Reinstall Mac system. Old operating system \u003d Bad thing

Will help a newbie to reinstall Mac OS.

To prevent the accumulation of errors in the system, and the performance of the computer to be consistently high, the operating system sometimes needs to be reinstalled. The reinstallation process takes very little time, but it must be done correctly.
First of all, you need to do backup all files. Reinstalling Mac Os will delete all documents from your computer, so you need to take care of keeping important photos, videos, documents and other files that you don't want to lose. They can be dropped onto a flash drive, written to a disk, or placed on a server from which you can always pick them up.
If you have Mac Os X installed on your computer, reinstalling Mac Os can be started directly from the desktop.

How to reinstall Mac Os.

Insert installation disk into the floppy drive, wait until its icon appears on the desktop. Then double tap run the installer and select Restart... If the OS on your computer does not load, just restart your computer while holding down the key Option... Next, insert the installation disc into the drive and select it as the boot source.

System installation

Reinstalling Mac Os involves several important steps. Let's consider everything in order:
. If available - choose Russian, in other cases - English;
Selecting the type of installation. If you want to keep your settings and user data, select the " Archiving and installation", If all the data is saved, and you want to install the system and configure again, reinstalling Mac Os should be done through the item" Removal and installation»;
Selecting the installation path... If you have more than one installed on your computer hard disk or the hard disk is divided into partitions, you will need to select the disk or partition where you want to install the system;
Choosing the software to install... You will be presented with a number of programs that you do not need to install if your hard drive is low on space. For example, you may not need to install additional languages \u200b\u200bor printer drivers that you do not have. Besides, it is not necessary.
Finally, you need to start the installation process using the Install button.

The installation can be monitored using the installation indicator. Once completed, the computer will restart.

System setup after reinstalling Mac Os

After reinstalling the system, many of the computer settings must be reconfigured. Including:
Installation home region and keyboard layouts;
Data transfer;
Apple ID;
Creature account.
This completes the reinstallation of Mac Os and you can start using the system.

First of all, install the available updates and reinstall the programs that you need. The system update needs to be done twice, as some of them can only be installed after the first ones are loaded.

Don't forget to restore all files that you zipped before installing.

Reinstall Mac Os. Video clip

Repairing or reinstalling software

mac OS X software

If your Mac software or hardware is experiencing
problem, you can use the recovery utilities in Mac OS X,
to avoid problems and even restore the original factory settings
software. These utilities are available in the Mac OS X Utilities program,
even if your computer does not boot properly.

Best of all, the files you plan on saving to your external hard drive do not transfer them to your computer unless they have real use. In the case of apps, it is recommended to re-download and, if they are costly programs, you should restore your purchases so that you don't have to pay for the software again.

After you have saved your information and make sure you want to restore the system, you will have to restart your computer. These settings can be renamed depending on the language in which you have configured your system. What you need to do is select an internal hard drive.

Mac OS X Utilities allows you to:

recover a computer disk using Disk Utility;

Chapter 4

There is a problem, there is a solution

restore software and data from Time backup

Clean install OS X El Capitan step by step

Select the drive and in the right window select "Delete". The process time will depend on the amount of information that needs to be removed. The process will take a few more minutes here, but once completed, you will have a completely clean environment. The above guide works for anyone looking to clean and format your computer.

Back up everything

Here's how to do it step by step in 7 steps. Complete installation this type is equivalent to "formatting" or formatting the hard drive, which will erase everything. So the first step should be. All data must be copied. Therefore the best thing. Manually copy all documents, videos, files, downloads, music, etc. to an external drive. from the folder of the group's employees, including what may be on the desktop and in other places. When you give the button "Download" a message.

restore Mac OS X Lion and Apple programs;

restore the computer to factory settings by erasing its disk and reinstalling
Mac OS X Lion and Apple software.

If there is a problem with your computer, the
mac OS X Utilities panel. You can also open it manually by restarting
a computer.

To open the Mac OS X Utilities panel, do the following:

Why and how to reinstall the operating system on a MacBook

System 3 is already installed on this computer. Depending on the connection speed, it may take from half an hour to several hours. This is done by locating the drive connected to the desktop by clicking on the name below and changing it to "Install".

It is important that the drive name, as already stated, is set or otherwise will not work. This process does not indicate its evolution on screen and can take up to 30 minutes, so you need to be patient and even go for a walk.

  • A terminal window will open.
  • Copy and paste the following command.
  • In the terminal window, you will be asked to enter the computer administrator password.
  • At the end, check "Copy Full" and "Done".
The boot menu will appear.

Restart your computer while holding down the (x) and R keys.

Some of the utilities in the Mac OS X Utilities pane require
internet access and App Store for Mac. You may need to make sure that
the computer is connected to the Internet via ethernet network or wifi.

Wi-Fi connection

Select a network from the Wi-Fi status menu in the upper right corner of the screen.

It is very important to complete the data backup at this stage because it will start a process that will erase everything after restart. From there, you can run a full uninstall and format your computer's hard drive. Removal may take several minutes.

What is the best way to install the system?

The rest of the process is automatic and can take over half an hour. If so, the files and settings are inherited, but if you want to start from scratch it is better to say no. There are several cases where, thanks to this process, the computer has regained its initial speed, stability and response speed, or at least very similar, since it must also be borne in mind that software is increasingly required and the hardware, if not updated, is the same.

If necessary, enter the password to access the network.

To connect to closed network, select "Connect to another network".
Enter the network name and password.

Recovering a disk using Disk Utility

If there is a problem with your computer or while loading
computer you see the Mac OS X Utilities panel, you may need to
recover computer disk.

Launching from macOS Recovery

From there it will download the first piece of software to start booting the system.

  • The first from the recovery section.
  • The second option is to use the Internet restore option.
Very simple, because in all these processes we must have an internet connection. If we always have an internet connection, no problem, but what if it isn't, or is too slow? There are two options for this: through a tool that we can download from the Internet or directly using the tools included in the system.

Chapter 4

There is a problem, there is a solution

Please select Disk Utility in the Mac OS X Utilities pane and click

Select the drive or partition in the list on the left and open the First Aid tab.

Click Fix Disk.

But first, let's get everything we need ready. Don't worry, you can download it again. The system will start downloading. As we said, there are two options. If he does not find him, he will ask us for his whereabouts, and we will need to indicate him. We choose to create a bootable disk. We accept and ready, the app erases all content, formats and creates an installer.

The second way is to use system tools. Once the process is complete, go to the "Restore" tab. Now we click on the "Restore" button located in the lower right corner and the process begins. But in some cases, some people choose to do things differently.

If Disk Utility cannot fix the disk, try as much as possible
save information in a backup copy and follow the instructions in the section
"Reinstall Mac OS X and apple programs”On page 97.

Information about Disk Utility and its settings can be found in the Reference
center, or you can open the "Disk Utility" itself (in the "Utilities"
in Launchpad) and choose Help\u003e Disk Utility Help.

Plus, it brings back a new, clean computer feel, ready to be refilled with products of your new activities and their inseparable content. It is also a good guide to accessibility in case of service or problems. Not only for the installation process itself, but also for reorganizing your environment upon completion. Currently, the easiest way is to use the recovery functions built into the operating system, but options for creating recovery discs and installation are also available.

Installing Mac OS X Yosemite from scratch

In the list on the left, the boot disk in the machine is available for selection. By default, the drive will be formatted as quickly as possible; Any choice outside of this can make the process take hours, so use these options only if necessary.

Information recovery using a backup copy
Time machine

If you have previously created Time Machine backups, you can use
recovery utilities restore all contents of the computer
to the state in which it was at a certain point in time
in past.
Use a Time Machine backup for recovery only
information on the computer from which the backup was created.
To transfer information to a new computer, use the Assistant

The process time will depend on your broadband connection and the machine will restart during the process. After downloading the utility, open it from the disk image itself and select one of the available disks to make your media. Or alternatively don't want to update?

  • First, you need to download.
  • Now it's time to install the system, this step is also very simple.
Only then can you safely navigate the system.

Typically, developers release automatic updatesbut this is not the rule. Do this on at least the software that matters most to you. This is important in order not to lose performance. This is because you will still have software updates after installation.

If the backup is on your Time Capsule, make sure your Mac Pro is connected
to the same Ethernet or Wi-Fi network. (To connect to a Wi-Fi network, follow
(see instructions on page 95).

Chapter 4

There is a problem, there is a solution

In the Mac OS X Utilities pane, select Restore from Time Backup
Machine "and click" Continue ".

Old operating system \u003d Bad thing

Unfortunately, this is very common. In the next lesson, you will see step by step how to do it safely and automatically. What do you think happened? Moreover, many third parties have stopped releasing software updates that are compatible with older operating systems.

Browsers and plugins are commonly used as a means of infecting computers, so it is imperative that these programs, along with the operating systems that run them, are not updated. Using this update path will allow you to keep contents of hard disk.

Select the drive that contains the Time Machine backup, and then
follow the instructions on the screen.

Reinstall Mac OS X and Apple Software

There are times when you need to reinstall Mac OS X and Apple programs.
When you reinstall the system, you can keep all files and settings.


In the Mac OS X Utilities panel, you can also reinstall and repair

If not, let them know it's time to seriously consider purchasing a new computer. You will be prompted to select a boot disk. ... If you have one before reinstalling or if you do, your computer will restart and display the installation assistant.

Indeed, on these models, the recovery partition is present on the original disk, and many cloning programs do not respect it. The first two are used to restore your system and data. The first method is recommended if the recovery partition is already on the disk or you have high speed connection to the Internet. The second method is recommended if you don't have access to the Internet.

mac OS X Lion Server software, if installed on your
Mac Pro.

Make sure your Mac Pro is connected to the Internet using an Ethernet or Wi-Fi network.


When prompted to select a drive, select the current Mac OS X drive
(in most cases this is the only option available).

To install additional software, click

Method two: recover from the recovery partition


Choose between the two systems at startup

If necessary, here is the procedure for installing the utilities. Everything for a successful migration. You don't lose your data, your passwords or your apps. In about half an hour you will be at home, with a new interface! This can happen because an error in the structure of the hard drive will cause the update to fail and therefore will require full formatting.

Installation spoke correctly

Here you are in your new home! To extract data from your old computer, or reserve copy after a clean install.

Click Install.

You can install Mac OS X without erasing the entire contents of the disk (while
keep existing files and settings) or first clean up the disk (if
this erases all your data) to prepare the computer for reinstallation
Mac OS X and programs.

Reinstall the latest system

This page is "illustrated" with a video. Therefore, it depends on independent updates besides the evolution of the operating system. Paste it in and follow the instructions below. First, disable some accounts and services first.

Reinstall the original system

These explanations also apply when you want to clean up the spring and set off on a completely new base.

Internet connection if nothing

Then, are you ready to reinstall the machine "like new"? This first condition is not exclusive, but we prefer to have the latest version and an easier process first. Release it as soon as the apple appears. Please enter a name boot disk and click "Clear". Prepare coffee or hot chocolate and let it go.

Chapter 4

There is a problem, there is a solution

After reinstalling Mac OS X, you can go to the Mac App Store and re-
download the programs that came with your Mac and other programs,
that you purchased from the Mac App Store.

before proceeding with the software recovery. Apple
is not responsible for any possible loss of data.

Finally, available to the general public from today. This release marks a turning point for the system, which is becoming completely free. After downloading, a window will automatically open asking you to start installing the system. After making sure you've completed the backup, you can proceed.

You need to accept the new license agreement associated with it, select the hard drive to install the update, and enter the administrator password for your computer. After this preparation step, the computer will automatically restart and begin the system installation. This is the longest step, as it will take about 40 minutes without using the machine. A fresh reboot and here you are at the final step.

Restoring your computer to factory settings

Restoring your computer to factory settings deletes everything on it
yes (accounts, network settings, files and folders). Before recovery
be sure to create a backup copy of the files you need: copy
them to another drive. Write down your network settings so that after reinstalling Mac OS X
it was easier to reconnect to it.

As with any operation on maintenance, follow the instructions carefully. Everything will be erased and you will start with the factory configuration. If successful, you will see "Starting Internet Repair" on the screen. This may take a while or in French, as in that case it might be "Start Internet Recovery". This can take a long time. This is probably the hardest step! You must wait for the original operating system to load.

Installing from the recovery partition

Logically, you have to choose the installation language. It will be without hesitation French what you select with the trackpad or keyboard arrows. Finally, close the formatting window. Technical difference between the two models is the lack of access to the battery and hard drive on the new model and the bottom is completely screwed down. Why change your hard drive?

Make sure you are connected to the Internet via Ethernet or Wi-Fi.
(To connect to wi-Fi networks, follow instructions on page 95).

In the Mac OS X Utilities pane, select Disk Utility and click

Select the drive in the list on the left and click the Erase tab.

From the Format pop-up menu, choose Mac OS Extended (Journaled),
enter a name for the drive and then click Erase.

After erasing the disk, choose Disk Utility\u003e Finish
Disk Utility ".

In the Mac OS X Utilities pane, select Reinstall Mac OS X and click

Chapter 4

There is a problem, there is a solution

Follow the instructions to reinstall Mac OS X and Apple software
Mac OS X installer.

After mac recovery OS X and Apple programs you can at your discretion
restore necessary files and programs from a Time Machine backup.

Most mac users We switched to the new operating system macOS Sierra without problems, but there are those who have encountered problems. If your computer or software-level glitches occur, it makes sense to reinstall the OS. This article will focus on a way to reinstall macOS Sierra without completely formatting the Mac and deleting user data. That is, it is not a "clean" system installation that deletes all data.

Even though this is just a reinstallation of macOS Sierra and won't affect anything else, theoretically there could be problems in the process. Therefore, we highly recommend making a backup of your Mac.

How to reinstall macOS Sierra

Step 1: First of all, make a data backup on your computer.

Step 2: Restart your Mac, press and hold COMMAND + R at the same time right after you hear the boot sound. This will put the computer into recovery mode.

Step 3: In the macOS Utilities window, select Reinstall macOS.

Step 4: Click "Continue" and follow the instructions on the screen.

Step 5: In the drive selection window, select your hard drive where macOS will be installed and click Install.

After starting the macOS Sierra reinstallation process, the screen will turn black and a white Apple logo will appear with a progress bar and the amount of time remaining to complete.

When macOS is finished, Sierra will automatically launch normally. Your account, data, apps and settings will remain in place. Reinstallation provides for the drive, which may affect performance, but upon shutdown the Mac will function as before.

Some users have noted that reinstalling macOS Sierra helped fix many of the issues that occurred after the update. Therefore, it is not at all necessary to resort to extreme measures and perform a "clean" installation.

With its own pre-installed operating room mac system OS. Like all products of the company, it claims to be of exclusive quality, use advanced technologies... At the moment, the following varieties are on sale:

  • MacBook;
  • MacBook Air;
  • MacBook Pro.

How to update the OS of your Mac - in the article below

MacBook Pro is available in 13 and 15-inch sizes and in a variety of specifications. All Mac models have intel processors, battery life without recharging up to 10 or up to 12 hours.

The newest operating system currently used on Mac computers is Mac OS Sierra. Older OS versions can be upgraded for free over the Internet. The main advantage of the system is that the company was created specifically for Mac equipment. Unlike Windows, which is installed on computers of various manufacturers. By the way, now MacBook Pro and other models support the ability to install and Windows.

MacBook Pro and others are on sale from installed system... However, in some cases, you may need to install or reinstall Mac OS on your MacBook. It is necessary to distinguish between the terms:

  • An installation is also called a "clean" installation, which is performed on a blank (formatted) hard disk or on a new one.
  • Reinstallation is when new system installed over the old one without full formatting and preserving user data.

The need to install and reinstall the Mac OS arises in case of serious malfunctions in its operation, an unsuccessful update. Like Windows, it still leaves behind a trash that eventually leads to slowdowns, freezes and other troubles. We will consider these processes using the example of the latest operating system, namely Mac OS Sierra. For previous versions, for example Mac OS X, in fact, there will be no differences, but it is still recommended to upgrade to latest versionif your device supports it.

Installing the operating system

A clean install may be required if you have decided to sell your laptop and need to permanently delete all data and Apple ID from it, or if there is a serious system problem. The installation algorithm on the MakBook Pro looks like this:

  1. Data backup.
  2. Creating a bootable USB flash drive.
  3. System installation.

To back up data use external storage and the Time Machine program, which automatically starts when removable media is connected. The utility will ask whether to use external drive to back up, click Use. as a backup disk ".

After the backup is complete, you need to do bootable USB drive using disk utility:

MacBook Pro will find itself desired image on the USB flash drive and will start installing the Mac operating system. You just need to follow the instructions on the screen.

Reinstalling the operating system

You can reinstall the system from the OS recovery menu on Mac OS, which is invoked by the keyboard shortcut at boot time:

  • Command + R - Reinstall the latest version of the OS installed on the Mac, without updating to the latest.
  • Option + Command + R - Upgrade to the latest compatible Mac OS.
  • Shift + Option + Command + R - If your Mac is already running macOS Sierra 10.12.4 or later, pressing the combination will reinstall the OS that came with your Mac.

After pressing these key combinations, a menu will appear in which you need to select "Reinstall Mac OS". Next, do the following:

  1. When the name Mac OS Sierra is highlighted, click Next.
  2. Select the drive to which the system will be installed (usually named Macintosh HD).
  3. The system will reinstall, after which the Mac laptop will boot as usual.

All data, including passwords and Apple IDs, will be saved, as well as user data. However, make a backup before starting the reinstallation just in case. Reinstallation is also sometimes referred to as restore, as it often helps to solve performance and health problems. If the problems have not been fixed, then you can already try to install the system with the formatting of the boot disk on your MacBook, not forgetting to copy all the data to external media, because after such a procedure they will all be deleted.

Any operating system sooner or later it needs a complete reinstallation. The reasons for this may be different: infection viral programs, bugs and so on. As a result of "pollution" unnecessary files, the device starts to work much slower. In some cases, it is easier to reinstall the system than to find the cause of the problem and fix it. Let's figure out how to reinstall Mac OS and what you need to do.

What do you need to reinstall?

Those users who are only familiar with computers in the operating room windows system, cannot without additional assistance reinstall OS on Mac. To reinstall Mac OS on MacBook, you must prepare the following:

  1. MacBook (), which is connected to the network;
  2. our step by step instructions.

Now let's go directly to the process of installing a clean version of Mac OS. This manual is suitable for those with operating system version 10.7 or newer. If you have more old versionthen it should be updated with standard tools OS. You can check the software version using the following actions:

How do I reinstall Mac OS Sierra from scratch?

For starters, it's worth noting that reinstalling a Mac means complete removal data from the hard disk of the computer. Therefore, first copy all important information to third-party media.

This can be done using Time Machine backup software. Following the instructions of the copy wizard, you can easily create a backup to external media. Time Machine can also create backups in automatic mode... Old copies will be deleted, and new ones will be saved to disk. This way you don't have to worry about the relevance of the data.

Now you know how to reinstall mac os x on macbook pro or air, as well as on an iMac. Next, you need to configure the system and complete the installation process.

Final adjustment before use

After the installation has finished, the program will offer to carry out basic settings:

  1. on the first screen, select your Mac OS language. In the future, it can be changed inside the software settings;
  2. on the second screen, you will be prompted to connect to Wi-Fi (optional). This step can be skipped;
  3. the next step is information transfer. Before reinstalling your MacBook Pro, Air or iMac, you can back up all your data;
  4. authorization via Apple ID (optional);
  5. adoption license agreement;
  6. creating a Mac OS account for the computer.

Done! Now you can make your own mac installation OS on any MacBook version or iMac candy bar. The whole process is as simple as possible: only a few keystrokes are required from the user.

Reinstall any computer system or mobile technology is made when the need arises. The reasons are different: the failure of programs, the desire to replace it with a newer, more perfect and efficient version of the operating system. The reinstallation process itself is not difficult. You must have everything at hand. Another installation of the operating system different computers is different. Next, we'll learn how to do this on a MacBook Pro.

To do this, you will need either a disk (reinstallation) or a USB flash drive or internet. Mak needs to be plugged in. Mandatory cleaning hard media using “Disk Utility”, which is located in “Utilities”. To do this, in the "Apple" menu, click on "Reboot". And immediately click on the "Command" and "R" buttons, holding until the list of commands is highlighted in the window.

Move the cursor to the "Disk Utility", click on this button. Then we look for “Continue”, a menu will appear in which you need to select a disk, click on the disk (usually it glows blue). And click on the "Erase" button.

Again, a window will pop up with a list of “Format”, click on “Extended” (journal). We write the name of the disk and click on “Erase”. Cleaning will be performed again. Finally, when the media is empty, click “Disk Utility” and “Finish” the operation. We check if the MacBook is connected to the World Wide Web, if not, then we connect. Now you need to reboot again mobile computer with pressing the buttons “⌘” and “R”. After the list of actions appears, click on “Reinstall MacBook Pro”. Confirm by clicking on the "Continue" button. And follow all the actions that will be indicated on the monitor screen. Don't forget about the "Install" button to get started. If the user decided to do a reinstallation using removable media, then we do everything in the same way as in paragraphs 5 and 6, only without the Internet, but with a disk (flash drive).

Reinstalling your MacBook doesn't require a lot of computer knowledge. software systems... Now any student can do this, the main thing is to know what is behind what and carefully follow all the points of the instruction.

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