How to distinguish original Apple Earpods earphones from a Chinese fake, copy. All about mobile devices and cellular

You shouldn’t go to the market for them - there you will definitely not find a headset of good quality, except for a copy or a fake. So, if you go to a good trusted store, you are unlikely to need to check the headphones for originality. But if you are brought into some unknown market, then one or two minutes will be enough for you to determine whether you have a fake AirPods headphone or the original.

7 key signs of fake AirPods

We list 7 main aspects by which you can distinguish a fake from the original:

  • too low price. For the original AKG K872 you will give at least $ 200;
  • you do not see the barcode on the package. For example, if the original Beats has a barcode, then the fake label is a barcode sticker;
  • sound quality is not encouraging (suspiciously dull sound);
  • the quality of the packaging itself is significantly different from the original. If the seller is trying to convince you that the headphones are really branded, while the box is yellowish and does not have a logo, then it is better to refrain from buying such "branded" headphones;
  • the structure is significantly different from the original;
  • special errors in the name. Always spell the headphone model index;
  • too much advertising on the package. Original manufacturers try to avoid excessive advertising, as Apple products are known worldwide for their quality and excellence. That is why the sellers of this company do not need to praise their products. So if you see that there is an overabundance of advertising messages on the packaging, such as "Ultra-Super Bass," then be skeptical and incredulous about this inscription.

Sometimes original AirPods do not sit well in the ears, so this indicator cannot be used to determine the authenticity of the device.

2 main attributes of a quality copy

Now we have figured out how to distinguish a fake from the original. But what to do with a copy of the headphones? After all, copies have the maximum resemblance to the original headphones. That is why seriously prepare before going to the store. Download some of your tracks in Flac, WV, or APE format.

Some obvious signs of a fake (copy):

  1. Connect your AirPods to your Android gadget or iPhone and turn on the music. If you hear a sound as if from your head - this is a fake. This should not be. If you get a not-so-expensive sports model, then you can still come to terms with this drawback. But if you buy a model of "luxury" level, then such things are unacceptable.
  2. The sound has an unbalanced sound. This also should not be. Problems with frequencies should not arise.

Where not to buy AirPods

Try to purchase such products in trusted stores that provide customers with documents and a guarantee. Such stores are reliable, because even if you ruin the headphones through your own fault or not your own, you can return the goods.

It’s definitely not worth buying a headset in the following places:

  1. In the online store. If you are looking for headphones from the Middle-End category, then you should not risk it and use Internet services.
  2. On Avito. Buying electrical appliances with your hands is risky. A hand-held purchase cannot be called safe. Most likely, the battery charge of the AirPods, purchased from hand, will not last long.
  3. In supermarkets, kiosks and markets. Here you will definitely find only copies and fakes.
  4. In the underground. This is the most unreliable place to buy high-quality headphones, they will last you no more than three weeks.

How to still distinguish the original Apple Earpods headphones

By what characteristics can you distinguish the original Apple Earpods for IPhone headphones from a copy or fake:

  1. You can easily notice the seams.
  2. No brand logo of the original manufacturer. The logo must be extruded.
  3. The buttons on the control unit are too tight.
  4. There is extruded text HTP.
  5. There are visible gaps.
  6. The packaging is of very poor quality (blurry picture).
  7. The wire is too thin and fragile. In addition, it is poorly fixed.

  Photo: the main signs of a fake Let's look at how to distinguish a Chinese fake of Apple Earpods headphones from the original ones:

  • many Chinese copy companies produce headphones in the same box as the original ones, so it's hard to tell them apart. But if you look at the base of the box, you will not see the Apple logo that every original should have;
  • the original headphone weighs three grams more than a fake;

Whatever the quality of Apple's headphones, sooner or later they can fail for various reasons. In this case, there will be a question about buying new “plugs”.

And here the buyer can expect trouble. The fact is that now the market is full of unscrupulous sellers who, under the guise of original products, sell low-quality copies to unsuspecting buyers.

It is about how to distinguish the original EarPods from a fake, and I would like to talk today. It will be interesting!


Today, the number of fakes of certain goods has perhaps reached its maximum. Earphones from Apple were no exception. Moreover, the Chinese have long been fond of the "apple" and release copies of not only the headset, but also the devices themselves: iPhone, iPad, iPod, etc.

In order to somehow help people and save them from a poor-quality product, we decided to write a small but useful “instruction” on how to distinguish the original EarPods from a fake. Although it is probably a little wrong to call this an “instruction,” the information below is more like a few useful tips. However, it doesn’t matter, let's get down to business!


Packaging is the first thing to help distinguish the original EarPods from a fake. How? Everything is simple!

A few years ago, a fake was recognized by the absence on the back of the package. The original logo is always present. After some time, the Chinese realized their mistake and quickly corrected this omission. Although still poor-quality box gives a cheap copy.

In the original EarPods, the color of the headphones is always 100% the color of the package - it is completely white, just like snow. But at a fake, if you look closely, you can notice a slight yellowness or a slightly grayish tint.

Moreover, with the original headphones, the upper part of the box is removed quite easily and effortlessly, while the fake lid sits tight and you need to tinker a bit to remove it. In addition, it will be useful to feel the box with your fingers for any rough spots or burrs. If there are such places, it means that you have a fake.


The second piece of advice on how to distinguish an original from a fake is the appearance of the “plugs”. It is possible that fraudsters will be able to make high-quality packaging or get somewhere a batch of original boxes, but they won’t be able to completely repeat the original design.

Firstly, the wire of the original should be quite thick. Secondly, the material the shell is made of is high-quality rubber, somewhat reminiscent of a soft-touch coating. Thirdly, the wire has good rigidity, due to which tangling occurs much less frequently.

If you picked up the headphones and none of the three listed signs matched - this is a copy. By the way, it is worth mentioning also about the length of the wires on the headphones themselves. Both the left and right plugs should have the same length of wire. Well, of course, we must not forget about the shape of the headphone. At a fake, it will be slightly elongated and slightly narrowed to the top.

It's all about the details

The next step in deciding how to distinguish the original EarPods from a fake is to pay attention to small elements. You should start with the designations of the left and right earphones. Very often these symbols are not applied to copies, but, as a rule, this only happens on bad fakes.

The next thing worth looking at is the headphone mesh on the side. In the original, it is precisely the small lattice with perforation that is clearly visible, while in the fake sample it looks more and more like some kind of fabric.

Be sure to look at the body of the liners. Their assembly should cause a sense of integrity. No seams or traces of joining the two halves should be present.

It will be useful to pay attention to the control panel. As a rule, even with the highest quality copies it is poorly assembled, the gaps between the two parts are visible.

You also need to press the control buttons. On the original headphones, they are pressed easily, but at the same time the response from pressing is very well felt with the finger. In fake, on the contrary, you need to make an effort to perform a click. There were also cases that in cheap copies there were no control buttons in the remote control at all.


The last piece of advice on how to distinguish a fake EarPods from the original is to check the sound quality, if, of course, there is such an opportunity. A person who has listened to music through Apple’s original headphones at least once can immediately recognize a fake even with his eyes closed.

As a rule, a copy, even of the highest quality, produces a very weak and “plastic” sound. You can forget about bass and volume in general, as well as about the noise reduction system. So, if you can listen to music through the headphones in the store, then it is better to use it.


That's basically all about how to distinguish the original EarPods from a fake. Following these simple tips, everyone can protect themselves from buying cheap and low-quality copies.

Remember that it is better to check everything carefully several times and buy the real thing, than to purchase a fake and be disappointed in the purchase.

When buying an accessory for iPhone, the first question arises - to buy the original or not? But if you decide to spend more money, it is not a fact that the seller will be conscientious, and you will not get a fake. Even in large stores you can find counterfeit goods. Therefore, it is better to always immediately verify the authenticity of the contents of the box, and do not be shy to ask the seller to open it, and show the goods.

If it turns out to be defective, and the next day you come to return it, the store employees will be in a very uncomfortable position. In order to avoid conflicts, you always need to know where the original is, and where is the fake. Certified third-party accessories have the MFi logo on the packaging (Made for iPhone). These products are not made by Apple, but their quality is subject to company ...


The first thing to look at is the quality of production. Apple pays special attention to this, and the products have no visual defects. This mainly distinguishes the original headphones from a fake, because few people can determine this by ear. But in the end, the original will last you a long time.

Please note this is on the headphone box. It should be made of high-quality plastic, which gives a little bluish tint. While the fake gives yellowness. Also, it should not have any burrs, and the Apple logo must be present on it.

The headphones themselves must be done very carefully. They should not have gaps in the area of \u200b\u200btheir connection with the wire, and the droplets themselves are made to the touch of a single piece of plastic with a barely noticeable seam. In fakes, this seam is often not made neatly, and is very striking.

If the headphones do not have the L / R designation, this is a fake. Although EarPods have a specific shape, some users for the first time purchasing such headphones confuse the parties.

Now about the bars. For the original headphones, it is made of metal mesh, while the copy is made of fabric.


The original Lighting cable is expensive. Its price varies in the range of 1,500 rubles. These cables break frequently, and each time giving such an amount to many is inappropriate. Therefore, it is tempting to buy non-original cords. The main disadvantage is that the device may not accept the accessory, because it is not certified. Also, fakes can harm the device (overheat the connector for example). But if you decide not to take risks and give money for a real Lighting cable, then it will not hurt you to find out its main differences from the copy.

The Apple Lightning-USB cable should be labeled “Designed by Apple in California” (Designed by Apple in California), as well as “Assembled in China” (Made in China), “Assembed in Vietnam” (Made in Vietnam), or “Indústria Brasileira” ”(Made in Brazil) approximately 18 cm from the USB connector. A 12-digit serial number is located next to these labels.

Third-party certified Lightning-USB cables are usually labeled with the manufacturer's label next to the Lightning connector.

The original Lighting connector is made from a solid made, and has a gray metal surface. The dimensions of the connector are always the same - 7.7 x 12 mm.

The USB connector is made of smooth, gray metal, and has trapezoidal connections on the USB contact housing and gold contacts. Inside there should be a solid and flat insulation surface.

Have you thought about the issue that in the market of modern headsets, and indeed in the whole market you can find fake earpods. In this article, we will look at how to distinguish original EarPods from fakes.

Most fakes come with everyone beloved China. These people even fake something that they have not yet managed to produce, often the fake is practically no different from Apple EarPods, but it's all at a glance.

Manufacturers of top products are a tidbit for the fraudsters in this industry. This fate did not pass by apple earpods. With the launch of this product, a huge mass of pages appeared on the Internet selling products for “ridiculous” (compared to the original earpods) money.

Once we carried out a peculiar experiment and counted 827 different fakes from China.

Most often, the decisive sign of a fake apple earpods is its price, an official certain price range is installed on this device, find out about it before ordering a “super action”. If the price is two or three times different ... you know.

There are cases that the expensive price of the headphones does not allow you to buy them in the store, but you have enough money for the goods that were in use. You go to the next Avito, or another similar site where you can buy goods that were already in use and begin to choose your headphones ...

So, how to distinguish the original EarPods from a fake ?!

The first thing you should do is carefully look at the original earpods on the official website. View the entire package, in general, examine the goods "from and to."

After you have studied the product in detail, you can already proceed to inspect the box from the headphones. Packaging is not always similar to the original, but more often it is completely different. Very often, the “Chinese” remove the apple logo from the front of the package. Ideally, if you already have a box from Apple EarPods, then you can see how the packages differ. Pay close attention to the color of the headphones and the color of the package, in the original case, the color of your headset should repeat the color of the package. For fake headphones, this is all problematic, the color of the headset rarely matches the color of the box, as they pack and assemble it all in "artisanal" conditions.

Low-quality plastic can also be used, the Chinese about this do not really bother, and in many cases the plastic will differ from the real one. Boxing should be given special attention; competitors have a lot of problems when opening the box. Boxing closes very tight, or does not close at all.

What is the difference between plastic ?! In the original packaging, plastic has a bluish tint, while Chinese has more yellow tones.

Pay attention when buying a wire, the original wire is very elastic and does not get tangled up as its Chinese competitor. If you were dealing with Chinese headphones, then you probably have often come across a tied coil of wires and spent a lot of time to unravel them. Apple saved us from such an ungrateful task and their wire is made of very high quality material, all this needs to be touched by touch.

Probably you will be funny now! On our elastic wire must be inscribed "Made in China". Yes guys, not everything that has been done in China is bad. This is explained by the fact that manufacturers do not want to spend extra money and build factories in China, although the product is manufactured in China, its quality leaves ordinary Chinese products out of competition.

A very important point, on each of your headphones the letters “R” and “L” are written, which means “Right” and “Left” (Right and Left). Counterfeiters over these letters do not bother much and either forget or simply do not want to write them.

If the headphones were used very often and the letters were erased during the operation period, this does not mean at all that the headphones are fake. The wires for the headphones must be the same length, the right earphone must be the same length as the left one and nothing else! Chinese manufacturers often make one earphone longer than the second.

On each of the headphones, you probably noticed a hole that is closed in the original case with a mesh. This mesh should be made very high quality, our "brothers" in this matter use either non-symmetrical mesh, or even some kind of rag cloth, which will serve you very briefly.

All the buttons on the control panel should switch “like clockwork”, pressing is made with a very light finger movement, on Chinese fakes in this regard, the switch toggle switch is clicked. And on some instances, these buttons are generally made for beauty.

There should be no gaps between the two halves of the remote control, if it is, it should be very small, not the size of a match head. Sometimes, the creators of fakes forget to draw a microphone icon on the remote control.

If you can hold the headphones in your hands, be sure to do it. If you held before that any of Apple products, then you will immediately feel it. If not, just remember how the "Chinese junk" behaved in their hands,

By the sound, if you heard these headphones in the original, then you can immediately determine the fake. Typically, Chinese headphones creak and crack with good bass, earpods should not have this, if such a problem is detected, it happens that the speaker sits on the earphone itself.

Also on Chinese fakes, songs are often interrupted or slow down, since the speed of the music being played does not match the quality of the cable.

You should also check the quality of the microphone recording, the original version has a function for noise reduction and if you record something on the microphone, then your quality will be excellent, unlike a competitor from the red country.

First of all, when buying EarPods, do not hesitate to look at, unpack and, of course, listen to new headphones in order to save money and not stumble upon a fake. When buying original Apple EarPods for iPhone, consider all the details. Be sure to check the sound of the new headphones, so as not to fall for a copy.

As we know, inventive Chinese, who, it would seem, simply do not know the word "plagiarism", have learned to fake almost everything that is produced both in the Celestial Empire itself and beyond. Of course, this fate did not pass over the Apple EarPods, which were introduced about a year ago. During this time, fakes also evolved, and if at the beginning of 2013 it was easy to distinguish a fake, now it can only be done by carefully examining the device or by listening. From the photo to determine where the original, and where the copy is quite difficult,   At first glance, outwardly, both the headphones are identical, but this is only at first glance ...

Buy original Apple EarPods for iPhone →

1 package

I want to say that in the very first fakes there was no Apple logo on the back cover at all and already from this it could be determined that there was a fake in front of you, now this is practically not observed. But still, if you look closely, there are differences - the color of the box and the color of the headphones themselves should be identical, for fake Chinese headphones they often differ slightly - the box is lighter than the headphones themselves. The box itself is not made very high quality and closes quite tight, so there are difficulties when opening it.

2) Wire

The original wire is thicker and more elastic, respectively - stronger, moreover, it will be less tangled. The rubber casings in the form of a tube near the headphones themselves and the 3.5mm mini jack connector are soft and pleasant to the touch, by the way, there may not be any rubber fakes in absolutely cheap fakes. In addition, the length of the wire of the right and left earphones should be identical, and not differ even by a few mm. By the way on the original headphones on the wire should be the inscription "made in China", or "made in Vietnam", or "made in Brazil".

3) Headphone shape

There are slight differences even in the shape of the earphone itself, the fake is more elongated, in addition, the seam on the fake is very noticeable, it is practically not visible on the original. The mesh should be metal, not fabric, and two round holes should be exactly in the oval, and not be slid to one side.

4) Remote control

On the original, the gaps are hardly noticeable, unlike the copy, the buttons are pressed without any effort, while the clicks are almost inaudible, but they are felt with fingers, by the way, in a fake the buttons sometimes do not work at all.

5) Sound

The most important thing about headphones is their sound. The sound quality in the original EarPods and fake is very different, as you understand, not in the direction of the Chinese copy. Fake headphones have a terrible sound, they are practically devoid of bass and volume and it is better not to listen to your favorite songs in them, so as not to get upset. When recording to a microphone or communicating through a headset, your interlocutor will hear a hoarse sound. Naturally, we are not talking about smoothing out noise in non-original headphones either.

In general, we can conclude that fake headphones lose to the originals in all respects, and if the Chinese tried to create at least some semblance of similarity in the design, then as far as their sound was concerned, they didn’t bother at all, putting the “stuffing” from cheap headphones for a couple dollars, passing them off as an Apple product. If you can still talk on the phone or listen to audio books, you will get absolutely no pleasure from music. Nevertheless, best of all you can distinguish Fake from the original only when listening, because although there are many external differences, they are not so obvious and do not immediately strike the eye.

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