Practical work in the photoshop program. Methodical recommendations for the implementation of practical work on Adobe Photoshop. Introduction to Adobe Photoshop

Sections: Informatics

Commentary for the teacher: Exercises 1-2 are performed while studying the topic "Layers". Exercise 1 is performed step by step (each action is described in detail in the assignment), exercise 2 is performed by analogy with the first. Exercises 3-5 are about Layer Styles. Also, exercise 3 is given in a step-by-step version, exercises 4 and 5 are performed similarly to the third. The attachments contain source files (jpg) and assignments.

Exercise 1

Task 1. Add new layers from other documents to the image

Open file Chess.jpg.

  • Select panel Layers.
  • Increase the canvas size (so there is enough room to add other pieces of the image):

Figure - Outline size;

In the dialog box, set the width to 16 cm.

Note that the panel Layerscontains only one background layer Background.

Open file Kitten.jpg.

  • Select the kitten image.
  • Run command Edit - Copy.
  • Back to document chess.jpg and execute the command Edit - Paste.
  • Without releasing the mouse button, move the selection to the document window chess.jpg.
  • Release the mouse button.

In document chess.jpg a new layer appeared Layer l, which depicts a kitten.

Open file Mice.jpg.

  • Select mouse image.
  • Copy and paste to file chess.jpg.

Task 2. Rename document layers

  • Double-click on the layer thumbnail (for example, Layer 1) in the layers palette.
  • Enter a new layer name Kitty in field Name.
  • Similarly rename Layer 2 in Mouse.
  • Rename layer Background in Board, thereby transforming it into a regular layer.
  • Task 3. Move and scale the image within the layer

  • Select tool Moving.
  • Select layer Mouse.
  • Move the image to the bottom of the checkerboard.
  • Slightly reduce the mouse image by executing the command
  • Select layer Kitty.
  • Reduce the image of the kitten by running the command Edit - Free transform.
  • Select tool Moving.
  • Move the image to the top of the checkerboard.
  • Comment. The scaling will be proportional if you hold down the key while moving the corner stops Shift.

    Comment. With the key pressed Ctrl the image will be distorted, not scaled, and the cursor will change to a gray arrow.

    • Select layer Board.
    • Select the image around the checkerboard using the tool Magic wand.
    • Invert selection.
    • Key Delete remove the white background around the checkerboard.
    • Invert selection.
    • Reduce the checkerboard image by executing the command

    Task 4. Change the order of the layers

  • Select layer Board.
  • Press the mouse button.
  • With the button pressed, move this layer up in front of the layer on the panel Layers.
  • The image will be placed in the foreground (background).

    Task 5. Saving a file

  • Save drawing as name The game of cats and mice.jpg.
  • Exercise 2: Working with layers

    Tenge.psdusing files: Frame.jpg, 10000 tenge.jpg, 5000 tenge.jpg, 2000 tenge.jpg, 1000 tenge.jpg and 100 tenge.gif.

    Exercise 3: Working with layers

    Task 1. Add and configure photos.

    Open file baiterek.jpg.

    Open file Embankment.jpg.

  • Execute commands Selection - All and then Edit - Copy.
  • Switch to file baiterek.jpg and execute the command Edit - Paste.
  • Reduce the dimensions of the added image using the command Edit - Free transform.
  • Rotate the image using the command Edit - Transform - Rotate.
  • Using the tool Movingmove the image.
  • After adding a fragment, a new layer appeared Layer 1, rename it to layer Embankmentby double-clicking on the layer name in the panel Layers.
    • Adjust layer style Embankment in the dialog Layer styleby double-clicking on the layer in the Layer panel aboutand.
    • Perform similar operations with files 011.jpg, intercon.jpg.

    Task 2. Create a layer with patterns.

    Open file Pattern.jpg.

  • Using the tool Magic wand, highlight the pattern.
  • Run command Edit - Copy.
  • Switch to file baiterek.jpg.
  • Run command Edit - Paste.
  • Execute the command four times Layer - New - Group over copy.
  • Arrange patterns in line using a move operation.
  • Having arranged the patterns, for the convenience of work, combine these layers into one, for this select the layers with patterns using the key Shift and execute the command LayersMerge layers.
  • Set similar layer style settings.
  • Exercise 4. Working with layers. Layer styles

    Create a layered document Nomad.psdusing files: 01.jpg, 02.jpg, 03.jpg, p46a.gifand Camera.jpg... Adjust the shadow for the corresponding layers.

    Exercise 5. Working with layers. Layer styles

    Create a layered document Aldar Kose.psdusing files: 03_ 01.jpg, CD 1.jpg.... Adjust the shadow for the corresponding layers.




    Methodical instructions

    for laboratory work in informatics and ICT

    on the topic "Processing of graphic information"

    compiled by Y.S. Kharchenko

    Introduction …………………………………………………………………………………… ... 2

    1. Introduction to the program …………………………………. ………………………………… ... 3

    2. Laboratory work No. 1 ……………………………. …………………………………… ... 4

    3. Laboratory work No. 2 ………………………………………………………………… 7

    4. Laboratory work No. 3 ………………………………………………………………… 8

    5. Laboratory work No. 4 ……………………………………………………………… .10

    6. Laboratory work No. 5 ……………………………………………………………… ..13

    7. Laboratory work No. 6 ……………………………………………………………… ..15

    8. Laboratory work No. 7 ……………………………………………………………… ..16

    9. Laboratory work No. 8 ……………………………………………………………… ..18

    10.Laboratory work No. 9 ……………………………………………………………… .20

    11.Laboratory work No. 10 ……………………………………………………………… 23

    12.Laboratory work No. 11 ……………………………………………………………… 26

    13.Laboratory work No. 12 ……………………………………………………………… 27


    The intensive use of new information technologies is an integral part of the successful work of specialists in various fields: engineers, economists, lawyers, managers. Currently, the most widespread are information systems based on personal computers (PCs). In our country, the de facto standard when working on a PC is the Microsoft Windows operating system and its applications.

    The laboratory workshop is designed for students of various specialties to study the basic capabilities and functions of Adobe Photoshop. The proposed tasks represent a basic course in mastering these software products and do not pretend to be an exhaustive acquaintance with them. However, they allow students to develop knowledge and skills that are sufficient for image processing.

      Lesson topic;

      The purpose of the lesson;


      Providing practical work:


      The order of the lesson;

      Used literature.

    Evaluation criteria for practical assignments.

    Mark "5" is put if:

      the work is done completely;

      there are no gaps and errors in the logical reasoning and justification of the decision;

      there are no mathematical errors in the solution (one inaccuracy is possible, a mistake that is not the result of ignorance or misunderstanding of the educational material).

    Mark "4"is put if:

      the work is completed in full, but the justification for the solution steps is insufficient (if the ability to justify reasoning was not a special object of verification);

      one significant error or two or three minor errors were made.

    Mark "3" is put if:

      more than one significant mistake or more than two or three insignificant mistakes were made, but the student has the required skills on the topic being tested; at the same time, at least half of the work was done correctly.

    Mark "2" is put if:

      significant errors were made, which showed that the student does not fully possess the required skills on this topic.

    Mark "1" is put if:

      the work showed a complete lack of compulsory knowledge and skills of the student on the tested topic, or a significant part of the work was not done independently.

    Introduction to Adobe Photoshop

    Theoretical part

    Currently, Adobe Photoshop is one of the most popular image editing programs in the world. It is widely used by both amateurs and professionals.

    Adobe Photoshop users are photographers, retouchers, advertising artists, illustrators, designers, architects, and more.

    The overwhelming majority of illustrations are prepared for printing and publication using this program, since Adobe Photoshop allows you to perform a very large number of image processing operations: for example, such as improving the clarity of photos so that they do not look blurry and incorrect. Retouching tools allow you to remove scratches, dirt and damage from an image.

    Editor features:

    1) create greeting cards

    2 drawing posters

    3. Drawing collages

    4. Drawing covers, booklets, and posters

    5.Creating graphic elements for Web pages

    6 drawing a business card

    7 create stylish logos

    8 photo retouching

    9.Restoring damaged photos

    10 changing the photo

    11.Creating animation

    Working window of Adobe Photoshop:

    In addition, Photoshop is often used to create collages in which fragments of different images are fused together for unusual effects.

    When working with Photoshop, distinguish between image resolution and monitor resolution.

    Image resolution - it is the number of pixels per unit of image length. Images are usually measured in pixels per inch (1 inch \u003d 2.54cm) (ppi).

    For example, if the image resolution is 72 ppi, then 1 square inch of the image contains 5184 pixels (72 horizontal, 72 vertical, 72 * 72 \u003d 5184). The same square inch of a 144ppi image contains 20.736 pixels (144 * 144 \u003d 20.736).

    Resolution is determined when an image is digitized with a scanner, digital camera, or created in a graphics program.

    The higher the image resolution, the higher its quality, since in this case more color shades can be reproduced.

    The bitmap file size depends on the number of pixels per inch. The larger the image, the larger the file size.

    Monitor Resolution - the number of video pixels per unit of length (in one inch). The monitor resolution depends on the set size of the graphics grid. Most often, a resolution of 72 video pixels per inch (dpi) corresponds to a graphics grid of 800 * 600, and a resolution of 96 dpi corresponds to a graphics grid of 1024 * 768.

    When working with bitmaps, it is important to understand that monitor resolution has nothing to do with image resolution.

    Practical part

    Laboratory work No. 1


    Basic concepts

    Highlighted area- a fragment of an image within which editing tools operate. The selected area is enclosed by a flickering dotted line.

    Masked area- the image located outside the selection. This area is not editable and therefore protected from accidental changes.

    ToolMarquee (Region)intended for selection of rectangular and elliptical areas.

    Grouplasso tool (Lasso) is used to select areas of free form.

    ToolMagic Wand (Magic wand) - used to select pixels that are close in color.

    Cropping an image - image cropping (removal of unnecessary fields, fragments of the environment, etc.).

    Task number 1: Create a vignette to decorate your photo.

      Launch Adobe Photoshop using the icon

      Open the photo - portrait Portrait .jpg, using the folder "Pictures for Photoshop" located in the folder My documents are my drawings. The program window should look like this:

      From the toolbar, select a tool Ellipti fromal Marquee (Oval area).

      Feather your photo by selecting in Menu termSelection - Feathering. Feathering will create a smooth transition between the pixels of the selection and the pixels that surround the selection.

      Enter in the field " Feather a selection»Value 10.

    6. Run the command Selection - Inversion.The selected and masked areas are swapped.

    7.Press the key Delete , to delete the selection.

    8.To remove the selection, run the command Selection - cancel selection.

    9. Before you - a photograph with a shaded vignette.

    10. Save the image to your folder and name it "Portrait".

    Task number 2: Apply your own photo to the work and create a vignette.

    Laboratory work No. 2

    Goal:Learn to edit low-quality images and decorate them.

    Task number 1 : Create a photo with a sepia tint.

    1.Launch Adobe Photoshop using the icon

    2. Open the photo you took in the previous lesson.

    3. Run the command Image - Mode - Grayscale.

    The color photo will turn into a black and white image. Now let's replace the shades of gray with two colors - black and brown (this is sepia). In general, a black and white image can be illuminated with three or four colors.

    4. Run the command Image - Mode - Duplex.In the window that appears, select "Two-color".

    5. Choose the second type of paint Pantone 1545 C by clicking on the white window:

    In the window that appears, find the type of color Pantone 1545 C :

    Click the button OK... On the screen, you'll see an image in a warm sepia tone, embellished with a soft vignette. Thus, it is possible to produce “antique” photographs.

      Save the photo.

    Task number 2: Apply your own photo to the work. Make her old.

    Laboratory work No. 3

    Goal:Learn to edit low-quality images and decorate them.

    2.Open the file "Fruit".

    3.Using the tool Lasso, in

    Select only the red apple

    along the contour.

    4. Make 2 copies from the selected apple. To do this, with the apple selected, press and hold the key , hover the mouse cursor over the selected apple and "drag" to the left a few centimeters. You should have something like this:

    5. Copy the yellow rose 3 times. After making the changes, the picture should look like this:

    Task number 2.Open the file "Yellow". Perform copy and paste operations so that the picture looks like this:

    Laboratory work No. 4

    Goal:learn to create a collage

    Basic concepts:

    Collage- combination of several fragments of different images in one.

    Layer- analogue of a sheet of transparent film on which the drawing is applied. If you fold such sheets in a pile, you get an image of several drawings. It can be argued that the image on the layer is analogous to a vector graphics object.

    Background layerBackground - the farthest.

    Basic operations on layers- deleting, moving, rotating, scaling, changing the order of layers, transferring fragments of images from one layer to another, merging layers.

    PanelLayers (Layers)used to work with layers. It displays information about the layers of the active document. In addition, this panel allows you to perform various operations on layers.

    Task 1: Create a collage.

    1.Launch Adobe Photoshop.

    2.Open the file " Seasons ».

    3.Open the " Layers "(in the main menu, select the "Window" option, check the box next to Layers). Note that the Layers panel contains only one background layer.

    4. Open the file “ Bird ». There is only one layer in this document with the bird image. In this case, the transparent areas are presented in the form of a checkered pattern.

    Transparent areas

    Press the left mouse button and, without releasing it, move the cursor to the Seasons document window. Release the mouse button. A new layer has appeared in the Seasons document, which shows the bird from the Bird document:

    7.Open the file "leaf" with the leaf image.

    8. Move the leaf to the Seasons document:

    9.Open the file "Flower". Using the tool Lasso,

    select the flower along the outline. Run the command Editing - copy.

    10. Activate the "Seasons" window (click on it with the left mouse button). Run the command Editing - Paste.The image that should turn out is presented below:

    Assignment 2:Use various pictures to create your collage.

    Laboratory work No. 5

    Goal:Learn to edit images

    Basic concepts:

    Main color(foreground color) - the color used to paint, fill selected areas, and also as the starting color of the gradient.

    Background color(background color) - the color that appears when the pixels are removed from the image.

    By default, the foreground color is black and the background color is white. The colors of the foreground and background of his plans are indicated in the color fields on the toolbar.

    ToolPencil (Pencil)allows you to create lines with hard boundaries.

    ToolBrush (Brush)used to draw lines with a smooth, blurry outline.

    ToolEraser (Eraser)erases unnecessary areas of the image, painting them with the background color.

    ToolPaint Bucket (Fill)is used to paint over portions of an image with a uniform color or pattern.

    ToolGradient (Gradient)designed to create a fill with smooth transitions between different colors.

    ToolSmudge (Finger)used to offset and blend the colors of adjacent pixels.

    Properties panelOptions (Options)contains information about the parameters of the selected tool.

    Pixel blending mode- the way the pixels of the original image and the painting tool interact.

    Assignment 1: Color in a black and white photo

    2.Open the file " Dog ". You need to choose the appropriate colors and paint over the dog and the bowl with the bone.

    3. Highlight the dog with a bowl and clouds.

    4. Execute the command Layer - New - Layer through clipping.

    5. Select the dog. Select tool Brush.Set Main color to brown. Paint over individual areas of the dog on the dog's body, but do not completely paint over.

    6.Run the command Filter - Smudge - Gaussian Smudge.The Gaussian Smear dialog box appears.

    Experiment by moving the " Radius". You will see that the higher the value, the more the colors blur.

    7. Select the tip of the nose and then the eyes and paint over them.

    8. Select the clouds. Paint them blue.

    Task number 2 Colorize a black and white photo

    1.Launch Adobe Photoshop.

    2.Open the file "MyGirl". Let's transform the photo into a multicolor image. To do this, run the command Image - Mode -RGB -Colour.

    3.Using the tool Lasso select areas of the face and hands. The property panel for that tool will open. Set field value on this panel Feathering equal to 2 pixels.

    4. Choose a flesh color as the main color.

    5. Execute the command Editing - Fill.The "Fill" window will open

    Fill it out using the sample shown above.

    The girl's hands and face will be flesh-colored.

    6.Now paint over your hair. Set the value of the field "P astushevka "-5 pixels.

    7. Let's paint the bow. Set the value of the field "P astushevka "- 3 pixels.

    8. Highlight the girl's dress (don't forget to do a little feathering of the borders of the area). Choose a dark purple color as the main dark purple (for example, R \u003d 102, G \u003d 9, B \u003d 123) as the main color.

    9. Paint over the table.

    Task number 3:Color the file yourself Bear .

    Laboratory work No. 6


    Task number 1: Create a frame for a photo.

    1.Launch Adobe Photoshop.

    2.Open the file " Truck ».

    3. To surround the image with a frame, select the area that will be included in this frame

    4. Run the command Selection - Invert.

    5. For the appearance of the frame, run the command Filter -Texture - Mosaic Tiles . Remove the selection with the command Selection-remove selection.You should get something like this:

    Assignment 2:Open the file “ Lizard ". Frame the photo as you like.

    Laboratory work No. 7

    Goal:Learn to style images

    Basic concepts:

    Curly textused to create small pieces of text such as labels and headings.

    Plain textused to create text documents.

    Polygraphic parameters of the text- font, style, size.

    Layer- analogue of a sheet of transparent film on which the drawing is applied. If you fold such sheets in a pile, you get an image of several drawings.

    PanelLayers (Layers)used to work with layers. It displays information about the layers of the active document. In addition, this panel allows you to perform various operations on layers.

    Gradient fill- fill, consisting of several color transitions.

    Filter- a special module focused on creating a special effect.

    Shell- a closed curve in which the text is placed, and the shape of the text is adjusted to the contour of this curve. In Photoshop, shell shapes are predefined.

    Photo editing -a realistic image composed of fragments of several photographs.

    Task number 1. Add curly text to the image.

    Launch Adobe Photoshop. the file « Seasons ».

    3. Select tool Type (text).

    The cursor will change to resembling the letter "I". On the property bar Options (options)text options appear

    4. Select the Times New Roman font, select the Bold font style (bold), enter the font size (for example, 60 pt), select the font color (for example, red).

    5. Click in the part of the document where the first letter of the text should be located (for example, on the light background of the image).

    Enter the text XXI in the text input field. The result is shown below:

    Task number 2. Create a shadow for the layer.

    1.Launch Adobe Photoshop. the file « Leaf ».

    3. Using the Lasso tool, select the leaf.

    4. Run the command Layer-effects layer-shadow.In the "Layer Style" window, set the parameters as in the picture below:

    5. Click OK.

    Laboratory work No. 8

    Goal:Learn to edit an image

    Task number 1. Montage of photos.

    1.Launch Adobe Photoshop.

    2. Open the files « FROMAT "," Portreit "," Window ".

    3. Reduce the size of the picture « Portreit ». To do this, run the command Image is the size of the image.Set the values \u200b\u200bof the picture as shown below:

    4. Using the tool Lassohighlight the girl.

    5.Copy the image ( Edit-copy).

    6. Activate the window with the picture « Window ». To make a collage, select the tool Magic wand.Select the parts of the window with it as shown in the figure:

    6.In order for the girl to appear in the window, run the command Image - insert V.You should get as shown in the picture below

    6. Now let's add a cat to the collage. Reduce the size of the "CAT" picture using the settings below:

    7. Select the kitten and move it to the window, as shown in the picture:

    7.Activate the picture window « CAT », make a kitten display. To do this, run the command Image-Rotate Canvas - A horizontal mirror image of the canvas.

    8.Copy the kitten and paste it into the window « Window ». You should have an image like this:

    Task number 2.Create a Twins in the Car montage using files Newcolor , Truck andCat . In this case, one boy should be in the back of the car, the other in the cab, and a kitten should sit on the steps of the car.

    Laboratory work No. 9

    Goal:Learn to perform tone correction

    Basic concepts

    Tone Range- the range of image pixel brightness. The darkest shade corresponds to the brightness O, and the lightest one is 255.

    bar chart- graph of the distribution of pixel brightness. The horizontal axis is the brightness values, and the vertical axis is the number of pixels for each brightness level.

    Shadows- the darkest part of the image with low brightness values.

    Light colors (lights)- the lightest part of the image with high brightness values.

    Mid toneare located between shadows and highlights.

    Black dotis the darkest pixel in the image.

    White pointis the lightest pixel in the image.

    Gamma- - contrast of the middle tones of the image. Gamma range - from 0,1 before 9,99.

    The main task of tone correction- ensure the correct distribution of pixel brightness in the image.

    Tone commands: Brightness / Contrast, Levels, Curves, Auto Levels.

    Task 1: Perform tonal correction on a dark photo.

    1.Launch Adobe Photoshop.

    2. Open file « Hengehog ».

    3.Copy the image of the hedgehog.

    4.For the copied image, run the command Image-adjustments-levels.

    5.In the opened dialog box Levels move the gray slider to the left:

    The midtones of the image are lightened. In the middle input field Output levels the gamma value ( gamut refers to the contrast of midtones).In our example, it should be mutilated to 2,94. Since the brightness of the monitor is different for everyone, this value may be slightly higher or slightly lower. Thus, the photo will become lighter and previously invisible details will appear in it.

    6. Compare the result with the original image.

    Task number 2: Perform tonal correction of a light photo. file « FOX ».

    3.Tone the photo ( the value of the input levels should decrease to 0.30)

    4. Compare the result with the original image.

    Task number 3: Perform automatic tone correction. file « Truck ».

    3. For the copied image, run the command Image - Adjustments - Auto Color.

    4. Compare the result with the original one.

    Task number 4: Perform tonal correction of a dark image using the Curves command. file « Hengehog ».

    2. Create a copy of the image.

    3.Run the command

    4.A dialog box will open Curves.

    a control point appears on the curve.

    5. Position the mouse cursor over the control point and move it up and to the left:

    6. The image will be lightened.

    Comment: you can put several control points on the curve and use them to adjust the shape of the curve and, therefore, the brightness of the image.

    Task # 5: Perform tonal correction of a light image using the Curves command. file « FOX ».

    2. Make a copy of the image.

    3. Run the command Image-adjustments - curves.

    4.A dialog box will open Curves.Left-click in the center of the curve.

    A control point appears on the curve.

    5.Tone the image.

    Task # 6: Perform tonal correction of a dim image using the Curves command using the "Truck" file.

    Task number 7: Perform tonal correction of the image using the file "Lizard".

    Create 5 copies of the original file. Apply different tonal commands to each image.

    Task number 8: Perform tonal correction of the image using the "BigCat" file.

    Task number 9: Perform tonal correction of the image using the "Roses" file.

    Make 4 copies of the original file. Apply different tonal commands to each image.

    Task 10: Perform tonal correction of the image using the file "Tools".

    Make 4 copies of the original file. Apply different tonal commands to each image.

    Laboratory work No. 10


    Basic concepts

    Color circle - a diagram showing the relationship between the base colors of the RGB and CMY models.


    Relationship of color modelsRGB and CMY is as follows:

    1. The colors lying on the color wheel opposite each other (the line connecting from goes through the center of the circle) are mutually related: a decrease in the content of one color leads to an increase in the content of another color and vice versa.

    2. Each color on a color wheel is defined as the sum of adjacent colors to it. The content of any color can be changed by affecting the adjacent colors.

    Color correction feature -changing one color changes other colors in the image.

    The main task of color correction isadjusts the color balance (the ratio of colors in an image).

    Task number 1: Perform color balance adjustment. file « CAF É».

    2. Execute the command Image-duplicate.2 identical photos will appear on the screen. Let's correct the copy and compare the result with the original.

    3.Run the command Image-adjustments-color balance.Remove the excess bluish tint, for this, in the dialog box that opens, check the box

    "Bright hues".

    4. Move the top slider to the extreme right position corresponding to the minimum amount of cyan.

    Task number 2. change the color shades of parts of the image. file « FRUIT ».

    2. Execute the command Image-duplicate.2 identical photos will appear on the screen. Let's turn the yellow rose into pink, the red apple into green, and give the pear a yellowish tint.

    3. Select the yellow rose along the outline. Run the command

    4. Change the position of the knobs so that the following values \u200b\u200bappear in their respective input fields: -84, +10, 0.

    5. Click OK.

    6. Deselect the rose. Select the red apple along the outline.

    7. Run the command Image-Adjust-Hue / Saturation.

    8. Change the position of the knobs so that the following values \u200b\u200bappear in their respective input fields: +90, -20, -10.

    9. Click OK.

    10. Select the pear along the outline. Change its shade to yellow.

    11. The screen will display 2 identical photos with different color shades.

    Task 3.

    Open the "NEWCOLOR" file. Change the color of the boy's suit.

    Task 4.

    Open the "CAFE" file. Change the color of the chairs.

    Task 5.

    Open the IRIS file. Change the yellow Shades of the flower to purple.

    Laboratory work No. 11

    Goal:Learn to style images

    Basic concepts

    Retouching -sharpening and elimination of small image defects.

    Task number 1. Enhance sharpness images using various sharpening filters. file « FRUIT ».

    2.Run the command Image-duplicate.

    3. In the copied image, select the yellow rose.

    4. Execute the command Filter-Sharpness-Sharp Borders. Sharpness (clarity) will increase slightly.

    5. Now let's use another filter. Run the command Editing - Cancel Sharp Borders.

    6.Run the command Filter-Sharpness-Sharpen.The outline of the rose petals will be sharpened. Function Make clearer sharpens outlines and does not affect areas of the image with smooth color transitions.

    7.Compare the result with the original and close the copy.

    Task number 2. Eliminate small defects from the photo.

      Open file « FRUIT "(If it is closed).

      Make a copy of your drawing.

      If you pay attention to the lower left corner, you will see a defect that needs to be removed.

      Using the tool Rectangular area select a fragment of the image with a defect.

      Run the command Filter - Noise-Dust and Scratches.A dialog box will open Dust and scratches. Field Radiusdetermines the size of the area that is used to average the colors of neighboring pixels. The smaller the field value Border, the less the colors of neighboring pixels differ from each other, and vice versa. By combining different values \u200b\u200bin the fields Radius and Border, you can quickly remove dirt and scratches from photos.

      Set field value Borderequal to 12, and the value of the field Radius -16.

      Click OK. The defect has been eliminated.

    8. Compare the result with the original and close the copy.

    Task number 3. Eliminate the defect from the photo with the Stamp tool.

      Let's set the size of the stamp. Choose a brush (stamp tip) with soft edges and a small size, such as 30.

      Now let's choose the right sample. In this case, you can use the area of \u200b\u200bthe image located slightly below or above the defect, since the pear illumination changes little vertically.

      Let's move the courses above the defect by a distance approximately equal to the height of the defect.

      Press the -ALT key - and do not release it, move the mouse cursor slightly above the defect and press the left mouse button.

      Release the –ALT - key, move the mouse cursor to the defect and press the left mouse button. The defect has been eliminated.

    10. Compare the result with the original and close the copy.

    Task number 4.Open the "Gerl" file. Remove the shadow from the girl yourself.

    Laboratory work No. 12

    Goal:Learn to work with images

    Task 1. Lighten a fragment of the image with the tool. file « FRUIT ».

    2.Run the command Image-duplicate.2 identical photos will appear on the screen.

    3. Select Clarifier... On the property bar of this tool, select a soft-edged nib, such as 65.

    4. Remove all shadows in the picture. Do not close the file.

    Task 2. Darken a fragment of the image.

    1.On an open file « FRUIT » darken the image .

    2. Select from the toolbar Blackout (on the toolbar it is hidden behind the Dodge tool). On the property bar of this tool

    set the value 20% in the "Demonstration" input field.

    3.Select a small brush and set the Brush value to 15.

    4. Make a shade for the apricot and its shade.

    In this lesson, we will look at basic file operations in Photoshop: launching the program, opening and closing files, saving an edited image. The simplest actions in the Photoshop environment are considered: obtaining information about an image and about a document, selecting a viewing scale, moving an image in the document window.

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    Practical work No. 1. fire inscription

    Objective: learn how to create an inscription with a fire effect.

    Working process:

    1. Launch Adobe Photoshop CS3.

    2. Set the background color to black

    3. Create a file of arbitrary size ( File -\u003e New) with the settings as in Fig.1.1. note that dimensions the file is in pixels, and color mode should be installed Grayscale 8 bit .

    4. Write any text in white using the tool. Try to use a massive font such as Arial with bold and italic settings (Figure 1.2)

    5. Right-click on the text layer and choose Rasterize Text.

    6. Merge the layers using the command Ctrl+ E... There should be 1 layer (background) containing the text (Fig.1.3).

    7. Rotate the image 90 ° counterclockwise using the command Image → Rotate Canvas → 90 ° Counterclockwise... The result is shown in Figure 1.4.

    8. Apply filter Wind (Filter → Stylize → Wind) with settings: method - wind, direction - on the right (Fig. 1.5).

    9. To enlarge the flames, the Wind filter can be applied several times. Instead of repeating the described sequence of actions, you can use the keyboard shortcut Ctrl+ F... The result is shown in Figure 1.6.

    10. Run the command Filter → Stylize → Diffusion with the normal setting mode (Fig. 1.7). This filter creates the effect of diffusing colors: the colors from the flames penetrate into the background color and vice versa.

    11. Return the image to its original position: Image -\u003e Rotate Canvas -\u003e 90 ° Clockwise.

    12. Apply the ripple filter to the resulting image: Filter → Distort → Ripple with the following settings:

    - ripple size:average; - power: 50% (Figure 1.8).

    13. Set the image to indexed color mode: Image → Mode → Indexed Colors.

    14. Run the command Image → Mode → Color Table... Select the "Absolute black body" table (Fig.1.9).

    15. The fire inscription is ready  (Fig.1.10)

    If the result of the work does not suit you, then try going back a few steps and changing the degree or size of the ripples.

    Sevastopol station of young technicians

    Information Technology Department


    practical work

    by graphic editor Photoshop



    goal - to provide students with a collection of practical works that allow them to effectively consolidate theoretical knowledge in practice.

    The manual contains work on the graphic editorPhotoshop.

    All works in the collection are offered in order of increasing complexity. The collection has a modular structure.

    The collection of practical works was compiled by the methodologist of SYuT:A. A. Shatrov

    Practical work No. 1

    Copy the given tools into a text editor and sign next to each of them its purpose, method of application.

    Practical work number 2

    In a graphics editorPhotoshop

    Practical work number 3

    In a graphics editorPhotoshop create 5 files (1.8 by 3). In each of them draw the following flags using the selection and drawing tools.

    Practical work number 4

    In a graphics editorPhotoshop scan the next photo. Using the delete tools, selection frames, brushes and palettes, edit the image so that only the flags are visible. The background should be white.

    It is necessary to align the flags horizontally and the flags in the second row should be placed symmetrically in the center relative to the 1st row.

    Practical work number 5

    Scan an image. Edit with the tools of a graphics editor and color using the palette.

    Practical work number 6

    Practical work number 7

    In the graphics editor Photoshop, you need to edit the image.

    Create a new layer. Name it "Background". Fill it with a gradient. Bring the "Background" layer under the main image layer. Go to the outline layer, select and delete all unnecessary. Correct the contour lines where necessary (if you do not, then the fill and gradient will not be applied to the image element).

    Using the Fill and Gradient tools, color the image. When painting a workpiece, use no more than three colors. The colors must be chosen so that they look harmonious against the created background.

    Practical work number 8

    In the graphics editor Photoshop, you need to edit the image.

    Create a new layer. Name it "Background". Fill it with a gradient. Bring the "Background" layer under the main image layer. Go to the outline layer, select and delete all unnecessary. Correct the contour lines where necessary (if you do not, then the fill and gradient will not be applied to the image element).

    Using the Fill and Gradient tools, color the image. When painting a workpiece, use no more than three colors. The colors must be chosen so that they look harmonious against the created background.

    Practical work number 9

    Practical work number 10

    Practical work number 11

    Using one of the proposed blanks, create a frame for a sheet of A-4 format. When doing the job, use the copy method or stamp (you can combine both methods).

    You should have a frame like this:

    Practical work number 12

    In a graphics editor, you need to colorize a black and white photo.

    When editing a photo, use filters and color balance adjustments or curves, whichever is better.

    Practical work number 13

    Scan your (take a photo) photo using layers, transform it according to the picture shown.

    Practical work number 14

    Raw material:

    Create a background and place the main shapes on it, sign the work.

    An example of a finished composition:

    Practical work number 15

    In the graphics editor Photoshop, perform image editing.

    Raw material:

    Possible work option:

    Practical work number 16

    Check color rendering by changing color channels. Create a correspondence table in a text editor.

    Practical work number 17

    Using the presets, create a calendar in the graphics editor Photoshop.

    Convert canvas size to formatB-5.

    Practical work number 18

    Edit the photo in a graphic editor.

    Practical work number 19

    Create a composite (composite image). Apply filters to it. Create a background. Add text caption to the resulting composition.

    Practical work number 20

    Create an image in a graphics editor.

    Practical work number 21

    In the graphics editor Photoshop, create a congratulation. When registering the work, use the frame from work No. 9.

    Possible work option.

    Dear Zoya Vasilievna!

    Happy Birthday!

    Happy birthday to you,

    We wish you from a pure heart

    Good health for many years,

    May always accompany you in life

    Love and tenderness, an affectionate word.

    Earthly happiness, light, great.

    Success, mutual understanding,

    Among friends, colleagues - recognition.

    May hopes and dreams come true

    And on this day - flowers for you!

    The team of LLC "Neptune"



    Practical work number 2 2

    In the graphics editor Photoshop you need to create a vignette. The first page should contain a large photograph in an oval frame. The second page contains small photos of the group with captions. The first row is occupied by photographs of teachers. Place both pages on A4 size.

    Practical work number 2 3

    Unlock the image layer and create a copy of the layer. Right-click on the new layer and choose Blending Options. In the window that opens, set the "Lightening" value in the "Mode" field. Use the Opacity parameter to adjust the strength of the applied effect.

    Select the sky with the selection tools. Using the "Brightness and Contrast" tool, we achieve maximum clarity.

    You should get:

    Flatten the layers and save your work.

    Practical work number 2 4

    Correct the photo (you need to lighten).

    Practical work number 2 5

    Edit the portrait.

    First, you need to frame the portrait so that you get the image as in Figure 2.

    Figure: 2

    Set the image to black and white. To do this, we will use with you "Image" -\u003e "Correction" -\u003e "Channel mixing".

    Check the "Monochrome" box. In the “Red” channel - 30, and in the “Green” channel - 70. If you set other parameters, the sum of the values \u200b\u200bin all channels should be equal to 100.

    Apply the parameters. You should have an image like in Figure 3.

    Figure: 3

    Now let's take care of the eyes. The eyes are very dark in the photo and need to be lightened. To do this, take the Dodge tool and change the brush. You will need a blur brush. Set the brush size so that its size is comparable to the size of the iris. Additionally, for the brush set the "Range" - medium tones and "Exposure" - 10-12%.

    Now lighten them with a few clicks on the eyes. So that it is not very scary, it is necessary to edit the pupils. To do this, we need to darken slightly using the Dimmer tool. Instrument settings are selected by analogy with the previous one.

    Now let's deal with the bruises under the eyes. Use the Lasso Tool to roughly select the bruises. Press CTRL + H to hide the selection line - this will simplify further editing.

    Figure: 4

    Using the Curves tool or Color Balance tool, edit the hue of the selection.

    After that, select a smaller area and do similar manipulations with it.

    Figure: 5

    As a result, we should get an image like in Figure 6.

    Figure: 6

    Now we need to duplicate our layer twice. This can be done in the layers palette.

    For the upper copy of the layer, specify the parameters: "Darkening" and opacity - 35%.

    For the lower copy of the layer, specify the parameters: "Lightening" and opacity - 55%.

    Figures 7 and 8 show the settings for the layers.

    Now you need to apply the Gaussian Blur filter to the top layer. With the parameter "Radius" 15 pix.

    Apply the same filter to the bottom layer. Only with the parameter "Radius" 20 pix.

    See Figure 9 and 10 respectively.

    Let's create a new layer.

    Turn off the visibility of the original layer, press the "Alt" key and simultaneously press the "shift" + "Ctrl" + "E" key combination. Turn on the original layer and turn off the light and dark copies of the layers at the same time. As a result, we should have a photograph, as in Figure 11.

    Figure: eleven

    Now we will select the "opacity" parameter of the top layer, so that the skin tone is smoothed, but at the same time, so that it does not look smoothed, fake. The parameter value is approximately 30-40%.

    Figure 12 shows what we should end up with:

    Figure: 12

    Now add a mask to the top layer. To do this, select "Layer" - "Layer Mask" - "Hide All". Select a medium sized brush with soft edges and set it to white. Draw on the image with a brush in those places where it is necessary to smooth the skin (clothes, eyes, lips, eyebrows, etc. are skipped).

    The result of the mask is shown in Figure 13.

    Figure: 13

    Now you need to remove the extra layers. To do this, select "Layers" - "Flatten". If necessary, using the Curves tool, you can lighten the whole image a little. To sharpen the image, apply the Unsharp Mask filter (filters - Sharpness - Unsharp Mask). The filter with parameters is shown in Figure 14.

    Figure: 14

    The final result of the work is shown in Figure 15.

    Figure: 15

    Practical work number 2 6

    Edit the photo and insert it into the frame.

    Original photo (see figure 1).

    Use the Crop tool to cut off unnecessary elements in the photo. The result of cropping is shown in Figure 2.

    Figure: 2

    Add an adjustment layer. To do this, first unlock and then copy the layer in the layers palette.

    Set the image to black and white. To do this, we will use with you "Image" -\u003e "Correction" -\u003e "Channel mixing".

    Check the "Monochrome" box. Channel "Red" - 100.

    Apply the parameters. After transformation, you should have a blank as in Figure 3.

    Now we need to add a new layer. For the created layer, set the parameters:

    Mixing - darkening;

    Opacity - 50%.

    We take a brush of black color with a large radius, with soft edges. Set the "Opacity" parameter for it - 10-11%. We paint over everything except the pipe and the felled birch in the foreground.

    You should have a blur on a new layer, as in Figure 4.

    Figure: 4

    Let's add another adjustment layer. See above for how to add an adjustment layer. The initial layer should be copied.

    For this layer, set the parameters: - mixing - lightening;

    Opacity - 25-45%.

    Create a layer mask.

    Create a mask for this layer. To do this, select "Layer" - "Layer Mask" - "Hide All". Select a medium sized brush with soft edges and set the parameters for it:

    White color;

    Opacity - 10%.

    Draw on the image with a brush in the places where the birch lies.

    Create another layer with the same parameters. Create a layer mask.

    Add an adjustment layer and apply a "color balance" to it. The settings are shown in Figure 5, 6, 7.

    Figure: 5

    Figure: 6

    Figure: 7

    Ultimately, you should have the following order in the layers palette, as in Figure 8.

    Figure: 8

    After all the manipulations, our workpiece should look as shown in Figure 9.

    Figure: nine

    Now you can merge the layers.

    Apply the Unsharp Mask filter (Filter - Sharpness - Unsharpened). In the filter, set the parameters as in Figure 10.

    Figure: ten

    Apply the "Add noise" filter (Filter - noise - add noise). In the filter, set the parameters as in Figure 11.

    Figure: eleven

    Now we create a file with larger dimensions than the resulting blank. Fill it with black. Copy our blank onto this black sheet and align it.

    The finished work should look like Figure 12.

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