How to connect your printer to your computer: detailed instructions for Windows, Mac OS and Android. Installing and Configuring a Printer on MacBook

The difference, it turns out, is the size of the flash memory and the number of USB ports. Due to the weak processor, this device is not suitable for sharing "over the air" USB drives... According to my personal tests, the speed of work with the drive did not exceed 1 MB / s for writing and 2.5 MB / s for downloading. As you can imagine, this is very, very slow. Therefore, I decided to try my luck with setting up the print server. Decently podolbavshis, I still did it. So for the owners aSUS routers models WL-500GPV2, ASUS WL-520GU and the flashed D-Link DIR-320, the instructions below will help.

We connect the printer to the USB port of the router, turn on the printer power and go to the router's web interface through a browser. Go to the settings USB Network Devices > 3G / CDMA Modem (1)... In the main window we find the section Custom USB device parameters and opposite point USB device location ID push the button View (2)... Another window will open showing summary information about the connected USB device... We are interested in the very beginning, namely a line like / dev / usb / lp0 - write it down or remember it. It is important!

Next, in the same web interface of the router, let's move on to the parameters System Setup > Services (3)... Find the section Printing services and set parameters in it (4) :

  • Enable LPR printing: Yes
  • Enable RAW printing: Yes

After we press Apply (5) and Finish (6), and then Save & Restart... The router should reboot. After rebooting the router, go to the settings in Mac OS X. Go to System settings and choose Print & Fax (7).

In the opened settings on the left side at the bottom, click [+] (8) to add a new printer:

In the next window, select IP (9) and set the following parameters:

  • Protocol: LDP (Line Printer Daemon)
  • Address:specify the IP address of the router (by default or
  • Turn:here we enter the ending that we defined in the web interface of the router (highlighted in red) in my case it is lp0.

It is worth paying attention to exactly two main and very important parameters when setting up a printer in Mac OS X: Protocol: LDP and Queue: lp0. The fact is that the LDP protocol is selected in any case, but each queue can be individual, but it depends on it whether the printer will accept information for printing or not. If the web interface of the router does not provide for the definition of the connection point (queue) of the printer, then you can try using either the standard queue lp or try to register one of these: lp0, lp1, lpusb, lpusb0, lpusb1, lpUSB, lpUSB0, lpUSB1, LPUSB, LPUSB0, LPUSB1.

  • Name:at your discretion (I have a Canon MP160)
  • Posted:at your discretion
  • A printer:go to the menu and select the item Select Printer Software ... (10), select your printer from the list and wait for its installation. If there is no printer in the list, go to the manufacturer's official website, download and install it. After installation, it should appear in the list.

After settings, click Add (11) and waiting for the printer to be added to the system.

After the actions taken, a window should appear with installed printer and brief information about it:

You can use it. In a similar way, you can try to configure a printer connected to routers of other manufacturers and models.

Mac users are used to everything working out of the box. Want to connect a printer? Just plug in the cable and the computer will do everything for you. But, if you want to study in more detail all the processes performed by your computer, then you should pay attention to the tips below, which will help you learn a lot about printers in the OS X environment.

Add shared printers on the fly

You can add a new printer not only using the Printers and Scanners menu, but also directly in the document print window. To do this, in the standard print dialog box, click on the drop-down list of printers and select "Add printer". After that, OS X will automatically download required drivers and prepare him for work.

This greatly speeds up the connection process. It should be noted that this method only works with printers that are connected via Bonjour networking, and will not work for other connections.

Pool of printers

There are times when you have access to a certain number of printers that are connected and available for printing. In this case, you can combine them into a "Printer Pool". After merging, all printers will be connected into one virtual one and the system itself will choose which printer to send the print job to.

To configure the pool, go to "System Preferences", "Printers and Scanners" and while holding the Command button select all the necessary printers. After that, on the right there will be a proposal to create a pool and by clicking the "Create printer pool" button you will see one virtual printerwhich will be available for both local printing and public access.

Configuration via CUPS

On first launch, you may see a warning that web interface disabled. To enable, open a terminal and write the following command there: cupsctl WebInterface \u003d yes

After that, you need to refresh the page and you will get access to the settings. Outwardly, it may seem that all this is in the system settings, but there are several interesting functions here.

Viewing the activity log

Your Mac keeps a log of printer activity and errors. It can track not only printer problems, but also identify the user who sent the files to print. Such features will be useful for system administrators. You can find them in the Administration tab.

Allowing / Denying Users to Print

You can prevent users from typing through general accessbut Apple has no visual interface to disallow local printing. To do this, you can use CUPS, in which you need to go to the Printers tab and then select Set Allowed Users. There you can register the names of users who are allowed or prohibited to print.

Adding printers to the pool

You cannot add new printers to an existing pool through the OS X interface, but you can do so through CUPS. To do this, go to the Classes tab and select your pool. Next, you need to click Modify Class and hold down the Command key and select the necessary printers. Clicking on Modify Class will apply the changes.

Moving tasks to another printer

If you printed a document and the process was interrupted by an error, then you can go to the Jobs tab and press the Move Job button to transfer the task to another printer.

Subscribe to RSS after printer events

If you system Administratorthen you can use the Add RSS Subscription button. In the menu, you can mark the events about which you want to receive information and then you will be provided with a link that can be added to any RSS client.

System reset

If something went wrong while setting up the printers, you can always reset everything to the factory configuration. To do this, go to "System Preferences", "Printers and Scanners" and click right click mouse on the list of printers. IN context menu there will be an item "Reset printing system". This action will remove all configured printers and you can start over.

Any MacBook or iMac has softwarethat allows you to use a printer of almost any company. It is very simple to install it, however, there are often differences in the instructions, because not only from different manufacturers, but also from different models there may be differences in the way of setting.

Connecting equipment directly

The first step will simplify and speed up the installation of the printer: download the updated drivers for your model of the device on the manufacturer's website. If there is no update, chances are there is enough firmware to run. Turn on the printer and connect one USB end to it. The second one needs to be installed in the MacBook. In the Mac, click on the "System Settings" \u003d\u003e "Print and Scan" button. There you can make sure whether you installed the device correctly or not. If you are not sure that the computer sees the device and you managed to connect it, open any file that can be printed, in the “File” menu, click “Print” (hotkeys - “Comand-P”). Your printer should be displayed in the pop-up window in the corresponding menu. If it doesn't appear, try adding it manually.

Network printers

To install the device, we repeat the initial step from the first description. The printer can be accessed via Ethernet or wireless network. To add a printer to a hardware network used by a specific computer:

  • Go to "Finder" \u003d\u003e " Utilities"\u003d\u003e" Go ", then click on the printer setup program twice. Press the "Add" button and select the desired name.
  • "System Preferences" button, and then "Print & Scan". There we click on "+" to add a new printer. Then we double-click on his name.
Printing process

If it was possible to connect the equipment, then the moment has come for the main workflow. Open the file you want to print. Follow the path "File \u003d\u003e Print \u003d\u003e ... (Printer name is selected in the menu)". We determine the orientation of the document and other options available in the menu at our discretion (set the paper type, for example). After setting, click on "Print".

    1. If the printer sends you " light signals», Most likely mistakes were made in the work. It is worth consulting with specialists and finding out the causes of the problems.
    2. The machine does not print sent files, what should I do? Don't sound the alarm right away. Cancel the job and turn off the device. Half a minute after it has completely turned off, try turning the printer back on and resume the task.
    3. When printing files on non-standard paper, be sure to indicate this before starting to print. It's easy to set up paper and start printing, but breaking this rule will damage both the printer and the object to be processed.
    4. Install high quality in the photo - very useful function... However, printing something of secondary importance can reduce the resolution.

Let's try to figure out how you can organize printing from Windows to a printer installed on a system with UNIX / Linux / Mac OS X. Standard Printing Subsystem for UNIX called CUPS(Common UNIX Printing System). One of the ways to organize network printing on a CUPS printer is to share (share) it using Samba. However, in this article we will not consider this method, because Despite the fact that this method is "native" for Windows clients, it is not always advisable to deploy and configure a samba, if, in addition to organizing a print server, there is no other need for it (most likely you will have to solve a number of problems, mainly, of course, related with authorization).

Preferred Connection Method windows client to a CUPS print server on a UNIX-like operating system - is the protocol IPP ( InternetPrintingProtocol) used in CUPS as the basis for job and queue management. IPP is an HTTP-based standard protocol that allows printing control, supports authentication and encryption (SSL), access control, and allows port forwarding and tunneling. Compared to Samba, the configuration of the CUPS print server over IPP is simpler and less error prone.

Windows built-in support for IPP only appeared in Windows 2000.

So, let's say we have an OS X Lion machine that has a CUPS server deployed with canon printer, network access to which it is open (in this example access is open to everyone without login / password authorization).

Get the address of the print queue on the CUPS server

Suppose that the address of our computer with OS X (and, accordingly, our print server) is, by default the CUPS server uses TCP port 631. In the address bar of your browser, go to then on the tab Printers... The tab will display a list of all printers installed on the OS X system and available to us. The name of each printer is a link, the address of which is the address of the printer's print queue in the CUPS system.

Thus, we find out (and immediately copy it to the clipboard) that the queue address of the printer of interest to us in the CUPS system is
http: //

Windows IPP / CUPS Printing Support

To enable IPP printing support on Windows, you must install the appropriate role. Typically, Windows XP / Vista / Windows 7 already has Internet Printing Protocol (IPP) support. If not, in Windows 7, you can install the IPP client through the control panel. Go to Control Panel -\u003e Programs and Features -\u003e Turn Windows feautures on or off... In the window that appears, expand the branch Print and Document Services, check the option Internet Printing Client and click OK, after which the client for supporting IPP printing will be installed (in Windows 2008/2008 R2, a separate function with the same name is installed).

Installing and Configuring a Network CUPS Printer in Windows

We will install and configure the IPP printer in Windows 7 (the procedure in other windows versions is similar, note that in this case we are setting exactly network printerrather than local as described in the article). Go to the printer control panel ( Control Panel \\ Hardware and Sound \\ Devices and Printers) and create a new network printer (Add a network, wireless or Bluetooth printer). Will start automatic search printers, but most likely, the required printer will not be found, so press the button The printer what I wont isn't listed.

In field Select a shared printer by name Paste the address of the printer's print queue copied earlier and click Next.

Windows will try to connect to the printer, and not the fact that it is successful, it depends on many factors and it is unlikely that it will be possible to disassemble them all. From practice, we note that if the process of connecting to the printer takes longer (more than 3-5 minutes), try to check the availability of the CUPS server by going to the same address using any browser, and try connecting the printer again.

If the connection is successful, the system will prompt you to install the printer driver. Let's dwell on this moment. CUPS accepts print files from clients that are regular PostScript documents. PostScript print language supported windows system right out of the box, the main problem is that the name standard driver PS sounds Microsoft Publisher Color Printer (funny disguise, isn't it), but on some systems the naming MS Publisher Imagesetter may be used.

So, we select the driver, for which we go to the section Generic, choose MS Publisher Color Printerand click OK (if the system has a "native" printer driver, still select MS Publisher!).

If everything went well (and usually there are no problems at this stage), then a typical procedure for setting up the printer follows (name, description, whether you want to share it). Click Next to try to print a test print page. As a rule, a test print page is printed without any difficulty on a printer connected to a Unix-like client.
In some cases it is worth trying to install native driver printer, although it is preferable to first make sure that the simple driver PS print jobs are output correctly. But it should be understood that the driver installed in the CUPS system is actually used for printing, and the driver installed in Windows driver PostScript just generates a PS file and transfers it to the server.

Note. Remember to check that between the OS X machine and Windows port 631 is not blocked by the firewall.

So, we figured out how in Windows 7 to set up printing to a printer installed on Mac OS X (in UNIX / Linux the procedure is similar).

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