Why each folder opens in a new window. Why Yandex browser opens by itself

The most important parameter of a modern browser can be called not only convenience and comfort in use, but also performance, as well as the extensibility of functionality.

Thanks to outstanding features, Yandex browser manages to maintain a leading position and significantly outperform analogues in the number of Russian-speaking users. Nevertheless, in the work of even such a functional and useful program, various ones arise that require user intervention.

The essence of the phenomenon and possible causes

When the Yandex browser constantly opens in a new window, users experience serious inconvenience, since such a manifestation of willful activity on the part of the browser interferes with the usual rhythm of work. In addition, this phenomenon seems to be a rather alarming signal, as it is often the result of infection by malware or a virus.

IMPORTANT! As a rule, you can cope with a similar problem yourself, without resorting to using paid programs or the services of specialists. Virus threats to your computer are extremely diverse and include a variety of malicious applications, such as trojans, keyloggers, spyware and many others.

Naturally, depending on the type of virus, you will have to use a different mechanism for its removal. As a rule, the most effective results can be achieved with the joint use of cleaning utilities, as well as standard anti-virus programs.

Search and delete virus on PC

First, you need to install and run the selected antivirus, and then update its database. After that, it is necessary to run a scan, which can last quite a long time. At the end of the scan, the user will be provided with the results, and will also be asked to delete the threats found.

If this does not solve the problem, you should try using one of the special programs that specialize in removing potentially dangerous, adware, and malware. Today, there are quite a few options for both paid programs and completely free, which allows the user to choose the most suitable.

However, even after the successful detection of all threats, the problem may persist, due to the numerous traces of the virus remaining after its elimination. In this case, you will have to perform a series of manual manipulations in order to get rid of the problem.

Other troubleshooting methods

First of all, you need to study the browser shortcut, with the help of which, as a rule, you enter the program. You need to click the right mouse button and click on the property in the popup menu, after which a new window will open. There, in the Object field, another file can be specified, for example, in BAT format. In this case, you will need to right-click on the icon again, after which, select the file location. Having found it in this way, you will need to remove it to resume the correct operation of the program.

If the browser opens windows following a certain schedule, most likely, its creator has provided the ability to create the corresponding item in the Windows Task Scheduler. In this case, it is necessary to study in detail all the items presented there and remove the suspicious ones.

TIP! In some cases, the cause of unsatisfactory operation may be extensions installed with or without the knowledge of the user. In this case, it is recommended to disable everything recently to fix the problem.

If you get rid of the malicious program, and after that competently clean its traces, you can completely restore the correct operation of the browser and use it in the previous mode without experiencing any inconvenience.

Today I would like to make out one small (and for someone quite rather big) problem: all folders open in new windows. This is really not very convenient when moving from one directory to another. However, do not worry, the solution is very simple.

First way

Open "Computer" (the icon on the desktop or click on the "Start" button and find this icon in the menu), click "Organize" at the top of the screen and select "Folder and Search Settings".

A small window will open before you. On the "General" tab in the "Browse folders" subsection, you will have a check mark next to the item "Open each folder in a separate window." You need to check the box next to “Open folders in the same window” (shown by the arrow in the screenshot), then click OK.

That should be more than enough for you. However, in exceptional cases, this method may not help.

Second way

In this case, you must use it, and you need to open it on behalf of the administrator. True, for starters, just in case we create.

Click on the “Start” button, select “All Programs” - “Accessories”. Hover over the command line item, click on the right button and select “Run as administrator”.

The command line has opened. Here you need to write this:

Windows 7 x32

Windows 7 x64

  • regsvr32 "% WinDir% \\ SysWOW64 \\ actxprxy.dll" and press Enter.
  • regsvr32 "% ProgramFiles (x86)% \\ Internet Explorer \\ ieproxy.dll" and press Enter.

We reboot the computer and see the result.

Third way

Do not forget about creating a recovery point. Open the registry and look for the HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT \\ Directory \\ shell section. We look at the key value on the right - if it is other than none, then double-click on the key name with the left mouse button and write none.

Reboot the computer.

Caution, be careful when using the registry! One awkward movement and you may get problems with the system! Therefore, you perform all actions at your own peril and risk!

We give another small but useful advice on how to fix the situation when, when opening folders in the Windows 7 operating system, everything folders open in new windows. The word "fix" here, of course, does not quite fit, because this is not a malfunction. You can set this option yourself in the folder options.

But, nevertheless, many are accustomed to the fact that any new folder is opened in the same window as the previous one. I think a bunch of open windows is not very convenient for the user of a computer or laptop. Imagine 2 ways to solve the problem with opening folders in new windows windows.

Method 1: Fix opening new windows for folders in Windows 7

Press the START button -\u003e CONTROL PANEL -\u003e FOLDER SETTINGS (in the old XP folder properties) and see where the button is located in the GENERAL tab in the FOLDER OVERVIEW section. Set the button on the first line (if it is on the second), where it says OPEN FOLDERS IN ONE AND SAME WINDOW. Next, click OK and check. If this method does not help and the folders still open in new windows, then we move on to the second, more effective method.

Method 2: Fix opening new windows for folders in Windows 7

Press the START button - ALL PROGRAMS - STANDARD. In the list we find "COMMAND LINE" and right-clicking on it we select "STARTING FROM THE ADMINISTRATOR NAME". As soon as you do this, the command line should open, in which you will need to type the following:

  • For Windows 7 x32: regsvr32 "% SystemRoot% \\ System32 \\ actxprxy.dll" (and press Enter) regsvr32 "% ProgramFiles% \\ Internet Explorer \\ ieproxy.dll" (and press Enter)
  • For Windows 7 x64: regsvr32 "% WinDir% \\ SysWOW64 \\ actxprxy.dll" (and press Enter.) Regsvr32 "% ProgramFiles (x86)% \\ Internet Explorer \\ ieproxy.dll" (and press Enter.)

If you are faced with the problem of constantly redirecting to questionable websites, then there is a possibility that you have become infected with a redirect virus or Google Redirect Virus (redirect virus).

The redirect virus targets Google and other search engines in order to redirect the user to fake and other infected websites.

In most cases, the redirected pages contain many advertisements. These ads usually convince users to pay for something or give out their bank account details. The main function of such viruses, or browser hijackers, is to track user actions and hack their data. Thus, the redirect virus is quite dangerous.

If your browser opens by itself with advertising, then this is also the work of malware. As in the first and second cases, this is AdWare - programs that display unwanted ads. We will talk about how to get rid of this problem, as well as from the redirect virus below.

If your browser launches itself, opening websites with ads or an error page, then this is the work of malware. This problem is terrible in that it can persist even after you remove the malware. The thing is that even after removing the cause of the problem, the consequences of the malware may remain, as it changes the registry and the Windows task scheduler, making entries in the startup sections and creating tasks. Read how to solve this problem below.

The browser launches itself and the website opens with advertising. Solution to the problem

If you do not want your browser to live its own life, constantly opening an unnecessary site, you must delete system tasks - the primary source of the problem. To solve it, follow the steps below:

  1. Using the "Win + R" keyboard shortcut, open the "Run" window. In this window, insert "taskschd.msc". Click “OK” to continue.

  2. In the new window that appears, click on the task scheduler library, as in the example below.

  3. You need to find tasks that are to blame for the fact that your browser lives on its own. The names of the tasks do not say anything, since malware is perfectly masked and cannot be detected in this way. A distinctive feature of malicious tasks is the launch once every few minutes. You can select a task and go to the “Triggers” tab to look at the repeat frequency.

  4. If you want to know what launches the task, go to the "Actions" tab. Malicious programs launch sites using commands.

  5. Turn off all dubious tasks that aroused your suspicion. To do this, click on the task and click "Disable" (do not delete if you are not completely sure about the harmfulness of the task).

Check your browser if the problem has disappeared or not.

You can remove the forwarding virus using an antivirus utility. It can be Kaspersky, Malwarebytes Anti Malware or any other anti-virus program that you can trust. Such tools allow you to remove the virus along with all malicious files and unwanted programs. In our example, we will use the Malwarebytes Anti-Malware program.

  1. Download the Malwarebytes Anti-Malware antivirus program and install it on your computer following the instructions during the installation process.

  2. Open Malwarebytes Anti-Malware. You will be on the main page.

  3. Go to the settings (bottom left), then enable the “Scan” option for rootkits. To do this, click the switch so that it turns green.

  4. Now that you have enabled rootkit scanning, click the Scan button.

  5. Ensure that “Threat Scan” is selected, and then click the “Start Scan” button. If an update is available for Malwarebytes, it will automatically download and install it before scanning.

  6. Wait for the scan to complete. When it ends, you will see a screen on which all found malware, adware, etc. will be found.

  7. Click on “Delete Selected.” Anti-Virus will delete all selected files and add them to quarantine.

    On a note!  When deleting files, the program may require a reboot (in order to delete some of them). If you see a notification about the need to restart, restart the computer. If you do not want to reboot, you can turn it off and on again. After deleting the malicious files, close the program.

Any other antivirus program works in a similar way. First, it scans, and then you delete malicious files and viruses, if they were detected. In addition, this method will not only help get rid of viruses and threats, but will also protect your computer in the future, since an antivirus program must be on every computer. If it is not, then the computer is not protected, and, therefore, be at risk.

Video - Braser himself opens ads, tabs with ads. Decision

Sometimes Yandex Browser starts to open by itself when you start the PC or when you are already working with the device. You turn it off, but after a while you observe a repeated spontaneous start. Do not delete the browser. First you need to determine the cause of the problem.

Viruses and malware

This is the most common answer to the question of why the browser automatically turns on, and not only Yandex, in principle. The solution is virus detection and PC treatment. This should be done by the antivirus, therefore, as soon as we find that the browser itself opens, we launch a system scan.

If the antivirus has not found anything, the scanner can do this.  What is a scanner? This is an addition to the antivirus, which is also designed to get rid of all kinds of spyware and ad scripts. In this case, there is no conflict with the main antivirus installed on the PC. Among the free scanners are the following:

  1. AdwCleaner;
  2. Zemana AntiMalware;
  3. Kaspersky Virus Removal Tool;
  4. Dr.Web CureIt and others.

As a rule, to cope with the problem, it is enough to use a tandem of one antivirus and one scanner.

Traces after the virus

The browser spontaneously starts also because of the traces that the found and deleted virus has already left. A characteristic feature is the launch at the same time of the day or at certain intervals. This is due to the fact that the virus contributes its executable task to the Task Scheduler. You have to delete this task.

The method is also effective if the pages with the Volcano open.

1.Open the standard Windows tool called "Task Scheduler." This can be done through Start or Control Panel.

2.Now find the task associated with Yandex Browser. Double-click to open it and in the right part of the window click on the “Delete” button.

Bat in the name of the Yandex Browser shortcut

Certain types of viruses can change the properties of a browser shortcut. The browser opens in this case through a file with parameters already set, for example, displaying ads.

Fraudsters use the so-called bat-file. Anti-virus may not find this text file with successive commands malicious.

If your antivirus hasn’t found anything, you need to look at the name of the shortcut. Most likely, the name of the label will not end in exe.

1. We call the context menu with the right mouse button and select the "Properties" item.

2. The second tab will contain the line “Object”. Look carefully at the end of the name. If it says browser.bat, then the cause of the problem is found. Now you just need to eliminate it.

3.Work in the same tab. Click on the button “File Location”.

4. Delete the label with the end of bat. Create a new shortcut through the context menu.

Registry entries

Instead of a site with Vulcan casino, pages with other ads may also open. What else can be done with such an involuntary opening?

1. Remember the website address or copy it. Launch the registry editor. Hold Win + R and type regedit in the "Run" line.

2. Hold down the keyboard shortcut Ctrl + F. A registry search will open.

3. Enter the name of the site, which is constantly running.

Get rid of unnecessary extensions

Add-ons that you previously installed in your browser may work even after you close it. This option is enabled by default.

If the browser has an add-on with advertising, then it is this that can cause an arbitrary launch of the program.  How to remove ads in this case?

1. Go to the tab "Additions".

2. We find the section "From Other Sources". Look carefully at the list. Get rid of suspicious add-ons. You could install them involuntarily with other software. This happens most often.

Reset browser settings

Did not find a way out? Does the browser turn on itself from time to time? Reset program settings. We use the following instruction:

1.Open Settings through the browser menu.

2. We get to the button "Show advanced settings" and click on it.

3. Find the “Reset Settings” key and click on it.

Reinstall browser

This is an extreme method and can be effective if all the others have failed. Turn on sync in your profile so you don’t lose bookmarks, passwords, or other saved information in this browser. First, uninstall the program through the "Programs and Features" window or using a third-party safe utility. Then download the installation file from the official resource.

A constantly opening browser prevents you from working quietly on your computer. This problem can and should be solved. The reason you just can’t determine is that you need to use method by method.

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