What is telemetry in windows 10 mobile. Telemetry

Disable tracking your operating system.

Disable telemetry using the task scheduler:

  1. Disable or, more precisely, prohibit the execution of telemetry according to the schedule specified in the task scheduler. In order to get into the task scheduler, we execute the keyboard shortcut:
  2. Win + R
  3. Enter: Taskschd.msc
  4. Further, to disable telemetry in the office program, disable the execution of tasks as in the picture below. There are two tasks highlighted in one square that must be disabled:
  5. On the right side of the task scheduler there will be a vertical panel in which you can disable or delete the selected task.
  6. To disable telemetry in Windows, we also go to the task scheduler, but only open the Windows branch:

  7. Microsoft \\ Windows \\ Customer Experience Improvement Program \\ KernelCeipTask
  8. Microsoft \\ Windows \\ Customer Experience Improvement Program \\ UsbCeip
  9. Microsoft \\ Windows \\ Power Efficiency Diagnostics \\ AnalyzeSystem
  10. Microsoft \\ Windows \\ Shell \\ FamilySafetyMonitor
  11. Microsoft \\ Windows \\ Shell \\ FamilySafetyRefresh
  12. Microsoft \\ Windows \\ Application Experience \\ AitAgent
  13. Microsoft \\ Windows \\ Application Experience \\ ProgramDataUpdater
  14. Microsoft \\ Windows \\ Application Experience \\ StartupAppTask
  15. Microsoft \\ Windows \\ Autochk \\ Proxy
  16. Microsoft \\ Windows \\ Customer Experience Improvement Program \\ BthSQM
  17. Microsoft \\ Windows \\ Customer Experience Improvement Program \\ Consolidator
  18. Personally, I used the first option with a batch file and added it to the task scheduler for execution.
  19. Disable option: Participate in a quality improvement program.

  20. Disable quality improvement program participation software Windows can be used in any OS version, 7,8,8.1, the only menu names are not much different, but the meaning is the same. I will give an example on the OS version, Windows 8.1 and go to the control panel, select the small icons, if they are not already enabled for you, this is in the upper right corner. Find the "Support Center" hyperlink.
  21. On the left in the new window we find "Support Center Settings" in earlier versions may be called "Support Center Settings", the meaning does not diverge far.
  22. In the window that opens, you may need to scroll down the wheel, find the "Software Quality Improvement Program Parameters", click on this hyperlink.
  23. A window will open in which you put a period in front of the item "No, I don't want to participate in the program", press the button to apply and save or save the changes.
  24. This is not in a cunning way disabled one more telemetry item.
  25. ShutUp10 software to disable telemetry in Windows 10

  26. Microsoft claims the transmitted data is securely encrypted, the information goes to the servers in an impersonal form. Many have thought about disabling these functions, worrying about their anonymity. The German company O&O partner of Microsoft has released the ShutUp10 program. The program includes complete or partial disabling of user tracking services, the choice is left to the user himself. The program does not require installation, which means that it does not need to be installed, download the file and launch it by clicking the mouse, the program is ready to use. Read below an overview of the functions of the program itself.
  27. How to use O&O ShutUp10:
  28. Run the downloaded file for execution by double-clicking the mouse. Next, you will immediately open a window with the settings, which functions you want to disable. The function is disabled in green, data is being transferred to microsoft in red.
  29. If you do not understand or do not want to find it difficult, click options and the menu will offer you 3 options to choose from.
  30. After you select the settings, the program will offer to make a system restore point, in case something goes wrong.
  31. You can configure it yourself, for this, under each setting, if you click on its heading, an instruction and description will be displayed.
  32. The author and description of the program on the about tab
  33. As you can see, everything is not very difficult, the settings are minimal that even an inexperienced user can handle. With the help of this program, you will protect yourself from sending data and most likely increase performance by disabling the Services you do not need.
  34. Block Internet addresses to receive data from a computer:

  35. Finally, you can add the following addresses below to the Hosts file after the written there:
  36. To open the hosts file follow the path in Windows Explorer:
  37. C: \\ Windows \\ System32 \\ drivers \\ etc
  38. The hosts file cannot be opened unless you become its copyright holder, and for this, in order not to dig through the menu, getting the rights to the file, I made it all much easier. In more detail how you can get the rights to the file, read the instructions here:

From the very first days windows startup 10 on sale, news was actively proliferating on the network that the system was quietly collecting data about its users and transmitting it to Microsoft servers. If at first all this seemed to be an ordinary and moderately civilized collection of statistics, which is characteristic of most large software manufacturers, such as Google, then after a more detailed analysis, all this ceased to seem normal. And even though many users are well aware that Microsoft is hardly interested in their mailbox passwords and how they spend time at their computer, but for complete peace of mind, it would be good to get rid of tracking services forever, especially since turning them off is not so complicated.

What Windows 10 knows about us

You need to know the enemy by sight and his name is "Diagnostic Tracking Service", which was recently renamed to "Connected User Functionality and Telemetry". In a nutshell, this is a set of services aimed at collecting and transferring diagnostic data from a computer in order to improve its performance.

The main problem lies in the fact that the concept of diagnostic data is very vague, and with the help of the resources used for this, you can spy on the user on a previously unseen scale and at the same time completely unnoticed. Any data transfer can be tailored to the license agreement, and it is not possible to open the operation of spyware services or the composition of the sent packets in order to catch Microsoft by the hand due to the extremely high protection.

What Windows 10 collects

Windows 10 is a closed source operating system, which means that even the best programmer will not be able to tell exactly what and how it does it. Moreover, all information sent to Microsoft servers is very well encrypted and no one has yet been able to open these packets.

In other words, all that is known about the collection windows data 10 - a license agreement, guesses and dubious information obtained through a difficult experience. But in fact, this is not so little, and based only on the available information, it is possible to significantly facilitate the amount of transmitted data or completely prohibit the exchange of information with Microsoft servers.

The system informs about the intention to send user data to Microsoft servers even during its installation.

To get closer to the point, here short list transmitted data:

  • Surname, name of the user, all his addresses (physical, IP, addresses email) and the actual location.
  • Information about the computer and other data that can be used to compose a user's fingerprint.
  • Logins and passwords entered in browsers, as well as search queries, information from certain sites and advertising preferences. This includes not only Internet Explorer and Microsoft Edgebut also alternative browsers.
  • All information entered and actions in tor browser, data VPN connections and system reports of some anonymizers. Which one windows information able to collect from here - it is not known for sure.
  • Payment data and not only those specified in the Microsoft account - it is known about the collection of information from installed applications of some payment servicesbut this is still in doubt.
  • Information about all installed applications and some data from the hard drive.
  • Typed text and microphone recordings. The camera recording has long been disproved.

Some of the above is directly written in the license agreement and settings, and something is calculated by measuring the sent packets after some action or in other roundabout ways. In any case, only the basic information is listed here, which is more or less verified and confirmed, but due to the difficulty of obtaining it, the list is far from complete.

Knowing this, it is difficult not to become paranoid, but until you are about to hijack an airplane or buy heroin in trucks, you can be sure that the information provided by you will only affect the displayed ads and auto-update drivers.

By the way, living in Russia, you shouldn't worry about the consequences at all. Paranoia affects not only users, but also government agencies, due to which we are talking not about a simple lack of possible interaction between local law enforcement agencies and Microsoft, but about a very serious conflict of interest, which may result in a complete ban on Microsoft software in the Russian Federation.

In 2016, a plan for the transition to domestically produced software was approved, and to date, the consolidated import of devices with cryptographic capabilities has already been banned.

Video: Russian legislation against Windows 10

Why is it better to turn off tracking

First of all, it is exclusively a matter of perception. Few people feel comfortable being watched without knowing how or why. And here it is absolutely not important that the information collected about you, most likely, no one personally will touch a finger. Few people can sleep well, realizing that, in theory, someone completely unknown to you can just look into the remote history of your browser, read personal correspondence and find out passwords from all accounts or payment systems.

This also includes a personal dislike for Microsoft's policies: for imposing their own products with endless updates, unceremonious espionage and other bad things.

If Microsoft is very interested in updating one of its products, it will promote it by any means available

Windows 10 espionage is the main reason why many users do not want to update to this version, and its imposition only aggravates the situation.

In addition, data collection services consume your computer resources. And even if this does not greatly affect the overall performance, it even sounds unpleasant to wave espionage at your own expense. Moreover, telemetry can be distributed among the processes not related to it, in order to hide the amount of spent resources.

Humming of weak PCs during idle time, conceived is a sign of active data collection or background updates.

First of all, here you need to remember the arguments of Microsoft itself. Disabling telemetry can severely limit most of the usability of Windows 10 and deprive the system of most of the most valuable differences from its predecessors. Here you can see the weather, browser presets with search engines, and cloud backups. And if you speak English well and are friends with Cortana, then you will have to forget about her.

Many users are frightened by the inscription "Your location is currently in use", but this just means that geolocation is enabled.

As already mentioned, the activities of spyware services are almost invisible, as are its positive aspects. The fact that Windows 10 can stand for a very long time without reinstalling and work as in the first days is the merit of tracking services that everyone finds on time possible mistakes systems and, in consultation with the server, successfully fix them. There is also auto-update of the system and all drivers. Windows 10 support works so well that you just don't notice.

Thanks to telemetry, the system adjusts itself to you and your computer.

On top of that, the active collection of information is really important for technical support. It is thanks to reports from users' computers that Windows 10 is able to maintain relevance, constantly improve and adapt to new hardware.

One of the main advantages of Windows 10 is the constant communication with microsoft server, which allows you to provide system support at the highest level

In terms of operating systems for PCs, Microsoft has absolutely no worthy competitors, with the exception of MacOS, which is designed for a completely different class of users. This means that there will be no alternatives in the near future and refusal from passive cooperation with Microsoft is tantamount to shoving sticks into the wheel of progress.

Limiting Windows during its installation

If you have not yet managed to install the system, but are just going, you can disable several tracking services in advance. This will not disable all spyware, but it will slightly simplify the task and help limit the transmitted data about your computer, which is pointless to do later (for some information, one transmission is enough).

Depending on your Windows installer, the steps shown in the screenshots may look different.

How to disable tracking in Windows 10 using standard methods

If you do not want to disable anything that may be useful to you and choose the information about your computer transmitted by Microsoft, you can use the methods suggested by Windows itself without making any radical changes in the system. In case you decide to completely disable telemetry, these methods are also worth going through, since the radical limitation misses some of the possibilities described below.

This way you will not turn off surveillance completely, but significantly reduce the amount of information collected.

Change of account

The first thing to do is to leave your account. microsoft record and change it to local. This does not apply to spy services, but if you do not do this, information about your account will still go away, even if telemetry is completely disabled.

If you registered under a local account, then this is not necessary.

  1. Sign in windows options through the Start menu.
  2. Go to the "Accounts" section.
  3. If you have a Microsoft account, click change account.
  4. Here you need to enter your account password. If you don't remember, try your email password. outlook mailboxspecified in the previous paragraph (usually it is the same).
  5. Now you just need to come up with your account. Setting a password is optional if you don't want to enter it every time you turn on your computer.
  6. After that, you will be logged out of the account, without turning off the computer. Everything running programs will close and you will have to immediately enter your password if you set it.

Limiting spy services

Most of the tracking services can be limited through open microsoft settings. But this will not cancel the sending of packets with information, but will only reduce their total volume. This stage is not just a half-measure, but it is also recommended even if telemetry is completely disabled, since otherwise, most of the information will still be collected and accumulated on your computer, without the possibility of sending. In other words, here we are more concerned with computer performance than we are fighting surveillance.

  1. To get started, go to the "Privacy" section in Windows settings. It would be logical to turn off everything that you see, but it is better to tell in more detail about some controversial points.
  2. There will be only 3 radio buttons in the "General" tab. The first is responsible for personalizing ads, but not for collecting information about your interests (statistics on advertising preferences will still be collected, but will not be used by applications). Providing local information is the same setting that allows new applications to automatically adjust the language and other presets settings for your region (primarily browsers and search engines).
  3. Positioning is more of a convention than real customization... If you have not disabled it during windows installations, the most recent information will be used until it is disabled. In addition, most sites or programs determine your location on their own.

    There are many other ways to determine your location and disabling this setting will change almost nothing.

  4. It is better to disable the camera and microphone tabs or limit the list of allowed applications. In the case of the majority windows versions 10, you should still be notified before turning on the microphone if the system prohibits it. This way, you will not only limit the alleged spying on Windows, but you will also know when an application or site wants to listen to you.
  5. In the Speech and Inking tab, be sure to turn off Speech Services. This is the very function that allows you to send typed text and recordings from your microphone to Microsoft servers.
  6. On some tabs, such as Calendar or Messaging, you'll find the People app. Information from this application also goes to Microsoft servers, and if you do not disable the entire tab, at least block this application.
  7. The Feedback & Diagnostics tab is controversial. Despite the fact that these features are spyware, they play a rather important role in supporting Windows. If you want to disable them, set everything up in accordance with the screenshot.
  8. It is highly advisable to disable the entire Background Applications tab. It's not even about espionage, but about the purity of your random access memory... When one of these apps decides to refresh in the background at the most inopportune moment, there can be a severe performance drawdown, especially if automatic installation... What's more, background apps burden boot Windows while turning on the computer.
  9. As with Feedback & Diagnostics, the Application Diagnostics tab is both useful and spyware at the same time. It's up to you to choose.

Operating system defender limitation

Operating windows system 10 has a fairly good security system that allows you to exclude the use of active antivirus on your computer, and in many ways, this is the merit of telemetry. However, some of its functions can be called spyware and you may decide to disable them.

Without an active antivirus on your computer, these steps are not recommended. But at the same time, if you do not trust the system reports and analysis of the computer from Microsoft, then there should be even less reason to trust an antivirus belonging to a not so large and reliable corporation.

Most of these features are aimed at improving future versions of the defender, and not supporting your computer specifically.

  1. Navigate to the Update & Security section through Windows Settings.
  2. Now it all depends on the version of your Windows 10. If you see several switches in the Windows Defender tab, uncheck them. If there is a button "Open Windows Defender Security Center" - click on it; you have to go a little further, but you will have more options.
  3. First, open the Virus & threat protection section.
  4. Click Virus & Other Threat Protection Options.
  5. Now uncheck all available items. At each of them, the security system will be outraged - after all, you turn off the built-in antivirus.
  6. Now go back to the Security Center and open the "Application and Browser Management" section.
  7. Here you will need to switch all settings to the "Off" state. When finished, restart your computer.

Disabling secondary services

In addition to services, the main task of which is to collect data about the user and his computer, there are some settings that indirectly also interact with the Microsoft server. If you want to be completely calm about your privacy, you need to turn them off, and for this you have to walk a little on your computer.

Configuring Microsoft Edge

New standard windows browser also contains several functions aimed at tracking the user, which will not be affected in any way by disabling telemetry. Even if you do not use this browser, Windows can still sometimes open some pages in it, for example, when calling help. As a result, information about your connection will automatically go to Microsoft servers.

Disabling telemetry completely

In this way, you can completely disable the transfer of your data to windows Server and all telemetry functions. Many spy services do not relate to telemetry, and after the ban on data transmission, they will continue to accumulate information on your computer without being able to send it. Therefore, this method is recommended to be performed in conjunction with the previous ones.

First you need to open a command prompt as an administrator. You can find it by clicking right click on the Start menu or by searching for "cmd".

It remains to copy the following commands and enter them into the command line:

sc delete DiagTrack

sc delete dmwappushservice

echo ""\u003e C: \\ ProgramData \\ Microsoft \\ Diagnosis \\ ETLLogs \\ AutoLogger \\ AutoLogger-Diagtrack-Listener.etl

reg add "HKLM \\ SOFTWARE \\ Policies \\ Microsoft \\ Windows \\ DataCollection / v AllowTelemetry / t REG_DWORD / d 0 / f

Video: Disable Windows 10 Tracking Manually

Programs to disable spyware and tracking functions

During the existence of Windows 10, many programs have appeared that specialize in blocking the monitoring functions of the system. They all have a fairly simple interface and work with just a couple of buttons. However, they do not do anything supernatural and, by and large, duplicate all the above actions. In addition, a utility that makes serious changes in the security system is a potentially dangerous thing and is created by unknown developers.

For the safety of your computer, it is best to refrain from using third party utilities and do it yourself.

If you still decide to save your own time and entrust the removal of surveillance professional program, download the Destroy Windows Spying utility from this link. This program is relatively reliable.

Tracking can be turned off with just one button, but it will take some time.

If the proposed program does not suit you, here are some alternatives:

    Disable Win Tracking

  • Windows 10 Privacy Fixer

All these programs have the same principles of operation and control. You won't have any difficulties.

Disabling Windows 10 tracking is a controversial topic, and spy services don't always work against the user. But if you are determined against espionage, you can always turn it off, prohibit or partially restrict it, and it will take you no more than an hour of your personal time. Remember the main thing - after each reinstall Windows everything will have to be disconnected again.

Hello to all readers. It is no longer a secret that Windows 10 spies on its users. Telemetry, corporation Microsofttrying to fix his own flaws operating system by automated transfer
data to a remote server using the service (Connected User Experiences and Telemetry), was previously - "Diagnostic Tracking Service".
In addition, most users report a significant load on the system from this service. Microsoft representatives say that the received data is not disclosed to third parties, but we have our own considerations on this score, and I think no one wants his data to get to someone. What is captivating is that all collected data will be stored for as long as Microsoft sees fit. Disable services that are responsible for collecting information must be started even at the installation stage operating system, but we will correct this omission now. In addition, Windows 10 Task Scheduler also has many tasks that you can disable.
How to disable tracking tasks in Windows 10 Scheduler, read


1. Right click on the icon A computer and select the item - Control.

2. The program will appear in front of you Computer control.
Open the section Services and Applications, then open the folder Service.

You can also use the keyboard shortcut Win + R, and then introduce services.msc.
Before you will open Services
3. To completely avoid problems when disabling services, it is advisable to keep the registry branch responsible for starting system services. To do this, do the following:
Start - Run - regedit - OK... The Windows Registry will start.
In the registry, follow the path:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \\ SYSTEM \\ CurrentControlSet \\ Services:
Select the folder in the left column Services

and through the menu File - Export - Save this thread.
4. You can also, before disconnecting anything create a system restore point... Because, if something goes wrong after your actions, then you can always roll back.

5. Now we find in the list of services Connected User Functionality and Telemetry (Connected User Experiences and Telemetry), and open it "Properties".

5. Stop the service "Functionality for connected
users and telemetry "
and then change it Launch type - "Disabled".

6. Next, let's see how this can be done using Group policies.
How to improve system security using Group Policies read
We go into group policies: Win + R - gpedit.msc (administrator rights required)
next Computer Configuration - Administrative Templates - Windows components - Builds for data collection and pre-builds - Allow telemetry - Disabled.

7. Finally, we will consider, now, how to disable telemetry using registry.
How to clear the "tails" from a remote program in the registry read
Start - Run - regedit
Next, you need to go to the registry key:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \\ SOFTWARE \\ Policies \\ Microsoft \\ Windows \\ DataCollection
If a such a section no, thenit needs to be created. To do this, click PKMby Microsoft and choose create a section - DataCollection.

Now you also need to create and new DWORD parameter on 32 bit entitled AllowTelemetry in right parts of the registry. For this highlight Paintworkparameter DataCollection and on the right side registry (RMB), create dWORD parameteron 32 a bit called AllowTelemetry and the value 0.

We reboot the operating system.
After rebooting, we make sure that Telemetry disabled.

This is of course not all the settings for disabling followers. windows functions 10 and the continuation of this topic will be. Here I deliberately did not begin to talk in detail about programs to disable surveillance in Windows 10... We will discuss this in a separate article.
Here we examined how you can turn off telemetry using the OS itself.
Below in the screenshot you can see that Telemetry turns on again after every update systems. Here I turned off tracking using the program O&O ShutUp10.

Therefore, after each system update, telemetry has to be turned off again.

How to speed up and recover windows performance 10 read
Which services can be disabled inWindows 10 read
This is of course not all the settings for disabling tracking in Windows 10and judging by the fact
as this topic deeply affected users, there will be a continuation of this topic.
If there are any additions, please ask questions for discussion.

We remind you that attempts to repeat the author's actions can lead to the loss of the hardware warranty and even to its failure, as well as to problems in the operation of the software and OS. The material is provided for informational purposes only. If you are going to reproduce the steps described below, we strongly advise you to carefully read the article to the end at least once. 3DNews editors are not responsible for any possible consequences.

Hot discussions about Microsoft's desire to know more about its users and to control them stricter have not abated for about a year. It all started with the fact that the company began to supply a number of updates for current versions Windows OS that added telemetry-collecting functions to the system various information about the activities of the user and his programs. Strictly speaking, such systems have been widespread for a long time, but for the end user their use is often not required. Although, of course, many manufacturers include these functions by default.

In the case of Windows, the main complaints are as follows. Firstly, telemetry is turned on without explicit notification of the user (however, few people look at the detailed description of the next update). Secondly, turning it off is not easy. Formally, it is the user himself who is “guilty”, since such things are always prescribed in licenses and confidentiality agreements. But again, few people read them, and even fewer understand what exactly they say. However, for the sake of Windows 10 Microsoft, it seems, is ready and not for such sacrifices. Yes, yes, in many ways this whole telemetry venture is connected with the desire to better prepare for the deployment of a new OS.

Unfortunately, on the wave, we will not be afraid of this word, hysteria and paranoia - largely unfounded - a lot of instructions have appeared on the web, which are not always, to put it mildly, correct. For example, recommendations to completely discard OS updates are bad from a security standpoint. Advice on completely isolating PCs from Microsoft networks by adding many rules to the firewall and the hosts file is also harmful. In this case, the user will be inaccessible and very useful services like FixIt wizards and other service systems. Suggestions to delve into the registry or group policies are no better - an error there is fraught with more serious consequences.

So you have to find some balance between comfort and privacy. How to do this, read on. The manual has been compiled specifically for untrained users.

How to turn off telemetry in Windows 7, Windows 8 and 8.1

Before interfering with the system, it is recommended to create a restore point just in case. In the control panel, go to the "System" section and click on the "System protection" item in the left panel. In the window that opens, on the tab with the same name at the bottom, click the "Create" button, enter any name for the restore point and click "Create" in the same place. If something goes wrong after the manipulations described below, then in the same section you can click the "Restore" button and, following the instructions of the wizard, roll back the system state to the point that was created in the previous step.

Now we proceed to the main stage. The most obvious and fairly painless step is to refuse to participate in the software improvement program. To do this, go to the "Support Center -\u003e Configure the Support Center -\u003e Software Quality Improvement Options" section in the Control Panel and unsubscribe from this program. Please note that hereinafter, all operations will require administrator rights.

The second stage is the forced shutdown of various scheduler tasks. To do this, select the "Administration" item in the control panel, and in it open the "Task Scheduler" snap-in. The Microsoft -\u003e Windows -\u003e Application Experience section has the following tasks: AITAgent, ProgramDataUpdater, and Microsoft Compatibility Appraiser (not all). All three must be selected and in the menu by right-clicking on the mouse, select the "Disable" item. Similarly, you need to disable the Consolidator, KernelCEIPTask, UsbCEIP tasks in the Microsoft -\u003e Windows -\u003e Customer Experience Improvement Program section. Finally, the last point is to disable the Proxy task in the Microsoft -\u003e Windows -\u003e Autochk section.

If you honestly installed all the sent Microsoft updates OS, then you probably already have the Diagnostics Tracking Service or its descendant Connected User Experiences and Telemetry running. It must be disabled - in the section "Administrative Tools of the Control Panel" open the "Services" snap-in and find the required one in the list. Press the "Stop" button, select the startup type "Disabled", then press "Apply".

The next step is to remove some of the OS updates. To do this, in the list of all programs we find the "Standard" or "Service" folder, and in it the item " Command line". In the menu, right-click on it, select "Run as administrator". In the window that opens, execute the following commands one by one:

Wusa / uninstall / kb: 3068708 / quiet / norestart wusa / uninstall / kb: 3022345 / quiet / norestart wusa / uninstall / kb: 3075249 / quiet / norestart wusa / uninstall / kb: 3080149 / quiet / norestart wusa / uninstall / kb: 2976978 / quiet / norestart

Thus, you can get rid of some of the extra software that adds telemetry to the OS. So that these updates do not bother you in the future, you need to change some settings. First, in the control panel in the "Center windows updates -\u003e Configure settings "switch the installation option to" Download updates, but the decision to install is made by me "or" Look for updates, but the decision to download and install is made by me. " The first option is easier, since Windows itself will notify about the availability of updates and all that remains is to select the ones you need. In the same place, you must uncheck the box "Receive recommended updates in the same way as important updates."

Now you need to go back, start the search for updates and view the proposed list. The list will partially contain those updates that were removed at the previous stage - you need to carefully look at the KB numbers for each of them. If they are included in the list, then they must be hidden. It is enough to select the appropriate item in the menu by right-clicking for each of these updates. Unfortunately, Microsoft returns these updates periodically, even if they were hidden. Therefore, it is best to check the list each time, as well as carefully read the description of the updates, for which you need to select any of them and click on the "Details" link in the right panel - an article with a detailed description will open in the browser. Alas, you will have to do this regularly and, moreover, watch the news feeds - suddenly the Redmond giant decides to add some more not very pleasant OS update.

After completing all the manipulations, the system must be rebooted.

How to turn off the intrusive prompt to upgrade to Windows 10

Some users are anxiously awaiting the end of July 2016, as it is at this moment that the program for the free upgrade from Windows 7/8 / 8.1 to Windows 10 will be terminated, and therefore they cherish the hope that Microsoft will lag behind them and will no longer offer nothing. If you are already tired of this offer, then you will need to repeat the last two steps with removing updates, hiding them and then monitoring what Microsoft offers. Only this time the list of commands will be like this:

Wusa / uninstall / kb: 3123862 / quiet / norestart wusa / uninstall / kb: 3044374 / quiet / norestart wusa / uninstall / kb: 3035583 / quiet / norestart wusa / uninstall / kb: 2952664 / quiet / norestart wusa / uninstall / kb: 2990214 / quiet / norestart

How to turn off telemetry in Windows 10

With Windows 10, everything is easier and more complex at the same time. Easier, because there is a ready-made solution from the well-known developer O&O Software. And it's more difficult due to the fact that Microsoft regularly releases new OS assemblies, so you will have to repeat the procedure described below regularly. So, the easiest way to get rid of telemetry in Windows 10 is using the app with the self-explanatory name O&O ShutUp10. After downloading and unpacking the archive with the program, you must run it with administrator rights from the menu by right-clicking the mouse. In the "Options" menu, you must first select the item "Create a system restore point", and then the item "Apply all recommended settings" (with a green checkmark). If everything suits you, then you can restart the system.

However, it is recommended to disable some items manually at your discretion by switching the slider on the left to the "red" position. By clicking on each item, it opens more or less detailed description, from which you can understand whether you need to leave it on. Among the items that do not add much privacy, but prevent comfortable work can, we highlight the following:

  • Reveal Password Button - Some users may find it helpful to view the password as they type.
  • Sene Wi-Fi Group - Not too secure, but really convenient function to exchange information about wireless networks.
  • Camera on login screen - On tablets it is more convenient to leave this feature on for quick capture.
  • Access of applications to the user account - strictly speaking, if you disable this function, then some applications, especially games, may not work.
  • Section "Synchronization windows settings"- a very controversial set of options, since synchronizing settings, especially between several PCs, is really convenient.
  • Location Service Team - In practice, this feature can be useful for geolocation in many applications.
  • Updating using P2P technologies - it is wiser in the OS settings to allow this function to work only for local networkrather than turning it off completely.

Finally, the last thing recommended is to go through all the "Privacy" items from the "Options" section of the main menu. At each point, you need to carefully review the permissions for individual applications and disable access to certain system capabilities.

Only the lazy has not heard about the espionage inclinations of "Windows 10" in modern realities. But the worst thing is that Microsoft in every possible way prevents the possibility of disabling the spyware functionality of the "dozens", hiding options to disable it deep in the bowels of the operating system. This behavior of the Redmond company leads to the fact that users are increasingly paying attention to alternative operating systems (from the Linux family). And some are trying by all means to disable telemetry in Windows 10 and to stop Microsoft's brazen attempts to encroach on their personal space. But turning off telemetry isn't easy. To do this, you need to know something. In this article we will talk about how you can prevent Windows from spying on a user. But first, a few words about why Microsoft needs it.

Why is Microsoft spying on users?

The answer to this question is ambiguous. Based on the claims of the company representatives from Redmond, they need telemetry and so on in order to provide the user with a better product. Based on this information, developers supposedly improve the properties of their operating system. They make it more user friendly. This statement has very little to do with the truth. Otherwise, turning off Windows 10 telemetry would have been a piece of cake. Much more convincing is the version that the company provides all information about a particular user upon request from the relevant authorities. And in this regard, privacy is very much needed. In fact, it is not known what the company is doing with the flow of information coming to it.

Why is this happening?

The worst thing is that there can be no claims against Microsoft. At one point license agreement, which is offered for reading when installing the operating system, there is a tricky subparagraph. It obliges the user to agree that Microsoft will collect information about the computer for its own purposes. Without scoring these very goals. Like this. Everything is according to the law. Moreover, in the new versions of the license agreement, the user is completely prohibited from turning off Windows 10 telemetry and the update center. That is, the theft of personal information of users has become fully legalized. However, no one wants to put up with this. And so we will analyze the most effective ways disabling telemetry in the top ten.

How can telemetry be turned off?

Each user should understand that it is impossible in principle to completely disable telemetry. This can only be done by cool hackers by hacking the OS and using certain scripts. Regular user can only block spyware modules. But with fresh update they can turn on. So how do you turn off Windows 10 telemetry?

  • Configuring privacy settings. In this section of "Options" you can disable some spyware modules. But this is just the tip of the iceberg.
  • Disable updates. In theory, this action will help counter the ten's espionage activities. But that's not all.
  • Disable services. If you disable all the services responsible for collecting and sending information, you can already significantly harm the OS spyware.
  • Blocking spy IP. Blocking the IP addresses of servers to which Windows sends data is the final chord.
  • Using specialized utilities... There are programs that are created just to eliminate dozens of spyware modules.

All of the above is what you can do with Windows 10 spy modules. That's all for now. Nothing else can be done. But even this will reduce the amount of information collected and sent to a minimum. So, let's try to disable Windows 10 telemetry.

Configuring privacy settings

Each Windows operating system has privacy settings. They determine the amount of information collected and sent. But you can't just disable the Windows 10 telemetry service using these settings. But you can limit the collection of information by the system. What do I need to do? Follow these steps:

  1. Open the "Start" menu and click the "Options" icon.
  2. Next, select the "Privacy" tab.
  3. In the "General" block, disable all options for collecting information. Starting with ad ID.
  4. In the "Location" tab, disable the definition for all applications.
  5. Repeat the action for all other tabs ("Camera", "Handwriting input", "Microphone" and so on).
  6. We click on the item "Reviews and diagnostics".
  7. We select the "Main" data volume and disable the ability of applications to work in background.
  8. Restart your computer to apply the changes.

That's all. Now the operating system "Windows 10" will collect information to a minimum. This option is also suitable for Windows 10 LTSB. Disabling telemetry in it is as easy as in the regular OS version. Its difference lies only in the fact that it is devoid of Metro applications and uses extremely stable and proven updates. Now let's move on to the second stage of disabling telemetry.

Disable updates

Even if it turned out to turn off telemetry in Windows 10, the OS utility for finding and installing updates can turn them on again. And all efforts will be in vain. In order to prevent this from happening, it is recommended to disable automatic update systems. Moreover, in recent times updates from Microsoft only harm the computer: they cause blue screens death, then delete user data. So it won't get any worse. To disable updates, do the following.

  1. Open the "Control Panel" OS.
  2. We click the item "Administration".
  3. We select a sub-item of the service and wait for the list to load.
  4. Scroll through the above list to the end, find the item "Windows Update" and double-click on it.
  5. In the startup type line, change "Automatic" to "Disabled".
  6. Click the "Stop" button.
  7. We save everything by clicking on the "Apply" and "OK" buttons.

Automatic operating system updates are now disabled. It is worth considering that in this case, Windows will not be able to update the driver either. Everything will have to be done manually. But you can be sure that the settings for prohibiting spyware will not be reset. Even on Windows 10 Enterprise LTSB. There is only one way to disable telemetry in this version of Windows: prohibit the launch of the corresponding services. When updated, they would turn on again. And so - everything is in order. However, let's move on to the next step.

Disable services

How do I turn off telemetry in Windows 10 Home (and other "stripped-down" operating systems)? Very simple. It is enough to get involved in the services that collect information. Of course, after disabling them, the OS will swear, but this is treated by simply disabling the notification center. But telemetry will be severely limited. And this is the most important task at the moment. So what needs to be done? Here is the sequence of actions:

  1. Open the "Start" menu.
  2. We are looking for "Control Panel" and open it by clicking.
  3. Click on "Administration".
  4. We select "Services".
  5. In the list of services, look for "Connected User Functionality and Telemetry" and double-click on the name.
  6. Set the startup type to "Disabled".
  7. Click the "Stop" button.
  8. Save the changes by pressing the "Apply" and "OK" buttons.
  9. We reboot the PC or laptop to apply the created changes.

In theory, after disabling this service, all Windows 10 spy activities should be suppressed. This is how you can turn off telemetry Windows 10 LTSC, "Home" and other operating systems with limited functionality. However, this is not all. The point is that the OS continues to communicate with telemetry servers. And for a complete disconnection, you need to block these connections.

Blocking spy IP

So how do you turn off Windows 10 telemetry completely? To do this, you need to block all IP-addresses by which this brainchild of Microsoft communicates with the company's servers. The trouble is, it's hard to do it manually. However, "craftsmen" have created various applications that can do this. The best one is Destroy Windows 10 Spying.

Using Destroy Windows 10 Spying to Block

The program blocks IP addresses in two directions: creates up-to-date rules in windows firewall and adds the required addresses to system file hosts. In addition, the utility can remove all Metro applications, disable automatic updates and the useless Windows Defender. However, back to blocking. What needs to be done to implement this process? First, download the program from the official website. No installation is required. And then you need to perform certain actions:

  1. We launch the DWS program using the appropriate executable file.
  2. In the main window, immediately go to the "Settings" tab.
  3. Here we mark only the item "Add spy domains to hosts and Windows Firewall".
  4. We return to the main window and press the big button "Destroy Windows 10 Spying".
  5. The selected settings are applied immediately. The progress will be displayed on the blue background of the console.
  6. Upon completion of the process, the utility will display a message about the need to restart the operating system. Click "OK".

After restarting, Windows 10 will no longer covertly communicate with Microsoft servers. This way you can permanently disable telemetry in Windows 10. Destroy Windows 10 Spying will help you deal with all spy IP addresses. Although she is capable of more.

We use specialized utilities

In fact, there are many programs that help the user to completely disable spyware modules in Windows 10. Using them is much easier than trying to manually disable telemetry in Windows 10. A utility specifically designed for this case knows better where and what to disable. At the moment, there are several of the most acceptable applications of this kind:

  • Destroy Windows 10 Spying. The already mentioned program, capable of uninstalling all Metro applications (user-selectable), blocking Microsoft IP addresses, turning off Automatic Updates and Security Center, preventing Windows Defender from starting, and much more. At the moment it is the most popular application for blocking spyware options "dozens".
  • O&O ShutUp. An even more advanced program for disabling Windows 10 espionage. Has in its asset many settings for the behavior of the operating system, can also disable and uninstall Metro applications, block IP addresses and do much more.
  • Ashampoo Anti-Spy. Even this legendary developer did not stand aside. The program from Ashampoo has a very rich functionality, but there is one very noticeable drawback: you will have to pay a decent amount to use the application.


All of the above applications may well turn off Windows 10 telemetry completely. Even free versions programs that do not require installation. For many users, this option will be preferable, since you do not need to do everything yourself. But it is worth using these applications with a certain degree of caution: they often turn out to be infected with malicious objects.


So, we have considered the question of how to disable Windows 10 telemetry. There are several ways to do this, even using specialized utilities. The latter option is preferable for novice users. This will ensure that the main components of the operating system are not damaged. But you can also try manual methods.

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