Why isn't YouTube working? Why does not go to YouTube (Youtube) - the web page is not available

Can't go to your favorite video hosting and see what's happening on your channel? In this article, we will look at the main reasons why YouTube does not open and does not want to work. Before you blame Maintenance site, try to check if there are any problems in your PC. Perhaps YouTube does not want to work, due to the fact that your wi-fi is “frozen”. Try reloading and returning to the site again. YouTube has a large audience, every minute a huge number of videos are viewed on the site. Thanks to this, hosting profits are growing. Based on this, it is unlikely that YouTube may not open due to outages.

In addition to the poor-quality signal of the router, YouTube may not open and show you the video for several more reasons.

  1. You are trying to access the site from your workplace. Most employers try to limit the work of entertainment channels and sites so that people are not distracted from their main activities. Anonymizer Chameleon will help to overcome this difficulty. Enter the query into the search and open the first link that the browser will show. In the only field on the site, paste the link to YouTube. Try to go to the channel through the resource.
  2. A variety of viruses that have accumulated in a PC can limit the work of YouTube. Try to run a scan, defragment the disk by deleting all unused files and folders.
  3. You are using an outdated version of your browser. Download another browser and try to log in through it. Also, you can find in your browser add-ons new version and update the existing one.
  4. Interruptions in the work of YouTube and the inability to get to the site occur if you are browsing the Internet from a proxy service. Disable the proxy in the network settings and move to the site again. Everything should work.
  5. Lack of cache memory can also cause a service shutdown. Clean up the history, delete all accumulated and unnecessary downloads. In order to enter the browsing history of the browser, tap the icon of 3 gray lines at the top right in Yandex and on the left in Opera. Select "History". Delete all browsing information for the next month.

If you have not achieved any results after trying all the methods, you have not been able to enter the channel and see new subscribers and likes, then you need to call the wizard to help you solve this problem. Before that, it’s really worth asking your friend to go to YouTube and see if the service is working. Suddenly, you got on the very day when technical work is still being carried out here.

Why YouTube won't open on my computer

So we got it all figured out possible reasons Why YouTube won't open on my computer. In most cases, to eliminate them, you will need no more than half an hour of your time. Of course, provided that you have not caught a serious infection on your PC. If you urgently need to go to the site, do it from your gadget. YouTube provides users with a similar version of the site for mobile devices.

You can find the resource in the Safari search engine. True, in order to upload a video there, delete a video from the channel or leave comments, you will need to log in to Google mail. Then, just like on a PC, you can view clips and upload videos. For more convenience, you can find the surf & watch application in the app store. With this utility, you can watch videos in higher quality, as well as listen to your favorite tracks and concerts even on the locked screen.


What to do if YouTube does not open

YouTube is considered the most popular and convenient video hosting, one of the most visited sites in the world. On this resource you can view interesting films, new clips, news releases, programs, amateur videos and much more. The main difference between YouTube video hosting and similar resources is its uninterrupted operation, as well as fast loading any videos. But, despite this, there are times when it is impossible to open this video hosting or watch videos on it.

What causes interruptions in the work of YouTube and how to deal with them?
If YouTube doesn't open, first make sure you have YouTube installed. current version Adobe Flash Player, because without it you will not be able to view any video. The outdated version needs to be updated. If the cause of the problem is Adobe Flash Player - after this manipulation, YouTube should work.

If YouTube does not open, you can try to access this video hosting from another browser. If everything worked out, it means that some errors occurred with the first browser. In this case, you need to clear the cache and check your browser settings. If this does not help, it is better to reinstall it again. Another reason why you can’t go to YouTube is the incorrect operation of the video card driver. In this case, you can fix the problem by updating it to the latest version. If even after these steps you can’t access YouTube, there are free anonymizers, one of which can be used. Increasingly, there are situations when a provider or network administrator, by blocking, prohibits access to certain sites. In this case, the anonymizer will help to successfully bypass the ban. In order to continue to use YouTube without restrictions, make a call to the provider.

The problem with downloading YouTube may also be related to the tricks of viruses. To reveal given fact you need to check the folder at C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc. After all, some viruses can redirect the official YouTube version to another place.

In rare cases, it is not possible to open YouTube as a result of possible server failures, hacker attacks, or the resource is on the list of prohibited connections. In this case, panic is not appropriate - you need to wait a bit and try again in a couple of hours. If, after carrying out all the described manipulations, YouTube still does not open, contact YouTube User Support, where you can convey your problem directly to the official representatives of this video hosting.

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Why does not go to YouTube (Youtube) - the web page is not available!

Today, YouTube is the most popular video hosting in the world. Its attendance is skyrocketing. Hundreds of thousands of people will post their videos there for millions to watch! But with the wild rise in popularity, so are the problems on the client side associated with his work. Very often, users contact me with various complaints related to access to YouTube and its work - the site does not open, the web page is not available, videos are not displayed, it says "video is not available", etc. From my own experience I will say that in 99 cases out of 100 the “root of evil” is hidden on the computer itself, from which the resource is not available. On the video hosting side, failures are extremely rare and are quickly fixed.

In this article, I want to talk in detail about the main reasons why the browser does not go to YouTube and how to fix it.

1. Flash player

Users often confuse the inability to watch the video and the entrance to YouTube. In fact, they manage to enter the site, but they cannot watch the video due to the fact that a special plug-in for the browser is not installed - Adobe Flash Player.

No matter how Youtube tries to move away from this format towards HTML5, it is not possible to completely abandon it. For those who have installed Google Chrome or another browser based on the chromium engine, this is practically never encountered, since the necessary module is already integrated into the browser there. But if you use Firefox, Chamelion or old version Opera, then you have to install an additional flash player from here.

2. Geographic restrictions

When I try to open the video, I get the message "The video is not available in your country or region."

Users or the administration of YouTube sometimes specifically close records for residents of certain countries or regions. A striking example is the Crimea. You can get around this limitation by using a proxy server or special browser extensions that redirect all user traffic through servers different countries peace. From myself I can offer an excellent solution - the Browsec plugin.

By doing this, you can also exclude the option of blocking the portal by your provider.

3. YouTube site is unavailable

When, when trying to access video hosting, the error “Web page is not available” is displayed and YouTube access is not available from the browser, and other sites open without problems - first of all, try to do this using another Internet browser, for example Internet Explorer or Microsoft Edge.

If this step did not help and the site is still unavailable, first of all it is worth checking if anything extra is written in system file hosts. To do this, go to the folder:


It will contain the Hosts file, which must be opened using notepad:

If it contains a line containing the Youtube.com address, feel free to delete it and check access to the service. Usually that's all it takes. After that, it is recommended to check Windows good antivirus with up-to-date databases, since such entries in the Hosts file indicate virus activity.

But sometimes the opposite effect happens - the browser does not go to YouTube because the site is blocked by the computer's security system. At some point, suspicious traffic came from the portal, which was blocked for a while. It's easy to check - stop your antivirus and firewall for a while and see if Youtube login is available again.

If the antivirus really blocks the site, try adding its web address to the exceptions.

P.S.: If none of the tips helped and you still can’t access YouTube, check if other sites are available at all. If they also have problems - check if the use of the Proxy server is enabled by the case. In Windows 10, this can be done in Settings >> Network and Internet >> Proxy:

In most cases, the use of an additional server should be disabled, unless Internet access is really organized through a Proxy (large home networks or networks of companies and enterprises).


YouTube videos not opening

Video hosting YouTube has an impressive traffic, it is one of the most popular sites, which is used by almost everyone.

But it also happens that the videos on this resource do not open, but instead the error “An error has occurred. Please try again later." You can solve this problem quickly and easily.

YouTube videos not opening, what should I do? Technical failures on YouTube are extremely rare, so you need to look for the cause on your computer. Immediately open video hosting on another browser, as a rule, problems appear with the browser.

If everything works in another browser, then try using one of the two recovery methods.

YouTube not working

1. Clear cache and cookies. The reason for the appearance of an error when watching videos can be cookies and temporary data from the cache. What are cookies, we described in detail in one of the articles.

We also talked about useful CCleaner, with which you can quickly get rid of temporary files. But it is not necessary to use additional software. You can go to your browser settings and delete the data.

For example, in Google Chrome, you need to go to the settings and click "Clear History", after which a window will appear where you can select all the items and swipe complete cleaning:

In other browsers, the process of deleting the cache and cookies is the same. But remember that by deleting all this data, you can lose your passwords, your browsing history, and so on.

2. Reinstalling the Flash player. Every YouTube video opens in a player that uses Flash technology. In one of our articles, we explained what to do if Flash Player does not work in Google Chrome. You can use the provided instructions or go directly to the control panel and select the "Programs and Features" item:

There you will need to find the line with installed player, right-click on it and select delete:

When Flash Player is completely removed from your computer, head to the official website of its publisher (adobe.com) and download the new version. Install it like regular program and after that, in the browser settings, do not forget to enable the plugin.

With the help of a couple of these methods, problems with viewing content on YouTube should disappear. If all this did not help you, perhaps the problems are related to your Internet provider. To check this, just try to log in to the video hosting from another computer connected to the same line.

I advise you to visit the following pages: - How to autoplay YouTube videos? - YouTube channel for site promotion - How to upload a video to Youtube?


Why YouTube won't open

In this post, we will try to answer frequently asked question why YouTube won't open. There can be a huge number of reasons for this, ranging from the most banal to quite serious problems with the hardware or software of your computer. Let's first outline the circle of the most common and banal reasons for the "breakdown" of YouTube, which are most often mentioned by Youtube subscribers themselves. So, the first and most banal reason is the lack of an Internet connection. Check if it is not there, then restore it and use all the delights of video hosting. The second, but not least, reason that YouTube does not open is the viruses that attacked your computer or laptop, which block the opening of YouTube.

Clean your system from viruses with a quality anti viral program like Kaspersky. Do not use unverified free antiviruses. They will only waste your time, but will not give the expected results. Another common reason for not opening YouTube is the cache and cookies of your Internet browser. Therefore, try clearing your history. You do not need to clear your YouTube browsing history, you must clear your entire browser history. Don't forget to save all your passwords. On the network, many users say that clearing the browser of all garbage helped them and after that they were able to use their favorite YouTube. Also common in Lately the problem that causes malfunctions in the operation of the video giant is the installation of various Windows updates. Some experts advise having a working backup your operating system, so that, in which case, you can "roll back" to a normally working version.

YouTube why not open 2016

In addition to the various problems that may arise with your software or hardware, you should not dismiss the problems of the functioning of YouTube itself. Indeed, this year, users are very popular with such a query in search engines as: “Why YouTube does not open in 2016.” Such a large number of inputs of this kind of requests suggests that the problem here is not local, but global in nature. Indeed, many IT portals and news sites have recently begun to talk much more often about the fact that YouTube itself is “hanging”. At the same time, many people throw out an error with the number 500, which indicates that the problem is external and has nothing to do with the performance of your computer.

The largest site for watching videos is YouTube.

You can watch a variety of videos on it, from movies and cartoons to short videos.

Therefore, we will consider problems with watching videos on YouTube.

Youtube is the most popular and largest video hosting. Therefore, its performance is monitored by a large number of professional workers, who often arrange checks for errors.

But, despite all these warnings, the site may fail. Users of the Yandex browser most often encounter the fact that YouTube simply stops opening (the Internet site does not load). In order to solve the problem, you need to understand why it appeared.

  • The first thing to do is to check your internet connection. To watch videos you need good internet. Even if you are sure that everything is fine with him, it will not be superfluous to check again, since anything can happen (the limit is over, the lights are turned off, which is why Wi-Fi stopped working). If the device is still connected to the Internet, check its speed. Usually, when it is too slow, the device notifies you of this.
  • Check the Yandex browser. Often, the video cannot be viewed due to the fact that Yandex has malfunctioned. If the cause of the error is in it, reinstall the browser.
  • Video may not work due to antiviruses. Since some of them are made up of built-in firewalls that have access to override any sites and file documents. Check if YouTube is not there. It is possible that he was there by accident.
  • Find out if access is being blocked by the provider itself. Of course, this is extremely rare, but it does happen. Usually this is done only with the order of higher authorities. To find out if the provider is involved in the blocking, call him and describe the problem.
  • If the site is working properly, but the video does not open, then the reason is most likely a failure of YouTube. Perhaps the video you want to watch is too heavy.

Can a YouTube video not work in a Yandex browser due to viruses?

It is possible that the video does not work due to viruses. Working on the Internet, you could easily pick them up. Viruses automatically change the hots file (hosts), which has domain names, which are used for translation into network addresses nodes.

The problem is that because of these viruses, domain names change. Trying to go to YouTube, you may find yourself in a completely Internet resource, which in this moment does not work. For this reason, Yandex users see a blank page when they go to watch the video.

To get rid of this problem, you need to get into host file s and remove all the data that appeared under the line After that, you need to close the hots and save the changes made, check the device for viruses using an antivirus. Restart your computer if possible.

Why is YouTube video loading slow?

If you are unable to watch the video normally from Yandex (that is, each picture requires downloading), then the reason may be:

  • slow internet speed (reboot the device, turn off and on the internet again);
  • insufficient amount of RAM (facilitate the work random access memory, close unnecessary tabs and currently unused applications and file documents);
  • old Adobe versions Flash Player (update Yandex browser and the flash player will update itself).

I woke up early in the morning, went to YouTube, but it does not load! I tried to connect via VPN - YouTube lies and does not load. I began to look for information on the question “what happened to YouTube?” and it turned out that users around the world are experiencing difficulties in the work of our favorite video hosting and see something like this.

According to downdetector.ru, users are currently experiencing problems with Youtube. Of these, 53% are unable to load the site itself, 28% have difficulty loading videos, and 18% are unable to log into the service. Moreover, the peak of failures occurred just at the time of my attempt to enter YouTube at 4:00 Moscow time.

As it turned out, this problem watched by people all over the world. Users from the USA and South America got a special hit - this can be seen from the hit map.

Video hosting representatives write that the problem is known and work is underway on the server. Unfortunately, we will have to wait until the work is completed and YouTube will work again.

New massive failures in work 11/13/2018

Today again there were failures in the work of the video service. Complaints were received from most major countries.

In Russia, users from such cities as Moscow and Chita were marked with mass appeals. The peak of appeals with complaints about the inoperability of YouTube fell at 02:00 Moscow time.

For 44% of the people included in the statistics, the YouTube site itself does not work, 43% do not show videos, and 12% cannot log in to the service. As usual, the problem is known to YouTube technical specialists and work is underway to fix problems on the servers. Don't worry and look forward to recovery YouTube work.

YouTube not working - what to do?

This is not the first time YouTube has failed. Roskomnadzor, by a court decision, is fighting various services (recently it has been very zealously afraid of Telegram), blocking their IP addresses, while other large services suffer, for example, our beloved YouTube :(

Fortunately, in some cases for us as users, this situation can be solved by using a VPN. I will not go into the jungle, but simply provide instructions on how to do it.

If you have Google Chrome

You can install VPN Hotspot Sgield (well, or any other extension on request "vpn proxy" in the chrome web store)

  1. Go to the chrome store
  2. V search line store we write "VPN Hotspot Sgield"
  3. Click on the "Install" button
  4. An extension icon will appear at the top of the browser - click on it and click the "connect" button
  5. If the video service still does not work, then go to VPN Hotspot Sgield (see point 4) and select the “configuration” icon in the upper right corner and select another country
  6. We repeat point 5
  7. PROFIT!

If you have Mozilla Firefox

You can install Hoxx VPN

  1. Go to Firrefox extensions
  2. In the search for extensions, write "hoxx vpn proxy", click on the result found
  3. On the extension page that opens, click "Install"
  4. An extension icon will appear at the top of the browser. Click on it and register in the application - you need to enter your mail and come up with a password
  5. Log in to the extension by selecting its icon in the upper right corner of the browser
  6. After authorization, select any country from the list
  7. Open YouTube in a new browser window
  8. If the video service is still not working, then go to Hoxx VPN, select another country
  9. We repeat point 7
  10. PROFIT!

Youtube video portal is very popular among Internet users. That is why, when suddenly for some reason the cherished page in the browser stops opening, a small panic begins: YouTube does not work, the page does not load, the video does not show, and so on. How to be? Why isn't YouTube working? There are several reasons for this, which means that there are also several solutions to these problems.

In a smartphone

At the moment, the most popular operating systems for them are iOs and Android. They are quite different, although there are common points. So, for example, due to the low data transfer rate (or the Internet), YouTube does not work. And other sites too. Therefore, for starters, it’s worth checking: do the pages open in principle, is there any data transfer rate at all? If this is the problem, then the solution is simple. Need to turn on Mobile Internet or connect via Wi-Fi to a network where there is sufficient speed.

Full cache

It often happens that frequent use of the application in which the user is browsing Youtube videos, leads to full memory filling. As a result of this, YouTube does not work. The application is simply not able to download something new, because its memory is already full of information about other videos. Therefore, there is a simple solution: you need to go to the smartphone settings, go to the list of available programs. Having found the one in which videos from a popular site are viewed, you need to erase all data and clear the cache. Rebooting the smartphone will help resume the smooth operation of the application. The method also works on devices running "Android", on "apple" gadgets.

iPad, iPhone, iPod

Sometimes it happens that users Apple products en masse begin to wonder why YouTube does not work. The answer is most often as simple as possible - something in the application went wrong. The most common reason is such a popular jailbreak that enterprising users are so aggressively installing. All these tricks "how to deceive the company and use the device at 100%" lead to the fact that the operating system itself starts to slow down, and applications are buggy. YouTube is no exception. If the gadget has the function of hiding some icons on the desktop, then seventy percent out of a hundred it is the popular video hosting that fails. It is enough to check the boxes next to "enable Youtube" in the settings of the hiding application, and everything will work again. By the way, updates are also needed. So, for example, about two or three times a month the official Youtube app they are produced for "apple" gadgets. And every time developers strive to correct their previous mistakes. Therefore, installing updates can be very useful, especially if YouTube keeps crashing or buggy. The same applies to the operating system! Updates are needed so that the user can fully enjoy all the delights of his gadget.

On a personal computer

It is much more difficult when YouTube does not work on a computer, since there can be a lot of reasons: from the browser and viruses to various "glitches" and failures. Not to mention the very individual characteristics. Therefore, first of all, you need to check the following: if YouTube does not work in Opera, turn on another browser. If everything opens up perfectly in it, then it’s in him.

How to treat "Opera"

Most often, YouTube does not work in Opera because the corresponding plug-ins are not included. These are micro-settings that allow you to download this or that information from pages on the Internet. In order to enable plugins, you need to go to the Opera settings, go to the "Advanced" sub-item and check the boxes next to everything that is there. By the way, another popular reason why YouTube does not work in this browser is outdated version the last one. It is necessary to update the "Opera" in a timely manner so that it works correctly.

How to treat Mozilla

If YouTube does not work in Mozilla, then in 90% of cases the reason lies in uninstalled plugins. That is, they must not only be turned on, as in the case of Opera, but downloaded. This is easy to do, because the "Fire Fox" on the toolbar has already provided the ability for users to set useful and not very sub-settings. Plugins need those that are related to the video. After installation, you need to restart your browser. If YouTube does not work in Mozil even after that, but shows a black screen instead of a video, then you also need to update the flash player. Usually, an inscription about this is displayed right in the middle of the page with the video.


Before jumping into search engines with the question: "YouTube does not work! What to do, where to click?", it is worth trying to do one thing. View another video. Sometimes it happens that a very popular video is watched by many users at once, so there is simply no room left for a newcomer! If all videos load without problems, except for one, you need to wait a bit. After a while, the video will load.


It is in this small file, most often hidden from prying eyes of users, that the most basic information about allowed nodes is contained. If you look into it, you can see many different resources, access to which is allowed in any browser. personal computer. Therefore, if YouTube has already refused everywhere and immediately, then you need to find the Hosts file in the bowels of the system. And he, as mentioned above, is most often hidden.

How to find

You must first give all hidden files and folders an overview. It is disabled by default. It turns on like this:

  • folder "Computer";
  • item "Organize";
  • sub-item "Folder options";
  • tab "View";
  • "Show all files and folders" checkbox.

After that, everything that was hidden will appear before the user's eyes. Truth, hidden files and the folders will look paler than usual. You can find Hosts in the following way:

  • local disk with the operating system (by default, this is usually drive C);
  • Windows folder
  • Win32 folder;
  • folder Etc.

You need to open the "Hosts" file through the "Notepad" application. Anything below "" can be deleted. After that, it is strongly recommended to clean the system with an antivirus, and then reboot. When all the manipulations are done, you can try again to turn on the videos on Youtube.


spy attacks, malware and viruses often block the user from everything that he most often uses. And sometimes this list includes a popular video hosting. Therefore, after editing the "Hosts" file, it is imperative to clean the system. If this does not help, and there is no antivirus, then there is one global way - changing the operating system with complete destruction local disk. In this case, all malicious programs and viruses will "die" along with it.

A couple of days ago I started having problems with YouTube - the site did not work, it simply refused to load, and some strange error and other abracadabra got out on the page. At first I was surprised that with YouTube today, I thought that the world's largest video hosting site had suddenly fallen.

But nothing of the kind - everything turned out to be much simpler - it was my browser that was made (Opera). To be honest, I didn’t figure out what it was connected with, but when I came from Mozila, everything worked as it should.

But not always the reasons why YouTube does not work can be related to the browser, here are some more of them.

Possible reasons why YouTube is not working:

To begin with, let's figure out what exactly the problem is - is the video on YouTube not loading or is the site itself not loading?

If the video recordings are not loaded, the problems may be the following:

  • Flash failure or failure Adobe Player flash player. Reinstall latest version from the official site. Without this software, you will not be able to enjoy videos from the Internet. Check on other sites whether video recordings work, if not, then it's definitely in the player.
  • Browser errors. Go to the YouTube website using a different browser and check if the problem persists. These can be both problems with the cache (for example, there is not enough allocated memory or the cache is full), or internal conflicts of plugins/updates for the browser, etc. If everything works from another browser, then the problem is in it. Try also clearing the browser cache and increasing its size, as well as disabling third-party extensions.

If YouTube.com is not loading:

  • Blocked by the provider or network admin. Try to enter the site through an anonymizer to bypass the ban and check if this is the case - you can read more about all the methods here. By the way, sometimes the provider does not completely block access to the site, but can, for example, limit the speed on this resource, so the video High Quality can slow down and load slowly.
  • Viruses - check the host file that lives on your system at Windows\System32\drivers\etc. For example, a virus could slip its redirect for office. YouTube site, and redirect it to another location. You can delete the entire contents of the file, if you yourself did not manually assign redirects, then it should be empty there.
  • Look in the firewall, maybe YouTube somehow got into the list of prohibited connections.
  • Work on the YouTube site, server crashes, hacker attacks, alien invasion, the site was on the banned list. This is unlikely, but possible =) Don't panic, just wait and try logging in again in 1-2 hours.

If you have tried all the options, but YouTube still does not want to work, then describe your problem in more detail in the comments, I will try to help


Why YouTube won't launch or load?

YouTube video hosting is currently breaking all attendance records. You can hardly find a person who has not heard of him. However, even such a popular platform is not perfect and sometimes fails. The video does not load or, for example, the site refuses to load. The cause of the problem may also be correct settings your computer. How to fix this unpleasant situation? Let's consider everything in order.

Videos don't start. What to do?

First, check if a special plug-in is installed on your device, which is responsible for the correct loading and subsequent playback of all videos, as well as audio files in the open spaces. world wide web. We are talking about Flash Player, without it you will not be able to enjoy watching YouTube videos. Before proceeding to the next steps, check if this plugin is installed on your computer. Perhaps its version is outdated and needs to be updated. If you do not have Flash Player, install it through the developer's website - Adobe and watch the video for pleasure.

Checking browsers

The most common cause of problems while watching videos on YouTube are wrong settings your browser. Let's analyze each of them in order and try to change the settings. If this was the reason, then the problems will immediately disappear.

Internet Explorer

The good old browser has long lost its status and is increasingly failing its users. Cases when videos on You Tube through this browser refuse to load happen all the time. In order to correct this situation, you need:

  • go to the "Service" panel;
  • find there an item signed as "Internet Options";
  • click "Advanced";
  • then go to the "Multimedia" item;
  • check if you have activated the functions of displaying images and playing videos. If not, do so by ticking the appropriate boxes.


To configure this browser, you need to go to the special "Settings" panel, then click on " General settings" and go to the "Advanced" section, then "Content". Here you need to activate special plugins and set up playback of video files. To do this, click "Enable Animation".

After the manipulations, be sure to restart the computer, and then check if the video has started to start. If this does not help, the problem has not gone away, then try clearing the cache. It is recommended to do this regularly, such a procedure will have a beneficial effect on the speed of the Internet.

Mozilla FireFox

With this browser, although less often, problems still occur. YouTube videos suddenly stop loading. In order to correct this situation and continue watching videos, try to resort to clearing the cache mentioned a little above.

You can do this by clicking on "Settings" and going to the "Advanced" tab. Next, you need to find the “Network” item, set the settings there, adjust the cache size, it is advisable to set the indicator to at least 150 megabytes. Then click "Clear Now". Such simple manipulations can solve your problem.


In addition to all of the above, videos on YouTube may not be loaded for other reasons. These include infection of your work device with a virus program or a malfunction of the operating system. To get started, try to do a simple action - just restart the computer, it is quite possible that this will be enough. After that, check the device with the installed antivirus program to be sure that everything is clean.

Another reason why YouTube doesn't work well can be a bad internet connection. In this case, you need to contact the provider and agree on this issue, you may need to switch to another tariff.

You can always set the video to download in advance by clicking on "Play", then pause and wait until the video is fully loaded. This is not always convenient, but sometimes very effective.

What to do if the YouTube site does not load?

We figured out how to act if the video refuses to load, but here's what to do if the video hosting itself refuses to start. There may be several reasons:

  • the site was blocked by your ISP or network admin. In order to check if this is really the cause of the problem, try accessing YouTube through an anonymizer - this will help you quickly and quietly bypass the ban;
  • your computer may be infected with a virus. Check the device with your antivirus program;
  • take a look at your firewall, because it could happen that YouTube was mistakenly included in the list of disabled connections;
  • rarely, but still, accidents happen on the video hosting itself and the site stops working due to hacker attacks, accidents, or, for example, the installation of new updates.

YouTube not working on Android devices: video

The main reasons why YouTube is not loading on Android devices? How to quickly eliminate the causes and set up the display of videos

Unfortunately, problems with the display of videos, and with the YouTube site itself, happen often. In such a situation, the main thing is not to panic, but to try to apply all the tips described above. With strict adherence to the recommendations, everything will work instantly.

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What to do if YouTube does not work?

There is more than one video hosting on the Internet for the most different users. Not so long ago there was no such diversity. In the mid-2000s, it was problematic to upload a video anywhere; many Internet resources simply did not provide such an opportunity. The world does not stand still, everything develops, technologies are improved. Let's talk about the most famous video service these days. You must have known about him for a long time. It's about YouTube video hosting. People call it YouTube. Now he is known to a huge number of people. Some people have to deal with the fact that YouTube does not work. What could be causing this? What to do? Let's try to understand, but first a little history.

How YouTube appeared

The popular video hosting of our days is YouTube, owned by famous company called Google. It was founded by three talented guys who previously worked at PayPal, where they met each other. A year later, the site was bought by Google for a lot of money. Now this project allows you to upload your video files, watch other people's videos, and also earn good money. YouTube is a large service, it works very well with it. big number different specialists, but it is known that there is no ideal. There are situations in which YouTube does not work. For some users, the resource does not load.

How to solve the problem?

Consider an example from life. You have received an email with a link to a funny video, for example, from a friend. We tried to view it, opened it in the browser, and saw only a blank page. Why isn't YouTube working?

Here are the step by step steps to take.

Check if you are connected to the Internet. Of course, you just received a letter, there was a connection, but it could have been broken. Make sure this doesn't happen.

Use some other browser, it happens that this is the reason.

Pay close attention to Adobe Flash Player updates. Thanks to this application we can view videos on websites. On the Adobe website, you can always download this player in the right section. It's completely free; if you are asked for a cell number or send a message, then in
You are on a fraudulent site.

Be careful, make sure you are on the official website of the developer before downloading anything. An add-on is built into Google Chrome that automatically updates the player.

When a virus interferes with video viewing

The above are the actions that must be taken in the event that YouTube does not work. But there is one subtle problem that many users have to deal with as they surf the web. So you can encounter a virus that changes the contents of a file that stores a database of domain names for translation into host addresses. The file is called "hosts".

The user will notice that the video on YouTube does not work. And this happens due to the fact that when you try to access YouTube, it will go to another resource, which, for example, is blocked or disabled. A person sees an empty window, believes that YouTube is not working.

Don't worry, the problem can be solved. Find hosts, delete those lines that are under the entry Save your changes, run the antivirus so that it checks the entire computer.

It happens that the video cannot be viewed due to the high load on the server. But this phenomenon is temporary. Providers specifically prohibit access to a number of resources. There is a theoretical possibility that YouTube itself is not working, but it is extremely small!


What to do if YouTube is not working

If you can’t watch your favorite video, or upload a new video, the question immediately arises, what to do if YouTube doesn’t work? Before blaming the admins of the largest video hosting site for problems on the site, check if everything is in order with your PC. As a rule, YouTube problems can most often arise precisely because of problems with your device, rather than a poor performance of the site. YouTube is the largest video platform in the world.

Therefore, his administration and those. Support try their best to normal operation resource. However, there is still a possibility that the site is carrying out those. work. To rule this out, first of all, after noticing the poor performance of YouTube, go to the host from your phone or tablet, or ask your friend to do it. If everything works fine, then the reason lies precisely in your PC.

Youtube does not work on the computer, what to do

What are the causes of problems and most importantly, what to do if YouTube does not work on a computer? To get started, try to take the easiest step possible - open YouTube on a different browser. The main reason why the site "freezes" is the poor performance of your browser. Install the latest version provided, restart your PC and log into YouTube again.

Also see how well the internet works. If its speed is slow, which is often the case on weekends, the videos will be more difficult to load. Try to contact your ISP and find out the problem. Wifi works great, but you still can't watch anything? Perhaps the YouTube address has been included in the list of prohibited sites, the work of which is blocked by your PC.

To eliminate this problem, go to the firewall and see if YouTube got into the field of dangerous sites? If you are trying to access video hosting from a working PC, but nothing comes out, do it through the anonymizer. A good helper in this matter will be the resource "Chameleon" or the site http://hideme.ru/ on each of them you can enter the YouTube address. These resources will automatically change your IP. You can continue to track the number of subscribers and new likes on your channel.

Also, the problem with accessing YouTube may be that your PC has picked up viruses. Scanning or a radical reinstallation of the OS will help here. If only videos are not loading, you may be using an outdated Flash player. Restart it on the official website and visit the resource again. Also, some videos may not work because they were simply deleted from YouTube. The site admins are closely monitoring that the posted clip does not violate anyone's copyright. It should contain not only a unique recording, but also music without copyright. Those videos that do not comply with this rule are permanently removed from YouTube. You can try to find them on other sites.

Sound not working on YouTube, what to do

If the sound does not work on YouTube, before reinstalling the drivers and looking for the cause in the PC, check your speakers. Open the mixer and make sure it shows the browser icon with the sound indicator. In the case when you did not find it, most likely the problem is in your PC. If the icon is there and the audio slider is shown, go back to the YouTube site.

Open the volume in the video itself. Make sure there is no cross icon next to the settings image. Some videos are initially set up so that you have to turn on the sound in them yourself.


YouTube not working

Today on the Internet you can find video hosting for every taste and color, but a few years ago there was no choice as such. What can I say, if back in the mid-2000s it was difficult to upload a video anywhere, because sites simply did not provide such an opportunity. Now, fortunately, this problem is completely solved.

The most popular video hosting today is the notorious YouTube, which, by the way, belongs to Google Corporation. It was founded in 2005 by three guys who had recently worked at PayPal, where they met. Just a year and a half later, the site was bought by Google for a fantastic $1.65 billion! Today, the project allows not only to upload your own videos and enjoy the videos of other users, but also to earn a lot of money from it.

Why isn't YouTube working?

Despite the fact that YouTube is the largest video hosting and a huge number of specialists work on it, this does not mean at all that the site must work perfectly. No, even with him sometimes there are problems. So, for example, some complain that the resource simply does not load. Why is this happening and how to solve the problem?

  • First of all, you should pay attention to whether you are connected to the Internet at all. Anything can happen, perhaps the connection was broken, although if you still managed to go to the mail, then this option is unlikely.
  • The next step is to change your web browser. Let's say you are using Mozilla Firefox. Try using Google Chrome - it is possible that the problem lies precisely in the Internet browser. Try to reinstall it.
  • Particular attention needs to be paid Adobe update Flash Player, thanks to which, among other things, we can see videos on the site. Go to the official Adobe website and download the player from the appropriate section. Remember that the utility is distributed exclusively for free, and if you are required to enter your phone number or send an SMS message, then you have probably landed on a fraudulent site. And one more important point- in the same Google Chrome, an add-on based on Adobe Flash Player is built in, which is updated automatically.
  • Now let's talk about a more sophisticated problem that users can sometimes encounter. So, while surfing the net, you can "pick up" a virus on a computer that automatically changes the contents of the hosts file, which in turn contains a database of domain names and uses them to translate into host network addresses. The point is that the domain name is being spoofed - by going to the same YouTube, you can get to a completely different site, which by that time turns out to be disabled or blocked, so the user sees a blank page or something else. The solution is as follows: you need to find the hosts file (usually located at C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc), open it with notepad and delete all entries that are under the line Then you need to close the file, save the contents, scan the computer for malicious files using an antivirus, and restart the computer if necessary.
  • By the way, as for antiviruses, many of them have built-in firewalls that prohibit access to certain files. Check your firewall for prohibited files, maybe YouTube got there by accident.
  • Theoretically, it is possible that the server hosting the video you need is under heavy load, as a result of which the video simply does not show up. However, the site itself in such cases still opens and loads.
  • Some providers intentionally block access to certain web resources, for example, upon request from higher authorities. Call your ISP and tell them about the problem.
  • Finally, there is an extremely low probability that YouTube is really not working due to certain reasons. However, if this even happens, it is extremely rare.

If you, friends, have your own solutions to this problem, write about it in the comments, we will publish them.

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