Affiliate programs that allow you to sell your products online. Affiliate programs of the type: “Internet shops. Best affiliate programs for online stores

Affiliate Sales - Separate, based on sales with a partner business. About who a partner is, how to choose him for joint benefit, and how to develop partner sales in a particular company - read below.

Anyone can be a partner. This word is used to refer to suppliers, buyers, competitors. From the point of view of the partner sales channel, the definition of a partner can be as follows:

"A partner is a company that has its own business and participates in our sales process."

Let's agree, when we talk about affiliate sales, we do not mean the agency sales channel. The main difference between partners and agents: "The partner has his own business and has his own product, the agent's main activity is to sell your or similar goods." Of course, there can be combinations, but if a partner has more than 50% of your product sales, then he is an agent.

Once I was in charge of a project to launch partner sales at MTS. At that time, MTS acquired a fixed-line company and needed to be launched within the merged company. Why am I talking about this in the article about partners? Because legally it was one company, but in fact they were two different structures with different products, different corporate culture and sales business processes. What can be closer in product than mobile and fixed communication, moreover, there is an administrative lever for rapprochement. This is the best combination for partnerships. It turned out not at all. This project actually failed ... It’s not hard to admit, but sales of different products by different departments years after the launch of the project have not been put on stream.

Affiliate sales laws:

  • 1. The only reason for the formation of long-term affiliate programs is the ability of the affiliate product line to help sell their own products.
  • 2. An affiliate sales channel requires no less attention than direct sales.
  • 3. The main source of effectiveness of affiliate sales is not the motivation of managers, but.
  • 4. The best level of interaction between partners is the exchange of "warmed up" leads (lead - contact for a potential sale) in automatic mode.
  • 5. Partners should be approximately equal in size and sales.
  • There is an idea that getting a bunch of partners is easy. Proposed a partnership, exchanged links on the site or scattered each other's business cards at retail outlets and sales flooded. If this is an information business, where there are packaged products and partner interaction is automatic, then this is quite real. But finding an offline partner is really hard. The partnership may not require anything from the company other than the title “partner”. But, as practice shows, such a partnership does not help to sell.

    Let's take a look at each of the laws of affiliate sales:

    1) The only reason for forming long-term affiliate sales programs is the ability of the affiliate product line to help sell their own products.

    For example, you sell windows, a partner comes to you and wants your managers to start selling his doors, and he will start offering your windows. Will such a partnership be effective? Basically, the audience is similar, people are doing repairs. But to sell the door you need to know at least something about them.

    And if you just send a person outside the door to a partner?
    You can send - but not the fact that it will reach,
    and if it does, then it's not a fact that he will buy,
    and if he buys, it’s not a fact that we will be paid a reward
    and if the remuneration is paid to the company, not the fact that something will go to the manager,
    and even if something is transferred, it is not a fact that it will be a significant amount for him.

    Of course, if we are talking about two owners of neighboring pavilions in the market, then such a partnership may work. But more often than not, good hired sales managers are focused on the result, expressed in their pocket and, surprisingly, long-term development prospects of the company, and even more so the development of a partner, do not motivate them at all.

    Let's consider another option. We sell windows, and we are offered a partnership by the installer of these windows. Is there a chance for this partnership to succeed? Sure! A man came to buy windows and asks, do you do the installation? We say no and he goes elsewhere. A partnership with an installer is beneficial to us, we are expanding our service, and we can also get our percentage from installation. A trifle, but nice, but the main thing is that we did not lose a client. Of course, this is very exaggerated, but there are a lot of such symbiosis in business. For example, our company is constantly, we will install them to customers in any case. Why can't we find a partner who will give us special conditions for technical support? And we, being sure that it effectively serves CRM, will implement it in companies. And the remuneration is not so important, and the sales managers understand it.

    2) An affiliate sales channel requires no less attention than direct sales.

    If you are seriously counting on partner sales, then you need to devote a lot of time to working with partners. The partner has his own business, his own daily problems, difficulties, tasks. No matter how your product helps to sell your own product, it will always be in second place. And that's okay, but if you don’t remind your partner of yourself, don’t talk about your product and don’t bring him customers, he will very soon forget about you. Look for informational reasons for constant contact with your partner, keep in touch with how you work with his product, bring him customers and after a while he will return the energy invested in him.

    3) The main source of partner sales efficiency is not the motivation of managers, but the business process of the sale.

    Motivating a manager to sell someone else's product is a dangerous thing. If you give a good motivation, then the manager can stop selling our product, if you give a small one, then he will not deal with them at all. Therefore, it is optimal to set up business processes of sales through partners in such a way that the sale of a partner product is integrated into this business process. But keep in mind, if you want a partner to sell, you need to build the sales process into his company, and this is a very hard work.

    4) The best level of interaction between partners is the exchange of "warmed up" leads in automatic mode.

    It is impossible to study a partner's product as well as your own, so it is better to transfer to the partner the contact of a person interested in buying. A manager needs to be taught how to "warm up" a potential client of an affiliate product. These should be several phrases, several examples or properties, to stir up interest, with which a manager who knows his product will work further. Automation greatly increases the chance of a lead or client reaching a partner. The fewer steps a manager needs to take to transfer a lead, the more likely it is that the transfer will take place and the affiliate sales system will work.

    5) Partners should be approximately equal in size and sales.

    It is very difficult to establish interactions when partners are sooooo different levels. And the flow of customers is different at times. One partner sent 10 leads, the other 100. At the same time, the first one was unable to process all of them, because he has only one manager who can hardly manage to process his clients. Size also affects a company's agility and business processes. It is difficult to sharpen the business processes of a small company for a large one, or vice versa, therefore, companies of the same level are most likely to have a successful partnership.

    Summing up the development of partner sales, we can conclude that working with partners requires fine tuning and close attention. The development of an affiliate sales program can be part of our work on.

Agro Trading is a distributor and official dealer of world-class gardening, utility and power equipment. The affiliate program of the Agro Trading online store is a way of mutually beneficial cooperation between our company and partners. The affiliate program covers the sale of gardening and municipal equipment. It includes the installation of a standard affiliate program script.

After installing the script, just attract visitors and take care of your site, the affiliate program will work by itself and bring you profit. The amount of partner remuneration is considered individually. Interest from the affiliate program is paid 2 times a week.

If you are interested in our offer, we are ready to discuss all the details so that our work with you is as profitable as possible:

For all questions related to the affiliate program, you can contact us by phone or write to us, indicating brief information about yourself or your company.

We invite you to cooperate with all online stores, information sites or portals located in Moscow and regions of Russia!

Today, earnings on affiliate programs are our main source of income. You can make money on affiliate programs even without your own website, you just need to know how to do it correctly

Greetings, dear friends! In touch Alexander Berezhnov - one of the founders of the business magazine

Now many people are looking for ways and tools to make money on the Internet without investment and special knowledge.

In the article I told how we make money on affiliate programs and how to do it for you with and without your website.

You will also learn what affiliate programs are, how much you can earn on them and where is the best place to start for a beginner.

1. What are affiliate programs and how they make money

affiliate program is a type of commercial interaction between the manufacturer (owner) of a product or service and its partner (seller).

The essence of making money on affiliate programs boils down to the fact that you get a percentage of the sales of goods and services if the buyers came to them according to your recommendation (affiliate link).

How is the process of making money

You find a contractor (online store, author of a training course, service or person) who sells goods or services and help him sell his product for a percentage.

Let's consider this scheme using a real-life example.

You have a friend Vasya who makes websites, you need a website and you turned to him.

Vasya did his job perfectly and you are satisfied with the result.

Now, if your acquaintances need a website, you will naturally recommend Vasya to them.

There are a lot of such examples.

I am sure that over the past month you have somehow recommended something to your friends just like that (as they say, out of the kindness of your heart).

Thus, you have become a freelance sales manager for many firms without compromising your personal time.

Now that's interesting, isn't it?

Now let's just look at the numbers, and you will immediately understand that making money on affiliate programs is a great opportunity to receive additional income or even make it the main one for yourself.

Suppose that some time ago you or someone you know made a home renovation using the services of a finishing team.

You liked their quality, timing and price.

Just agree with these craftsmen that you will recommend them to everyone who needs to renovate an apartment or house, and they will pay you 10% of the amount of work performed as a reward for the recommendation.

Considering that the cost of an average repair in an apartment costs people several hundred thousand rubles, and even "selling" one repair per month, you can earn from 10,000 to 100,000 rubles on the "repairmen" affiliate program alone.

And if you have recently had built-in furniture - a wardrobe, a kitchen, and so on ...

In general, you get the principle.

Now let's look at how they make money on affiliate programs on the Internet.

Everything here is exactly the same as in real life.

And to begin with, on the network you need to find someone with whom you will "partner".

The opportunity to make money on their affiliate program is provided by online stores (for example,, hosting sites, information businessmen (people who sell information on the Internet in the form of training courses), various automated services (for example, the mailing service or the service of commodity affiliate programs

This is where beginners have a question

How does your contractor (the one who provides you with the affiliate program) know that the customer who made the purchase came from you (via your link)?

This is not difficult, since when you use the Internet on your computer, all the latest data are recorded in special cookies.

This is how the computer remembers the entire route of the buyer of a product or service who came on your recommendation.

If the person who came to your affiliate link buys something from your contractor, then you get the percentage specified in the affiliate program in the form of a commission for such a recommendation.

It is curious that the size of the commission for the affiliate program can reach up to 100% ! That is, the contractor gives you all the money received, for example, in exchange for the contact of a potential client.

This is especially common in info-business, where the information product has no cost. That is why, here, affiliate program commissions often reach 70% , 80% , 90% and more.

Typically, partners' rewards range from 10% before 70% depending on the type of product or service, as well as the price of it.

Unlike information products, where your commission is often higher 50% , in product affiliate programs this value usually does not exceed 30-40% .

One of the powerful services that gives you the opportunity to make money on product affiliate programs is apishops (

Here you will find a bunch of very different products (mostly exclusive) that you can sell by simply creating an advertising campaign, and all other actions - the purchase of goods and promotional materials for it, communication with customers and delivery will be taken over by the service.

For the sake of experiment, I sold Chinese watches here, in principle, I managed to make good money. Try anyone interested.

There are also so-called CPA affiliate programs.

In them, you are charged for actions, for example, for a confirmed user application for a loan or registration in an online game.

CPA affiliate programs are gaining popularity right now. This is especially true for banking products such as loans.

You've probably heard about such a well-known bank as Tinkov.

He also has his own CPA affiliate program “ Tinokoff».

Here are its terms of remuneration to partners:

  • Payment for an application for a credit card - 155 rubles
  • Payment for an activated credit card - 160 rubles
  • Payment for a deposit application - RUB 952.52

2. How much can you earn on affiliate programs

This question worries many people, especially those who are just starting to look for ways to make money on the Internet.

Let's answer it right away. Personally, our result with Vitaly: more than 50,000 rubles per month.

Here is a screenshot of an example of monthly earnings:

In short, everyone earns differently.

For some, earnings on affiliate programs are barely enough for ice cream, while others are rowing the loot with a shovel, raising hundreds of thousands of rubles a month.

So we have a pretty average result.

By the way, if you want to know more about that, read our article.

Now let me tell you what income depends on or what needs to be done to earn in this way not only for bread, but also for butter and caviar.

So, the factors influencing the amount of income from affiliate programs:

Factor 1. Quality (interestingness) of the offer

The product or service, of which you have become a partner, must be in demand and interesting to consumers. They must have adequate price, quality and features that will withstand the competition in the market when compared to similar products.

For example, if you sell an IPhone under the affiliate program of the N online store, and at the same time its price is higher compared to other online stores, then the chance of buying it will be less, and accordingly, your potential earnings will be small.

Factor 2. Number of offers

Factor 3. The quantity and quality of traffic entering the offer

Suppose that every hundredth visitor who follows your link will order a product or service.

Then it turns out that you need to attract at least 100 people for one click on the link.

For more information on where to get potential buyers and how to advertise your affiliate link, read the next section of the article.

Factor 4. Relevance (correspondence) of the proposal to the place of its placement

These can be specialized forums, articles on your blog on a topic, groups on social networks with a target audience.

Factor 5. The size of the commission

Pay attention to the amount of commission for your affiliate program. The higher they are in percentage terms and in pure monetary terms, the better.

In trade, this is called the average check, that is, it is the average income per customer.

At the same time, do not forget about all the other factors, because if they are not respected, then you will not get a commission at all.

3. Earnings on affiliate programs - step-by-step instructions for beginners using the example of the service

Attention, all the technology described below is not "sucked out of my thumb"! It really works and I'll tell you why below.

You will find out what steps you need to take and what I have done in order to earn good money on affiliate programs (more than 50,000 rubles a month).

Such income on affiliate programs is now brought by the site, on which you are reading this article.

All the money from partner sales goes to me through the instant payment service. Using this service as an example, we will consider the step-by-step technology of making money on affiliate programs for beginners.

Step 1. Find an affiliate program

You can find it in different ways, but in the article we will look at the entire step-by-step algorithm from finding an affiliate program to withdrawing the money earned from Glopart.

First, go to the website and register.

The registration procedure is intuitive and should not raise any questions.

Now we read the description of the product, choose the one we like best.

At the same time, we draw attention to the cost of the goods and the amount of commissions.

In order to make sure of the adequacy of the offer (product) that you want to advertise, go to the selling site of the product and carefully study it.

To assess the adequacy (quality) of the offer, be guided by the following criterion - would you buy this product yourself? Yes / No and why?

Only after that make the final decision whether you will promote it.

To add this product to your affiliate list, click the "become a partner" button:

After clicking on this button you will see a window in which you will see your affiliate links.

Step 2. Get an affiliate link

You can choose any of two links:

  1. Link to product page (selling page);
  2. Link to the payment page.

Step 3. Advertise the link

So, you have chosen an interesting product, received a link and it's time to advertise (promote) it, so that sales go through it and you start making money.

  • on thematic forums;
  • on your own or someone else's website / blog (in the article);
  • in groups and publics on VKontakte and Odnoklassniki;
  • using contextual and tagged advertising configured through your affiliate link to the author's website;
  • creating a separate site (landing page) and advertise this course there, catching up traffic with the help of advertising to it.

Eyeliner - This is a piece of text that precedes an affiliate link and motivates a person to follow it. The liner should be concise, intriguing and beneficial to the user.

This will increase the number of clicks on your affiliate link.

Step 4. Making a profit

If a potential client has purchased a product using your link, you will be charged a commission, the amount of which was indicated as "partnership deductions".

After a certain period, for example a week, you will see how many products and which ones you have sold.

So you can focus on them and further increase your income by selling more profitable products and getting rid of unprofitable ones.

Step 5. Withdraw the earned money

In the Glopart service, the money you earn can be withdrawn both manually and automatically.

In the second case, the funds will be transferred to your Webmoney wallet, and then you can use the earned money at your discretion.

For example, pay for goods or services via the Internet, withdraw your money to a bank card (for example, to a Sberbank card) and cash it out at an ATM. This is what we do.

4. Pros and cons of making money on affiliate programs

Dear reader, so that you have a complete picture of making money on affiliate programs, I decided to highlight the main advantages and disadvantages of this method of making money on the Internet.

pros "+" Earnings on affiliate programs

  1. Availability.Almost any person with average computer skills can earn in this way and get the first money in the very near future (sometimes after a few minutes of advertising the affiliate link);
  2. High income.Compared to other ways of earning, affiliate programs provide an opportunity to get really good profit in the first month (from $ 100 to $ 1000 or more);
  3. The ability to start without investment (from scratch).Since you can advertise an affiliate link on forums, Vkontakte, Odnoklassniki and other social networks, it will not cost you anything other than personally spent time. This is your personal business, which can really be opened with absolutely no investment and start earning decent sums from scratch.

In general, I wrote about how to start a business from scratch in.

Minuses "-" earnings on affiliate programs

  1. Income volatility.In some month, with the same efforts, you can earn $ 500, but in some affiliate programs they will not bring even $ 100. It depends on the seasonality of the topic of the proposed product and its relevance at a given time.
  2. The risk of losing time and money (in the case of paid link advertising).You take some action in order to make money. But the truth is, they may not do the trick.

If you waste time and gain experience, it’s okay. Although, it will be uncomfortable if you put a hefty budget on advertising your affiliate links and they don't work.

In order to minimize financial risks, I again advise you to familiarize yourself with the rules for choosing an affiliate program (first paragraph of the article), which I called factors affecting the amount of income from affiliate programs.

Here are affiliate programs of online stores. It makes no sense to describe affiliate programs of ALL online stores, because there are a lot of them. Below are just a few of the most popular examples of affiliate programs for online stores, you can cooperate with them, or find a more suitable option for your site theme. More options can be found in the affiliate CPA section (links to affiliate programs are available after registration).

3.8333333333333 Rating 3.83 (24 Votes)

Description: An affiliate program from an electrical equipment store (voltage stabilizers, generators, UPSs, inverters, etc.) Offer a free script of a partner store. Classic options for banners, links - no, you can only work through your domain using their free script.

Participation rules: They pay a commission in the amount of 15% of the order value. There is a referral system, you will receive 5% of the earnings of your attracted webmaster.

Payouts: There is no minimum payment amount. Payments are made on the 1st day of each month to the Webmoney R-purse.

Registration: Register at


3.4 Rating 3.40 (5 Votes)

Description: ARTWALL - online store of paintings, posters and interior decorations presents its affiliate program, which will be an interesting way to earn money for those who have a website dedicated to interior design and related topics. The affiliate program is also suitable for those who know how to work with advertising and find the target audience in this area.

The owners emphasize that the average check amount is about 4,000 rubles. Affiliate remuneration is 20%. Commissions are charged immediately after the customer pays for the purchase. You will also receive profit from the next purchases of the client who came through your link within six months.

Registration: Register at


3.0588235294118 Rating 3.06 (17 Votes)

Description: PRINTBAR is an affiliate program of a clothing store with unique prints across the entire surface. Pay from 25% of the order value. A large selection of promotional materials is provided for partners: from regular links to landing pages and banners to a fully functional partner store (you can attach your domain) ... The average order receipt is 2500 rubles.

The store itself has a huge selection of T-shirts, sweatshirts, etc. on the most relevant topics: games, music, sports, entertainment, patriotism, etc. They promise high quality products and worldwide delivery.

Registration: Register at


3.6666666666667 Rating 3.67 (27 Votes)

Description: Affiliate program for an online women's clothing store. The site has a huge selection of products, mainly women's underwear, clubwear, etc. With each order, a discount of up to 20% is provided, depending on the amount of the order.

Participation rules: They pay 5-10% of the orders of buyers, and 30-150% of the earnings of the invited partners (check the conditions on the website).

Payouts: The minimum payout amount is 10 rubles. Pay to Webmoney WMR-wallet, Sberbank card, mobile phone or postal order.

Registration: Register at


3.7142857142857 Rating 3.71 (7 Votes)

Description: The SHOPOZZ affiliate program generates income from advertising products in the largest online stores: eBay, Taobao, Amazon, Yahoo and others. They work in many countries of Europe, Asia, USA. Due to the purchase of several goods by customers in one package, the partner's profit increases. Catalogs in Russian are used. The conditions for participation are very simple. You need to bring the client to the online store for shopping. After they make payment for the goods, you will receive a reward of 25% of SHOPOZZ's profits for 1 year.

You can cooperate without having a website, but by posting a link on social networks, forums and other well-visited resources. A reward is paid in the amount of 25-30% of the amount spent by the client you attracted. There is a 10% referral program.

Registration: Register with

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2.5 Rating 2.50 (8 Votes)

Description: They sell copies of unusual phones, radio-controlled models, unique gadgets, robotic vacuum cleaners, etc. All products are made in China, so their prices are very low (for example, the iPhone 5C costs only 6900). All products are covered by a 6-month warranty, delivery time is 7-14 days to anywhere in Russia, and products are also delivered all over the world. Webmasters are paid 25% of the product price. There are a lot of promotional materials, including ready-made landing pages.

Registration: Register at


3.8 Rating 3.80 (5 Votes)

Description: SELLUS - an affiliate program of an online sports nutrition store (proteins, additives, amino acids, etc.) , also work on the CPA model with such offers as eyelash extensions, hair extensions, sensation enhancers, etc.

It is possible to place an online store and product landing pages on your own domain. Affiliates are paid from 10% on the sales of the sports nutrition store and from 25% on the sales of other goods. All promotional materials are provided.

Registration: Register with

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3.5714285714286 Rating 3.57 (7 Votes)

Description: Russia's largest search engine for profitable airfare. The site contains a very convenient and beautiful search form, which is quite simple to use. They work with 728 airlines around the world, 40 ticket offices. The company itself does not sell tickets, but directs you to the agency's website, where you can book a ticket at a favorable price for you.

Registration: Register at


2.5 Rating 2.50 (4 Votes)

Description: MAKEUPPROFIT - an affiliate program of an online store of French cosmetics, also work on the CPA model, offer several beauty products as direct offers (means for weight loss, eyelash growth) ... There are landing pages, pre-landing pages, detailed statistics, good deductions for the sale of goods.

At the moment they pay from 20% of store sales magic-glance and from 550 rubles for a direct offer, geo - Russia. They promise an average conversion of 1.5%. Optionally, they provide a free script for the White Label store.

After the partner earns 2000 rubles, a bonus of 1000 rubles will be added to the balance. The money can be withdrawn immediately.

Registration: Register at

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4.2 Rating 4.20 (5 Votes)

Description: The online store of Chinese goods KITMALL is a real find both for the most sophisticated in online shopping and for beginners. Everyone will find a product for themselves to taste and wallet. KiTMALL is optimally adapted for Russian-speaking buyers, all products have a detailed description and colorful photos. They sell items for the interior, sports and recreation, electronics, clothes and shoes, smartphones and tablets. Regular KITMALL promotions provide an opportunity to get the most favorable conditions for the purchase of various categories of goods. Free shipping.

Benefits for partners: Average check: 9000 rubles, Reward (Category "Electronics", "Automotive": 3.26%, all other categories: 6.52%) , Website traffic over 200,000 visitors per month, Huge selection of advertising materials.

Registration: Register at
then select the offer KITMALL in the list "program catalog"

A reliable affiliate program allows you to receive a stable income without significant costs, which is why it is so important to choose the best product affiliate programs for earning. The webmaster himself can study all the existing ones and select the most suitable ones among them, however, recently there are so many affiliate programs that one cannot do without the help of special services. Here you can get acquainted with the most popular affiliate programs, learn more about the benefits of working with each of them, and get a lot of other useful information.


Product affiliate program is a service where by registering, you can provide for sale certain products or the entire range of products of an online store, as well as participate in the sale of goods and receive a certain percentage for this. A webmaster can use existing sites to participate in a product affiliate program, or he can create a new online store and sell goods through it. The commission from the sale depends on many factors, but, first of all, on the terms of cooperation that the affiliate offers. As a rule, the best product partnerships strive to create all conditions for the successful work of all participants. So, they provide a huge number of sales tools, a lot of customization and integration options, ready-made website templates for online stores, high commissions. With the help of a good product affiliate program, you can quickly establish sales and make the first withdrawal of funds within the first week of work. The affiliate program takes care of most of the hassle for the functioning of the online store and the implementation of various stages of the sale. For example, customer consultation and order acceptance are automatic and do not take up the webmaster's time. Rewards, as a rule, are paid very quickly and can be made to a bank card or to an electronic wallet.


To work successfully and make money on product affiliate programs, you need to be prepared for high competition. Having studied the leading product affiliate programs of 2017, you can make sure that there are many participants in them, and those who have deep knowledge of SEO website promotion and internet marketing earn the most. Therefore, be ready to make an effort and high earnings will not keep you waiting.

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