Utilities for recovering hard drives. How to recover a damaged HDD

In the article we will consider the possibility of restoring a failed hard drive. How to recover data from formatted hard driveyou can read. Many are interested in the question: is it possible to recover hDD? Let's answer this way: recovery of information from a damaged hard disk is possible if its working surface is not damaged. Well, now several effective ways to restore the disk that will help you recover valuable information.

How to recover a damaged hard drive: basic information

First of all, you need to carefully examine the case of your hard drive (that's what users often call hard drives) for possible damage. To do this, you must first turn off the computer and unplug the hard drive, then you can proceed to the inspection. With noticeable damage, you can take the disc to specialists, since you cannot do anything yourself here, but before that it is useful to perform several of the following actions. For starters, you can try replacing the power and data wires with new ones and see if the drive will work after being connected, because sometimes the problem is a wiring fault.

Also the problem may lie in wrong connection  drive, especially if it is a PATA drive. Such hard disks may not work in the “slave” mode, so you need to rearrange the jumper on the disk to the “master” mode so that the computer sees this disk as the main one. This situation can also be solved by leaving only this “problematic” hard drive connected. If your disk still does not work, you can try the following: connect another disk to the same connector instead. In the event that it does not work either, the problem lies not in the disk, but in the motherboard or in the disk controller card. In the same way, you can connect the disk you are interested in to another computer - in the case of a positive download, it will become clear that you need not inspect the hard drive, but motherboard  or controller board.

How to recover a hard disk: use another disk

The second way is to replace some parts of the hard drive using another hard drive. In particular, let's talk about the controller board, which is quite often the main reason for the failure of a hard disk. But first you need to make sure that the board is removed without opening the hard drive case. After that, you need to find a completely similar hard drive, and you can proceed to replace.

Gently unscrew the screws and remove the controller board on the broken disk, then do the same with the working disk and screw the board from the working disk to the broken one. Now you can check our hard drive by connecting it to your computer. However, it is worth noting that in the event that he earns, it is better to err and copy important data somewhere else. If the drive did not work, screw the working board back to the “donor” disk, which should work as before.

Other hard disk partition recovery options

Until now, we have been talking mainly about physical damage to hard drives. But it often happens that there is no physical damage, and the disk still does not work. The most common problem here is file system corruption. In this case, it may help, for example, using a different operating system other than Windows. And the best option is Linux. In Linux, you can make an image not working under Windows hard  disk or download installation disk  Windows and type in the console command "chkdsk" (without quotes), which will start the process of checking and restoring a damaged file system.

However, these procedures should be resorted to as a last resort, since Linux usually reads hard disks with damaged files perfectly. file system  Windows Do not forget that immediately, as access to the files on the disk will be obtained, you should copy them to a more reliable, working disk in order to avoid problems with the hard drive with a damaged file system. And after copying is complete, you can run a full format of this disk.

Also note that today there are many useful utilities, capable of restoring damaged information - except for the cases about which we will tell a little below.

Hard Drive Recovery Utilities

To recover data from hard drives, you can use special programs - utilities. And one of these utilities is Photorec. It was originally used to restore graphic information, but today's versions allow you to restore files of any type. A certain inconvenience (of course, relative) of Photorec is that it assigns the proper names to the recovered files, so after the recovery process is complete, you will have to try to find the necessary data. However, these are sheer trifles compared with the fact that damaged or erased important files will be restored.

In order to learn how to use this program and similar utilities, it will take a little time. By the way, to restore individual files from the hard disk, you can use free program  Recuva, which is easy to find on the Internet. It allows you to recover deleted files of any type, and in addition, you can search deleted files  in a special directory created by the system, and restore only those that you really need. Here are just restore such programs, as a rule, only those files that have been deleted recently, and here it is necessary to explain why not all the information available on hard drivecan be restored.

When it is impossible to recover information

One case in which data recovery is impossible (in any case, in full), we have already said - this is the damaged recording surface of the hard disk. In this case, in order to try to recover information, you can contact a special company.

The second case is related to the recovery of information long recorded on disk. And here the chances of recovery are smaller, the earlier these or other files were deleted. The fact is that the recording on the hard disk is made in such a way that the new information is written over the old one that has been deleted. That is, the deleted information is in fact still stored on the disk (unless it was deleted in a special way, using special programs), but gradually overwritten with a newer one. At the same time, even if little new information was recorded on the disk, the chance of recovering very old files is still small, because you shouldn’t forget about system filesthat are created by the operating system during work.

Now you know almost everything about how to recover a hard disk. It remains to add that in some cases it is still worth entrusting the restoration of hard drives to specialists. It is advisable, firstly, when trying to restore very important data in order to prevent the final damage of the hard drive, which can result, for example, inadvertently hard drive.

And secondly, you can entrust the hard drive to the masters in the case when it is under the manufacturer’s warranty. In this case, you can contact the service center for free. The only thing to remember is: if you want to repair the disk in service center, you can not open the case of the disk, otherwise you will be denied warranty service.

Problems with hard drives on your computers always arise spontaneously. Main indicator possible problems  from HDD - time! Yes, time is not only a “doctor”, but also an absolute destroyer!

Signs that indicate problems with the "tin" - are very commonplace.
First, these are strange sounds that occur while your hard drive is running: squeaks, clang and other sound effects.
Secondly, it is heating the surface of the hard drive case: as you know, a normal HDD does not heat up at all (well, its maximum surface is slightly warm).
Thirdly, frequent "gatherings" of the operating system: this indicates a huge number of damaged sectors of your hard disk (clusters).

As you can see, friends, quite a lot of reasons. How to solve a problem? There are two solutions:

  1. buy a new hard drive;
  2. try to "cure" the old.
Consider option number two, I mean, try to restore the damaged sectors of our Hdd drive. So!

Recovery of damaged hard disk sectors

First, you should know the reasons that are the catalyst for the emergence of bad sectors on the HDD:

  1. improper shutdown of the computer;
  2. viruses and Trojans;
  3. incorrect removal of programs and games.
These reasons are the most common. Of course, your hard drive will not immediately show its "indisposition", because bad sectors  accumulate quite a long time (six months to a year). But the time will come and your “tin” will give you an unpleasant surprise! And to prevent this from happening, you should from time to time check your HDD for the number of bad sectors and “cure” these worst sectors.

How to do it? There is nothing complicated in the procedure, since it is as simple as a penny. Go to the "Start - My Computer." Direct the cursor to any local disk  and click the right mouse button. A menu will pop up in which you select the last line “Properties”. Clicking on "Properties", you open the "Properties: system disk  (drive letter) ". In the same place, in this window, you see several active tabs - click on the “Service” tab. See: there are three sections and there are active buttons in each section? In the section "Checking the disk (Checking the volume for errors)" click on the button "Perform a scan", and then put the "birdies" in the items "Check and repair damaged sectors" and "Automatically fix system errors".

Next, click on the "Run" and wait for the end of the process. Warning: the process of eliminating problems with a hard disk can take a very long time! It directly depends on the state and "age" of your hard disk. Therefore, do not panic if your disk is “cured” for several hours in a row: this is normal for old or badly beaten HDDs. Caution: if your broken disk  (for example, C) is busy at the moment, the OS will prompt you to check the sectors at the next system boot. We agree, click "OK" and restart the system. Everything: now your disk has started to be “treated”. You just have to wait for the end of the process. After that, we check the disc for adequacy: we try to run programs and applications, and monitor the speed and quality of performance. But still, it should be noted that the old hard drive sooner or later, but be sure to be covered with a "copper basin"! Therefore, if your HDD is old, be prepared to replace it. Good luck!

Consider restoring hard drives  improvised means at home.  In fact, in most cases, the hard drive is flying due to the abundance of the so-called “bad sectors”. If they are cleaned, the hard drive can last for a very long time. The easiest way to check the "screw" for the presence of "bedov", to test using standard diagnostic methods of the Windows operating system. In the functions, you can choose two ways to check the disk and wait ... After completion hard recovery  drive, in theory, should be successful.

Another standard tool is the defragmenter, which started to go in delivery operating systems  Windows starting with windows version 98. The principle of operation of this tool is quite simple, but, as a rule, very effective. When working, this tool collects all the “bad sector” in a pre-reserved space on the hard disk. It turns out that they are not “treated”, but are blocked and do not interfere with the full work of the hard drive. The minus of this method is the hard disk space.

Over time, the number of broken clusters accumulates and, accordingly, the space allocated for them gradually increases, which, frankly, is not at all correct. Therefore, in order to conduct a normal, full hard drive recovery, third-party developers began to develop alternative ways  better quality hard recovery  drives.

So there were such proven software products as HDD Regenerator  and "Victoria". Thanks to its algorithms, this software restores bad sectorsrather than blocking them. Thereby free place  on the hard disk is saved, and not reserved for incomprehensible needs. Let's pay a little attention to the utility "Victoria". This program performs low-level hard drive diagnostics, so that the recovery of hard drives is the most successful and fast.

The utility is absolutely free. There is support for IDE and SATA interfaces. The disadvantages can be attributed to the lack of desktop, works only from under MS-DOS with boot disk. It has a sector-by-sector recovery mode for clusters on the hard disk. It can carry out testing of the position of the heads, which is important to maintain the normal performance of the hard disk after recovery.

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