers" tab. Now you can work.

Why are layers needed?

To understand how to use Adobe Photoshop, it's worth understanding layers. The fact is that they can serve as a reserve image ("create a duplicate layer") in case of unsuccessful actions with the photograph, and as an area for applying new effects. For example, you need to make an inscription for a wedding photo and an image of translucent doves, hearts. In this case, you need to create a new layer above the main photo and activate it. Then you can either insert a new image with doves, or draw using the Brush and Pencil tools located on the left of the toolbar.

Layers can be made transparent or translucent. To explain their meaning, you should imagine a real photograph lying on the table. Next, translucent or transparent printed paper is superimposed on it. So the main photo is Layer 1, and the transparent patterned paper is Layer 2.

Effects and colors

Work with color and effects should be done using the horizontal menu or in the right window (the "Layers" and "Properties" tab). It should be noted that it makes no difference for a beginner how to use Adobe Photoshop CS6 or other versions. Almost any generation of "Photoshop" is suitable for learning the program. The same goes for color modes, filter gallery, image manipulation (for example, mirroring, rotating, moving).

Is Adobe Photoshop Difficult

Often, beginners ask: is it difficult to master the program? It is impossible to answer unequivocally. You need to understand why a person needs this tool. Let's say you often need to make light adjustments, for example:

  • trim,
  • mirror,
  • make an inscription,
  • discolor.

In this case, it is enough to understand how to use Adobe Photoshop. But if there is a desire to become a professional, to learn how to make fabulous pictures from ordinary photographs, then perseverance will be required, a lot of time for training, right up to studying the theory of color.

Quite often, nuances arise on the forums, when watching training videos, where participants ask how to use Adobe Photoshop CC, how it differs from SC6. Let no one be confused by the last two symbols, meaning the version of "Photoshop". To apply simple operations with pictures, both versions have all the necessary tools, they are located in the same places.

More and more people are looking for free Photoshop training... This question is especially relevant for newbie Adobe Photoshop users. If you also want to learn the popular Photoshop as quickly as possible, then you are in the right place!

It's no secret that Photoshop is the most popular photo editor in the world. This program has deservedly won worldwide fame. After all, the possibilities that Photoshop provides for processing photos are truly endless! The abundance of functions and various tools provides tremendous advantages in the processing of any graphic images. The possibilities of the program are limited only by your skills and flight of imagination!

But at the same time, it should be admitted that not every user can master the Adobe Photoshop program on their own. To be honest, even the developers cannot confidently declare that they know Photoshop thoroughly. Indeed, hundreds of people are working on the creation of this program.

Is Photoshop tutorial available even for beginners from scratch?

That being said, don't think that Photoshop is difficult! Beginners can start using basic Photoshop tools right away and perform simple operations with ease. But if you want to learn how to fully use the program, you cannot do without additional training.

The portal site was just created so that any beginner user of Photoshop could easily find answers to their questions. On our site you will find simple step-by-step text and video tutorials on Adobe Photoshop. There are also great articles and tutorials on Photoshop for beginners from scratch. All training materials are presented in a simple step-by-step form, so they will be understandable even to a completely untrained person. Lessons are updated every day!

If you value your time and want to fully learn Photoshop as soon as possible, then the section "Courses in Photoshop" has been created for you. It features comprehensive, step-by-step video courses. Therefore, you have a wide choice. You can take a free training: on our site you will find thousands of text and video tutorials on Photoshop. Or you can speed up the learning process as much as possible by adopting the many years of experience of the leading authors of our site, presented in a simple and understandable form in the form of paid video courses.

You can also join the many thousands of like-minded team of our portal. the site is visited daily by tens of thousands of fans of photo and video processing. There is a large Photoshop forum where you can discuss any topic and get answers to your questions from experienced users.

Also, on our site, various Photoshop contests are constantly held. You can not only test your strength, but also win various prizes!

For those who have knowledge and great practical experience of working with Adobe Photoshop, we can offer to become one of the authors of our portal. This will give you the opportunity not only to "glorify" your name among the many thousands of Photoshop users, but also to earn money for your knowledge and work.

Join the friendly Photoshop Master team! We are always glad to new readers, subscribers and like-minded people. Together with us Photoshop training will become easy, interesting and very exciting!

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