Pay utilities by credit card via the Internet without commission. How to pay utility bills through Sberbank Online? Step-by-step instruction of transfers through mobile banking, online service and auto payments

Determining how to pay for housing and communal services through Sberbank Online, it is convenient for debit and credit card holders to use a computer or mobile devicethat provides access to the system or Mobile Banking. For forgetful customers, the “Auto payment” service has been developed!

If payments are made through a mobile device, you must connect software  on iPhone and iPad or phone (Android and Windows von platforms).

Features of payment for utilities on the Internet

Operations are carried out from your personal account:

  • Identification data and a character combination are entered. A confirmation code is entered, sent by the bank to tel.
  • Payments are made in the section “Housing and Public Utilities and Landline Telephone” from the category “Payments and Transfers”.
  • Users receiving ENP from the EIRC make payments for utilities  in the “Rent” section.
  • If it is decided that water and gas consumption (electricity and telephone) will be settled through the Sberbank Online service, payment of housing and communal services will be confirmed by separate receipts.

Pay for electricity online

From your personal account, the transition to the section "Payments and transfers" is carried out.

In the menu that opens, in the subcategory "Housing and Landline Telephone", the "electricity" section is selected.

You need to find the company you are interested in. You can immediately enter the TIN or r / s of the organization or find its list of proposed options. The region and the name of the services are indicated.

For Sberbank customers, payment of housing and communal services via the Internet is convenient quick search  the recipient in the list of proposed options. If it is not in the list, company details are entered independently. To carry out the operation, in the category “Payments and Transfers” “Payment for Services” is selected and the electronic form is filled out. In the category "Recipient" information is entered automatically

In the "Payment Details" window, indicate:

  • number r / s;
  • address;
  • data on the counter (from the 15th to the 26th date);
  • card to write off money;
  • amount payable.

Payment will be made after clicking on the "confirmation by SMS" button.

The code received in SMS is entered and the operation is confirmed.

The correct payment is saved as a template and printed.

Gas consumption calculations

Instructions on how to pay utilities through Sberbank Online require mandatory registration in the system and transition to personal Area. In the section “Housing and Public Utilities and Landline”, the “gas” service is selected and the company providing the services is indicated.

Recipient data can be entered independently.

Details are indicated:

  • ten-digit number r / n. and company code. They are displayed on the receipt;
  • user information;
  • amount.

The column “service” indicates the product:

  • “Natural gas (without meter)”;
  • "etc. gas (by meter). ”

In the 2nd case, data on the counter are entered (previous and in the current period). To confirm the payment, you should drive in the code received in SMS and press the "Confirm" button.

Transfer of funds for water consumption

If you pay for housing and communal services through Sberbank online, the instruction on payments for water supply requires you to go to the category “Housing and Public Utilities and Landline”, open the tabs “Payments and Transfers” and indicate the category.

Payment data is entered:

  1. Client information (l / s, meter reading);
  2. receipt type - EPD;
  3. card number;
  4. amount of payment in accordance with the receipt.

The transaction is confirmed.

Rent through Sberbank

In the section “Housing and Public Utilities and Landline Telephone”, select the “Rent” column, after searching for an organization (EIRTs), a transition to the company’s page is carried out.

The payment form is filled out:

  • the card number of the service consumer is entered;
  • the payer code is entered, indicated on the notice of the EIRC) and calendar data (month, year)
  • other fields are filled.

The consumer is left to confirm the operation.

Upon completion of the transaction, the user will receive a notification about the successful transfer of funds.

How to register for the Sberbank Online service?

Activation in the system is carried out on the website AT open page  the registration button is pressed and the payment card number is entered in the indicated column. An SMS with a verification code will be sent to the user's phone. It remains to specify your username and password on the service page. Identification data provides access to your personal account for transactions.

Car payment for utility bills

The payment is set up once, in the next month, it is enough to confirm the transfer of cash from the account. The user is presented with 2 options to write off the balance:

  1. in case of debt formation (for receipts with different monthly readings);
  2. when automatically transferring a fixed amount.

Principle of operation:

Funds are credited to the balance within the specified limit. When it is reduced, funds are automatically transferred from the user's card. In the absence of a specified amount on the card, the user will receive a notification via SMS.

Connecting "Auto Payments" over the Internet

The service is activated in the Sberbank Online service through "My Auto Payments":

The organization providing the service / product is indicated.

  • Enter the phone number for which the service is assigned, and select a card for debiting funds.
  • In the window that appears, enter min. balance (it will be replenished from the card automatically if the balance in the account is less than the specified amount), the transfer amount and the daily limit.
  • Auto payment is confirmed by a one-time code indicated in the sent SMS.
  • After activating the service, on the phone will come  message.


The company providing the services is indicated.

The card is selected and the form is filled. The date of transfer of funds and the monthly limit should be indicated.

Confirm the operation with the code indicated in the SMS.

Upon successful completion of the operation, an SMS will be sent to the user.

How to connect "Auto Payment" at ATMs?

A card is inserted and a pin code is entered. In the main menu, the category “Payments and transfers” is selected, then “My payments”, the button “Auto payments”.

The type of payment is selected. Further actions are performed according to the instructions indicated in the terminal window.

The correctness of the entered details is confirmed. A check is issued to the user. After connecting the service, the corresponding message will be sent to the specified phone.

Activation of the “Auto payments” service through the Mobile Bank

SMS is sent to the number. 900 with the AUTO PAYMENT team and the minimum balance amount (from 50 to 10 thousand rubles), the last 4 digits of the card.

AUTO PAYMENT - auto payment text, 200 - amount payable

After a second, a notification from Sberbank about the option is connected to the mobile device.

You can disable Auto Payment by sending an SMS “AUTO PAYMENT-” to number 900 or through an ATM.

Important points

  • Execution of an operation reaches up to 3 banking days.
  • Services are processed on business days from 09:00.
  • If there is no debt on the date of automatic transfer of funds for utilities, a notification will be sent to the client about the impossibility of transferring funds.
  • The bank recalls the execution of Auto Payment the day before its execution.
  • If the organization providing housing and communal services services issues more than one invoice for 1 month, Sberbank will transfer the required number of payments and notify the client thereof.
  • Service activation takes 1-2 hours, necessary for data verification.
  • Car payments are free.

Cashless payments for housing and communal services are attractive at low rates. For example, in Moscow, the commission fee is 0.5% (receipt of EIRC) and 1% (electricity, gas consumption). Similar operations in bank branches are charged at a rate of 1.5% and 2%.


* Attention! Informational article  may have outdated and incomplete information. Up-to-date information can be posted on the official website of Sberbank PJSC

Having received a housing and communal services receipt, most citizens go to a bank, to payment terminals or to points for receiving utility bills. The number of payers is steadily growing, which strive to use other methods of debt repayment, which can significantly save time and money. One of the most budgetary of them is online banking.

Can I pay for utilities through Sberbank?

Sberbank has several options for paying utility bills.

  • through the operator;
  • through the information and payment terminal;
  • through “Sberbank online”;

The first two methods are the most common, but for their use higher percentages are added, which are added to the housing bill.

The third method still raises doubts among a number of payers:   whether the payment will be formed correctly; how to get a printed receipt; Is online payment secure? However, among the obvious advantages is a small commission. Despite the fact that payment of housing and communal services through Sberbank online without commission is impossible, the accrued interest will be minimal.

Online Payment Terms

To pay for utilities in the online system, you should conclude a standard contract with the bank and get a credit card. If you have a credit card, all receipts for housing and communal services, whether it is a telephone bill (landline), electricity or a rent bill (EPD) can be repaid with a computer at hand. On the bank’s website you need to select “Sberbank online” and enter your personal account.

There are two ways to access LK:

  • Enter the card number and wait for an SMS with a password to come to your mobile. The corresponding method works well if at least the minimum Mobile Bank package is connected;
  • Print a check with login and password at any ATM. One-time passwords will not come in SMS, they should be printed out at the ATM.

Having come into the Personal account, it is necessary to pass to the item: “Transfers and payments”. In the list, click on the “Utility and home phone" For successful payment of utility bills online, you should specify the service provider - the program will automatically determine the exact details of the transfer. For each region, the list of suppliers will be different, you need to choose the right one after completing the receipt.

The payer enters the personal account number and selects his credit card.
  The final stage is the confirmation of the transfer: either by code from SMS or by code from check (when using passwords from the check, the one-time limit will be 3000 rubles).
  In case of successful payment, the status will appear: “Completed”. If there is a need to document the fact of transfer, then you can print the check (on the printer at home or in the office).

Payment online without commission via the Internet

If the client pays utility bills through the operator, then an increased commission is charged: (note: figures based on Moscow) in the amount of 2-2.5% without opening an account and 1.5-2% if the client has an open account.

It is worth remembering that the banking sector is developing in the direction of transferring all services to the online platform.   Banks strive to motivate their customers to switch to Internet banking, including such a measure as increasing interest on cash transactions involving bank employees. The interest that will be added when paying utility bills when using the terminal will already be less: 1-1.5%.

When making payments for utilities through Sberbank online, the commission will be minimal: 0.5% (EDP) and 1% for electricity.

The largest service providers provide their customers with the opportunity to pay utility bills without a fee. On their sites, as a rule, it is possible to create a personal account and manage the charges and transfers from it. Payment bwithout a commission, not all housing receipts can be spent. The opportunity is provided for electricity (for example, Mosenergosbyt) and landline telephone  (MGTS).

The main condition for the repayment of utilities via the Internet is the presence of a Visa or Mastercard with a valid SMS notification package.

How to pay utilities through the terminal of Sberbank?

Not all payers are ready to unconditionally switch to Internet payments. For them, terminals can become an intermediate \\ test stage. In fact, this is a “conditionally impersonal” way: there are always consultants next to the terminals who are ready to explain the details.

Without a consultant when there is detailed instructions  Payment of utility bills through the Sberbank terminal is not difficult. Firstly, you should decide on a payment method: cash or card. It should be remembered that the ATM accepts bills and does not give change (change can be transferred to any mobile number)

Further recommended   through the “search for the recipient” find the provider in whose favor the transfer is made: this can be done by entering the TIN, or by scanning the barcode located on the receipt. The second option is most preferable: in this case there will be no need to enter additional data. After a window appears with the details of the organization and the amount, you should make bills and choose the option of receiving change.

With the advent of new types of services, the concept of “regular payments” has firmly entered our lives. Every month we have to pay for housing and communal services, cable TVInternet access mobile connection  and much more. All these concerns create certain inconveniences, since it is important not only to remember each of these payments, but also to spend time on its implementation.

On the other hand, payment for this type of service is carried out through banks and, realizing the importance of this task, they went to meet their customers and created special services that allow you to make regular payments automatically. In this article we will talk about how given problem  solves the flagship of the Russian banking system - Sberbank of Russia.

Payment of utilities in Sberbank: options for solving the problem

To begin with, we’ll consider all the payment methods offered by Sberbank. So, the first and most ancient way of paying both utility bills and any other services is cash cash payment. For its implementation, you need to visit the nearest bank branch, without forgetting to grab a passport and payment document for payment and stand in line at the cash desk. You will be charged a commission for the operation - for utility payments 2% of the amount, maximum 2000 rubles. When transferring funds to accounts legal entities, with the exception of payments for the maintenance and repair of the common property of the house, as well as utilities carried out under the Single payment documents in favor of the state engineering services, the commission will amount to 2.5% of the amount (minimum 20 rubles, maximum 2000 rubles). Only tax payments are accepted free of charge at the box office, but the queue even in this case will have to stand.

When paying for services at the Sberbank cash desk, the exact amount (up to cents) can be credited to the account of the payee organization, the change can be issued in cash, transferred to the replenishment account mobile phone payer or to his current account with Sberbank. Unfortunately, this is the method of payment that many retirees choose, thus creating queues at the box office and spending their own time. Sberbank employees do not have the right to refuse to accept payments at the cash desk, but they always offer other, more convenient ways  and my help.

The second method of payment - using the terminals and ATMs of Sberbank, also requires a visit to the bank or other place where the device is installed. The last way to pay for services is through the Sberbank OnL @ yn Internet banking system or mobile applications. We will talk about these methods in more detail.

Payment of utilities and other services using the Sberbank OnL @ yn system

To work with the Sberbank OnL @ yn system, it is required personal Computer  and Internet access. To connect this service, you must conclude a framework agreement with Sberbank (the service is free) and get a unique user ID and password for access to the system. Also, for greater comfort, it is advisable to activate the Mobile Bank service (the service is paid, starting from the 3rd month of use, 30 rubles per month is charged from the account), which will allow you to receive a one-time password to access the Sberbank OnL @ yn system as an SMS message. Otherwise, you will have to receive one-time passwords through Sberbank ATMs - in the form of a check with a list of passwords.

The procedure for paying utility bills is quite simple and understandable even to an inexperienced user, namely:

  1. We open the site of Sberbank and go to the “Sberbank OnL @ yn” section, log in using a unique identifier and password, and then confirm the entry with a one-time password received in the SMS message.
  2. We go to the section of the "Operations" system and select the payment for the required type of service (in our case, the payment for utilities).
  3. In the form that opens, fill in all the necessary fields - meter readings, payment amount, check details.
  4. After filling out the form and the amount you need to confirm your payment. To do this, enter a one-time password, which will come in an SMS message to a mobile phone.

After confirming the operation, money is debited from the account and transferred to the account of the managing organization. The completed operation can be entered into “My Templates”, then you do not have to fill in the payment details every time.

If for some reason you need to receive a paper receipt of payment, you can print it in the Sberbank OnL @ yn system or get an appropriate certificate from a bank branch.

It is important to consider that in some regions payment for utilities through the Internet banking system may be paid. The cost of payment is 0.5% of the amount (maximum 1000 rubles). However, in most regions there is no commission for paying for utilities. The same tariffs apply when paying for communal services at terminals and ATMs. Read about how to transfer funds to a managing organization using these devices.

Payment of utility bills through a terminal or ATM of Sberbank

It is easy to pay for housing and communal services through a terminal or an ATM of Sberbank. To perform this operation, you need a bank card or cash (if the device is equipped with a banknote receiver). The maximum limit when paying in a self-service device is 15,000 rubles for one payment.

If you have a payment document with a barcode, and the terminal you have selected is equipped with a special scanner, the algorithm of actions will be as follows:

  • It is necessary to insert a card into the terminal (if you pay for utilities using a card), enter your PIN code on the keyboard and find the menu item “Utility payments”. To select it, just touch the corresponding fields on the terminal screen with your finger.
  • Next, in the list that opens, you should find and select the organization to which you must transfer the money.
  • The next step is the personal account of the payer. In the case when the device is equipped with a scanner, the payment document is brought to the reader (the bar code is located opposite the scanner at a distance of 5 - 20 cm) and the terminal automatically determines the account number. Otherwise, the personal account number is indicated manually in the corresponding field.
  • After the system has identified the personal account, information on the payer will be displayed on the screen (name, address, last meter reading, amount of debt, etc.). It is necessary to verify all the data with the receipt and indicate new information (indicators of devices, amount of payment, etc.).
  • To complete the payment, click the "Pay" button. Upon payment by credit card  the indicated amount is debited from the account, otherwise the bills are loaded into the banknote receiver. As a result, the payer prints a receipt of payment.

We described the standard algorithm, however, it may differ depending on the year of release of the terminal and the software version (sometimes you need to press the buttons on a regular panel, and not on the touch screen).

Please note the first time it is advisable to exercise communal payment through a terminal or ATM located directly in the branch of Sberbank. This is due to the fact that in the bank branch you can use the help of a consultant who can demonstrate all the features of the system. In the future, you can easily work with the device yourself.

By analogy with the payment for utilities, you can pay for other services by selecting the appropriate menu items.

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