Amd athlon ii x4 640 benchmarks. Selection of opponents for comparison

The AMD Athlon II X4 640 is a processor that combines a high level of performance and a reasonable degree of energy efficiency. Even at the current moment, the characteristics of this processor allow you to run any software. In addition, the device has a fairly modest cost. All these characteristics together make the hero of our review an excellent basis for creating mid-range computers.

AMD Athlon II X4 640: semiconductor niche, configuration options

At the time the AMD Athlon II X4 640 processor appeared on sale in 2009, the system units of personal computers were subdivided as follows:

- office computers with a single core processor. This market segment was occupied by AMD's Septron and Intel's Celeron. These processor solutions had very modest parameters, minimal cache size and low clock frequencies. The performance of such solutions was rather low, but it was quite enough for solving office tasks. Plus, the cost of these solutions was quite low.

- computers of the middle class - were necessarily based on a dual-core processor. In this case, too, the clock speeds were increased and the cache size increased. The technical parameters of the semiconductor solution have also been significantly improved. All this has led to a significant increase in the cost of computers. However, the list of tasks that could be solved on such computers increased significantly.

- the most productive systems - based on 4-core processor models. The AMD Athlon II X4 640 processor belonged to this particular market segment. The characteristics of this processor are fully consistent with the specified segment. This processor at that time could solve problems of any level of complexity. Even today, the presence of such a processor solution in a PC allows you to run most of the software.

Quite a long time has passed since the appearance of this processor solution on store shelves. So it moved from the premium segment to the mid-range processor niche. There are two possible configuration options for this semiconductor solution. One of the options was called TRAY. This package included the CPU itself, a warranty card, an installation guide, and a sticker with the processor model name for the front side of the system unit. The second equipment variant was designated BOX. In addition to all of the above, it also included a cooler and thermal paste.

AMD Athlon II X4 640: Supported Socket Types

AMD Athlon II X4 640 specifications indicate that it should be installed in socket AM3. This is the main socket type for this chip. However, it can also be installed in sockets AM2 + and AM3 +. The last processor socket continues to be relevant today among computer platforms from AMD. The best solution would be to assemble a system unit with this processor device. In this case, you can achieve the maximum level of performance and more relevant technical specifications. This will allow the full potential of this semiconductor crystal to be revealed.

AMD Athlon II X4 640: production technology

In this case, the silicon crystal was produced by the silicon-on-dielectric or LPC process. According to the specification, the AMD Athlon II X4 640 was compliant with the 45nm manufacturing process. The characteristics of this processor solution indicated an operating frequency of 3 GHz. The frequency was not dynamically adjusted. The value of the thermal package of the solution in this case was 95 W. The maximum temperature value was declared at 71 degrees. In practice, this value rarely exceeded 45-57 degrees.

AMD Athlon II X4 640: cache and RAM

The AMD Athlon II X4 640 processor boasts a dual-level cache. Because of this, AMD Athlon II X4 640 loses a lot in performance, but wins significantly in energy efficiency. The volume of non-volatile memory at the first level is 512 KB, and at the second level - 2 MB. In this case, a dual-channel memory controller is used, which works with both DDR2 memory and the more common DDR3 variety. The recommended frequency value in the first case is 1066 MHz, and for the second case - 1333 MHz.

AMD Athlon II X4 640: architectural features

This processor solution is known under the code name Propus. This chip belongs to the family of 4-core processors. In the language of professionals, such solutions are also called QUADCORE. The AMD Athlon II X4 640 processor is based on the K10 architecture. It is capable of handling even 64-bit program code.

AMD Athlon II X4 640: overclocking

To increase the performance of the AMD Athlon II X4 640 processor, you can only use the system bus frequency. In this case, overclocking must be carried out on a system unit equipped with an improved cooling system, a power supply with an increased power value and an advanced motherboard. The case of such a personal computer must also have improved air circulation. As for the rest, the overclocking algorithm is standard for a device of this class. The frequencies of all components should be reduced as much as possible, and the frequency of the system bus should be discretely increased to the nearest value. After that, you need to check the stability of the computer. If everything is in order, you can further increase the bus frequency. It is also worth paying attention to the frequencies of the rest of the PC components, which should not go beyond the acceptable range. When they reach the limit at which the computer stops working stably, you need to start increasing the voltage on the processor. Then the frequency is increased. For this processor, the maximum possible values \u200b\u200bare 3.5-3.7 GHz.

AMD Athlon II X4 640: processor cost

The AMD Athlon II X4 640 processor was priced at $ 122 by the manufacturer at the start of sales. It was a great price for a chip with such technical specifications. However, today this new chip can be purchased for $ 42. You can buy a used product for $ 35. An important characteristic of this processor solution is that it has four computing cores at the physical level. It is for this reason that computers based on this processor and powerful graphics subsystem will be able to run even the latest gaming applications. They will definitely start, even if not at the highest settings. It is on this point that the owners of such computers focus their attention. The disadvantage of the AMD Athlon II X4 640 processor solution is the lack of a L3 cache. This design feature of this chip significantly reduces its performance level. However, on the other hand, this allows you to reduce the value of the thermal package and thereby increase its energy efficiency.

A processor device that combines a sufficient level of performance and an excellent degree of energy efficiency is nothing like the AMD Athlon II X4 640. Features this processor even at the moment allows you to run any existing software. And his cost is already very modest. All this together makes the hero of this review an excellent basis for mid-range computers.

Semiconductor chip niche. Possible configuration options

At the time this processor appeared on the market in 2009, the PC system units were subdivided as follows:

    Office computers with a single-core processor. This market segment was occupied by Septron chips from AMD and Celeron chips from Intel. They had very modest parameters, low clock speeds and minimal cache size. As a result, their productivity was at a very low level, but it was quite enough for solving office tasks. In addition, the cost in this case was also very low.

    Middle-class computers were based on a mandatory 2-core processor. Also in this case, the frequencies increased, the cache increased and the technical parameters of the semiconductor solution were much better. This led to an increase in the cost of computers. But the list of tasks solved on such a PC grew significantly.

    Well, the most productive systems were based on 4-core CPU models. AMD Athlon II X4 640 belonged to this segment of the computer market. it is entirely consistentthis niche. At that time, this processor device could solve any problem in terms of complexity. And even now, the presence of such a chip in the computer allows you to still run most of the existing software.

A lot of time has passed since the appearance of this CPU in stores by computer standards. Therefore, he moved from the segment of premium solutions to the niche of mid-range processors. There were two possible configuration options for this semiconductor product. One of them was called TRAY and included the CPU, warranty card, processor model name decal for the bezel, and installation instructions. The second one had the designation VOX and included, in addition to all of the above, a cooler and thermal paste.

Supported socket types

The characteristics of the II X4 640 indicate that it should be installed in This is the main socket type for this chip. But it can also be installed in AM2 + and AM3 +. It is the last processor socket that still continues to be relevant among the computer platforms of AMD today. It is most optimal on its basis with this processor unit. In this case, the highest level of performance and the latest technical specifications will be obtained. All this will fully reveal the potential of this semiconductor crystal.

Production technology. Frequencies, heat package and temperatures

The technological process for the production of a silicon crystal in this case was LPC (silicon on dielectric). The 45 nm standards were met according to the AMD Athlon II X4 640 specifications. the CPU was pointed to an operating frequency of 3 GHz and was not dynamically adjusted. The thermal package for this product was95 watts The maximum temperature in this case was declared at 71 0 C. In practice, however, this value rarely went beyond 45-57. 0 C.

Cache and RAM

The AMD Athlon II X4 640 boasts only 2 cache levels. Because of this, the processor loses much in performance, but wins in energy efficiency. The total volume of volatile memory on the first level is 512 KB, and on the second - 2 MB. The RAM controller is dual-channel and can work with both DDR2 and the most common DDR3 at the moment. For the first case, the recommended frequency is 1066 MHz, and for the second - 1333 MHz.

Architectural features

The code name for this semiconductor solution is Propus, and it belongs to the family of 4-core processors, or, as they are also called in the language of professionals, QUADCORE. The AMD Athlon II X4 640 is based on the K10 architecture and can even handle 64-bit code.


The performance of AMD Athlon II X4 640 could be increased only by the system bus frequency. Overclocking should be carried out on the system unit, which is equipped with an improved, reliable and high-quality cooling system, an advanced motherboard and a power supply unit with an increased power value. Also, the PC case should have improved air circulation. As for the rest, the overclocking algorithm is standard for this class of devices. We reduce the frequencies of all computer components as much as possible, and discretely increase the system bus frequency by one nearest value. Then we check the stability of the computer. If everything is in order, then we continue to increase the bus frequency. We also pay attention to the frequencies of the rest of the computer components, which should not go beyond the permissible limits. As soon as we reached the limit at which the PC ceases to work stably, we begin to increase the voltage on the processor. Then - the frequency. The maximum possible values \u200b\u200bof this parameter for such a chip are 3.5-3.7 GHz.

CPU price. Results in practice. Owner reviews

Athlon II X4 640 at the start of sales was priced by the manufacturer at $ 122. For a chip with such technical specifications, it was an excellent price. Right nowit can be purchased in a new state for 42 dollars, or 2700-2750 rubles. If you buy such a semiconductor product that has already been used, the price will decrease and amount to 35 dollars, or 2100-2250 rubles. The most important parameter of this CPU is that it has 4 computing cores at the physical level. It is for this reason that PCs based on such a processor and powerful discrete graphics will run all the latest gaming applications. Even if not at the highest settings, they will definitely start. And this is precisely what the owners of such computers focus on. This chip has only one drawback - the absence of the 3rd cache level. This design feature of the processor device significantly reduces its performance. But, on the other hand, this allows you to reduce the thermal package of the product and increase its energy efficiency due to this.


AMD Athlon II X4 640 is a successful processor product both for 2009 and at the moment. of this chip (more precisely, 4 real computing modules) allow this CPU to pass the now very common check for the availability of the necessary hardware resources to execute the program code. Well, the possibility of overclocking the system bus frequency allows you to get a fairly solid performance gain. The indisputable disadvantages of this product, as it was noted earlier, can be attributed only to the absence of the 3rd level cache memory. But this engineering solution has significantly improved the energy efficiency of the CPU, which significantly compensates for this disadvantage.

    - High frequency (3.00 GHz)
    - Honest full-fledged 4 cores
    - Small heat dissipation for 45nm
    - Faster in multi-threaded applications than any Intel Core i3
    - High performance in graphic editors and heavy games (a large cache is not needed there)
    - Virtualization support
    - Suitable for socket AM3 +
    - Low price
    Checked - this processor is not for professional video coding and archiving, where a large amount of cache memory is just the same. But this is not even a drawback with the mass of its advantages for such money.

Athlon II X4 deserves special attention and respect for itself. For a low cost, you get a full-fledged quad core that will work flawlessly in multi-threaded applications and outperform any dual core, be it Intel Core 2 Duo, Athlon II X2 or Intel Core i3. On this processor, I assembled a graphics station for my friend to work in PhotoShop CS4 and CorelDraw (HELLO TO PHOTOGRAPHERS). In heavy games, it performs well at high FPS with a resolution of 1920 × 1080 (Crysis 3, Battlefield 3, Assassins Creed, etc.) in conjunction with video cards of the Radeon HD 7850 and GeForce GTX660 class, revealing their potential. The Internet quickly surfs with a bunch of open tabs. So think about whether it is worth overpaying for more expensive multi-core processors for games and graphics applications?)

22 3

    Price-performance ratio. Exceptional all-round compatibility from AM2 and AM2 + to AM3 +. DDR2 and DDR3 support.
    There is no L3 cache, unlike AMD Phenom II X4 945 (which, by the way, was recently sold at the same price - 2400 rubles).
    When buying, look at the legs! I got it with slightly bent. Personally, I waved my hand, took a percentage, straightened the legs later and installed - an amateur's pleasure!

Although AM3 processors are gradually disappearing from sale due to the arrival of newer AM3 +, I believe that AMD could squeeze a little more money out of this line. In the economy segment, AMD can be very robust to Intel. Intel could be crushed by quad-cores for 2400 rubles. They are very versatile. And an old gaming computer can be freshened up and give a second wind to a dull office computer. And this means that this is the mass sector of the user computer park. The user, without investing in a completely new platform, gets the performance close to the requirements of modernity for the mass market. There are not enough stars from the sky, of course, AM3 (in the form in which it is presented today), but not everyone needs these very stars. After all, basically software manufacturers are guided by a certain "average computer", which is a killer average mixture of old and new platforms, with a predominance of old ones.
I don't know how it is in terms of tests and benchmarks, but for the comfort of its work, installing this processor in an old mother (AM2 +, for example), which can support it, gives a result comparable to fresh Core i3 and sometimes Core i5, not to mention the line of fresh AMD ( for a lot of money you buy almost the same).
This is a subjective assessment. But if you want to save money but save as little on performance as possible, then AM3 processors paired with AM3 + motherboards are your option. Quad-core percent for an office computer is still not weak. There is also a non-funny way of playing games. Plus a promising upgrade option (all of a sudden, eight-cores will also soon cost 2,400 rubles).
Lovers of Intel-fapa mazday!

Complain Did the review help? 19 0

    1. Excellent value for money.
    2.Minimum cheat from retailers.
    3. Relatively low heat generation.
    4. Sufficient speed for gaming systems.
    The level 3 cache cannot be unlocked, it is simply absent, but for this money it is quite predictable.

Excellent processor, easily overclocked to 3.5 GHz. After that, judging by the tests, it works at the level of processors, the price of which is 2 times higher. I use it in conjunction with the ZALMAN CNPS8900 Quiet cooler, which I bought here at Citylink, the temperature never reached 50 degrees, and that was after overclocking. Considering all of the above, I advise you to take it.

... Unfortunately, this was due to objective reasons, which we have now eliminated and are starting to objectively evaluate processors from both AMD and Intel.
In today's review, you will be presented with the AMD Athlon II X4 640 processor, which has a higher clock speed compared to the AMD Athlon II X4 620 we tested earlier.


We purchased the OEM version of the processor, which was due to the unwillingness to overload the original cooler, which always shows mediocre performance and noise levels.

At the same time, I would like to note that these processors in the BOX version are also on sale and are delivered in such a box in black and green.
When purchasing a BOX processor package, the user receives a cooling system from AMD and an extended product warranty for three years. Only 1 year warranty is given for OEM products.

External examination of the processor.

The processor is labeled ADX640WFK42GM. Each letter and number in the marking always means something, so we will try to decipher it. So,
- the letters AD tell us that we have a processor from AMD of the K10.5 generation.
- letter X means the presence of a locked speed multiplier;
- numbers 640 - means the model number of the processor within the line of processors from AMD itself;
- letters WF - mean the level of heat dissipation of the processor up to 95 W and operation in the voltage range of 0.900 - 1.425 volts;
- letter K - means socket version of Socket AM3;
- number 4 - indicates the number of processor cores;
- remaining digits 2GM - indicate the revision of the processor core
Of particular interest to us is the second line, in which the first five letters indicate the processor core, in our case, it is Propus.

The reverse side of the processor does not stand out in any way. Has standard legs that can be easily bent and broken off when straightened. The processor is designed to work on socket AM3.

Processor specifications.
1. Model number: Athlon II X4 640
2. Frequency: 3.0GHz
3. Maximum heat dissipation: 95 watts
4. Cache size: L1 Cache 64K + L2 Cache: 512KB per core (2MB total)
5. Technological process: 45nm SOI
6. Bus: One 16-bit / 16-bit link @ up to 4.0GHz full duplex (2.0GHz x2)
7.Memory controller: dual-channel controller supporting memory up to PC2-8500 (DDR2-1066MHz) and PC3-10600 (DDR3-1333MHz)
8. Technological process: 45nm
9.Socket: Socket AM3 with full AM2 + 940-pin compatibility

Key features of this processor series.
Special interest data processors are called due to the fact that some of them have a locked L3 cache, which quite often can be turned on without hindrance.
This is due to the fact that very often the company AMD under the brands of junior models, it produces cut-down processors of the older series, which is associated with the demand in the market. Or a high-quality illiquid product that cannot work as a full-fledged processor is cut down to a junior model and is sold as a fully functional product.
To date, the presented line of processors Athlon II X4 is produced on the basis of two cores. The first core is the Propus core. The kernel was specially created for the release of these processors, so it does not have any additional cache of the third level, in a word, we have nothing to unlock. Unfortunately, the tester turned out to be based on this very core.
The second core for these processors is a stripped-down version of the core Deneb, based on the full-featured version of which the Phenom II X4 processors are released.
A key feature of the processor series Deneb The physical presence of the L3 cache in the amount of 6 MB, but Athlon II X4 processors have it disabled and the owners of these processors have the full opportunity to enable it. Enabling this cache turns the user's processor into a fully functional Phenom II X4. Naturally, an unlocked processor must be tested to identify errors.
As stated above, processor core can be recognized by the second line of marking. Deneb processors have the following sets: AACTC, AACZC, AACAC, CACZC, CADAC, CACYC CACYC, CACVC, CACZC, CACAC, AACYC, AACSC. All other variations are, most likely, our core - Propus.

Questions that users have when working with these processors.
1. What is needed to be able to unlock the processor core?
Answer: To do this, you need a motherboard that supports this function. In the BIOS menu, find the unlock item, most often it is L3 Cache Allocation and Advanced Clock Calibration.

2. What motherboards from which manufacturers definitely do not support L3 cache unlocking on these processors?
Answer: It is known for certain that all ECS motherboards do not support this feature. Most likely, this also applies to products such as Jetway, Zotac.

3. What power supply do I need to use the unlocked Deneb processor?
Answer: our experience shows that a 400-450 watt ATX 2.xx power supply from a well-known brand is enough. Much depends on the graphics cards you use.

Overclocking the processor.
As we have already mentioned, we were unable to unlock the L3 cache on this processor, since its core simply does not have this memory cache.

The processor was able to overclock to 3.8 GHz at a voltage of 1.45 volts.

We would like to wish our users to try to purchase processors of this series based on the Deneb core. These processors are often found in computer stores, and looking at the second row of numbers on the lid when buying an OEM version of the processor is not a problem for anyone.
The cost of the processor we reviewed does not exceed $ 130, which makes it an interesting enough product to buy and upgrade an existing processor.

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