Pay housing utilities online. Utility payments - how to find out debts and pay online or by credit card online

Payment of utilities is a rather important procedure that must be performed on a monthly basis without fail. When you learn about how to pay for utilities via the Internet, you no longer have to stand in long lines, wasting precious time. You must admit that in a world where a busy person counts every minute, he doesn’t want to waste a second.

Of course, paying at the bank's cash desk is a proven, long-known method that is familiar to most people in our country. And, despite the advantages in the form of simplicity and reliability, it is impossible to ignore the fact that the commission of banks is several percent of the payment amount. For example, in Sberbank the rate is set at 2%. If you have a card and a device connected to the World Wide Web, you can easily pay for utilities via the Internet without a fee. It is simple and convenient, and, most importantly, such a procedure does not take you much time, so that you do not have to break away for a long time from business, household chores and communication with loved ones.

There are several payment methods, so we will introduce you to each of them so that you can choose the best option for yourself.

Technology does not stand still, and various companies offer more and more services designed to make our life easier and more comfortable. We offer you to consider the most popular payment methods, thanks to which you can pay your housing bill through the Internet without any extra effort and expense.

Here are some of them:

  1. Internet banking.
  2. Service organizations.
  3. Government services site.
  4. Beeline.
  5. Sberbank Online.

Internet banking

As a rule, most modern banks have their own sites and even mobile applicationsthrough which you can replenish the account, carry out money transfers  and pay for utilities. Which bank to give preference? The question is really complicated, but do not rush to make hasty decisions. Perhaps your housing and communal services has concluded an agreement with some of the institutions and you can pay off all accounts without commissions and overpayments.

Service Organizations

They also accept payments and, as a rule, almost all have sites. For example, you can settle accounts with an electricity supplier on Energosbyt's website using a credit card. It is noteworthy that the commission in this case will not be withdrawn. The only negative is that you have to spend some time separately paying for each service on the website of the corresponding structure. In case you decide to pay by a single payment check, the commission will be withdrawn. And this, by the way, is 1.5% of the total. Quite a lot of respectable payers fall into such a tricky trick, who have to overpay a few due to the fact that they do not know the intricacies of work of this service.

Government Services Website

Those who are looking for how to pay utilities via the Internet without a commission often stumble upon this portal. Yes, indeed, the collection of any additional funds is not provided, but there is one very important point that, as a rule, people lose sight of. The fact is that the commission may be withdrawn by the issuing bank of your card. But there is an exception: for example, the Bank of Moscow provides the service absolutely free of charge, so its customers can not worry about additional costs. As for the other banks, the commission will be 0.8% of the total. The disadvantages of the service include the need to register and fill out a questionnaire, unstable operation. Note: if you are serviced by a partnership of homeowners, then you will not be able to pay for its services on the website of public services.


The company every year expands its range of services more and more. Using the service " Mobile payment", You can easily pay for a utility bill through the Internet, without interruption.

  Beeline company makes payments for housing and communal services and other services

Everything is extremely simple: you need to go to the Beeline website, open the Mobile Payment tab, select the Utility Payments menu, and then select the institution you want to transfer to. Next, you will see a form. It should include your personal payer code, payment period and payment amount. By the way, if necessary, you can find out the debt to a particular company. Next, a password will be sent to your phone, entering which you can continue and confirm the payment. It is important that the account mobile phone  there was sufficient amount to write off.

MTS offers its customers a similar service, but the difference is that this company withdraws a commission of 1.5% of the total amount.

Sberbank Online

This bank is one of the leading in our country, therefore it is not surprising that for attracting customers and ensuring their comfort there is quite convenient applicationhelping to make all necessary payments.

Absolutely all cardholders with access to the World Wide Web can pay for housing and communal services through an Internet card of Sberbank. We note right away that the service is paid and the commission is 1% of the total payment amount. Also, customers are offered to use the service "Auto Payment". That is, a certain amount will be transferred from your account monthly to the organizations you specify. Thus, Sberbank makes life easier for its customers, and they do not think about how to pay for housing and communal services via the Internet. Simply open the site, fill out the form and payment operations will be performed automatically.

On the one hand, the idea is good, because sometimes you can forget about unpaid bills and not pay them on time. On the other hand, as a rule, each month you will receive different checks (for example, bills for water, gas and electricity are calculated depending on the amount of resources consumed), so it will be quite difficult to determine and establish the optimal payment amount.

This option is not bad for those who leave for a few months to rest in another country or go on a business trip. In this case, this service will allow you not to think about household chores and focus on rest or work. Upon arrival, you can analyze the payments made, check for debts or overpayments.

Important!  Verification is a mandatory procedure for those who nevertheless decide to use the Auto Payment service.

It causes a lot of complaints from users, as it often fails and produces double charges. It happened that the sent transfer was not even on the receipt, so customers should be especially vigilant and constantly monitor all payments.

It only seems to pay for utilities via the Internet by credit card so simple, in fact, a number of procedures are performed for this. In general, the mechanism of this service is as follows: on the day preceding payment, the bank sends a request to the utility provider to verify the debt. Next, a message should be received on the payer's phone, in which the exact amount of payment and the refusal code will be indicated. If the code is not sent over the course of the day, debit will occur. As you can see, the combination is quite complicated, so a lot of overlays can occur during execution. It is better to enter each amount yourself, after checking it with a paper receipt.

   Check your receipts carefully before paying.

Electronic payment systems

There are a number of portals that allow you to quickly, securely and without much difficulty pay for utilities by personal account  through the Internet. These include such well-known systems as “QIWI”, “WebMoney”, “RBK-Money” and “Yandex. Money".

The latter is the most affordable, as it can be used by everyone who has an account and mailbox  in the search engine of the same name. It is enough to perform authorization, and then in the “Money” tab, select the line “Pay receipts” from the list, where to select the “Housing and Public Utilities” section. You will have to fill in all the necessary details: recipient's TIN, payer details, amount payable - all this must be indicated. Then confirm the payment and a receipt will appear on the screen, which can be printed if necessary. Money comes within 2-3 days, therefore, when planning a payment, consider these terms so that you do not get a penalty.

As for QIWI and WebMoney, the procedure here is not much different. You can pay for services in your personal account, just log in enough. The catch is that the registration process in these services requires a large amount of information and takes some time. Before you pay for utilities via the Internet in this way, you should carefully understand its advantages and disadvantages.

  Yandex Money will allow you to quickly make payments for housing and communal services

  • the procedure does not take much time;
  • suitable even for those who do not have a bank card;
  • unlike banks, you can pay not only by templates, but also by details, which makes it possible to transfer money to any institution.

  • lengthy registration process;
  • you need electronic money in your account;
  • payments pass through real banks, so the system depends on their work: on weekends and holidays no payment will be sent, which often causes delays in crediting funds and leads to late payment of utilities.

Important!  Paying for housing and communal services via the Internet with the help of payment systems is another good option for those who do not want to spend their valuable time standing in long lines.


Recently, a novelty has become available: the PAYQR service offers to pay for a communal apartment using a QR code. The developers declare that by installing their application on their device, you can read the QR code of the receipt. You just have to confirm the details, indicate your own data, select the desired card and make a payment. The idea is not bad, but the QR code is not always present on receipts, and the payment reaches the recipient in a rather long terms. If you do not know how to pay for utilities via the Internet and want to do it for the first time, then this method  giving preference is too risky. It is possible that the process will be improved in the future, but so far you should not trust your system with your money.

  Not all resources can be paid by card, as social cards do not have the mark “VISA”

Before you pay for utilities via the Internet, you must choose the best option, which will be convenient, simple and free. Busy people will definitely appreciate the benefits of remote payment, because all operations can be completed in a few minutes, without interrupting basic tasks. So abundant different ways  the most popular and, perhaps, reliable is the transfer of money using Internet banking. Everyone can pay for housing and communal services by credit card via the Internet; it is enough to have a card of any bank. Join electronic payment and save your precious time right now!

Option 1

First of all, check with your management company (or HOA) if it has an agreement with any bank. If so, it is entirely possible that it is through him that you can pay without a commission. As a rule, all banks have websites.

Option 2

Without a commission and through the Internet, you can pay directly on the websites of the supplying organizations. So, for electricity, you can transfer money from a card without a commission on the Mosenergosbyt website.

Good to knowhowever, that the commission is not taken only when calculating for electricity, and when paying for a single payment document, the overpayment will be 1.50% (and at least 10 rubles). Similarly, you can pay for gas - on the site Mosoblgaz.

An important point: as a rule, it does not matter which card to pay, the commission is still not taken.

Option 3

The ability to pay utility bills without a commission has been declared on the public services website. Yes, the commission portal itself does not take. However - and this is stipulated - it can be charged by banks and service providers (supplying organizations).

Good to know!  When paying for services with a Bank of Moscow card, there will be no commission, but on bank cards of other issuing banks it is 0.8%.

Of the minuses of the portal: the service is cumbersome, which requires careful filling and registration, and it is still unstable and there is no way to pay for HOA services.

Option 4

Payment of housing and communal services without a commission is offered by Beeline (kvartplata service) - you just need to become a Beeline subscriber and replenish your phone account for a certain amount. There are no commissions, but payment can be made only to certain suppliers, for example:

1 . Housing and communal services of Moscow (according to ENP)

2 . Housing and communal services St. Petersburg

3 . Housing and communal services of Moscow: PIK-Comfort, etc.

As you can see, the circle of recipients is strictly limited. And testing the service revealed another drawback: it will not work to pay for arbitrary details.

By the way, a similar service is offered to subscribers and MTS. But there is also a very definite list of recipients, plus a commission of 1.5%.

Option 5

The traditional Sberbank, as an alternative to trips to branches and queues, offers payment for housing services using the SberbankOnline and Auto Payment systems. In both cases, the commission is 1% of the amount.

Auto payment, of course, is a convenient thing, especially if you are planning to leave somewhere for a long time (and I'm not sure if you manage to pay the receipt). However, taking into account the fact that the amounts in receipts, as a rule, differ - depending on the amount of water consumed, for example, or heating - and “get” to interest, which has been increased since the beginning of the year), or overpay. Overpayment, however, can be returned or set off, but this time and nerves!

Good to know: Sberbank’s auto-payment system raises a lot of complaints from customers (failures, double charges). Auto-debiting amounts that are not in the paper receipt are also possible. According to the terms of service, a day before the date specified by the payer, Sberbank checks the supplier for the presence of debt for the current period. No debt - a request is sent once every three days. There is a debt - the service provider notifies Sberbank about this, and he sends the SMS payer that in one day the bank will make a payment for such and such amount (the amount and refusal code are indicated). If you do not send a refusal code within 24 hours, then the money will be debited (provided that the maximum monthly payments indicated in the client’s application are not exceeded). Here is such a multi-way combination (at each stage of which overlays are possible!).

One gets the impression that the main advantage of auto payment is that it keeps the client in constant tone and accustoms to carefully read banking rules.

Now about the innovations

PAYQR - payment by QR code. The opportunity is declared to pay a communal apartment without commissions. You just need to install a special application on your smartphone, point to the QR code of the receipt, confirm the payment details and enter your data. Next - select (or add) a bank card and confirm the payment.

However, this is embarrassing: if the payment does not have a QR code, you must either generate it yourself or somehow convince the management company or HOA to do this on the system’s website.

In addition, according to the scheme, money is credited for a rather long time, and they can generally “skip” up to 8-10 days. Yes, and it’s better not to read the system’s rules at night. There, for example, “charging for information services” is stated (most likely, these are SMS and USSD notifications, the cost in the offer is also absent). The service is in fact not responsible for anything and can be run on a device on which authorization has already been done previously. And also, the service (to which you have granted access to your card and CVV code) can deduct from the card as much as it sees fit (wow, well, this is absolutely arrogance!).

And finally:  under any circumstances, the company's liability is limited to 1 thousand rubles, and then after the guilt is proved in court.

In general, a scary innovation. Maybe it's better to return to proven methods?

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