Scaling the monitor screen. Easy ways to adjust the scale of your desktop. How to shrink the screen: the main way

If you want to zoom in on the screen on a computer, you can change it in the operating system itself, or separately change the scale in the browser or in another application. In the first case, the dimensions are changed throughout the system, and in the second, only the individual application.

Zooming in the Windows interface

The operating system automatically selects the appropriate scale if you have installed the appropriate graphics drivers... If you want to zoom in or out on your own, you can do this by changing the number of dots per inch (DPI). Go to Start\u003e Control Panel and open the Display item.

In Windows 7, select "a different font size", in Windows 8, "change the size of text and other elements", in Windows 10 - "set a custom zoom level." A window will open in which you can set the percentage. Click OK for the changes to take effect.

Applying a magnifier

If you want to temporarily enlarge part of the screen, you can use the handy built-in magnifier. This is one of the options you can use to make text, attachments, and other items look bigger.

You can quickly open the magnifier by using the keyboard shortcut Win with plus (+) to increase and Win with minus (-) to decrease. To exit the magnifying glass, use the Win key and Esc.

Using hotkeys

In some applications, such as your browser or Photoshop, you can use the keyboard shortcuts CTRL + and CTRL - to zoom in or out. Press CTRL + 0 to return the zoom to its original state. But if you need to take a closer look at something and the keyboard shortcuts don't work, try using the Win key instead of CTRL.

You can scale elements directly from the program interface menu. For example, in Word, you can move the slider in the lower right corner, or set a specific percentage.

You may need to reduce the screen simply to ensure the banal convenience of working at the computer, as well as to correct the consequences of some errors or program actions. So what if the screen on your computer has increased? You need to figure it out, and this article can help you.

Shrinking the screen

Go to your computer or laptop. On a place free of shortcuts, programs and gadgets, right-click. You will see a drop-down menu from which you need to select "Screen Resolution". A window will appear. In it you can change the following work parameters:

  • select the monitor with which this system unit is working;
  • change the resolution of the computer screen;
  • you can choose the display orientation;
  • configure additional operating parameters;
  • resize icons placed on the desktop.

Within the framework of the article, the screen resolution is of the greatest interest. Typically this is set to the recommended value, which allows the monitor to perform optimally in terms of energy cost / performance. But if you click on the drop-down button "Resolution", then your attention will be presented to all possible options the work of the visualizing device. And now you can either drag the slider down (decreasing the screen resolution) or up (increasing it). Here is the answer to the question of how to shrink your computer. But there are still some aspects and nuances that also need to be discussed.

Reducing the work area

And what to do if there is a desire not to change the resolution itself, but only to work in individual text documents? For example, you only need to reduce the working area of \u200b\u200bthe Word file? Of course, there is also a standard scaling tool, but you can do the same using your keyboard and mouse. The latter should have a wheel.

So, we hover over the area that we want to reduce / enlarge (but this step is not required), hold down the Ctrl button and turn the wheel towards us to scale and away from ourselves for details. Of course, this method will not work everywhere - in games or programs where the availability of such functionality is not provided, it will not be able to help you. Here is the computer in literally two movements.

What can lead to this?

So, we know how to reduce the screen on a computer, now we need to talk about what may serve as a reason for the need for such actions. The reasons for unauthorized changes in the screen resolution are called:

  1. Influence various programsthat I work in When switching between running windows, due to an internal error, the resolution will not be selected as it should be.
  2. Conflict between the monitor and other software / hardware components of the computer (most often with the video card or its drivers).

In both cases, you have to deal with problems that are not easy to fix. Finding an answer to the question of how to reduce the screen on a computer after another crash is good, but here you need to look at the root. It may be worth reinstalling the drivers or individual programs, or it may even be necessary to start looking for a new machine to run on. Of course, the latter can often be done with difficulty, so you should not discount the possibility of buying a new device (say, a video card).

What shouldn't you do?

We know how to shrink the screen on a computer and what can be the cause of problems. But when there are cases when something does not work, people often take actions that cause inconvenience. Very often you can hear the advice to roll back the settings using a restore point or use various software tools. Regarding the first option, we can say that this is a really effective tool, but, as a rule, when destroying applications due to virus attacks or various damage to the system shell. Therefore, if there is no desire to find out over time that something has suddenly disappeared, then it is recommended to make a second "rollback" to the former state, and the screen can be adjusted up to this moment or after it - the resolution will still remain unchanged. About software we can say that in this case (and with a single precedent) they are redundant. But if the situation repeats itself, then you can resort to them in order to try to establish and eliminate the cause of such problems.

It so happens that we accidentally press keys to knock down the settings of a laptop or computer. The so-called "sticky" keys can provoke anything, as well as change the previous scale. You will learn how to zoom out the screen on a computer today.

Each user has their own requirements for personal computer or laptop. Some people like a fairly large-scale resolution, while others are more narrow. To create optimal working conditions, you need to provide the most favorable conditions for yourself. Physically, it is impossible to resize the monitor, but it can be done within the desktop.

How to reduce the size of the computer screen?

You can change the scale using the instructions below.

  1. It is possible to reduce the scale of the screen using the settings directly on the monitor. To do this, click "Options" in the menu, which involves resizing the screen horizontally and vertically. This way you will be able to manually adjust the desktop size. Finally, you need to select the "Degauss" option.
  2. There is also an option to change the resolution of the monitor using the functions of the video card. Discover program files or look for the video card icon on the taskbar (near the clock and date). In the window that appears, click "Change resolution" and set the settings based on your own preferences. You may need to go to the Adjust desktop size and position section for additional workspace adjustments.

How do I make icons appear smaller on my computer screen?

Now you will learn how to visually zoom in or out icons and text.

  1. Right-click anywhere on the screen and select "Properties" and then "Display" in the window that appears.
  2. If, for some reason, you cannot open the required window, there is another way. Click on "Start", "Control Panel", "Appearance and Themes", "Display", "Change Screen Resolution".
  3. Next, go to "Options". Everything, it remains only to select the desired size and save the settings. Scale by moving the slider. If the system asks for confirmation of the proposed parameters, click "OK".

How to quickly zoom out on a computer monitor?

There are faster, but temporary resizing methods.

  1. Start holding down the "Ctrl" button and then immediately press "-" or "+".
  2. Hold down the "Ctrl" key and use the mouse to change the scale of the screen.

How do I shrink or enlarge the window size?

We offer the following methods to resize windows.

  1. Move the mouse cursor to the very border of the window (the window should not be full screen). The pointer should turn into a double-headed horizontal arrow. Next press left button mouse and pull it to the side. So you can adjust the size you want.
  2. To make a window full screen, click on the three squares icon in the upper right corner.
  3. On the title bar, right-click and click Expand. You can also click Size and use the arrows on your keyboard to adjust the scale.

How do I change the scale of the browser window?

The method of change depends on the type of browser itself. Most often, these parameters can be entered using this combination - "View", "Scale". However, for example, in "Opera", you need to click "Tools", "Options", " General settings"," Web pages "," Zoom in / out ".

In order to work on the computer faster, the user must adjust the entire system to suit his requirements. That is why today we will discuss in more detail the issue of scaling down the screen on computers running Windows.

The screen scale is calculated based on the pixel count. And depending on the type of used operating systemas well as screen size and density, the user usually has several options for screen scale.

Changing the screen in Windows Vista and above

Open the menu "Control Panel" and go to section "Screen" .

In the left pane of the window, go to the section "Screen Resolution Setting" .

Near point "Resolution" expand the menu and move the slider down to the desired area.

Click the button "Apply" , and then "OK" .

Changing the screen in Windows XP

Right-click on any area of \u200b\u200bthe desktop that is free of shortcuts, and then in the menu that appears, go to "Properties" .

In the window that appears, go to the tab "Options" , and then decrease the slider to the desired value. Click the button "Apply" .

Zooming in a web browser

In order to reduce the image in any browser, hold down the Ctrl key and start moving the mouse wheel down or press the "minus" key on the keyboard the required number of times. In the same way, you can change the scale in other programs, for example, text editors.

But it's worth noting that this way works only for the site that is currently open. If you need to zoom out for all web resources open in the browser, then you cannot do without visiting the web browser settings.

For example, in the browser Google chrome open the menu button in the upper right corner of the screen. In the displayed menu, you will see the section "Scale" , near which there are buttons to zoom in and out. The settings you make will apply to all sites in the browser.

Zooming on the desktop

Open the desktop, hold down the Ctrl key and scroll the wheel down until you achieve the desired result. To return the image to initial state, do all the same steps, only this time scrolling the wheel up.

When working with a computer, it's important to customize your usage: install only what you need, and get rid of distractions and apps. Display size is a critical setting to help reduce eye fatigue and increase productivity. To figure out how to zoom out on the screen, you need to familiarize yourself with the methods available below - they are suitable for both laptops and computers of different models.

There is no need to install additional programs to change the display size. This is easy to do with the usual settings.

This method is considered quite complicated, but only at first glance. Anyone - even a beginner - can figure out how to zoom out on a computer or how to lower the resolution. You just need to read this manual.

For Windows 7

Step 1. Click on the "Start" button. Go to "Control Panel". There, select the "Appearance and Personalization" section - it is located in the right column.

Step 2. Find the "Display" button. Go to "Screen Resolution". There you can choose the display, orientation and the scale that suits you. Windows will tell you the recommended screen resolution - 1920 x 1080, but it is better to focus on the size that is convenient for you personally.

Here's a video that perfectly demonstrates how to shrink the screen (change the screen extension) on Windows 7:

For Windows 10

Step 1. Click on the "Start" button. Go to "Options" (for this you need to select the image of the wheel). In the displayed menu, click on the first button ("System"). By default, you are taken to a tab where, with some actions, the display can be reduced ("Screen").

Step 2. At the initial stage of the settings, you can select the display orientation (the default is "Landscape"), adjust the brightness. You don't need to go far to understand how to increase the font size on a computer screen - the function is available on the same tab (by default it is "100%").

Step 3. For advanced settings, click " Extra options" at the bottom. Now you will be able to change the following functions:

  • screen resolution;
  • color parameters (control and calibration);
  • related settings (ClearType, reduce font size).

If you have to change motherboard or update software, the screen size of a laptop or computer is likely to return to its original settings. In this case, it is recommended to repeat the above steps again.

Method two: using the keyboard

Many users resort to the following method, which involves using the keyboard. The method is considered the easiest, since you can instantly reduce or change the screen - you just need to remember the keyboard shortcut.

Pressing Ctrl and "+" at the same time increases the display by 10%, and Ctrl and "-" - decreases it by the same amount. Use the keyboard shortcut until you are satisfied with the result. The combination Ctrl + 0 will return the original display size. Now you know it's easy to adjust your monitor screen using the keyboard.

How to resize the screen in different browsers and apps

IN microsoft program Word the user is faced with the following problem: the combination of Ctrl and the "+" key (or the "-" key) does not work. Therefore, you have to think about how to reduce the screen size while working on a computer in a different way. There are several solutions:

  • find the Ctrl button, hold and roll the mouse wheel to change the scale. When rotating in its direction, the image decreases, and in the opposite direction to you, it increases;
  • use the zoom slider.

In some programs, it was placed in completely different places - sometimes opposite. For example, developers Microsoft Word left the slider in the lower right corner (row with percentages), and the creators chrome browser placed the panel in the upper right corner. To enlarge or display, you need to click on three dots in the corner (the "Settings and google management Chrome "), and then find the" Zoom "tab in the list.

How to make a comfortable scale in other browsers if it's hard to find information on how to customize the display? In Mozilla Firefox settings display is in the same place (three horizontal bars), and in Microsoft Edge you will again encounter three points. Since changing the scale of the screen is now not difficult. And if you need to flip the screen, read on how to do it. Let's move on to the next question.

Resizing icons

The size of the icons can be easily changed if it does not suit you or is too small for your eyes. To do this, click on free place configured display and select the "Display" tab (or "Display Settings" if you are using Windows 10). In the "seven" it is likely to immediately install the necessary add-ons, and in the "ten" you will have to click on one more button - "Additional parameters".

Then scroll down a bit and click on "More resizing text and other elements." Next, click on those elements that need to be reduced or enlarged. Done! The add-on is installed.

With the above methods, you can easily change the display and its extension. No need to customize additional programs; you can change the size, greatly reduce it or make a small distance between the icons, using only standard settings on your laptop or computer.

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