Find out the iPhone release date by serial number. How to find out the date of activation of the iPad (iPhone, iPod)

Fair, not overpriced and not underestimated. There should be prices on the Service website. Sure! without "stars", it’s clear and detailed where it is technically possible - the most accurate, final.

If spare parts are available, up to 85% of complex repairs can be completed in 1-2 days. Modular repairs require much less time. The site indicates the approximate duration of any repair.

Warranty and liability

A guarantee must be given for any repair. Everything is described on the site and in the documents. A guarantee is self-confidence and respect for you. A 3-6 month warranty is good and sufficient. It is needed to check the quality and hidden defects that cannot be detected immediately. You see honest and real terms (not 3 years), you can be sure that they will help you.

Half of the success in repairing Apple is in the quality and reliability of spare parts, so good service works directly with suppliers, there are always several reliable channels and your own warehouse with verified spare parts for current models so that you do not have to spend too much time.

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This is very important and has already become the rule of good form for the service center. Diagnostics is the most difficult and important part of the repair, but you should not pay a penny for it, even if you do not repair the device based on its results.

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Good service appreciates your time, so it offers free shipping. And for the same reason, repairs are carried out only in the workshop of the service center: correctly and by technology can only be done at a prepared place.

Convenient schedule

If the Service works for you, and not for yourself, then it is always open! absolutely. The schedule should be convenient to be in time before and after work. Good service works on weekends and holidays. We are waiting for you and working on your devices every day: 9:00 - 21:00

The reputation of professionals consists of several points

Company age and experience

Reliable and experienced service has been known for a long time.
   If a company has been on the market for many years, and it has managed to establish itself as an expert, they turn to it, write about it, recommend it. We know what we're talking about, since 98% of incoming devices in the SC are restored.
   Other service centers trust and transfer difficult cases to us.

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   2. you give the Macbook repair an expert in the field of Mac repair. He knows all the secrets of these devices.

Technical literacy

If you ask a question, a specialist should answer it as accurately as possible.
   So that you imagine what you need.
   They will try to solve the problem. In most cases, from the description you can understand what happened and how to fix the malfunction.

  Articles and Lifehacks

Why you need to know the release date of your device from Apple? An increasing number of consumers are interested in how to determine the iPhone release date. This can be done, as well as, not only out of sports interest, but also in order to find out the authenticity of a particular smartphone.

For example, such information is provided by a unique combination known as a serial number. However, due to the fact that Apple switched to a new format for serial numbers, this causes confusion. Let's try to figure out how to find out the release date of your iOS device.

Determine the iPhone release date by serial number

The serial number is present on any Apple device, be it a smartphone, player, computer or tablet. It is also available for all components and accessories - adapters, cables, even covers.

At first glance, this unique combination is completely random. However, in fact, it contains all the necessary information about the time and place of release, model and manufacturer.

Previously, the serial number included 11 items, having studied which, it was possible to find out not only the year of release of the device, but also verify its authenticity.
In the case of the date, attention was paid to the numbers 3.4 and 5, where 3 was the last day of the device’s release year, and 4 and 5 denoted the release week in the range from 01 to 52. You could find the combination in the main settings, the item “About the device” .

For example, if the first 5 digits of the serial combination of the device are 85220, this means that it was released in May 2012.

However, this system was relevant only until a certain point in 2010, when Apple switched to 12-digit numbers. So, how to determine the release date of an iPhone, starting from this time? This is somewhat more difficult to do, but still quite real. At the same time, in this case nothing will help.

Now we are interested in the numbers 4 and 5, where 4 means the half-year code when a specific device was released, and 5 - the weekly release code within half a year. Accordingly, additional decryption is required.

The half-year account also starts in 2010; while the numbering is compiled according to the letter system starting with C. Letters such as U, O, I and E are excluded from the list. There are 20 letters left. Following this system, 12-digit combinations are supposed to be used for 10 years, and in 2020 there will be a transition to a new format.

There is a certain correspondence between years and letters. A detailed table of such correspondences is easy to find on the net.
The week code contains both numbers in the range 1-9, and Latin letters (except A, B, I, E, O, U, S, Z) - a total of 27 possible characters. It is worth noting that the figure 5 cannot be decoded without the number 4, since it is very important to find out initially whether the device came out in the 1st or 2nd half of the year.

For example, we have a combination of DСPJL8QEF18G. The 4th sign is the letter J, which corresponds to the 2nd half of 2012, and the 5th - L. This means the 43rd week of 2012.

Determine the release date of the iPhone packaging

It is worth noting that the user will be able to find out the release date of his mobile device simply by carefully examining its box. There you can find out information about the assembly place, model of the device and even the number of the plant where it was assembled.

Today, the network has many resources to find out data about any device from Apple. Special programs recognize by the serial number the year the model appeared and the device was released, as well as the week and month of its production.

This method is quite convenient if it is not possible to open the package.

If your iPhone is bought with a hand, then you will certainly be interested production date.  Firstly, sellers can deceive you with the goal of giving an ancient device to a more recent one. Secondly, even if the iPhone looks great externally, this does not mean that it was not used actively. Remember that the battery of the device is designed for 300 cycloat  fully charged and discharged, after which it gradually begins to die. Therefore, knowing the age of your iPhone is very important.

Well, if you bought your iPhone officially - in the store - then you will also be interested to know how long it was gathering dust in the warehouse, and then on the shelf, is not it?

Today we will tell you how to find out date of manufacture and activation of the apparatus. You do not need to know any additional information except the serial number of the iPhone. By the way, everything written below is also relevant for iPod Touch.

For those who did not hold the iPhone in their hands, but really want to purchase it, we explain how to find out the iPhone serial right at the time of purchase. Find a silver icon on one of the device’s desktops "Settings"and click on it:

Scroll down and select the first item in the third section of the settings -   "Basic", click on it, then select the top item - "About the device". Scroll down to   "Serial number"  and you will see an 11-character code like:

8892 9 KST4NS

We are interested in you third, fourth and fifth digitsthis serial number. The third figure shows the year of manufacture.7 - 2007, 8 - 2008, etc.

The fourth and fifth digits are the serial number of the device’s production week.  This number can take values \u200b\u200bfrom 01 to 52.

Now you can easily determine that the iPhone with the serial number above was produced on The 29th week of 2009, i.e. during the period from July 13-19.

If you are interested, then the first two digits of the serial is the identifier of the factory where the device was assembled, and the last six are a unique code for each device.

For reference, we present the 2009 calendar with week numbers:

That's not all. By serial number you can also check iPhone Legality. Go to and enter the serial. Your chosen location in the list below does not play a special role.

You will see something like this:

Follow the link   See full coverage details:

Pay attention to the inscription Estimated Expiration Date: September 12, 2010.  This means that the iPhone was first activated in the store on September 12, 2009, and from this date the one-year warranty has started.

If the iPhone has never been activated, which is quite possible when it is locked, then you will see an error like Please activate your iPhone. We are unable to display coverage details because your iPhone has not been activated.

Good luck with your iPhone purchases and no less successful use of it;) Do not let sellers fool themselves.

Due to the relatively high cost of the iPhone, and most importantly, due to the huge number of fakes, be sure to carefully check the data about the device before buying. Especially before acquiring it is not out of place to find out the date and place of issue of this iPhone. This alone will help to verify its originality. Because There were cases when an old refurbished telephone was inserted into the case of the new model, and outwardly it looked pretty well. And the factory serial number and other codes are registered in the device’s memory, and you can’t change them.

In light of the fact that with the release of the new iPhone 6S, many owners will sell their used “sixes” to buy a more advanced new product, this instruction will probably come in handy.

We are looking for a serial number

In this case, an analysis of the serial number of the device will be very informative, which will help at the initial stage immediately sweep away dubious gadgets. It can be found on the original packaging of any iPhone, on the back - on a sticker with the main characteristics and barcodes. Therefore, the presence of a branded box is especially important when buying used iPhones. We are interested in the second row of numbers marked - Serial No. It contains encrypted data about the place of production (which plant is specific), the date of release (six months and a week), information about the series and technical parameters, and the personal cipher of this device.

However, there are cases when in the original box cunning businessmen pack a fake or problem iPhone (locked, broken, rebuilt, stolen, locked, etc.). So be sure to check the data on the packaging, and pre-installed in the phone itself. True, they can be recognized only by turning on the smartphone, if it is new and not configured, ask the seller to help activate it.

After that, go to settings. Select the section - Basic, and in it - the item "About the device". If the data matches completely - excellent!

It is also important to know the date of issue and activation of the iPhone to correctly calculate the validity period of the official guarantee. Especially if the previous owner activated it immediately, and the set year has already passed. You can check the remaining period of manufacturer support in a special section on the Apple website.

Information about the serial number can also be taken from the receipt for the purchase of iPhone. Authorized points register this data so that the user has a confirmation on the start of the countdown of the warranty period.

Another way to find the manufacturer’s data about the iPhone is to connect it to the computer on which the iTunes application is installed (always download the latest version to avoid conflicts of updates and errors).

After connecting, find your device in the program menu, select it. Click on the first tab in the list of settings - Overview. Information about the capacity, cellular and serial number will be displayed.

On older iPhone models, the serial number was imprinted on the SIM card slot. Starting with the “fives”, only IMEI (MEID) is indicated on the back of the case.

We determine the time of production

So, we found the serial number. What will he tell us? Until 2012, the old encoding was used - for eleven characters. In it - the third, according to the count on the left, the symbol showed the last digit of the year, and the 4th and 5th - the corresponding week - in the interval from the first to fifty-third.

Modern iPhone models have a twelve-digit code, consisting of a combination of letters and numbers. When checking, please note that Apple never uses the letter O in serial numbers, for sure it will be the number zero. Otherwise, the search will return an error, although with the smartphone, in fact, everything is in order.

For example, let's see what this serial number of this iPhone tells us.

In the "About device" menu of the smartphone settings, we find the desired code: F17NGDERG5MG. We are interested in two letters in the middle: the fourth and fifth - F17 NG DERG5MG.

We will use the special plates below to find out the production date. We look in the first table the letter N - this is the code of the year of manufacture. It means that the device was manufactured in 2014, in the second half of the year.

  1. Spelling table (4th character in serial number)

years of production of iPhones:

Year First half year Second semester
2010 WITH D
2011 F G
2012 H J
2013 K L
2014 M N
2015 P Q
2016 R S
2017 T V
2018 W X
2019 Y Z

Now we specify the production week by punching the letter G in another table (we select the second half-year column based on the results of the analysis of the previous code). It turns out that our iPhone was released at 39 weeks.

  1. Letter definition table (5th character in the serial number)

weeks of iPhone Production:

Symbol Production Week Number Symbol Production Week Number
1 half-year (January-June) 2 half-year (July-December) 1 half-year (January-June) 2 half-year (July-December)
1 1 27 J 15 41
2 2 28 K 16 42
3 3 29 L 17 43
4 4 30 M 18 44
5 5 31 N 19 45
6 6 32 P 20 46
7 7 33 Q 21 47
8 8 34 R 22 48
9 9 35 T 23 49
WITH 10 36 V 24 50
D 11 37 W 25 51
F 12 38 X 26 52
G 13 39 Y 53
H 14 40

In addition, almost all of the listed information about the device, without unnecessary "troubles", can be found using the following service.

The given result completely coincides with ours. This iPhone was released in 2014, at 39 weeks, by the Chinese manufacturer Foxconn, officially manufacturing most of the Apple technology. Such an apparatus can be safely taken.

What is a serial number?

The manufacturer assigns each released device a unique serial number in which all information about the device model, country, and release date is encrypted. The serial number is unique for each device of the same manufacturer.

What is IMEI?

Mobile phones, in addition to the serial number, have the so-called IMEI code. IMEI is an international identifier unique to each mobile phone. IMEI is a generally accepted standard for all mobile devices that is “sewn” into the phone during manufacture at the factory. This is something like a serial number, which is transmitted to the operator when authorizing the phone on the network. The format of the IMEI code is the same for all phones, regardless of manufacturer. Also, the IMEI code is used to track and block stolen phones at the level of a mobile operator, which in the future does not allow the use of such a device in the network of this operator. However, blocking IMEI code from one operator does not prevent it from being used on other networks.

How to find out the serial number of the device?

As a rule, the serial number is printed on the packaging and duplicated on the device’s case; in most cases, the serial number is accessible through the software shell.

How to find out IMEI phone?

To check the IMEI of the phone, dial * # 06 # and the call button on your phone. IMEI phone looks like a 15-digit digital code. The IMEI code is duplicated under the battery of your phone, on the packaging and in the warranty card.

Why do I need this?

SNDeepInfo is the most affordable way to find out all the information about a device before you give money away. Enter the serial number of the device or IMEI phone in the input field and get accurate information about the phone model. Apple users receive extended information indicating the physical and technical characteristics (device color, memory size, production date, firmware version when selling the device, unlock methods and jailbreak).

What is all this for?

SNDeepInfo will protect you from buying a fake device. If during the check, the serial number does not appear in the system, think about whether you are buying fake equipment.

SNDeepInfo saves you from buying stolen goods. Each user who has become a victim of theft or has lost a device has the opportunity to leave the stolen phone number or serial number of the device in the IMEI database. Therefore, SNDeepInfo is not only a service for checking IMEI and serial numbers, but also a database of stolen phones and devices.

SNDeepInfo helps you find stolen and lost. Enter the stolen phone code or the serial number of the missing device in the IMEI database, and increase the chances of finding a loss. If during verification it turns out that the device is listed as stolen, you can return it to its full owner and receive a reward if it was appointed by the owner.

SNDeepInfo is not just an IMEI phone database and serial number verification, it is an in-depth quality control service for devices, a seller’s integrity test and a search service for stolen phones and lost devices.

Currently, the service supports IMEI verification of all phones, including IMEI Apple iPhone 8, iPhone 8 Plus and iPhone X, as well as Samsung Galaxy S8, and Galaxy Note 8! It is planned to expand the service for checking serial numbers of devices for any electronic equipment.

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