Weak signal of the wifi router. We strengthen the signal of the Wi-Fi router. Choose the optimal WiFi channel in the settings

The Wifi standard was developed at the end of the twentieth century by an Australian engineer, and since then has managed to fall in love with Internet users from all over the world due to the absence of clutter of wires and cables and its great convenience and ease of use. To connect to network resources, you just need to have a laptop if you are in the range of signal reception, or a router if you want to enjoy wireless internet sitting at home in a comfortable chair. Problems in operation may be associated with the fact that the signal is subject to the negative effects of various interference, in which case it simply needs to be amplified.

The bandwidth of the wifi standard allows you to use the Internet on a laptop or any other portable device at speeds up to 60 Mbit / s, but, unfortunately, the signal quality in many establishments and access points still leaves much to be desired. It often happens that the reason poor reception lies in the device itself, so this article will focus on how to improve wifi reception on your laptop.

If the Internet connection on your laptop constantly jumps and disappears, the first step is to update the router's firmware, especially if windows system picked them up automatically. Download the driver for the Wi-Fi adapter on the official website of your laptop manufacturer. Then the computer needs to be restarted and the signal checked.

Method 2. What if the laptop does not see wifi?

If your device cannot recognize the access point, then you need to make sure that the wireless module is not in a disabled state. Go to the "adapter settings" section, which is located in the "Network and general access"And see what status the current connection is in. If it is disabled, then the problem is solved simply by pressing one button "connect". After this procedure, it is recommended to restart the laptop and check the reception level again.

Method 3: Change the wireless channel

This seemingly insignificant moment may turn out to be the key in the problem of poor reception. If the majority of users in the distribution radius simultaneously use the Internet through the same channel, then at best the speed drops significantly, making it impossible to view video and audio content, and at worst it threatens to disconnect every fifteen seconds. To solve this problem, you need to install on the laptop special utility, which will display a list of all wireless networks within the range of your device, their frequency characteristics, bandwidth and congestion at the current time. Now you can independently choose the most free channel and click on the "connect" button.

Wi Fi Analyzer shows used Wi-Fi channels near

Method 4. Upgrading the adapter

Another way to boost wifi reception on your laptop is to improve the adapter itself. This is especially true for those users who use adapters that connect to a laptop via USB ports. It is not recommended to turn them on directly, as the reception and signal will be greatly affected. It would be best to use an extension cord, or purchase a special signal amplifier that can significantly improve reception.

Method 5. Setting a strong password

Of course, you can use special programs to calculate all the users who have "joined" your wi-fi, but most likely your goal is to improve reception, and not to punish freeloaders, so it's best to take your time and come up with a complex password.

Method 6. Reduce the number of electrical appliances within the wireless range

The fact is that appliances such as microwave ovens, cell Phones and other household appliances can significantly impair reception. Therefore, it is strongly recommended to minimize the presence of electrical appliances within the radius of your router and laptop. In the event that you need to strengthen wifi, for example, while in an office or cafeteria, where there is no way to rearrange interfering devices at your discretion, all that remains is to change the location.

Method 7. Remove obstacles

Structural walls made of brick or concrete, as well as mirrors and aquariums, can be a serious obstacle, significantly weakening the reception. Since transfer them as shallow household appliances is not possible, you should find the most suitable place in which the signal will be the best.

Method 8. Free method for those with skillful hands

If you want to urgently improve the reception, for example, you have an urgent need for a high-quality Internet, and there is no desire to wait several days for the delivery of a new router or amplifier, then skillful straight hands can come to the rescue. There are several ways to improve the signal on any laptop in this way. For the first, you need two cans of any drink, for the second, a roll of baking foil, from which the reflector is made. We will not dwell on the details of making these "devices" in this article, there are already a huge number of them in the vastness of the Internet and on video services like Youtube. Of course, this option has a lot of disadvantages: firstly, the performance quality of such devices will be much worse than that of those that can be purchased in the store. Secondly, their appearance will be extremely unaesthetic and unattractive.

Method 9. Eliminating interference in the "face" of another router

The signal from another router can interfere, which is a common problem for residents of multi-storey buildings. To get started, you can change the location of your router and configure the antenna. You can also purchase special reflectors in the store that are attached to the antenna and can amplify the reception by directing it in the required direction.

Method 10. Expensive and reliable

There is an effective method of increasing the speed of the Internet, but its significant drawback is the need for financial costs to purchase a high-quality modern router model. This way can greatly improve wifi work on your laptop, but it is worth considering the fact that today such a purchase will cost quite a lot.

Method 11. Installing a dedicated repeater

This method is cheaper than the previous one, and its meaning is to purchase an additional router, preferably the same model that you are using at the moment. It can be very easily configured to operate in snooze mode or AP duplication. This method can significantly improve the signal.

Method 12. Replacing antennas

Most external adapters and routers are equipped with removable antennas, and often the quality of those included with the device leaves much to be desired.

Method 13. Power setting

Often in the properties of your laptop The factory defaults to prioritizing power consumption, which can weaken the signal and impair reception. First you need to enter the "control panel" of your laptop, then select the "Security and System" section. Now you need to go to the "power supply" directory and manually set the power consumption mode on time wifi connections... To do this, find the tab " energy saving mode»And set the performance to maximum, then don't forget to save the settings.

Method 14. Installing the router in a different location

Some users place it on top of a cabinet or push it into a far corner of the room where it can be interfered with and the signal will be interrupted. It is advisable to rearrange it closer to the center of the room, where the reception level will be highest.

Method 15. Using a dedicated amplifier

If the signal remains choppy and weak, using a dedicated amplifier can be a way out. They are usually sold as small, compact antennas that connect to a laptop via USB port... This will not only significantly expand the coverage area, but will undoubtedly improve the signal.

In contact with

WiFi technology is gaining momentum and becoming more popular. Therefore, modern technology is immediately released with a built-in Wi-Fi module, for example: refrigerators, kettles, TVs. Manufacturers are trying to make human life more comfortable and carefree. Going to any cafe, store, club, you can easily connect your phone or tablet to world wide weball thanks to Wi Fi wireless technology. Also, you probably have many devices at home that support Wi-Fi. So that you do not have to pull a bunch of wires with you, it is enough to buy a router that will distribute the Internet. But many face the problem - weak WiFi signal, as a result, an underestimated Internet speed. Therefore, in this article we decided to help you and tell you in detail how different methods strengthen wifi signal.

When you decide to install a router at home, pay special attention to the question, where is it better to place it?

  1. Try to keep your router as close to the center of the house as possible. So that the radio waves spread evenly throughout the house.
  2. It is better to place the router near doorways or windows. Then the wireless signal will attenuate less.
  3. Do not put your router in a kitchen near a microwave oven. Wi-Fi operates at 2.4 GHz, and the oven works at the same frequency. Therefore, they will interfere with each other. When you turn on the microwave, the router may freeze altogether.
  4. Do not install the router in iron boxes or boxes. The signal goes worst through metal barriers.
  5. It is undesirable to place the router in a children's room or bedroom. There is still no consensus on how harmful radiation from a router is to humans. Therefore, away from sin, it is better to put it in the corridor.
  6. Do not place two routers in the same room. If there is no other option, then at least distribute them to different channels. For example: put one channel 1, and the second put 12 channel.

Using programs, we strengthen the Wi Fi signal

Usually, after buying any equipment, people do not really like to look at the instructions that come with the device. Not an exception and with a router, few people pay due attention to setting it up. Usually, the entire setup ends after entering the password for the Wi-Fi network and SSID, all other settings are left by default. Therefore, in the process of using the wireless Internet, all sorts of problems arise, such as: weak signal,. Let's figure out why this happens and how you can strengthen the WiFi signal

Choosing a WiFi radio channel

Having put the router in the apartment, many did not think about the fact that the neighbors from below, from above, from the side, also installed a router. Why is this bad you ask? And the fact that there is a high probability that the channels in which the routers will work may intersect. Many routers have channel 6 by default. So just imagine, all the neighbors, like you broadcast on channel 6, the result of such work is a decrease in the signal level and a drop in bandwidth.

InSSIDer utility

Therefore, during the setup process, do not be lazy and download the utility that will help you decide on the choice of the channel for broadcasting. For example, let's take a program that is easy to use and popular - InSSIDer ... This utility is able to scan the radio broadcast well and produce a large amount of useful data, thanks to which you can determine which channel is most suitable for you.

Acrylic Wi-Fi App

Also equally popular Acrylic Wi-Fi... There is a free version and a paid version, which adds advanced features. The application is able to scan channels in all modes in the 2.4 and 5 GHz range, and competently makes an analysis of the distribution by channels.

Low transmitter power

The ability to adjust the power of the Wi-Fi transmitter is not provided on every router. In this case, another firmware may help you. To find it, you will have to spend a little time, and no one guarantees one hundred percent success after installation. So it's up to you.

Models that have such a function can increase the power to improve the signal, now we will tell you how to do this. Often the default is low power, so we go into the settings of the router, in the menu you need to find the item " Transmit Power". We select the maximum one hundred percent or the value "High (Nigh)". After that, you have a stronger Wi Fi signal.

Choosing the Wi-Fi standard IEEE 802.11n

There are few standards for how Wi Fi works. Today it is - 802.11 - a - b - g - n - ac, the last AC is not in every router. It is believed that the fastest standard is 802.11n, it has a larger range than all the others, which it covers. But we must not forget that not all devices with Wi Fi support this standard. Whether your device has 802.11n support is easy to find out. On the router, you need to configure this standard in the settings. We take a phone or tablet and scan the radio broadcast. You will see if you can see your network or not.

To configure, go to the main menu of the router. Find the "Wi-Fi" tab, then select " basic settings", You will see the line" Wireless mode»Opposite to it, you can select the operating mode. Don't forget to save your settings and reload.

Using the more advanced 5 GHz band

With the 5 GHz band, you can get much more speed than with the 2.4 GHz band. This is due to the fact that a large number of devices operate at a frequency of 2.4 GHz, while, of course, the radio air is heavily clogged and interferes with one. But 5 GHz frequencies are used much less often, there is less noise, and the bandwidth is higher. The only plus at 2.4 GHz is that the amplification of the wifi signal is stronger and better penetrates any obstacles. So you choose which range to use.

Increasing the signal with changes in Windows

This section is more suitable for users who have Wi-Fi on a laptop. Often, manufacturers by default set the mode " Saving energy". Because of this, the Wi-Fi adapter in the computer degrades performance. To fix this, change the mode to " Balanced"Or" High ". With this mode, you can pick up the signal from a greater distance.

How to remove power limitations in a router

In most countries, power limits of up to 100 mW have been introduced on routers. There are only a few countries in which there are no restrictions, one of them is Bolivia, thanks to this there is a loophole with which you can increase the transmitter power.

  • Install Kali Linux or just Linux.
  • In the terminal, enter the commands:
    ifconfig wlan0 down
    macchanger -r wlan0
    iw reg set BO
    iwconfig wlan0 txpower 400mW
    ifconfig wlan0 up

400 mW means power, you can start at 200 mW to avoid burning the transmitter.

You can also try the second way to increase the power. To do this, you need to write the command wl -i wlan0 txpower 100, where 100 is the power you put, and wlan0 is your adapter.

Increasing the signal by improving the Wi-Fi antenna

If you have the opportunity and finances, then you can simply replace the antenna on the router with a more powerful one. For example, a standard antenna usually has a gain of 4-5 dBi, in which case it will not be difficult to find an antenna in stores to amplify a signal with a high dBi coefficient.

But when there is little money or you just want to save, a beer can will come to the rescue! It didn't seem to you, you read everything correctly, beer can. This is the easiest and most proven way to slightly increase the signal at home.

To create a reflector for a wi-fi signal, you need to cut off the entire bottom and do almost the same with the top of the can, unlike the bottom, we don't cut a little from the top. Then we cut the can lengthwise, we get a sail, which we put on the antenna. Everything is ready, you have learned how to easily improve the signal.

Strengthen WiFi signal with a repeater

The repeater will help amplify the signal. You can buy both in the online store and in a regular store, it all depends on your desire. Their variety is large, so look at the characteristics and choose the right one. After purchase, you need to connect it to your wireless network in order for the repeater to increase the range.

Replacing the laptop WiFi adapter

Change Wi-Fi module on a laptop it is not difficult, especially there are models in which a cover is provided at the bottom. When you open it you will see this module. You can buy another adapter that will connect via USB. Often these adapters have external antenna, which enhances wifi on laptops, which in the future you can replace with a more powerful one.

Replacing the firmware with DD-WRT, to increase the signal

Unfortunately, not every manufacturer can boast of a good firmware. The functionality of some routers is reduced, in this regard, it is unlikely that it will work to play with the settings. Only alternative firmware can come to the rescue. For example: DD-WRT. Thanks to her, the functionality will expand, and there will also be more stable work... It is easy to check if this firmware is suitable for your router, go to the official website and see if your model is in the database.


Today we told you about the methods that really help to strengthen the Wi-Fi signal. Following our recommendations, with a good signal, you can squeeze maximum speed the Internet from the router. By increasing the power, you can use Wi-Fi not only in the house, but also outdoors.

7 simple stepsto improve the Internet at home.

Nothing is as annoying as low speed work home network Wi-Fi networks. The film cannot be downloaded, YouTube videos cannot be watched, and network games cannot be played. But what if we said that there are several ways to improve the signal quality and speed of the Internet connection? And for their implementation you will need only a few minutes.

1. Choose the right place for your router

Fact from "Captain Obvious" - if you have a five-room apartment, and the router is at the front door, do not be surprised that the signal to the fifth room will be weak.

Try to center your Wi-Fi router in an open space. So that there is approximately the same distance to any room. Don't forget that the higher the router is, the better. Radio waves travel better down and to the sides.

2. Don't put the router in the kitchen

Remember, microwave ovens use the same frequency as your Wi-Fi router (2.4 GHz). In addition, it is best to keep it away from baby monitors, cordless phones and halogen lamps, which can also interfere with radio reception.

3. Turn the antennas of the router up

Most routers have physical antennas that you can adjust the location of. Many users put their router on top of cabinets and tilt the antennas horizontally, thereby degrading the signal.

For maximum signal strength, position the antenna vertically, pointing straight up.

If the router has two antennas, then they should be directed in the same direction, otherwise you will receive better performance will not work.

4. Remove the router from metal surfaces

Remember that all metal surfaces reflect the Wi-Fi signal. Therefore, you should not place the router near large metal objects such as metal shelves or safes.

Choose the most modern equipment:

  • Access point Apple AirPort Express - 7 990 rubles.
  • Base station Apple AirPort Extreme - 16 990 rubles.
  • Base station + external storage Apple AirPort Time Capsule - from 23 990 rubles.

5. Choose the best frequency channel

If you open the list of all Wi-Fi hotspots in your apartment building, you will be surprised at their number. In fact, now in every second apartment there is a router, and they all interfere with each other and clog frequency channels... For example, in my house, a Macbook sees 18 (!) Different networks at once.

Try to find out exactly where your neighbor has his router, and, if possible, move yours away.

But the best you can do is switch to another wi-Fi channel... To find desired setting on the router settings page.

In order to choose a suitable channel, download special applications that will show the most "unbroken" Wi-Fi channel. Unfortunately, . But do not be upset, there are analogues for Mac, for example, Wifiscanner. The program will show the networks in the area and the frequency channels they occupy.

6. Transfer the router to 5GHz

Expensive models of wireless routers can operate in the 5GHz (802.11a) band. If your router can do that, feel free to transfer it to this range, since it should be almost completely free. No "garbage" of frequency interference from access points of neighbors.

7. Disable "leeches"

Also, using special applications (for example, Fing), you can check your Wi-Fi network for the presence of “illegally” connected devices. There is always a chance to encounter a cunning neighbor who, like a leech, was able to connect to your network and sits downloading everything from a torrent.

You can make a list of allowed MAC addresses of devices in the router settings.

All these simple but effective actions will help improve your speed. home internet and save nerve cells. Share in the comments which of the methods helped you personally, and whether you found a free-for-charge neighbor who joined.

P.S .: thanks to re: Store for useful tips!

website 7 easy steps to improve the Internet at home. Nothing is more annoying than the low speed of your home Wi-Fi network. The film cannot be downloaded, YouTube videos cannot be watched, and network games cannot be played. But what if we said that there are several ways to improve the signal quality and speed of the Internet connection? And for their implementation you will need only a few minutes ...

In fact, the question that many users ask themselves wireless devicesshould sound different from what is written in the title of this article. It would be more correct to say - "What are you ready to go to to strengthen the WiFi signal of the router?"

The fact is that for a serious increase in the range of a wireless network, you will have to make either a certain amount of effort, or spend a small amount of your "hard-earned money". Moreover, the second option, in most cases, will be more acceptable and effective for many.

In this article, I will only talk about the really working ways to amplify a WiFi signal. Consider both free methods and paid ones.

It will be interesting, let's go!

Choosing the right WiFi channel (free method)

For transmission wireless signal 11 WiFi channels are used from the router to another device (such as a tablet or laptop). No, traffic does not go through all channels at once, only one channel is involved at any given time interval, or, more precisely, the router automatically changes the channel when reconnecting (if a channel change, in its opinion, is required) to the one that it considers optimal ...

Everything would be fine, but the router cannot always pick up an objective (less loaded) channel and, therefore, the quality of the wireless signal may deteriorate due to "neighbors" on the channels (other routers and access points operating within the range of your wireless network ).

In each router, you can set the channel manually, for this you do not need to be "seven inches in the forehead", you just need to go to the WEB-interface of the router and "trick" into wiFi settings... The question is - which channel should be set to the router?

To understand this issue, we need any wireless device running on Android, and an application " WiFi Analyzer»(Or its analogs), which can be downloaded from Google Play (free).

Take a look at the picture below - this is a screenshot from the WiFi Analyzer software showing the wireless networks in my apartment building. The channels are numbered on the horizontal scale, on the vertical wiFi level signal.

For the most attentive - there are 13 channels in the picture, instead of the 11 that I mentioned a little above. It's all about the international WiFi standards, 11 channels are used in Russia, and, for example, in the USA - 13. In devices intended for operation in the Russian Federation, there will be 11 channels.

So what we see:

  • Channel number 1 - this channel broadcasts the Internet from WiFi networks "Wifi3" and "ttk17";
  • Channel 2 is empty;
  • Channel number 3 - "Keenetic-1108";
  • Channels 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 are empty;
  • Channel 10 - "ASUS-N", "DIR-615", "wifi25";
  • Channel 11 is another "DIR-615" and "wifi12".

Each channel operates on a specific frequency range, so the graph contains not just vertical lines, but parabolas.

To make it clearer, look at the "Keenetic-1108" network. Although this client works on channel 3, it still intersects with the "wifi3" and "ttk17" networks, thereby deteriorating the wireless signal of the two "neighbors", and the "neighbors", in turn, worsen the signal for the "Keenetic-1108" network ... The stronger the signals intersect (overlap), the worse the signal will be.

On channels 10 and 11, the situation is even more sad - as many as 5 networks overlap each other very strongly.

Suppose my wireless network is "ASUS-N", operating on channel 10 and intersecting with four more networks. The signal of this network is probably very much deteriorating due to the "neighbors", therefore, to improve the quality of WiFi, I need to "move" to a freer range. That is, change the channel to one that I consider less loaded.

In this particular case, I think, the best option would be to occupy channel No. 5. Yes, my network will overlap with three more networks, but to a much lesser extent than it was on channel No. 10.

I think that you understand the principle - the less intersections and less overlap of networks, the better and more stable WiFi works!

To change the channel, you need to go to the device's WEB interface and configure the corresponding function in wiFi parameters... I cannot describe how this is done for each router separately, because there are a huge number of brands and models of routers, and the article is not about that. But, I think, on the Internet you can easily find the exact instruction, just for your WiFi router. Good luck!

Correct location of WiFi router (shareware method)

The correct location of the router in the apartment / office (or any other room) has a direct impact on the quality and radius wiFi actions signal. I wrote about this issue in great detail in the article, you can read it.

In this post, I will only list the main excerpts from that article:

  • Minimize serious obstacles to the wireless signal, such as concrete / brick / reinforced concrete walls, mirrors, glass, aquariums, metal structures, soundproof walls;
  • Make sure that the WiFi signal passes through thick (wide) obstacles perpendicular to the obstacle, and not at an angle;
  • Do not install the device in close proximity to household appliances.

These are three clippings in a very short version, for "completeness" it is worth reading the entire article (link above).

By the way, I designated this method as "shareware" because it is not always possible to achieve the most advantageous location of the router simply by moving it around the room. Maybe you want to break a couple of concrete walls in the apartment (crazy, but it is possible) ... Or lengthen the provider's patch cord (if the cable does not reach where you want to put the device)? In general, creative force majeure decisions are possible, and they will require certain costs.

WiFi Directional Antenna for Signal Strengthening (Free / Paid)

On routers and points wiFi access the antenna is omnidirectional, that is, the signal goes in all directions. Thus, if your device is installed, for example, in a corridor, then most of the potential of the wireless network will go nowhere (to neighbors, for example). Therefore, it is recommended to place the router in the center of the room so that the range of the network has the highest possible efficiency, and the signal spreads over the entire area of \u200b\u200bthe room.

But let's return to the "corridor" variant of the router location. As I wrote a little above, most of the WiFi antenna resources are wasted. What to do? You need to send the signal in one direction! This is what we need a directional WiFi antenna for.

DIY Directional WiFi Antenna (Free)

Looking for easy ways? Then you might want to build an antenna yourself. In this article, I will not make another manual for turning an empty can from Coca-Cola into a cool antenna, there is a lot of this on the Internet (especially on youtube.com), if you want, go for it.

As you can see, there are several “BUTs” in this version!

  • Such an antenna will not have the most aesthetic and attractive appearance;
  • The performance is likely to be worse than the store version of the device;
  • You still have to spend money on a couple of cans of Coca-Cola :)

Directional WiFi Antenna From Store (Paid)

If your router's antennas are removable, this is what you need. Attaching a directional WiFi antenna to such a device will not be difficult.

For example, the D-LINK ANT24-0600 directional antenna, costing about 800 rubles, can solve most problems with a weak signal. The device is connected (simply screwed) to the router via the common RP-SMA and RP-TNC connectors instead of the standard antenna included in the kit.

Thus, at the output we have a nice device and a decent amplification of the WiFi signal. In this case, the device will not "catch the eye" and spoil the decor, unlike some homemade invention.

If you decide to buy such a device, be sure to make sure that the antennas on your router are removable. Also look in the passport of the device which connectors are used on the router when connecting standard WiFi antennas.

You will figure it out along the way, I hope.

Installing a WiFi Repeater to enhance the signal (paid method, in rare cases free)

Another way that you can make a fairly effective strengthening of the wireless network.

How it works

There are such devices called Repeaters. They can be either a separate device or a built-in function in WiFi point access. Example (standalone), example (built-in function).

With the help of such devices, you can connect to an existing wireless network and continue it (network) from the Repeater.

In this way, you can increase the range of one network to the entire room, no matter how large it is. If one "Repeater" is not enough, you can use one more, and more, and more ... In general, how much the budget will last.

Where to get the Repeater for free

If you have an old WiFi router lying around that is not used anywhere, then you can try using it as a Repeater. Theoretically, at the hardware level, any router can perform the functions of a Repeater. Practically - if in software devices from the manufacturer do not have this function, then you can only try to look for alternative firmware on the Internet.

It will be quite difficult for an ordinary user to implement such an idea, but experienced IT specialists may well cope with the task (and even then, not always). Therefore, if you are not confident in your abilities, it is better to buy a device in a store and not try to “reinvent the wheel”.


As you can see paid ways enhance WiFi signal slightly more than free ones, but this does not negate the importance of the latter. In some cases, everything can be solved by simply moving the router a meter away from the microwave, and in others, installing ten Repeaters will have no effect.

Think, see, analyze and draw conclusions.


Ivan 2014-08-28 05:50:33

I have reviewed all the sites in the top ten of the search, but none of them has such a detailed explanation about changing WiFi channels, as it is scheduled for you. I will definitely try, if it doesn't help, I will resort to more radical methods (repeaters, etc.). Thank you for the article.

Admin 2014-08-28 05:56:02

I would advise you to first decide on correct location WiFi router, and only then try to optimize WiFi channels. Taken together, these two methods can give a tangible improvement in WiFi signal.
Well, if it doesn't help, then yes, you can't do without additional equipment. Good luck!

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Victor 2014-09-25 06:10:38

Informative! The first method is generally excellent (all the more free), at least it helped me - I changed the channel and the received signal level increased by 2 divisions. Thanks!

[Reply] [Cancel reply]
Admin 2014-09-25 06:12:04

You are welcome!

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James 2015-04-25 23:33:21

How much I climb the forums, no one has ever thought to increase the power of the outgoing signal with any amplification scheme, say, how an amplifier increases the sound volume!

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Pyrocar 2015-05-25 07:03:27

Thank you author, I wanted to ask you about the case. And where to measure the clogging of the channels, near the place where the router is (almost close) or in the kitchen to measure, additionally in the corridor and in the room and check the clogging of the channels in 3 places and choose the right one, or is it definitely needed exactly the one in place of the router? ... Otherwise, I'm sitting with a tablet in the kitchen, where the clogging of the channels is different (I mean numbering) than near the router. Moreover, I love to move. TP-Link TL-WR841ND rel. 9

[Reply] [Cancel reply]
Admin 2015-05-25 07:13:00

Naturally, where you use the most wireless network... If this is a kitchen, then you need to watch the clogged channels in the kitchen.

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Alexey 2015-08-19 11:19:51

So after all, the congestion of channels is also constantly changing, because, again, all routers automatically select channels, and therefore the congestion is always different. Or not?

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Andrew 2017-02-11 10:14:07

Good afternoon! Recently I left a comment in the Internet speed test section. thanks for good article and the answer.
I have a Rostelecom fiber optic into my house and connected through the QTECH QFR-200-4T-W terminal router, through the version where it is completely
there are no antennas for wi-fi, although now on the company's website under this model a device of the same type is sold, BUT only with 2 antennas. At the time of installation was absent from home. Apart from Rostelecom, there are no providers, and they are trying to impose kyu-tech.
What is the essence of the question: tariff 100 mbps with television, according to the results of the check
external traffic to the entrance for 80 mbps. But this is a router-laptop cable connection. Through wi-fi from 15 to 25 mbps, approximately depending on the device (laptop, iPhone, smart on android) in the immediate vicinity of the router, and a very weak wifi in the neighboring rooms, sometimes it just isn't there. I found out in one computer store about signal amplification. They explained that the repeater will amplify the signal, but not the speed. To increase the speed, either change the fiber-optic router, or install an intermediate Wi-Fi router with antennas, and again, if it is not enough, then install a repeater.
I checked the channels, everything is ok. Private sector.
Tell me how best to solve the issue with increasing the speed of wi-fi and signal in this case (we use devices mainly via wi-fi, including the most basic laptop).
Yours faithfully,

[Reply] [Cancel reply]
Admin 2017-02-11 11:30:27

Well, yes, you will not increase the speed with a repeater. It can boost the signal so you have a network in other rooms, but it won't increase the speed.
You were told correctly, change ONT, or pair a router to the WiFi terminal.
Call the TP of the provider, explain the situation that the WiFi signal is weak. Perhaps they will make concessions and change the terminal to the one with antennas. Rostelecom, like other providers, is now very loyal to customers, since there is a lot of competition in the market, and it doesn't matter that there are no competitors in your sector;)
But, I want to say right away that you will raise the speed somewhere up to a maximum of 50 Mbit / s.

Admin 2017-02-15 16:00:25

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Convenience in use wireless technologies caused the spread of gadgets in which WiFi is integrated. Of course, traditional LAN ports do not lose their relevance, but already as a secondary means of accessing the network. Moreover, this port is not required at all on the street or in a public place. However, the use of wireless Internet access tools has its drawbacks in the form of interference or insufficient coverage. Therefore, the question arises about the means by which you can strengthen the WiFi antenna for its more efficient operation.

First of all, users turn to equipment manufacturers, who note the dependence of the reception quality on factors such as the radius of the network, the type of access point, and the characteristics of the antennas themselves. Of course, the listed factors directly affect the signal quality, but if they do not allow you to achieve the required communication quality, then you should not despair - there are many ways to solve this problem.

Correct device location

Before interfering with the settings and experimenting with upgrading devices, it is worth analyzing the location of the device itself in terms of optimal reception. First of all, it should be taken into account that the access point must provide the maximum possible coverage of the potentially used area - for example, in an office or apartment.

Also in the answer to the question on how to strengthen the antenna, WiFi router signal and overall quality reception, it should be noted the importance of free space for the passage of radio waves. That is, interior partitions act as a rather serious barrier and can impede signal transmission. And this also applies to modern aerated concrete walls with plasterboard finish, and even more so to reinforced brick structures. You can solve this problem by choosing a point where the router is located so that it can be easily accessed.

Channel matching - what to do?

Software methods of signal amplification, unfortunately, are the least popular with users, while a lot depends on the settings. Improving the performance of wireless devices at the software level should start with analyzing the frequencies at which the equipment operates. For example, if there are 10-15 networks in the house, then it is obvious that about good quality have to forget, as the signals are more likely to overlap and interfere with each other.

If you choose the right channel for broadcasting radio waves, then all the questions about how to amplify wiFi antenna-router will disappear by themselves. But to select a channel you need special program - for example, you can use the InSSIDer system. This software must be used in parallel with the WiFi adapter. The InSSIDer program installed on the computer will display data on all available channels, identifying busy and free channels. In accordance with the information received, it remains only to reconfigure the operating mode of the adapter to a suitable frequency.

Increasing the power of the router

An unsatisfactory reception signal of the device may be due to the fact that the settings themselves impose restrictions on it. Actually, this is an elementary way to improve the quality of the network. To understand how to enhance the antenna power of a WiFi router, you need to understand the settings specific model devices. Typically, power control is present in the "Advanced settings", on which the network parameters depend.

One of the tabs should contain an inscription mentioning the transmission power. For example, on english language it could be the Wireless Transmit Power string. The adjustment indicator itself can be presented in different ways, as a percentage or levels such as "Low", "High", etc. Thus, in order to get high power from the router and to strengthen the WiFi antenna, you should set the maximum value of this parameter. True, in SOHO-level modifications similar settings may be absent, and then only special firmware will help, for the integration of which it is advisable to contact the professionals.

Setting by standard and range

Again, many users are not familiar with the standard that their device operates on. At the same time, two network standards are currently relevant: 802.11ac and 802.11n. The first is not yet available to a wide range of consumers, and the second is considered one of the most powerful. If you plan to strengthen the WiFi antenna due to the fact that the device does not perceive the signal at all, then perhaps the equipment simply works on a different standard.

The transfer of the gadget to the 802.11n format is usually performed in the basic settings - in fact, this is the choice of operating mode parameters. It is also worth mentioning here at 5 GHz, with which devices that support the 802.11n standard work. Unlike the more common 2.4 GHz band, 5 GHz channels are still more or less free and not cluttered, therefore the quality of work in this format is much higher.

Disable power saving mode

During operation modern computers power saving issues have become especially relevant. This mainly applies to portable devices, which should work for a long time without a charge. Unfortunately, only if productivity is increased can wiFi reception on the tablet.

The antenna will work with minimum settings power if the device is switched to power saving mode. This does not mean that it is necessary to set the maximum productive format of the computer, but it is better to avoid the minimum level of power supply. The best option is to use balanced mode, which will not interfere with full WiFi performance.

Antenna refinement

This is a favorite way to improve reception. different antennas from craftsmen. Its essence lies in the fact that the working element of the reception is additionally equipped with metal devices in the form of pieces of foil, tin elements and cans. Since it is possible to amplify according to such a scheme without harm to the device itself, it makes sense to experiment with different designs. Although some users note a good effect from such improvements, one should not expect a serious result. At least, this way of solving the problem is significantly inferior to the elementary replacement of the antenna for more powerful model... However, the coverage area should increase when using metal accessories.

Repeater application

The installation of a WiFi repeater also directly increases the signal strength. The principle of operation of this device lies in the fact that it is included in the network as a regular client, but in the future it plays the role of a distributor of the received signal, expanding the coverage in accordance with the capabilities of its antenna. The repeater is identical in size the building block power supply, so it does not take up much space. Also, its acquisition is beneficial from the point of view simple settings and service in general.

With the help of a repeater, you can not only enhance the WiFi antenna signal, but also expand the coverage using WDS technology. That is, the device will allow you to combine different access points without the need to use wired contacts. The cost of budget models of repeaters varies on average from 700 to 1000 rubles. More productive and reliable devices with advanced functionality can cost 2,000-3,000 rubles.

Extension cords for adapters

To save yourself from problems with signal reception via WiFi, it is recommended to initially purchase powerful adapters and, most importantly, with an external antenna. In this respect, receiver models integrated into tablets and laptops are less efficient. Nevertheless, it will not be superfluous to provide an extension cable for such devices. With its help, it will be possible to move the modem in search of the best place for receiving. If the question is about how to strengthen the WiFi antenna on a laptop, then this option will be even more advantageous, since the mobility of the device itself will expand the possibilities for searching best point location. By the way, the length of cables for USB devices can be up to 3 m.


It is rarely possible to significantly improve the quality of WiFi signal reception by using one or even two methods. The fact is that the implementation of all recommendations can be nullified if, for example, the minimum power level is indicated in the device settings. Conversely, if all program parameters are focused on optimal mode equipment operation, the interference in the form of an interior partition will also spoil the potentially high quality of reception. Therefore, it is possible to significantly strengthen the WiFi antenna only with an integrated approach to analyzing its settings and assessing its location. As practice shows, the most effective solution in terms of amplifying the receiving power is still to buy more technologically advanced modern equipment. In particular, the latest models open up the possibility of working in new ones, ensuring high and stable data transfer.

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