Step by step reinstallation of windows xp. Installing Windows XP. Setting initial parameters

Reinstall Windows XP. Let's say you have a question about how to reinstall your Windows XP, you installed it a long time ago, performance has dropped, some programs do not start, many errors occur, and so on. Where to start, and we will start by copying important settings, folders and documents, from that section hard disk where will we reinstall operating system... After reinstalling Windows XP, they will all be lost.

Friends if you want , then our other article will help you.

Reinstall Windows XP

First, copy from your desktop and from the My Documents folders to a safe place everything that you do not want to lose: photos, music files, any documents. A safe place, such as a disk(D drive :). If you only have one logical drive (C :), then copy these folders to a USB flash drive or write to DVD disc, after reinstalling the system, you will need to return everything to its place.Further, the Application Data folder - the settings from the programs installed on your computer are stored here.

You can also copy the folders of your opera browsers and Mozilla Firefox, with all your bookmarks, contacts, classmates. Torrents with your hands, ratings and more.Of course, you have accumulated a lot of links in the Favorites folder, you shouldcopy it too.

Let me remind you in Windows XP all these folders are located in the folderC: \\ Documents and Settings ( your_username).For example, if you have Windows XP installedto (drive C :), and your username (by which you log in) isAlex, then our folder will be called C: \\ Documents andSettings \\ Alex.

If you use as mail program Outlook Express then all letters and addresses you receive are stored in a specific folder -C: \\ Documents and Settings \\ Petya \\ Local Settings \\ Application Data \\ Identities \\ (a set of letters and numbers) \\Microsoft \\ Outlook Express \\.

Next, we save your accounts and parameters mailboxes... From the Outlook Express menu, choose Tools\u003e Accounts. In the window that appears, clickon the Export button, call the file as we want, save it to a USB flash drive or another partition of the hard disk, after reinstalling it we will need it.We will start Outlook Express again and select import from the menu, not exportand specify the file to which you exported your accounts. Outlook Express will work just like before reinstalling Windows XP.

Driver Magician will copy the drivers from the system to all your devices: printers, scanners, video card and so on in special folder... After reinstallation Windows XP, you don't have to look for drivers for all your devices, you run the device wizard and specify the folder created by Driver Magician and the drivers will be installed automatically.

After starting the utility, you will be taken to its main window. Check all your devices and click (Start)

Driver Magician will ask you where to save the folder with drivers, save it only to a different partition where you will reinstall the system. Of course, the ideal option after reinstalling Windows XP is to download drivers for all devices on your computer on the Internet at the official websites of their manufacturers. Well, we finally got to the reinstallation itself, it is no different from the installation, here is an article from our site

Greetings to those who look at the site today, we will talk about how to reinstall Windows XP on your computer. In fact, there is nothing difficult in reinstalling the operating system, the main thing is to do it yourself at least once! So, let's get down to the solution of our question, gentlemen!

Before installing the operating system, you need to move the entire necessary information from system disk (the drive on which your version of windows is installed, as a rule, this is drive C) to any other location, for example, on a disk or USB drive, or on another system partition! Next, you need to take care of the correct boot of your computer, for the subsequent installation of the operating system. The fact is that during normal operation your computer boots from the hard drive. But when reinstalling the operating system, you need to boot, for example, from a DVD of your drive or from a USB drive, via USB port... Indeed, to reinstall the axis, we will need to boot from the Windows XP distribution kit in the form boot disk or bootable USB flash drives.

In order to change the boot priority of the computer, we need correct setting BIOS (a small program located on read-only memory). There is nothing wrong here: all you need to do is change one function. Thanks to this, the main boot will be performed from the installation disk.

Preparing to reinstall Windows XP

To enter the settings bIOS programs you should restart your computer, and when the initial black screen appears (you can identify it by running numbers and rapidly changing inscriptions), you must press the Delete button. If that doesn't work, then F10, shift + F2, or shift + F1. The key combination for getting into the BIOS interface may vary depending on which company you have motherboard... Each developer tries to make his own adjustments, which is undoubtedly not very convenient for an ordinary PC user.

Then a screen with many tabs will appear, among which there is an inscription Boot. Navigation is done with arrow keys. We move on to Boot. There the boot setting comes in. Moving up / down, we reach Boot Device Priority. We press the Enter key. A window for selecting the device from which the download will be carried out appears. In it again, use the up / down buttons to select the first boot device... Press Enter. The monitor will display a list of several devices, for example: IDE, CD ROM, HDD, 1st FLOPPY DRIVE, USB, DVD ROM.

Using the arrows, we get to the CD ROM or DVD ROM (i.e. to any device that will allow you to boot from the disk). Then press Enter again. Now our floppy drive is the first device on the priority list! We press on the keyboard F10. A small window will appear with an inscription asking about our consent / disagreement with saving the changes. We agree. To do this, using the arrows, select OK and Enter. All - The preliminary stage of the operating system installation is complete. Next comes the main installation process.

Reinstall Windows XP

After setting BIOS boot computer will start from the floppy drive. Therefore, in the DVD-ROM before starting, insert windows disk... We turn on the computer. If the message Press any key ... appears, press any key and start enjoying the process of installing OC This will start the installation process. The first thing you will see is blue screen with an inscription " Installing Windows".

Files will be automatically copied to hDD... You don't need to press anything here - just patience. Then a menu will appear, in which there will be 3 items to choose from: proceed with the installation, restore the system, or exit. We are interested in the first line. We press Enter.

Then the menu is waiting for us again. This time a list of partitions on the disk will be displayed. They represent the parts that your hard drive is divided into. Here you should select the location where Windows will be installed. Navigation is done by arrows. As a rule, section C is selected. You mark it, after which 3 lines will appear again: delete, create new area or install here. Press the Enter button after choosing the last option, we continue the installation process.

Now we should open a window with proposals for formatting (deleting information) or leaving everything as it is, unchanged. Formatting will be offered in NTFS or FAT format. I recommend leaving the formatting format as it was before your intervention. If you saved the files you need on a USB flash drive or somewhere else before installing, feel free to clean the disk by selecting the first item. This will install Windows to a completely empty area. Moving with the arrows, we mark the selection, then the Enter button confirms our intention.

Then you should confirm the formatting or, vice versa, cancel. This offer will appear on the menu. Press the F button. Then cleaning starts. You cannot touch anything further, just wait.

When finished formatting, the computer will automatically continue copying files from the disk. After that, there will be a reboot. Here you need to go to BIOS again and set the boot priority, in the order in which it was originally set. For example on Floppy Drive (see preliminary stage). Note: the second place should be the IDE, and the third should be the CD ROM. It is desirable to put HDD in the first place - booting from hard disk! At the end, exactly the same F10 - OK - Enter. In fact, we remove the priority of booting from a DVD or CD drive.

After exiting, the system installation will continue. During it, you will be prompted to configure the regional standards and language. Russian-speaking users do not need to change anything here. The next step is to enter the company name and full name. This form is filled in at your discretion.

Then you need to write the administrator password and computer name. The latter is indicated automatically, but you can change it, and about the password - whatever you want. If you want to increase security, then indicate it. The most important thing is not to forget him later. However, later you can enter a hint to it, reducing the risks to a minimum.

Then the date and time setting is offered. The current date and time Moscow time is also automatically registered here. But if changes are required, it is possible to set other data. It all depends on the region in which you live!

Then the installation of the operating system will continue. After completing it, the computer will automatically restart. At the first start after installation, a window will appear on the monitor notifying you of the change in screen resolution. Having brought the cursor to the OK box, click on it with the left mouse button. You can set the screen resolution later in accordance with the maximum possible resolution of your monitor.

The last step is the users window. Here you should fill out an account (preferably two). You can write your name or your favorite word. Then the long-awaited desktop will appear. Installation completed. Congratulations!

How to reinstall Windows XP

This time it's about reinstalling Windows XP. Do you know how to properly reinstall Windows XP? Surely you have questions. In this publication, we will try to tell you step by step about all the subtle points, starting with saving important data and ending with formatting a logical drive. So,

How to Reinstall Properly - Preparing to Reinstall Windows XP

It is worth noting that this instruction is universal for those who decided to reinstall Windows XP on a computer or laptop. If you have a laptop or netbook from Acer, Sony, Asus, Lenovo, Samsung or any other manufacturer, then this is absolutely not important. This Windows XP reinstallation guide is suitable for everyone and will help you reinstall the system on any computer. And those who decided that Windows XP is already a little outdated, advice to read the instructions on how to reinstall Windows 7

How to properly reinstall Windows XP on a computer, laptop or netbook.

First, save important data to another logical drive or medium.

To reinstall Windows XP, we need installation disk with a copy of the Windows XP distribution or an installed image of this operating system on a USB flash drive. Actually, it is up to you to decide where to install the operating system from - as it is more convenient, do it.

After reinstalling, you will also need the computer device drivers. Therefore, we advice will take care of this in advance and choose required drivers... You can usually find them on the disc that comes with motherboard or on the Internet on the official websites of manufacturers of components for your computer or laptop.

It is recommended to reinstall Windows XP SP3, as this is the new edition from Microsoft, containing the maximum of security patches. If you have Windows XP SP2, or even SP1, then it is better to immediately reinstall to SP3.

Reinstall Windows XP via BIOS

Let's go directly to reinstalling Windows XP. There are two options from which you can reinstall the system:

1. Reinstall Windows XP from a USB flash drive

2. Reinstall Windows XP from disk

The first option provides for the ability to reinstall windows xp without a disk, but from a USB flash drive on which the system image is recorded. Moreover, if you have a netbook or laptop without DVD drive... Fortunately, it is always possible to download a program that writes an image to a USB flash drive. The second is less time consuming if you already have a copy of the operating system on disk.

Below is a step-by-step reinstallation of windows xp in pictures. Insert a flash drive or disk. Restart your laptop or computer and enter BIOS. To get into the BIOS, as soon as the computer starts to reboot, periodically press the Del or F1 key (there is also F2 - everyone's computers are different, and therefore the BIOS is different). Find the menu item "First Boot Devices" and put the USB flash drive or DVD drive first in the boot.

Exit BIOS, saving parameters. This can be done by selecting the item "Save and Exit" in the appropriate tab or by pressing F10, and then Enter. If you correctly selected the media from which you want to boot and saved the settings data in the BIOS, then after closing it, the computer will restart and the installation of Windows XP will begin, at the beginning of which you will need to accept license agreement (F8 key). The installer will then ask if you want to restore the operating system. Here you need to press the Esc key and continue reinstalling Windows XP. Then a screen will appear:

As you can see, you must press the Enter key to proceed with the installation. After that we get to the screen of work with sections of hard disk. Here you need to be very careful and delete the name of the partition on which you want to reinstall Windows XP. This is done with the D and L keys. The main thing is not to delete another logical disk (for example, the one on which you saved your data).

Having finished (in a good way) with the partitions, we proceed to the next stage of reinstallation. Splitting a logical partition. In general, you can make it easier and leave that amount disk spacethat was. But if for some reason you want to change the size of the logical disk, then this is not difficult to do. The picture shows everything:

After deciding on the size of the partition for Windows XP, proceed to the next reinstallation item - formatting. Everything is simple here. Choose "Fast nTFS formatting»And complete the installation of the operating system by restarting the computer.

After rebooting, the Windows XP installer will start.

Further installation of Windows XP

So, the installer has started. The first thing he will ask you to do is configure the regional settings. There is nothing complicated here. Just determine the correct time zone in which you live.

Then choose the default language. In this tab, you can also add any other language and assign keys for switching input languages.

After selecting the languages, the installer will ask you to enter the computer name, username and password, which you do not need to enter if this is yours home computer... You will also need to enter the license windows key XP, as well as region and date.

Having done all these simple actions, You are almost done reinstalling. As you can see, reinstalling Windows XP is not that difficult. The computer will restart again and you will be taken to the desktop. So welcomes you new windows XP. What to do next? Configure, install drivers and necessary programs

Reinstall Windows XP. Let's say you have a question about how to reinstall your Windows XP, you installed it a long time ago, performance has dropped, some programs do not start, many errors occur, and so on. Where to start, and we will start by copying important settings, folders and documents, from the partition of the hard disk where we will reinstall the operating system. After reinstalling Windows XP, they will all be lost.

Friends if you want , then our other article will help you.

Reinstall Windows XP

First, copy from your desktop and from the My Documents folders to a safe place everything that you do not want to lose: photos, music files, any documents. A safe place, such as a disk(D drive :). If you have only one logical drive (C :), then copy these folders to a USB flash drive or burn to a DVD disc, after reinstalling the system, you will need to return everything to its place.Further, the Application Data folder - the settings from the programs installed on your computer are stored here.

You can also copy the folders of your Opera and Mozilla Firefox browsers, with all your bookmarks, contacts, classmates. Torrents with your hands, ratings and more.Of course, you have accumulated a lot of links in the Favorites folder, you shouldcopy it too.

Let me remind you in Windows XP all these folders are located in the folderC: \\ Documents and Settings ( your_username).For example, if you have Windows XP installedto (drive C :), and your username (by which you log in) isAlex, then our folder will be called C: \\ Documents andSettings \\ Alex.

If you use Outlook Express as your mail program, then all letters and addresses you receive are stored in a specific folder -C: \\ Documents and Settings \\ Petya \\ Local Settings \\ Application Data \\ Identities \\ (a set of letters and numbers) \\Microsoft \\ Outlook Express \\.

Next, we save your accounts and mailbox settings. From the Outlook Express menu, choose Tools\u003e Accounts. In the window that appears, clickon the Export button, call the file as we want, save it to a USB flash drive or another partition of the hard disk, after reinstalling it we will need it.We will start Outlook Express again and select import from the menu, not exportand specify the file to which you exported your accounts. Outlook Express will work just like before reinstalling Windows XP.

Driver Magician will copy the drivers from the system to all your devices: printers, scanners, video card, and so on into a special folder. After reinstallation Windows XP, you don't have to look for drivers for all your devices, you run the device wizard and specify the folder created by Driver Magician and the drivers will be installed automatically.

After starting the utility, you will be taken to its main window. Check all your devices and click (Start)

Driver Magician will ask you where to save the folder with drivers, save it only to a different partition where you will reinstall the system. Of course, the ideal option after reinstalling Windows XP is to download drivers for all devices on your computer on the Internet at the official websites of their manufacturers. Well, we finally got to the reinstallation itself, it is no different from the installation, here is an article from our site

Detailed description of reinstalling Windows Xp on a computer or laptop
You may have been looking for:
How to install / reinstall Windows Xp without a disk (from a flash drive)

Step # 1. Disc burning

If you have a disk with Windows XP, then you can safely skip this step and go to [step # 2], since here we will talk about what to do if you do not have a disk with Windows, but you have a key (for example, you bought a laptop, which was the OS, behind, or on the side of it there is such a piece of paper glued on which there is the key that we need, or another situation, but as a result you should have a key to Windows). Copy the key number onto a piece of paper so that it is at hand, and move on. Select one of the Windows Xp versions. Both versions are time-tested


Now search the Internet license disk Windows Xp Sp2 Professional... Since the distribution is illegal, we are not allowed to link to Windows... But I will give you a link to the ORIGINAL VERSION of Windows xp sp3 proffessional - By the way, if you want a pirated version, I will give you a link, but considering, again, that I have no right to upload files on my resource, I will give you a link to a torrent from Windows Xp sp3 Simplix Edition
Original version of Windows Xp Sp3
Download Windows Xp Simplix Edition
After you have downloaded windows image Xp, download the program to write our image to disk
To do this, download the program for burning our image to disk
Download Portable ImgBurn
After the Windows image and our ImgBurn program have loaded:

Step # 2. The disc is ready. We expose in BIOS First boot device CD-Rom

So, after Step # 1 we have a Windows Xp disk. At this stage, our
the task is to get into BIOS and set the disk with
installed Windows XP. To do this: Reboot or turn on
computer and press the delete key (there are other options, for example
F1, F2, F8, Ins.

The initial splash screen should usually show which key to press to enter the BIOS

As a result, we should get to the blue screen of the BIOS, in our case it looks like this

We set the first boot from the Disk to do this, go (with the usual arrows) to Advanced Bios Features -\u003e First Boot Device, select CD-Rom, press enter, then esc, go to save & exit setup, press enter, then Y and enter again.

Note: if you have a different BIOS, the essence does not change. The main thing is to find First Boot Device and select CD-Rom After 2 points, the computer reboots itself and if you did everything correctly, then when you restart, an inscription appears on a black background Boot from Cd / Dvd:

And after a while Press any key to boot from Cd ..

(press any key on your keyboard to boot from disk) press the key. If a blue screen appears, where the Windows installation will be on top, then at this stage you did everything right. If the keyboard is not pressed, you need to go into the BIOS and set SUPPORT USB: YES

Step # 3 Formatting the partition. Installing XP or answering the question: " How to install Windows Xp for a dummy«

Now we are waiting (2-5 minutes) until a blue window appears with the inscription "You are welcomed by the installer"

Press Enter, then read the agreement and then press the key F8

A) If you already have a section where we will install Windows Xp, formatted and created (if not, read point b) -\u003e select the section

If you see the message "The installer is copying files", everything is done correctly! Moving on to point c

B) If the disk is not formatted

Select it and click on D

Attention: by this action we delete all data that is on the disk C:

Push L

Next "Unaligned area" click FROM to create a new section

Enter the size of our partition in megabytes

Select it from the list

Format with NTFS (fast)

If the message "The installation program is copying files" appears, everything is done correctly and now you can continue from point in

C) When the installation load reaches 100%, the computer will reboot itself. (When there is a reboot, we DO NOT PRESS ANYTHING, we just wait)

At 33 minutes, fill in the language parameters

Enter the Name and Organization

Product key

After you have entered the key, the installation will continue and Windows will be installed for at least 10-15 minutes and we will not take part in this. When Windows is installed, the computer will restart again and we will have to fill in the name accountwhat internet do you use, etc.

Congratulations, Windows XP has been successfully installed!

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