How to exit VK updated version. How to leave contact

    at the bottom of the page there is an item full screen mode, press it and switch to normal mode from your mobile

    Does our beloved Big Question come across such easy questions !?

    Just as already specified, you can delete the letter m in the browser line, just do not forget the dot after it, it must also be deleted)

    There, at the very bottom of the page, if you scroll through it, go to the full version of the site, click and sun.

    If you are sitting from a computer switched to the mobile version and do not know how to get out of it, then you need to go to the main page and at the bottom right you will see the Full version button.

    There is another way. Click on the address bar and delete the letter m in the address bar.

    If instead of the usual version of the Vkontakte website you have a mobile version on your computer, then at the bottom where the menu on the right will be the Full version button. It should be clicked to switch to the full screen mode familiar to most users. And if you want to switch to the full version from your mobile, then in the browser settings you can change to the full version, or you can also do it through the Vkontakte website itself.

    If you have such a situation that somehow from your personal computer you switched to the mobile version of the site, then you just need to go down the page down and select the button with the name full screen mode, you can also do for a mobile device.

    If you want to log out of your account while in the mobile version of Vkontakte, then you should do the following. First of all, you will need to go to the settings of your profile, and after that you will have to go down lower, there will be a button with the name exit, click on this button and all your task to exit looking for the mobile version of Vkontakte is completely completed. I also did not immediately find this button.

    For me, the mobile version of VKontakte is much more convenient and I use this particular (mobile) version of VK.

    Exiting the mobile version is very simple, just pressing one single button will be enough.

    Scroll down the page (while in the mobile version) and find the quot button; Full version and press this button. I have this button at the bottom of the settings and help:

    We click on it and we are transferred to / on the full version of the site, thereby we left the mobile version.

    VKontakte you can enter both through a computer, as well as through a mobile phone, when entering from a mobile phone - the version may be different. The mobile version and the version from the computer are very different, the output for different versions is different.

    If you often come from a mobile phone, then the exit in the mobile version is at the bottom of the page, that is, on the left side, before scrolling down the page - from settings, then - help, full version, output.

    Or just use the function - go to the full version, by switching to the full version, which is displayed on the computer - you can see the button - Quitquot ;.

    I didn't immediately understand what, in fact, the question was. I thought that you cannot exit the mobile version of VKontakte from your phone. If so, you can go to the phone's task manager and simply remove the task.

    If you have a problem on the computer itself, then I never even paid attention to the fact that at the bottom of the VKontakte page there is a quot button; mobile version and full versionquot ;. Just click on the version you need.

    I rarely leave the VKontakte application on my smartphone. There were a couple of times when my son needed to go to his page.

    First, on the menu (where your avatar, news, replies, messages and so on in the list) select the settings, open. In the settings menu at the very bottom there will be a line to exit. Press and exit.

    Pull page to the right. In the main menu in the mobile version, go to settings. Next, go down the list. There will be button quit. Click on not and exit the mobile version.

    There is another option. If you change the account password on your computer In contact, then the account on the mobile phone itself can quit. Something like that.

    Previously, I sat on Vkontakte only from a computer or laptop. The phone was inferior and there was no way to access the Internet through it.

    After we connected the Wi-Fi at home and my husband gave me a good phone. Since then, she began to go to the social network through the phone. And when I first looked for a button quit in the mobile application Vkontakte - pretty much tormented. In the mobile version, unlike the full version of the application, the exit is in the menu on the left. You need to open the settings and scroll to the very bottom. When you click this button, the data will be reset and a window will appear in which you are prompted to enter your username and password to enter your social network account.

    If you are sit in the mobile version through a browser, you should go to the full version (button in the upper left corner) and exit in the usual way.

When do you need to log out of your VK account? For example, if you want to go to the site under a different profile of yours, or, say, you came to visit your friends and decided to go to the site under your own name, but in order that no one else could enter it, you must log out of your account. Today we will talk about how to do this in a variety of situations.

It is unlikely that you do not know that in order to log out of your account on your computer, you need to click on the “Log out” button located in the upper right part of the screen. It looks like this:

Often the problem is that by clicking on this button nothing happens at all, as a result of which the user does not understand what he needs to do. Indeed, such a problem exists, and not only on VKontakte, but also on a number of other Internet projects. What this is connected with is difficult to say, since each case must be considered separately, but in any case, the problem lies in the browser, and therefore we will tell you how to solve this issue.

There are two ways. So, you can simply use another browser to log into another of your accounts. But if you want to use only this browser, then it is advisable to clear the cookies and cache. How to do it? Very simple: press CTRL + SHIFT + DELETE and a window will open (this method works for Google Chrome and Mozilla Firefox, it probably works for Opera as well). Check the boxes next to "Cache" and "Cookies" and select "All" at the top of the window. Then click "Delete Now" and wait for all data to be deleted, it may take a while. Please note that in this case, deauthorization occurs in all accounts where you previously passed authorization. After this procedure, there should be no problems with logging out of the VK account.

How to log out of VK on all devices at once?

This method is suitable for those users who may have noticed suspicious activity in their account. For example, a rogue ip address. In this case, you need to not only end the session on all devices, but also change the password in your account.

To end all sessions, go to "My Settings".

Select the "Security" tab and the "Activity History" item.

If you are using a mobile device based on the Android or iOS operating system, then you are probably using the VK mobile application. Getting out of it is easy.

First of all, go to "Settings".

At the bottom of the page that opens, we see the "Exit" button. Click on it and deauthorization occurs.

Actually, this is the end of the whole process.

How to log out of VKontakte?

What if you want to get out of it? In this tutorial, I will show you how to log out of VKontakte on all devices.

If we are sitting on VKontakte from a computer

Everything is very simple here. We go to our page and open the menu in the upper right corner of the screen. Then we press the button "Exit".

To prevent any data from being saved in the browser, you need to clear the cache. Let's do this using the example of Mozilla Firefox. Open the menu and press the "Settings" button.

Open the "Privacy" tab, and click the "Delete individual cookies" link.

We enter in the search "", and press the button "Delete all".

All your saved data will now be deleted.

How to log out of VKontakte on a tablet or phone (Android, iOS)?

If you are using the application on your mobile device, you need to do the following (see download the VKontakte application for android).

Launch the application, open the menu and go to the "Settings" section.

Scroll to the bottom of the page, and click the "Exit" button.

How to log out of Vkontakte from all devices at once

In the event that you want to log out from all devices at the same time, there is one way.

This can be useful if you suspect that your account has been hacked (see how to hack a VKontakte page).

So, go to Vkontakt, open the menu and go to the settings.

We go to the "Security" tab. Here in the "Last Activity" section, we need to click on the "End All Sessions" link.

Your session will be terminated on all devices. Do not forget to change your VKontakte password.

Video lesson: how to leave the VKontakte page

Read also:

As I said, logging out of VKontakte on all devices can be useful to you if you do not want someone to use your page. For example, if you give your tablet for use.

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How to leave a Contact?

Today I would like to talk about one very interesting issue related to the VK site. I received several letters in which users tell that they cannot leave the Contact by clicking on the button of the same name. In fact, you can log out in another way, but how exactly, you will learn from this article.

How to log out of VKontakte on all devices?

This question, perhaps, appears most often. And the essence is as follows: the user uses several devices for the Internet at once, with the help of which he also visits his page in the most popular social network in the Russian Federation.

In order to complete all possible sessions, you can go from each device to your page and click on the "Exit" button. But you can do it much easier. Log into your account and select the "My Settings" menu located on the left side of the screen. Here select the Security tab and in the Activity History section click on the End All Sessions link.

Everything, you are logged out on all devices except the current one.

How do I exit the browser?

If you cannot exit the browser by clicking on the "Exit" button on the right side of the screen, this is at least unusual. But judging by the statistics, users encounter such a problem quite often. How to be?

If you need to log into another account, you can open any other browser and go to the page you need with it. Or you can try clearing the cookies.

For example, in the case of Google Chrome, you will need to press the key combination CTRL + SHIFT + DELETE and select "Cookies and other site and plugin data." You can also check the box next to the item "Images and other files saved to the cache". Click "Clear History" (all time). In this case, you can log out not only on VKontakte, but also on other resources, including postal services.

In the event that Mozilla Firefox is used, you need to go to "Settings", the "Privacy" tab - "show cookies" - "Delete cookies".

How to get out on Android?

If you use the proprietary VKontakte application for Android, you can sign out of your account as follows. There is a menu on the left side, scroll down until you see the "Settings" section. Tap on it and scroll down again - here you will see the "Sign out" button next to your name. Just tap it.

How do I leave the group?

If you are subscribed to a group or an interesting page, then it will not be difficult to leave it. Go to the group and pay attention to the small menu under the avatar. Click on "You are in a group" and then select "Leave group".

If we are talking about an interesting page, click on "You are subscribed to news", then - "Unsubscribe from news".

If you have any questions, please contact us.

How to log out of VK

With the update of the site versions, as well as the application for the mobile phone, many users asked themselves the question: where is the exit button from Vkontakte now? Let's consider in detail how to do this in different versions of the site.

How to log out of VK in the browser

Everything remained relatively simple here:

  • find your avatar thumbnail in the upper right corner,
  • next to you you will see a small arrow, click on it,
  • select “Exit” from the drop-down list.

Done: you are logged out of your page. In addition, if you went to your VK page from a friend's browser, and did not click on the "this is my computer" checkbox during authorization, rest assured, the browser will not remember your password.

How to exit VK from a mobile application

At the moment, the Vkontakte site has one official application and two very popular unofficial ones. We will take a look at the two that are at the top of the play market.

For users of the official app:

  • scroll down the left black menu,
  • find a gear among the icons,

  • click on it,
  • the application settings will open in front of you,
  • scroll them to the very bottom,
  • you will see the Log Out field, this is what you need.

Click on it and you will be logged out of your account.

For the equally popular Kate Mobile application, the instructions look slightly different:

  • find three dots in the upper right corner,
  • click on them,
  • in the drop-down menu, select "Quit", this is the bottom line.

  • You are now logged out of your Vkontakte. To make it easier to sign in again, use the password wizard in your browser.

Today we will try to understand how to log out of "VK" on a computer and not only. The social network "VKontakte" is used by many modern users. But sometimes it becomes necessary to log out of your account. For example, when you change it. How to do it? What tips and tricks will help bring your idea to life?

A computer

Let's start with the fact that the device with which the user works plays an important role. Thinking about how to log out of "VK" on a computer, it is important to realize that the process will be somewhat different from the operation performed when changing an account on mobile devices. This is due to the difference in the interfaces of the computer and mobile versions of VK.

So, to log out of your VKontakte profile on your PC, you will need:

  1. Open
  2. In the upper right corner of the page, click on the username.
  3. Select the "Exit" command in the function menu.

That's all. At this point, the user will be logged out of their profile. Now you can re-authorize or log in with different data.

mobile version

It is clear how to exit the "VK" on the computer. And the next tip will help bring your idea to life if you are using the mobile version of the service. It doesn't matter if it's on a computer or a mobile device.

In this situation, the guide to logging out of the VKontakte profile will look like this:

  1. Log in to the social network using the website.
  2. Scroll through the menu to the very end.
  3. Click on the "Exit" button. This is usually a gray line.

Fast, simple, convenient. It is important to understand that the user will only log out of the profile on a specific device. The one he worked with.

From the program

It's no secret that VK has special programs with which you can work with the social network directly from mobile devices. Such applications make life much easier. But the exit from the questionnaire will have to be done a little differently under similar circumstances.

How to exit VK? On a computer, the actions are already clear to us. If the user works with a special application for VK, you will need:

  1. Log in to the program using your profile.
  2. Open the main menu of the questionnaire.
  3. Go to the "Settings" item.
  4. Scroll through the page and click on "Exit".

Nothing confusing or special. A similar instruction will help you log out of your VK account on any mobile device when using the applications of the same name. What other tips and tricks are there on this?

Immediately and everywhere

It's hard to believe, but with certain actions, the user will be able to log out of the profile at once on all devices. Such an operation may be required if a person suspects an account hack.

Exit from "VK" on all devices is carried out as follows:

  1. Click on the username in the upper right corner of the website.
  2. Select "Settings".
  3. Open the "Security" section.
  4. Click on the line "End all sessions".

In this case, all current sessions of working with the profile are interrupted. Now all that remains is to change the login information.

When do you need to log out of your VK account? For example, if you want to go to the site under a different profile of yours, or, say, you came to visit your friends and decided to go to the site under your own name, but in order that no one else could enter it, you must log out of your account. Today we will talk about how to do this in a variety of situations.

It is unlikely that you do not know that in order to log out of your account on your computer, you need to click on the “Log out” button located in the upper right part of the screen. It looks like this:

Often the problem is that by clicking on this button nothing happens at all, as a result of which the user does not understand what he needs to do. Indeed, such a problem exists, and not only, but also a number of other Internet projects. What this is connected with is difficult to say, since each case must be considered separately, but in any case, the problem lies in the browser, and therefore we will tell you how to solve this issue.

There are two ways. So, you can simply use another browser to log into another of your accounts. But if you want to use only this browser, then it is advisable to clear the cookies and cache. How to do it? Very simple: press CTRL + SHIFT + DELETE and a window will open (this method works for Google Chrome and Mozilla Firefox, it probably works for Opera as well). Check the boxes next to "Cache" and "Cookies" and select "All" at the top of the window. Then click "Delete Now" and wait for all data to be deleted, it may take a while. Please note that in this case, deauthorization occurs in all accounts where you previously passed authorization. After this procedure, there should be no problems with logging out of the VK account.

How to log out of VK on all devices at once?

This method is suitable for those users who may have noticed suspicious activity in their account. For example, a rogue ip address. In this case, you need not only to end the session on all devices, but also.

To end all sessions, go to "My Settings".

Select the "Security" tab and the "Activity History" item.

How to log out of VKontakte on a tablet or phone (Android, iOS)?

If you are using a mobile device based on the Android or iOS operating system, then you are probably using the VK mobile application. Getting out of it is easy.

First of all, go to "Settings".

At the bottom of the page that opens, we see the "Exit" button. Click on it and deauthorization occurs.

Actually, this is the end of the whole process.

Today we will try to understand how to log out of "VK" on a computer and not only. The social network "VKontakte" is used by many modern users. But sometimes you need to log out of your account. For example, when you change it. How to do it? What tips and tricks will help you bring your idea to life?


Let's start with the fact that the device with which the user works plays an important role. Thinking about how to log out of "VK" on a computer, it is important to realize that the process will be somewhat different from the operation performed when changing an account on mobile devices. This is due to the difference in the interfaces of the computer and mobile version of VK.

So, to exit the profile in "VKontakte" on a PC, you will need:

  • Open
  • In the upper right corner of the page, click on the username.
  • Select the "Exit" command in the function menu.
  • That's all. At this point, the user will be logged out of their profile. Now you can re-authorize or log in under other data.

    Mobile version

    It is clear how to exit "VK" to a computer. And the following advice will help to bring the idea to life if you are using the mobile version of the service. It doesn't matter if it's on a computer or a mobile device.

    In this situation, the guide for logging out of the profile in VKontakte will look like this:

  • Log in to the social network using the website.
  • Scroll through the menu to the very end.
  • Click on the "Exit" button. This is usually a gray line.
  • Fast, simple, convenient. It is important to understand that the user will only log out of the profile on a specific device. The one he worked with.

    From the program

    It is no secret to anyone that VK has special programs with which you can work with the social network directly from your mobile devices. These applications make life much easier. But the exit from the questionnaire will have to be carried out in such circumstances, a little differently.

    How to exit VK? On a computer, the actions are already clear to us. If the user works with a special application for VK, you will need:

  • Log in to the program using your profile.
  • Open the main menu of the profile.
  • Go to the "Settings" item.
  • Scroll through the page and click on "Exit".
  • Nothing incomprehensible or special. Such an instruction will help you log out of your VK account on any mobile device when using the applications of the same name. What other tips and tricks are there?

    Immediately and away

    It's hard to believe, but with certain actions, the user will be able to log out of the profile on all devices at once. Such an operation may be required if a person suspects account hacking.

    Exit from "VK" on all devices is carried out as follows:

  • Click on the username in the upper right corner of the website.
  • Select "Settings".
  • Open the section "Security".
  • Click on the line "End all sessions".
  • In this case, all current sessions of work with the profile are interrupted. Now it remains only to mark the login data.

    Change password

    How to log out of "VK" on a computer? The answer to this question will no longer give you any trouble, just like logging out of the profile on any other device.

    The last trick that users recommend is to change the password. This trick allows you to log out of the account on all devices except the one with which the person is currently working.

    To change the password for entering "VK", you need:

  • Open "Settings" - "General".
  • Click on the "Change" button opposite the "Password" item.
  • Enter the new password 2 times. You will also have to write the old password once.
  • Click on "Change".
  • Enter the operation confirmation code. It will be sent to the mobile device of the user linked to the profile, or by e-mail.

    Now, to enter the VK profile, you will need to use the new profile data. When the password is changed, an automatic logout occurs from all devices on which the questionnaire was used.

    Cookies and cache

    We are talking about clearing the cache and cookies. If you delete the listed data in the browser, you will automatically log out of the social network. This can be done either through the settings of the application for accessing the Internet (in the "Settings" - "History" section), or by working with Ccleaner.

    The page of each user on the VKontakte social network keeps many secrets about him, to which a person would not want other people to have access through negligence. But at the same time, it is not always possible to use VK exclusively from your devices. Sometimes you need to log into VKontakte from someone else's computer or phone. In such a situation, it is important to know how to log out of VKontakte correctly, so that later the user cannot use your data to log in to the social network.

    Table of contents:

    How to log out of VKontakte from a computer

    First of all, we will deal with the computer, because most often it is on someone else's PC that the user enters his personal data from the VK page, after which he risks losing it. To completely log out of your VKontakte account, you need to do the following.

    The first step is to log out of the social network account itself. To do this, you need to hover over your avatar in the upper right corner and select "Exit" from the drop-down menu.

    Often at this point, users think that everything necessary has been done, but this is not at all the case. It is also imperative to clear the browser cache by removing information about your login and password from VKontakte from it, which was automatically saved. The actions will vary slightly depending on which browser you are using. Let's consider deleting cache and cookies in Google Chrome browser.

    Click in the upper right corner of the browser on the three vertically located dots, then select the "Settings" option in the drop-down menu.

    A new page will open in the browser, which you need to scroll to the very end and click on the "Advanced" button.

    After that, a list of hidden options will open. Here you need to find the "Passwords and Forms" section and click on the "Configure" item.

    A list of sites for which the password is saved by the browser will open. There is a search at the top of the list. Enter in it to find all saved passwords from VKontakte.

    Please note: This article does not cover the option when the computer owner can use special programs to save your password.

    How to log out of VKontakte on the phone

    Now we will consider the option of logging out of the VKontakte social network after logging into the mobile application. It is important to note here that below will be instructions for the official mobile app. In general, most often the actions to log out of the VKontakte account in unofficial clients are not very different.

    To log out of VKontakte on your phone, open the menu and select "Settings".

    Scroll to the bottom of the opened page and click on the "Sign out" button to sign out of your account.

    Please note: If you are logged into VKontakte in a browser on your phone, the way to exit it practically does not differ from the one described above for a computer.

    How to log out of your VKontakte account on all devices

    If you need to log out of your VKontakte account at the same time on all devices, this can be done using regular social network tools without taking appropriate actions on each device separately.

    In the upper right corner on the VKontakte page, hover over your avatar and select "Settings" from the drop-down menu.

    After that, on the right, switch to the "Security" tab. Next to the item "Last activity" you will see the button "End all sessions" - click on it to log out of your VK account on all devices.

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