Macbook flooded keyboard and won't turn on. Warranty for repairing liquid-filled MacBook, Pro, Air. What to do if liquid gets on your MacBook

And I'm quite happy about that. But behind the lines there was one "trifle".

A month before that, a colleague filled me with MacBook Pro champagne and took on the quest to fix it.

The most annoying thing is that the champagne was so-so. Moet, brut, moderately acidic water - I don't like that, but in honor of someone else's birthday, why not refuel.

The bottle was successfully opened next to me. They filled up half the table, the camera and a bunch of other things. Only my 2017 MacBook Pro suffered: it flooded its entire right side.

After laughter and initial drying, the mood subsided. A colleague got on well to repair my MacBook. If it was filled with just water, then everything could have been done with a quick visit for repairs. But, alas, this story continues to this day.

What's broken in my MacBook Pro IMMEDIATELY

After 10 seconds, the laptop was in a towel. We wiped it dry and started examining the damage. At first glance, the screen got the most.

To be honest, I did not expect that in the MacBook Pro so easy to flood the display... I'm not talking about the train now. Somehow, the champagne got between the glass and the matrix from the lower right edge.

Perhaps, literally one drop was enough for such a trace, since the distance between the matrix and the glass is very small.

It was not possible to remove this stain with banal pressure. We decided to wait, it suddenly dries up.

While they were waiting the right side of the keyboard started to stick... We tried to blow it with compressed air, but to no avail. An hour later, many buttons were either not pressed, or worked several times. Unsurprisingly, alcohol and sugar won't evaporate completely.

Somewhere at 17 o'clock in the afternoon, the laptop went to our friends in service center, who promised to carry out a complete ultrasonic cleaning of all the insides, including the keyboard unit. Minus 10 thousand rubles.

The spot on the display had really decreased by that time, but it still remained large and very noticeable. The forecast was moderately positive!

Then it was worse, and I was even upset

After 24 hours, we took away the MacBook, purified from alcohol. They began to examine. The keys really pressed just fine as before. Nothing got to the motherboard and the hardware itself.

As explained in the service, despite the fragility of the keyboard of the new "firmware", filling them tightly is a little more difficult due to the peculiarities of the internal design. The splashes are not as bad as they used to be. If it was a standard MacBook Pro or even a MacBook Pro Retina, then he would have already come to kirdyk.

The spot inside the display, although it became several times smaller, still strained the eye. All the streaks around the edges have evaporated, and a thick dot remains, sitting quite deep inside. He had nowhere to go.

This story could have ended here, but the MacBook decided to take revenge.

A few days later the keys started sticking again... Not all, but a few really important ones: the T button, spacebar, Enter, and almost everything in its immediate vicinity. I had to take it to the SC, again minus 10 thousand rubles.

However, re-cleaning helped for a week. By the end of the May holidays, the keyboard crunch returned, some buttons stopped pressing normally ... well, you get the idea.

Further cleaning would be foolish to carry out, so we came to a simple conclusion: the entire topcase must be replaced.

The solution was this: replace the topcase in the MacBook Pro 2017

If anything, topcase called the top of the bottom half of the MacBook. You will have to gut the entire laptop to access it, and this work is not easy or cheap.

The topcase includes an aluminum lid and a one-piece keyboard unit, plus accompanying cables. In models last generations - also touchpad and Touch Bar.

This is not a whole MacBook with a motherboard, so it seems that the part itself may not be expensive. Well, ten, fifteen thousand maximum. Yes?

Nothing of the kind, because the topcase replacement in the MacBook Pro 2017 costs 35-45 thousand rubles along with work. These are not overpriced, it's just that the spare part is really so expensive, and there are practically no Chinese "analogues".

By this time, 20 thousand rubles were spent on cleaning, and the total cost of repairs in case of replacement of the topcase would be close to the cost of a new MacBook Air or a used Pro Retina on the secondary market.

After walking with this thought for a couple of days, we found alternative solution... It's not very honest.

But I was offered a gray MacBook repair scheme

Some Apple service centers in Russia are engaged in earning money on the side. For a fee, they take your device into their pocket, create warranty breakdowns in it, and then send Apple a request for the necessary parts or even a new device as a replacement.

The price of such a "repair" almost never falls below 10-15 thousand rubles. And in the case of my MacBook Pro requested 30 thousand rubles.

The essence of the procedure was explained as follows: almost all spare parts, except for the motherboard, will be ordered for a tortured MacBook under a fictitious guarantee. Of them will be collected frankenstein, which will be returned to me.

They give full guarantees, and the device will even remain under warranty. Everything else was left behind the scenes, they say, if you do not want this option, we do not insist.

From a pragmatic consumer's point of view, this option much more profitable than replacing the topcase... But I decided not to spoil my karma. Moreover, this was not my problem initially, and my colleague is to blame.

Therefore, my laptop in its current form went to him, and I got his similar MacBook Pro. We have almost the same models, except that the body colors are different.

Now he himself is thinking whether to hand over the laptop under such a "black guarantee". Leans towards this.


If the situation is similar, don't invest in expensive consecutive cleanings. If the first one did not help, it is better to immediately think about repair / replacement of the laptop.

And if you also flood or break your MacBook, you should know that there is a way to "fix" it cheaper than a standard non-warranty repair in a SC. Decide for yourself whether to use it or not. I personally resolved the issue of legality and morality for myself, and you will also figure it out without my help.

I will not tell you the contacts here, sorry.

Now a distance of one meter is maintained between me, the laptop and any liquids. Which is what I wish for you. And yes, I hate brut even more than before.

It is not easy, but realistic - to quickly cope with the feeling of panic at the sight of a puddle spreading over an expensive gadget. Let's not be hopeful, saving a laptop is not at all guaranteed, but why not give it a try? At the very least, there is a chance to sacrifice the keyboard, but to stop the advancement of the liquid deep into the case and save the valuable electronic filling. MacBook.

In contact with

If you suddenly have to dive into the ocean abyss, a village lake or a backyard pool in an embrace with a laptop, it's better to surface without unnecessary load. The chances of restoring the device after such a bath are measured only in fractions of a percent, and even not always. Serial MacBookLike other laptops, no one ever planned to release them in waterproof cases, unlike the same iPhone and from the market. It's not particularly cost-effective from a marketing point of view, but did anyone have the goal of counting how many coffee mugs and juice glasses per year topple onto a glossy surface? The problem exists, but there is no optimal solution prescribed in the user manual - you will have to resort to "folk methods". Anyway, the trouble has already happened and before rushing to, it's worth trying to do at least something - it certainly won't get any worse.

1. Human safety comes first

Water is an excellent conductor of electricity, but the human body is not very good, so it is better not to contact them. Recharged and suddenly wet MacBook first of all, it must be de-energized, you should not hesitate and hesitate in funds. Hit the switch on the electrical panel, pull the wire, and if it happens in an office or hotel, urgently find a responsible person and explain the situation in a nutshell. This is not the time to save an expensive laptop, people's health is immeasurably more important - if it is completely unclear what to do, then it is better to at least stay away, especially if sparks are flying in all directions and smoke is blowing.

2. Turn off your laptop

Suppose the puddle is not large or the laptop is running on a built-in battery and there is no threat of electric shock - we proceed to the second most important phase. Namely, we save the piece of hardware itself, deliberately sacrificing unsaved documents. If you can't turn off MacBook Pro or MacBook Air programmatically, that we have the strength to press. And we pray that in open application autosave worked.

3. Disconnect all other cables and cords

Mouse, external storage, monitor, alternative keyboard, a projector and anything in general, including flash drives - it all contains electrical circuitsthat can be closed. Why Excessive Risk? Since the laptop itself has suffered, then let everything be limited to this - carefully, but quickly pull out all the wires. And, if it comes to old model with a removable battery compartment, we disconnect it too - out of harm's way.

4. Time to do the water

Armed with a terry towel, cotton cloth or at least a clean dry napkin, remove all drops and streaks. The higher the absorbency of the "tool", the better, but a handkerchief will work too. It's amazing how many little snacks and cracks there are in the smooth-looking MacBook case, into which the fluid substance strives to penetrate. If you have basic engineering skills and a couple of screwdrivers at hand, it is better to partially disassemble the laptop case, although in ordinary life this is strongly discouraged.

5. Using gravity and vibration

Turn over and shake, brush off the emerging drops, repeat - and so on until you get bored, but at least a dozen times. As a maximum, we will remove all the liquid from under the buttons and large connectors, at least - in an inverted position, under the influence of natural forces of nature, water will flow in the other direction. And, if you're lucky, it won't even get to the sensitive electronic filling under the keyboard.

6. The combination of a hair dryer and a towel is a great combination

The essence of the procedure is to dry the moisture with a stream of warm air and absorb the drops protruding on the surface. To do this, a hairdryer or at least an ordinary fan is located at an optimal angle under the laptop, the MacBook itself is laid on a towel with the keyboard down. The duration of the procedure, in theory, is unlimited - the longer, the more reliable. Key moment in placing the entire structure away from sources of moisture and blowing dry air around the wet device. And also to prevent overheating - putting your MacBook on a radiator or in a turbo-charged microwave would be too rash.

7. We are waiting, just waiting

We gain patience and start thinking about what we will have to do in the next 96 hours. Yes, yes, not a day or a couple of days - you will have to wait a long time if you want to completely eliminate the risk. You can, for example, inquire about how much it will cost to repair a laptop in a branded service, if the case is recognized as out of warranty, which is most likely. Or about what actually served as the root cause of such a blatantly absurd coincidence of circumstances and how to make it so that in the future water in MacBook was present only in the pictures.

8. Exotic remedies - silica gel and raw rice

The use of both substances is approved even by experts from iFixIt, due to their excellent hygroscopicity. If you have an orphaned bag of rice or a dozen bags of silica gel, you can try drying a soggy laptop with them. Just shoving MacBook Pro / MacBook Air in a container with rice or in a box of silica gel. Or vice versa, it doesn't matter - with smartphones and other portable gadgets, so why not try with a laptop? At least there will be something to write about on Twitter and social networks - in fact, everyone is terribly curious how true this myth is?

Fair, not overpriced or understated. There should be prices on the Service website. Necessarily! without "asterisks", it is clear and detailed, where it is technically possible - the most accurate, final.

With the availability of spare parts, up to 85% of complex repairs can be completed in 1-2 days. Modular repairs take much less time. The website lists the approximate duration of any repair.

Warranty and liability

Any repairs must be guaranteed. Everything is described on the site and in the documents. The guarantee is self-confidence and respect for you. A 3-6 month warranty is good and sufficient. It is needed to check quality and hidden defects that cannot be detected immediately. You see honest and realistic terms (not 3 years), you can be sure that they will help you.

Half of the success in Apple repair is the quality and reliability of spare parts, so a good service works with suppliers directly, there are always several reliable channels and a warehouse with proven spare parts current modelsso you don't have to waste your time.

Free diagnostics

This is very important and has already become a good form for the service center. Diagnostics is the most difficult and important part of the repair, but you shouldn't pay a dime for it, even if you don't repair the device as a result.

Service repair and delivery

Good service appreciates your time and therefore offers free shipping. And for the same reason, repairs are carried out only in the workshop of the service center: correctly and according to technology, it can only be done at a prepared place.

Convenient schedule

If the Service works for you, and not for itself, then it is always open! absolutely. The schedule should be convenient so that you can be in time before and after work. Good service works both on weekends and on holidays. We are waiting for you and working on your devices every day: 9:00 - 21:00

The reputation of professionals consists of several points

Age and experience of the company

Reliable and experienced service has been known for a long time.
If a company has been on the market for many years, and it has managed to establish itself as an expert, people turn to it, write about it, and recommend it. We know what we are talking about, since 98% of incoming devices in the SC are being restored.
Other service centers trust us and transfer complex cases.

How many masters in directions

If you are always waiting for several engineers for each type of equipment, you can be sure:
1. there will be no queue (or it will be minimal) - your device will be taken over immediately.
2. You are handing over your Macbook to a Mac repair expert. He knows all the secrets of these devices

Technical literacy

If you ask a question, a specialist must answer it as accurately as possible.
So that you have an idea of \u200b\u200bwhat exactly you need.
They will try to solve the problem. In most cases, the description tells you what happened and how to fix the problem.

If the laptop has been in the pool, river, bath or took a shower, it is unlikely that anything will help it. This article can only be useful if there was little liquid, and contact with it was short-lived.

1. If the laptop is plugged in, unplug it immediately.

Unplug the charging cable from the outlet and from your computer, and then all other cables connected to the laptop. Water and electricity are not the safest combination for technology and for you.

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Turn the device over with the keyboard facing downward so that any water that may have gotten in will drain out.

Press and hold the power button at the same time until the screen turns off. This is the most quick way turn off the device. Now is not the time to worry about unsaved documents. The main thing is to stop the movement of electricity through the insides of the laptop to prevent a short circuit.

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3. Disconnect all devices

Disconnect everything from the laptop external devices... Flash drives, memory cards, USB-modem, even - all down! If the computer comes into contact with water, not only it can be damaged, but also these accessories.

4. Wipe the laptop

Now completely dry your laptop without turning it over. A cotton towel is ideal for this purpose: it perfectly absorbs any liquid. You can also use paper napkins.

If none of this is there, save the device with everything that comes to hand.

Pay special attention to the keyboard: water flows easily under the keys. Remember to wipe down the ports and cooling hole.

5. Build a funny structure

Place the fan on the floor first. Then cover it with a cardboard or plastic box and make large holes in the top and side walls for ventilation. Cover the box with a towel and place the laptop on top of it, keyboard side down. Turn on the fan for two days to let the device dry completely.

To avoid starting a fire, do not leave the fan unattended for a long time. Turn it off at night and when you leave the house.

6. Check device operation after 48 hours

If after two days the laptop can be turned on, on third-party media. The fact is that damage may not manifest itself immediately. Perhaps the consequences of contact with water will remind of themselves after a few days or even weeks and the computer will fail. Hope for the best, but don't relax.

What to do if coffee, wine or tea gets inside the laptop

Liquids with additives are more dangerous to the interior of a laptop than water. Coffee grounds, sugar and other impurities in these beverages can clog and oxidize components, causing additional damage. Eventually, laptop keys can become sticky and even refuse to work.

To avoid problems, it is best to clean the inside of the laptop before drying. You can do this yourself by disassembling the device and removing all dirt with paper towels or cotton swabs dipped in a little alcohol. Please be aware that disassembling yourself will void your warranty.

Cases of different laptops can vary greatly in design and order of disassembly. If you have never opened your device, look on the Web for the instruction manual of the same model.

If the dried laptop is larger or you do not want to clean it yourself, you can seek professional help from the service center.

The most common reason for the failure of a MacBook is the ingress of liquid into it. Fortunately, in most cases, a flooded Macbook Pro can be repaired, but this directly depends on the subsequent actions of its owner. In this article, I will talk about what damage liquid can cause to a Macbook and what to do after it gets inside your Macbook Pro. How can liquid end up in a MacBook? Sometimes the rain that hit the Apple laptop or the user's unwillingness to part with it while taking a bath is to blame for this. The most common cause of liquid getting into the Macbook Pro is the tipping of various drinks onto its keyboard, so I will dwell on this in more detail.

If you spill any liquid on your Macbook Pro while it is running, it must be unplugged immediately, and the sooner the better. Don't waste precious seconds on a routine shutdown operating system, even if it threatens the loss of important documents - if necessary, the data can be restored, but the Macbook Pro can be lost forever as a result of delay. After the Macbook Pro is turned off, you need to remove the battery from it. In the latest Macbook Pro models, the battery is hidden under an aluminum cover, which requires a star screwdriver to open it.

Now the affected Macbook Pro needs to be turned upside down and placed on a flat surface (preferably open a little so that water does not get onto the matrix). If moisture is visible on the outside of the MacBook, it should be gently wiped with a soft cloth or sponge, but after the Macbook Pro is turned upside down, otherwise some of the liquid can be driven into the MacBook keyboard.
It is important to remember that the keyboard buttons are made of very thin plastic, in no case should you dry the keyboard with a hair dryer to avoid thermal deformation of the buttons.

The next step is arguably the most important, as failure to do so is the most common cause of liquid-drenched MacBooks. This step is to seek immediate help from an Apple Service Center. Unfortunately, many users do not do this, which usually leads to the loss of the MacBook or much more expensive repairs.

Common misconceptions when liquid gets inside an electronic device

A common misconception is that if the Macbook Pro turns on after the liquid dries, then the trouble is over. Alas, this is not the case. If the Macbook Pro is flooded with water, juice, coffee or other liquid, then it gets inside its case and begins its destructive work. Usually, tea or coffee is spilled on the keyboard under which the motherboard - the main (and most expensive) part of the MacBook.

Even if immediately after the MacBook has been flooded, remove the liquid from the case and turn the Macbook Pro upside down to dry, some of the liquid still gets onto its motherboard. Liquid quickly evaporates from the MacBook's body, but inside the MacBook, the process of electro-chemical corrosion begins. That is why it is very important to return a flooded Macbook Pro to a service center as soon as possible, since with each passing hour, corrosion takes over an increasing surface of the motherboard. The chips on the motherboard, like sponges, suck in moisture under themselves, and if you do not take action quickly, then repairing the MacBook will become impossible.

Repair of a flooded MacBook cannot be delayed

Often, MacBook owners drop it into the pool or douse it with a drink during their vacation or vacation, while postponing the visit to specialists for several days, or even weeks - after all, Macbook Pro is not yet required for work, so why waste time and money for a computer service? And then it usually turns out that the entire motherboard is corroded, and sometimes other parts are destroyed, which means that there can be no question of restoring the MacBook. Perhaps, such an outcome cannot be considered a successful end of the vacation - therefore, it is necessary to contact the master immediately after the MacBook has been flooded.

If it is not possible to contact the service center immediately after spilling tea on the Macbook Pro - for example, if a trouble happened at night outside the city, you need to leave the Macbook Pro upside down to dry and try to find a way to contact a specialist within the next hours.

The main thing is not to try to turn on the MacBook, no matter how much you want to. Turning it on can cause a short, which will require more expensive repairs to the MacBook. By the way, it is not uncommon for the Macbook Pro to function normally for several days after being exposed to liquid, which makes you think the problem has been resolved. However, after two or three weeks, the computer will not turn on. After contacting the service center, its owner learns that the insides of the MacBook are corroded and cannot be restored.


So, we hope that this information will be useful to all those who spilled tea or something stronger;) on a Macbook Pro or bathed their Mac in the pool - no one is safe from this accident. But if such a situation cannot be predicted (you can avoid eating near the MacBook, do not take it with you to the bathroom and to the beach, but suddenly become a victim of flooding of neighbors from above), then everyone can increase the chances of a successful repair of a flooded MacBook: for this you need to clearly follow the above rules and run your Macbook Pro to the service center, and surely in a day or two you will be able to work again with your MacBook as if nothing had happened!

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