Why push notifications are not turned on. Not receiving notifications on xiaomi devices

In the world information technologies only a small part of all inventions are used. But most things are designed precisely to make our life easier. One of these improvements will be discussed in the article. These are Push notifications. What are they and where can they be used? What are push notifications? iPhones, Android, feature phones - where are they set up and how can I turn them on / off?

Meet - Push Notifications

What is it? This is the name of the brief pop-up notifications that appear on the screens of touch technology (tablets, phones) and inform about important updates and events. If desired, they can be used as a simple form of dialogue between the seller and the buyer, which led to their widespread use in the field of marketing.

So, if we consider the option with the application, then the main task here is to inform about updates, new content (or just a reminder that it has not been used for a long time). How to make push notifications for an app? To do this, you need to use the API that exists for a specific phone (in fact, for the operating system used).

The reason for the emergence of this technology was the desire of specialists to support the circle of users of their developments. Setting up push notifications is easy. The end of the article contains information about the features of enabling / disabling them on different operating systems.

Use cases for push notifications

Where can this technology be used? Let's dwell a little on the statistics that Push notifications boast. What this will give us, we will consider later. So:

  1. Most of all (41%) they are used to notify about new applications or updates to existing ones.
  2. Then (24%) there is a newsletter about special offers.
  3. To inform about new content that appeared in the program, it is used in 14% of cases.
  4. Least of all purposefully (12%) are used to send advertising and / or referral links.
  5. The remaining 9% falls on other types of information.

If you do not receive Push notifications from those to whom you are subscribed, and nothing has changed in the settings, this does not mean that they will not be available at all. Maybe the problem was simply a disconnection. If you are a developer, then something was wrongly configured in the applications themselves.

New marketing channel

Before looking at how to interact with this technology from the user's point of view, let me take a little more time and talk about the concept of Push Notifications in marketing. When using this kind of development, you need to be careful not to cross the fine line that separates cooperation from obsession. If these lines are read by a marketer or a person receiving the appropriate education, it should be remembered that in this way valuable information should be provided, which will be positively reflected in subsequent interaction.

Push notifications must contain timely and relevant content. So, in an application that targets children, coffee ads will be very out of place, which, in turn, will surely lead to a loss of popularity.

Usage example

It is popular to use this technology to briefly notify friends about the action. Considering this, you can remember about "Twitter", which informs its users about the emerging changes in the profiles of friends.

Some companies use GPS to determine where their customers are, and if their outlet is nearby, they send a notification. Timely receipt of the message is important. The implementation feature is that no Internet access is required for push notifications, because often all necessary information stored in the application itself (usually).

Features of use

So, if you have made a decision to use Push Notifications as part of your marketing plan, then it is a good idea to make sure that they meet these conditions:

  1. The content provided must be relevant and relevant.
  2. It should be possible to unsubscribe.
  3. It is advisable to link to social networks so that users have the opportunity to discuss.
  4. You should choose a quantitative policy wisely - no one wants to receive 20 notifications a day.

Now you can proceed to the activation of such a technology. For ease of understanding, the procedure will be broken down depending on the operating system that is installed on mobile device... So how do you set up push notifications?


It is the most popular operating system that has earned its status through free distribution and continuous improvement. How are push notifications enabled / disabled on it? To disable, you need to perform a number of actions in the following order:

  1. Go to phone settings.
  2. Go to your account, then to notifications, and already there you will see information about Push.
  3. Select the desired settings, restrictions on receiving - in general, do everything the way you want.

But what if you want to enable / disable Push notifications not for everyone, but only for one application? For this case, its own algorithm is also provided:

  1. Go to settings.
  2. Go to an item such as "Notifications".
  3. All installed on touch phone application and you should select your item by clicking on it.
  4. Disable or enable the function of receiving messages from this program.

As you can see, there is nothing difficult in performing these actions, and this is not only on the Android operating system. Push notifications can be turned on / off just as easily on other devices.

iPhone and iPad

How to turn on the iPad is no different here. Operations with this technology according to the previous principle will be considered here. So, to disable or enable messages received from specific programs, you need to perform the following sequence of actions:

  1. Go to main screen of your device and find the button that looks like a double circle, which has a preimage of a road going in two directions at an angle of 90 degrees.
  2. Find the "Notifications" button, and then - the application that interests you.
  3. Next to the item "Allow notifications" you will see a button located in the slider. To enable / disable notifications, click on it. If it is white, it means that receiving messages is currently prohibited. If the button is green, you are already receiving notifications from this program.

And how to disable such messages completely? To do this, follow this sequence of actions:

  1. Go to settings.
  2. Go to your account.
  3. Go to notifications.
  4. Go to the Push section.
  5. Configure as you wish.

Here's how to enable push notifications on your iPhone. Considering that their settings do not change too noticeably, problems with changing the parameters to different versions should not arise.

Multifunctional phone

It should be noted that in this case, you can work with Push notifications only on certain models, and wide application practice this function did not get here. But if you are the owner of such a piece of equipment, then we suggest that you familiarize yourself with how to enable / disable such a phone add-on. It should be borne in mind that the path may vary depending on the model, so if you do not find what you need thanks to the instructions in the article, then you should look elsewhere:

  1. From the home screen, tap on "Menu".
  2. Select "Settings" and look for "Push Notifications". They can be placed in a separate submenu or located in the "Telephone or communication parameters".
  3. Customize this technology to your taste.


So we examined Push notifications, what they are, why they are needed. Finally, let's recall the previously missed moments. Push notifications are quite valuable from a marketing standpoint and, if used correctly, can provide significant business value and make life easier for consumers. But in everything one should adhere to the golden mean.

Push notifications are also valuable because if some application does not require constant sending of information on its own behalf, then this can be used for advertising purposes, providing an opportunity for other developers or enterprises (companies) to inform users about new events. But it is important to consider in this case the thematic nature of the information provided.

In recent years, smartphones have gained great popularity in Russia chinese company Xiaomi, whose characteristic feature is the proprietary MIUI interface. It has especially deep system settings that are inaccessible to users of standard android versions.

However, despite the significant benefits, many complain that the xiaomi redmi note 3 notifications are not received - what is the reason for this and how to fix the problem is described below.

Why MIUI does not receive notifications

Although MIUI seems to be a simple, user-friendly interface, it is radically different from regular Android "a. MIUI developers have improved the autonomy of smartphones due to some restrictions for custom applications (whatsapp, viber, vk, etc.). For example, bans on background processes, network connections and geolocation significantly reduce the load on the central processor, thereby reducing battery consumption. Time autonomous work significantly extended.

However, because of this, an annoying drawback appeared. Users noticed that in smartphones xiaomi sometimes notifications from favorite programs do not come. Moreover, there are no notifications, even if the application was launched manually. And if the screen turns off, then you can completely forget that social networks and other services must send important notifications.

Therefore, many are literally tormented by the question, why is everything so difficult and how to enable notifications in MIUI? For their sake, users are easily ready to sacrifice autonomy, just not to lose the necessary alerts. To solve this problem, it is necessary to carry out a comprehensive reconfiguration of MIUI, tk. the magic button "enable notifications", alas, no.

Background mode (power saving)

One of the deep customization points that you still need to try to find. Let's take an example of our employee's smartphone, who no longer receives notifications in redmi note 3 pro. The menu name may differ depending on the MIUI build, so trust your intuition and look for something similar in the settings: Advanced, Performance and battery, Power consumption by applications. There will be several power saving modes, of which "Standard" is active by default. It is he who blocks access to network connections and geolocation. Naturally, in such a deaf offline, applications on xiaomi redmi cannot show any notifications at all. Curiously, in this mode, MIUI independently determines which background processes to block, so it is difficult to predict when certain notifications may come.

power saving modes xiaomi redmi 3s

If you find these settings, then you are also faced with the problem of no notifications in the "Standard" power saving mode. At this stage, there are 2 options for action.

  1. You can simply turn off energy saving. Then MIUI should start working like a regular Android, when the system kernel independently regulates all background processes, access rights, priorities, etc. In theory, all applications should have full access background activity, network, etc.
  2. Experienced users can do it differently. Set the maximum power saving level ("Increased"), and then selectively unlock only important programs... This setup takes literally three minutes, but you can be sure that the resources of the smartphone will be allocated only to the processes that the user really needs. By the way, then you can also limit background activity system applications Xiaomi, which are hardly very much in demand by domestic users.

Configuring notification types

Setting up background app activity - this was just the beginning of the recovery normal work notifications. Few people know, but the MIUI interface also allows you to manage the types of notifications from apps.

Let's explain using the example of Facebook Messenger. The program can show notifications about messages in the curtain or change the indicator with a number on its icon unread messages... However, it is much more convenient to have a floating round window on the desktop. sometimes the corresponding message cannot be opened from the curtain. If the phone has one type of notifications, but lacks another, then the problem is precisely in limiting these types.

To fix this, you need to open "Notifications and calls" in the settings, and then find "Application notifications". Next, there will be a list of applications that are allowed notifications. Superfluous can be disabled, and for required programs - customize the types and priorities of notifications. This is where the "Pop-up notifications" of applications are activated, as well as the normal transition from the curtain.

Autostart applications

This is quite important because sometimes enabled autoplay does affect the correct operation of some applications. Tune automatic start programs while the device is booting through the menu "Permissions", "Autostart" in the "Security" section.

We go in and then install required parameters... It is advisable to set autorun for all important applications (social networks, instant messengers, etc.).

Pinning applications to RAM

This is a peculiar feature of the MIUI interface. Novice users will not immediately find out about it. The bottom line is that you can choose applications that will always be in random access memory, even if "close all" through the menu running applications... It is very useful function to fix messengers, social networks (VKontakte) and “dialers” in the memory. Thanks to this, pinned applications open almost instantly, the MIUI interface will forcibly ensure their performance, protecting them from unexpected closings. After restarting the smartphone, all "pinning" still works.

For this in the menu running programs you need to swipe down the shortcut desired application (that is, where the notification fails) and click on the lock. A lock should appear on the shortcut, which means that the application is pinned to RAM. To unpin, simply swipe the shortcut up.

Optimizing RAM and WiFi

In addition, in the "Power saving" section of the battery settings menu, there may be an option to periodically clear the RAM. This function removes Redmi Note from the RAM unnecessary applications, which allows you to speed up the operation of the device and reduce battery consumption, however, it is advisable to disable it in case of an unstable situation with notifications.

IN wiFi settings it is also advisable to disable optimization, since when the screen is locked or turned off, the MIUI interface can be simultaneously disconnected from wireless networks, again to save power, but at the expense of user convenience.

We hope these tips will help you overcome the problem with notifications. Write in the comments what exactly helped you cope with this problem.


Each company and application has its own lists of favorite clients and projects. We love our customers, especially those who, in addition to the finished product at the end, want to independently understand the technologies and rise to the level of a specialist. Any methods are used, but “torture with questions” is especially popular (any tester has a rest).

Technical portrait of the developed application

We were creating a mobile app for a clothing store, whose architecture was built on the base Activity (fragments are used to display information). The Retrofit library was used to download data from the server, and the built-in dependent SQLite database was used to store them. Loaders were chosen to execute queries to the server and to fetch from the database.

To make the application interactive and allow you to exchange messages, we have enabled push notifications. In this case, VK and Facebook SDK are used to implement authorization / registration through social networks and it looks like this: when a user sends a message, he sends a request with this message to our server. It forms a request with a message and data about the user to whom the message was addressed, and sends all information to google server... The latter forms a push notification from this request and sends it to the user's device. Our application accepts this push, parses (processes) it and displays it in the chat - communication is implemented.

There was a problem: when the application starts running in the background or why push notifications come only after launch?

A client approached us with this question, because he experienced the following dilemma: when launched from a second device, the application works well, but how does “autoload” work then?

Let's tell. The application starts working in the background immediately after installation, and the subscription to push notifications is carried out after the registration in the application is completed.

If the user does not register in it, then push notifications will not work for him.

There are other explanations that you should pay attention to:

  1. Push pushes work through the GCM (Google Cloud Messaging) service, so if the device does not have Google play Services, their work is unstable, or the manufacturer has made its own modifications to their work, then push notifications will not work completely or there will be interruptions in their work. In the absence google services Play on your phone, you won't even be able to register for push notifications. Of course, this can also be done "forcibly": if after registration the subscription to push notifications on the server fails, then you need to continue trying each time you enter the application until a successful result. The reason for this situation may be problems with the operation of Google Play services - in this case, the attempt to subscribe may end up with nothing.
  2. The reason for the malfunctioning lies in the imperfect working environment. We recommend to our clients for testing, and call the ideal environment, using google phones Nexus (they have "pure" Android without any changes, and the OS and services on it are perfect), stable work server and internet connection. Under such conditions, requests will be issued correctly, without errors and as quickly as possible. In this case, the application will quickly load new data, display it, and there will be no problems with incorrect display information. In other phones (with a modified operating system - Chinese brands, Samsung, HTC, etc.), you can expect not only unstable server operation, but also limited capabilities of the developed application (due to system removal many function methods) - yes, push notifications may not be provided at all.
  3. Let's not forget the main thing - push notifications come only in case of a stable Internet connection. If this is not the case, the message will come as soon as the connection is restored.


  • The ideal environment (flawless internet, "clean" platform) is ideal for that, so warn customers about everyone possible mistakes and limitations of the application functionality.
  • Do not be afraid of customer questions - they will carefully look for flaws in their work and find them! Thanks and fix bugs promptly.
  • First of all, create an application for users, focus on their technical capabilities and do not create unnecessary things.

Stopped receiving notifications from a specific application (or all at once) on iPhone and iPad? In this manual, we talked about the most effective ways fixes this error.

Re-authorize with your Apple ID

The first thing to do if you're having trouble getting notifications on your iPhone or iPad is to sign in to your Apple ID again. To do this, go to the menu " Settings» → « iTunes Store and App Store ", Click on the Apple ID and in the window that opens, select" Log off". After, on the same page you need to click " To come in"And indicate your account data apple records ID.

Reconnect your device to iCloud

It is also worth leaving and re-entering the account iCloud recording... To do this, go to the menu " Settings» → iCloud and at the very bottom of the page click " Log off". Then re-log into iCloud on the same page.

Perform a forced reboot of the device

The previous two steps may not help immediately, but only after performing a tough restart iPhone or iPad. Hold the buttons Home(volume down button on iPhone 7/7 Plus) and Foodand hold until the Apple logo appears on the display. After turning on the device, the problem with receiving notifications should disappear.

Note that in some cases forced reboot helps to cope with the arisen software error by her own.

Alternative way

Many iPhone and iPad users with the problem of receiving notifications were helped by a method similar to the previous ones:

Step 1. Go to the " Settings» → « iTunes Store and App Store"And exit account Apple ID.

Step 2. Turn off and on your iPhone or iPad.

Step 3. After switching on, go to the " Settings» → « iTunes Store and App Store", Click" To come in»And log in with your Apple ID.

Check system settings

If the steps listed above did not help, the problem is most likely iOS settings or specific applications. First, go to the " Settings» → « Do not disturb”And check if the“ quiet ”mode is on.

And, secondly, select the application from which you do not receive notifications in the menu " Settings» → « Notifications"And make sure that the switch" Allowing notifications»Is active.

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