Safely remove and deactivate Apple ID. Remove iCloud (Apple ID), or How to Unlink iPhone or iPad from Apple Account

Personally, I can not find any reason to permanently delete Apple ID, but if such a need arises, then it makes sense to write about it. In the article "under the cut" we will tell you how to permanently delete your iTunes account and how to unlink your e-mail from your Apple ID account.

The only reason I can think of to delete my iTunes account (aka Apple ID) is to free up my email address for re-entry. If this is exactly what you need, there is no need to permanently delete your Apple ID, you can change the email address in your account settings at any time, which is the login for. You can register a new account on the vacated address.

If you intend to permanently get rid of your iTunes account, there are 2 ways to do this.

Ways to Remove Apple ID

  • data change on the account management page to arbitrary;
  • contacting support with a request (demand) to delete the account.

In order to delete your iTunes account you will need:

  1. personal computer (PC or Mac), iPhone, iPad or any other smartphone or tablet;
  2. active internet connection.

How to change data in Apple ID settings

In the first case, you can change the personal data used when registering an Apple ID to arbitrary ones: change the date of birth, payment method, physical address. This method does not delete the account.

You can do the same on the Apple ID account management page at You must first log in. Now you can safely forget about the existence of Apple ID.

Remove Apple ID through Apple Support

The second method is much longer, but more civilized, it allows you to permanently delete Apple ID without the possibility of recovery.

Requirements for Requesting Delete iTunes Account to Apple Support

  • data in the corresponding fields fit only in english;
  • in field " Email address»Should indicate the email address to which the Apple ID is registered;
  • in field " Subject"You should write something like" I want to delete my Apple ID»(I want to delete my Apple ID);
  • in field " Comment»(Comment) should indicate the reason why you wish to leave your account.

What to do if knowledge of English is not enough to create a request?

If your knowledge of English is not enough to write a request to remove an Apple ID to Apple Support, use the online Google Translate, for example.

Apple Support Account Delete Request Template to Apple Support

“Dear Apple Technical Support!
Recently, I am the owner of an Apple ID (enter your e-mail) and for certain personal reasons I no longer need it. I do not want to use Apple services that require authorization using my Apple ID. I understand that all funds spent on purchases of games, software, movies and music in the iTunes Store and App Store are non-refundable and will not require a refund. Please permanently delete my Apple ID. "

After translation in Google Translate, you get the following text:

“Dear Support Apple!
Since recently I own Apple ID (enter your e-mail) and to certain personal reasons he no longer needed me. I do not want to use Apple services that require authorization using the Apple ID. I understand that all funds spent on buying games, software, movies and music from the iTunes Store and App Store are non-refundable and will not ask for reimbursement. Please permanently delete my Apple ID. "

Don't worry about spelling and punctuation errors, even a child can register an Apple ID, I'm sure the support will figure out the essence of the request. "

And then all that remains is to wait. In a few days, maybe several weeks, an email from the support service with a link to confirm the deletion of the account will be sent to the email address to which the deleted Apple ID is registered. Follow it and your Apple ID will be permanently deleted.

As you could see, if it is possible to delete an Apple ID (in certain cases, they may refuse), then it is not so easy to do it. Of course, in case of refusal at your request, you can write again and no longer in the form of a request, but in the form of a demand, but this process will drag on for a long time.

It is much faster and easier to change personal information in your account settings in iTunes or on the Apple ID management page and forget about its existence. Even if you forget your Apple ID, but someday want to use it again, recovering a forgotten Apple ID is easy enough.

At the moment, iCloud is one of the most popular and most important Apple services. Cupertinos were the first to show how a cloud service should work, what necessary functionality it should have, and this set the vector for the entire cloud sphere. Everyone has learned how to use iCloud, but few know how to change or completely remove iCloud from their iPhone, iPad or iPod Touch.

In practice, deleting an iCloud account takes only a few seconds. It is only important to follow the path sequentially: Settings -\u003e iCloud -\u003e Delete account -\u003e Delete. And it seems like the job is done, but you need to understand that each device stores a lot of information that is synchronized with iCloud.

What data you need to keep before deleting iCloud

1. Pictures from the photostream. To be clear, every photo that goes into the gadget's library is first copied into the photostream. Therefore, if your photo stream contains photos from other devices (for example, saved on a MacBook), they must be transferred to the library of your gadget, otherwise they will be lost. Before you decide to delete your account, it is important to clarify this point: it is better to check several times than to regret later.

2. When you delete or change your iCloud account, all documents will be erased from the device. These are iWork applications. Therefore, if you need these documents, it is better to email them to iTunes or copy them in any other way. Also, get ready to say goodbye to game saves - they are stored in iCloud and will be deleted along with your account.

Other data: contacts, videos, SMS messages will remain intact. After deleting an account, the information of calendars, contacts, reminders, etc., do not disappear forever: you can go to the Internet version of and get everything you need there. But all information will be erased from your gadget in order to create a clean iCloud account with new information. If you suddenly decide to restore your old account, all information will be returned to its place.

Also interesting:

There are several ways to delete an account: change the information in the settings in Apple ID and delete the account through support.


Before you start uninstalling Apple (no matter what device - Mac, iPad, iPhone, etc.), make sure that the device is connected to the Internet, because it is required to delete an account.

How to change data in Apple ID settings

The first option is to change the data that was used when registering the account to others. Change date of birth, physical address, payment option and others. But this will not delete the account. To change the data, you need to launch iTunes on your computer, go to the iTunes Store, click "Login". Enter the username and password for the account and enter. Next, open the account settings, go to your account by clicking on the Apple ID. We make changes to the data, and then save them.

Email address changes

As for changing the email address, you won't be able to change it to a nonexistent one. all changes will have to be confirmed by mailbox. The same actions can be carried out on the page You just need to log in to the system. After completing all the instructions, you can forget about this account, but do not forget that it has not been deleted.

Remove Apple ID through Apple Support

This method takes more time, but it is more correct and allows you to delete your Apple ID account. And after that, it will not be possible to restore the account. Go to from any device. We fill in all the fields that are marked as required, and then click "Submit Suggestion". The request to delete an account, as well as filling in all the data, must be made exclusively in English. This concerns the indication of the reason, the cover letter. When specifying a postal address, you must specify the address to which the account is registered. The subject line must be “I want to delete Apple ID”. If you do not know English, you can use an online translator that will translate everything for you.

What to write to the support team?

Example of a letter for support: "Dear Apple technical support! Recently I am the owner of an Apple ID (enter your e-mail) and for certain personal reasons I no longer need it. I do not want to use Apple services for which authorization is required. using my Apple ID. I understand that all funds spent on purchases of games, programs, movies and music in the iTunes Store and App Store are non-refundable and will not be refunded. Please permanently delete my Apple ID. "

What's next?

After sending the request, you will need to wait a few days or weeks, and then an email will be sent to your email address to confirm the deletion of your account. There will be a link, you will need to follow it and the account will be deleted.


There are several ways to remove Apple ID. One of the ways is to change personal data. But this will not delete your account. In order for it to completely retire, you need to write a letter of support. After that, the account will be deleted.

How to remove Apple ID

Change your Apple ID account

Deleting an account

Apple devices are not cheap, even, shall we say, in a "shabby" condition. That is why many, deciding to purchase a new smartphone or tablet, sell the previous gadget, and one of the main questions that visit the owners of "apples" when selling - what to do with Apple ID (Apple ID, Apple ID)? Should I delete it, and if so, how?

In this article, we will tell you how to delete an Apple ID on an iPhone, how to unlink a personal identifier from an i-smartphone, and what consequences a new user faces if the old one does not delete his account from the iPhone. Immediately, we note that the instructions below are also suitable for other mobile iOS devices - iPad and iPod.

In general, when selling an iOS device, it is absolutely not necessary to delete your Apple ID account, it is necessary and sufficient just to unlink the account from the gadget being sold. However, if you want to start a new life on a new "apple" that you plan to buy for yourself after selling an old gadget, or you do not intend to use iOS devices at all, but wish, for example, to switch to Android - in short, if you no longer need your Apple ID, you can of course delete it and we will be happy to tell you how to complete this procedure.

However, we must warn you - even if you are sure that the account will never be useful to you again, it is still not necessary to delete it, because, as they say, it does not ask for milk. Moreover, you should think twice about deleting an entry if you purchased any paid apps and content. All purchased utilities are assigned to the Apple ID from which they were purchased, which means that when you delete your account, all purchases will be lost.

Not convinced that it's better to keep your Apple ID? Well, then we'll tell you how this account is deleted.


The only correct answer to the question - how to remove an Apple ID, sounds like this - contact Apple Support. Only the company itself can decide on the final and irrevocable deletion of an account for entering the App Store, iCloud, iTunes Store and other branded Apple services.

However, do not worry, there is nothing difficult in such treatment - many of the guide articles that you find on the network will offer you to write a statement in English, send it and wait a few days for a response, but these are already outdated instructions, today Apple has excellent Russian-speaking support service, which, one might say, will do everything for you, you only need to order a call on the relevant topic, for this

In the first case, you give your name, surname, email, Apple ID and phone number, press continue and wait for a call - it usually comes within 5 minutes. In the second case, you, again, fill in all the data about yourself, but call yourself at a convenient time and inform you that you left an application, the specialist will already prepare a solution. The Russian-speaking Apple support phone number is 8-800-333-5173.

Personal account for managing Apple ID

As we said above, you can permanently and irrevocably delete an account only through Apple support, but there is another tricky way to get rid of your ID - let's say, freeze it. You can do this procedure yourself without contacting support, and here's how to do it:

Now the e-mail previously linked to the Apple ID is free. By the way, it is worth noting that earlier, changing the email address, it was possible to specify even a non-existent mailbox, but recently the rules have changed. At the moment, you can only assign an account to an existing email account, so if you do not have a backup mailbox, you will have to create it for a formality, however, it will take 5 minutes.

How to unlink Apple ID?

However, do not forget that if you don’t want to bother with creating a new mailbox or contact support, but you want to sell a gadget, it’s more than just enough to untie the old Apple ID, especially since this is very simple to do:

That's all! Unlink completed!

What happens if you don't unlink Apple ID before selling?

Despite the fact that it is very easy to untie the Apple ID, many do not carry out this procedure before selling the device, and not because of laziness, of course, but out of ignorance - users simply do not know how important it is to perform this procedure and now we will tell you why.

Immediately, we note that from the "iTunes Store, App Store" section, it is generally not so important to leave before the sale (if you do not see the problem that the new owner recognizes your email, which is at the same time the Apple ID login and prescribed in the section). Why isn't it that important? Yes, because, as you remember, you do not need an identifier password to exit this menu, which means that a new user can exit it on his own.

But with the iCloud menu, such a trick will not work, here without knowing the password, you will not be able to do anything. It will not work and will not work, many people think, having found the ID of the previous owner in the cloud storage menu, you think, I will not have access to the "cloud" - I will keep backups on my computer! However, the inability to perform a backup in iCloud is not the only and not the main problem that awaits a new user if the previous one has not performed the unlink.

Activation lock

The fact is that when you register Apple ID in the "iCloud" section, the "Find iPhone" option is automatically turned on (and it turns off when unlinked). And if this option is enabled, then every time after restoring / updating an iOS device (as well as some other procedures), the user needs an Apple ID password to activate the gadget - this feature is called activation lock.

Why is this needed? This is how Apple implemented anti-theft protection - look, someone steals an iPhone, tries to erase data from it (using the recovery procedure or the corresponding menu item in the device's settings) in order to make it clean and sell it, and tries to block activation. How to get around it? No way!

If the theft is not targeted and the thief does not know the Apple ID password, he will not be able to bypass the lock. And although today there are a lot of videos on Youtube and organizations that offer to bypass the blocking for the nth amount of money, do not flatter yourself, most of the videos are only called beautifully and promising, but in fact they do not solve the problems, and the organizations were created by scammers. Some hackers sometimes manage, of course, to enter the system without entering a password, but its functions are very limited.

As you can see, the anti-theft system works great and discourages any desire to steal, thanks, Apple, but you probably already guessed that the owner of an iOS device, whose previous user did not leave iCloud, may find himself in the same situation as a thief, for example, when he just decides to update the gadget.

How do I access the device?

The only advantage of the new owner is that he can safely try to get in touch with the previous owner and ask him to help in this situation - either provide the password or enter it on his own at a personal meeting. Unfortunately, not all buyers save sellers' contacts, but here's one good tip for you - you know the seller's email - after all, the Apple ID login and the mail to which it is linked are equivalent concepts! Of course, it's not a fact that a person uses this box, but at least some kind of hope.

If you could not find the person who sold you the device, but the seller, along with the gadget, gave you a box from him and / or a receipt from his purchase in the store, you have another hope. You can contact Apple support - you already know how to do this and ask them for help with unlocking. If you can prove that the device belongs to you, as a rule, this requires some data indicated on the check and box, then you will definitely unlock it.

What if you didn't find the person who sold the device and Apple Support couldn't verify that the device belongs to you? Unfortunately, the chances of a successful resolution of the case are not so great here. You, in fact, find yourself in the position of a thief and all that remains for you is to contact dubious organizations and watch dubious videos in the hope that you will find a panacea. Here we can only wish you good luck.

Let's summarize

So, now you know how to delete an account, how to freeze it and unlink it from a specific device. Let us remind you that it is not necessary to delete your account when selling - you may well be using the old Apple ID on the new Apple. But! Unlinking is a must! Otherwise, the new owner is in serious trouble.

Important advice! If you purchase a used iPhone or other mobile Apple gadget, be sure to check whether the owner has logged out of his account, and even better, demand to provide a purchase receipt and a box - so you will protect yourself from buying a stolen device and will have a very useful one trump.

The practice of using Apple products has shown that a complete deletion of the Apple services account will never be required. However, many users are asking this question, so it is worth considering it in detail. This article will show you how to remove your Apple ID, unlink your current email account, and more.

Article structure:

  • Existing ways to completely delete your Apple ID account;
  • Changing data using your Apple ID account settings;
  • How to delete an account using Apple technical support;
  • A standard template for a technical support request to delete an Apple ID account.

Perhaps the only possible reason that can serve as an impetus for deleting an Apple ID account is to use the current email inbox to register a new account. If you need to do just that, then there is no point in completely deleting your account, because in the account settings you can always change your email address, which is also your Apple ID login. The address that is subsequently released can be used to register a new account.

If you still need to completely delete the existing Apple account, then you can use the following two methods.

Ways to completely delete Apple - account

  • change credentials on the account management page;
  • contact technical support and ask to delete your Apple account.

To delete your Apple ID account, you will need:

  • a computer running Mac OS or Windows. You can also use any iOS device;
  • internet connection.

Change user data in Apple account settings

So, you can go the easier way and just change the personal data that was entered during registration. You can change it completely arbitrarily: for example, you can change the user's birthday, address, and something else. When using this method, the account is not deleted.

On a personal computer, open the iTunes software, go to the application store and click the "Login" button.

Now you need to enter your username and password.

You will be logged into your account.

By the way, you won't be able to attach a non-existent mailbox to your account, because to confirm the changes you will need to follow the link that will come to the new mailbox.

The same operation can be done through the website. It is enough to go to the following address: The site will need to enter a username and password. After completing the described actions, you can forget about your Apple account forever.

How do I remove an Apple ID when using technical support?

The second method is a little longer, but it is much more civilized, because it is thanks to him that the account is completely deleted, so it will not be possible to restore it.

To do this, you will need absolutely any device that can access the Internet, and you need to go to the address: Initially, you need to fill in the required minimum of information (the required fields are marked as "required"). After entering the information, click the "Send offer" button.

To send a letter to the support service, you must comply with the following requirements:

  • data in the fields should be filled in only in English;
  • the field "email address" should be filled in with the address to which the account is registered;
  • the “Subject” field should be written something similar to the following: “I want to delete my Apple ID”, which in Russian translates as “I want to delete my Apple account”;
  • the Comment field is filled in with the reason why you want to delete your Apple ID.

If your knowledge of the English language is not fully sufficient to write a request to the support service, then no one forbids using any of the online translators existing in nature.

Let's consider a possible example of a letter to Apple technical support:

“Good afternoon, dear Apple!
I have been using an Apple ID account for quite some time (you should enter your email address here), but for certain personal reasons I no longer need it. I no longer need to use services where I need to log in with my Apple ID. I understand that all the money that I spent on the purchase of various programs, films, musical compositions and games is non-refundable, and I will not receive any monetary compensation. Please permanently delete my Apple ID. "

Now we pass this text through the most easily accessible translator - Google Translate.

The result is the following text:

“Good afternoon, the company Apple!
For a long time I use the account Apple ID (here we should point your e-mail address), but for some personal reasons, I no longer need it. I no longer need to use services that require login using Apple ID. I realize that all the money that I had spent on the purchase of various programs, movies, music and games are non-refundable, and I do not receive any monetary compensation. Please delete my Apple ID can not be restored. "

Do not worry that there may be mistakes in the translation of the text, because the support team understands very well that not all people know English well. Apple employees are guaranteed to understand the essence of your request.

Now all that remains is to wait for a response from the support service. Sometimes you have to wait several days, and sometimes several weeks. As soon as the request is considered, an email will be sent with a link that should be followed to confirm the deletion of the account. After clicking on it, your Apple account will be permanently deleted.

So, deleting Apple ID is not always as easy as it might seem at first glance. By the way, the support service has every right to refuse your request. It is much easier to use the first method and change the credentials.

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