Why does the player not work on the computer. What to do if it does not show video on the Internet, but the flash player is installed

Sometimes users encounter a problem when windows media player does not work, a global search for a solution to the problem begins. There are many Soviets, but in reality there are only a few workers.

Today I will show you 3 easy ways to get your media player to work in normal operation as it was originally. And as a bonus, at the end of the article, you can watch a video lesson in which, using a practical example, it is shown how to perform all the necessary actions.


If you read further, it means that you no longer start standard windows media player that you have always used, or maybe you are just a curious user who wants to be armed with knowledge just in case.

Therefore, before starting to solve the problem, I will tell you a little about the reasons why people encounter this problem. After all, the majority begins to scream that they say that the virus has picked up, but of course, this happens, but very rarely. Basically, a failure occurs in the operating system and the media player crashes data libraries or launch keys in the registry. The situation is not very pleasant, but easily solvable.

Dear readers, the main thing is not to rush, do everything in order. There is no need to immediately jump to the last option, because the problems are different and only by applying all the available steps can you restore the work of your windows media playera. Let's get down to business.

Restarting media components

The easiest way to solve the problem with a non-working player is to reboot it, for this you need to perform a number of simple steps.

Go to the "Start" menu and select the "Control Panel" section

Now we are looking for the section "Programs and components / Removing or changing programs", go to:

Go to the section "Turn Windows features on or off"

We are waiting for a few seconds to load and we see in front of us a small window in which we need to find the line "Components for working with multimedia", our task is to uncheck this line and apply the settings. Be careful, you will be prompted to restart your computer, this must be done.

After you have applied the new settings and rebooted your computer, just go back to this menu again and put the checkmark that you removed in place, after that we try to start the windows media player. If the problem persists, then do not despair, just go to the next method and everything will definitely work out.

Re-registering system libraries

A rather complicated process from the technical point of view, but in practice it is very easy to carry out and thousands of users in a minute use their player in normal mode, I wish you good luck too. Our task is to bring order to system libraries, to do this, just click the "Start" menu and write the command right in the search bar: regsvr32 jscript.dll

Next, we enter two more commands:

  • regsvr32 vbscript.dll
  • regsvr32 wmp.dll

It turned out three commands that you applied in turn, the main thing is not to miss more than one, just registered, applied and the same thing with the next and with the next. And when finished, we try to turn on our not working windows media player.

As a result? Has the problem been resolved? I think that after that almost all users are happy with the player without any problems, but if you are still suffering, because you have some special problem, then it's time to move on to "heavy artillery".

Auto Repair Media Playera

At this stage, everything is incredibly simple, our task is to go to the official website Microsoft support and find there free utility, which should automatically test a number of problem cases related to the windows media player and fix them immediately.

Agree, it's very cool and incredibly simple, the main thing is to help. And for this we proceed to action.

And now we download the same program to your computer:

After you have downloaded the utility, just run it and follow the clear instructions:

For those who still doubt their abilities a little or are worried that they will make a mistake. Then I have already foreseen this and prepared for you a detailed video with practical examples, where I myself go through each step before your very eyes. It remains only to look and repeat on your computer. Happy viewing.

Watch video: Windows Media Player does not work, there is a solution!

After studying all the material, please, unsubscribe in the comments, did my recommendations help you in solving the problem? Is the player now working or not? Maybe you have applied some of your own method, do not be goofy, there are already about a thousand of us every day on this site, share your knowledge and many will be grateful to you.

At the beginning of October 2016, users of the popular Opera browser faced the inability to play Flash content. Instead of a video, audio player or browser game, there was the inscription “Couldn“ t load plug-in. ”It's no secret that quite a lot of Internet users often watch videos on their favorite sites or play games directly from their pages on social networks. working plugin Adobe flash Player. This article will help you fix the problem and restore the flash player to work.

Checking if the Opera version is up-to-date

Opera normally updates itself and all its plugins to latest version that is, everything should function without your intervention. If automatic update does not work, it means that you are using an outdated version of the browser, which may be the cause of the malfunction.

You need to check if you have the current version of the browser installed. To do this, start Opera and go to the items "Menu", "About the program".

You will see a tab with the version number of Opera. Nearby should be the text "An updated version of Opera is in use".

If there is no such text or a description and error number are displayed instead, this means that for some reason your browser has stopped updating in a timely manner.

The fix is ​​simple: visit the official Opera website and download from there current version.

In rare cases, it happens that the browser "swears" to you that "the updated version is being used ...", but in fact it turns out that the version is outdated long ago. This case was seen on a PC with installed Windows XP. The above problem is treated in the same way - download the current version of the software from the official website.

Reinstall Adobe Flash Player

If the previous option did not help you, then we will check Adobe itself Flash Player... First you need to make sure that the plugin itself is enabled. V search bar we enter: opera: // plugins

If the plugin is not active, then just click the "Enable" button.

Restart the browser and check if the Flash Player is working.

If the plugin is enabled, and instead of Flash objects, you still see the inscription "Couldn" t load plug-in ", then the next step is to reinstall the Adobe Flash Player.

Flash Player is one of the most popular programs which is installed on almost every computer. With its help, we can see colorful animations on websites, listen to music online, watch videos, play mini-games. Therefore, users are thrown into a stupor when Flash Player stops working in the Opera browser. Under the cut you will find detailed instructions to cure Flash Player.

The most common problem with the inoperability of Flash Player is the updated version of the Opera browser. The fact is that when releasing a new version of the browser, developers may not fully adapt the version of the browser with all versions of Flash Player. From there, many users stop displaying Flash components.

Ways to solve the problem:

1. Restart the Flash plugin. Reloading the plugin often fixes the problem and no longer bothers users. To do this, enter the following text in your browser without quotes: “ opera: plugins”And press the Enter key.

A page with plugins installed in the browser will open. We are looking for the name " Shockwave Flash", Click" Disable "and then" Enable ". Then we restart the browser and check the functionality.

2. You may be using an outdated version of Flash Player. If the first method did not help you, then the surest action is to download updated version Flash Player. To do this, you need to visit the Adobe website and download the Flash Player from there. You will find the download link at the end of the article.

3. Clearing the cache. In the process of work, the program processed a considerable amount of information. This information can interfere with the player, so we will clear it. To do this, open the Start menu and in the search box type without quotes: “ % appdata% \ Adobe". The folder appears in the results. Open it. In this folder there will be another folder called "Flash Player". Select her right click mouse and click "Delete".

Open the "Start" menu again and in the same search field enter without quotes: " % appdata% \ Macromedia". Once you open the folder, also delete the Flash Player folder it contains.

After all the performed manipulations, restart your computer and check the operation of the Flash Player.

4. Deleting Flash Player data. Click the Start menu and open Control Panel. A window will open. In the upper right part of the window, opposite the "View" item, set "Small icons".

A list with icons will be displayed. We are looking for Flash Player, open by double-clicking, go to the "Advanced" tab and click "Delete All".

5. Disable hardware acceleration. Open a website with flash content in a browser, for example, a video from the Vkontakte social network. Right-click on the video and uncheck the box next to Enable hardware acceleration. Restart your browser.

6. Reinstall the browser. Uninstall the Opera browser via the "Control Panel". Download setup file from the official Opera website and reinstall it on your computer. The link to download the Opera browser will be at the end of the article.

7. Complete reinstallation of Flash Player. For this method, you need to completely remove from computer flash Player with all accompanying files. Copes with this task perfectly special utility which is distributed free of charge on the Adobe website. A link to the utility for removing Flash Player will be at the end of the article. After uninstalling, do not forget to download and install Flash Player again.

Hope my advice can help you solve the problem. If you have any questions, ask them in the comments.

What to do if Adobe Flash Player is not working? Many people have Adobe Flash Player installed on their computers. How does it work, and also what is the general principle of the flash technology.

Flash Player does not work

What to do if Adobe Flash Player is not working?

Many have installed Adobe Flash Player, but not everyone knows what kind of program it is, how it works, and also what is the general principle of operation of flash technology.

Most often, the first acquaintance with the program begins as follows: games stop running on your computer, video and audio do not play, or on some sites the menu stops responding when you click on any sections. Usually, in order to find out what caused all this and return it as it was, you start doing the appropriate ones.

Most likely, they will immediately tell you that you have crashed or just outdated a certain Flash Player. And accordingly, in order to solve the problem, you will be offered to download the updates or completely remove it from the computer and download it again.

The reason may also be hidden in the very settings of the Player plugin in the browser that you downloaded. But all this is said only in general terms, so it can be difficult for an inexperienced user to understand and fix the problem. Therefore, in this article we will take a closer look at the question installing, configuring, updating and removing the program on your computer.

How to update Flash Player

In some browsers, the Flash Player plugin is initially built in and is automatically updated when the engine itself is updated. A prime example is popular browser GoogleChrome. But for a number of reasons, it can even shut down here. How to fix this situation, we will describe a little below.

The player has a system module that can track available updates by itself. You may have already seen the window that appears when you turn on the computer, which prompts you to install them.

It's best not to ignore the opportunities that are available, as these could be security-related updates that will save your device from any kind of infection. Application developers regularly look for all possible security holes and try to quickly close them. Therefore, if you see such a window, feel free to update.

There is even a dedicated Surfpatrol extension for all types of browsers. It will inform you that in the operating system there is outdated versions any applications and plugins.

If you do not want to install additional extensions, but want to know, the freshest Flash version you have it or not, then there is a way to do it through the official developers. To do this, go to the page //helpx.adobe.com/flash-player.html and click "Check Now".

However, the player may suddenly stop working in your browser. Let's figure out what to do in such a situation.

Installing Flash Player

The most in a simple way will go to the Adobe player page and click on the "Install" button. This will determine your operating system and browser version.

If this information turned out to be incorrect, then click on the link "I need a player for another computer." There you can already choose what you need.

If you use the Google Chrome browser, then you do not need a separate installation, but you can download systemic model Adobe® Flash® Player.

More often than not, this is enough. But if the problem is not resolved, then there may be various reasons. In this case, it is best to completely reinstall the flash player. To do this, close all browsers that you have open. After that click "Start", select "Control Panel" and click on the "Programs and Features" button. In the list that appears, find desired line and uninstall the program or plugin. Then you should go to the official website of Adobe Flash Player and reinstall it. This should help.

How to remove the flash player correctly?

Sometimes the problem remains after such manipulations. In this case, you should use special Uninstall program Flash Player from the official developer, which will completely get rid of the "tails". This can be done as follows:

  1. Download the utility named above;
  2. Close all browsers and programs open on your computer. It's also worth checking them out. possible job v background... If you dismiss this item, then complete removal may not happen and then the problem will remain unresolved;
  3. Run the utility. In the window that appears, you will see installation instructions, which you need to follow;
  4. After the program finishes the process of removing the player, you should restart your computer.
  5. Then install Flash Player from the official site. How to check if it works for you? To do this, go to the following link: //helpx.adobe.com/flash-player.html. At the fifth point, you should see an animation of clouds and a tree floating in the sky. If it works fine, it means that you did everything right.

Turning on Flash plugin Player in the browser

If the flash stopped working, then in addition to the above-mentioned method of removing the player from the operating system and reinstalling it, you can delve into the browser settings. So, Adobe Flash Player is a plugin, so sometimes it can simply be disabled. That is, to solve the problem, you just need to turn it on. Let's take a look at how to do this, depending on which browser you are using.

Google Chrome: enter the command in the address bar

Then press the Enter button on your keyboard. After that, a page will appear, which will display a list of all plugins installed in the browser. You just need to find the line with the Adobe Flash Player and see if it is enabled or not. If disabled, then click the "Enable" button located opposite it.

If it is enabled, but the video is not played (as well as audio), and the menu of some sites is not available, then find the "Always allow" field and check the box in it.

Yandex browser: here the procedure is identical to the previous one (this is due to the fact that both browsers have the same engine). The only difference is that the following command should be entered into the address bar:

browser: // plugins

Opera: in case you have the latest browser versions installed (older than 12), then use the same method that we described for Chrome, that is, call the plugins window and check if the player is enabled or not.

Mazila Firefox: select the button with three horizontal stripes (located on the top right), and in the menu that opens, click on the "Add-ons" item. A page appears with a Plugins tab on the left side. Next, you need to find the Shockwave Flash line (this is another name for the same flash player). Then, as in the previous options, check if it is enabled and, if necessary, change the plug-in status to "Always include".

Internet Explorer: In this browser, it is a little more difficult to activate the player. The description of this process will turn out to be too cumbersome, so it will be easier and clearer to watch a video that shows the procedure in detail.

If neither reinstalling nor enabling the plug-in in the browser brought any results, and you still cannot open the video, listen to audio and select items in the menu on some sites, then you will not be able to cope with this issue on your own. Therefore, do not hesitate to ask the developers for help directly by describing your problem in detail.

Player, the user has trouble watching videos on many sites based on flash technology. In addition, the ability to play many browser games that offer social networks, or those that exist independently. In this regard, the situation must be corrected, otherwise the user's interaction with the network world wide web will not take place to the fullest.

So what to do when Flash Player isn't working? First you need to know your operating system as there will be a different troubleshooting method for each of them. Most users use Windows, so let's start the description with the operating systems related to this family. Itself directly Adobe program Flash Player is targeting Microsoft systems, but developers are now actively creating versions suitable for others. The first reason Flash Player is not working is to update it. The fact is that the technology is constantly being improved, and with it the utility. When a particular site switches to a more modern way of serving content, old version the program that is installed on the PC becomes incompatible and unsuitable. But the developers have made it easier for the user to interact with the utility - it updates automatically. True, some users turn off such an update by switching to manual. In this case, they need to independently monitor the release of new versions.

The next reason why Flash Player is not working may be browser settings. Often automatic installation the web browser is blocking the viewing of flash content. Then you should change the browser settings in the "Security" item. A similar problem can be caused by a similar blocking of the antivirus. It can also be easily fixed by changing the settings of the security program.

What to do if Adobe Flash Player does not work on Mac system OS? Problems that

They are encountered in this case and are significantly different from Windows. The fact is that new versions are first created for a more popular OS and only then are adapted to other systems. However, the programs can download the new version even when you are working on Mac OS. In order to fix the problem, you should uninstall the downloaded utility and install its old counterpart. In addition, it is recommended that you turn off automatic updates if you are running any other non-Windows system. It should be noted that the settings of the browser or antivirus on the OS in question may also prohibit the viewing of flash content. They must be reconfigured for the animation to run.

Sometimes Flash Player does not work because it is not an update that is downloaded, but a completely new version of the program. The result of this is that the files of the old utility are damaged, and the same damaged components of the new one are superimposed on them. Therefore, in order to avoid all sorts of problems, when loading new version it is necessary to delete the old one. In general, when downloading Flash Player from the official site, you should not encounter various problems, both during use and during installation.

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