The tablet is quickly discharged for reasons. My tablet is discharging quickly - what to do? Smartphone won't charge after fully discharging

Where to begin

Sooner or later, all owners of various electronic devices, mainly smartphones or tablets, are faced with the problem of quickly discharging their gadget's battery. Some users immediately contact service centers or shops, believing that the malfunction lies in some components, for example, the battery. Others try to solve the problem by installing various firmware or trying to modify the installed software. Still others immediately begin to scold the manufacturer and change the device with the hope that this will not happen again. In this article, we propose to understand the issue and understand how to do the right thing if your smartphone or tablet is quickly discharged. Let's start with the main thing - before you panic and take any action, you need to ask yourself three questions:

1 How long should my device last? A day, two, maybe a week? What time of work do I expect from it?

2 How often do I use it? Every five minutes or once a day? What if I don't turn it off at all? Or, on the contrary, do not use it?

3 What is the scenario for using it? Do I play games or listen to music? Or maybe I constantly hang out on social networks? What exactly do I use the most?

The answers to these simple questions will help us understand the situation and understand whether something really happened to our smartphone or tablet or something else.

How long should an Android smartphone or tablet work?

First, you need to understand that the operating time of the device depends on a huge number of factors, and not only on the battery capacity (by the way, this is one of the most common misconceptions).

Factors that affect battery consumption:

1 Scenario of use. The more tasks you set for the device, and the more difficult these tasks are, the faster the battery will drain. If you play games with excellent graphics, watch videos, use the Internet or GPS, like to set the maximum brightness of the screen backlight - do not expect your smartphone or tablet to show battery life records, usually with this mode of use, it sits down in 3-5 hours.

2 The quality and quantity of applications used. Today the profession of a programmer is more popular than ever. Everyone wants to write their own application, get into the top downloads and earn the fame of a famous developer. In pursuit of these achievements, programmers write thousands of programs and add them to Play Store or similar stores. However, not all users understand that the quality of written applications can be different, because not everyone who wrote these applications is really experts, or wants to benefit other people. A large number of applications are of poor quality or some hidden features that clearly will not benefit your device. For example, the application code can be with a bunch of errors that make the device constantly work and prevent it from "falling asleep", or have functions for collecting and sending a large amount of statistical data to third-party servers. As a result, the processor will operate at higher frequencies, consume battery power and constantly leak traffic with your personal data, which will lead to excessive heating and inefficient battery consumption. amount installed applications also has a very strong effect on the operating time, below we will explain why and invite you to make sure of this.

3 Technical condition of the device. All things invariably break down and become obsolete, the same fate befalls and electronic devices... Over time, the capacity of the battery decreases and some components may fail. As a result, battery life starts to decrease. Embedded software (operating system) can also accumulate errors that lead to unstable device operation, freezes, slowdowns, and rapid discharge.

4 External circumstances. For example, these include weather conditions (at low temperatures, the usable battery capacity decreases sharply; on a sunny day, the backlight should work at a higher brightness to improve readability) or the quality of third-party services and services (reception level cellular communication; quality wi-Fi signal; correct synchronization of data with third-party servers).

5 Device specifications. Engineering solutions may not always be successful. For example, if a smartphone has a large diagonal device, but a small battery capacity, then it will sit down in a matter of hours. But it is no coincidence that we put this factor in last place. In 99% of cases, all characteristics change proportionally (larger screen or more powerful processor - more battery capacity), so the average operating time is always about the same. In addition, to technical specifications also include the characteristics of the components from which it is made. The point is that not all of them have the same energy efficiency and performance. Than newer device, the more energy efficient and productive components are used in it. This can be easily seen in the flagship smartphone lineup and samsung tablets Galaxy. With each new generation, the screen resolution increases, the processor power increases, additional functions appear, but the battery capacity increases by only a small amount of mAh (by the way, why this happens, we will also explain a little below). However, the average operating time does not decrease, but rather increases. In particular, this is due to the use of more energy efficient components (the size of the components is constantly decreasing, and with them heating and energy consumption).

Summing up: answer the question: "My phone is discharged in so many hours, is this normal?" very difficult, you need to collect a lot of information. To better navigate, we will indicate the operating time in an average mode (per day: a couple of hours of music, an hour of Internet surfing, a couple of hours in navigator mode, 40 minutes of calls, messengers or mail in moderation), this is about one or two days. But remember that everything is individual.

How to increase the operating time of your Android smartphone or tablet

Now let's see how we can eliminate the causes indicated above, or at least try to reduce their impact.

1 If you honestly answered the questions above and came to the conclusion that you are not letting your smartphone or tablet out of your hands, then we have bad news for you. It is impossible to increase the operating time with such use, since this requires a completely new type of battery, which humanity has not yet invented. But do not despair, there is always a fallback. In your case, this is a purchase external battery, in which you can carry spare energy and recharge the main battery of the device. These batteries are available in different capacities, and you can easily find the one that is right for you.

In addition, I immediately want to answer frequent questionwhy Samsung hasn't made a larger capacity standard battery. The fact is that not everyone plays games, watches videos or surfs the Internet. Most people use their smartphone sparingly, do not load it with a lot of applications, and the standard battery is quite enough for them, for example, the author of the article uses the Galaxy S5 and it lasts for two days. If the standard battery had a larger capacity, firstly, the dimensions of already rather big devices would be much larger (you can't put it in your pants pocket), and secondly, the price would also rise. That is why, with the help of additional accessories, we suggest increasing the capacity exactly to the one you need.

2 Let's take a look at what is important to know and understand when installing applications.

Every time you decide to install a new application, pay attention to its permissions... Permissions are a list of actions that an app can do on your device after it's downloaded. The more permissions the application has, the more system resources it will use, and the more difficult it will be for the device to go into power saving mode (the so-called sleep mode), because the application can work in background and will constantly wake him up, even if the screen of your gadget is off and no one is using it. You can read more about permissions in our article.

Required control the number of installed applications, because, as we found out, each application has permissions, and if there are many applications, then the permissions increase significantly. If there is unnecessary application - delete it, do not leave it in reserve.

Try to choose those applications that are written by famous authors, have been downloaded many times and have a high rating. Of course, this is not a guarantee of stability, but it significantly reduces risks. It is also useful to know that the functionality and stability of the application can not only improve, but also deteriorate when it is updated. It often happens that no new applications were installed on the device, but suddenly it began to discharge quickly. The problem might be a badly written update for some application.

To diagnose your device, you can use safe mode... It differs from the usual one in that only standard applications, and all loaded ones are disabled and have no effect on the system. If the problem in safe mode disappears, you can safely conclude: downloaded applications are to blame. However, at the moment there is no tool that allows you to find out what exactly this application is, so they usually act like this: load the gadget in safe mode and check for a problem. If the malfunction disappears, then they are loaded as usual and begin to uninstall those applications that were installed or updated last until they find the culprit. By the way, you can try to do this test: boot your device in safe mode, note the time that it will work on one charge, and compare it with the time it works in normal mode, we assure you will be surprised. More about safe mode can be read in our dedicated article.

Also, the author of the article met user comments that pre-installed (built-in) applications are also to blame for the category. It is possible that there is some truth in this, but numerous experiments suggest that if there is any influence, then it is extremely insignificant. Moreover, the operating system is designed in such a way that the operation of many applications depends on each other and their thoughtless removal can only harm the device.

Nevertheless, it would be dishonest not to tell about all the possibilities, so we are sharing "secrets" with you: some of the preinstalled applications can be disabled so that they will not affect the running system, i.e. they seem to fall asleep. You can see how to do this in this article. You can turn them back on if necessary.

3 Now let's consider which of the components can affect the operating time of the device. There are two possible reasons:

Battery - its life is designed for a certain number of charge-discharge cycles. Useful capacity during use
begins to decrease until the battery ceases to hold a charge at all. That's why the battery needs to be replaced every one to three years (depending on the intensity of use). You can purchase original batteries at Samsung authorized service centers, brand stores, and partner companies. The required model can be viewed on an old battery.

In addition, there are several myths that are firmly entrenched in the ranks of users, so I would like to separately note the following: the battery can be charged as you like, you do not need to discharge it to zero, keep it on charge for 15 hours, and do not be afraid to use your battery while charging. device, nothing will happen to it.

The motherboard is the most important component of your device. It can have completely different damage, as a result of which the device can quickly discharge. Professionals are taught to understand these damages, therefore, if you are convinced that the problem is not in the battery or in something else, we strongly recommend not to experiment on your own, but to contact any of our service centers in our article.

Change cellular operatorif the coverage area does not suit you :)

What other tips can we give? There are few of them, but they are also very important:

Disable auto-sync of added accounts or configure it selectively.

Synchronization is the process of transferring various data from a smartphone to a server and vice versa. This data can be anything: new contacts, music, mail, photos, achievements in games, etc. When you are not using the device, it is in "sleep" mode, in which power consumption is greatly reduced. Synchronization works in the background, so you may not even notice how it "wakes up" the device. If this happens very often, the device may discharge much faster even if you are not using it.

If you tried all the recommendations in this article except contacting service center, but nothing helped, then you need to reset the settings.

A factory reset is a reset of the device to factory settings, which erases all data, and with it the errors that accumulate in the device after active use. Factory reset is better prevention against errors that arise over time in the operating system and applications. This is especially noticeable if you use a smartphone or tablet after a reset without downloading a bunch of other applications to it at once. And especially it is important to reset after the update software (firmware). Not everyone knows, but the process of flashing on its own and in a service center is very different, which is why many people start to run out of battery after the update. This does not mean that the update is bad, it means that it was delivered not quite right. Therefore, we repeat once again: be sure to reset after the update, this will greatly reduce the likelihood of various troubles with your gadget.

What if the tablet won't charge? Many users face this problem. Lack of charge does not allow you to perform the necessary operations - pay utilities, read the latest news, reply to friends in social networks... Let's see what we can do in such an unpleasant situation. Or is it better to take the device to a service center right away?

Actions when there is no charge at all

What if my tablet won't charge? First of all, you need to check the health of the charger - try connecting it to some other gadget, for example, to a smartphone. If the charging process has started, the problem is with your tablet. In this case, it should be sent to a service center, where it will undergo diagnostics and repair.

You also need to try another test method - connect another one to the tablet charger ... If the charging has gone, we go to the store for a new charger. Have you tried connecting another charger to your tablet and charging? And the supposedly burned-out charger calmly charges another gadget, but does not charge your tablet? Well, it also happens. It is difficult to say what exactly is the culprit for this situation - gadgets or chargers. To eliminate doubts, you can visit the service center to consult with knowledgeable specialists.

If you decide to purchase a new charger, try to select an original accessory. For example, if your tablet does not charge from Samsung, buy a branded charger from Samsung - you will receive a six-month warranty and high-quality charger for your tablet.

What to do if charging has not gone off, and the battery has gone into a deep discharge? We have no way to remove the battery and try to "push" it with an external charger, bypassing the charge control circuit. Therefore, we will proceed in the following way - connect the charger to the tablet and leave it overnight. It is quite possible that during the night the battery "wakes up" and we get a working device at our disposal.

If the above procedures did not help, feel free to contact the service center. Is your tablet under warranty? Then you can contact the place of purchase - the smartphone must be accepted and sent to the service.

Tablet takes a long time to charge - what to do

There are three reasons for this behavior:

  • The charge control circuit is out of order;
  • The charger is out of order;
  • The battery is out of order.

The first reason can be eliminated only in the nearest service center - go there (this is in the most extreme case). But first, let's check the health of the charger - for this we need a known working charger. Connect it to your tablet and let it sit for 2-3 hours. Now check the fullness of the battery. If it is full, go to the store for a new charger - your old charger cannot provide sufficient charge current.

There may also be problems with a battery that does not want to take charge. This malfunction can be diagnosed by the nearest service center. But in most cases, the charger is still to blame - try replacing it. Also, if your tablet is charging very slowly or doesn't want to charge at all, uninstall the battery management and battery saving programs.

Sometimes the reason for the lack of a normal charge is applications such as Battery Doctor and CM Security - they contain modules of the so-called "trickle" charging, which can be unstable, interfering with normal battery charging.

The tablet charges quickly and discharges quickly

We already know what to do if the tablet stops charging - we check the charger, test the battery and remove the interfering software. But what if the tablet starts charging too quickly? If at the same time it discharges just as quickly, then the problem lies in the battery (in most cases).

Since the batteries on tablets are non-removable, you should contact your nearest service center to replace the battery. In some cases, a too fast charge is associated with a breakdown of the electronic board of the tablet (charge control circuit). It is impossible to do something with it at home, so we feel free to go to the repair shop or hand over the tablet under warranty to the store.

The tablet is a representative of new technologies. With this portable device, you can surf the Internet, read books, communicate, spend time at interesting games and use it as a photo or camcorder.

But like all technology, it isn't perfect. Everyone has portable devices there is a working time on a fully charged battery.

For tablets, depending on the battery power and the level of workload, this period ranges from several hours to five days. Sometimes this happens even faster and indicates problems that need to be addressed.

Causes and solutions

The cause of such a problem can be various factors, each of which has its own elimination characteristics.

Technical problems

The likelihood of such malfunctions is very small, but it also happens that the power supply system is in poor condition. The battery of the device has its own service life, which includes a certain number of charging cycles. After this period, the part fails, or starts to work very poorly. Such troubles can occur due to the use of power adapters that are not suitable for a particular device. In such cases, the equipment is overloaded and its temperature rises. These problems are very rare, but can nevertheless cause rapid discharge.

To find out exactly whether this is the reason, a battery test using a special technique will help. If the fears are confirmed, then you need to replace the battery with a new one. It is important to use original accessories. Spare parts not from an authorized representative and chinese copies will be able to solve the problem only for a certain period.

Also, confusion can occur with the power adapter. The tablet may indicate a full charge, but in fact not even half charged. Because of this, the operating time is very short. It is extremely difficult to solve such a malfunction, specialists can replace the microcircuit, but it will be expensive and does not guarantee a positive result.

Means of communication

As you know, data transmission puts a high load on the battery of the device. Therefore, so that there is no fast discharge, you need to turn off:

For this:

  • in the settings you need to go to the menu "communications";
  • click the icon on one of them to turn it off / on.


Screen backlighting can also cause battery draining quickly. This function consumes about 57% of the charge in any technique. If possible, set the minimum or medium backlight level. Many tablets have sensors that automatically change the light level. If the external lighting does not need to change the screen settings, then this function must be turned off, because it also puts a load.

There are also times when the tablet is idle and the display is lit. Therefore, you need to set up automatic blocking. This will not interfere with video games and browsing the Internet, and when reading books, this function can be turned off.

Screen backlight adjustment is one of the most simple options battery saving. It does not require special knowledge and tools, but it helps to solve such difficulties.

To change the brightness level and time automatic blocking, need:

  • find the "screen settings" menu in the settings;
  • adjust the parameters by selecting the minimum or average values.

Video: How to make sure that the tablet does not discharge

OS setting

Modern tablets are far from the first laptop computers and smartphones, on which you could launch your favorite online chat, watch a video and kill time with games. Now gadgets practically live their own lives, making independent trips to the Internet, bringing newer versions of programs from there.

The main actionssystemsthat drain the charge can be considered:

  • automatic data synchronization;
  • periodic network polling;
  • updating programs.

Automatic data synchronization

All equipment with android system loves to verify all the data. So, by default it is running all the time google service and other sources that are not always needed, but always work.

Periodic network polling

The gadget is looking for something on the Internet all the time and "communicates" with someone. Wireless connections, all smartphones, laptops and other gadgets nearby communicate with each other. This activity of devices significantly affects their energy level. Therefore, it is better to turn off the communication means, or put them into sparing modes.

For example, if you need Wi-Fi, you can simply turn on the invisibility function. You also need to disable autosearch. Modern gadgets are equipped with an optimized Wi-Fi system that monitors the activity of the function.

Updating programs

Now on smartphones you can install the most various programs, this is:

  • video games;
  • media players;
  • social media clients;
  • communication applications (Skype, Viber, etc.);
  • browsers;
  • area maps;
  • file exchangers;

The developers of such applications are constantly trying to improve them, and therefore make changes. Signals are also sent by remote servers. The tablet happily shakes all these new things even without the permission of the owner.

This is especially true for Windows-based devices. They constantly check all programs for updates. This increases the load on the device and its battery. therefore automatic updates you need to turn it off and follow the news yourself. Disable all unnecessary actions operating system pretty simple.

For this you need:

  • go to settings;
  • uncheck the box next to the items that need to be turned off;

Apps run in the background

Advantage and disadvantage at the same time modern gadgets you can consider the possibility of several programs working together. Of course, one can run at the same time music player and a browser, chatting with friends on social networks and listening to the latest music news.

Photos: apps running in the background

The disadvantage of this feature is that when the second application is launched, the first one continues to run in the background and wastes RAM. This is the function of multitasking. At the same time, background applications are not always useful, and often simply exhaust the resources of the device.

Only when a large number of running applications accumulates, the system automatically closes those that have been included for a long time.

The most popular programsthat sit in the background are:

  • media players;
  • reading rooms;
  • video games;
  • file managers;
  • various settings.

The developers offer a variety of "tax killers" that will independently close the unnecessary, but, as practice shows, such utilities only reduce the operating time of the gadget. Better to monitor the gluttonous software yourself. You also need to remove those applications that are rarely used, but from time to time appear in the background.

On Android, background tasks are disabled through the application manager.

Photo: application manager for Android

He divides programs into three points:

  • loaded;
  • performed;

Using the "Stop" button, you can remove unnecessary processes... At the same time, it will not harm the work of the gadget, required programs cannot be disabled.

OnIOSto close background programs:

  • double-clicking the "Home" button to open the task manager;
  • stop unnecessary processes.

On OSWindows:

  • to start the task manager, you need to swipe the sensor from the left side of the screen to the center and back without lifting your finger;
  • stop running applications.

Video: Making the Tablet Charge

Additional effects

AT recent times animated wallpapers gained popularity. Depending on the position of the device, the pattern changes. There are all sorts of options for such effects, this is falling snow, and a "live" waterfall, and even a car that constantly drives around the display.

It is clear that such interesting things reduce the operating time, because they simultaneously load the processor, gyroscope and accelerometer chips. And you can easily do without such wallpaper, because simple images perform this function perfectly.

One of the latest know-how in improving the design of a working device is 3D wallpaper. It certainly looks nice, but reduces the duration autonomous work, so it is better to change the screensaver to a regular picture or photo.

For this:

  • select an image in the gallery;
  • click on the "set as wallpaper" button.

My tablet runs out of power quickly

The fact that the device is discharged very quickly due to powerful games, bright display, etc. - It's clear. But, there are situations when the gadget loses its charge, even if no one touches it.

In standby

When the tablet just stands idle, the charge still disappears. Sometimes up to 50% of the battery sits down overnight. The problem is that even without the owner, the gadget is actively looking for new software. Therefore, many programs just need to be disabled.

Of course, this loss of charge is immediately noticeable. But still, it is worth studying the power consumption of the gadget in different modes work. This should be spelled out in the instructions for the technique and checked using special programs. Battery wear may also be the cause.

If it is often discharged completely, or draws excess energy from a powerful outlet, then its performance drops. This problem can be solved only by purchasing a new original battery.

Off state

The battery percentage may drop even when the gadget is turned off.

This is due to several factors:

  1. not completely off state;
  2. Wi-Fi;
  3. operating system;
  4. technical difficulites.

People quite often, instead of turning off the technique, simply turn on sleep mode. In this case, of course, it spends less energy than when it is on, but it still does. To solve this problem is very simple, to turn off the gadget, you need to hold down the button for 5-10 seconds.

The second reason for discharging can be a functioning Wi-Fi. Manufacturers of equipment assure that Wi-Fi is not scary to turned off gadgets and does not affect their charge level in any way. But, many tablet owners confirm the opposite. Also, various programs that feed on the resources of switched off equipment can also damage.

The most unpleasant reason for loss of charge can be damage to some parts. This can be battery wear, which was mentioned earlier, or even damage motherboard... In these cases, only a repairman or replacement of components will help. If the technical condition of the gadget is satisfactory, then it is very easy to solve the discharge problem by following the above tips. Then the technology will delight you with reliable and high-quality functionality.

Tablet computers are actively filling life modern man... They delight with bright screen colors, smooth lines of forms, a lot useful functionsby solving problems, helping and entertaining their owners. But sometimes one problem somewhat darkens communication with an electronic friend - the tablet battery is quickly discharged. It is especially unpleasant if the alarm signal that the device needs charging finds the owner of the tablet in a transport, store or other public place, in general, away from a power source.

It is clear that the problems of quickly discharging the tablet battery cannot be solved by the methods that help. Here we need completely different activities and knowledge.

The reasons that the tablet battery is quickly discharging can be hidden, on the one hand, in the type of battery used, its charge modes, storage and operating conditions, on the other hand, in the intensity of using the tablet and the nature of the functions it performs.

Modern tablet computers work with lithium-ion (Li-ion) or lithium-polymer (Li-pol) rechargeable batteries... Unlike older nickel-cadmium (NiCd) and nickel-metal hydride (NiMH) batteries, lithium-ion and lithium-polymer batteries do not suffer from the memory effect, which means they are less demanding on the charging mode. They do not need to be fully discharged before charging again. Nickel-cadmium and nickel-metal hydride batteries, on the other hand, lose capacity if they are not fully discharged before the next charge cycle (memory effect). Obviously, when choosing a tablet, it is better to choose the option that has a lithium-ion or lithium-polymer battery. A lithium-polymer battery is almost 2 times thinner and lighter than a lithium-ion battery (with the same capacity), but at the same time it is more fragile and much more sensitive to drops, shocks, etc. stress.

When buying a tablet equipped with a lithium battery (Li-ion or Li-pol), or a separate lithium battery, you need to pay attention to the device's release date, since the battery loses about 20% of its capacity per year even if not used. If the device has been in the warehouse for about 2 years, it is better to refrain from buying.

To lithium battery performed its functions as long as possible, you must adhere to simple rules:

  • store the battery in a 40% charge state at a temperature from 0 to 10 º С;
  • avoid extreme operating conditions, especially high temperatures and direct sun rays, high humidity;
  • do not allow falls, bumps, exposure to aggressive substances on the elements of the tablet and batteries;
  • do not allow liquid to get on the elements of the tablet and batteries;
  • use the tablet at low temperatures, after naturally warming it to room temperature.

Optimal battery consumption is achieved by controlling the main energy consumers. To save battery power and add a tablet session, you need to:

  • if possible, reduce the brightness of the screen;
  • turn off unused applications;
  • enable WiFfi, GPS, Bluetooth and other connections only for the period of use, and not in a permanent mode;
  • disable screen rotation, as the processor can react to the accelerometer even in an inactive state.

By following the above rules, you can significantly extend the period of time you use the tablet between charges. And you need to remember that if the tablet battery runs out quickly, because you often watch movies, enjoy the game or other interesting activities, then this is not a problem. It's just that time flies by with the tablet!

Over time, Android devices start to drain much faster than they used to. In some cases, you can fix this problem yourself, and sometimes the only way out is to buy a new battery.

There may be several reasons why a tablet or phone stops holding a charge:

Battery swing

This item should only be considered if you are using an old phone or tablet.

This method of solving the problem of rapid battery discharge is suitable for a nickel metal hydride (NiMH) battery, which, as a rule, can be installed on older models of phones and tablets. On modern devices, lithium-ion (Li-Ion) batteries are installed, which do not require swinging.

To find out what technology your battery is made by, you need to determine the model of the device or study the information written on the battery itself.

Buck is a repetition of a full discharge cycle and then a full charge of the phone several times in a row. Please note that this technology is only worth using on nickelin batteries, on others it will not only be beneficial, but also hurt.

To swing the battery:

  1. When the battery is completely discharged, turn off the device and charge it fully.
  2. Remove the battery from the device, hold it in this state for two minutes, and then reinsert it. If the battery is not working properly, a notification will appear on the screen that the phone is not fully charged, for example, to 95%. Without turning on the device, repeat the charging process to 100%.
  3. Discharge the device completely. Repeat these steps until the battery, after you pulled it out and put it back in, starts to show a full charge. The charge level should not drop or change after handling the battery.

Battery Calibration

Unlike wobbling, calibration is recommended for all batteries if they have been found to have problems with retention. If the device quickly sits down, turns off, when the displayed charge level is not zero, does not fully charge, then it must be calibrated. Thanks to this procedure, the device will understand what it really is maximum volume battery, and in the future will give it the opportunity to fill completely.

Through a third party application

Since Android does not have a battery calibration application by default, you will have to download it from the Play Market:

Video: Calibrating a Battery Using Battery Calibration

No third-party programs

To calibrate the device without using third-party programs, follow these steps in sequence:

What to do if calibration and buildup didn't help

If the above methods did not help you return the previous charge retention time, then one thing remains - replace the battery. Batteries are sold separately and can be purchased from most stores that sell phones and tablets. When buying, be guided by the model and battery capacity. Before you pay, check if the battery is suitable for your device model and if it works with it.

Battery care

Try to adhere to the rules below so that the battery of any device will serve you as long as possible.

Recommendation Description
Charging lithium-ion batteries Do not charge lithium ion batteries 100%. It is better to do several short recharges than one full charge.
Full discharge Do not allow full discharge when the device shuts down by itself. Try to charge your phone or tablet on time.
Temperature Keep your device at a balanced temperature. Do not place it in a very cold or excessively hot place.
Processes and Applications Disable unnecessary processes and programs immediately after you stop using them.
Charging cable Watch the safety of the cable. Try to use only official cables.
Port Make sure the port where the charging cable is connected is clean. When wiping it, proceed very carefully so as not to damage the microcircuits in it.
Do not load the device for a long time and with a large number of heavy applications or games. This causes the phone to become very hot, which negatively affects the battery.

It is very important to keep an eye on the battery. Perhaps this will not extend its service life, but it certainly will not let it break down before the end of the warranty period. Observe the above guidelines and remember to care for lithium and nickel batteries differently.

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