Who created Google? Google story

The Google story begins in 1995 at Stanford University. Larry Page was considering Stanford for grad school and Sergey Brin, a student there, was assigned to show him around.

By some accounts, they disagreed about nearly everything during that first meeting, but by the following year they struck a partnership. Working from their dorm rooms, they built a search engine that used links to determine the importance of individual pages on the World Wide Web. They called this search engine Backrub.

Soon after, Backrub was renamed Google (phew). The name was a play on the mathematical expression for the number 1 followed by 100 zeros and aptly reflected Larry and Sergey "s mission“ to organize the world’s information and make it universally accessible and useful. ”

Over the next few years, Google caught the attention of not only the academic community, but Silicon Valley investors as well. In August 1998, Sun co-founder Andy Bechtolsheim wrote Larry and Sergey a check for $ 100,000, and Google Inc. was officially born. With this investment, the newly incorporated team made the upgrade from the dorms to their first office: a garage in suburban Menlo Park, California, owned by Susan Wojcicki (employee # 16 and now CEO of YouTube). Clunky desktop computers, a ping pong table, and bright blue carpet set the scene for those early days and late nights. (The tradition of keeping things continues to this day.)

Even in the beginning, things were unconventional: from Google’s initial server (made of Lego) to the first “Doodle”  in 1998: a stick figure in the logo announcing to site visitors that the entire staff was playing hooky at the Burning Man Festival. “Don" t be evil ”and“ The ten things we know to be true  ”Captured the spirit of our intentionally unconventional methods. In the years that followed, the company expanded rapidly - hiring engineers, building a sales team, and introducing the first company dog, Yoshka. Google outgrew the garage and eventually moved to its current headquarters (a.k.a. “The Googleplex”) in Mountain View, California. The spirit of doing things differently made the move. So did Yoshka.

The relentless search for better answers continues to be at the core of everything we do. Today, with more than 60,000 employees in 50 different countries, Google makes hundreds of products used by billions of people across the globe, from YouTube and Android to Smartbox  and, of course, Google Search. Although we’ve ditched the Lego servers and added just a few more company dogs, our passion for building technology for everyone has stayed with us - from the dorm room, to the garage, and to this very day.

Being an Internet user and not knowing that this is simply impossible, because this search engine is one of the most popular in the world. But not all users know that she grew out of a regular student project. Interestingly, those who created Google did not initially rely on any, but set up a kind of experiment, which then turned into a full-blown and very profitable project.

Who invented Google?

When it comes to who is the creator of the Google system, advanced users most often recall one name - Sergey Brin, completely forgetting about his partner Larry Page. Probably, the reason for this neglect is Sergey’s large media activity, which was more broadcast on TV and in the media, trying to promote his brainchild, while his co-author went deep into scientific research and study. But be that as it may, the Google system was really created by two people, so speaking about the history of the search engine and the company of the same name, we should rightly highlight the contribution of both partners to the common cause.

It all started back in 1996, when both future billionaires studied at Stanford University and had to take an annual scientific project. It became the search engine “Back Rub”, which a year later grew into the actual Google search engine, and a year later became the Google corporation. It is noteworthy that the birthday of the new system is celebrated on September 15, but sometimes it is celebrated a week earlier or later. The creators invented a brand name for their product using a pun: they took the English name 10 to the hundredth degree, which is written as googol and distorted it a little, making it unique and recognizable.

After obtaining a patent for the Google.com domain, the partners thought about creating their own company in order to be able to develop their brainchild. To do this, I had to look for investors, and as soon as the first financial injection in the amount of $ 100 thousand was received, the new company immediately received permanent registration and official registration in a garage in the town of Mento Park, owned by one of the friends of Sergey and Larry. However, after a year, the partners moved to Palo Alto in the Mountain Bue complex and since then this place has been called Googleplex. The head office of the world-famous corporation is still located here.

How do Google creators live today?

Currently, 43-year-old US citizen Sergey Brin lives in California, in the town of Los Altos. It is noteworthy that the USSR is his homeland, from where his parents took him at the age of 5. In 2006, he was married to Ana Wojitski, a biologist by profession, they had a son and daughter, but in 2013 the couple divorced. In 2016, the authoritative Forbes magazine named Sergey 13 in the TOP of the richest people in the world, but the young billionaire does not boast of his wealth and lives modestly, donating huge sums to charity and research projects. He is actively published in the American and foreign academic periodicals and willingly takes part in various forums of the scientific and technical field, and also appears on television.

Google’s other creator, Larry Page, also recently celebrated his 43rd birthday and was Forbes 14th among the richest people in the world. He is happily married to Lucy Southworth, has two children, and lives in a large house in Palo Alto. He also actively spends funds for charity and various research projects, for example, to develop a method of undermining asteroids flying to Earth, and also finances the publication of books for children.

The mobile version of Google Docs received the function of editing texts.

Company Google Inc.  It was founded in 1998 (registration date - September 4, 1998) by Sergey Brin and Larry Page. Bryn and Page met at Stanford University and began to work together on a project that then turned into Google. According to the founders of the company, "Google’s mission is to organize world information, ensure its accessibility and benefit for everyone."

Today, the company has more than ten thousand employees around the world. Brin is president of technology, Page is president of technology.

Eric Schmidt, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, joined Google from Novell in 2001. Under his leadership, Google has significantly expanded its infrastructure and product range. His wealth of experience has become a good preparation to lead the development of user-oriented technology solutions. Together with the founders of the company and other members of the management team, Schmidt is responsible for the technical and business strategies of the company.

Google headquarters is located at 1600 Amphitheater Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043.

One of the most important areas of the company’s activity is the issuance of real-time search results (and other information).

In addition to the search engine, Google provides users with various online services. Among the most popular are Gmail, Google Docs, Google Maps and others.

The company owns a popular video hosting service. YouTube  and Picasa's online photo editor, which allows you to process photos and create web albums from them.

Google’s email service with virtually unlimited message storage, internal search and smart spam protection. It has a standard mode and a basic HTML version, which switches automatically when you log in to Gmail using a not fully supported browser.

Google docs

An online application for collaborative remote work on documents. Google Docs allow you to add Microsoft Word, OpenOffice, RTF, HTML or plain text files, create documents from scratch, and also upload your own Internet documents; change documents on the Internet at the same time as any users you select and invite other people to view these documents; publish documents on the Internet; Email documents as attachments.

Google Docs also includes tables, presentations, and illustrations.

Google maps

A Google service that offers user-friendly map search technology and local business listings, including address, contact information, and driving directions. You can work with cards in three display options: satellite photos, chart maps, and a hybrid of the first two cards. Point search in latitude and longitude is supported.

The service also includes the service "Google Traffic", "Google Places", mobile versions of maps, the designer of individual maps, etc. Using Google Street View, you can explore panoramic 3D images of various locations in the world.

Google earth

Google Earth is a client installed on a user's computer. With it, you can travel the world using a virtual globe and view satellite photos, maps, terrain, three-dimensional buildings and much more. Google Earth also allows you to virtually explore the sky, plunge into the ocean, walk along the moon and fly to Mars.

What is Google?

Googol is a mathematical term denoting a unit with 100 zeros. This term was coined by Milton Sirotta, the nephew of the American mathematician Edward Kasner, and was first described in the book by Mathematics and the Imagination by Kasner and James Newman.

Material prepared on the basis of information from the official website

Rusbase offers readers a glimpse into the story of two Stanford students - Larry Page and Sergey Brin - who together created a site that changed the world.

Hot-tempered acquaintance

In the summer of 1995, 22-year-old Larry Page visited Stanford to enroll in graduate school at the Department of Computer Science. His guide turned out to be Sergey Brin, a 21-year-old genius of mathematics who has already received a postgraduate degree. Despite common interests, Brin and Page did not like each other the first time - their acquaintance began with heated debate.

Later, in an interview with Wired magazine, Page admitted that Sergey seemed to him a rather quick-tempered man: "He spoke sharply on many topics."

Bryn felt mutual hostility when meeting, but drew attention to something else: “The disagreements were not so serious. In fact, we spent a lot of time talking with each other, which already spoke of something. ”

What if not Google?

Paige was received at Stanford. By 1996, he and Bryn had become bosom friends and were developing a project called Backrub. The guys wanted to learn in detail the process of navigating to web pages via links. Soon they realized that the best way to improve their search on the net was to help people find the right sites using the inbound link if it is safe for the user.

Today I can’t believe that Brin and Page, wanting to successfully complete their studies in graduate school, were ready to sell their ideas and developments to another company. The guys tried to cooperate with Yahoo !, Infoseek, Lycos, AltaVist, and entered into negotiations only with Excite.

Paige: “There have been many offers, but for little money. Therefore, we spat and returned to Stanford to continue our development. "

Where does the name Google come from?

The failed deals prompted Brin and Page to create their own company. The name Backrub was not suitable for such purposes. Based on Whatbox, they were inspired by the term googol, which means a number with a hundred zeros.

To make the name easy to remember and type, Paige changed a few letters. So in 1997 Google.com was born.

The word “google” turned out to be more convenient for pronunciation than “save” or “zavotboxit”.

How Playboy almost deprived Google of its place on the exchange

After Google submitted the registration documents for securities to the SEC, the law required them to conduct “normal business activities and provide only financial information” until the commission considers the application “effective”. In finance, this condition is called a “waiting period”. His idea is that investors make decisions about buying shares based on bare facts and numbers. If there is no excess and distorted information about the company, then there are no unjustifiably inflated stock prices.

However, long before this “lower-water-quieter-grass period", Bryn and Page managed to give an interview to Playboy magazine, the output of which just happened while waiting for registration. The SEC commission could well consider the interview a violation of the terms, could withdraw the application for publicity and refuse an IPO. In order to be safe and not to conflict with the SEC rules, Google sent them a prospectus with the application of the full version of the Playboy interview.

The Playboy article did not raise objections, but served as interesting material, like most articles with a cover photo.

Neglecting Steve Jobs Wisdom

Both before and after the IPO, Google had the desire and ability to expand as needed. Among the expansion attempts were the launch of Gmail, the creation of Google Maps, the digitization of books, the purchase of the Android and YouTube operating systems. In 2011, the company launched Google+. Of course, some projects were more successful, some less.

Page had to argue with Steve Jobs, who believed that Google grabs everything. Breen answered: “We invest in all companies that are potentially beneficial to us. I understand that this is risky, you can miscalculate a thousand times, because only part of the projects pays off. But the more bets - the more chances. "

The second person of Sergey Brin - Batman

Today, Brin and Page's collaboration is still growing. In 2011, Page became the CEO of the company. However, the co-founders of the company unanimously decided to remain “under the wing” of Eric Schmidt, head of the board of directors.

As for Brin, he enjoys overseeing special projects at Google X, a top-secret research lab. Like Batman, he sits in the latest technology stronghold, but only in reality.

Breen has already released Google Glass and is preparing a second version of the glasses. He also hopes to “flip the world’s transport system” with self-driving machines. And as James Bond, another character in love with technology, Brin got into his love triangle. In 2013, he was forced to part with his wife Anna Wojitski due to an intrigue with Google Glass marketer Amanda Rosenberg.

The future of Google: robots and artificial intelligence

Despite all the achievements, Page and Brin still want to create something more. They invested heavily in artificial intelligence. Bryn is sure that one day they will be able to create intelligent machines that will think and act better than people.

Relying on the success of the company's previous steps, people may need to be prepared for the advent of Google’s overlord robots.

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Even 20 years ago it was still hard to imagine that computers are so firmly entrenched in the everyday life of every person.

Work, relax, chat - all this can be done using a device with Internet access. And being on the World Wide Web and not knowing what Google is is the same as living in Paris and letting the Eiffel Tower pass by.

Advanced search technologies and a huge number of useful services have made this company the true king of the Internet.

Who needs to be to conquer the world? For this, someone will need an army of well-trained soldiers, and someone will need beauty. But in our time, more and more people are gaining recognition and respect with their minds.

In many biographies of famous personalities, there is a description of ordinary guys who started to create in their own garage. All that they had originally were brains with bright ideas.

The history of Google began precisely with such young people who are ready to work hard to bring their plans to life:

The path from zero to billions

In the formation and development of Google traced a deep domestic trace. The talented mathematician Sergei Brin, who emigrated to the United States at the age of five, stood at the very origins of the company and still manages it:

  To realize the amazing transformation from “nothing” to a giant that is at the forefront of modern technology, it is necessary to note the most important stages in the development of Google.
  • 1995 year. Sergey Brin volunteered to conduct a tour of Stanford University for students, one of which was Larry Page. The student and the "guide" immediately began to argue about everything in the world, which became the basis for further strong friendship and the same cooperation;
  • 1996 year. Development of a search system, the action of which was based on PageRank technology, the essence of which is the ranking of sites depending on the link weight obtained with the help of backlinks. This technology was a real revolution, because before that the main criterion for search engines was the number of keywords on the resource page;
  • 1997 year. Google has found its name. It is simply impossible to imagine how much information on the World Wide Web, so Sergey and Larry decided to choose the number that is closest to “ impossible to imagine how much". Googol is if you assign one hundred zeros to a unit. The spelling of the word was slightly corrected for euphony;
  • August 1998 The only question Andy Bechtoltheim (one of the founders of Sun) It was: " In whose name to write a check? " One hundred thousand dollars went to the account of Google Inc, which had not yet been born;
  • September 1998 The company moves to its first office - a garage. The staff already has 3 employees.
  • February 1999 The company already has 8 people, and it rents an office in Palo Alto.
  • September 1999 Moving to your own building, located in Mountain View.
  • year 2000. Google signs an agreement with Yahoo, becoming the main provider of information search services and the largest search engine in the world.
  • year 2001. The company has expanded its influence in South America. The search engine index hits 3 billion documents.
  • 2002 year. A new office is starting in Sydney.
  • 2003 year. Google buys Pyra Labs, whose most famous technology was Blogger.
  • 2004 year. The main office is moving to a new building, the number of employees has increased to 800 people. For the first time, Google goes public on the stock exchange offering its shares on the NASDAQ. Larry Page and Sergey Brin become billionaires.

In the future, things went better and better with Google, and today it is impossible to imagine using the Internet without the popular services that the company has developed.

Services we cannot live without

Throughout its existence, Google has not lost time in vain. The company has developed a huge number of useful services, the most popular of which should at least be listed:

  • Google+ is a social network launched in 2011. A distinctive feature is the Google Circles circle system:

  • Google Docs - a service that allows you to create text documents, spreadsheets and presentations. Data can be stored in cloud storage;
  • Google Drive is a virtual disk on which you can store up to 15 GB of your own information and access it from anywhere in the world:

  • AdSense - contextual advertising that is automatically placed according to the subject of the page;
  • Analytics is a tool for developers and SEO-optimizers. Provides detailed statistics on the operation of the web resource:

  • Gmail - Email
  • Maps - geographical maps with which you can easily calculate the route to your destination:

  • News - news formed from the headlines of the most popular publications in the world. The composition of the categories is displayed according to the user's preferences;
  • Play - game application store;
  • Picasa - a service that allows you to work with images.

Your personal browser

One of the outstanding achievements of the company was the creation of the Google Chrome browser, which immediately turned out to be competitive in a market where, it would seem, there can be no rivalry.

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