There is no way out to classmates what to do. How to close your page (exit the profile) in Odnoklassniki on a computer or Android

How to permanently delete a page in Odnoklassniki? How to permanently delete a page in Odnoklassniki? Today, very few people remain who do not have their own page in any (our or import) social network. "Classmates", this is one of those social "cobwebs", which in our country is the most popular. I think many people noticed that in Odnoklassniki today many pages are the same, that is, the user for these pages is just the same. People sometimes just throw one page and start another. So it turns out several pages in one person. Sometimes, however, many try to delete this forgotten page, but do not know how to do it. Let's try to delete the unnecessary page in Odnoklassniki with you. There is one reliable way to delete your page in Odnoklassniki, and do it forever. This method is completely working today and when you use it, your page is deleted immediately. It is clear that those people who create such social networks try to provide a lot to make it convenient for the user to work in such a network. In Odnoklassniki, experts have provided the ability to delete your page. Maybe you just don’t want to be there anymore (the reasons can be completely different). This is only your right and you, of course, can do this at any time. The whole question here is to know how to do this. But this is just for many a problem. Indeed, not everyone can long and carefully study their favorite page in Odnoklassniki in order to finally find there exactly the menu that will help the page to be successfully deleted. Sometimes you still need to get to this point, and this is also difficult if you don’t know where to start. And you need to start deleting the page from the paragraph "Regulations", which is also very difficult to find. Let's take a step-by-step analysis of where this item is located, and how to proceed further in order to successfully and without “troubles” leave Odnoklassniki. It should be said that in order to successfully delete your account, you need to know your username and always have a password. After all, only after their introduction, you will be able to bring this removal to the end. Also, with a similar deletion of the page, you will forever lose everything that you have ever uploaded to your profile, that is, the same photos, music videos and more. But, I think, the page is deleted just so that there are no traces of being on the social network and you are well aware of this. So, if you understand all this, then you can move on after successful authorization in Odnoklassniki. So, you last visited your page. Then you go down quietly to its very bottom, and you see a menu there on a gray background. This menu occupies the entire bottom of the page. You will not find labor to find it. There (in the right column) find the item you need, which is called the "Regulation". You will need to click on it. As a result, you will be transferred to the page with the "License Agreement". Every social network has such an agreement and it introduces you to the rules for using it. But, you do not need this agreement now, because you are not registering, but rather, you want to delete your page. Therefore, you can safely scroll to the bottom of the page. There already, under the agreement itself, you will find the item “Refuse services”. It is at this point that you will need to click to go further and delete your page without a trace. If you don’t change your mind (sometimes it happens), then click, and then you will be asked to indicate the reasons why you want to do this. You can safely take the item that is closest to your reason to delete your page. Such polls are the norm for serious projects, because they are constantly working to keep their users. Each user of any social network is first of all money, and the whole audience combined, this is huge money. That is why no one just wants to let you go. Further, if you again did not change your mind about deleting your page, feel free to move to the end. Enter your password again and feel free to click "Delete Forever". After this last decisive action of yours, your page will disappear from Odnoklassniki and you will breathe a sigh of relief, because you really wanted to. If the account you just deleted was with a phone (that is, it was tied to it), then you can create a new account on the same phone in only 3 months. It won't work out before. Sometimes people, after deleting an account, think: “But in vain I did it! Maybe it can be restored somehow? ”No, this will not work for you today, which is why you need to think before you always delete your page from Odnoklassniki. You also won’t be able to restore this page even if it wasn’t at all that you deleted it, but someone “helped” you do it (your very ill-wishers). Everything that was in your profile will also disappear from there forever. So, if there are any personal photos that you only have in Odnoklassniki, it’s better to pull them out and save them on your computer. If you want to delete a page through the mobile version, then do not try, you will not succeed today. There you simply will not find this function. But, you can do differently. To do this, you will need to switch to the full version from the mobile version of Odnoklassniki. Again, "crawl" to the very bottom of your page and find there a link "Full version of the site." Click, and now you can do everything that we have already said. Bottom line - your page will be deleted!

Social networks continue to gain popularity. They help communicate at a distance with friends, meet new people and photos, listen to music and watch movies and TV shows. Every day, social networks are becoming increasingly functional. For example, the ability to attach a bank card to your page no longer seems strange or impossible.

Therefore, the rules for safe use must be observed. For example, not just close the browser page, but make a full exit from the site, especially when using someone else's computer or other device. In this article, we will tell you how to exit Odnoklassniki at all or temporarily, as well as what to do if you fail to complete an action.

How to log out of your profile

To correctly exit the page, you must follow certain instructions.

Example 1

Classmates, exit through, when the entrance was through a computer:

  • go to the profile tab;
  • in the upper right corner, next to the search line, there is a miniature version of the photo, which is the main one in the account and an arrow pointing down (1);
  • click on it;
  • a dialog box should appear, the top line of which includes the name and surname of the account holder and the word “logout” (2);
  • after the appropriate choice, another window will appear, but already in the center of the page and with the phrase: “How, already leave? So fast? ”, Where will the choices be:“ exit ”and“ cancel ”;
  • select "exit";

  • after that, the site automatically redirects to the main page.

REFERENCE. You can re-enter your account at any time by entering the username and password in the corresponding lines of the main page.

ATTENTION. When entering the account from someone else's computer, it is better to use incognito mode - simultaneously hold down “ctrl” + “shift” + “N” on the keyboard, enter the site, enter the login and password for the account.

The advantages of this method are that the entered data will not be saved. After the session is completed, simply close the tab by clicking on the cross. When logging in from someone else’s computer without the desire to use incognito mode - after entering the login and password, just do not put a check mark next to the “remember me” entry.

Example 2

Through when logged in from the browser on the phone

In order to exit the profile opened in the browser of a mobile device, you also need to perform several similar actions:

  • go to your page by clicking on the first and last name in the upper left corner;

  • scroll down to the “other” section (1);
  • find the word "exit" (2);

  • after the appropriate choice, a window reappears with the phrase: “How, already leave? So fast? ”And variations:“ exit ”,“ cancel ”;
  • choose "exit."

REFERENCE. Mobile phone browsers also have an incognito mode that you can use.

Example 3

Via a mobile application (using the iPhone 5s as an example)

To exit the application, even less effort is usually spent:

  • open the application;
  • in the lower right corner, find the menu item and click on it;
  • scroll down to the profile section;
  • find the “exit” button and click on it;
  • a dialog box appears with the phrase: “Do you really want to exit?” and the options: “exit”, “cancel”;

IMPORTANT. After the appropriate selection, another window may appear with a suggestion to save the user data in order to enter the account without entering a username and password, and the options for choosing “not now” or “save”. When using someone else's phone, do not save your data.
  After exiting the account, the application displays the options: “another user” with a plus sign instead of a photo or the main photo and “name and surname” of the person who last used this device.

Example 4

Example 5

On all devices at once

If it seems to you that someone has access to your profile without your consent or you remembered that you forgot to log out of your account on someone else’s device, then you can easily check and disconnect all unwanted connections.

  • through the full version of the site go to your profile;
  • in the upper right corner, click on the thumbnail of your main photo (1);
  • from the dialog box that opens, select “change settings” (2);

  • in the left panel, find the “history of visits” and click;

  • after these actions, a list of connections for the last 30 days appears, view it;

ATTENTION. If any session caused you doubts, then immediately exit all devices and change the password.

  • to exit the profile on all devices, you need to rewind your browsing history down to the “exit from other devices” item (1);
  • in this paragraph, the sentence is even highlighted in a different color: “close all other connections” (2);

  • after appropriate selection, a window for entering a password will appear;

  • as soon as the correct password is entered and the “exit” button is pressed, a message appears: “Done, you have left the page on all devices”.

How to delete your profile

Sometimes some people get bored with virtual communication, other reasons appear, because of which they want to permanently delete the account on the social network. Instruction:

  • you must enter the profile to be deleted;
  • under the main photo of the account, select “my settings” and scroll to the very bottom of the page, where five columns are displayed;
  • in the far right, select the "regulation", the license agreement will immediately open;

  • scroll down the page again until you see the phrase “refuse services”, you must click on it;

  • a window will appear asking you to choose the reason why you decided to delete the page;
  • after that, it remains only to enter the correct password and select the "delete" button.

Why can’t I log out of my account?

Periodically, there are users who say: I can’t leave the social network. They don’t get to delete the page or exit the profile. Why is this happening?

  • The browser cache is full.

The cache is used to store temporary information, data and files that are most often used by the device. If it is full, then the phone, tablet, browser can freeze. It is recommended that you clear the cache.

  • Phone, tablet memory is full.

It is better to immediately delete unnecessary photos, videos, as well as unused applications.

  • There is no “refuse services” button if the attempt to delete the account was from the phone.

Therefore, it is better to go to the full version of the site by clicking the corresponding button in the "other" section.

In this article, we looked at instructions that should help secure your account on Odnoklassniki website. Exiting or completely deleting a page from a social network does not require a lot of time and effort.

When deleting your profile from, you should remember that all data on the page will be lost forever. The procedure itself does not take much time and does not require special skills, disappears forever, and with it will be lost and communication with friends, contacts, photos, correspondence. It will be impossible to restore all this, so before you start your page in Odnoklassniki, you should ask yourself again, is it really necessary?

How to delete your page in Odnoklassniki through the menu

To delete a page in Odnoklassniki, you need to go to it by entering the login and password, respectively. Once on "My Page", scroll down to the end. In the lower right corner, find the "regulation" link and click on it. Of all the information that appeared after clicking on the link, you need one single line "Refuse services", clicking on which you will see a formidable warning from the site administration that it will be impossible to restore the page after deletion.

The site will also offer several reasons why you decided to remove your page from Odnoklassniki. Tick \u200b\u200bone or more and enter your password. Click on the "Delete Forever" button and forget that you had a page on She is no more. But the phone number associated with the profile will be deleted only after 3 months. This protects the site from being able to use the phone number again.

Another way to remove a page from Odnoklassniki

To remove your page from Odnoklassniki there is another, unofficial way. You can try to use it if the above actions for some reason did not bring results. It consists in the fact that you are as if trying to provoke the administration of the site to remove you from Odnoklassniki.

Before using this method to delete your page from Odnoklassniki, it is better to erase all photos, correspondence, other data or replace them with nonexistent ones.

Further study the rules of the regulation under clause "4.7.Licensing is prohibited." This section describes the actions for which the user of the site can be deleted or banned. Accordingly, follow a series of those points that allow you to commit moral principles, and wait for the reaction of the site administration.

In order for your Odnoklassniki page to be deleted as quickly as possible, it is better if one of your friends notifies your Odnoklassniki technical support about your illegal actions, for example, by complaining to your support service. After checking your page, it will be deleted and no one will be able to access it.

How to delete your page in Odnoklassniki if you forgot your username and password

If there is no access to the profile, deleting the page in Odnoklassniki is not possible. It doesn’t matter if you forgot your username or if the page was hacked by scammers and the input has changed. If it is not possible to get to the page, there is only one thing left - to contact the technical support of the site with a request to restore the login and password. However, it is worth noting that this procedure is not at all quick, the administration of Odnoklassniki can respond in a few days.

Ask questions related to the problems of exit from their pages on the social network.

We will give full instructions in which we describe the problem itself and its solution. After completing all the steps below, you will never again have the question " how to get out of classmates? ".

If the "Exit" button is not pressed - how to exit from Odnoklassniki

one). Cache memory - it is it, in 90% of cases that is the cause of the problem.

When you visit various sites, you fill up your cache and at one point, when it is fully occupied, various problems can arise.

Clearing the cache is the most effective solution to this issue. Here you can find a detailed description.

2). The second thing to do is wait 2-3 minutes and try to exit again using the standard button intended for this. It is located in the upper right corner of the site and looks like this:

Do not click on it several times. Once should be enough if everything is in order. You still can not get out of Odnoklassniki? - Read the next paragraph.

3). The actions that will be described here will be performed only in the very least. The problem may be in the files cookies This is unlikely, because if the problem with them is a problem in the code of the site itself, which is unlikely for such large resources.

And so, we need to delete all cookies from our browser. You can read about how to do this by clicking on. Having cleaned them, the system will remove authorization on the site and you will exit.

If you have any questions, ask them here in the comments or we are waiting for you on our forum!

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In order to save time, only a few users perform a full-fledged exit from Odnoklassniki, the rest simply close the browser. But imagine for a moment the situation when your gadget fell into the hands of an outsider: he doesn’t even have to crack an account, just run the program to enter the network and visit the site.

Odnoklassniki developers have expanded the capabilities of the social network by adding financial transactions. If an outsider got access to the page on a tablet or computer, then it will not be difficult for him to seize the moment and empty his wallet or card.

This also applies to mobile devices, because losing a smartphone due to the dexterous hands of a pickpocket is easy. A thief will definitely check your gadget for information. An open page on the phone gives you access to personal correspondence, closed photos and other confidential information specified in the profile.

IMPORTANT! You should turn off password storage if you decide to visit the site on someone else’s device.

Profile Exit Procedure

From the Odnoklassniki website, the output to the computer is as follows:

How to log out gadget users

The output from the page on mobile devices is slightly different from the PC:

Delete page

A certain percentage of users refuse to use social networks, while deleting their pages. But not everyone knows how to get out of Odnoklassniki at all so that neither photos, notes, nor any data are saved on the network.

IMPORTANT! If you have not yet decided what to do - delete or not your page - then it is better not to rush. After all, all data, photos and other information posted in your account will be permanently deleted.

To remove you need:

IMPORTANT! On mobile devices, the procedure is the same, only you need to switch to the full version. This option is placed in the menu in the "Other" section.

Difficulties with the exit from the site

Sometimes users are interested in the question: why can not I get out of Odnoklassniki? There is only one reason - the browser cache is full. To clean it you need:

The procedure for exiting the profile is one of the ways to protect against computer fraudsters and thieves. It takes a few seconds, but is able to prevent the theft of personal information when devices fall into the wrong hands.

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