How to connect mobile data on your phone. How to turn on the Internet on a computer using a mobile phone

Surely many of you have found yourself in a situation where Internet access is needed right now, but there is no normal connection.

This can happen in many places - in the country, on vacation or on a business trip. Our decided to write an article about GPRS settings of popular mobile providers Megafon, Beeline and MTS.

How to connect the Internet via the phone

Let's make a reservation right away. Providers can change the settings that are specified in this article. But this in no way diminishes its relevance - we will tell you how to connect the Internet to the Internet correctly via your phone. For your part, if something does not work, you can always check the settings of Mts, Megafon or Beeline on their websites or ask the operator. Of course, the list of service operators is conditional. If you have another, less well-known mobile operator, for example Tele2 (tele2), Utel (Utel) or NSS (Nizhegorodskaya cellular), then our recommendations will also be useful.

The tips in the post we give are suitable for all popular phone models: Nokia, Samsung, Sony Ericsson and other established brands. You can even customize GPRS internet on chinese phone, for example on Fly. So let's go directly to manual setting GPRS on a computer using a mobile phone. We will give a couple of examples of Internet connection via GPRS. Read on to learn how to set up the Internet via your phone.

Mobile phone connection to computer or laptop

In order to connect the Internet via mobile phone, you need to connect your mobile phone to your computer first. This is done using special cablewhich should be able to connect the phone as a GPRS modem. It usually looks like this:

Note that such a cable should come with a driver disk. It is with him that the GPRS configuration on the computer will begin. Connect your phone via cable

Insert the driver disc from the cable into the drive, and wait automatic start installation windows. Alternatively, run the executable file from disk. Then follow the instructions of the installer. In general terms, you need to select a phone in the phone model selection window. Then select the item "Install wireless modem". Do not forget to put a full stop on "GPRS modem", and on "No APN name". Usually, these are standard items in the installation. Then you will need to name your GPRS connection and restart your computer.

It often happens that when installing the drivers for a mobile phone, the GPRS internet connection is not automatically created. In this case, you need to create it manually. When creating, you must specify a mobile phone as a modem. Below, we describe such a setup.

After these manipulations, you need to configure the phone as a GPRS modem. Open Control Panel and the Phone and Modem Options icon. Find the connected mobile phone, enter it with the right click and click the "Properties" button. Found it? Next, we will provide the provider data that you need to enter.

GPRS settings Beeline

Briefly about setting up GPRS from Beeline. Open the tab “ Extra options links "specify in an empty line:

AT + CGDCONT \u003d 1, "IP", ""

Then click "OK" and again "OK"

  • Open " Network connections"-" Your mobile phone "
  • In field username indicate beeline
  • In field password indicate beeline
  • Check the box next to Save username »
  • In field phone indicate *99***1 #

GPRS settings MTS

Open Control Panel, then the Phone and Modem Options icon. Open the "Modems" tab, select the mobile phone and click the "Properties" button, open the "Additional communication parameters" tab, specify in an empty line:

AT + CGDCONT \u003d 1, "IP", ""

Create a mobile phone connection if needed. For example, to configure gprs for MTS Windows XP:

Start -\u003e Settings -\u003e Network Connections -\u003e Create New Connection

In this case, you need to choose our mobile as a modem.

  • In the Supplier Name field, enter mtsand click Next.
  • Specify phone *99# click "Next".
  • Username mts , password mts , the confirmation mtsclick "Next".
  • Check the box "Add a shortcut to the connection to the desktop" and click "Finish".

GPRS settings Megaphone

In general, the GPRS setting for Megafon is no different from the previous ones. Let's illustrate point by point. In the installed modem, enter the provider's settings, as before, through the "Phone and Modem".

We create a connection.

We select the item "Connect to the Internet".

We select the appropriate item.

We select the connection manually.

Through a regular modem.

We indicate the modem.

Let's call the connection whatever you like.

Enter the number to dial. Megafon has either *99***1# or *99# ... The number depends on the brand of the phone.

Enter password and confirmation gdata.

Finishing the connection setup. Here you can display the shortcut to your desktop.

We connect using the "Call" button.

As you can see, it is not so difficult to set up GPRS Internet on your phone. We hope you found this helpful.!

Learn about how to connect a computer to the Internet via a mobile phone, many users want, despite the relative high cost of mobile Internet and slow speed of the Internet connection. For this reason, using a mobile device as the main Internet connection for a desktop PC is rather inconvenient, but it so happens that this is the only option. If, for example, your main ISP is broken, you will have to resort to using mobile internet... Therefore, it does not hurt to have an idea of \u200b\u200bhow to connect a computer to the Internet via a mobile phone.

Connecting a PC to the Internet: phone as an access point

To implement connecting the pc to the Internet via a mobile phone can be done in several ways, and all of them are suitable for any version of the operating windows systems... The easiest way is to use a special function called Access Point. This feature is present in many modern smartphones latest models.

After you activate the "Access Point" function, the mobile phone will work as usual wi-Fi router, that is, it will start creating wi-Fi network with internet access. To make it work on your PC Internet via mobile phone, you only need to connect to the above Wi-Fi network.

Everything is simple and fast, but it's worth knowing that using the "Access Point" option has several disadvantages, namely:

1) not every phone supports this function - only advanced smartphones have such an opportunity;

2) using the "Access Point" option contributes to a very fast discharge of the mobile phone battery;

3) the use of the "Access Point" will entail an increased consumption of Internet traffic;

4) to connect to an access point, a Wi-Fi module must be installed on the PC.

Mobile phone as a modem

Another way you can connect your computer to the Internet via your phone, is to use a mobile phone as a modem. This method, in contrast to the "Access Point" function, is suitable for most modern phones. But this “versatility” comes at a price: the method is quite complicated. Let's consider it in more detail and step by step.

Step one: connect the phone to the PC

To connect you need:

1) a mobile phone with a built-in GPRS or EDGE modem (they are present in almost any modern mobile terminal);

2) uSB cable or a Bluetooth adapter for connecting the phone to a PC (the adapter is not required if a laptop with built-in Bluetooth is connected, but in this case the mobile phone must also be equipped with Bluetooth).

3) a modem driver or a synchronization utility for a mobile phone (supplied in a disc recording, complete with the phone, or simply downloaded from the Internet).

4) SIM card of the respective operator mobile communication with a certain amount on the account.

After you connect everything, install the program that synchronizes the work of the PC and the phone. Depending on the brand of your phone, you can use the appropriate utility - Nokia Suite for Nokia phone or Samsung Kies for samsung phone... If you purchased a mobile phone complete with a driver disk, install it as well.

When all required programs with the drivers will be installed, in the "Device Manager" section you should see your mobile phone's modem.

Step two: create a new internet connection

Now you can proceed to create a new Internet connection. To do this, follow the path: "Control Panel" -\u003e "Internet and Network" -\u003e "Network Control Center and general access". In the latter, click on the line "Setting up a new network connection".

You will see a window with the name "Setting up a network connection". In this window, you will need the item "Phone connection settings", and then click on the "Next" button.

In the next window, you need to specify a username, password and dialed number. This data will be used by the modem to connect to the Internet. If you need to find out the number, password and login, just contact your mobile provider in the way that is provided for the mobile connection you are using.

After all the data has been entered, click on the "Connect" button. If you managed to do everything correctly, then the PC will connect to the Internet.

A way like using the phone as a modemalso has a couple of disadvantages:

1) the connection will not differ in quality and speed (depending on the operator and time of day);

2) the connection will cost you a lot.

You should know that the cost (as well as the speed and quality) of the Internet connection for different mobile operators significantly different. You should find out in advance about the results of testing the Internet connection from the operators whose coverage covers your region, and decide on the most profitable option for you (including the tariff plan).

Despite the disadvantages, it's better to have Internet access than not to have it at all, right? Moreover, such an Internet connection is enough for surfing the Web and downloading small files. Enjoy your internet surfing!

This article is searched for by queries: how to connect a phone to a computer via wifi, how to connect a phone to a computer via usb, how to connect wifi on a phone.

Progress allows you to do unimaginable things. Today we can take our mobile phone and use it to go online without much difficulty. Isn't that wonderful? But how to connect the Internet on a computer via a phone? What should you pay attention to? Let's get acquainted with all the nuances of this useful function.

What do you need?

To begin with, you should prepare and pay attention to the following things:

  • You must have a smartphone that supports the modem function.
  • You need to have a USB cable with which the connection will be established.
  • The phone must be charged in order not to unexpectedly interrupt the process.

There are several ways to access the Internet using your phone. Let's talk about each of them in more detail.

The first way

How to connect a phone instead of a modem? You need to do the following:

Important! Drivers can be located on the disc that comes with the phone, or on the phone itself. Nobody bothers you to download and install what you need software using the Internet, if available.

  • Now you need to go to your phone settings and set the USB tethering mode. On different devices it turns on in different ways, but the principle is about the same.

If you have questions about working with the device, we recommend using the instructions attached to it.

Second way

This option is needed only for owners of devices from the manufacturer Samsung. Get the program "Samsung Kies", which you can find on the official website at free access... After installation, you need to do the following:

  1. Disable the feature called “USB storage” on your phone.
  2. Establish a connection with a personal computer using a USB cable.
  3. Install required driversif necessary.
  4. Now go to the device in “Settings”, select “Wireless networks”. In the menu that opens, find the "Modem and Access Point" tab, in which you need to check the boxes opposite the following fields: "USB modem" and "Mobile AP".
  5. On your computer, go to network settings using the start menu. Go to the control panel and display all available connections.
  6. Find the item “Connect by local network”And select the connection that matches the name with your gadget.

You have already learned how to connect a phone instead of a modem to a computer with two different ways... But is it worth stopping there?

Method three

You can use any third party software that needs to be installed on your PC. The “EasyTether Lite” program is perfect. Here are instructions for working with such software:

  1. Install this program on both of your devices.
  2. Connect your phone and computer with a cable.
  3. If possible, install the required drivers.
  4. Now you need to activate USB debugging mode on your android device. Go to "Settings", "Applications", "Development" and select "USB Debugging".
  5. On personal computer right click on the shortcut installed program and select the item called “Connect Via Android”.

After these steps, the PC should access the Internet.

Fourth way

This method is the most difficult and is presented in this article for general information and to satisfy the user's curiosity. You can also resort to it if all the methods that were described earlier did not help you.

You will need to install two programs: “OpenVPN”, “Azilink”. Now, do the following to gain access to the global network:

  1. Download the compressed Azilink archive and unpack it into any folder.
  2. Take a USB cable, use it to connect your phone to your PC.
  3. Don't forget about the drivers.
  4. Open the unzipped folder and find a file called “azilink-install.cmd”. You need to launch it and install it on your smartphone.
  5. If the installation was successful, launch the software on your device. Check the box next to “Service Active”.
  6. Find and open a file called “start-vpn.cmd” in the same unpacked folder. You will see a window with a console in front of you, in which the installation process will be visually visualized. Leave the window open and wait for the complete installation, which will end with “Initialization Sequence Completed”.
  7. The smartphone screen will take up the message “Connecting to host”. You will see all the service information about this pairing session.

Important! Do not forget to turn off the Wi-Fi module on your device, otherwise you risk being left without the Internet.

In this article, you will find out what are the ways to turn on the Internet through your phone to your computer. In this article, I will talk about how you can regular phone with Internet access, configure it as a modem, thereby saving on the purchase of a USB modem.

Computer, laptop, tablet, smartphone, candy bar, game console and so on and so forth today needs an internet connection. Buying USB modems and other bells and whistles is an investment of money in "passive" or, more simply, extra expenses. How can these costs be avoided? You can use a mobile phone as a source of the Internet, especially since now the speed of the mobile Internet allows you to replace wired Internet access in many areas of the Internet, and the tariffs are very, very low ().

But, in order to set up the Internet via a phone to a computer, you need to know how this can be done.

  1. The easiest way to connect to the Internet via a mobile phone is to use a standard program that should come with your smartphone (for example, Nokia PC Suite). Usually it is on disk, or you can download it from the official website of the phone manufacturer. The phone connects to the computer via USB or Bluetooth, the corresponding program is installed, it has a button "Connect to the Internet". Thus, the Internet connection through the mobile phone is established. Unfortunately, not all phones that can connect to the Internet have a CD with such a program, and some manufacturers do not include such software in the package. What to do in such cases? Read on.
  2. On devices with an operating room android system there is a special button for this. You must press the Menu button - Settings - Wireless networks - Internet via smartphone. Check the box "Internet via USB" (until the device is connected to the computer via USB, the checkbox will be inactive). In fact, this is how we use. By the way, since version 2.2 Android allows you to use your mobile phone by distributing the Internet via WiFi. To do this, it is enough in the same menu to check the box next to "Point wiFi access". Be careful, the battery is discharged in about an hour in 2 hours with this scheme. You can read about how to connect to WiFi here.
  3. If the first and second points cannot be applied, you can try to configure the connection manually. To do this, you need to find and install a driver on the modem phone (before looking, check if standard drivers will be enough, often it will). Once you have installed the driver you can use the articles that discusses the connection. The steps are absolutely identical.

So, in general terms, I told you about setting up the Internet via a phone on a computer.

Unfortunately, in practice, difficult situations arise and not everything is so simple. If you encounter a configuration problem, you can leave a comment describing the situation, I will try to help you as soon as possible. Only a request - describe the situation in as much detail as possible, which operating systemwhat phone, how do we connect the phone to the computer, if possible - screenshots of errors or what is not working.

That's all, subscribe to blog updates, so as not to miss new useful articles! Until next time.

All modern mobile devices are equipped with various modules that allow you to use them to access the Internet. However, you can not only surf the net on your phone, but also make your mobile phone a source of Internet for other devices.

Using a smartphone

If you have a smartphone running on the Android OS, then the question of how to connect the Internet via a phone will have two solutions at once. Both methods described below are equally effective and are suitable not only for smartphones, but also for tablets with SIM card support.

If your computer (laptop) is equipped with a Wi-Fi module, you can make an access point out of your smartphone that will distribute a wireless network.

After a message appears stating that the access point is active, click on it to open the settings. Select the section "Configuring an access point".

Specify the network name, security method and password. These data are set by default, but you can change them manually. Be sure to save your changes.

The connection to the access point created on the smartphone is made according to the standard scheme. Run a search on your computer available networks, find your wi-Fi point and make the connection.

If a Wi-Fi module no computer, you can try using your smartphone as a USB modem:

If the connection is successful, a notification will appear in the system tray that the connection has been established.

If you are trying to set up the Internet on a computer running Windows XP or an earlier version of the OS from Microsoft, then most likely the modem driver will not be installed automatically. You will have to download it from the website of the smartphone manufacturer, force installation, and only then try to access the Internet.

Mobile phone use

If you have a smartphone that supports the Access Point function, then it will be quite easy to get online. It's another matter if you want to connect to the Internet via a regular mobile phone. Before the advent of high-speed leased lines and wireless networks this technology was used quite often, but in recent times she was a little forgotten. Let's correct this mistake and revive useful information in our memory.

The initialization string is individual for each individual tariff plan specific cellular operator... You can clarify these data necessary for correct connection on the operator's website or in the technical support service.

Making a connection

After setting up your mobile phone, you can proceed to creating a new connection. If you know how to configure the Internet on Windows 7/8 / 8.1, then you can easily cope with this task:

Similarly, you can configure the Megafon modem, if for some reason standard program for internet connection refuses to work correctly.

If you are using Windows XP, the item names and the order of creating a connection may differ slightly. However, the procedure itself remains unchanged, so it is important to understand its meaning.

For convenience, you can place the connection shortcut on your desktop. To do this, you need to find the created connection, right-click on it and select "Create shortcut". A window will appear with a proposal to place a shortcut on the desktop - click "Yes" to perform this operation.

Internet access

The equipment is configured, the connection is created - now you can access the Internet using your mobile phone:

Wait for the end of the connection process. If everything goes well, a notification will appear in the system tray that the connection has been established. Open any browser and check if web pages are loading.

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