What to do if a blue screen appears on a laptop. Blue screen on laptop what to do

Almost any user had to, if not encounter, then certainly hear about such a thing as the "Windows blue screen of death." This topic is vast, so read it carefully! In this article we will discuss what the blue screen of death is, what to do in this situation, and of course, I will try to show everything clearly. The name of this phenomenon was invented exactly what it needs - frightening and memorable. In today's article, I will take a closer look at the causes of the blue screen of death, as well as possible solutions to this problem.

The Blue Screen of Death is a serious problem that drives PC users into a stupor. Before you start reading the article, I recommend that you postpone all your affairs and so that no one distracts you. If you understand the essence of the occurrence and solution of this problem, then in practice it will be much easier. I have already been contacted with this problem more than once, and there have even been situations when in their practice administrators did not know what to do when a blue screen occurred. Instead, they told users that they needed to replace the system unit completely. WHAT? If you are told so, then remove the noodles from your ears and read the article to the end.

What is this mistake

As a result of a problem, the operating system (OS), being unable to correct the error on its own, urgently shuts down. Naturally, no user data is saved (open documents, etc.). The only thing that Windows manages to do is write information to the log and create a dump file, if the settings specify the creation of this file when such errors occur.

To avoid unfair accusations against Windows, I will immediately make a reservation: the blue screen of death does not appear without serious reasons, and shutting down in such a situation is the only way out.

The blue screen of death looks like this:

From the screenshot, I think it is clear where the word "blue" came from in the title. As for "death", it means the death of the operating system, that is, its inevitable reboot, and in some cases, reinstallation. In practice, most of the causes of blue screens of death are successfully eliminated without reinstalling the OS, provided, of course, a timely and correct response. Most importantly, you need to understand where the legs grow from. I mean, if you don't know why the blue screen of death appears, then the problem is difficult to solve.

What is Windows telling us on the horrible blue screen of death?

To make it easier to understand, I will conditionally divide it into several blocks and describe each separately (for those who know English, self-understanding most of it will not be difficult).

1. Here Windows reports that the problem has been found, and to prevent damage to the computer, the system had to be shut down urgently.

2. The type of error is indicated here. There are a limited number of them, and for each such error, information can be easily found on the Internet.

3. In this part, the OS informs about the possible causes of the problem, and also gives some recommendations for eliminating the problem.

4. In the section with the name "Technical information" the error code is indicated, and it is also possible to indicate the name of the problem driver (more details below).

After reviewing the blue screen, you should understand what this error is or find out about the file that may be listed on the screen.

Causes of the Blue Screen of Death

The Blue Screen of Death can appear for a variety of reasons.

The most common reason is drivers. This includes drivers that are incompatible with each other or with the operating system, and other failures associated with them.

In this case, I have a little story, this information is not only for you to read and forget !!! In this story, you will learn how the blue screen of death problem is solved.

I once worked as an administrative assistant and maintained a fleet of 80 computers. On almost 20 computers, the blue screen of death appeared from time to time. When I asked the administrator about the reasons for such a misfortune, he just shrugged his shoulders and said that he did not understand at all what was going on (I think he just did not want to understand). After his answer, it became interesting for me to find the essence of the problem myself.

First of all, I looked at what error appeared on the screen, then wrote down the error code and the name of the file on a piece of paper, which was pointed to by the blue screen of death. After wandering around the Internet a little, I found out that this file is used for Wi-Fi adapters. After that, I made a small detour of the problem computers, and made sure that they all really work in the network via Wi-Fi adapters.

Then I decided to find out what drivers the administrator installs when connecting these devices. His answer drove me to a dead end. It turned out that he was installing the drivers that came with the equipment. After that, I spent 2 hours, but still found the topic of interest to me on the Internet. It turned out that these very devices are buggy with standard drivers.

It's strange, because D-link is considered one of the best, but in fact it turns out that it supplies drivers for adapters that do not work with them. By that time, a topic with a similar problem was already created on the manufacturer's forum d-link. And for about 2 years this problem has existed among many users of these adapters.

To get out of our situation, it was decided to use other drivers (from other developers). We installed them on the problem computer and asked the user to be sure to notify us in case of a blue screen of death. Of course, I didn't know what drivers to install instead of the official ones. Having read all the topics on the forum completely, I found a dozen reviews that tried another driver (now I don't remember which one) and they solved this problem.

A few days later, he did not call, did not come to us, which means that there were no more problems! After making sure that everything was fine with his computer, we installed this driver on all computers and users breathed a sigh of relief.

Problems with the hardware of the computer.

Often hardware problems are more likely a consequence, but the cause may be overheating of components. It also includes hardware, memory, or hard drive problems that have occurred on your own.

Problems with programs.

The screen of death can be called by antivirus applications and various emulators. Also, sometimes viruses become the cause of the appearance of the blue screen of death, this does not happen often, but it also occurs.

What do we have to do

First, you need to prepare in advance for potential problems. Windows is configured by default so that the death screen appears for only a couple of seconds, after which the computer automatically restarts.

However, this does not give us the opportunity to have time to write down the error data, which does not suit us at all.

Note: if it does not reboot automatically, then use the "Power" button.

It will be enough for us to configure Windows so that it does not automatically reboot. Thus, we can understand why the blue screen of death appears. Since in this error, you can read the error code or file that is to blame for the blue screen of death. After that, the Internet will help us. For this setting, you need to do the following:

On Windows XP: "Start" - "Settings" - "Control Panel" - "System" - "Advanced" - "Startup and Recovery" - "Options" - "System Failure". In the window that appears, you need to uncheck the "Perform automatic restart" box, and in the "Record debug information" block, select "Small memory dump", and click "OK".

On Windows Vista / 7: "Start" - "Control Panel" - "System and Security" - "System" - "Advanced System Settings". In the window that appears, select the "Advanced" tab, the "Startup and Recovery" subsection, and click the "Options" button, all that remains is to uncheck the "Perform automatic reboot" box, enable a small memory dump and click "OK".

You can also get into this window by right-clicking on "Computer" - select "Properties" - on the left click "Advanced system settings" - go to the "Advanced" tab - for me this method seems easier.

Secondly, when the blue "enemy" first appears, you need to write down the data from the blue screen on paper. This data can help in finding the cause of the problem.

And thirdly, let's show you how to remove the blue screen of death.

You need to understand that the screen of death appears much more often after some user action than by itself. Therefore, the first thing to do is to try to return the computer to the state in which it was stable.

If no special manipulations with the computer were carried out, that is, you just worked, and suddenly “He” appeared, you will have to look for answers on the Internet. Since the most common cause of BSODs are drivers, the first priority is to find the name of the faulty driver.

If the information was indicated on the death screen itself, then in this case we only need to find a description of the error or problem that the driver caused. To do this, simply enter the name of the faulty file known to us in any search engine. Thus, we find out what kind of file it is. For example, if this file is needed for the video card to work, then you need to remove the video card driver and download a new one from the office. manufacturer's website.

Otherwise, you need to start the search with the data that you manually rewrote. Using this information, you can roughly navigate the possible reasons. If you didn't manage to find out anything useful, we proceed to the analysis of the memory dump.

Do not install various assemblies that were made by unknown authors. If your neighbor Uncle Vasya even advised you to install his assembly, then my advice to you is - DO NOT DO THAT! It is better to install a full-fledged original Windows distribution and you will be happy.

If no problems with the drivers were identified, you need to check the hardware components of the computer, which can be the cause of the blue screen of death. First of all, this is RAM, hard drive or overheating of any system components (video card or processor). You can use the AIDA program to check the temperature.

If you think there is a problem with the hardware, then borrow this part from your friend from his computer and install it on yours. After making sure that this particular part is unstable on your computer, you can then buy it in the store.

I recommend the MemTest86 program to check the RAM, and the Victoria program to check the hard disk (I will describe in detail the work of these programs in separate articles). In addition, it does not hurt to perform a full virus scan by first updating the virus signature database.

Let me remind you that a dump is a file that is created at the time of the problem and contains a detailed description of the state of the system at the time of the error, and, therefore, can tell about the cause of the failure.

Let's imagine a situation where your friend has a blue screen of death. He doesn't understand what it is and why the blue screen of death appeared. Naturally, he turns off the computer and tries to find out from friends what it was. Of course, he did not write anything on a piece of paper, that is, he does not know what was written, but as you already know, in order to solve this problem you need to know why the error appeared.

Just for this, there are special programs with which you can find out what the reason was. Now even if you are in another city, you know how you can help your friend. You can use Debugging Tools for Windows or BlueScreenView to view the contents of the dump.

Let's take the BlueScreenView program as an example and figure out how to view the dumps. You can download the utility here. If you need information from the official site, then here is the link http://www.nirsoft.net/utils/blue_screen_view.html

Now we run the file "BlueScreenView.exe".

If there are no lines at the top, then your computer has not crashed.

I didn't have a blue screen of death and so I had to borrow it;). So now we have a dump that will help us understand how this program works.

To point to the dump I have, I need to make changes to the program. To do this, I press "Settings" - "Additional parameters" or "CRTL" + "O".

Click "Browse" and indicate where our dump is located.

Note: If the program is on the problem computer, then nothing needs to be changed.

Now we see which files caused the error. Click on the line with the right mouse button and select "Properties".

How to install a driver and what is a driver ".

I hope now you will not have any difficulties in solving the blue screen of death problem.

See you soon!

A must-see video, because there is something that cannot be told in words:

Most laptop users are faced with a situation where the computer issues the so-called blue screen of death or BSOD. First you need to know: the blue screen of death is nothing more than a critical error message.

In other words, when a blue screen with inscriptions appears when you turn on the laptop, this is the first reason that should force you to find the malfunction that has occurred. It happens that the information about the error appears once and then the laptop works fine, but this is rare.

In most cases, to restore normal operation of the computer, you will need to understand the causes of the problem and only then fix them.


A blue screen on a laptop with an error message appears when the code is not executed correctly in kernel mode.

Consider what causes the problem leading to the appearanceBSOD:

  • hardware malfunction;
  • conflict or incompatibility of software or hardware;
  • overheat;
  • inappropriate drivers or errors in them;
  • errors in BIOS configuration;
  • lack of free space on hard disk
  • malware;
  • incorrect overclocking.

It is easy to see that there are many reasons why the blue screen of death pops up. Based on its own statistics, Microsoft reports that about 70% of BSOD cases are associated with problematic drivers.

A certain percentage of errors arise from applications that execute their own code in kernel mode. If such programs do not work correctly, a blue screen of death also appears.

The main types of applications that need to run their own code in kernel mode are:

  • antivirus software;
  • programs for recording information on CD- or DVD-disks;
  • firewalls;
  • virtual disks.

Video: Blue Screen of Death: Causes


Very often, the appearance of BSOD indicates serious problems with the laptop hardware or drivers. Therefore, it will not be possible to postpone the decision.

You can try to solve the problem yourself by following these tips:

Carrying out these procedures in most cases will help solve the problem with the emerging blue screens of death. If they continue to appear, then you should pay attention to the error codes. It is they that allow you to determine what it means when a BSOD appears.

Error codes

Each BSOD displays a hexadecimal error code. By remembering it, you can determine the cause of the problems and, if possible, solve it.

Let's consider the most common error codes that appear on a blue background:

There are actually a huge number of error codes. Each of them is described in sufficient detail in specialized documentation. When diagnosing a malfunction, you will have to refer to it in most cases.

The error is not always caused by the problem described. For example, Windows 8 users can very often see error code 0xc0000001. At first glance, this error indicates a problem with the RAM. However, in most cases, you can fix it by running Windows Recovery.

You can try to fix the error with code 0xc0000001 in the following way:

  • when turning on the computer, press the SHIFT + F8 key combination;
  • in the See advanced repair options section, select Troubleshoot;
  • go to the Advanced options section and click on the Windows Startup Settings button;
  • restart the computer using the "Restart" item.

How to view the error message if the system reboots

It is quite common in Windows settings to set the mandatory restart on failure option. In this case, the user usually cannot read the error information.

Resolve an issue with a reboot preventing reading the messageBSOD can be done in two ways:

Dump is a file that stores information about the error that occurred. It can be used to diagnose the problem, since it contains information about which driver caused the BSOD.

It is not possible to open dump files and view error codes and drivers that caused them by means of the operating system. This will require installing additional applications such as debugging + kdfe or BlueScreenView.

The debugging + kdfe package runs in console mode. After installing it, run the command: kdfe "% systemroot% \\ Minidump \\ dump file name.dmp". As a result of the command, you can find the driver that caused the error and reinstall or update it.

A program called BlueScreenView has a graphical interface. When you start the application for the first time, you need to specify the dump folder. After highlighting the file generated when the error occurred, you can also view the driver that caused the error.

Usually, dumps are stored in the Minidump subfolder of the Windows system directory, but the user can, if desired, change their location in the operating system settings.

It is recommended to disable automatic restart in case of system failure, since the BSOD screen can also provide additional information about the error, which facilitates further diagnostics.

You can disable automatic restart by referring to the "System Failure" section.

In order to open it to Windows 7 users, you must sequentially open the following items:

  • start;
  • control Panel;
  • system;
  • additional system parameters;
  • parameters;
  • system failure.

Note. The System Failure tab also enables or disables dump recording and specifies the folder for storing them.

In most cases, the user can independently diagnose and fix the error that led to the error message. In addition, regular computer maintenance can help reduce its occurrence.

Hello. Even with a careful attitude to computer technology, various problems may arise. Sometimes they are able to drive even an experienced specialist into a dead end. For instance,

blue screen when turning on the computer without inscriptions. What does that mean? I will tell you about this and other "mysterious" faults in this article.

Over the years, I have learned how to solve various problems, but sometimes I have to look for answers on the forums, because I have to face very interesting problems. Let's consider some of them.

Blank blue screen when turning on computer

There may be several reasons:

  • Installing a conflicting Windows update;
  • Incorrect device drivers;
  • Viruses;
  • Disconnecting the PC while installing updates.

First, you can try to call the "Task Manager" by pressing simultaneously Ctrl + Esc + Shift. Then we select "File" - "New task" from the menu. And launch "Explorer" by typing the command in the input line: explorer.exe.

If it does not work, then you should restart your computer and enter "Safe Mode". To do this, you need to press F8 on the keyboard immediately after starting the system. A menu should appear, where we select the appropriate item:

When Windows starts, you need to eliminate the source of the problem:

  • Scan disks for viruses;
  • Remove "fresh" drivers (if you think that they are the ones that caused the error);
  • Uninstall recently installed applications.

As a last resort, roll back to one of the restore points. The details of this process are described in the article at the link.

We act similarly in the case when a black screen appears and there is no reaction. Although there may be some nuances here, depending on the moment of manifestation of the defect. Find out more now.

Black screen at the start of loading

It may indicate a serious hardware type malfunction that will entail repair work. What could be the reasons?

  • Overheating of the chipset, leading to malfunctions of the south and north bridges;
  • The video card is out of order. In this case, the system can boot, you will hear sounds, but on the screen there is only "darkness". For a stationary PC, you can try to connect a known working video adapter. With a laptop, everything is complicated - you have to carry it to the service.
  • The operation of the display backlight lamp is interrupted, or the loop is damaged / disconnected. You may have been cleaning your laptop and accidentally damaged (unplugged) the cable from the motherboard to the screen. The test method is very simple - connect an external monitor to the laptop. If it works, then that is not the problem.
  • Failure in RAM. I recommend completely disconnecting the PC from the network, removing the cover and trying to pull the RAM bars out of the slots. Look for signs of oxidation on them. Then insert them neatly into place and start the computer.

For some laptop manufacturers (for example, HP), the following situation is typical: a black screen and Caps Lock flashes.

It turns out that this is intended for troubleshooting purposes. Here is the decoding of the "signals" by the number of flashes:

  • 1 - a problem with the processor;
  • 2 - the input / output system is damaged (BIOS does not turn on);
  • 3 - malfunction of the RAM;
  • 4 - the graphics card (or controller) does not work;
  • 5 - chipset failure;
  • 6 - BIOS cannot be authenticated.

If a black screen appears with inscriptions in English, then this is often due to a hard drive failure. The system simply does not see it. To check this version, you need to enter the BIOS. In most cases, this is achieved by pressing the F2 / F12 / Del keys at the very beginning of the PC boot.

In BIOS, you should check if the computer sees the HDD. This information is displayed on the main window. You should see the name of the drive next to SATA.

If nothing is indicated there, then it follows:

  • Or take the laptop to the service;
  • Or you can disassemble it yourself, check the quality of the connection, remove the disk and connect it to a known working system.

Turn on - turn off

I have repeatedly encountered a similar phenomenon, when after starting the PC the cooler turns on for 2 seconds and turns off. If the fan starts, then the reason is not in the cooling system, but in the power supply or a damaged battery.

For a laptop, try removing the battery and connecting the cable directly. Everything should work. In the stationary version, you will have to try to connect another unit (working).

Another situation is also possible: the fan noise is not heard, and the system automatically "stalls". This clearly indicates a non-working cooler, which leads to the activation of the protective mechanism.

Just a squeak ...

If you start the computer, and it beeps and does not turn on, then you are faced with a hardware failure. In the best case, it will be enough to fix the cable connecting the monitor to the video card, or pull out / insert the memory module. But it all depends on the nature of the squeak, which indicates a specific error. I recommend looking at this document with a decryption of all possible options for different BIOS versions:

Download: All BIOS beepsDescription of BIOS signals for different versions Downloaded: 125, Size: 10 Bytes, Date: 28. Jun 2016

Sincerely, Victor


What to do if a blue screen appears on a laptop


  • overheat;
  • errors in BIOS configuration;
  • malware;
  • incorrect overclocking.
  • antivirus software;
  • firewalls;
  • virtual disks.


Error codes

The debugging + kdfe package runs in console mode. After installing it, run the command: kdfe "% systemroot% Minidump dump file name.dmp". As a result of the command, you can find the driver that caused the error and reinstall or update it.

  • start;
  • control Panel;
  • system;
  • parameters;
  • system failure.


Blue screen of death on a laptop what to do?

If, while working on a laptop, the system suddenly stopped working and a blue screen appeared with information in English (on Russified Windows, starting from version 8 and higher, the message is displayed in Russian and is accompanied by a sad smile), then you are faced with a problem called blue screen of death, or otherwise stop error.

The appearance of the screen of death is a rather unpleasant situation that any owner of a personal computer can face. A malfunction often occurs at the most inopportune moment and is accompanied by the loss of some information. If the blue screen of death is constantly displayed on a laptop, what should I do in this case?

Reasons for the appearance of a blue screen on a laptop

When the operating system experiences a serious crash, due to which it cannot continue to work, the death screen is displayed, where the error data is displayed. After that, depending on the specified settings, the computer restarts or remains in this state (if there is a serious malfunction of one or more hardware elements, the laptop may not load the OS at all, whatever the parameters may be).

The main reasons for a stop error:

  • malfunctions in the functioning of software (often a malfunction occurs when several anti-virus utilities or firewalls are launched);
  • malfunction of drivers;
  • failures in the computer hardware.

In the latter case, a malfunction may appear due to incorrect operation of the RAM, video adapter, motherboard, hard drive, as well as a failure in the power circuit and even banal overheating.

Blue screen on a laptop - what to do

Write down the error code

When the screen of death appears, first of all, write down the name and error code, in the future they will be useful for solving the problem.

Reboot your laptop

By default, the laptop automatically reboots after a stop error occurs. If it doesn't, hold down the power key for a few seconds before shutting down. In the event that this measure does not help either, unplug the ac adapter and remove the battery, and then reinstall it.

Determine the cause of the problem and solve it

The next step is to determine the cause of the error, for this download the program called Errorka, run it and type the error code into the appropriate window. The utility will display the probable cause of the blue screen and how to solve the problem. If for some reason you cannot or do not want to use the utility, insert the name and error code into the search engine line, find the cause of the malfunction, and then, following the recommendations, fix it.

Blue screen on laptop when turned on

In case a stop error occurs when you turn on the laptop and the operating system does not start, proceed as follows:

  1. restart your computer;
  2. at startup, press the F8 key (this function is not available for Windows 10);
  3. select the Last Known Good Configuration line and press Enter.

If that doesn't work, do the first two steps again, then select "Safe Mode". After loading the operating system, return it to its previous state using the system restore function.

The above methods did not help - your laptop most likely has hardware issues and needs repair. Take it to the workshop, where specialists will provide qualified assistance.


Blue screen on a laptop - what to do if appeared, when turned on, error code 0xc0000001, which means 0x80070570

Most laptop users are faced with a situation where the computer issues the so-called blue screen of death or BSOD. First you need to know: the blue screen of death is nothing more than a critical error message.

In other words, when a blue screen with inscriptions appears when you turn on the laptop, this is the first reason that should force you to find the malfunction that has occurred. It happens that the information about the error appears once and then the laptop works fine, but this is rare.

In most cases, to restore normal operation of the computer, you will need to understand the causes of the problem and only then fix them.


A blue screen on a laptop with an error message appears when the code is not executed correctly in kernel mode.

Consider what causes the problem leading to the BSOD:

  • hardware malfunction;
  • conflict or incompatibility of software or hardware;
  • overheat;
  • inappropriate drivers or errors in them;
  • errors in BIOS configuration;
  • lack of free space on hard disk
  • malware;
  • incorrect overclocking.

It is easy to see that there are many reasons why the blue screen of death pops up. Based on its own statistics, Microsoft reports that about 70% of BSOD cases are associated with problematic drivers.

A certain percentage of errors arise from applications that execute their own code in kernel mode. If such programs do not work correctly, a blue screen of death also appears.

The main types of applications that need to run their own code in kernel mode are:

  • antivirus software;
  • programs for recording information on CD- or DVD-disks;
  • firewalls;
  • virtual disks.

Video: Blue Screen of Death: Causes


Very often, the appearance of BSOD indicates serious problems with the laptop hardware or drivers. Therefore, it will not be possible to postpone the decision.

You can try to solve the problem yourself by following these tips:

Carrying out these procedures in most cases will help solve the problem with the emerging blue screens of death. If they continue to appear, then you should pay attention to the error codes. It is they that allow you to determine what it means when a BSOD appears.

Error codes

Each BSOD displays a hexadecimal error code. By remembering it, you can determine the cause of the problems and, if possible, solve it.

Let's consider the most common error codes that appear on a blue background:

There are actually a huge number of error codes. Each of them is described in sufficient detail in specialized documentation. When diagnosing a malfunction, you will have to refer to it in most cases.

The error is not always caused by the problem described. For example, Windows 8 users can very often see error code 0xc0000001. At first glance, this error indicates a problem with the RAM. However, in most cases, you can fix it by running Windows Repair.

You can try to fix the error with code 0xc0000001 in the following way:

  • when turning on the computer, press the SHIFT + F8 key combination;
  • in the See advanced repair options section, select Troubleshoot;
  • go to the Advanced options section and click on the Windows Startup Settings button;
  • restart the computer using the "Restart" item.

How to view the error message if the system reboots

It is quite common in Windows settings to set the mandatory restart on failure option. In this case, the user usually cannot read the error information.

There are two ways to fix the problem with a restart that does not allow reading the BSOD message:

Dump is a file that stores information about the error that occurred. It can be used to diagnose the problem, since it contains information about which driver caused the BSOD.

It is not possible to open dump files and view error codes and drivers that caused them by means of the operating system. This will require installing additional applications such as debugging + kdfe or BlueScreenView.

The debugging + kdfe package runs in console mode. After installing it, run the command: kdfe "% systemroot% \\ Minidump \\ dump file name.dmp". As a result of the command, you can find the driver that caused the error and reinstall or update it.

A program called BlueScreenView has a graphical interface. When you start the application for the first time, you need to specify the dump folder. After highlighting the file generated when the error occurred, you can also view the driver that caused the error.

Usually, dumps are stored in the Minidump subfolder of the Windows system directory, but the user can, if desired, change their location in the operating system settings.

It is recommended to disable automatic restart in case of system failure, since the BSOD screen can also provide additional information about the error, which facilitates further diagnostics.

You can disable automatic restart by referring to the "System Failure" section.

In order to open it to Windows 7 users, you must sequentially open the following items:

  • start;
  • control Panel;
  • system;
  • additional system parameters;
  • parameters;
  • system failure.

Note. The System Failure tab also enables or disables dump recording and specifies the folder for storing them.

In most cases, the user can independently diagnose and fix the error that led to the error message. In addition, regular computer maintenance can help reduce its occurrence.


Blue Screen of Death - BSOD.

Sometimes users are faced with the fact that their image on the monitor turns blue and on this background inscriptions in English are visible or simply, some kind of gibberish from symbols and only the bottom of the text is read. In some cases, the blue screen of death only flickers and the computer restarts. For the screen to appear, you need to exit the F8 key in the boot mode selection menu and disable automatic system reboot. You can also use the recommendations outlined here.

When such a screen appears, the computer does not respond to mouse movements or keyboard manipulations, in other words, it freezes. This phenomenon is called "Blue Screen of Death" and in English "Blue Screen of Death" or BSOD for short. Despite the formidable name, you should not be afraid of this. This function is built into the Windows operating system specifically for cases of fatal failures in the operating system or malfunctions in the computer hardware, that is, in the "hardware". At the beginning of the message of the "blue screen of death" there are general discussions about what, in principle, can be the cause of the problems and the appearance of BSOD, and some recommendations for localizing the problem.

What to do when BSOD appears? Firstly, you need to restart your computer by pressing the Reset button, as failures are random and may not happen again. Secondly, you can try to boot using the F8 key in safe mode. If in safe mode the computer boots and works normally, then it is fair to assume that the point is in the drivers and modules that are additionally loaded in normal mode. The most common cause is device drivers that need to be disabled, uninstalled, and reinstalled the "correct" drivers. Or the device itself is faulty, which must be tried to be removed or disabled in the SETUP BIOS if it is integrated into the motherboard. You can read about driver installation here.

There are crashes with the appearance of BSOD due to incorrect settings in the SETUP BIOS. In this case it must be reset to initial settings. How to do it is described here. Before all actions, you must read and write down the most important lower part of the message after the word "STOP", as this is specific information about the problems that have occurred.

For the average BSOD user, most likely, only the error code that follows the word “STOP” can be useful. For example, STOP 0x0000000A followed by memory addresses in parentheses. Experts also call such STOP failures errors. You can find the decoding of STOP error codes on the Internet or download the manual from this site. As already noted, the causes of BSOD can be different software and hardware. For example, a broken RAM module, hard drive problems, motherboard malfunction, "wrong" drivers, the result of viruses, damage to the operating system, and others.

If you have a BSOD, you need to write down the error code and if you intend to solve the problem yourself, then find an interpretation of it. If it is possible to use the Internet, then I recommend driving the error code into the search engine query field and viewing the decryption of the codes not on one resource, but on several. Because the interpretations of codes are different, including from the personal experience of computer masters. In some cases, the BSOD message indicates the file that caused the error after the error code. These are usually driver files or Windows system files.

I most often encountered STOP error 0x000000ED. This usually means damage to the system partition of the hard drive and most often there is physical damage to the surface, although not always. The disease is in most cases curable even without reinstalling the operating system.

The STOP error 0x0000000A, 0x000000D1 is not uncommon, which means problems with the drivers. In this case, below there is usually an indication of the driver file that caused the error. The STOP 0x000000EA error specifically indicates a problem with the video adapter or its driver. Another common STOP error 0x0000007F appears usually due to problems with RAM. Other mistakes came across less often. As already noted, the description of errors can always be found on the Internet. If you have one computer, just in case, you can find a table with transcripts and print it out for yourself.

Of course, there are many reasons for the appearance of BSOD, and in some cases it is not possible to easily solve this problem. In addition, it is not always profitable for the user to understand these intricacies for the sake of one case, and perhaps it is better to entrust this matter to an experienced master.

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