Application for cpu processor optimization. Increasing processor performance

If your computer has several processors or one multi-core, then you can optimize its performance using the CPU Control program. Despite the fact that multiprocessor computers and multi-core processors are no longer a rarity, most programs are still not designed to fully work with them. And therefore, such devices cannot show their full potential. It can be fixed.

The CPU Control program (can be downloaded from the link at the bottom of the article) can distribute the running processes to certain processor cores. For example, put all background processes (antivirus, device drivers) to be executed in one core. Programs that are often used (browsers, browsers, messengers) - in the second. System processes - in the third. And heavy programs (games, for example) in the fourth or allow them to use all the cores.

In addition to what the CPU Control program does, you can also customize the system startup by distributing this process to all cores. I wrote about this.

With the help of the CPU Control program, you can give any assignment to the processes. And the more cores or processors you have at your disposal, the more choice you have. However, it is impossible to say which processes to optimize how, since it depends on operating system, available processes, the processor itself. Therefore, this issue is resolved individually and empirically. CPU Control makes it easy and safe to experiment with your processor.

After you download the CPU Control program, install it and run it. Before proceeding with the optimization, click on the "Settings" button (bottom right) and select the desired interface language, check the box next to "Autorun from Windows" and "Minimize". If the computer has 4 cores, then check the corresponding box. And click "Close" in this window.

Setting up the CPU Control program

After that, the operating mode must be selected in the CPU Control program.

  • "Auto" mode - allows you to automatically distribute processes in the kernels. Perhaps this the best option for those who do not want to delve into the details of optimization. You can also choose 9 profiles, which differ in their (unknown) principles of distribution of processes, and among them you can choose the best one for your computer empirically.
  • Manual mode - for more fine tuning optimization. Requires some knowledge of the operating system. Not recommended for inexperienced users. To assign a process to a kernel, you need to click on it in the list right click mouse and select the required core (s) - for example, CPU 1 or CPU 1 + 2.

Manual allocation of processes to cores using the CPU Control program

  • Modes "CPU 1", "CPU 2" allow you to distribute running processes to only one core. And it is not entirely clear what this is for, since the work of the computer will slow down from this.
  • Off mode turns off the program.

If from the described it is not clear how to work with the CPU Control program, then watch the video below.

If you use this program for automatic mode, and do not notice a performance gain, which means you should tune it manually. CPU Control is far from perfect, and this is especially true for its Auto mode. Sometimes it can even slow down your computer. But practice shows that with the help of experiments and the wonderful method of "typing" everything can be adjusted. Moreover, the CPU Control program provides a huge testing ground.

Many famous programssuch as office tools, graphics and video editors, development environments and even browsers consume more and more energy with each update. As a result, a computer that used to be fast and easily coped with any task begins to show slowdowns in work.How to improve processor performanceTo get rid of the brakes without buying a new PC, this material will help.

Before you improve computer processor , you need to find out for what reasons it became slow. The solution to the problem will depend on the diagnostic result.

  • Obsolescence of iron... In connection with rapid development software, computer hardware cannot cope with the assigned tasks equally well for many years. The release of new, designed for more recent components, versions of familiar programs, leads to the fact that the "old man" becomes harder. This is only Windows that has not changed the processor requirements for 10 years, but some Chrome, Photoshop, Office, AutoCad have noticeably "recovered" even in 5 years. Computers on which the ancient version of the program flies may no longer cope with its latest release.
  • Overheat.A very common reason for computers to slow down is when the temperatures of their components rise above an acceptable level. For example, if the manufacturer has specified critical heating up to 70 ° C for the processor, then when this mark is exceeded, the CPU will reset the frequency and / or start skipping cycles. This is done so that he can "relax" and cool down. For the user, this behavior of the processor looks like a significant slowdown of the computer.
  • "Garbage" in the system. Actively used Windows (especially without antivirus) tends to accumulate system junk during operation. This includes leftovers remote programs and games, unnecessary entries in the registry left by them, registry errors. Clogging up the system partition with such small and useless files also slows down the PC, and from the outside it seems that the processor is the culprit. And there is nothing to say about viruses: worms "multiply", clogging up memory and loading the CPU, and Trojans and spyware are constantly taking up the processor's time for their "dirty deeds". For the user, all this also looks like a slowdown in the processor.
  • Degradation of the processor.With constant exposure to high temperatures, the silicon crystal of the processor degrades: the integrity of microscopic transistors is violated, the connections between them are lost. As a result, at best, it just slows down, and at worst, it leads to sudden shutdowns, freezes and frequent blue screens of death.
  • Failure of the hard disk. Such a component,like HDD (seemingly not directly related to the CPU) upon degradation and failure leads to terrible brakes. At first glance, the thought does not even occur to me that he is the culprit. After all, it seems that the processor has slowed down. As a result, the PC turns on for a long time, opens programs and files, “thinks” when switching tasks and freezes for a while.

Where to start before improving processor performance

The main reasons for the slowdown of the processor have been clarified. Before,how to improve processor performance, it remains to identify which of them worries in a particular case.

Hard disk test

Before, how to improve the processor, you should start diagnosing your computer by checking the hard drive. There is a simple and free program for this.Crystal disk info ... It displays SMART log data, which records all hard drive problems at the hardware level. If the disk is working properly, all log items will be highlighted in the same color, and “Good” will appear at the top of the window. If problems are identified, problem items in the log will be highlighted in a different color, and the inscription will say "Alarm".

Not all errors are critical for a hard drive: with some, it can last more than one year. But such items as "reassigned sectors", "unrecoverable errors", "unstable sectors", "reassignment events", "unrecoverable sector errors" with large values \u200b\u200bin the RAW field directly indicate that the HDD is living out its day. "Read errors" may indicate that there is a problem with the cable.

If everything is fine with tough, but there are brakes, you need to move on to the next section. If the HDD is bad, it needs to be replaced.

Checking temperatures

Measuring the temperatures of computer components will detect overheating. This requires a programHWMonitor which is simple and free. In it you need to find your processor and look at the values \u200b\u200bfor each core. When idle, it should normally be no more than 45 degrees for a desktop PC and 50-55 for a laptop. If the value is greater, you need to load the computer with some demanding task (for example, a game, but you can also use a special testLinX ), and then look at the maximum temperature value. For a desktop PC, it is undesirable to exceed 65-70 degrees, for a laptop - 70-75. If it is higher, overheating is to blame.

If the processor does not overheat, but there are brakes, you should proceed to the next item. If overheating is detected, it must be urgently eliminated.

Checking the stability of the processor

The LinX benchmark mentioned above allows you to test the processor for stability and errors. It loads the kernels with complex mathematical calculations (solving systems of linear equations) to maximize their heating. If the processor has defects and is unstable at normal temperatures, an error will creep into the calculations and the program will report this, stopping testing.

If errors are detected in the absence of overheating, the problem must be eliminated. If, according to the results of a long (from half an hour) test, there are no errors, the heating is within the permissible range, you need to move on.

Scan your PC for viruses

To quickly check your PC for malware - the program will doMalwarebytes Anti-Malware ... Her trial version free and quite suitable for a one-time scan. You can play it safe and use several anti-virus programs. It should be remembered that they can conflict, so you should not install several at the same time. It is better to check one, and if the result is not satisfactory, remove it and install another antivirus.

Improving processor performance

After the tests are done, it becomes clear... Depending on at what stage of the diagnostics problems arose, their culprit should be "punished".

  • If the hard drive is broken, you needbuy a new HDD or SSD and install it on your computer.
  • If overheating is detected, disassemble system unit or laptop case, remove the coolers, vacuum them, apply new thermal grease to the chips and put the cooling back in place. You have to be especially careful beforehow to improve the processor on a laptop (more precisely, its cooling). It is difficult to disassemble a laptop for an unprepared user, if there is a fear of breaking something, it is better to trust specialists.
  • Unfortunately, processor degradation is irreversible. You can try to clean the cooling and change the thermal paste (sometimes lowering temperatures brings back to life slightly defective elements of the core). If this does not help, repair is needed.
  • Viruses are treated using the same program that is detected. After scanning, any antivirus will report on the detected threats and offer to remove them. Naturally, you have to agree with him.

How to improve the processor if all else fails

If the hard disk is working properly, there is no overheating, the processor is intact, and there are no viruses, but the PC still slows down - you need to act further. First of all, you should install a free programCCleaner , with its help scan the system and remove garbage, and then - analyze and fix registry errors. It is also recommended to look at the "Service" tab, the "Startup" item. It displays a list of programs that are launched when Windows starts. If there are a lot of them (10 or more), and their autostart is not required, it is advisable to turn off the extra ones.

If there are no problems at any stage, but the processor's performance is not enough - most likely, the CPU is simply outdated. The problem can only be solved by overclocking, upgrading the processor orpC replacement.

Computer processor overclocking

Overclocking is the procedure for increasing the clock speeds of the processor. It unlocks the hidden potential of the processor by making it run faster. But before by overclocking, it should be remembered: no one guarantees success, everything is done at your own peril and risk.

Overclocking precautions

The manufacturer deliberately limited the CPU clock speed to the value that has become standard for it. The likelihood of a large overclock is small. In addition, a significant acceleration of nuclei leads to an increase in energy consumption. Therefore, a good power supply is needed. And if the processor cooler is "native" - \u200b\u200band it may have to be replaced, since standard system cooling is not enough. If you operate the processor with overheating, it degrades and may fail, this must be remembered. It is for these reasons that overclocking is not guaranteed by any manufacturer, and often they also withdraw their warranty obligations.

How to overclock a processor

Overclocking the processor is carried out from system menu BIOS / UEFI motherboard... You can get into it in the first seconds of turning on the computer by pressing Del, F1, F2 or another button (you need to look in the instructions). Each model has its own menu, the items are different, therefore universal instructions does not exist. Overclocking is always done by increasing the processor multiplier and / or frequency system busbut the items for this are different in name.

What processors can be overclocked

Not all processors can be overclocked. It is supported by modern models Intel Core with the letter K in the name, as well as AMD with the Black designation. From older ones, you can overclock Intel Core 2 Duo and related models, as well as AMD Athlon and Phenom for sockets AM2 and AM3. In the latter, you can also unlock the cores (two-, three- and quad-core Athlon and Phenom of some series). But not every one is supportedmotherboard pc , and unlocked kernels will not always be functional (it was not for nothing that they were disabled).

All modern computers are multi-core devices that affect system performance. However, Windows 7, like any other operating system, does not use processor cores on full power... This is due to the saving of resources of the PC itself. Therefore, if your programs do not slow down and errors do not crash, we do not recommend using all the cores of the graphics accelerator. This action is worth performing in cases where the power of the PC is not enough to start standard programs and games.

Configuring the operation of kernels through the startup menu

This is the safest and easiest way to use all the processor power. It is suitable for all versions of Windows (except XP). Any user, even a beginner, can follow these steps.

  • Press "Win + R" and enter "msconfig".
  • The System Configuration window will open. Go to the "Download" tab and click "Advanced options".

  • In the window that appears, put the "Number of processors" checkbox so that the item with the choice of cores becomes active. We set the maximum memory.

  • Then we save the result and reboot the system. The multitasking mode will turn on.

IMPORTANT! If your PC shuts down during advanced settings, check if your power supply has enough power.

Advanced processor settings with AIDA64

AIDA64 is useful not only for its reports on the status and characteristics of individual PC components, but also for unlocking processor cores. To use the capabilities of the CPU using this program, you should do the following:

  • Run the program and select "Motherboard", "CPU" from the menu on the left.

  • Next, turn on each of the kernels and reboot the system.

If the kernels involved did not bring benefits, it is worth returning the settings back.

Enabling processor cores with CPU-Z

The CPU-Z program allows you not only to check what characteristics this or that PC component has, but also to optimize the operation of some of them. In order to enable all cores, you must do the following:

  • We launch the program. Go to the "CPU" tab.
  • In the "Theads" item, you need to set the same value as in "Cores".

  • After rebooting the system, you need to check the changed parameters.

Overclocking the processor using BIOS settings

To use all the cores of the graphics accelerator, you should go to the BIOS. To do this, you should restart your PC and press "F2" or "Del" several times. Then you need to make the following settings:

  • Find the section "Clock Calibration" (It is available only for AMD products). We set the value "All Cores". In the "Value" item, set the value as a percentage.

  • After rebooting the system, it is worth checking the PC for operability.

These methods are quite simple and in rare cases cause the system to crash. However, if errors start to appear after editing the settings, you should stop unlocking the kernels and return the settings back.

For information on how to enable processor cores on PCs with Windows 7 and higher, see the video:

A well-known picture, when the thoughts of buying a new PC come to mind at the moment when your old computer no longer cope with the task, which it previously solved much faster. Loading the operating system seems like an eternity, launching programs takes a relatively long time, and more than a dozen browser tabs "hang up" the computer. Yes, the picture is rather old, and it is strange to observe it when all modern computers contain multi-core processors. Even CPUs from five to seven years ago have enough performance for the needs of the modern user. The cause of problems with your PC can be a mere trifle, and in order to make your work on a computer more comfortable, it is not necessary to incur large time and financial costs. In this article, you will read possible solutions frequent problems and find a solution for yourself in them.

Speed \u200b\u200bup computer boot

After pressing the power button on computer BIOS the motherboard initializes the hardware components of the PC, conducts all kinds of hardware tests, searches the available storage media for the operating system boot file and then transfers control of the computer to it in case of a successful start. It takes a lot of time to go through and perform these procedures. With inexperienced tampering with the settings, the computer can boot for more than a minute before you see the Windows logo and start loading. Let's first consider how to optimize bIOS settings your computer.

Entering BIOS.After turning on your computer, press the key several times. Del ... In most cases, this action will open the settings BIOS Setup... On laptops and some desktop motherboards, another button (such as F2 or F10) may be used to enter BIOS settings. It is worth noting that in modern BIOS Setup versions, the simplified settings display mode opens first, so you need to switch to the advanced mode (Advanced BIOS Features or similar).

Disable test random access memory. The option that most affects the computer boot speed is "Quick Boot" , "Skip Memory Check" or something similar. You can find it in the boot settings (for example, the item "Boot Settings Configuration"). If a this function is active, then hardware testing - for example, a RAM test - is not performed. Enable option "Quick Boot" can shorten computer boot time by more than 10 seconds.

Optimization of loading priority.The BIOS can search for the boot sector on all storage devices connected to the motherboard. In this case, the system disk is not always detected immediately. In this case, time is wasted. To avoid this, I recommend in paragraph Hard Disk Boot Priority or similar, choose your system drive as the first boot device.

Attention.When sSD installation you may need to choose this device under “First Boot Device” or similar as the first disk so that the SSD appears in the boot device priority list.

Disconnecting unnecessary devices.In modern PCs, all internal drives are connected by sATA interface... Despite this, many motherboards have an onboard (P) ATA controller, also known as IDE, which takes a few seconds to boot. If your PC does not have drives that are connected via IDE cables, then disable this controller. To do this, open “Integrated Peripherals | OnChip IDE Channel ”or a similar item and change its value to“ Disabled ”. You can also disable other controllers, such as parallel (LPT) and serial (COM) ports, as well as the built-in sound cardif you are using an external sound card for audio output. However, these measures can only reduce loading times marginally.

Optimal settings for Windows

Old Windows OS combined with a large number of applications loads very slowly. The problem lies in the countless programs and services that run when the operating system starts up, regardless of whether they are used or not. Therefore, before deciding to replace a slow-running PC component, you should first "clean" system folders and the registry. Cleaning the registry and removing unnecessary programs from startup using special software will save tens of seconds on download speed. For these purposes, I recommend using the program Vit registry fix or CCleaner ... They can be used for the following actions as well.

Disable services.Windows services are installed with drivers or software, and often their main task is to find updates for that software. Some of them are required for another application to work. Either way, when the operating system boots, they also need time to start. To disable unnecessary services, use the keyboard shortcut "Win + R" , enter « msconfig " and press "Enter" ... The System Configuration Utility will open. In the tab "Services" check the box next to "Hide Microsoft Services" ... Uncheck the boxes next to any services that are not part of your antivirus software... However, remember that software update services such as Adobe Flash and Reader, on which the security of the entire system depends, must be left enabled.

Disable startup programs.In the tab next to services in msconfig are programs that automatically start after the computer boots. Disable here first any items that are irrelevant or unnecessary to your antivirus software, such as a smartphone sync client or instant messaging software.

Result | Checking the OS startup speed.The next time you reboot, the OS should start faster, and your computer will reach its optimal speed only after a few restarts. If you receive a variety of error messages at startup, reactivate the services and items you disabled. The same applies to programs that stopped working, which, however, happens very rarely.

Replacing a standard hard drive with an SSD

When loading the operating system or launching programs, the computer tries to access many small files, which are often stored on different parts of the hard disk, due to the peculiarities of recording information. The read / write head moving from one place to another spends a lot of time searching and reading them. Running in the background antivirus program also slows down the hard drive a lot. on the contrary, it is capable of instantly providing data without mechanical delays. The access time (that is, the time that elapses before the moment the data transfer starts) is 600 times less for an SSD than for a hard drive.

A computer with a Windows operating system installed on solid state drive, on average, starts up in 15-20 seconds, which is 2-3 times less than the results when using a conventional HDD. A computer with a standard hard drive is slower to respond to requests than a computer with a solid state drive.

Installing an SSD.There is always room for a 2.5-inch SSD in a desktop case, just like in a laptop. Instead of using a mounting frame for the 3.5 "chassis bay, you can secure the SSD with two screws on the side to one of the 5.25" slots, which are usually free. Connect the SSD to the SATA power connector of the power supply and motherboard SATA cable. Check your user manual to see if it supports the current SATA 6Gb / s standard, and if yes, which port, then plug in your SSD.

Installing Windows.After installation solid state drive For optimal system performance and stability, you must reinstall Windows and all programs. To do this, disconnect the old HDD, boot from the Windows installation DVD and install the operating system on the SSD, and then all your programs. When you're done, reconnect the hard drive. To access information on it, use the Libraries feature in Windows 7. To do this, click in one of the libraries (images, documents, music, videos) on the link following "Includes:" ... You can later delete all directories that do not contain your data.


Even if you only browse websites or work in office programs, your computer must be equipped with at least 4 GB of RAM so that the system accesses the paging file on the notoriously "slow" hard disk as little as possible. To work with multimedia files and modern 3D games, you need to have from 8 to 16 GB of RAM.

Attention!Only 64-bit Windows can recognize more than 3GB of RAM.

Analysis and increase in the amount of RAM.Before increasing the RAM capacity, find out how much memory and what type is installed in your system. Install and run the CPU-Z program. In the tab "SPD" in the drop-down menu under "Memory Slot Selection" you can determine the number of slots, and by clicking on one of the slot numbers, information about the installed memory module will appear. For example, if your system has two 2 GB modules and two more slots are available, purchase two additional modules. It is best to stick to identical models with the same catalog number (by which you can find the memory on price comparison portals). If you cannot find them, then you need to select a memory that matches the old one or surpasses it in timings and clock frequency. If there are no free slots, replace the existing modules with new ones of larger capacity. As a rule, it is best to set an even number, as in this case fast two-channel memory operation will be available.

Installing RAM.Installing RAM into your computer is simple enough: push the two DIMM slot latches outward and install the new module so that the groove between the pins aligns with the slot. Then press down on the module until it clicks first on one side, then on the other. You need to make sure that Windows recognizes the installed hardware. To do this, use the combination "Win + Pause" and view information about the computer - among other things, the amount of installed memory will be indicated.

Installing a powerful processor

Tasks capable of full load modern processors, - very rare. Convert videos or process photos to rAW format are among them. In day-to-day work, a more powerful CPU means a faster response time of the computer to user actions, but only if there is an SSD and enough RAM. If you are sure that your PC "slows down" precisely because of the insufficient speed of the central processor, then there is nothing left but to replace it. This procedure will take you several hours and can be costly, and this is exactly the case when you should think about purchasing a new device, especially if other components are also outdated.

Hardware check.On the appropriate CPU-Z tabs, identify the processor and motherboard model. In chapter "Support" manufacturer's website to determine the most powerful CPU compatible with your motherboard. The difference in relation to the old processor must be tangible, otherwise the replacement procedure will become meaningless. For example, if you change the weakest chip for the most powerful of one series or install a device of another, more advanced line, then the computer will work much faster. Otherwise, the performance gain will be minimal.

Attention.Some older models of processors, which have already been discontinued, are still on sale and are often offered at a higher price than the new generation chip along with the motherboard. If you are going to buy a powerful CPU, be sure to order a quiet and efficient third-party cooler for it, and in the case when you need to use old system cooling, a tube of thermal paste is definitely needed (usually supplied with the cooler).

Installing the processor.Disconnect power and release the cooler latch. Carefully lift it up away from the processor, turning slightly to the left and right as necessary. Open the processor socket locking lever and carefully remove the chip. Use a lint-free paper towel and alcohol-based cleaner to wipe off any residual thermal paste from the cooler and processor socket. Then install the new processor so that the highlighted corner aligns with the socket mark. Squeeze out some thermal paste in the center of the CPU surface (a drop no larger than a pea), then install the cooler and gently turn it left and right several times to distribute the paste evenly. The downward force that appears when you close the cooler clip will “smear” the paste over the entire surface of the processor. After that, you can connect the cooler power plug to the motherboard.

Replacing the graphics card

If a 3D games They “slow down” and when they start, errors appear, despite the fact that a rather powerful video card is used, or if during video processing, contrary to the manufacturer's information, it is not possible to use the computing resources of the GPU, then most likely the video card drivers are outdated. The updated utilities will help improve performance and compatibility with new games and applications that use the GPU, but you can only get tangible power gains from a new GPU device that you can install yourself.

Search for the required driver.If you don't know the name of your GPU, install and run GPU-Z. Using the information received on the site www.nvidia.ruor www.amd.comyou can find the drivers you need. Installation graphics drivers is carried out similarly to other programs, but before installing new ones, it is recommended to remove the old ones, or use special applications from the manufacturer for them automatic update (like GeForce Experience from Nvidia).

Choosing a video card.Graphic card costing up to 6000 rubles. (eg, NVIDIA GeForce GTX 650 Ti / 660 or AMD Radeon HD 7850) handles all modern games up to Full HD resolution. If you would like to have a headroom for next-gen games, then for around £ 1,000 you can get NVIDIA GeForce GTX 760 or AMD Radeon HD 7950. All of these models support DirectX 11. Video cards that cost more than these amounts are intended for gamers who play at resolutions higher than Full HD, or want the best graphics quality.

Installing a video card.Disconnect the connectors pCI-e power supply from the old video card, and also unscrew the screw or remove the retainer near the metal bar on the back of the case. Press down on the slot latch PCI Express towards the motherboard and slide the board out of the slot. Installation is carried out in reverse order, making sure to connect the power connector. All of these boards work in conjunction with a 500W PSU.

An interesting topic and always relevant is how to increase the speed of your computer. IN modern world the race against time becomes more and more interesting, everyone gets out as best they can. And the computer plays an important role here. How can he infuriate with ridiculous brakes at a crucial moment! At this moment I am visited by such thoughts: “Kick, well, I don’t do anything like that! where are the brakes from? "

In this article, I will analyze the 10 most effective ways how to increase the performance of your computer.

Replacement of components

The most obvious way is to replace the computer with something more powerful, we will not consider it. But it is quite possible to replace some spare part (component). You just need to figure out what can be replaced by spending less money, and getting the maximum increase in computer performance.

AND. CPU it is worth replacing if the new one is at least 30% faster than the established one. Otherwise, there will be no noticeable increase in productivity, and a lot of funds will be required.

Extremists can try to overclock their processor. The method is not for everyone, but nevertheless it allows you to postpone the upgrade of the processor for another year, if the overclocking potential of the motherboard and processor allows. It consists in increasing the nominal frequencies of the central processor, video card and / or RAM. Complicated by the individual characteristics of a specific configuration and the possibility of its premature failure.

B. RAM... You definitely need to add it if all memory is loaded during operation. We look through the "Task Manager", if at the peak of work (when everything that can be opened) is loaded up to 80% of the RAM, then it is better to increase it by 50-100%. Fortunately, it is now worth a penny.

C. HDD... It's not about the size of the disk, but about its speed. If you have a slower hard drive from the economy series with a spindle speed of 5400 rpm, then replacing it with a more expensive one with a speed of 7200 rpm and a higher write density will add performance. In all cases, replacing with an SSD drive makes users very happy. The performance before and after is completely different.

You can approximately determine the bottleneck in the computer configuration using standard tool evaluating the performance of Windows 7. To do this, go to the "Control Panel -\u003e System" and click "Assess performance" or "Refresh". Overall performance is determined by the lowest metric, so the weak link can be identified. For example, if the score hard disk much less than the estimate of the processor and RAM, then you need to think about replacing it with a more productive one.

Computer repair, cleaning

The computer may be slowing down due to some kind of malfunction, and simple repairs will help increase performance. For example, if the processor cooling system malfunctions, clock frequency is greatly underestimated, and as a result, productivity falls. It can still be trivial to slow down because of the components of the motherboard due to the strong dustiness! So first, try to clean your system unit well.

Defragmentation and free disk space

If you have never heard what it is or have not done it for a long time, then this is the first thing that needs to be done to increase the speed of your computer. Defragmentation gathers pieces of information on hard disk in one piece, thereby reducing the number of movements of the read head and increasing productivity.

Lack of at least 1 GB of free space on system disk (where the operating system is installed) can also cause a decrease in overall performance. Follow free space on their disks. By the way, for the defragmentation process, it is desirable to have at least 30% free space.

Reinstalling the Windows XP / 7/10 operating system

Reinstalling 90% allows you to increase the computer's performance by 1.5-3 times, depending on its "dirty". This operating system is so arranged that over time it must be reinstalled. I know people who "interrupt Windows" several times a week. I am not a supporter of this method, I try to optimize the system, get to the bottom of the true source of the brakes, but anyway, I reinstall the system about once a year, and that is due to the fact that some components are changing.

In principle, if I did not have such a turnover of programs, then you can live 5-10 years without reinstalling. But this is rare, for example, in some offices where only 1C: Accounting and Microsoft Office are installed, and nothing has changed for years. I know such a company, Windows 2000 has been there for more than 10 years and it works fine ... But in general, reinstallation is good way if you don't know how to increase the speed of your computer.

Using optimizers for operating system settings

Sometimes you can significantly increase the comfort of work by using special programs... Moreover, in most cases, this is almost the only simple, fast and suitable method. I already wrote about one good program called earlier.

You can also try the good utility PCMedic. It is paid, but this is not a problem The highlight of the program is completely automated process... The whole program consists of one window in which you need to select your operating system, processor manufacturer (Intel, AMD or other) and the type of optimization - Heal (cleaning only) or Heal & Boost (cleaning plus acceleration). Press the "GO" button and that's it.

And one of the most powerful programs is Auslogics BoostSpeed, although it is also paid, but there is a trial version. This is a real monster that includes several utilities to increase computer performance on all fronts. There is an optimizer, a defragmenter, and cleaning the computer from unnecessary files, and cleaning the registry, and the Internet accelerator and some other utilities.

It is interesting that the program has an advisor that will tell you what to do. But always check what is advised there, do not use everything indiscriminately. For example, the advisor really wants the automatic Windows update to work. Those who did not buy licensed Windows know that it could end badly ...

For optimization, there are also cleaning programs, for example CCleaner, which clean the computer of unnecessary temporary files and clean the registry. Removing trash from drives can help free up space.

But cleaning the registry does not lead to a noticeable increase in performance, but it can lead to problems if important keys are deleted.

IMPORTANT! Before making any changes, be sure to!

MANDATORY view everything the cleaners want to remove! I scanned my computer with Auslogics Disk Cleaner and was initially glad that I had 25GB of trash in my trash can. But remembering that I recently cleaned the trash, I opened the files prepared for deletion in this program and just went nuts! There were ALL my most important files, my whole life over the past few months. And they were not in the basket, but in a separate folder on disk D. That would have deleted it if I had not looked.

In Windows 7, you can slightly improve performance by simplifying graphical interface... To do this, go to "Control Panel -\u003e System -\u003e Advanced -\u003e Options" and disable some of the checkboxes or select "Provide the best performance".

Motherboard BIOS settings

The BIOS stores the most basic computer settings. You can enter it when you turn on the computer using the Delete, F2, F10 or any other keys (written on the screen when you turn on the computer). A strong decrease in performance can only be due to critical jambs in the settings. Usually it is configured normally and there is no need to intervene and even harmful.

The easiest way to correct the settings for optimal is to go into the BIOS and select an option like "Load Optimal Settings" (the spelling may differ depending on the BIOS), save the settings and reboot.

Disable unnecessary services and programs from autorun

Today, almost every second installed program climbs its nose into startup. As a result, loading of the operating system is delayed indefinitely, and the work itself is slowed down. Look at the system tray (near the clock), how many unnecessary icons are there? It is worth removing unnecessary programs or turning them off from startup.

This can be easily done using the Windows' built-in System Configuration utility. To run it, press the combination "Win + R" and enter "msconfig" in the window. In the program, go to the "Startup" tab and uncheck the extra checkboxes. If after the reboot something is missing, then the check marks can be returned back. You should have an idea of \u200b\u200bwhat programs you have installed and.

One powerful way to improve performance is ... disabling your antivirus. Bad, of course, but I sometimes disable my antivirus while doing resource-intensive tasks.

You don't need to do this while surfing the web or installing unknown software!

Installing the latest drivers

This can really help, especially if you have installed very old or default drivers (by default from Microsoft). Motherboard chipset drivers are the most influential, but others can degrade performance as well. You need to update drivers for each device, and you can find them on the manufacturers' websites.

It is better to update drivers manually, but there are many automatic driver update programs available. For example, a good one will scan devices and look for updated drivers.

Choose an operating system wisely

If you are still running Windows XP with 2 gigabytes of RAM, then I advise you to quickly switch to Windows 7, the performance will increase. And if you have 4 GB or more, then feel free to install Windows 10 64-bit version. The speed of work will increase even more, but only in 64-bit programs. Processing video, audio and other resource-intensive tasks can be processed 1.5-2 times faster! Windows Vista it's also time to change to a seven.

Do not use different windows assemblies for installation, such as Windows Zver and the like. They are already crammed with necessary and unnecessary software, and besides, they are often buggy.


Although they are in my tenth place, this does not mean at all that you should not pay attention to them. Viruses can significantly slow down your computer or even freeze it. If there is a strange decrease in performance, then it is worth scanning the system with one of the scanners, for example. But it is better to have a reliable anti-virus installed, for example DrWeb or Kaspersky Anti-Virus.

In this article, we have discussed the basic methods of how to increase the speed of your computer. I hope this article helped you save the most important thing in our life - this is time that should be used productively, every hour and every minute, and not wasted. In the following articles, I will touch upon the topic of increasing computer performance more than once, subscribe to blog updates.

Interesting video for today - incredible ping-pong!

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