Show passwords under the asterisks. How to open a password under asteristers in Chrome, Opera, Firefox and Comodo browsers

Greetings to you, dear site readers! In today's lesson, we will look at how to find out the password under the asterisks in various situations and with the help of several programs. This question may arise absolutely every PC user. The simplest situation is when your login and password are saved in the browser, but you forgot it. There may be different situations, and we will not consider them today.

How to see a hidden password?

Google Chrome.

So, open the site you need and find a field with a login and password. Sometimes you need to click "Log in" so that the desired window appears.

When the window in front of us press the right mouse button in the empty part of the screen and select the item "View the code code", as in the picture below:

Now at the bottom of the screen in front of us opens specials. The panel in which we will look for our password.

To begin with, call the search menu using Ctrl + F or press F12. In the menu, enter the word "Password" on the keyboard. We are looking for a value next to the word "Type":

Now we look at our password, rewrite, remember and rejoice!

In order to view the password under the asterisks in Mozilla Firefox. First you need to click on the right mouse button and select "Explore Element" item:

In the rest of the browsers, everything is done by analogy. If you have any questions - ask them in the comments. I will be glad to answer them!

Use programs.

You do not need to use the programs described in this article, but still better proven.

ASTERISK KEY (452 \u200b\u200bKB)

So, when you download and install the program (this will not be difficult for you), start it and open it next to the browser, in which there will be a login and password. Press "Recovery" and password appears in front of you closer to the middle of the window.

Password Cracker (43 KB)

With the following program, you can easily view the password for the FTP connection to file managers, such as Total Commander..

Again, after installing the program, run it and open next to the Password Cracker total program Commander and open the FTP connections window. In the settings, you can set the Russian language for your convenience.

Also heard about other programs of this nature MULTI Password Recovery., PassView, Pwdshow and Passwordspro. But, since even the tested utilities consider not particularly necessary, I think it should be enough.

Browser settings.

This method as well as the first is not difficult and does not require the installation of additional software.

It is as follows. Go to the browser Google Chrome. And open the settings:

The next step, click "Show Advanced Settings" at the bottom of the page:

In the window that opens, select the site you need and in front of it click "Show". So you will learn your password under the asterisks:

In the Mozilla Firefox browser, you need to click on the "Firefox" menu icon → "Settings" → "Settings":

In the window that appears in the "Protection" tab, click on the "Saved Passwords" item:

Then select the site you are interested in and click "Display Passwords":

This video will make you smile:

And today everything! In this article, we examined in detail how to find out the password under the asteristers. We went over several ways, so now you can only choose a convenient method for you.

If you have any questions or difficulties - I will be happy to answer your questions in the comments.

All are good and see you!

Protection of own information when working in the network is required. Use the password is needed both when restricting the entry into the computer and email, Personal Account Cabins social networks, sites for work and recreation. In practice, it is not always possible to safely apply one type of characterized characters. In some cases, the site independently generates a code word. Therefore, there is a need to save a set of characters to provide fast access For work in the subsequent.

How to see a password instead of stars

When you need to learn the hidden code

An experienced user always duplicates the secret information for entering the office on the page of a separate text document.

Situations when you want to see the saved cipher, maybe several:

  • the need to use a browser of various developers;
  • possible use of another electronic device to enter the cabinet;
  • need to confirm your actions, for example, when changing saved credentials;
  • need to unlock access to the device If it is impossible to restore the password.

Saved password under the asterisks
you can view different ways. Hidden set Symbols in the browser are easily accessible for viewing, and re-entering the saved code to access the program or device will require the installation of a special utility.

View code in browser

To see the password under the asteristers in a separate browser, use the method of consideration of the HTML code.

For the Google Chrome browser, the procedure will be as follows:

The opportunity instead of points to see the password in other browsers is also provided. The pop-up window in Firefox contains command line "Explore the item", in Opera - "View the Element Code". Instead of points to see the password in Microsoft's browser, you will need to do a few excellent algorithm:

  • in open window Call when you press the F12 key tooling;
  • by pressing the keyboard key "Ctrl + F" call the search menu;
  • we ask the word "password", find a desired place.

It is the English word that provides quick access to information in personal Cabinetto the social network account.

Replacing a hidden password for text

Replacing stars on the password text form is carried out in the workspace for different browsers Simply:

  • Click on the word "password" twice with the left mouse button, we translate it into the active mode.
  • Replace the selected word denoting hidden code on "text".
  • Fix the changes made on the right side of the workspace, and close this section.
Figure 2. Replacement of stars on the text form of the password

Re-return to the page allows you to watch the password under the asteristers, write it down and save. If the dual click on the saved code does not help, use the right mouse button. In the menu that opens, select the position for editing the HTML code - "Edit AS HTML".

Figure 3. To edit code, click Edit AS HTML

Further updating of the page will result in a password automatically goes into the previous display.

If the asterisk can no longer be suitable for safety as a suitable password for stars to be found as an appropriate stirring password by another way:

  • Come to the browser settings area, for example, Chrome. Open the section where "Advanced Settings" are hidden.
Figure 4. Advanced browser settings Chrome
  • In the "Passwords and Profiles" section, go in the direction of "management of saved settings".
  • By selecting the desired website, you can request an open password show, or delete it.
Figure 5. Select action with saved passwords of sites

In separate browsers, open or copy the password in the form of points in the same way. Different in the name only individual menu lines. For example, browser Mozilla. Firefox contains such information in additional settings in the tab under the name "Protection".

View video

To view the saved, but forgotten data of the protected entry in electronic device or software used special program To view the password under the asterisks. Among the various utilities are a better program under the name "PWDCRACK", which is available for download for free. Algorithm Unpacking and installing the program is available for any user.

Today everyone popular browsers allow users to memorize logins and passwords from accounts in social networks, mailboxes, online stores and all service services. Computer security specialists will argue for a long time, it's good or bad, but in this article we are interested in another - how to view hidden password For asterisks in the browser? Suppose we have an account on, and in the browser, personal data for the entrance are saved.

To find out the password hidden by asterisks, we use the tool for developers that is available in all relevant browsers. This example It is performed in the Google Chrome browser, since, according to statistics, more than 55% of our visitors choose it, and only 30% falls on the share of Opera, Firefox and Internet Explorer.. However, the actions written below are performed similarly in all browsers.

Choose a field with a password input line and press the right mouse button. IN context menu We are looking for the last item: View code code. Launch the debugger as well as the F12 key. For other browsers: in Opera right-clicking - "Inspection the item", in Firefox - "explore the element".

In the window that appears among dozens (or hundreds) lines source code Pages must be automatically allocated. If the interface called the F12 key, the desired string is likely to be searching yourself.

Find a parameter in the row type, twice click on it with the left mouse button and change its value from " password." on the " tEXT.". In the end, it turns out type \u003d "Text".

Alternative version of this lifehak offers both a chrome browser itself. Open "Settings" - "Management of saved passwords". Click on the line with the desired site and choose the "show" password in the readable form. True, B. this interface not to display not all sites, or on the contrary, they can be too much, because of what learn password under the asterisks It will be easier for the first way.

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