The navigator does not plot a route. Yandex Navigator - Failed to build a route: it is impossible to pass Yandex navigator does not show the route

Yandex Maps is a convenient service that will help you not get lost in an unfamiliar city, get directions, measure the distance and find the right locations. Unfortunately, there are some problems that may prevent you from using the service.

What should I do if Yandex Maps does not open at the right time, showing an empty field, or some of the map's functions are not active? Let's try to figure it out.

Using the right browser

Yandex Maps does not interact with all Internet browsers. Here is a list of browsers that support the service:

  • Google Chrome
  • Yandex browser
  • Opera
  • Mozilla Firefox
  • Internet Explorer (version 9 and above)
  • Use only these browsers, otherwise the map will be displayed as a gray rectangle.

    Enable JavaScript

    If some of the buttons on the map (ruler, route, panoramas, layers, traffic jams) are missing, you may have JavaScript disabled.

    To enable it, you need to go to your browser settings. Let's look at this using Google Chrome as an example.

    Go to settings as shown in the screenshot.

    Click "Show advanced settings".

    In the "Personal Information" section, click "Content Settings".

    In the JavaScript block, check the box next to "Allow all sites to use JavaScript", then click "Finish" for the changes to take effect.

    Correct lock setting

    3. The reason that Yandex map does not open may be a firewall, antivirus or ad blocker setting. These programs may block the display of map tiles, mistaking them for advertisements.

    The size of Yandex Maps fragments is 256x256 pixels. You need to make sure that their download is not prohibited.

    Here are the main causes and solutions to problems with the display of Yandex Maps. If they still don't load, contact Yandex.

    At the moment, the car navigator is in great demand among motorists. It is especially popular among car enthusiasts of big cities - the function of showing and avoiding traffic jams makes it a truly irreplaceable device.

    Thanks to synchronization with several satellites, it allows you to quite quickly and accurately plot a detour route, indicate travel time and has a lot of other useful functions. And if, after turning it on, it does not display a map, or starts to pave the way in a straight line, regardless of buildings and obstacles?

    Why is the navigator not plotting a route?

    The reasons may be different. Factory settings - when you first start the navigator, you should keep it at hand, and even better - read the instruction manual in advance. Some foreign-made models come to the market with the default language of the country of manufacture, change the “language” parameter to our native one!

    Incorrect initial settings - the first time you turn it on, it searches for available communication satellites for further work. This process does not take much time, but the operation of the device is significantly affected - when traveling over long distances, or when traveling in mountainous areas, the signal is switched to maintain stability.

    An error with the inscription on the screen "No route found" or "Unable to calculate the route" can usually occur when choosing too much travel distance or, again, incorrect settings. We select the item "system" and set the mode of use to "car". In the "navigation" line, set the "minimum time" for choosing a path. With the maximum settings, the route search will be the most accurate and shortest, but the calculation will take more time. It is more expedient to use this item for planning trips over long distances.

    Sometimes, due to a software failure in the navigator, the map can be deleted and it will stop paving the road. This may be due to the complete discharge of the device or improper power off. In this case, you should contact the service center, where they will install the latest versions of road maps for you.

    Yandex Navigator is confidently among the leaders in the ranking of navigation applications for mobile devices. A side effect of this popularity is a large number of difficulties in use. Let's analyze the most common complaints and try to fix them.

    Unfortunately, this is very vague information, under which dozens of reasons can be adjusted, including the inability of the user to launch the program and real-life geolocation failures in some territories. Therefore, we will consider the situation in more detail in order to highlight various aspects of the problem, and not a trivial lack of knowledge about the operation of a smartphone.

    In this material, we will limit ourselves to the difficulties that occur when using navigation from Yandex.

    Navigator cannot start correctly

    The application was correctly installed, but does not even start: it shows error messages and crashes immediately after the start. The reason may be failures when installing the program on a smartphone.

    According to system requirements, almost any modern device supports Yandex Navigator, so the option with a lack of resources is extremely rare. Constant freezes and long pauses even before elementary actions can indicate it.

    The smartphone may not be able to handle the application if it has less than half a gigabyte of RAM installed. For example, 256 MB by modern standards is very small.

    As for the first case, you need to uninstall the program through the phone settings, and then reinstall it. So, in Android OS, you can use the Play Store. If the failure was due to an error during installation, then reinstallation will fix the problem.

    Why does the program need an internet connection?

    Yandex Navigator can also work if you first prepare the program for this mode. In particular, you need to download to your smartphone the same maps that will be used to display the location without access to the Internet. You can do this from the application itself. Open the "Download maps" section in the menu, then select the required city. If you're lucky and have a map, download it.

    It is worth noting that Yandex maps on the territory of the Russian Federation, Ukraine and many other countries have a very decent coverage, so there is a high probability that there will be no difficulties at this stage.

    1. Before downloading, switch to WiFi because some cards are large.
    2. True, it will still not work to completely remove the connection to the Internet, so formally Yandex Navigator really only works online.

    The fact is that although the maps are stored in the smartphone, you still need a connection to get directions and search in the immediate vicinity. To some extent, the preliminary calculation of the route saves - then you can move along it without communication. One way or another, the exchange via the Internet will be significantly reduced, and the speed of the program will increase.

    Of course, without an Internet connection, the Navigator will not be able to download useful information, such as traffic information. Just in case, check: if they are not displayed, it is possible that the traffic light image in the corner is gray now. If so, click on it - the traffic light will be activated and the color will reflect the situation with the movement. And to show the congestion of roadways, a digital indication is used. 0 to 10.

    There is a route, but the Navigator does not track movement along it

    1. First you need to make sure that getting geodata is enabled.
    2. Then check your Internet connection and its speed (for example, open a website or two in your browser).
    3. If activated, the Internet is connected, but the program refuses to display the movement, try exiting the application and re-entering it.
    4. If it doesn't work, force stop with a special button from the settings section, where applications are shown (the procedure is almost the same for Android and iOS). Launch the Navigator again.

    If it refuses to drive again, restart your smartphone. Have you tried everything without success? Reinstall the program. Although it usually doesn’t come to this, Yandex programmers nevertheless wrote a good application.

    Imagine that even such serious measures did not help. In this case, there remains a difficult way - to stop using Yandex Navigator on this particular smartphone. Since it’s not fate for them to work together, use analogues.

    Voice search crashes

    There are several options here:

    • The microphone may have broken.
    • Or the Internet connection speed is not enough.
    • Or maybe it’s not quiet enough around - the street is noisy or the music rumbles.
    • It is better not to use voice search in a noisy environment.

    Well, sometimes the Navigator, like other programs, may refuse to function for no apparent reason. Wait, he will come to his senses and earn. Or follow the recommendations from the previous paragraph.

    Apple CarPlay Yandex Navigator. Solving the problem with sound.

    If Yandex Navigator does not work in Uber / Uber, video

    What else can cause Yandex Navigator to malfunction

    If the current position is not displayed or changes abruptly, exit the application and log back in. Unfortunately, such failures are possible.

    When the arrow indicating the direction is lost, or when searching for satellites for a long time and periodically being unable to maintain contact with them (especially on a long route) check the time settings, set the correct time zone.

    For geolocation from satellites time is also transmitted, and if it differs greatly from the system time, errors are inevitable.

    Occasionally, the program refuses to plot a route, referring to the complete absence of a path between points - despite the fact that there is a road and you can drive along it. More often it happens abroad. Alas, the program is not omniscient, respectively, and routes are not laid everywhere.

    Contact developers, help improve useful software -

    And sometimes there are reasons that in no way relate to the Navigator or satellites. There are several areas in the center of Moscow (in particular, near the Kremlin) where the application does not work. But this is not a mistake, but the foresight of the security services: special transmitters for the protection of strategic objects interrupt the satellite signal, giving obviously incorrect data.


    In the article, we figured out the main reasons that can lead to Yandex Navigator crashes, whether on Android OS or on another system.

    Add your questions and comments on the program, we will discuss the features of its work with the whole world. Good luck on the road!!!

    Collecting information on the Internet, I came across news from Yandex. The whole point is this. Yandex launched an application for iPhone and smartphones running Android - Yandex.Navigator.

    This is a very interesting and most importantly - a practical application that will save a lot of time.
    In order to start using Yandex.Navigator, you need to enter the house or the name of the organization and click: Let's go!

    The application knows about the situation of traffic jams throughout Russia and Ukraine. There are more than 500 cities in the database. As soon as something changes in the city, it changes in the application.

    Updates for cities are pretty fast. But this is not the main advantage of the program.

    If our car left the route, the navigator will rebuild the route (as if adjusting to us) and launch a new route scheme.

    There is also a very important function - the warning function. Something always changes on the map: traffic jams disappear, or vice versa appear. Voice prompt or prompt on the application screen will work instantly.

    She will alert us to these changes. And we will be able to take further actions based on these things.

    Also, this program remembers the paths we have typed. Therefore, in order not to enter the same thing a hundred times, you can find these paths in your favorites.

    And now back to the topic of traffic jams. Yandex Navigator shows not only how to drive the shortest way, but also the freest. Often the main factor in choosing a road is the presence of traffic jams.

    Traffic jams are nothing but time, and time is money. So if you want to save money, then this app is for you.

    Yandex.Navigator provides information about nearby restaurants, bars, fast foods, pharmacies, groceries, and much more. For example, it happens that the gasoline in the car runs out. The navigator will display the nearest gas stations. This will require just a few steps.

    In order to download this application, we will use the official website:

    Now in the right corner, select one of the proposed options. Either we indicate the mobile number and we are provided with a download link, or we go to the site through the phone's browser.

    You can find all instructions below. There are two videos here. The first is about the need to use Yandex Navigator.

    The second is about how to use Yandex.Navigator.

    August 14, 2017

    Voice control

    Build a route in Yandex.Navigator completely without hands. To enable voice control of the application, say "Listen, Yandex!" When the “Speak!” prompt appears, say the desired command. To confirm the constructed route, just tell the Navigator "Let's go." If you see an accident on the way and want to warn your fellow travelers about it, just tell the navigator “Listen, Yandex! -> accident in the right lane" and it will automatically add a mark to the traffic map.


    Park so as not to look for a car in the impound! At the end of each trip, the navigator independently offers a quick route (no longer than 15 minutes) with a tour of the nearest parking spaces. At the same time, the parking place will be within walking distance to the purpose of your trip, and if parking is paid, the application will inform you about this separately. Places that are allowed to park will be marked in blue, and places that are not allowed to be parked will be marked in red. You can study such a parking map of the area you are going to before leaving home.

    Search the app for places that have become free in the last 5 minutes. A free parking space looks like a green circle. If you click on a dot, you will find out how long ago the car left this place. Of course, the presence of a mark on the map does not yet give a 100% guarantee that no one has occupied this place yet. But the chances of parking there are definitely much higher!

    Browse button

    Save time! In order not to distract the driver from the road every minute, Yandex.Navigator offers to change the route only if the estimated time saving is more than 5 minutes. Especially for those who don't want to waste a minute, the Navigator's quick access panel has a "Browse" button. With its help, the driver can at any moment check if there is a route 2–3 minutes faster than the current one.

    My trips

    Keep statistics! For those who write down every detail of their car's biography or just want to remember which route they took to get to their best friend's summer house last summer, there is a "My trips" section in the Navigator settings. You can find out details about each trip: the exact route, travel time and average speed. Summary statistics are also available - by weeks and by months.


    Drive right to the cherished doors! Recently, Yandex.Navigator has learned how to lead to the house from the entrances. The company collects information about them through the "People's Card". There are not many of them yet, but you can add your own, and friends will easily find their way to you. To drive directly to the desired entrance, enter its number in the search bar after the main address, for example: st. Lesnaya, d. 5, p. 2.

    Roadside assistance

    Don't get lost if something goes wrong! Now you can call for roadside assistance without leaving the Navigator. You can send a request in the application settings. It is enough to indicate the make and model of the car, where it is located and what kind of help you need. You can, for example, call a tow truck that will deliver the car to the right address, or a master who will change the wheel, start the car, or even bring a can of gasoline. Within 15 minutes, the application will send offers from several services that are ready to accept the order. They are selected by rating, price and distance from the car. You just have to choose a service and wait for specialists.


    Change your route whenever you want! If, on the way to your destination, you remember that you need to stop, for example, at a pharmacy, or you just want to drive along Vozdvizhenka and admire the Morozov mansion, you can ask the Navigator to rebuild the route through the desired point. To do this, go to the "Overview" section, find the blue "plus" icon on the map and drag it to an intermediate point that you need to capture along the way.

    Background mode

    Don't get lost if you get distracted (or better, don't get distracted!). Navigator, it turns out, can work in the background. Oksana, Dima and other favorite characters won't leave you even if you minimize the app to check your mail or take an important call: the app will continue to guide you along the route and give you voice prompts.

    What's more, camera prompts and warnings will be heard even if you turn off your phone's screen. This may be necessary, for example, to save the battery on the phone if there is no charger at hand.

    Speed ​​warnings

    Customize your speeding alerts the way you want! In the application settings, you can set the speed limit (from 1 to 60 km/h), after which the Navigator will warn about cameras. For example, if you set the permissible excess to "19" and drive on a road with a limit of 60 km/h, the application will only respond to cameras after the mark "79" on the speedometer.

    From desktop to phone in one click

    Bonus. Is it possible to navigate without internet?

    If you are worried that the Internet will run out on a trip, then maps of the area can be downloaded in advance. Of course, to build a route, you need access to the Network. But, as Yandex told us in confidence, the company is already preparing completely offline routing.

    Today, every second motorist uses a navigator even when driving along a long-familiar route. For a long time, 13 million motorists in Russia cannot imagine their trip without attentive warnings from Oksana or Vasily Utkin from Yandex.Navigator. We have selected 10 features of your favorite application that you might not know about, but that will definitely make your life better.

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