Virtual keyboard Google Chrome enable. Start and search program. How to turn on the virtual keyboard, if the usual does not work

The virtual keyboard is a standard component of the Windows family of operating systems. The need for its use may arise not only among people with disabilities. The virtual keyboard will help you out in cases when for some reason the usual one failed, and something urgently needed on the computer. It is also useful when entering confidential information that needs to be protected from special intercept programs of keyboard characters.

Settings and advanced features

Last month we told you about the problem. We also found that the on-screen keyboard does not start in desktop mode without a keyboard connected to the surface. If you wait a few days, this should happen on your own. However, if you are impatient or if this does not happen automatically, you can start the update manually.

More specific keyboard shortcuts

To manually start the update, follow these steps:

  • The default is set to Automatic.
  • From the drop-down menu, select “Enabled”.
The content of the viewed page occupies the entire screen. Do you use other shortcuts? Which one do you find most useful?

The on-screen keyboard is displayed on the computer screen with all the standard set of keys. Missing only an extra digital block. To enable virtual keyboard   follow the steps below.

  1. Click the "Start" button and in the menu that appears, expand the "All Programs" list.
  2. In the list of programs, expand the Standard group.
  3. AT standard programs   find the folder “Accessibility” and enter it.
  4. Launch the On-Screen Keyboard component.
By default, the on-screen keyboard is located on top of all other windows and does not block input from a regular keyboard when it starts. In the settings that are called when you click on the additional “Parameters” button directly on the keyboard, you can set three character entry modes:
  1. By clicking the mouse pointer on the corresponding key.
  2. By hovering the mouse for a certain time on the appropriate key. The duration of the guidance can also be set in the settings.
  3. By scanning key mode for which control actions can be used via a joystick, a game tablet, or a specially assigned key on a regular keyboard.
In addition to the operating system application, a virtual keyboard can be found on some sites as part of specialized applications. For example, in a comprehensive solution to protect computers from threats Kaspersky Internet   Security you can launch a virtual keyboard from the antivirus control panel. To do this, double-click the left mouse button on the program icon in the lower right corner of the taskbar - the so-called system tray. In the window that opens, go to the "Settings" section and click the button that says "Virtual Keyboard".

The most famous site where you can use the built-in virtual keyboard is the Google search page. On the text, image and map search pages, you can activate the virtual keyboard by clicking the corresponding icon in the right corner of the search bar.

In fact, the installer simply skips the executable compressed archive of the program, creating in the specified directory all the folders necessary for the files to work. For those who are wondering how to install browser updates, the answer always remains: “Let them make the browser.” The so-called "portable" versions have several advantages over the standard versions. Bringing the browser in this case allows the user to carry part of his home or office terminal in his pocket.

It allows you to sync your favorite places, user data and more. It is difficult to notice the difference. However, its ease of use also compensates for this gap. The list is almost 90, and it has only free tools. You can be sure that they are always in the latest version. After downloading and listening, download and install one program after another, with optimal settings, without having to enter various toolbars or other firmware.

Also, the virtual keyboard can be launched by default when entering a password on Internet banking access sites in order to maximally protect users from stealing passwords by intercepting them while typing with a normal keyboard.

So the ways to enable the virtual keyboard on modern computer   quite enough. You only need to choose the most suitable and convenient for you.

There is also a paid version for getting automatic updates. You will be in a situation where you need to write a foreign word and you cannot find the corresponding characters in the current keyboard language set. The problem is that not only people who speak a large number of languages.

This allows you to enter external text without knowing the keyboard shortcuts for foreign characters or switch between different keyboards. Speak the text in your own language using the keyboard, and if you need to enter external text, you can practically overwrite keystrokes and record them, or if you see the displayed keyboard, you can select characters directly from it.

The virtual keyboard "Windows 7" is a key displayed on top of the desktop or any other windows. In order for it to appear, it must be turned on, and for this to perform a certain sequence of actions.

Why is the onscreen keyboard enabled in the operating system?

Few understand why operating systems   Windows has a function of showing the keyboard on the desktop. To understand this, you need to refer to the help and add a little bit of it.

For those who often use the virtual keyboard

You took a photo, and you had to write something there and then show it to someone else? Yes, but you do not want to damage the picture, so the information should not be written directly to him. The program allows you to add snapshots, such as text fields, bubbles, arrows, create different borders. Scalable options allow users to customize colors, arrow styles, and other object properties. You can use the export function to save notes directly on the image.

First of all, a virtual keyboard is required for those people whose fingers are immobile or missing. In addition, it can help if the keys of a conventional keyboard suddenly stop working, and you urgently need to add text or type the name of the file recipient.

Recently, such devices as tablet computers have become very popular. Ordinary devices using bluetooth or wi-fi can be connected to them, but in the absence of wireless devices and USB sockets, work would be incredibly difficult if it were not for the virtual keyboard.

Maybe you are unhappy with this, so try an alternative solution. All the time working on the background of the system with an icon in the notification area of ​​the main panel. Because of this, you still save all the data in the backup resource. The keyboard as an application or function that you want is one of the important parts of the system that many users forget about. Just think how often you use applications where you need to write something. At the moment, it is useful to have a suitable application for writing with functions that are useful to the user.

It can also help protect against malwarecalled keyloggers. They read the passwords that are entered from the physical keyboard, and then send them to the attacker.

How to turn on the virtual keyboard, if there is a normal one?

  1. Method one. AT latest versions   Windows OS conveniently implemented search function. Just click on and in the search bar enter "on-screen keyboard". Now click on the top search link and the required window will appear on the screen.
  2. The second way, more operational. You just need to press a combination window opens with the name "Run." In it write "osk" or "osk.exe", and then click on the button "OK" or "ENTER". If the window after clicking does not open, you will have to do a few extra steps. First, move the cursor to the "Start" menu and right-click on it, select "Properties". On the right, find the "Tinctures" button and click on it. After clicking, another window will open in which you need to put a check in the box next to the word "Run".

How to enable the virtual keyboard if the steps described above are done, but nothing works? Just open the "Start" menu, and in the right column, select "Run", now you can easily enter the file name "osk" or "osk.exe"

Let's take a closer look at the list of new or updated features. Here we have one-handed mode, long keystrokes, adjustable keyboard height, a common fragment, word prediction and gesture. Obviously, the competition, as well as the developers, ultimately made the giant think and update some of its applications again.

How to turn on the virtual keyboard, if the usual does not work?

The second part, on which we can share the update, contains gestures. Deleting words is so easy - just delete your word with your finger to the left of the delete key. Predicted words are now displayed on the toolbar, which is much more convenient. In addition, the user can also delete the “recognized” word - just hold your finger over the word you want to delete. Another useful feature is the cursor control, which you can scroll by dragging your finger across the space to the right or left.

How to turn on the virtual keyboard, if the usual does not work?

The on-screen keyboard can only be opened using the mouse.

Click on "Start", then on "Control Panel" and select "Accessibility".

A window opens with the name "Accessibility Center."

However, install only at your own risk. However, only those interested in news know that it offers much more functionality than simple text entry. A gesture input technique is also used whereby the user can enter words by moving his finger over the next letter of the words.

Options for enabling the virtual keyboard

The longer we use this application, the better we will know our habits while we print and, therefore, give us the best offers. They change automatically, without the need to perform an action. You only need to select the languages ​​that we use most often in the application settings. A useful gesture can also be a finger gesture directed to the left of the erase key. This way we can erase the entire word from the text.

After clicking on "Enable virtual keyboard", the required keys will appear on top of all windows.

Open the explorer by double-clicking on the "My Computer" shortcut (it is desirable to perform this action on behalf of the Administrator).

Since it is always possible to turn on the virtual keyboard from the control panel, especially if the computer is infected, sometimes you need to open the executable file yourself.

It definitely makes it easier to work with long texts. The user has a theme browser that allows you to select the graphics that will be placed on the keyboard. You can use predefined suggestions within the application, download additional information   or choose a picture from our device. Make sure that your custom graphics do not interfere with typing on the keyboard - it is recommended that the color scheme be fairly uniform.

For mobile devices   large-screen single finger mode can be useful for moving onscreen keyboard   to the right or left of the screen so that words can only be entered using the thumb. It is equipped with new features. However, be aware of the danger of installation. software   from unauthorized users. However, the most interesting solution is to translate in real time on the keyboard. After installing the input and output languages, we can even enter the translation of the entire translation into the translator and at the same time get the translation already entered in the active text field.

Settings and advanced features

A virtual keyboard is open on the screen, how to enable its settings window? There is nothing difficult in this - click on the "Parameters" button. Here you can choose the response to the guidance, just holding over a certain key - it will be considered that this key is pressed.


Often, after some time, the OS function in the form of a keyboard on the screen becomes unnecessary. To turn off the window that is no longer required for work, in the upper right corner of the window, click on the buttons familiar to the user: the underscore to collapse, or the cross to close completely.

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