Predictive search. How to hide the predictive text set panel? How is the predictive set

Ninth version operating system iOS is already actively used by the owners of the iPhone. As a result of its update, the predictive input function of the text has become Russified. This option is not new, it appeared at the exit eighth version of iOS.. However, Russian-speaking iphone owners only after the output of iOS 9 Beta 1 got the opportunity to use the predictive set in full. What does this concept mean? How to activate such an option in your smartphone? The answer to these and other questions can be found in the article below.

Predictive set - what is it?

The word "predictive" happened from the English Predictive. Translated into Russian, this means "predictive". Predictive set Text is a system that allows you to enter words in digital devices In accelerated mode. In this case, the operating system in the writing process offers options of the words used and even phrases that are present in its dictionary. Also software Allows you to correct errors by replacing the wrong word on its correct analogue.

On the mobile devices A function is distributed as the predictive set. What does this give the owner of the device? With the help of this option, you can simply and quickly compile short messages, electronic notes and other text documents.

Below follow detailed description Functions of the predictive set on the iPhone.

Description of the predictive text set function on the iPhone

The essence of the predictive input of the text is as follows. The system predicts the recorded word before the user printed it. The option offers available options based on the previous text entry experience. The best of them can be chosen in one touch.

In the eighth version of the operating system of devices, Apple has already been present predictive set. iOS 9 offers a Russified version of such a useful option. Its use significantly reduces text set time, because the system gives prompts. The predictive set function offers words or even combinations to continue the phrase by analyzing the message you previously written.

Such an option is self-learning. After analyzing your identification style, the predictive setting function offers tip words that match a specific letter manner. For example, when dealing with email The option will use more official style, and when composing short messages - conversational.

Tips are issued on a special panel, which is located above the iPhone keyboard.

How to enable predictive text set?

The option of the predictive set of text after installation IOS. 9 Default will be active. If it is still turned off, the following steps should be performed:

  1. Go to the "Settings" section in the iPhone.
  2. Select "Basic".
  3. In the open menu, open the keyboard section.
  4. Move the slider opposite the "predictive set" item to the right, thereby activating this option.

How to hide the predictive text set panel?

Tips panel takes an extra bed above the keyboard. In order to remove it for a while, you just need to hide her, shutting down the finger down.

Such an action differs from the "predictive set" function described above. The iPhone in this case makes it easy to restore the panel with the proposed words options without leaving the text set windows. To do this, you only need to spend your finger up the screen.

Setting up predictive set

Starting with the seventh version of iOS, keyboard iPhone. It was equipped with a SHIFT key of a small size, click on which it was sometimes difficult. Ninth version of the operating system apple production I supplied the text input tool with a wide handy button.

Functions shift keys Also changed. Now users do not need to press this button each time you need to enter a title symbol. The key can be closed. Until it returns to its original position, when entering the text it will be used if you do not like this innovation, you can disable the option in "Settings" and use old fashion set.

Allow you to use the following functions when entering text: "AUTOPROPICAL", "Auto-correction", "spelling", "included Caps Lock", "viewing characters", "Fast key". The latter option involves insertion of the point when the "Space" key is doubled. All these options can be done active or disconnect an iPhone owner.

Below will be described what's new presented the "predictive set" function iOS 9.

New features of the predictive set of text

The ninth version of IOS made some changes to the process of using the "predictive set" function. What is this improvement? For example, now on both sides of the screen, the quick destination buttons appeared - to ensure fast and easy access To those commands that are used most often. For example, during the preparation email Keys will be available to repeat, "cancel", "italics", "fat", "emphasis", "Move to the right" and "Move Left".

These buttons vary depending on the applications in which the set is used. For example, if a fragment of the text is highlighted, the "Repeat" and "Cancel" option will be replaced by "Copy" and "Cut". The "Notes" application will feature the "Styles", "Images", "sketches" and so on. The iphone owner can set up all these buttons for itself by making work with the text simple and comfortable.

Trekpad mode

Trekpad is a keyboard that combines the standard buttons and the touch interface. Depending on the press strength, such a device determines which action wants to perform the owner of the iPhone: to dial text or access the number of other commands.

Trekpad mode is available on company smartphones. Apple models 6S and 6S Plus. To activate it, it is necessary when working with text document With a little effort to click on display iPhone. After that, the functions of the selection and editing of the text will be available when using the "predictive set" option. Now the cursor can be freely moved by text. With a single click on the display, a specific text fragment will be highlighted. With double clicking in the body of the document, a whole offer will be noted, with triple - the entire paragraph.


Thanks new version iOS 9 Beta 1, which provided the presence of a Russified predictive set of text in the iPhone, normal keyboard The smartphone turned into a smart. Using a special mechanism, this option predicts subsequent words and phrases, withdrawing them to a special panel. Choose the best way You can one touch. The function is self-learning. The more often it uses, the higher the quality of its tips. The article gives the definition of the predictive set of text and is described how to enable and configure such an option in the iPhone.

Almost all mobile devices Today there is an intelligent keyboard that offers words for ultrafast text set. Nevertheless, it is non-ideal and can sometimes give out of the best combinations of letters. How does it work?

This technology is called the predictive set. What it is? W. android users Such intelligent keyboards (post-T9) are available for several years. However, even before the official google app Added the predictive set, Swype and SwiftKey created the keyboard in which the words used most often are involved.

Subtleties of application

Consider some nuances, speaking that it is a predictive set. iPhone and iPad, for example, with the appearance of iOS 8 are also equipped with this functionality. But unlike Android, the predictive set on the "EPL" devices is not as perfect. At first, the auto exchanger of words can be very unsuccessful, and for the "learning" of the device takes time. In addition, you need to develop a good text input skill so that intelligent keyboards work well. If you are typing words with typos or errors, the system can recognize them incorrectly.

How is the predictive set?

What is it in practice? In its main form, in the predictive keyboard, the text is used that you enter regularly. All words you entered are remembered by the system to create a custom local dictionary from words and phrases that you often repeat. Then the device offers you these words when you are likely that you will use them or need them again.

For example, if you get a certain word and your keyboard never seen it earlier, it will offer to fix it to another, which, in her opinion, is more likely. You have three options:

  • you can accept one of the proposed corrections;
  • ignore offers and leave everything as it is;
  • add it to your personal dictionary so that the system does not disturb you when you enter it again.

How is the user dictionary filled?

If you use the correction and choose one of the already proposed options, it is obvious that the keyboard will continue to consider the word incorrect and offering it to replace it in the future. If you add it to your dictionary, the keyboard will immediately "recognize" it and will be offered the next time you enter a similar combination of letters or use these words before and after that, but skip it.

In addition, the keyboard still includes this functionality if you ignore the predictive set. What does it mean? The first or second time you miss the correction or storing the word, it is assumed that this is not a spelling error, but also not the word you use quite often to be represented in similar use templates. If you ignore it the third or fourth time (it depends on the specific keyboard), the system will mark it as a future probable option and still starts to offer it when entering similar words or proposals.

Thus, you do not need to worry how to enable the predictive set - most modern devices contain it by default.

How do intelligent keyboards differ?

Almost every modern keyboard uses the technology about which is mentioned above. Nevertheless, there are clear differences between the prompts, which makes the system of your default phone and obtained with virtual keyboards SWIFTKEY, FLEKSY or SWYPE services.

What do they do otherwise? The only thing that unites these products is that they are trying to tell words. This comparisons end. Tips can be simple - for example, as in old keyboards with T9 Nuance. They relate to the values \u200b\u200bbased on the keys that were used earlier. Such devices usually use lists or word dictionaries.

Modern technologies

What is the predictive set in iPhone and Android? Today, more advanced intelligent keyboards use another approach to prompts. It is based on the processing of a natural language and machine learning. Language simulation is exactly what the described function gives, i.e. it allows you to "find out" certain words. As a rule, they are combined into an integer applicable. Thus, the accuracy of such keyboards is usually much higher than that of old push-button.

How to enable predictive set on iPhone? As a rule, it is enabled by default, but if this option is inactive, it is enough to go to the keyboard settings and select the appropriate menu item. Similarly, you can disable this option, but this is not recommended.

Experts explain that modern more intelligent keyboards use cloud services and reverse processing to improve your prompts, synchronize custom dictionaries on different devices And add new words to them, not forcing users to download huge updates or re-train their devices.

They also offer cloud services that can perform many functions. Some of the most common include:

  • enter the name of the contact from online services in the prompt;
  • analysis of your entry in various online services for the update and, thus, the personalization of the word storage;
  • saving and synchronizing your language model.

This allows the functionality to be used on multiple devices and not to be lost if it is damaged or stolen. Available today and dynamic updates of your language model based on other information obtained from real-time sites, such as Twitter.

So, the "Live Language" function swype allows your dictionary to be updated with popular trends on the Internet and in social networks. SwiftKey offers SwiftKey Cloud, additional servicewhich can connect to your account Twitter, Google or Facebook to find out what you said in these networks or in your letter.

The prognostic keyboard of Google is similar, except that it uses you android device, and all that you enter in your accounting google records, web search history, Google+, etc. In all cases, these functions are optional, they need to choose and can be easily eliminated.

How to improve your results?

Now that we understand how the predictive set is working (what it is and how to use it), you can perform some simple actions To improve your keyboard. It is important to remember that good tips require time and training, so you will not be able to move from regular errors to high accuracy per night, but each step will increasingly bring you to comfort.

What can you do?

Add words to the dictionary. Many users do not and rely on the keyboard to simply select the words already available in the dictionary. The system can learn independently, but this process takes much more time, and depending on how often you use specific phrases, they can be ranked below their own keyboard prompts. If you use a specific word that your keyboard is trying to correct more than two times, add it.

Learn to edit the dictionary. Just like to add words to regularly, you must remove from it those that he offers to use and which you do not need. If your keyboard simply insists so that you gain the name or name of the city instead of a common word, it is best to simply delete it from your custom dictionary, and when you need to dial it, enter manually.

Turn on cloud functions and make sure that all your words are on all your devices, and you do not need to repeat "training." Connecting a keyboard to other applications or selection of one of them using a system dictionary, not dictionaries for applications, make it easy to enter. However, in this case, you may encounter a problem, how to clean the predictive set, if you mistakenly save a lot of incorrectly written words.

Finally, the use of keys that always use updating cloud dictionaries (for example, "live language" swype), means that your keyboard will always have and understand new words if you decide to use them. For example, if you use the Google keyboard by default on Android, turn on "Personalized Offers".

This guide describes the iOS 8 functions for iPhone 4S / 5/5C / 5S / 6 and 6 PLUS.

Text can be entered using on screen keyboard.

Touch the text field to appear on the on-screen keyboard, then touch the keys on the keyboard. If the key is hired erroneously, you can move your finger to the correct key. The letter is not entered until the finger breaks away from the key.

Press the SHIFT key to change the input register, or holding the SHIFT key, swipe until the letter. Touch the SHIFT key twice to enable CAPS LOCK mode. For entering numbers, punctuation marks and special characters Touch the number 123 keys or the symbol keys # + \u003d. If you did not add keypad, tap to go to the emoji keyboard. If you have a few keyboards, tap to go to the keyboard that you used the last. Repeat your touch to access the rest of the keyboards. You can also touch and hold, and then move your finger to select another keyboard. Double touch key key inserts a point with a space.

If the word is emphasized with a red wavy line, tap it to see the proposals for the correction. In the absence of the required option, enter needed word manually.

As you type the text, the QuickType feature uses the predictive set to predict the next word. To select the proposed word, touch it. The selected option can also be taken by entering a space or punctuation sign. To reject the proposed option, tap the initial word (displayed as QuickType with quotes),

Hiding options for predictive set. Take the QuickType down options. Redook them up again, if you decide that you want to use them.

Disable predictive set. Touch and hold or, then move your finger to the "predictive set".

the iPhone can correct typos and guess the following word entered even when the QuickType function is disabled. To accept the proposed word, enter a space or punctuation sign, or tap the Return key. To reject the offer, tap "x". If the option was rejected several times, the iPhone will no longer offer it.

Settings for a text dialing or adding keyboards. Select "Settings"\u003e "Main"\u003e "Keyboard".

The on-screen keyboard on the iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 PLUS contains additional keys that can be useful. These keys can be seen when working with iPhone in horizontal orientation.

You can also enter text using Apple Wireless Keyboard. See use wireless keyboard Apple. On the use of dictation instead of entering text from the keyboard, see Dictation.

Editing text

Touch the screen and hold your finger until the magnifying glass appears, then, without removing your finger from the screen, move your finger to determine the insertion point.

Press the insertion point to display the selection options. You can also highlight the word, twice touching it. Take the capture points to increase or decrease the amount of selected text. In read-only documents, such as web pages, tap the screen and hold your finger to select the word.

You can cut, copy or replace dedicated. In some programs, you can use formatting to text (bold, italic or underscore, tap "B / I / U"), view the definition of the word in the dictionary or find synonym. Click to see all available actions.

Cancel the last editing operation. Shake the iPhone and tap "Cancel".

Using abbreviations, you can enter words and even phrases with just a few characters. For example, the reduction of "TD" is replaced by the phrase "and so on." This reduction has already been entered into memory, but you can add your own abbreviation options.

Creating a reduction. Select "Settings"\u003e "Main"\u003e "Keyboard" and tap the "abbreviation" option.

Do not want to correct your word or phrase? Create a reduction, but leave the "Reduction" field empty.

Using ICloud to update a personal dictionary on other devices.Select "Settings"\u003e ICLOUD and enable the "ICloud Drive" or "Documents and Data" option.

Using Apple Wireless Keyboard

You can use the Apple wireless keyboard (sold separately) to enter text on the iPhone. The wireless keyboard connects to the phone via Bluetooth, so you first need to create a pair between the keyboard and the iPhone.

Note. Apple Wireless Keyboard does not support keyboard features operating on the device. For example, it does not use the predicative set and does not correct the words written with errors.

Creating a pair between wireless keyboard Apple. and iPhone. Turn on the keyboard, select "Settings"\u003e "Bluetooth" and turn on bluetooth communication, then select the keyboard in the "Device" list.

After creating a pair, the keyboard is connected to the iPhone if located within the communication range (up to 10 meters). If the wireless keyboard is connected, the on-screen keyboard does not appear.

Battery savings. Disconnect the Bluetooth function and keyboard if they are not used. Disable Bluetooth you can in the control point. To turn off the keyboard, press the "On / Off" button. On it and hold it until the green indicator goes out.

Tarve a pair with a wireless keyboard. Select "Settings"\u003e "Bluetooth", tap next to the title of the keyboard and select "Forget this device". See Bluetooth devices.

Adding or changing keyboards

You can turn on the keyboards for a set of text in different languages, as well as enable and disable various text set features, such as spelling. You can also change the layout for both the on-screen keyboard and the Apple wireless keyboard.

Select text entry parameters. Select "Settings"\u003e "Main"\u003e "Keyboard".

Adding a keyboard language. Select "Settings"\u003e "Basic"\u003e "Keyboard"\u003e "Keyboards"\u003e "New Keyboards".

Switch between keyboards. If you did not add keypad, tap to go to the emoji keyboard. If you have a few keyboards, tap to go to the keyboard that you used the last. Repeat your touch to access the rest of the keyboards. You can also touch and hold, and then move your finger to select another keyboard.

It happens that I came up with something, but do not know how it should be called. Understanding the essence seems to be, but it is not possible to find the same on the Internet for some reason to be saved. In this case, I was lucky - I accidentally got a phone that can exactly what is necessary, so it was possible to find out what this function is called "predictive commissioning". Those who use the phone to make calls, and not to rock the birds in pigs, this functionality must be very saving time and nerves.

How do we call usually, for example, Alexey Ivanov? Something like this:
1) unlocked the phone,
2) pressed a "notebook",
3) pressed "2444433" to see a shortened list of contacts with a substress "Ale" (ie, Alexey and Alexandra mainly),
4) Evaluated that to gain its popular name entirely to go to enter no less popular last name - the case is quite long (I would have to dial the following sequence: "444663344"), so we decide to move the arrows down and up to racify the right contact.

Total, about a half dozen push buttons, we made the desired call. It is not too much, you can suffer if there is no normal alternative. But they turn out to be! So, how do we carry the same task, having a predictive set of numbers?
1) unlocked the phone,
2) scored a short "243" immediately (this is to instantly get into a state after point (3) from the previous approach) - after all, a list of all lines was formed specifically for us. notebookthat contain a substring that can be collected from letters located on the second, fourth and third buttons, respectively.
3) And in this list, you can the same buttons up and down to run to the necessary Alexey Ivanov, and if the list is still too long, it is enough to gain a few more digits ("463") to cut out Alexandrov from the received list.

It seems to be saved only one point (opening a notebook), but in fact we very much unloaded our fingers and head: no need to dial a long sequence of numbers, do not remember which the letter "L" on the button "4" goes Everything turns out noticeably faster and easier. By the way, in the case of touch screens This is also sometimes used (the smartphone dialer is often more convenient than the honest keyboard of the notebook, as in large buttons with numbers it is easier to get into small buttons with letters, see the beginning of the explanatory roller about rapdialer).

But for some reason, in the network about this functionality is almost not written in Russian, nor in English. I could not even find explanatory video about push-button phoneBut with him this text would be much clearer. I do not even know how to find out if the candidate is built into the phone this feature (About the predictive entry, almost all models are written, but usually it means support for T9 when entering message text), so everything has to be checked in the cabin, which takes time. therefore let's B.

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