Mac os won't boot after installation. MacBook won't boot

If suddenly, whatever you do, the MacBook does not turn on, you do not need to rush to the service center. It is quite possible to try to "reanimate" it at home - typical problems are known and fix them quite easily. The only exceptions are mechanical damage and flooding with any liquid, be it simple water, chemical liquid, alcohol or sweet drink.

Another reason to immediately contact the service is the smell of burning and cotton.

Most often, the charger and the power connector, the controller suffer, less often - a short circuit and a system error. The most rare but severe case is a crack in the motherboard or hard drive.

Avoiding Display Malfunction

First of all, you need to check the screen - perhaps the computer itself is in order, but there is a problem with the display.

How to check it:

  • fan and disk noise are heard when the power button is pressed;
  • after pressing the power button, you can hear the OS boot melody;
  • if there are on / sleep indicators, they are lit with the corresponding light;
  • if you press Caps Lock, the corresponding indicator will light up.

In this case, you need to check the operation of the display in accordance with the instructions on the Apple website, or contact a service center.

Power problems

Much more often it happens that the MacBook has stopped turning on due to power problems.

If the computer does not turn on, then here is a simple check algorithm that you need to perform:

  • is the computer plugged into a power outlet? is the socket working? it's easy to check.
  • are the power cord and adapter connected? usual forgetfulness and loose connection can be the reason for the lack of charge;
  • is the power cord ok? if you have a spare or analog charger, it makes sense to try to charge your mac with it;
  • are there any accessories (printer, storage device, phone) connected to the computer? turn them off and try pressing the power button again;
  • after pressing the power button, hold it for 10 seconds and then press it again.

If these simple steps did not help, you will have to understand in more detail why the computer does not work.

No power supply

Most often, the problem is very simple and consists precisely in nutrition. Failure of the socket, uninterruptible power supply, "pilot" happens most often.

To check this, it is enough to connect a known working device to them, and it is best to simply reboot the UPS. If you are using an extension cord, it makes sense to try plugging the power cord directly into an outlet.

It is also worth remembering that overuse of extension cords, tees, surge protectors and additional pads increases the load on the home power grid and can provoke a short circuit.

Charging does not work

Sometimes the reason lies in the charger. Kinks and pinches caused by strong bending or crushing of the wire, for example by a door, render the power cord unusable. Most vulnerable spots: folds of the cord, connection to the adapter, at the plug.

If, upon visual inspection, everything is intact, it is worth trying to clean the connector of dust and at the same time check the integrity of the connector itself: bending or falling out of the plug means a complete malfunction of the power cord. It didn't help either - it's time to change the charger or go to a service center, there is definitely an opportunity to diagnose the cause of the breakdown.

The battery is out of order

If the computer is several years old, it may not turn on because the battery is depleted. It usually has an indicator that should light up while charging - with a fully functional charge, it makes sense to check this.

By the way, there are prerequisites for a battery breakdown - too fast discharge in recent years, inconsistency between the charge indicator data and the real operating time, and so on. In this case, the Mac can only be repaired by replacing the used battery.

Video: Apple MacBook does not work

Reset parameters

A special memory or controller error can also prevent the Mac from turning on. The fix is \u200b\u200bsimple, just a keyboard shortcut and a reboot.

System Management Controller (SMC)

Sometimes the system control controller is to blame for the refusal to work, you can correct the situation by resetting its parameters. To do this, with the power cord connected, you must simultaneously press the combination "Shift" + "Control" + "Option" and the "Power" button. Release all buttons at the same time.

In this case, the lamp on the adapter either stays on without blinking, or turns off - this is normal. After this restart, you can turn on the computer.

PRAM and NVRAM (whatevertheyare)

A dedicated section of PRAM / NVRAM can also create a power-on-incompatible error.

What to do then?

  1. press the "power" button;
  2. press and hold the "command" + "option" + "p" + "r" buttons until the gray screen turns on;
  3. hold the buttons for the entire reboot and until the mac again emits a boot melody;
  4. release the buttons.

Power Manager

If an error occurs during power up (unsafe shutdown, emergency shutdown, short circuit), Power Manager, preventing the Mac from turning on, can also be restarted.

  • first take out the battery;
  • press the "power" button;
  • wait a couple of seconds, release;
  • insert the battery back;
  • press the "Power" button again. The computer should start downloading.

Other reasons

There are many reasons why the MacBook does not turn on. This can be damage to the power circuit, and the soldering of the board, or simply the fact that it clogged with dust and overheated. Even an improper shutdown can make re-start almost impossible. But it's usually much easier.

Separately, it should be said about the download error after the update - in this case, the MacBook turns on, but only until the gray screen or the loading screen that does not end.

MacBook does not turn on after update

If the computer has not been updated for a long time, and then had to install fresh upgrades on the old version of the OS, the MacBook may not turn on or turn on, but it will not boot.

Photo: gray screen with "eternal" loading

In this case, it is best to boot into Safe Mode - just turn on your Mac while holding down the Shift button. Did not work out? Then you will have to format the data using a special utility, instructions for using it can be found on the official Apple website.

MacBook overheated

If the computer is already several years old or it is hot outside, then it is not surprising that it refuses to turn on. Most likely, it has overheated.

If the computer is new, just let it cool down. In no case should you apply cold objects to it or put it in a cold room for this, this can provoke the appearance of microcracks in the boards due to temperature differences. After a couple of hours at room temperature, you can try restarting it.

If it's at least a year old, it makes sense to take care of cleaning it. You can do this yourself, if you have the necessary skills, or at a service center. But while the computer is under warranty, it can only be disassembled in the warranty service, otherwise free service will be impossible. Routine cleaning to prevent such problems is carried out at least once a year.

There are connected devices

An abundance of connected devices can be powered by the Mac's battery, preventing it from turning on. These are smartphones, tablets, external hard drives, flash drives, external Bluetooth modules, webcam, printers and other accessories.

Also, errors in their work are possible, affecting the launch. It's easy to check - turn off all unnecessary and start the computer.

Making a forced reboot

If the computer shows at least some signs of life, you can try to forcibly restart it.

To do this, when connecting the Magsafe power supply, you need to:

  1. press "shiftt" + "control" + "option" / "alt" + "power".
  2. if it is an old mac then use the combination "control" + "enter".

Video: MacBook Repair

Defective north or south bridge

If the MacBook overheats regularly, then it may not turn on due to damage to the bridge - this is the controller on the motherboard. There are two of them, they are connected to the board by buses, and the northern one is still directly connected to the processor. Damage to any of them requires a mandatory call to the service.

Only a specialist diagnosis and replacement of the affected part will help here.

RAM module incorrectly installed

If there was an upgrade to the OP before the problem, then the module may have been installed incorrectly. To check this, just pull it out and insert it again, referring to the instructions. Did not help? Then return the old module, as the new one may be defective or incompatible. After this replacement, the Mac should turn on.

The reason that the MacBook does not turn on can be many problems. It is best to find out what preceded the breakdown: unsafe shutdown, complete discharge, overheating, physical breakdown or flooding.

Even if everything was outwardly normal, it is better to ask your family or colleagues if they have touched the computer, if there was a blackout, or a strange smell. Depending on this, different methods of restoring work are used.

The only exception is mechanical damage and liquid ingress.

In this case, you should not try to solve the problem yourself, but it is best to remove the battery and take the Mac to a service center as soon as possible. Sometimes repairs may not be required - routine cleaning may well return the MacBook to working order.

In a previous article, I wrote about the steps to take. I think it will be fair if a similar article appears about the MacBook. After all, what could be worse than the situation when your MacBook won't boot, and you clearly realize that all your information remained on it, on the accumulation of which hundreds of working hours were spent. In this article I will outline an emergency plan when your MAC flatly refused to start. It is not at all necessary to perform absolutely all of the listed actions. But you still need to act.

If your MacBook won't boot, or freezes on boot, this could be due to:

  • hardware problem (hdd, memory, controller, processor, etc.);
  • oS X issue (like upgrading to El Capitan)
  • newly installed hardware (disconnect all USB devices)

As with the iPhone that won't turn on, the first step is to make sure that the MacBook battery is not drained or the charging is damaged. If, nevertheless, something is displayed on the screen, or even the boot process begins (which eventually freezes on a spinning disk or stops altogether), you should try to follow the steps described below in the order they follow.

  • If your MacBook is frozen and requires a restart -
  • Need to create a bootable OS X USB stick? -
  • After updating OS X MAC hangs on white screen -
  • More details about different boot modes are written -
  • You do not know what the screen that appeared when loading the MAC means -

STEP 1: Boot in Safe Mode (Safe Boot)

First you should try booting your MacBook in Safe Mode, which limits the checks and loadable functionality that the Mac runs on startup. I do not guarantee that after starting in this mode, your MAC will suddenly start working as before, but it's still worth trying.

Turn off your MacBook and then turn it on while holding down the shift key. Booting in Safe Mode can take a long time (if the computer boots at all), so be patient. If you want to know what exactly happens when booting in safe mode, you can boot your MacBook by holding down shift + Command + V, which in turn will launch safe mode + verbose mode on the MAC.

Verbose mode (verbose mode) Is an optional boot mode for the operating system (including OS X, Windows, Linux), in which detailed information about the loaded drivers, software and processes occurring at the time of computer boot is displayed on the screen.

Be patient and attentive while loading your MacBook. If your computer does boot into Safe Mode, try simply restarting it from the top Apple menu. If the MacBook boots now in the usual way, we will assume that the situation has been corrected and now everything is fine. If the MacBook will not boot, proceed to the next step.

STEP 2: Download Disk Utility

There can be a ton of reasons why your MacBook freezes at startup. But let's check now and then discard or try to fix the cause of your MAC hard drive malfunction. The easiest way to check your hard drive is to run Disk Utilities (Disk Utility).

The first step is to turn off your MAC. If a MacBook stuck on a gray (white, blue, pink ...) screen with a spinning disk, you need to force it (the computer) to shut down. To do this, press and hold the power button for 5-8 seconds.

To start Disk Utility, you need to get into OS X recovery mode. To do this, hold down the Command + R combination when turning on the computer. If everything went well, you will be taken to a screen with the title MAC OS X Utilities (see the picture below). On this screen, click on " Disk Utility"(Disk Utility). Then click on the name of the built-in hard drive in the left side of Disk Utility and start the verification process by clicking on Verify Disk in the lower right side of the screen. Wait for the end of the check.

If any faults are found, you will be prompted to fix them. Confirm your intentions by clicking on Repair Disk... After that, try restarting your MacBook again.

STEP 3: Target Disk Mode

As the saying goes, "it's better to have a titmouse in your hands than a crane in the sky." How are you doing with your data backups? Well, those data that were stored on your MacBook ... And now it does not start ... Sadness! If the loss of data on a MacBook does not scare you, go straight to the next step. But if you are now in a cold sweat trying to remember whether you copied anything of value to other disks or flash drives, then here's another gift from Apple - EXTERNAL DISK MODE.

Target Disc Mode - a special boot mode unique for MAC computers, which allows you to access your computer's hard drive without booting OS X. Using this mode, you can save data when your MacBook does not boot for any reason.

To start the external disk mode and access the contents of the MacBook hard drive, do this:
1 Find another MAC computer. If you do not personally, ask your friends
2 Connect both macs with a Thunderbolt cable
3 Turn off your MAC. If necessary, hold down the POWER button for more than 5 seconds
4 Press and hold the T button immediately after turning on your MacBook until the Thunderbolt icon appears on the blue screen.

You just started External Disk Mode... This mode, roughly speaking, turns your MAC into an external hard drive. If everything went smoothly, your friend's MAC will display an additional external hard drive in Finder. Now copy and save whatever you need.

When you're done with the drive, you'll need to eject it in Finder like any other device. After that, disconnect the Thunderbolt cable and turn off your MAC computer (by holding the power button for more than 5 seconds).

STEP 4: Reinstall OS X

If none of the previous steps brought "relief", all that remains is to reinstall the OS X operating system. To do this, you need to boot the computer in recovery mode again, well, remember as in step 2. To do this, turn on the computer with Command + R held down.

Wait for OS X Utilities to load and select from the list Reinstall OS X... Follow the instructions on the screen until you completely reinstall the operating system.

If your MAC has not mastered OS X installations or has been running on a fresh OS for a short time, most likely your MAC has some more serious problems. Such problems may arise due to recently installed new hardware (memory, hard disk, etc.). Check the new hardware for compatibility with your computer.
If you haven't installed anything in your MAC, you need to check the existing modules (hard disk controller, memory modules, etc.). But it is better to entrust such checks to the specialists of the service center.

Fair, not overpriced or understated. There should be prices on the Service website. Necessarily! without "asterisks", it is clear and detailed, where it is technically possible - the most accurate, final.

With the availability of spare parts, up to 85% of complex repairs can be completed in 1-2 days. Modular repairs take much less time. The website lists the approximate duration of any repair.

Warranty and liability

Any repairs must be guaranteed. Everything is described on the website and in the documents. The guarantee is self-confidence and respect for you. A 3-6 month warranty is good and sufficient. It is needed to check quality and hidden defects that cannot be detected immediately. You see honest and realistic terms (not 3 years), you can be sure that they will help you.

Half of the success in Apple repair is the quality and reliability of spare parts, so a good service works with suppliers directly, there are always several reliable channels and your own warehouse with proven spare parts for current models so that you do not have to waste time.

Free diagnostics

This is very important and has already become a good form for the service center. Diagnostics is the most difficult and important part of the repair, but you shouldn't pay a dime for it, even if you don't repair the device as a result.

Service repair and delivery

A good service appreciates your time and therefore offers free shipping. And for the same reason, repairs are carried out only in the workshop of the service center: correctly and according to technology, it can only be done at a prepared place.

Convenient schedule

If the Service works for you, and not for itself, then it is always open! absolutely. The schedule should be convenient so that you can be in time before and after work. Good service works both on weekends and on holidays. We are waiting for you and working on your devices every day: 9:00 - 21:00

The reputation of professionals consists of several points

Age and experience of the company

Reliable and experienced service has been known for a long time.
If a company has been on the market for many years, and it has managed to establish itself as an expert, people turn to it, write about it, and recommend it. We know what we are talking about, since 98% of incoming devices in the SC are being restored.
Other service centers trust us and transfer complex cases.

How many masters in directions

If you are always waiting for several engineers for each type of equipment, you can be sure:
1. there will be no queue (or it will be minimal) - your device will be taken over immediately.
2. You are giving Macbook repairs to an expert in the field of Mac repairs. He knows all the secrets of these devices

Technical literacy

If you ask a question, a specialist must answer it as accurately as possible.
So that you have an idea of \u200b\u200bwhat exactly you need.
They will try to solve the problem. In most cases, the description tells you what happened and how to fix the problem.

Now let's talk about boot problems. Let me remind you of the differences between Macbook won't turn on and won't boot:
If the Mac does not turn on, then it shows no signs of life, or they are minimal, for example, you can hear the sound of coolers, but there is no image or sound of loading. When the MacBook does not boot, its screen turns on and works, but the Mac OS operating system does not boot to the desktop. We will consider this case today.

How do you know if your MacBook Pro or Air has stopped loading? It's not difficult, here is a small list of symptoms:

  • Eternal loading apple (hung on an apple) - in this case, the MacBook screen is gray or black in the center is the Apple logo, and a "chamomile" is spinning under it. No further loading of the apple occurs;
  • The screen is gray or black, a folder with a question mark or a crossed-out circle is flashing;
  • White, gray or blue screen without logos and loading bars;
  • MacBook does not boot after update.
Mac Blue Screen of Death

Why won't my Macbook boot and what to do?

There are more reasons for this than it seems at first glance. Let's divide them into software faults and hardware faults.

Software problems.

Macbook often fails to boot due to Mac OS crashing after an update or takes an extremely long time to do so. This happens both by itself and through the fault of the user. A good example is a full disk. Mac does not boot to the end if the space runs out almost completely, literally up to several tens of megabytes. Typically, this problem is addressed by the owners of laptops with a small amount of memory - 64 or 128 GB. Therefore, when the space is critically small and the system warns about this, then do not neglect this warning.
Another example is deleting system files. Not infrequently, out of inexperience, in order to free up space on the Macbook, users delete files necessary for the operation of the operating system. After restarting the Mac, most likely it will not boot further than the apple.
There are also software failures caused by the system itself, there is nothing you can do about it. By themselves, such errors usually occur after updating Mac OS.
What to do? - In such cases, reinstalling MacOS should help. We recommend that you periodically make backup copies of your files, unfortunately no one is insured against losing them.

Hardware faults.

Hardware issues include:

  • Failure of the hard disk (HDD) or ssd;
  • HDD loop failure (for a1278, 1286 and 1297 models)
  • Macbook motherboard malfunction.

There are mechanical parts inside the hard drive that are subject to wear and tear. Over time, the resource is depleted and the macbook pro or air may take a long time to load, not load at all, or freeze when working.

An SSD, unlike an HDD, has no mechanical parts inside, but the memory cells used for storing data also wear out over time. SSDs are installed from the factory:

  1. MacBook Pro Retina - Models a1425, a1502, a1398
  2. MacBook Air - models A1370, A1465, A1369, A1466;
  3. As an upgrade for Macbook Pro a1278, 1286 and 1297.

In 90% of cases with such breakdowns, data from a faulty storage medium can be saved.

When the ssd breaks down, the laptop will most likely show a black, white or gray screen, depending on the version of Mac OS. Sometimes the Mac starts to slow down when the SSD wears out. Unlike a hard drive with an SSD, data is much more difficult and expensive to get.

What to do? - Replacing the SSD or HDD and installing a new macOS in these cases solves the problem. If you are well versed in computers, then at home you can diagnose a breakdown using a bootable USB flash drive, reading SMART information.

Failure of the HDD loop is a harmless breakdown, if I may say so. In this case, the data remains in place and nothing needs to be reinstalled. The symptoms are usually the same as with the discs. In practice, we have often encountered cases when both of them broke.

If the motherboard is to blame, then there can be a lot of reasons for breakdown and repair options, starting with various sensors and ending with the south bridge, diagnostics will be required here.

IMac won't boot.

All of these issues apply to Apple desktops. According to statistics, if the iMac does not boot, then most often the problem is in the HDD.

The procedure for diagnosing and repairing a MacBook, a warranty for work.

Preliminary diagnostics are usually carried out immediately on the spot in your presence. When the macbook does not boot in 80% of cases, it is possible to immediately establish both the cause of the malfunction and ways to solve it, along with the cost. In the remaining 20% \u200b\u200bof cases, you may need to leave the MacBook for diagnostics. This concerns breakdowns associated with the motherboard and such breakdowns require lengthy testing and literally a whole investigation :)

Reinstalling MacOS takes anywhere from forty minutes to an hour and a half, depending on the MacBook model. The guarantee for such works is two weeks.

Replacing disks and cables can take from 20 minutes to several hours, it all depends on the specific model and the availability of spare parts in the service warehouses. The warranty for them is from 3 to 6 months.

On average, repair and diagnostics of a board takes from 1 to 5 working days, depending on the complexity of a particular case. Come, we will solve any problem;)

Apple computers are highly reliable, but their owners sometimes run into trouble. Let's figure out what needs to be done in the event that the MacBook does not turn on. If you didn't manage to flood your laptop or drop it on the floor, the problem can most likely be solved without going to a service center.

First, you should perform an external check to ensure that your monitor and power adapter are working properly. The first applies more to the owners of Mac Mini and all-in-one iMacs. Laptop computers manufactured prior to 2016 use the MagSafe magnetic port for charging. The power cord is equipped with a light indicator.

When properly connected, it should be solid orange or green. The L-shaped magnetic latch can work even if the contacts did not have time to connect. In this case, the power cord is externally connected, but due to a slight tilt, power is not supplied. T-shaped latches of the latest generation do not have this disadvantage. Make sure MagSafe is connected correctly.

All 12-inch models, and after 2016 the MacBook Pro, use a USB-C power supply that does not have a light indicator. MagSafe remained only in Air. The cord of the new adapters has two identical connectors at the ends and connects to the laptop and the power supply through the port.

Unplug it on both sides and plug it back in. The adapter can automatically cut off the power supply if there is a power disturbance. To reset a triggered protection, unplug it for one minute. When turned on again, the computer should start charging normally.


When the adapter is working properly, the power is on and the apple is on the lid, but the screen is still black, then you will need to reset the NVRAM / PRAM.

  1. Turn off the computer completely by using the power button. Turn it on and immediately press the combination shown in the screenshot.

  1. We hold all the keys until the laptop starts to start, emitting the boot sound again. After the power on has gone well and we are logged in, we need to check for updates. Click on the apple logo located in the left corner in the menu bar. We select the marked item.

  1. On the main page, press the indicated button to open the App Store.

The system will automatically check for updates. We install all available ones and, if necessary, update the OS to the latest version of High Sierra.

Resetting the SMC

The SMC is responsible for the power supply functions. These include battery management, response to opening and closing the lid, the operation of some system sensors, and interaction with peripheral devices. In any case, if your Mac doesn't seem to be working properly, force restarting the controller may fix the problem.

For Aimak monoblocks and all Mini versions, it is enough to disconnect the power cord for 15 seconds. Wait at least another five seconds before switching on again. For laptops, which include all versions of Air, Pro and 12-inch Retina, do the following.

  1. Turn off the device completely using the shown menu item.

  1. Unplug the power cord. Press the three keys indicated in the screenshot in the left corner simultaneously with the power button and hold for ten seconds. We plug back the power adapter and turn on the laptop.

As in the previous case, we check and install available OS updates.

Consequences of the upgrade

Apple has made it nearly impossible to upgrade in recent years. In previously released MacBooks, the user could independently replace the memory sticks. The operation is simple in principle, but requires the correct selection of modules. If the laptop starts beeping after the upgrade during the startup process, this indicates a problem with the new memory.

In this case, signals are given with a pause of five seconds. Depending on the model, this can be one repeated beep or a series of three consecutive beeps. The only way out of this situation is to reinstall old modules or buy suitable ones.


If resetting NVRAM and SMC didn't work for you, then your Mac is in serious trouble. The best solution would be to contact a certified service for professional diagnostics. Keep in mind that your MacBook is backed by Apple's Limited Warranty for one year from activation, and some repairs are free.

Video instruction

In the video below, you can see firsthand how the described operations are performed by a professional.

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