Vibration on touch android does not work. The vibration on the phone stopped working, why it does not work, what to do. Customize Vibrancy - application for creating and customizing vibration styles

The vibration function is built into all Fly smartphones and is very user-friendly. So you can feel an incoming call, SMS or notification even in silent mode, vibration response to keystrokes allows you to better control the device and work with it more comfortably.

But what to do if vibration stops working and what are the reasons for such a failure?

In most cases, the problem is solved by the user, but sometimes specialist intervention is required.

Vibro does not work on the phone: check the settings

Before carrying your smartphone in service center, make sure that all settings are correct in it. If you need to set vibration for an incoming call:

  • go to the "Settings" device;
  • select the item "Sound Profiles";
  • open the appropriate profile (for example, "Standard");
  • in front of the item "Vibration" put a tick.

If vibro does not work with incoming SMS and notifications:

  • go to "Messages";
  • go to "Settings" (options button or icon in the corner of the screen);
  • select the item "Notifications";
  • put a tick in front of the line "Vibration".

If we want to set vibration feedback to keystrokes:

  • go to the "Settings" of the smartphone;
  • select the "Language and input" section;
  • click on the settings key next to your keyboard;
  • select the item "Settings";
  • put a tick next to the line "Vibration when pressing the keys".

Note! V different versions Android OS names of items and their location may differ slightly, but in general, the algorithm of actions is the same.

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Vibro does not work on Android: software glitch

If a check of the settings showed that they were installed correctly, but there is still no vibration, it is possible that a failure has occurred software.

In order to solve this problem, you need to reset the settings.

Attention! Before doing this, save important data to external media, sync contacts with your Google account and save them to your PC.

After that, go to "Settings", find the item " Backup and reset "(" Restore and reset "), select" Full reset" ("Reset").

You can also try to control the functions of the phone using third-party applications. They read errors in the operation of the device and eliminate them, correct and control all functions of the smartphone. A large number of similar utilities can be found in Google play... Turbo Cleaner is very popular, but you can choose any other application.

The third way to fix a software glitch is to flash the device. You can find the software on our forum, but if you are not an expert in the field of software for mobile devices, we recommend that you contact the service center.

Why vibration doesn't work: hardware failure

If all of the above methods did not help, the problem is probably that the vibration motor of the smartphone or other elements of the gadget has broken. In this case, the only right choice- contact a specialist who will diagnose your device, restore or replace the elements of the device.

Remember, no matter how carefully you choose an Android-based phone, it is not immune from failures and breakdowns. However, in the overwhelming majority of cases, all problems are easily solved on their own and only sometimes with the help of specialists.

If you are interested, then you can read the article about.

Users have long been accustomed to the fact that mobile devices have a vibration function. This allows you to understand the need to answer a call when you are in a noisy place or, for example, set up alerts from various applications. There are a lot of options for using this function, and everyone must decide for himself how much he needs it and whether it is necessary at all.

Now we will talk about how to control vibration in smartphones and tablets running the Android operating system. The thing is that there are several important nuances, which really should be known to all, without exception, the owners of such gadgets. Take the time to spend a few minutes reading this article and you will surely learn something new.

How to disable vibration feedback when pressing the device buttons?

By default, most tablets and smartphones vibrate with every button press, as if confirming that the user actually performed an action. If you don't like it, you can turn off vibration feedback by following the steps below:

  1. Go to the "Settings" device.
  2. Select the section "Sounds and notifications".
  3. Disable the vibration damper by sliding the corresponding slider to the left.

Note: hereinafter appearance the menu and section names may differ depending on the version of the operating system and specific model smartphone / tablet.

How do I enable vibration feedback on keys?

It is easy to guess that in this case, you should do the entire procedure described above, with the exception of one detail - the vibration response adjustment slider should be moved to the active position.

Can I vibrate for text messages?

Enable or disable vibration exclusively for SMS messages by standard means the Android operating system is not possible. For this it is best to use special applications for example, Customize Vibrancy, which you can learn more about by continuing to read the article. There, for these purposes, there are all the necessary options that should be used.

Setting vibration feedback for games and applications

But if we are talking about the software installed on a smartphone or tablet, then there should be no problems with setting the vibration. Most apps have their own settings menu where you can control sound and vibration. All that remains is to find them and change them so that you are comfortable using the software.

Why might vibration not work?

Many users at some point are faced with a situation when their gadget suddenly stops vibrating when making calls, notifications, and so on. If at the same time all the settings are set correctly, then you should think about what could have caused the problem.

Below are the main causes of vibration failure:

  • The OS is not working properly. Sometimes operating system Android is prone to crashing in a variety of ways. The reason may be in the recently installed firmware, because when it does this regular user, the consequences are unpredictable.
  • Third-party applications come into conflict with the OS. This is especially true if the vibration stopped working after a game or program was installed.
  • A lot of dust has accumulated inside the case. Yes, yes, do not be surprised when dust is packed under the case, the vibration mechanism can be immobilized. Therefore, until a full cleaning is performed, the vibration will not work again.
  • The device received mechanical impact ... It is easy to guess that if you step on a gadget or, for example, drop it on the asphalt, the consequences can be unpredictable. Actually, one of the damages encountered is the loss of vibration.

Troubleshooting vibration problems

Planning to fix vibration problem on your smartphone or tablet? Then follow these steps:

  1. Check your settings... Believe me, it's better to spend a couple of seconds on this than later discover that this was the problem.
  2. Reboot your device. As in the case of any other malfunction, a reboot sometimes gives the desired result and after it the gadget starts functioning normally.
  3. Make sure power saving mode is not turned on. Most smartphones and tablets turn off vibration if the battery is almost empty or a special mode is set.
  4. Update your firmware. The main thing to remember here is that you should only use original firmware approved by the manufacturer.
  5. Contact the service center. Disassembling the device yourself is not the most the best solution... It is better to find a suitable service center and entrust the work to its specialists.

How to increase vibration?

It also happens that everything is in order with the vibration on the device, but its strength leaves much to be desired. So, a weak vibration signal is almost impossible to feel if the smartphone is in the pocket of a warm jacket or jacket.

You can increase vibration by using standard settings smartphone. Most often desired option located in the "Advanced settings" section, where it can be managed.

There is no vibration control in your device settings, or are you dissatisfied with the result? Then it's time to talk about using third-party apps.

Here are two of the most popular programs, which everyone can download right now from Play Market:

Customize vibrancy

This utility offers users unique opportunities. For example, you can set the vibration to echo a tune from Mission: Impossible or the legendary game Mario. It is also possible to create your own rhythms by adding them to the existing ones.

Among additional functions It should be noted that there is a wide range of moments at which the vibration signal should be triggered. So, it can manifest itself when the subscriber picks up the phone or if the gadget is connected to a Wi-Fi network.

Vibration Notifier

This program has slightly fewer features, but this does not make it worse. On the contrary, all the settings here are in plain sight, and even not the most experienced user can deal with them.

Separately, I would like to say about the free application and its amazing stability. You will see that there are no bugs here from the word at all.

How do I turn off / on vibration for incoming calls?

  1. Go to the "Settings" section.
  2. Select the menu item "Sounds and notifications" there.
  3. Click on the gear icon.
  4. Find the line "Vibration" (for incoming calls), then move the setting slider to the active or inactive position.


Summing up, I would like to note that vibration is one of the most useful functions modern smartphones and tablets. Unlike many other developments that appeared many years ago, vibration has not lost its relevance and is still an indispensable element of any mobile gadget.

All that remains is to learn how to manage this function and customize it for yourself. Try to tackle this issue today, because when it comes to working with mobile devices, the convenience of this very work depends entirely on you.

How to remove vibration on Android. Vibration is one of the main ways to notify the user about an incoming call, received SMS or other notifications. Vibration is also used as confirmation of a screen or button press. Not everyone likes it when the phone vibrates. Below you will learn how to turn off vibration on Android and increase the sound.

Turning off vibration is a fairly simple process. You can disable it in the section " Sound Profiles».

You can get into it like this:

  1. Go to " Settings»
  2. « Systemic»
  3. Further - " Sound Profiles»

By default, the user has 4 profiles:

  1. The first profile is " Standard»
  2. The second profile is " Soundless»
  3. The third profile is " Vibration»
  4. The fourth profile - " Outside»

To turn off vibration on calls, just uncheck the box " Vibration»In each profile.

To turn off keyboard vibration on Android, change the sound profiles. This time it is necessary to uncheck the box “ Vibration when touched". This must be done in each profile.

Android versions, as well as third-party firmware, are slightly different from each other, so some of the settings look different from them.

Let's analyze a simple and understandable algorithm of actions for other versions:

  1. « Settings»
  2. « Language and input»
  3. Click the icon to the right of " Android / Google keyboard»
  4. Uncheck the box " Vibration feedback of keys»

Ready. Your device is no longer making interfering sounds.

If you were unable to turn off the vibration of an incoming call using the methods that we listed above, then try to do this using third-party programs.

One of these is called Customize vibrancy.

The main function of the program is to set vibration for each individual action, for example, notification, end of conversation, and more. But in the program, you can completely turn off vibration on Android.

If you want to turn off vibration incoming call, then:

  1. Install the app and run it
  2. Hold down the item " To an incoming call»
  3. In the list that appears, select " Do not vibrate»

Do this for the rest of the steps if you want to completely remove vibration on the phone. With this application, you can make the vibration weaker or stronger.

Android keyboards have an interesting feature - vibration feedback. When you press a key, a slight vibration appears at a certain point on the screen, which allows you to physically feel the key press. This feature is supported not only by the standard pre-installed keyboards, but also by applications third party developers downloaded from the Google Play Market. The function can be customized at your discretion: you can make the vibration response stronger or weaker; determine exactly when vibration should be turned on and when not. You can also turn off vibration. Let's take a look at how you can set up vibration feedback on Android.

To turn on the vibration feedback, you need to open the settings, then the "Language, time, keyboards" tab. Then open the parameters of the required keyboard and slide the "Vibration" switch to the On position.

Video: how to remove vibration feedback on a smartphone

What if the vibration function does not work or disappears?

There are several reasons why the vibration feedback function does not work.

Function not included

Check if vibration feedback is enabled in the keyboard settings. As for the vibration response for notifications (messages, calls), their parameters are located in "Settings -> Sound and vibration". It is possible that the vibration of the device as a whole is turned off. You can check this not only through the settings, but also through the notification panel. We make a swipe from top to bottom, lowering the "shutter" of the panel. It has fast access to the vibration settings, there you can also see if vibration is enabled or not.

Power saving mode enabled

Vibration eats up energy pretty much, therefore power saving mode disables the vibration feedback function. If you want to return vibration - turn off the power saving mode or configure it so that it does not turn off the vibration of the keyboard.

The keyboard does not support vibration feedback

If you are using third party keyboard from the Google Play Market, then, perhaps, the developers did not envisage interaction with the vibration motor for it mobile device... The problem can only be solved by installing another keyboard.

Random bug

It is also possible that the system has somehow "dulled". The code of the programs is not perfect, so this could very well happen. Restarting the device should help.

The vibration motor is faulty

If none of the above helps, then there may be a hardware problem. The vibration feedback will not work if the vibration motor of the mobile device has physical damage... Take the device to a service center to have it replaced.

How to increase vibration feedback on Android?

If in the keyboard (as, for example, in Google Keyboard), the vibration strength is provided by the developers, then just go to the application settings and find the slider responsible for the vibration strength. If the function is not provided (as, for example, in a standard keyboard), then third party applications nothing can be done. But you can change and customize the vibration response of notifications. Programs from the Google Play Market will come to the rescue.

Customize vibrancy

Customize Vibrancy allows you to increase or decrease the vibration strength of both the keyboard vibration response and vibration alert, notifications, etc. The program can also set different vibration alerts for different actions.

Description of the program on the Play Store.

This application allows you to customize the vibration of your phone. You can choose one of the standard vibrations or create your own and set it to:

  1. incoming call;
  2. picking up the tube;
  3. ending the call;
  4. every minute of the call after the expiration of the specified interval;
  5. incoming SMS;
  6. The Internet becomes unavailable;
  7. The Internet becomes available via Wifi;
  8. The Internet becomes available via 3G / GMS.

Instructions for use

The program window consists of a list of actions for which vibration can be configured.

The functionality of the program is simpler and less than in Customize Vibrancy, however, according to assurances Google users Play, it works much more stable. Vibration Notifier allows you to customize vibration that will notify you of missed calls and unread messages vibrating in a certain way every N minutes.


The main menu contains a list of events that need to be notified to the user. You set the vibration signal, vibration strength and signal repetition period in minutes.

How to enable / disable vibration alert?

When you call

For notifications

To enable / disable vibration of all notifications, open the notification panel (swipe down from the top of the screen). Find the "Vibration" button, enable or disable it.

Vibration for notification individual applications disabled in application settings. For example, let's turn off the vibration of notifications on Vkontakte.


Without the help of third-party programs, you cannot enable or disable vibration during SMS at your own discretion. Just turn off vibration notifications completely.

But you can use the Customize Vibrancy program (see above). In the main menu, hold down the item "To incoming SMS", the vibration response settings for SMS will open. You can set it at your discretion from the list of vibrations or turn it off by selecting "Do not vibrate".

For all touches

On Android, vibration feedback is used in keyboards and system buttons... You need to disable / enable them separately.

Setting vibration through the engineering menu

All Android devices have a special settings menu - engineering. It is intended for testing and debugging the hardware of the device. Since the menu contains settings that can break the device, it is hidden from users... In order to enter it, you need to open standard application for calls and in dialing the number enter the code engineering menu... Each manufacturer has its own code.

Table: codes for entering the engineering menu

There are no vibration settings in the engineering menu. The fact is that the vibration force is adjustable by software, and the engineering menu is intended for testing and debugging the hardware of the device. But using the engineering menu, you can check the operation of the vibration motor. To do this, you need to find the item "Vibrator". The path will be different depending on the device (for example, "Device -> MISC -> Vibrator -> Vibrator On"). By clicking on Vibrator On (possibly Vibrator Test), you start the vibration motor. If the phone or tablet does not respond, then the vibration motor is damaged.

Android gives the user the ability to customize the vibration feedback function as it is convenient for him. You can leave or remove vibration for notifications, SMS, call, typing on the keyboard. It is possible to disable vibration only for a specific application or a specific event. And if some feature is not enough, it can always be implemented using third-party applications and utilities from the Google Play Market.

If you have a need to remove the vibration effect accompanying incoming calls and messages on the iPhone, then it is very easy to bring it to life. To do this, just a few simple steps should be taken.

In contact with

The so-called vibrating alert is not convenient for all users. For example, if the communicator is lying on a hard surface, then when the vibration effect is triggered, it emits loud, nerve-racking sounds. Engineers Apple provided in their gadgets the ability to turn off the vibrating alert.

How to turn off vibration for incoming calls, notifications and messages on iPhone

1 ... First of all, we go to Settings devices;

2 ... Then we select the menu item " Sounds»;

3 ... In chapter " Vibration"There will be tumblers (" During a call" and " V silent mode "), Which should be transferred to the position" off».

4 ... The vibrating alert will be disabled immediately after that. In this case, it does not matter at all in what mode the smartphone is at this moment - in normal or silent.

How to turn off vibration in an iPhone alarm

Agree that the sound of vibro on an alarm clock is sometimes very inappropriate, especially together with a smooth relaxing melody. How to turn off vibration on iPhone alarm clock we have devoted a whole separate article.

How to remove (turn off) vibration on iPhone for a specific time

Why is there no sound on my iPhone when I receive a call, but only vibration?

The answer is simple: on the case iPhone smartphone there is a switch that puts the device into silent mode. It is with its help that you can turn on and off the voice acting of incoming calls, messages and notifications. In the picture below, silent mode is on.

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