Discussions in the VKontakte group. How to add a discussion to a group in contact in a new design

Hello, friends! I think you have noticed that in various groups or public pages, administrators or subscribers create discussions, in which other people then take part. So, if you also have your own community, or maybe you have been chosen as a group administrator, then you should learn more about them. After all, they help to attract new subscribers: people share experiences, ask questions, etc., and increase user activity.

In this article, we will look at how to create new discussions in your group, pin one of them to the top of the list, edit the title or the text itself, close or delete those that are no longer relevant.

If you sell any product or provide various services, then it will help to attract new customers. You can read the detailed article by clicking on the link.


In order to add a new discussion in your Vkontakte group from a computer or laptop, go to your account and open the community home page. Under the main information and a block with photos there is a button "Add discussion ..." - click on it.

If you do not have such a field, then go to "Community Management" and go to the menu on the right to the "Sections" tab. See to it that the discussions are not "Off". Choose instead either Public (everyone in the group will be able to create) or Limited (only community editors and administrators create them).

If you want it to be added not on your behalf, but “on behalf of the community,” check the corresponding box. Click Create Topic.

A new thread will be added to the community.

If you want to edit the text in the group, then open the entire list with discussions and hover over the desired one. A pencil and a cross will appear at the top right. Click on the pencil to change the text.

This is what the list looks like on the group's main page. As you can see, I have 4 of them, but only 3 are visible. You can also sort them by update date and creation date.

If you want a certain one to always be displayed at the top of the list, regardless of dates, you can pin the discussion on the main page of the Vkontakte group.

To do this, open the entire list and find the one you need. Then click on it.

This window will appear. In it, put a check in the "Pin topic" box and click "Save".

Here you can also change the title and add a survey to it.

The pinned thread will now always appear at the top of the entire list on the home page.

If you have a group, then the block with discussions is above the news, if it is a public page, then it is placed on the right.

If you are interested, move so that this block is on the right side under the group's avatar and its members, then do the following. Above the list, click on the "edit" button.

In the next window, uncheck the box "Discussion block above group news" and click "Save".

You can also choose the number of topics to be displayed on the page and the type of sorting.

They are now displayed in a group on the right side.

If you need to return everything back and the question arises, how to make the discussions above so that they are displayed in front of the news feed, then, as it was written above, click on the "edit." and put a tick in the box "Discussion block above group news".

How to remove

You can create discussions on various topics, and if you see that users do not participate in some, then you can safely remove them from the list.

To do this, open the list and click on the one that you want to remove from the list.

In the next window, click on the "Delete Topic" button. A window will appear in which you need to confirm the deletion of the selected discussion.

If you do not want to remove a discussion from the list, but you no longer need subscribers to leave their comments there, then you can "Close the topic". In this case, it will be impossible to add a comment, but it will be possible to read all the discussion records.

In the list of group discussions, a pin will be displayed opposite the one that is pinned, and if it is closed, a lock will be displayed.

How to do from your phone

If you enter Vkontakte from your phone or tablet through the installed mobile application, then you will not be able to create a discussion in the group, provided that you have none there.

To do this, you can try to log into VK through a browser using the mobile version of the site. Then create at least one. Alternatively, you can create a discussion from the computer, as described in the first paragraph.

To increase the engagement of your audience (see), you must create threads and discussions. In them, users will communicate with each other, and get the opportunity to ask you questions that interest them.

Now I will teach you how to create a discussion.

Go to the community you want. Now open the menu and select the item.

Now go to the "Sections" tab, and in the "Discussions" section, select "Open".

To save the changes, click on the "Save" button.

How to create a discussion in a Vkontakte group

Return to the community home page. A new section has appeared here - discussions. We click with the mouse cursor on the title to switch to the editing mode.

On the next page, click on the "Create Topic" button.

We will move on to the form where we need to fill in the title and text. You can also add the necessary content - graphics, audio and video recordings. When you are ready, check the box "On behalf of the community", and click on the "Create Topic" button.

Our discussion will be created. Now users can view it and take part in the conversation.

You must track their activity, and, if necessary, enter into dialogue.


In any normal community, feedback from the administration to subscribers should be implemented. This can be done through discussions. Be sure to use this feature if you want to increase the loyalty of your members.


In contact with

Hello dear friends!

Let's talk about another effective tool for VKontakte functionality. Whether your community is young or old, commercial or created solely for the exchange of information among like-minded people, it will be useful for you to know how to create a discussion in the VKontakte group.

Add a discussion from your computer

Let's find out how to add categories for communication from a computer or laptop.

Adding to the public

We go to the public. Under the avatar, we find an icon with three dots - this is a menu of available actions. Click.

We choose the first action - "Community management".

In the menu that opens, we find the "Sections" block.

Check if the "Discussions" section is ticked. If necessary, put it and save the changes by clicking “Save”.

Below is the “Main Block” function - here you can choose which type of content will be accentuated.

If you choose the main discussion block, they will be displayed either under the header of the public, or after the goods (if any). It will look like the screenshot below.

By default, the section is on the right, below albums and videos.

If no discussion has been published before, then the section will be displayed exactly like this - with a link, by clicking on which, you can publish the first topic in the public.

The functionality is standard, as for any public message on the wall in VK: you can attach a photo, video, audio, statistics or poll. If you check the "On behalf of the community" checkbox, the new publication will be on behalf of the public.

You can use the search for messages by any word if you do not remember where the information you need is located.

To add a new discussion, click on the blue New Topic button.

A functional opens where it is possible to fix the selected heading, and then it will be displayed as the very first one above all the others.

There is also the "Close Topic" function. When using it, viewing will remain available to all participants, but it will no longer be possible to add new comments.

At the bottom left there is a button that you can use to permanently delete the discussion.

Customize the number of categories that will be displayed on the page, and sorting (by update date or creation date). To do this, from the main page of the community, click on the "edit."

A functional will appear where you can make the necessary adjustments.

After making the changes, click on the "Save" button.

Add to group

The interface for creating an exchange space is slightly different here.

In the same way, we take the first steps - you need to get into community management through the ellipsis icon. Under the “Settings” sector we find the “Sections” sector we need.

If discussions are turned off, you must turn them on. Choose whether they will be open when the post is available to all members, or restricted when only administrators can create them.

Below is the “Main block” function - set the value to “Discussions” there if you want them to be displayed immediately below the header on the page.

As in public, by default the section will be on the right above the contact block. It looks like this.

Creation, sorting, deletion and posting is the same as for a public.

How to create from a phone or tablet?

Open any browser and go to vk.com. We go to your account, then to the communities. Click on the link "Full version".

After that, it will be possible to add discussions also in the mobile application from VK both from the phone and from the tablet.


I hope this article helped you figure out how to create discussions, edit them and delete them if necessary.

This tool can be effectively used to promote and popularize communities, I recommend using it more actively. People need to leave room to express their opinions.

Of course, you shouldn't neglect moderation. The point is to allow subscribers and simply interested persons to participate in communication and see a live response from real people.

On this I say goodbye. I wish you, friends, to always be open to new opportunities that knock on your doors every day!

Discussions in VKontakte groups are one of the most successful and effective ways to communicate with your audience. With their help, you can not only share information, but also receive feedback, reviews, answer subscribers to certain questions and much more. Today we will analyze how to create a Vkontakte discussion in a group, what it will give and how to use them.

Discussions is one of the sections of the community. It can be turned on or off. And depending on the type of community (group or public page), it has certain features.

The main purpose of discussions is to interact with the public (whether it is simple communication or publishing news). One way or another, they are created for the participants.

Group or public page. What is the difference?

Someone thinks that there is not much difference, but it is not. After all, there are communities where people actively write, communicate or ask questions in discussions. And here the location or the ability to manage themes plays an important role.

So, for example, if you have a group, then the section with topics will be located in the middle of the screen, right above the news feed, and if there is a public - in the right column. It would seem - a trifle, but it turns out that people are much more willing to write exactly when this block is in sight (in the middle).

Also, the correct location can attract more attention. In cases when you advertise something, it plays a rather important role.

In the group, all members can create new topics (with certain settings), and on the public page only the administrator or editor.

Group discussions are usually entertaining. Here people communicate, share something, they can even play some games.

In public, discussions are created to inform their audience. For example, post information about a product / service, reviews, how to place or pay for an order, etc.

Create a group discussion

Let's walk through the process of creating group discussions. Below is a step by step guide:

  1. Further in "Sections".
  2. Find and turn on the "Discussions" item.

  1. Save your changes.
  2. After the actions taken, a new section appeared in your group. Click the Add Discussion button.
  1. Provide a title and text.

  1. Click "Create".

Now let's figure out how to add new themes.

  1. Go to discussion. To do this, just click on them.
  2. Next, you will see a list of all created themes. In the upper right corner, click the "Create" button.

  1. Provide a title and text.
  2. Click "Create".

As you can see, everything is extremely simple and clear.

Creating Discussions on a Public Page

The process for creating public discussions is almost the same, except for a few points.

Let's move on to the instructions:

  1. Go to Community Management.
  2. Further in "Sections";
  3. Check the box next to Discussion.

  1. Save your changes.
  2. After that, the "Add discussion" button appeared on the public page in the right column. Click it.

  1. Provide a title and text.
  2. Click "Save Topic".

The process for adding a new topic is exactly the same as for a group. Therefore, you should not have any difficulties.

How to pin or remove

If you want to completely delete the section, then you need to turn it off in the "Community Management" settings.

If you want to delete or fix a separate topic, then follow the instructions below:

  1. Go to discussions and select the topic you want to delete / pin.

  1. In the upper right corner, click the "Edit Theme" button.
  2. In the window that appears, you can pin, close or completely delete the topic. There is also an option to change the title and add a poll.

  1. After you have configured everything, click "Save".

Done. The saved settings take effect immediately. If the changes are not displayed, then just refresh the browser page.

How to move

The issue of moving the "Discussions" section is relevant only for groups. Unfortunately, there is no such possibility in public.

Below is an instruction for changing the location of a block in groups:

  1. Click the edit button. ".
  2. In the window that opens, uncheck the box "Discussion block above group news".

  1. Click "Save".

After the actions taken, the block will be placed on the right side of the site. If you want to return it to its original location, then go to the settings again and check the box.


Many users face a number of problems and difficulties. Let's talk about them.

  1. Accommodation.
    Many public owners are faced with the problem of placing a section of the discussion block. They want it to appear in the middle, but only groups have this option.
    This problem can be avoided even at the stage of community creation. Just decide in advance how and for what purpose the discussions will be used, and if they are needed at all.
  2. Spam.
    Administrators often encounter spam (from both contributors and strangers). Here the problem cannot be prevented in advance. Therefore, you will have to manually monitor this issue. Feel free to complain about these people - it really helps.
  3. Lack of alerts.
    This is one of the problems that has not yet been resolved. If you want to know if someone has written a new comment, then check it manually. Perhaps in the future, VKontakte developers will add such a function.
  4. Removing / pinning / closing.
    Oddly enough, but people are faced with such problems. It happens that a person has created, but does not know how to edit or delete. We have described the solutions to these and other technical problems above.

Create discussions from mobile devices [Total Votes: 4 Average: 5/5]

You do not know how to add a discussion to a group in contact, but understand that this section is simply necessary for your group?

When a potential client has the opportunity to ask a question or view other people's questions with answers from you, this has a positive effect on the group's conversion.

Excellent! In a few minutes, there will be discussions in your group. 🙂

And adding this block to a group is a matter of a couple of minutes. So, let's begin!

Discussion block - what it is, what it is for and how it looks on the page

Group discussion is a section in which people can communicate with each other on a specific given topic.

Also, discussions are used to allow group members to ask questions of the group administration. Discussions are also connected in order to create a topic specifically for reviews, for announcements in a group, etc.

If this is a group of interests, then discussions are needed to disclose certain narrow topics among the group members.

  1. Question answer
  2. Reviews
  3. How to place an order (our vacancies, announcements, our news, etc.)

This is what it looks like in a group when "discussions" are set as the main section in the settings.

In groups and in publics, the algorithm for creating discussions is slightly different. First, let's learn how to set up a discussion block, specifically in a group.

How to add a discussion to a group in contact

By default, when creating a group, the "Discussions" section will be disabled.

To enable it:

  1. We go to the "Community Management" under the profile or cover of the group;
  2. In the window that opens, in the right column, find the "Sections" button and press it;
  3. In the sections that open, we find "Discussions" and instead of the word "Disabled" next to "Discussions", select the button "open" or "limited".

In order to add the first topic for discussion, go to the main page of our group, find the block we have just created, and click "Add discussion".

In the window that opens, set the title for our discussion and write the first text in the first topic.

Subsequently, to add the second, third topic for discussion, we need to click on the "Discussions" button - this is the name of the block on the main page and in the upper right corner - "Create a topic".

How open discussions differ from limited ones

If there are open discussions in the group, anyone can create new topics for them, which can ultimately lead to disorder in the group.

And if you make group discussions limited, then only the group creator, administrator, or editor can add new topics. Therefore, it is better to immediately select "limited", and create several topics for discussion.

Change the location of the group discussion block

Let's say we want to see the group discussion right below the community description.

To do this, we follow the pattern already familiar to us: Community Management \\ Sections.

We have already included "Discussions", now we look a little lower - press the button - "Main block" and select "Discussions".

After saving the changes, our discussions will appear on the group's main page, namely, right below the community description. And it will look like the very first screenshot in this article.

If the items "main block" and "minor block" are left unchanged, namely, the status is "not selected", then the block with discussions will appear in the lower right corner under the videos and above the "Contacts".

Now let's talk about how to add a block with discussions not to a VK group but to a public page, or, as it is also called, a public page.

Features of adding a block with discussions to a public in contact

The process of adding discussions to a contact group and a public one has a lot in common.

And here and there it is done through: "Community Management", then select the item - "Sections" \\ "Discussions".

In public, we can either open them (by checking the box) or close them.

There is no way to leave the discussion open. In public, discussions are limited. This means that only the creator and community admins can add new themes.

In publics, as well as in groups, in the new design in contact, we can choose the main and the secondary block.

By analogy with groups, if discussions are made the main block, they will appear under the description of the community, and if left as it is, we will see this block under the photo albums and videos of the public.

Each new topic is added in the same way as for groups.

If we click on the "edit" button - it is located in the upper right corner of the discussion block - we can set the number of topics that we would like to be visible on the main page.

In addition to the number of topics displayed, here you can also set their sorting order either by the date of update (that is, the topic in which the most recent message was will jump up) or by the date of creation.

How to delete a discussion in a group in contact

We can delete both a separate discussion topic and the entire block completely.

In order to delete a separate topic, we go into it, that is, we must get to the page where people add their message to this topic.

In the upper right corner there is a button: "Edit Theme".

We press it, and in the window that opens, we get the opportunity to delete the topic, and in addition, we can:

  • pin a topic (make it the first in the list),
  • close (this means that no one else can add messages to this topic)
  • attach a survey. This poll, which we create ourselves, will be visible to the visitor who has entered this discussion topic (you can also bring this poll to the community home page).

In case we need to delete the "Discussions" block altogether, go to the "Community Management", then - "Sections" and uncheck the "Discussions" column, or select "disable".

We save, and that's it!

After updating the main page of the group, we will see that we no longer have a block with discussions.

Now you know how to add a discussion to a group in contact, how to delete a discussion in a group in contact, and you know what the difference is in this process between groups and publics.

If you do not know how to invite friends to a group and to a public, then I invite you to the article.

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