Deploy the Access app. Install and Upgrade Access Database with User Interface

In the modern world, tools are needed that would allow you to store, organize and process large amounts of information that are difficult to work with in Excel or Word.

Such repositories are used to develop information sites, online stores and accounting add-ons. The main tools that implement this approach are MS SQL and MySQL.

The product from Microsoft Office is a simplified version in functional terms and more understandable for inexperienced users. Let's walk through the steps of creating a database in Access 2007.

Description of MS Access

Microsoft Access 2007 is a database management system (DBMS) that implements a full-fledged graphical user interface, the principle of creating entities and relationships between them, as well as a structured query language SQL. The only drawback of this DBMS is the inability to work on an industrial scale. It is not designed to store huge amounts of data. Therefore, MS Access 2007 is used for small projects and for personal non-commercial purposes.

But before showing the creation of a database step by step, you need to familiarize yourself with basic concepts from database theory.

Definitions of basic concepts

Without basic knowledge about the controls and objects used in creating and configuring a database, it is impossible to successfully understand the principle and specifics of setting up a domain. Therefore, now I will try to explain in simple language the essence of all the important elements. So, let's begin:

  1. Subject area - a set of created tables in the database, which are linked with each other using primary and secondary keys.
  2. An entity is a separate database table.
  3. Attribute is the heading of an individual column in the table.
  4. A tuple is a string that accepts the value of all attributes.
  5. A primary key is a unique value (id) that is assigned to each tuple.
  6. The secondary key of table "B" is the unique value of table "A" used in table "B".
  7. An SQL query is a special expression that performs a specific action with a database: adding, editing, deleting fields, creating selections.

Now that we have a general idea of \u200b\u200bwhat we will be working with, we can start creating a database.

Database creation

For clarity of the whole theory, we will create a training database "Students-Exams", which will contain 2 tables: "Students" and "Exams". The main key will be the field "Student number", because this parameter is unique for each student. The rest of the fields are intended for more complete information about the students.

So, do the following:

That's it, now all that remains is to create, fill and link the tables. Move on to the next item.

Creating and filling tables

After successful creation of the database, an empty table will appear on the screen. To form its structure and fill it in, do the following:

Advice! To fine-tune the data format, go to the "Table Mode" tab on the ribbon and pay attention to the "Formatting and Data Type" block. There you can customize the format of the displayed data.

Creating and editing data schemas

Before you start linking two entities, by analogy with the previous paragraph, you need to create and fill in the "Examinations" table. It has the following attributes: "Student number", "Exam1", "Exam2", "Exam3".

To execute queries, we need to link our tables. In other words, this is a kind of dependency that is implemented using key fields. For this you need:

The designer should automatically create a link based on the context. If this did not happen, then:

Executing queries

What if we need students who study only in Moscow? Yes, there are only 6 people in our database, but what if there are 6,000 of them? It will be difficult to find out without additional tools.

It is in this situation that SQL queries come to our aid, which help to extract only the necessary information.

Types of requests

SQL syntax implements the CRUD principle (abbreviated from English create, read, update, delete - "create, read, update, delete"). Those. with queries you will be able to implement all these functions.


In this case, the “read” principle comes into play. For example, we need to find all the students studying in Kharkov. For this you need:

But what if we are interested in students from Kharkov who have more than 1000 scholarships? Then our request will look like this:

SELECT * FROM Students WHERE Address \u003d "Kharkiv" AND Scholarship\u003e 1000;

and the resulting table will look like this:

To create an entity

In addition to adding a table using the built-in constructor, sometimes you may need to perform this operation using an SQL query. In most cases, this is necessary while performing laboratory or coursework as part of a university course, because in real life there is no need for this. Unless, of course, you are involved in professional application development. So, to create a request you need:

  1. Go to the "Create" tab.
  2. Click the "Query Builder" button in the "Other" block.
  3. In the new window, click on the SQL button, then enter the command in the text field:

(Teacher Code INT PRIMARY KEY,
Surname CHAR (20),
CHAR name (15),
Middle name CHAR (15),
Paul CHAR (1),
Date_ of birth DATE,
Main_item CHAR (200));

where "CREATE TABLE" means to create the Teachers table and "CHAR", "DATE" and "INT" are the data types for the corresponding values.

Attention! At the end of each request there must be a ";" symbol. Without it, script execution will result in an error.

Add, delete, edit

Everything is much simpler here. Go to the query box again and enter the following commands:

Form creation

With a huge number of fields in the table, it becomes difficult to fill the database. You can accidentally skip a value, enter an incorrect one, or of a different type. In this situation, forms come to the rescue, with the help of which you can quickly fill out entities, and the probability of making a mistake is minimized. This will require the following steps:

We have already covered all the basic functions of MS Access 2007. The last important component remains - the formation of the report.

Report generation

A report is a special function of MS Access that allows you to design and prepare data from a database for printing. It is mainly used to create invoices, accounting reports and other office documentation.

If you have never encountered such a function, it is recommended to use the built-in "Report Wizard". To do this, do the following:

  1. Go to the "Create" tab.
  2. Click on the "Report Wizard" button in the "Reports" section.

  3. Select the table of interest and the fields you want to print.

  4. Add the required grouping level.

  5. Select the sort type for each of the fields.

  6. Customize the layout view for the report.


    So, we can say with confidence that we have completely analyzed the creation of a database in MS Access 2007. Now you know all the basic functions of a DBMS: from creating and populating tables to writing select queries and generating reports. This knowledge is enough to perform simple laboratory work within the university program or use in small personal projects.

    To design more complex databases, you need to understand object-oriented programming and study such DBMS as MS SQL and MySQL. And for those who need practice in writing queries, I recommend visiting the SQL-EX site, where you will find many practical fun tasks.

    Good luck in mastering the new material and if you have any questions - you are welcome in the comments!

Microsoft Access 2007 allows you to organize comfortable work with databases, make changes to them in real time, control reporting and provide corporate access to shared documents. The main advantage of the program is its simplicity and functionality. Even without deep knowledge of the features of the product, the user can easily develop the necessary application using free templates.

Microsoft Access 2007 was especially liked by business representatives who, using a simple program, can adapt developed projects in accordance with their directions and conduct business even more efficiently.

Microsoft Access 2007 features

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In addition to the ready-made templates that the program provides users for free, it is worth downloading Access 2007 for its other advantages and capabilities. For example, the software has several kinds of sample databases. Choosing a suitable option among them, you can track the following parameters:

  • current tasks;
  • contacts;
  • important events;
  • other information that you need to organize your workflow.

Application settings allow you to set parameters at your own discretion, so you can conveniently create for yourself forms, reports, tables, macros and other elements used in your work.

Access 2007 is integrated with other Microsoft office products, so you can easily transfer information from Excel and use it in your work.

Differences from previous versions

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The differences are already noticeable when you first launch the 2007 release.

  1. Compared to previous versions, the creation of tables has been greatly simplified. To do this, you just need to press one key with the appropriate name and fill out a standard form. The application will independently set the type of fields and optimize the table for convenient work.
  2. The developers paid special attention to the application interface, which was significantly redesigned. Now the main part is the ribbon, in which all the tools are combined, the choice of commands and options has been simplified, and the search has become more accessible. Therefore, the user does not have to spend as much time searching as before.
  3. Most of the dialog boxes have been replaced with a collection that conveniently displays the available options.
  4. Pop-up tips and previews help an inexperienced user make the right choice.

You can download Microsoft Access 2007 for free right now, but first familiarize yourself with its system requirements and make sure that your computer meets them.

Microsoft Access 2003 is one of the first versions of the popular database management system. With this program, you can collect information from spreadsheets, process text documents, as well as the most common database formats. The application is capable of analyzing data, as well as creating web pages and a variety of applications. Naturally, you will need some skills to work with Access 2003, but compared to managing professional programs, they will be minimal. And the product, unlike its other analogues, is distributed free of charge.

Access 2003 can be downloaded for both home and corporate purposes, but in the latter case, the software will be more useful. You can use it as a DBMS for stand-alone management or file servers. You can interact with other sources using "linked tables" and "server queries".

Microsoft Access 2007

Microsoft Access 2007 is a database program that allows you to make changes to them, organize reporting and share documents. Even those users who do not have special knowledge will be able to develop applications using ready-made free templates.

Access 2007 allows you to tailor your designs to suit the needs of your business.

Microsoft Access 2010

Microsoft Access 2010 is an application that allows you to combine information from different sources in one database. This version was released under the motto "Simplicity in everything" - you don't need to be a specialist to work with it. The added web databases significantly improved the interaction with information, simplified the processes of data tracking, reporting and sharing.

Ribbon management, fully implemented in Access 2010, provides only the most essential tools, without allowing the user to get confused by the many commands and settings.

Microsoft Access 2013

Microsoft Access 2013 is one of the new versions of the database management system (DBMS). In the app, you will find the necessary features and tools to help you organize data maintenance, improve reporting, and share information with a large number of users.

You can also download the program to create a web application. In Access 2013, you only need to select the type of tracked data (projects, tasks, contacts), after which the application will independently create a structure to which you can add information. Basic commands and navigation will be built into the project, so after creation, you can immediately jump into use.

Microsoft Access 2016

Microsoft Access 2016 is much more than a simple database design program. It's a whole system for tracking information, generating reports, and sharing information. It helps to make informed and balanced conclusions and choose the best solutions for certain tasks. Not very experienced users can download and use Access 2016, because even without having a lot of knowledge in this area, you can quickly develop the necessary application by converting free ready-made templates to suit your needs.

This version of the program offers bases of a new type: a web application is created in MS Access 2016, and is used through a browser as a SharePoint service. To create it, you need to decide on the type of data that you need to track, after which the program will independently generate the necessary structure. It will have basic commands and navigation built in so you can start working right away.

Access is a rich platform for developing database applications. A database application is a computer program that can store and manage data, with a user interface that matches the logic of business tasks (application logic). This article covers basic deployment planning, packaging and signing, database application deployment, and the Access runtime.

In this article

Deployment plan

The first step is to ask yourself the following questions to determine how to deploy your application.

Should data and logic be separated?

You can create an Access application where data management and application logic are combined in a single file. Access uses this application structure by default. Combining data management and application logic in a single file provides the simplest deployment method, but this method is best used only if multiple people are using the application at the same time, and this requires some risk. For example, if the user accidentally deletes or damages the application file, the data will be lost. In most cases, you should separate data management and application logic. This improves performance and reliability.

One way to separate data and logic is to use the command Access database (on the tab Working with databases in Group Moving data). This command splits the database application into two files: one for logic (foreground) and one for data (back end). For example, a database named Misolution. accdb is split into two files named MySolution_fe. accdb and MySolution_be. ACCDB. You host the back-end database in a shared location, such as a network folder. You distribute first-level files to your computers, for each user and for each of these copies. You can also distribute different external files to different users. For more information, see Splitting an Access Database.

Another way to separate data management from application logic is to use a database server program (such as Microsoft SQL Server) to manage data and an Access application for application logic. For more information, see Migrating an Access Database to SQL Server.

Following are additional reasons for separating data and logic.

    Data integrity and security. Combining data and logic in one file exposes the data to the same risk as application logic. Access, using separate algorithms and data files, helps protect data integrity and security by leveraging NTFS security on network shares.

    Access users must have read, write, create, and delete permissions for the folder that contains the external file. However, you can assign different access permissions to the outermost file. For example, you can assign read-only permissions to some users and read-write permissions to others.

    Your application may need additional security options, such as the ability to control user access to certain data. In this case, you can use SQL Server or SharePoint to store and manage application data, and use Access to provide application logic.

    Scalability. Access files cannot exceed 2 gigabytes (GB). While 2 GB is a significant amount for text data, it may not be enough for some applications, especially those that store attachments in database records. By separating data and logic, the application can store more data. If you predict that users will store large amounts of data, you should consider using multiple Access data files.

    You should also explore other scalability information in the Access Program Specification. To learn more about the Access Specification, see the Access Specifications article.

    Network bandwidth. If multiple users need to use an application over the network at the same time, the likelihood of data corruption increases when data and logic are combined in a single file. Moreover, if you combine data and logic in the same Access file, you will not be able to optimize the network traffic that Access generates. If multiple users will be using your application over the network at the same time, you should separate the data and logic by using two or more Access files or a database server for managing the data and Access for the application logic.

What will the networking environment look like?

Choosing the right solution for your Access database for your networked environment is critical to its success. Use the guidelines below to help you better select the information you want.

home network

If you have multiple users who need to share an Access database, you can use one database that each user opens and uses on their home network. For more information, see Sharing files online in Windows 10.

Local area network (LAN)

A LAN is an internal network that usually has excellent performance, but is limited to a small geography, such as one room, building or group of buildings. If you have multiple users sharing a database on a local network, it is best to split the database, save it to a network location, and then deploy a copy of the backend database for each user.

Wide Area Network (WAN)

There are many possible WAN configurations that cover a wide geographic area. You can have multiple offices in a city connected to a public network, leased line, or even satellites. A virtual private network (VPN) is often used for secure remote access to computers at home and on the go. An easy way to understand the GLOBAL network is that if you are outside the local network, but connected to it, you are using the GLOBAL network.

Avoid using a shared Access database on a WAN, as performance can be slow and databases can be corrupted.

There are three ways to use Access on the WAN.

    Access database with linked tables in SharePoint lists.

    Client Database Access to SQL Server or Azure SQL Server Database.

    Remote Desktop Services (RDS) (formerly known as Terminal Server), which creates a virtual Windows desktop environment on a user's client computer. RDS has several advantages.

    • There is no need to install Access or an Access database because users run the Remote Desktop (RD) client, which is available on many devices.

      Data transfer is reduced between client and server since RD is a thin client that efficiently only forwards the stream to the user interface.

      Users can still copy and paste data and print reports locally on the client computer.

      RemoteApps can only run one program, such as a vendor stub or frontline worker.

    For more information, see Welcome to Remote Desktop Services.

Will Access be available to users?

If all of your users have Access installed on their computer, they can open and use the application like any other Access database file.

If some or all of your users do not have Access installed on their computers, you can also deploy Access Runtime software to those users when you deploy the application. For more information, see the section How to.

Deploy an Access app

To deploy Access, you need to do the following:

Preparing the database as an application solution

To lock the solution, navigation and launch controls, and configure other important settings, do the following:

Advice For a thorough search, open the " Access options " (Options>files) and select Help for each tab. Perhaps you have additional parameters that you want to control for the application solution.

Before deployment

Consider the following guidelines before deploying your client database:

    To get the best performance from your solution. For more information, see the article Performance help and Microsoft Access performance tips to speed up your Access databases.

    Compacting and restoring the database. For more information, see Compacting and Restoring a Database.

    Back up your database to be the original and secure copy of the original database. For more information, see Protecting your data by using backup and recovery processes.

    Use a document to print the characteristics of database objects. For more information, see Documenting and Printing Database Structure.

    Decide how you want to protect the file. There are several ways you can do it.

    • Add the security certificate to the database. For more information, see Show Trust Relationship Add a digital signature and decide whether to trust the database. In this case, decide how you want to manage the message bar in the database. For more information, see Turn security alerts on or off in the message bar.

      Use a Trusted Location to save your client database to avoid being checked in the Trust Center or if you don't want it to be opened in Protected View. For more information, see Add, remove, and change a trusted location.

      Encrypt the database file. For more information, see Encrypting the Database with a Database Password.

      To ensure that users cannot change the structure of forms, reports, or VBA code, use a compiled binary (ACCDE) file.

Which format should you use?

There are four Access file formats that you can use when deploying your application:

Installing and Upgrading an Access Database with User Interface

When using a split database layout, you must distribute the client database to each user. For smooth operation, consider the following guidelines:

Understanding and Downloading the Access Runtime

To deploy an Access app that can run without having Access installed on a user's computer, you can distribute it along with the Access Runtime, which is available free of charge from the Microsoft Download Center. The Access Runtime opens the Access database in runtime mode.

Runtime mode is a mode of operation in which certain Access features are not available by default. However, some of these capabilities can be accessed in runtime mode.

What features are not available in runtime mode?

The following Access features are not available in runtime mode.

    Special keys Keys such as Ctrl + Break, Ctrl + G, and the SHIFT key to bypass startup options in the database.

    Navigation area. The Navigation Pane is not available in runtime mode. This helps prevent users from accessing arbitrary objects in the database application. When using runtime, you can only open objects that you have provided to users (for example, by providing a navigation form). The Navigation Pane cannot be made available in runtime mode.

    Tape. By default, the ribbon is not available in runtime mode. This helps prevent the creation or modification of database objects and potentially harmful actions, such as connecting to new data sources or exporting data in an unexpected way. In runtime mode, you cannot grant access to the default ribbon tabs. However, you can create a custom ribbon and then associate that ribbon with a form or report. For more information, see Create a custom ribbon in Access.

    Design mode and layout mode. Design mode and layout mode are not available for database objects in runtime mode. This helps to prevent changes to the structure of objects in the database application. Design mode and layout mode cannot be enabled in runtime mode.

    Reference. By default, online help is not available in runtime mode. Because you control the functionality that is available in your application in runtime mode, some sections of the standard Access built-in Help may be irrelevant to users and will only interfere with them. You can create your own help file to complement your application in runtime mode.

How can you simulate the runtime mode?

On a computer with the full version of Access installed, you can run any Access database in runtime mode. To start an Access database in runtime mode, do one of the following:

    Change the extension of the database file from ACCDB to ACCDR.

    Create a shortcut to a database using a command line switch / runtime

    1. On the Windows desktop, right-click and select to create > label.

      Enter the location of the MSAccess file. exe, database location and command qualifier / runtime ... For instance:

      "C: \\ Program Files \\ Microsoft Office \\ MSACCESS.EXE" "C: \\ MyDB.accdb" / runtime

    For more information, see Create a desktop shortcut to an Office program or file.

Does runtime mode enhance the security of your database?

Although runtime mode limits navigation and design changes, it should not be used as your primary security tool for your database application. On a computer running the full version of Access, a user can open the database application for runtime mode as a standard database application (that is, gain access to all the features) and change the structure or perform other unwanted actions.

Even if you have deployed a database application only to computers that do not have the full version of Access installed, a user can transfer the application to a computer where the full version of Access is installed and open the database application for runtime mode as a standard database application.

You can download, use and redistribute the Access Runtime for free. In addition, there is no limit to the number of users to whom this software can be provided.

Creating an installation package

There are several approaches you can take, depending on your version of Access.

Using a shared installation package (Access 2013 or later)

for Access 2013 or later, you can use Windows Installer or find third-party programs that create installation packages.

Packaging and signing an Access database (Access 2007 and 2010)

Microsoft Access 2007 or 2010 makes it easier and faster to sign and distribute a database. After you create an ACCDB or ACCDE file, you can package it, digitally sign the package, and then distribute the signed package to other users. Packaging and Signing places the database in an Access Deployment File (ACCDC), signs the package, and then stores the signed package in a location you specify on the user's computer. Users can then extract the database from the package and work directly in it (not in the package file). For more information, see Overview of the Solution Packaging Wizard.

Note: The feature described in this section packages an Access file and digitally signs the package to help users ensure that the file is trustworthy.

Keep the following facts in mind before you start creating and signing a package.

    Packaging the database and signing the package helps to demonstrate its reliability. If you or your users have received the package, the signature confirms that there have been no unauthorized changes to the database. If you trust the author, then you can safely use the content.

    The packing and signing feature is only valid for databases in ACCDB format.

    Only one database file can be added to a package.

    When you package and sign a database, all objects are code signed in the database file, not just macros and code modules. During packaging and signing, the package file is also compressed to speed up its download.

    After retrieving a database from a signed package, it loses contact with it.

    If you use a self-signed certificate to sign the database package, then click Trust everything from the publisher when it is opened, then all packages signed with self-signed certificates will be considered trusted.

    If you extract the database to a trusted location, its contents are automatically included when you open it. If the selected location is not trusted, some of the database content might be disabled by default.

The following sections describe how to create a signed package file and how to use a database from a signed package file. to complete these steps, you must have at least one security certificate. If you do not have a certificate installed on your computer, you can either create one using the SelfCert tool or obtain a commercial certificate. For information about security certificates, see Show trust by adding a digital signature.

Create a signed package

    Open the database you want to package and sign.

    In the tab File select item Save as.

    In chapter Database file types click option Pack and sign, then press the button Save as.

    In the dialog box Select certificate select a digital certificate and click OK.

    A dialog box will open Create a signed Microsoft Office Access package.

    In field File name enter a name for the signed package and then click Create a.

    Access will create an ACCDC file and place it in the folder of your choice.

Microsoft Access 2007 is one of the earliest builds of the popular database management system from one of the world's leading software vendors. Based on the Access 2007 engine, you can build a normalized, well-structured database with added keys, indexes and links. The program also has the ability to use interactive reports that retrieve information from tables based on a given business logic and display it to the user without the need to prescribe any additional parameters and relationships. Reports can contain both static text content and dynamic fields generated from calculations or retrieving content directly from table cells. Access 2007 supports a wide range of data types, including text, numeric, currency, fixed, exponential, date and time, boolean fields, attachments, and hyperlinks. Thanks to the built-in Query Wizard, the entire procedure for generating SQL queries in Access 2007 is fully automated, which opens up additional possibilities when extracting content and fetching data from the database.

Microsoft Access 2007 Advanced Options and Tools

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In the next edition of the proprietary office tool, the following improvements and improvements have been implemented:

  • optimized Office Fluent interface tailored to make it easier to find and better work with the Access 2007 microenvironment
  • improved navigation tools. New Navigation Pane provides a toolkit to get a complete structural and visual presentation of tables, forms, queries and reports
  • imported contact records from Outlook 2007. The standard functional set provides for both importing content from the Outlook contact book and exporting user data to an external infrastructure
  • filtering and sorting data. The presented function allows you to get reliable, understandable information on business activity and business tasks. Personalized filtering settings applied to text, numbers and dates
  • multi-tasking and intuitive WYSIWYG form builder. In it, the user can modify and configure the form layout on his own, in real time.

If you are looking for a stable, reliable official build of the program with full Russian localization, you can download the latest version of Access 2007 on our website, avoiding pre-registration and authentication on the portal. All software on the portal is distributed free of charge, without functional restrictions.

Microsoft Access 2007 system requirements

To interact quickly and efficiently with your DBMS environment, make sure your work device meets the following parameters:

  • graphics adapter: the video card must support a minimum resolution of 1024x768 or higher
  • storage: 1.5 - 2 GB of free space on physical media
  • operating shell: Win Vista SP2 / XP SP3, Windows Server 2003 SP2, as well as subsequent versions of current generation systems
  • RAM: 256 MB of RAM
  • processor: device with a frequency of 500 MHz or higher.

Video overview of Microsoft Access 2007

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