How to charge your phone faster: tips. Enable fast charging or disable on Android devices

All smartphone owners are familiar with the situation when the phone becomes necessary more than ever, and the battery charge remains catastrophically low. What to do in this state of affairs at home, on the street or in conditions where there is no way to recharge the phone at all, read this article.

How to quickly charge your phone at home

To quickly charge your phone at home, you need to do the following:

Fast charging outdoors

How to charge your phone faster without being at home:

Battery charging without charger

It is not uncommon for there to be no charger, no USB-cable, or any other "legal" way to connect the phone to an outlet nearby. Or the source of electricity is not supposed to be near at all. Then how to quickly charge your phone without charging? You can try to use the following methods, but keeping in mind that they can be dangerous both for the battery and the gadget, and for you:

  • If there is an outlet nearby and an unsuitable charger for the phone. Cut off the connector for the charging port, then loosen and strip any visible wires. Then remove the battery and connect the wires, strictly observing the polarity: "+" to "+", "-" to "-". Then the bare wires should be insulated and the device should be connected to the mains.
  • You can try charging the battery with alkaline batteries, paper clips, and tape (to secure the ends of the paper clips to the batteries and phone battery). In this case, it is also important not to confuse the polarity.
  • Another way that tape is used is to tape the battery contacts with duct tape.

Dangerous methods

Such methods of charging the battery can only be used in emergency situations:

  • How to quickly charge your phone outdoors - with a knife and fire. Preheat the blade over a fire, and then place the phone battery contacts on hot (not hot) metal.
  • Quite a tough but effective way is to hit the battery against a stone.
  • Another "inhumane" method is charging with water - the battery is pierced with a needle and put into water for a short time.

How to charge the phone faster, we have disassembled. It would be useful to mention now life hacks that help to use the battery one hundred percent:

  • In order for the battery to charge quickly and hold a charge for a long time, it should not overheat or cool down unnecessarily. The most optimal temperature for him is 22 degrees Celsius.
  • It is important to charge the battery at least once a month "to victory" and then use the phone until it is disconnected from the lack of charge.
  • If the phone constantly loses 20-30% of the charge, then you need to do the following: charge it in the on state until the end of the cycle, then disconnect the wire and turn off the device. And after these actions, continue charging the battery of the already turned off smartphone.

Turn off your phone
THE CHARGING INDICATOR WILL BE FILLED MUCH FASTER IF THE DEVICE IS TURNED OFF. So it will not waste a single precious watt and, accordingly, extra minutes of your time. When turned off, all electrical energy goes directly to the battery and does not go to other hardware processes.

Charge your phone from an outlet
THE PHONE WILL BE CHARGED FASTER FROM A WALL OUTLET rather than a USB port. It's also worth making sure that your charger is high enough power - some models deliver less milliamps than the cell phone can handle, which will increase the actual charging time.
According to the manufacturers, the fastest charging is done by connecting the device to a wall outlet using the supplied USB cable and adapter. However, you can risk replacing the standard charger with a higher power one, designed for more milliamps.

Optimize USB charging
First, you need to figure out what USB ports your computer has. Today they are equipped with three types: USB 1.0, 2.0 or 3.0. The first and second are capable of providing 500 mA of current, while USB 3.0 is almost twice as much - up to 900 mA. Depending on the type of USB to which your smartphone or tablet is connected, charging times may vary greatly. A separate wall USB port that can provide up to 1500mA is an even more efficient way to charge.
To further speed up the process, do not sync your smartphone with your computer and disconnect from it all other USB devices that might be using power. Remember also that if you are connected to a laptop that is not connected to the network, you must ensure that it does not go into sleep mode.

Observe the temperature regime
HIGH AND LOW TEMPERATURES are DEADLY for batteries. Do not place your charging phone in the sun, near a heater, or near an open window in winter. The best temperature for this process is around + 22 ° C.

Use an app to speed up battery recharge
ASUS HAS DEVELOPED A FREE AI CHARGER TWEEK APP that helps you charge your mobile devices faster. The program allows you to output about 1000 mA through a standard USB port, thereby almost twice speeding up the charging of devices. Depending on the different types of gadgets used, the amperage can rise even more. And although manufacturers do not disclose the technological aspects of the utility, many users talk about its effectiveness. Ai Charger is compatible not only with Asus boards, but with computers from other manufacturers.

Purchase a USB charging adapter
TURN YOURSELF CHARGING ADAPTER. The device, which looks like a small USB stick, is capable of increasing the output current to 2100 mA when a phone or tablet is connected to it. The time to fully charge a mobile phone can be reduced by 4 times. Run Y-cable
PURCHASE a Y-SHAPED WIRE with two USB cables, which provides the combined power of the two USB ports on your computer and maximizes power to one device.

Handle the battery correctly
Manufacturers advise proper handling of batteries for fast and successful charging. For example, Apple says in its recommendations: "To maintain a lithium battery in good condition, it is necessary that the electrons in it are periodically in motion." To do this, it is recommended to fully charge and discharge the battery at least once a month.

Hardly anyone today can imagine their usual day without a smartphone. This device serves not only for communication, but helps in study and work, replaces the player, camera, computer and video camera. Therefore, if the battery of the gadget is discharged at the wrong time, it can turn into a real disaster. How to quickly charge your phone and what to do to maximize battery life are the answers to these questions in our article.

Most mobile phone owners have Android devices. If you need an emergency charging of the gadget, you can use such life hacks.

  1. Switch your smartphone to air mode. This option enables blocking of all signals coming to the device. Therefore, the battery will be able to charge 25% faster than in normal mode.
  2. Disconnect the phone. This method will allow you to minimize energy costs. Of course, this will not work to receive and send calls while charging. But if the situation is critical, sacrifices must be made.
  3. Give the gadget a rest. After putting the battery to charge, you need to move away from the device. Even just turning on the screen will drain the battery.
  4. Remove the cover. This advice is especially relevant during the hot season. Indeed, in a protective shell, the phone receives additional overheating to what is already in the environment. A cooled battery can recharge more efficiently.
  5. Charge with a wall outlet. The USB port of a computer or laptop does not provide fast charging, just like popular wireless devices. Only standard cable and 220 volts.
  6. Use a quality adapter. Cheap chargers not only slow down the charging speed, but also negatively affect the operation of the gadget. Better to get a normal device from your phone manufacturer.

With the help of special programs, you can speed up the charging time of your Android. The DU Battery Saver and Avast battery saver apps ensure optimal power consumption, increasing battery life by 15 - 30%.

Very fast iPhone charging

Owners of Apple devices can also significantly speed up the battery charging process with helpful tips.

  1. Power saving mode helps you charge your phone quickly. After all, the less energy the device consumes, the faster it will replenish its reserves. The iOS 11 model already has a quick switch button for this mode; in older iPhones, go to the battery settings.
  2. If you do not use the gadget while recharging, the process will go much faster. In the case when it is already necessary to leave and every minute is precious, it is better to turn off the phone altogether.
  3. The included "airplane" mode allows you to charge your iPhone up to 30 - 40 percent in half an hour. Indeed, in this state, network search, wi-fi, GPS and bluetooth are turned off, which affect the energy consumption of the device.
  4. Removing the protective case from your iPhone will speed up charging. The whole secret is in the heating of the battery, which occurs under the additional "clothing" and requires energy for cooling.
  5. Apple recommends using the original device to recharge the battery in its rules for use, and also using an outlet rather than a USB connector on your computer.
  6. If there is no other way out, and you have to use USB charging, you need to turn off synchronization, which draws additional energy, and also make sure that your computer or laptop does not "fall asleep."

To optimize battery consumption, you can use the Mobile Doctor pro iPhone app.

Ways to quickly charge Windows Phone

Newer models from Microsoft, such as the Lumia 950 XL, have a tuned battery with a function that allows you to charge your phone very quickly. In just half an hour, the battery was accelerated by 50 percent.

But the secrets of extremely fast charging will be useful for the owners of smartphones of this brand.

  1. No need to touch your phone while charging. This uses the remaining battery power to backlight the screen and open applications.
  2. It is worth putting the gadget into "airplane mode". This optimizes the operation of all applications and reduces the functionality of the device. But the battery recharge rate is increasing.
  3. A radical and effective method is to turn off your phone. Nothing will distract the smartphone from its energy recharge work.
  4. It is necessary to abandon wireless charging and the method via the USB port of the computer. They work too slowly, so they are not suitable in an emergency.

It is worth buying a Powerbank. Then, if the drive is charged, you can attach a device to it, and even if slowly, but charge it right on the go, if you need to hurry on the road.

It became clear how to charge the gadget as quickly as possible. Is it possible to use the precious charge that the battery has received especially carefully?

This requires:

  • close all unnecessary applications at the moment;
  • make the screen brightness to minimum;
  • disable mobile data, wireless network, if you do not use them;
  • set the minimum time in the settings to automatically turn off the gadget screen and lock it;
  • remove additional vibration mode;
  • connect headphones to listen to music, do not use speakers;

turn off system sounds.
And the following tips will help you make your smartphone battery last much longer from one charge to the next.

  1. It is better not to charge the gadget to 100 percent and not to discharge it to zero. The battery is more suitable to be in a state of 40 - 80%, which prolongs its service life. Therefore, if you choose between several charges a day for a couple of percent and complete emptying, and then a full charge, then the first option should be preferred.
  2. Once a month - one and a half, you should completely discharge the battery of the gadget, and then do a full charge cycle to the maximum. This process adjusts the battery threshold settings.
  3. It is necessary to use an original, so-called, native charging device. Only it ensures maximum safety of the device and preserves the factory characteristics of the battery.
  4. Do not overheat or overcool your smartphone. Temperatures below 40 or above 35 degrees are no longer suitable for using gadgets. Therefore, it is necessary to protect the device from the sun, heating devices and extreme weather conditions.
  5. If the battery is not in use, it is better not to store it completely discharged; it must be brought up to at least 30-40 percent before removing it. Otherwise, the battery will have to be discarded after several months of improper storage.

By listening to advice, you can make sure that your smartphone is always ready at the right time to help in communication, work or study. It is very easy to follow the rules, you just have to be willing.

The constant development and improvement of mobile technologies more and more ties ordinary users to their smartphones. If earlier the phone was used for making calls and sending SMS messages, then in the last few years the mobile phone has become a complex multimedia device, endowed with countless useful and useless functions.

The consumption of these functions of the smartphone requires more and more energy. The development of communication capabilities of smartphones is advancing at a faster pace. Battery manufacturers cannot keep up with the rise in energy consumption and are only able to offer the market with fast charging devices. Existing technologies do not allow smartphone manufacturers to achieve significant reductions in power consumption and increase battery autonomy.

Therefore, the question of how to quickly charge the phone is very relevant for most users. In this life hack, I will give some advice to smartphone owners that will significantly reduce the time spent on charging a mobile gadget.

Tip 1: To quickly charge your phone, you need to turn it off

It is obvious that a switched off smartphone does not consume energy to maintain the display, which consumes a significant proportion of the energy and used applications. Charging your phone when it is off, on average, reduces charging time by 50%.

However, it is worth mentioning that a number of modern smartphones are equipped with controllers that use a fast battery charging phase, due to which the charging time of a working phone will be less than the charging time of a switched off phone.

Unfortunately, users do not always have the opportunity to turn off their phone during the day while charging and stay out of range. There is also a good solution for such cases. Put your phone in airplane mode and start charging your phone. In airplane mode, the user can receive calls. This is enough in order not to disappear from the access zone while the smartphone is charging.

Charging your phone in airplane mode reduces battery recharge time by 30%.

Tip 3: Periodically discharge your phone to the end

The battery of any smartphone has its own limited resource. To increase the battery life, the phone must be fully discharged at least once a month. This will calibrate the battery.

Tip 4: do not leave your phone on charge for a long time

With each new charge, the battery life is consumed. The maximum battery consumption occurs when the smartphone is charged to 100%. Therefore, it is not recommended to leave the phone on charge overnight. Again, this does not apply to those phones that are equipped with controllers that suspend phone charging when the battery reaches 100%.

Tip 5: strive to use the original charger

Smartphone manufacturers use different charging voltages for mobile phones. The use of universal chargers can limit the battery life. However, it is also worth making a reservation that charging the battery with a weak current will not adversely affect the battery life, but will only increase its recharging time.

You can always find more interesting information and useful tips on our website.

Has it ever happened to you that you urgently need to call, but the phone is at a minimum and the phone is about to turn off? In this case, there are several effective methods that will help in an emergency.

We will not give such obvious advice on how to always carry a charger or a portable charger that does not require an outlet. Moreover, in megacities, every second smartphone owner always has a charger with him.

But it also happens that we can simply forget to take this vital item with us, accidentally leaving it in another bag or on the nightstand. And in such a case, we have prepared simple ways for you to easily get out of such a situation.

1. If you are in or near a shopping center, find a store that has charging lockers. Usually in some stores of well-known networks there are small lockers with chargers for various connectors. And while you try on clothes, your phone will be charged.

A similar service is available, for example, in the Moskva bookstore on Tverskaya Street. Contact the information department with a request to charge your phone - you are unlikely to be refused.

2. Another easy way is to go to any cell phone store and ask to recharge your phone. The likelihood that you will be refused is very small. But it is best in such cases to contact the salon of one of the operators - in some such services are taken for granted. Besides, in the salons of cellular communication there are chargers for all models. You can also go to the electronics store with the same request.

3. There are special terminals for charging phones. Unfortunately, there are not as many of them as ATMs and payment terminals. They are usually found in large shopping centers, cafes, waiting rooms at train stations and airports. There are several wires in the cells of the terminal, which are suitable for all smartphones. This pleasure costs about 50 rubles per hour.

4. Smartphones are known to drain faster than regular phones. This happens for various reasons. We want to tell you about a few more life hacks that will speed up the charging process and save energy on your smartphones.

If you have very little time to recharge, then turn on airplane mode on your smartphone - and charging will go much faster. Alternatively, you can simply turn off your phone while charging. The smartphone will not use up energy, but it will receive it much faster.

5. If you do not have the opportunity to turn off your phone or put it in airplane mode, since you, for example, do not want to miss an important call, then try disabling unnecessary functions. It can be GPS, Bluetooth, internet connection. All these functions take on some of the energy. By turning them off, you can speed up the charging process a little. When using your smartphone, keep these features turned off when you are not directly using them.

This will make your smartphone drain more slowly. There is also a classic useful tip for saving energy - reduce the screen brightness and the screen auto-off time in the settings.

Of course, this cannot be called a full charge. However, this life hack will help if you need to make an urgent call, and the phone is disconnected due to the fact that it is dead.

For you, a video that demonstrates these applications:

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