Why do you need a red string. Red Row in Word

Pedagogues elementary school I am pleased to tell funny stories about how kids, without understanding the value of the "Red string" expression, draw on the line of the pencil line, from which they start. However, the red string does not have colors, moreover, it is nothing but noticed, it is just an indentation from the edge of the paper, denoting a new one, the first in paragraph.

Traditional education under the red string involves the first string of paragraph, which is recruited with an indent to one and a half centimeters from the edge of the sheet or the fold of the document.

There are two theories that explain in different ways the origin of this phrase. According to the first theory, the red is called a separate string in the text. This string begins with the mentioned retirement. The emergence of such an expression is associated with history.

It is believed that for the first time a red string was used in Egypt. It was her writing that the writings began a new paragraph and really highlighted it in red, whereas the whole remaining text wrote black paint.

Letters and letters

However, his red row was born in Russia. It is known that it was quite beautiful from the point of view of calligraphy. Writing of books represented patterned figures that were signed using artistic elements. However, it was extremely long to withdraw each cluster of the text, it served as a reason for the simplification of the letter. The tildids appeared, which were reduced (they are still used in church), and they themselves became laconic, the number of their elements has been minimized, the first paragraph, and later each new page Traditionally remained beautiful, or as they said, red. She was discharged, observing the canons, did, this letter was different, sometimes occupying up to three lines in height.

Write a red letter trusted only masters. Drew it for a long time and beautiful after the main text was recorded on the page, and therefore the painting simply left some space for her at the beginning of the line. Thus, a large red letter at the beginning of paragraph simply moved the rest of the text for a couple of centimeters from the edge of the paper. An indent has become familiar, and even after the unification of the alphabet and its simplification to the modern species, the abandon from red lettering, the indent remained, acquiring the name "Red Row".

Typography is a graphic design of printed text by font, colors and layouts.

Red string in typography

Representatives of the German typography of paint red color is highlighted by a headline located in the center and at the lowest level, on HTML pages, the tags are often designed. A similar value of the Red Row also has representatives of the new Russian typography, while the adherents of the old school under the red row still understand the string with the letter.

In school we were taught that each paragraph should begin with a red string, and we are thoughtlessly in mind. Even laws B. Russian Federation Digitter with a red string, even after the title. This is a terrible ignorance, which urgently needs to stop. And then, where did the red string come from, in the form in which they talk about her at school? Why did we teach us so much?

We were told that it was relevant to the old books, which were drawn up by the letters, and the red \u003d beautiful. We also told us that the first line was written in red paint. All this is not true, lie and fiction.

Where did the red string actually?

In fact, books in the Middle Ages as soon as they were not issued, there were red initiatives, and blue initiatives, and red lines, and no design. One thing can be said for sure, the set was very black. (In the sense of thick letters, small interbust and cargo distance, so paragraph itself looked very thickly.) Not as an example what you are reading now.

Different European medieval Bibles

Why do we then ridiculously move the first string of each paragraph? In the middle of the 20th century, the famous typographer Yan Chichold described the appearance of a red row in his book "Selected articles about book design", where he called her inquiring paragraph.

The current ugly sign of paragraph § There is nothing more than the forgotten version of the medieval sign Q, which initially could put in the middle of continuous lines and to write which was used by color paint. This sign indicated the beginning new group In the set. In the late Middle Ages, new set groups began to start with a new line, in front of which the said sign, usually written in red paint, was put in front of the old custom. For this sign, the photo must have left in the set free place. Subsequently, the paragraph sign began to enter everything less as yet, until, finally, did not come to the thoughts that paragraphic indent On the round and without a red sign is quite sufficient and reliable for the designation.
Source: "The appearance of the book: Selected articles about bookcase." M.: Missed, 2008; Original: Ausgewählte Aufsätze Über Fragenner Der Gestalt Des Buches und Der Typographie, 1948.

It turns out that the red string is only an evolutionary step in the typography.

How to use the red string?

In the same book, Chichold argues:

The paragraph indent on the round (indent of the size of the dash "-" approx. Aut.) Performs his duties and in our time, and more economical or, at least, the same good other means of the designation of the new paragraph has not been invented.

The author immediately indicates the main advantage of this excretory means - its economy. In Soviet textbooks, there were red rows everywhere, and narrow fields, and a small line interval. The solution is dictated by savings. Yeah, the smaller the indentation, intervals and paragraph indents, the more text will fit on the page and the less paper is needed for printing a book. In notebooks in the line also need a red string because there is no such thing as an indentation between paragraphs. And it turns out that if the goal is to save space or paper, it is quite appropriate to use a red string as a way to split text on paragraphs.

A typical set in textbooks is dictated by savings, not aesthetics.

So, since those times, everything is slammed the red string where you need and where it is not necessary. It is nice to understand that since 1948, the typography stepped forward very much, and now we can afford to abandon the Red Row, because it is ugly. Yes, the Red Row has shortcomings before other paragraph allocation methods. She is spoil appearance text. Pay attention to the set in the old books that were in the first illustration (above). There are paragraphs just perfect and smooth. They are aligned and on the right, and on the left edge, the text in them fills all the allocated space evenly as a homogeneous pattern. And the red rows create ugly hooks, like hooks on a beloved sweater.

Why it is important, you can read more in the book "Basics of style in the typography" Robert Bryngherst

When you can not use a red string?

Now there is no need to save as in Soviet times. The site is infinitely a lot of space, the screen of the tablet and the phone is comfortable leaving in any direction, and here the typography should be used not to save, but to achieve a certain aesthetics and readability. Fortunately, despite the objections of the old chichold, the red line is an alternative and moreover, this reception is already used almost everywhere. This is just a vertical paragraph indent. Or the end vertical space of several points, if in other words.

Lenta.ru and Nytimes.com have not used a red string for a long time.

Medium and hundreds of other editions use the usual paragraph indent to share paragraphs among themselves, and you use! In general, throw out the red string already on the garbage, there is enough space in the Internet.

Where are Prufs, Billy? We need Prufs.

"In the words you Lion Tolstoy, but in practice?" - Ask you and you will be right. To not be unfounded, let's look at the example. Take the text of the law as it is released now. And let's try to improve the layout taking into account the acquired knowledge. Consider for example the federal law "On Amendments to Article 13 and 104 FZ Bla, Bla, Bla ...". So in this form, laws are now published on Gov.ru.

Now laws are printed in this form.

As you can see, here we have a subtitle from the Red Row and the paragraphs themselves and even items. Here we cannot change the font drawing, and its chromaticity, they are toughly fixed in GOST. Yes, it is not necessary. In order to improve the perception of this document to begin with logically divide the document visually into two parts: the header and the text of the article. In the text of the article, we will remove the red rows, the horse-line interval (apparently, for the purpose of economy) and add hoods for text items headers to simplify the navigation on the document.

Pavel Surekov

Research work in the Russian language. The paper presents the history of the origin of the Red Row, the rules for its use in the text.



"From a red row, with a clean sheet,

New poems, new words ... "

In the first grade in the lessons of the Russian language, the teacher told us about the compliance with the Red Row on the letter in the design of texts, the beginning of a new type of work. She taught us to indent on the row to the right at least 2 cm (two fingers). I became interested in what a red string is why it is so called and why do you need? After all, even in the 4th grade, the teacher still reminds us of the Red Row, and many guys still make mistakes when making texts. I decided to learn about the origin of the rule of red row and help the guys not allow such errors.

Purpose of the work: to find out where the concept of "Red Row" came from that it means how it is used in Russian.


Conduct a study in the class in order to clarify the knowledge of children about the Red Row;

Explore the literature on this issue;

Make a memo for classmates "Rules of the Red Row"

Research methods:


Search for information in books and the Internet;

Systematization of knowledge in a memo

To begin with, I decided to find out what my classmates know about the Red Row. There were 20 people surveyed.

I asked them 4 questions:

What is a red string?

Why is the red string called red?

Why do you need a red string?

Red row and paragraph is the same or not?

As a result of the survey, I found out that more than 50% of respondents believe that the Red Row is the beginning of a new thought, a new paragraph, "show" of the new part of the text. There were also opinions that this is a string on which it is not written first that this is the beginning of the sentence, and even an unnecessary place where it is impossible to write.

Answering the second question, the guys expressed the opinions that the Red Row is so called because if you do not notice it, then the teacher with a red handle will allocate this error; that the string is important, and all important is isolated in red; That from the red line of the fields need to make an indent and also that invented it on Red Square.

When classmates answered a question why a red string is needed, the statements were very similar - the red line is needed to separate the semantic parts of the text.

And almost everything in response to the fourth question answered that paragraph and the red row is not the same.

After the survey, I decided to find answers to these questions in books and the Internet.

First, in the Great Encyclopedic Dictionary I found the answer to the question what a red string is.

The red string is a separate string located exactly along the central axis of the set format. Previously, a red string was called the first string of paragraph. In handwritten books reproduced by cinnabar (hence the name).

Secondly, it was possible to figure out the history of the Red Row.

Red Row - All the famous typographic reception, which is taught at the very first lesson in elementary school. Attach your hand to the notebook for registration and retreat the distance of about two fingers, thereby designating the beginning of the new paragraph, the new thought of the author. What could be easier? In fact, this reception has an extensive and interesting story.

A long time ago, before the invention of the typography of the famous Gutenberg, there was already a way to designate in the text where one thought of the author ends and the other begins. This method did not have anything in common with how paragraphs were allocated in books. No retirement at the beginning of the line existed, as well as there was no transfer to new string basically. The text was a solid wall, and the gap showed special symbolwhich, perhaps, saw everything who ever used the Microsoft Word Program - ¶

Why "from the Red Row"? Because red - color of fire. The fire has always collected people around themselves for conversation or meals. The fire warmed, but could and burn. Red is an alarm color and warnings. The expression - "from the Red Row" reminds us of the history of Russia, about times, when there was not yet a typography, and the most important books rewritten the correspondencers. In ancient manuscripts, the same text was usually written in ink, and the initial letters of paragraphs disappeared by cinnabar (red paint), and later and drawings, sometimes sprinkled. These letters, and on them and all the first lines of paragraphs and chapters called "red" (that is, beautiful). Remember the expression "Krasno Maiden", "Red Angle in Izbe", "Red Square".

With the transition to printed books, the old custom did not lose little Only the name associated with it is preserved.

"Red string" is called a string, the beginning of which shifted a little right ... right - towards the truth ...?

"From the Red Row" - a new look at the usual phenomena, a side view of the truth.

The appointment of the "Red Row" is to designate the beginning of a new paragraph. There are two ways for the designation of the new paragraph - a red string (usually in the artistic literature) and an enlarged interval between paragraphs (in scientific).

Paragraph (German ABSATZ) - a red string, literally - a ledge, partition, part of the text) - a written speech segment consisting of several offers.(From Wikipedia)

Currently, the paragraph is explained as:

1) indent in the initial line of printed or handwritten text.

2) part of the text associated with semantic unity and allocated by indentation of the first line.

Having learned the answers to all the questions that I was interested, I decided to make a memo"Rules of the Red Row".

And that's what I did.

The first line is an important string!

Attit two fingers to the line -

Retreat slightly -

You will have a red string.

Test all thoughts in order

To the text be clear, smooth!

Every thought - his paragraph,

Separate it with a red string!


A red string is an important technique with a letter that serves to indicate the beginning of a new thought or a new type of work in the lesson.

The red row has a historical beginning from ancient Russian handwritten books.

The paragraph in the text begins with a red string.

Having a red string in the text, we make the text more convenient to read and understand.

Working on this topic, I learned a lot of new things for myself not only about the rule of the Russian language, but also some information from the history of Russia. In the future, I would like to know, and whether there is a red line in other languages \u200b\u200band how thoughts are separated during the letter.

Used materials

10. Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

11.Solochik M.S. Kuzmenko N.S. Russian language. To the secrets of our language.

Section: Russian

Municipal budgetary educational institution

Kirov district of the city of Novosibirsk

"Secondary school № 63 with in-depth learning English"

Surenkov Pavel, 4 "b" class

Topic: Red Row

Consultant teacher:

Beetle Svetlana Leonidovna,

primary class teacher

contact phone: 3440331

Novosibirsk - 2012.


Why did I choose this topic?

Goals and work tasks

Main part

Survey among classmates;

The concept of "Red Row";

History of the Red Row;

The concept of "paragraph"

4. Practical part

Memo "Rules of the Red Row"

5. Conclusions


To enjoy previewing the presentations, create an account ( account) Google and log in to it: https://accounts.google.com

Signatures for slides:

Red row work performed at Chenik 4B class MBOU SOSH No. 63 Surenkov Pavel

What is a red string? The red string is a separate string located exactly along the central axis of the set format. Previously, a red string was called the first string of paragraph. In handwritten books reproduced by cinnabar (hence the name). (Big Encyclopedic Dictionary)

In the manuscripts, a special symbol for breaking text ¶

Color of fire

The page of an ancient book

Sustainable expressions of Krasno Maiden Red Angle in Hollow Red Square with Red Row

What is paragraph? Paragraph (German ABSATZ) - a red string, literally - a ledge, partition, part of the text) - a written speech segment consisting of several offers. (From Wikipedia)

"Rules of the Red Row" The first line is an important string! Attach two fingers to the line - retreat slightly, - you will get a red row. Test all thoughts in order so that the text is clear, smooth! Each thought - its paragraph, separate his red string!

Each of us who wrote the school dictation, I heard and remembers the handling of the literature teacher "from the Red Row start to write." Where did the term "red string" go?

From school bench trained, the Russians know that every new paragraph starts with a letter from a red row. This is called indentation of the edge of paper, which is usually equal to one and a half centimeters.

Any normal schoolboy is able to answer the question of what a red string is. This is the first line of paragraph, starting a small indent from the left edge of the notebook or book field. The size of the indent is quite simple - attaching two fingers. This technique is used for logical text separation into parts. But why is the string called red? In its color, it is not different from their other lines of text.

Elementary school teachers are happy to tell funny stories about how kids, without understanding the meaning of the "Red Row" expression, draw on the line with a color pencil line, from which to write. However, the red line does not have colors, moreover, it is nothing but noticed, it's just an indentation of the edge of paper, denoting a new offer, first in paragraph.

A long time ago, before the invention of the typography of the famous Gutenberg, there was already a way to designate in the text where one thought of the author ends and the other begins. This method did not have anything in common with how paragraphs were allocated in books. No retirement at the beginning of the line existed, as well as did not exist and transfer to a new line in principle. The text was a solid wall, and the gap was shown by a special symbol, which, perhaps, saw everything that ever used the Microsoft Word program.

Row transfer, Return carriage, paragraph sign, Alinai - Streamed Pilcrow icon (Unicode 0x00B6) Call now in any way, and few people come to mind that this is not an invention of Word, but a sign with almost a thousand years. The shape of the sign originates from the letter C, the first letter of the Latin word Capitulum - Chapter, or chapter. As far as the author is known, the sign was finally formed in 1400-1450, but was transformed approximately as follows:

The modern sign of paragraph § is a degenerate version of this initial badge, which was put inside the line and stand out in color, denoting the beginning of a new meaning group of proposals. Before the invention of typography, the sign fited into books by a person by a separate person - the rubricator.

There are two theories that explain in different ways the origin of this phrase. According to the first theory, the red is called a separate string in the text. This string begins with the mentioned retirement. The emergence of such an expression is associated with history.

It is believed that for the first time a red string was used in Egypt. It was her writing that the writings began a new paragraph and really highlighted it in red, whereas the whole remaining text wrote black paint.

However, his red row was born in Russia. It is known that the first alphabet was quite beautiful from the point of view of calligraphy. Writing of books represented patterned figures that were signed using artistic elements. However, it was extremely long to withdraw each cluster of the text, it served as a reason for the simplification of the letter. Tildes appeared, which reduced words (they are still used in church texts), and the letters themselves became laconic, the number of their elements has been minimized, the first letter of paragraph, and later, and each new page traditionally remained beautiful, or as they said, red . It was discharged, by observing the canons, made color, was distinguished by this letter and dimensions, sometimes occupying up to three lines in height.

Write a red letter trusted only masters. Drew it for a long time and beautiful after the main text was recorded on the page, and therefore the painting simply left some space for her at the beginning of the line. Thus, a large red letter at the beginning of paragraph simply moved the rest of the text for a couple of centimeters from the edge of the paper. An indent has become familiar, and even after the unification of the alphabet and its simplification to the modern species, the abandon from red lettering, the indent remained, acquiring the name "Red Row".

Representatives of the German typography of paint red color is highlighted by a headline located in the center and at the lowest level, on HTML pages, the tags are often designed. A similar value of the Red Row also has representatives of the new Russian typography, while the adherents of the old school under the red row still understand the string with the letter.

The second theory is similar to the first. Capital letters Not always were red, but almost always beautiful, patterned, interesting. From the word beautiful and went red. Remember in fairy tales spoke "Krasno Maiden"? This is not from the fact that the girls had red, but due to the fact that the girls were beautiful. From this and it turns out beautiful letter - "Red line". Also everything is logical and plausible.

Sources: kakprosto.ru, Lovemedia.net, WEXPLAIN.RU, Krasnyj-cvet.ru

Registration of documents, obeys certain requirements. One of the most common requirements, paragraph must begin with a red line, that is, with a larger retreat from the edge than the rest of the text.

We will figure it out in practice how you can make a red string in the text Word and what difficulties may arise.

Red string - why is it needed?

Red string, together with fields, are an important part of a text document. In many ways, it is associated with the psychological features of the perception of the eyes and the brain.

For example, about 1/5 of the page area occupy fields. At the same time, the batter of the fields from above, from the bottom and on the sides they have different sizes.

Put a very simple experiment, find any text document, it is desirable that the letters completely filled the sheet and cut the fields to zero. Now answer the question, how is it easier to read, with fields or without?.

The same laws work in the works of painting. Imagine "three heroes" written by the right corner of the picture. The composition will be irretrievably violated.

Such questions are engaged in huge number of publishers, artists of books, fonts and polygraphists. This is the psychological aspects of perception and processing of information by a person.

"Red lines", paragraphs, initials and bets in the strings of the text - and there is a part of these aspects.

Thanks to the red string, the text becomes visual, it is easier to read and perceive. From it begins new paragraphs to which the document is divided within the meaning.

A red string indicates a new thought, a semantic segment.

But why is this indent call "red"?

According to one of the versions, in ancient times, all the documents began with the initiatives, which was artisticly depicted, had a certain meaning and ... very often depicted in red.

We will figure it out how to set a red string in Word documents.

What size of the red string to use according to GOST

From school I remember when the red string was noted applying two fingers to the corner of the notebook. Where the second finger ended, a red string should start there.

In school, passed to right deedsBut over time the person grows and changing and where the two fingers of the student ended there before, everything will be different in an adult.

Red string has quite concrete sizes that are spelled out according to GOST.

Unlike other indents, the size of the red string for all types of documents according to GOST is the same: 1.25 cm.

Regardless of whether term course, abstract, thesis Or just a document, the requirements for the first retirement in the same paragraph.

How to make a red string in word

In all versions editor Word., You can arrange an indentation in several ways. In this section, consider each method separately, and you should understand that each method is used for certain needs and under certain conditions.

Install a red string using the Tab key

The option is fast and simple. Need:

  1. Set courses to the beginning of the lines of interest of the paragraph.
  2. Press the "TAB" key.

The latest keyboard options do not contain signatures on the "Tab" button, but have a drawing of the arrow of the Welder.

Pressing an indentation of the edge of the text appears. When you allocate the entire text and press the Tab key, the indent appears not only at the beginning of the paragraph, the entire text is completely shifted.

If you want to make an indent in each paragraph and there are many of them, this method is problematic. It is easier to configure the command at once for the entire document.

Adjusting the retirement for the red string

Electronic documents do not always need to add a red string, but if necessary, it is better to use the retreat settings and set the rule to start each paragraph from a red row.

Configure the red string in Word (no matter what version), in the following way:

  1. Select all the text in the document by using the "Select All" button on the main tab, or press "Ctrl" + "A".

    By the way, in the article "", it was explained in detail how the text can be distinguished. Be sure to read this article, the TK is extremely important for Word users.

  2. Click on the right mouse button and choose the list "paragraph". A window opens in which you can set the value of the indent in the first row. We write the desired value to click "OK".
  3. The same can be done using the "Page Markup" tab, we find the subsection "Paragraph" and click on the arrow in the lower right corner. In the "indent" block, set an indent for the first string.

If you pre-allocate all the text, the red line will appear only in the paragraph on which the cursor stood.

Retreat of a red string with markers

Paragraph of the Red Row, can be done using the ruler markers. In this case, it will not be possible to set some accurate value that it is possible to attribute to cons, but if the GOST is not required or other rules, this method will be the fastest.

  1. Activate the line on the "View" tab of the LINE command, where you need to put a tick in the window. On top and left of the document will appear dividing the line.
  2. We allocate the entire text of the document.
  3. There are two markers on the line: the marker indicating down and the marker indicating up. Move to the right side of the marker indicating down. A red row indent will appear for all paragraphs in the document.

The marker indicating down, only the first string of each paragraph will move. Marker indicating up, move the whole text.

Creating a new style "with a red string"

When working S. documents Word.The tasks come across when for several documents, it was necessary to put a certain size indent for the red string.

The time most expensive what we have, and you need to be able to save. Having created the style of S. necessary parametersIt will be enough to apply it for the current document that it saves time to prevent a series of manipulations.

Creating your style - the process of long, but by creating once, you can always use it.

  1. Find on the main tab of the "Styles" subsection.
  2. By clicking on the right mouse button in any of them, choose "Change ...". The window opens with a multitude of parameters.
  3. We ask everything that may be required: font size, text alignment and others. Click on the "Format" button at the bottom of the window, select the "paragraph". For the first line, we set an indent and its size.
  4. In order to be used in the future, choose "Add to express styles list" check mark. It is usually chosen automatically. We put the point in the option "In new documents using this template".

How to change the red string

A document in which, when formatting, the operator set as a certain size of a red row paragraph is set. Well, if this size matches our requirements, otherwise you will have to change the size of the red string.

In fact, the change in the incidence, no different from the topic described above that answers the question "how to make a red row indent".

  1. We allocate entire text entirely.
  2. Go to the "Paragraph" settings by clicking on the text right-click and selecting the "paragraph" command.
  3. In the "indent" block, set an indent of the paragraph of the first line.

By the way, when it was known that the Red String of paragraph should be present in the document, it can be set before a set of text. Then, each first line, each paragraph, will automatically begin with a red string.

How to remove the red string

In the previous section, the case was considered in which it was necessary to change the existing indent.

Also, there are cases when the indent of the paragraph should be removed at all.

  1. Select entire text entirely or the partition in which you need to remove the red string.
  2. Go to the "Paragraph" settings by clicking on the text right-click and selecting the "paragraph" command, or in the "Page Markup" tab, in the Paragraph block, click on the arrow in the lower right corner.
  3. In the "Indent" block, set the "No" value for the "First Row" command.

The second way is to use the ruler markers.

Above it was described that markers are not the most best ideaIf you need to set exact dimensions, in this case, when the dimensions are not needed, the markers will remove the red string very quickly.

  1. We allocate the text entirely or the area of \u200b\u200binterest.
  2. Move the marker indicating down to the left edge of the document.

These methods will help remove the retreat of the red row from the document.

So set the red string in text document Word, as you already know, very simple. Use the knowledge gained only and format the text as you need in your case.

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