The contact is denied access. How to open VK page

With the advent of social networks, our life, on the one hand, has become less active, and on the other hand, people have the opportunity to communicate with each other for free and anywhere where there is Internet access. Those people who connect the Internet only with young people are deeply mistaken, since most adults use the Internet, and most importantly, social networks. Most adults do not have the ability to use social networks in the workplace, as employers usually restrict access to social networks. Most often, they restrict access to the VKontakte social network. But we can say that if you have blocked Vkontakte at work, then reading this article, you can easily get around any barrier.

If your contact has been blocked, then it is best to use anonymizers, by the means that you can easily spend time with your favorite social network. Why anonymizer? Because only with the help of it you can go to the social network Vkontakte so that no one will know about it. The advantage of anonymizers is that they do not save data to history, thus, this gives you the opportunity to secretly sit in this social network.

How to unlock a contact at work?

We hasten to tell you  that you definitely won’t succeed in unlocking the contact at work, but bypassing the protection is for sure. In order to circumvent the protection of the social network Vkontakte, you must use the following Internet resource. Anonymizer Chameleon is widely known among their own kind. This Internet resource is a master of disguises. You can be half a meter away from your employer and spend your time with peace of mind on the social network Vkontakte. This anonymizer, like a chameleon, makes it possible for any user to discreetly visit such large social networks as Vkontakte, classmates, facebook and any other Internet resources, even if they are blocked by your employer.

To enter this social network, you must go to the site indicated above. Next, you need to enter in the line “Enter the site address for anonymous viewing” the site you need, or select from the list offered to you. Next, the Chameleon will move you from this page to you specified. The design of the site is the same, everything is the same as on the social network Vkontakte, there is only one but, the address of the site is indicated by the Chameleon - do not worry, everything should be so.

If you have helped or liked this article, do not forget put your like, this will help other users find it faster. And I can find out what interests you the most in order to prepare and write even more interesting and useful articles! Sincerely, Vyacheslav.

A fairly common situation: you enter your VKontakte username and password as usual, but you are horrified to find that it does not work, or you get a message from which it follows that your page has been hacked because spam was sent from it. In this article   I will tell you about how to regain access to the VK page.

What to do if hacked VK? All ways to unlock VK

In order not to re-read dozens of extra paragraphs, click on the most appropriate link from the list:

The easiest way to restore to VKontakte - using the phone number to which your page was linked. The procedure is as follows:

2. In the window that appears enter the phone number to which the VK page is linked  in the international format (for example, through +7 for Russia), then click on and in the window that appears, enter the alphanumeric code (captcha) from the picture.

3. In the next step enter the last name indicated on the page.

5. Now SMS will come to the phone number indicated above from the contact with the digital code, which must be entered in the next step.

5. Well, finally, at the last step, we you need to come up with a new password for VKontakte, which certainly should be more difficult than the previous one. My recommendations on what should be the password can be read in this post.

That's all, we have restored (and in fact changed) the password from your VKontakte page via SMS.

Password recovery without access to phone number.

The procedure for restoring access to the VKontakte page, without access to a phone number, but with access to e-mail, is in many ways similar to the previous one, with a few exceptions.

2. In the window that appears enter email  (eg [email protected]  or [email protected]), then click next and in the window that appears, enter the alphanumeric code (captcha) from the image.

3. Now you and I are thrown to recover the password via SMS, but we agreed with you that we do not have access to it, so we act differently. Below the line there is a line “ If you do not have access to the number or the code does not come, try clicking here. ”Click on the link at the end of it and get.

4. Fill in all the fields and click on " Apply».

After her - you will return access to the page.

Password recovery VKontakte without access to mail and phone number.

Even without access to the mailbox and mobile phone number, you can restore access to your VKontakte account, but for this you will have to fill out a special application form. Recovery Procedure:

1. To avoid unnecessary steps, follow the link\u003dreturn_page

2. If you do not know the id of your VK page, then do not suffer and by clicking on the link\u003dpeople&from\u003drestore

3. Fill in all the fields and click on " Send request».

After it is approved (usually it takes about two days), access will be restored and you can enter your VK page using the new password.

How to find out that the application is approved?

If you did everything right, then in a moment you will be on the page with one single link, which I would recommend to keep.

By clicking on it you can monitor the progress of your processing applications for restoring access to VKontakte.

By clicking on it after 12 hours you will see a joyful notice that “the application for access restoration has been reviewed and accepted, and a new password has been sent to the mail.

We go into the mail and open a letter from the Contact.


Your application for the restoration of access to your page on the site has been verified and approved.
To enter your page use this E-Mail or Login: [email protected]
Your new password: 51953980
Your page is now linked to a mobile phone number: 79123456789
You can change the password in the settings of your page.

Good luck!

Now return to VK page, indicate the new username and password and EVERYTHING! The blocked contact page is again available!

PS. Do not forget to change the password to a more complex one, otherwise they may again block the contact for spam. If for some reason you did not manage to unlock a blocked contact, you can ask me your question in the official group of the site or in the comments.

VKontakte asks me to send an SMS message to a short number.

If you are required to send an SMS message to a short number, then know that on your PC one hundred percent is infected with at least one virus or you have a dirty host!

Remember:  Even if your anti-virus program is regularly updated, this is not a guarantee of complete security and protection from Internet threats. Time Contact blocked  - then the antivirus missed the infection!

In no case do not send SMS to the short numbers of VKontakte!  Instead, check out my article on or treat yourself.

VKontakte sent username and password, but login fails

The most common glitch in recovery. The VKontakte admin approved the application for restoring access, after 24 hours he sent a password, but the person can’t access this data. Many do not know what to do in such a situation, but the solution is simple! Create another extended request for recovery and indicate in the note that the data sent to SMS did not fit. In 90% of cases, the second time they recover without problems! The remaining 10% is recovered from the third attempt.

And further. Be sure to check your PC for viruses with free Doctor Web! So that there is no situation when you returned access to the social network and immediately lost it due to infection on your computer.

PS. As a rule, you will not be able to send a repeated application for restoration immediately, but after 24-48 after approval of the previous one. Faster does not work, you have to wait.

SMS stubbornly does not come to my number. What to do?

If the link "resend the code", restarting the mobile, checking the balance does not help, and you are sure that you entered the phone number correctly without spaces in the international format (with a + sign at the beginning), and also sure that your number is attached to the page, there’s only one thing left - a direct letter to VKontakte support by mail [email protected]  In the letter, be sure to indicate the maximum amount of data (a link to your page, your name, the number that you linked, and also take screenshots of the data you entered so that VKontakte makes sure that SMS does not come for a reason that is not dependent on you, but not because you are entering data incorrectly). After 3-5 days, they will answer you in the mail and tell you what to do next.

Another way  - ask any of your friends who have a page on VKontakte to contact the support service on your behalf and say that they say so and so - SMS messages from VK don't come to such a number. Admins will fix it and everything will work.

Nothing helped?

If after some recommendations I’ve made, it’s still impossible for you for any reason to regain access to VKontakte and go to your page, then you can describe your problem in detail in the comments and we, together with other participants   We will definitely help you!

It often happens that a user of the VKontakte social network himself is not aware that access to his page for unauthorized users is completely closed. He tries to post interesting materials, to invite to participate in competitions, but there is no answer. The reason may be hidden in the privacy settings of the page, which strangers do not miss. In this case, it is possible and necessary to open access, especially since you can independently choose what will be shown to everyone and what will not.

Before proceeding with the settings, make sure that you have a stable Internet connection. So, going to your social network page, you need to perform several actions.

What exactly opens access

So, after the changes, what will users see on your page see? Having opened access to everything, each user will be able to access:

  • community invitations
  • viewing photos;
  • watching videos;
  • list of audio recordings;
  • comments on the page from other users;
  • lists of groups and applications.

Important!  The above items will be seen not only by friends from your personal list, but also by any outsiders.

It’s best to always keep information such as addresses and notification requests private, you can view them only yourself.

As others see the page

VK settings are numerous, and you can forget what exactly you have hidden and what not, and how it will look like. In order to understand how other users see your page, you can use the special function to view your account.

At the very end of the list of all opened options there is a special graph. She says that if you want to make sure that all privacy settings are correct, you can see how your page looks from the outside. This means that by clicking on this button, you will see how third-party users who have not yet been added as friends see your profile.

The option "See how other users see your page"

If it seems to you that too much information is open for public access, it can always be changed as described above.

Important!  Only you have the right. Do not share it with third parties.

Connection with me

This section will help regulate access to the wall on your page, as well as any other posts. The number of those who can write on your page is better to limit, especially since this restriction is always easy to remove.

This section of settings can be considered one of the main, as it regulates access from the outside. No one will be able to read the comments of your friends if you do not want to. Also, if you do not like third-party comments on your personal photos, you can also get rid of them once and for all by simply closing the ability to leave captions under the pictures.

So, let's first understand the situation why VKontakte is closed

A virus invented by scammers simply redirects your request to a site that is not outwardly distinguishable from the VKontakte site (phishing site). Without suspecting anything bad, you enter a login with a password in the form, confirm the entry ... and lose access to the page - your data has been stolen!

The principle of operation of this virus

Do you know that the name of each Internet resource corresponds to a specific (or several) IP address? For example, when you type in the address bar of your browser and press "Enter", your browser makes a request to the DNS server and receives the IP address of the requested site (in this case,, clicks on it - as a result, you go to the site "Correspondent". Fraudsters use a mechanism redirecting to fake resources using a file hosts, replacing the IP address of the requested resource with the IP-schnick of his phishing. Thus, trying to get to the VK page, you write in the address bar vk.combut the hosts file modified by the virus redirects you to a fake site.

Knowing how the cheating mechanism works, let's look for a way out. First, try entering the IP address of the VKontakte resource into the address bar. It can change over time, in order to find out the actual one, you can run the command on the obviously “healthy” computer from the command line (called by Win + R hotkeys) ping -t   and in the window that appears, the process of exchanging packets with the resource will be displayed - there you will see the desired IP address. Today, the IP address of VKontakte: - if the site has opened, continue.

Let's consider several options for solving the problem if it is impossible to go to your VKontakte page.

We try the version with the antivirus utility AVZ. This method helped many right away, maybe it will suit you.

Hosts file - check its contents and fix it with pens

In some situations, when it is impossible to log in to VKontakte, the problem can be solved by returning the file with the name Hosts to its original state not changed by the virus.
  As you know, in popular operating systems of the Windows XP / Vista / Seven family this file is located in: directory Windows \\ System32 \\ drivers \\ etc. Open the Hosts file with a text editor that is convenient for you. First, there will be lines that begin with the symbol - the lattice # - we go further. Below these lines in the “correct” file there should be only one line and its contents is invariably the following: “ localhost», If there are any more lines or characters - mercilessly delete them and save the file. There is another option - try to take a deliberately “correct” file and make a replacement for what is on your system (only unzip it first). Please carefully examine the contents of the folder ... System32 \\ drivers \\ etc - if something like hosts is detected. * - delete. No file in this directory should have any extensions (characters after the period in the file names).

If the hosts file is in perfect order, but the problem still occurs, try to run it from the command line: route –f  and restart the computer. It also happens that the hosts file you edited manually cannot be saved - a message appears refusing access to the file. In this case, try to cut it (Ctrl + X) from the folder ... System32 \\ drivers \\ etc, paste (Ctrl + V) to any other place on the disk, edit it and then return the file to its place. Although, as a rule, such viruses are configured to autostart with Windows and then change the hosts file again ... If the problem persists, we move on.

Scan your computer with the free Malwarebytes ’Anti-Malware antivirus

Malwarebytes ’Anti-Maiware is one of the free, simple, but no less effective anti-virus programs whose purpose is to search for and remove spyware modules and other malicious programs on your computer. The program also helps to eliminate the effects of viruses in the system. First, download the archive with the program, then unzip it and install it on the system. After starting, we confirm the start of using the application in the trial period.

There is the possibility of a quick scan of the computer, but experience shows that it is still better to do a full scan despite the long duration of the procedure. Upon completion of the check, restart the computer.

In addition to scanning with Malwarebytes ’Anti-Maiware, the scan gives good results. Try Kaspersky Removal Tool or CureIt! from Dr Web, the latter is even preferable, because it has the ability to scan in protected mode and greater access to the RAM of the infected computer.

Restore registry values

The malware could have changed the original location of the Hosts file by making appropriate changes to the registry. Check if this is so. To start, from the command line (Win + R or Start - Run), launch the Registry Editor by entering the command regedit. In the opened tree in the registry branch HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \\ SYSTEM \\ CurrentControlSet \\ Services \\ Tcpip \\ Parameterswe find the parameter DataBasePath  , we look at what value it has. It should be like this: % SystemRoot% \\ System32 \\ drivers \\ etc  (if the value is different, correct it to the correct one). After all the operations done, restart the computer.

We are trying to correct the situation with the inability to log in to your VK page using a special script

Another method to solve this problem is to execute a specially written script for this. First, download the archive with the program uVS  and after unpacking it, run the file   start.exe (by no means startf.exe!), then click "Run as current user".

Then download the text file with the lines (script) as in the figure below:

Instead \\ users \\  write the username under which you log in. After you have written the correct username, again copy all the text (with correction) and go to the “Script” menu, select the operation “Run script” located on the clipboard.

Reboot the operating system and the problem with VKontakte login should disappear.

Important: Sometimes, in search of a solution to this problem on the Internet, you may come across a proposal to download a super-duper-anti-virus (sometimes it’s even NOT FREE), which will return your favorite VKontakte to you - do not get fooled. There is the same or even more sophisticated malware. In most cases, in addition to losing “your hard-earned money,” you still run the risk of losing access to files on your computer!

How to behave on the network so that this does not happen in the future?

As the doctors rightly say, the disease is easier to prevent than to treat ...
  This statement is true not only in medicine, but also in Internet hygiene.
- Do not go to sites that may be suspicious (a lot of pop-ups, resources with an abundance of hacked software, pornography, also often such surprises arrive from sites that download abstracts, etc.)
  - Install a reliable antivirus program on your computer, for example, absolutely free antivirus from Avira or AVG
  - After the problem is fixed, be sure to scan your computer using CureIt! from Dr Web in full scan mode
  - Follow the timely update of the antivirus and periodically do a full scan of the computer.
  - I recommend using a reliable browser other than Internet Explorer, such as Mozilla Firefox, Opera or.
  - Feel free to create points. By doing this periodically, you can roll back to your previous working state.
  - Never, under any pretext, tell anyone your authorization data (login, password, phone number, e-mail) on social networks and other sites.

And be careful, do not rush to click on the banner you like, no matter how attractive it may look! Also, for greater reliability, it will be useful to set up double_authentication on mail.

All methods did not bring success. VKontakte is also unavailable

You tried all the above mentioned methods, conducted a full computer scan and “everything is clean”, the Internet is there, but can’t you access VKontakte or Facebook with Odnoklassniki? Most likely, the “evil admin”, as directed by the boss, closed the possibility of accessing social networks so that the staff would not be distracted from the work process. Alternatively, you can try disabling the firewall or changing your IP address, sometimes these procedures help if you are banned. You can also resort to the use of so-called. anonymizers - specially invented for such purposes Internet resources that allow all incoming and outgoing traffic from blocked sites to pass through, replacing the site name (, - some of them). But sometimes the VKontakte administration may indeed block the account, in which case it remains only to contact them ...

The day came when you, as usual, decided to log into your favorite social network, but then it just doesn’t work out.

And you do not understand why this happens. Well, let's solve this problem together.

  First, answer the question, what happens when you try to access

Quick move to the desired answer:

Vkontakte website ( is not loading?

There are several explanations for this:

Login and password from VKontakte are not suitable?

The answer to the question and the solution is very simple!

First, make sure that you enter the username and password correctly:

  • Make sure to enter the password in the desired language, for example, you enter a password using Russian letters, and you have it in the English keyboard layout;
  • Make sure the caps lock light is off.  on the keyboard, otherwise there will be an erroneous password entry;

Username and password still not correct?  Then the attacker most likely stole your password and changed it. But you can regain access to your pageif the page is registered to your phone number, which is at your fingertips.

Restoring access to VKontakte page

Click on the link “Forgot your password?”, Enter your phone number to which the page is registered (or e-mail, or login), click “next”. You will be asked to enter the characters from the image (captcha), and then confirm whether this page is yours

After that, a code will be sent to your phone number that you need to enter in the proposed form, and click "change password".

Well, after that just come up with a new password.

After that, you will be able to log in again, with the same login, but with the new password that you came up with.
  So that there are no errors, you will also receive another SMS on the phone in which you will be reminded of the information you entered so that you do not forget and do not lose it.

They ask to send SMS when you go to the VKontakte page?

It seems everything is as usual, but you are required to send SMS for money.

Do you think that Pavel Durov, the creator of the VKontakte network, is to blame, and that the day came when you have to pay for it, or there are some technical problems and that everything works, you need to send SMS. But this is completely wrong!

Very often, people think that their VKontakte page is blocked, or simply problems with the site itself and it does not work, but it is completely wrong! To check this, simply go to your VKontakte page from your friend’s computer and you will see that everything is fine with her.

And this means that your page is not blocked. What then happens, why doesn’t it go to The answer is simple - a virus or a trojan has entered your computer that blocks access to the site and requires sending a paid SMS instead.

Such messages may look very believable  and as if on behalf of the VKontakte administration, but this is not so.

Remember once and for all, the aforementioned social network never requires money from you to access your page.

One way to infect your computer or gain access to your page is to send you a link in a letter on behalf of your friend VKontakte, whose page has already been hacked, or whose computer is already charged. You follow it, do some actions, and the next day you can’t get in touch.

Think before you click on such links. Most often, messages with such links can cause you to suspect. For example, you never talked with this person (and do not remember when he was with you as a friend), and here again, the message “Hello. How are you? Follow this link, there is something interesting written about you))). ” In no case do not succumb to such tricks by fraudsters.

A file might have come to your computer, similar to vkontakte.exe, which automatically opens a window resembling a VKontakte site, but this is a fake page, that is, not a real one, very similar to it, where various errors appear when you want to view your page.

SMS, which you are asked to send, in no case do not send.

This will not open you access, but for one SMS they will require a second, then a third and so on. At the same time, you will constantly be charged a lot of money from your mobile phone account. You can also infect your mobile phone in addition.

How to solve a problem?

  1. First of all, install antivirus. If you have it installed, then update it. Perhaps its anti-virus databases are outdated for a long time, and for this reason did not protect your computer from a hacker attack.
  2. Secondly, search for vkontakte.exe on your computer. If found, then remove it immediately.
  3. Thirdly, edit the host file on your computer, which may have been modified by a virus. We will dwell on this point in more detail, since in most cases the reason is precisely this.

How to find and edit the host file?

Go to C: \\ Windows \\ System32 \\ drivers \\ etc. This means go to drive C, then to the Windows folder, then to System32, drivers, and finally to the etc. folder.

In order not to get to the etc folder for a long time, as described above, you can simply enter C: \\ Windows \\ System32 \\ drivers \\ etc in the address bar of the explorer and you will be taken to the desired folder.

There is a hosts file. Open it using the standard Notepad program.
  Remove everything except the following line: localhost

and save the file.

Can't save the hosts file?

If you cannot save the hosts file - you are denied access, then right-click on the hosts file, select "Properties", then "Security", then click "Change" and select users,
  (click on the image to enlarge and view it)

put all the birds and click "Apply."

After that, you can edit and save the hosts file. But when you edit this file and save it, then return the access rights to us. This is important for safety.

How to prevent such problems in the future?

1) Use antiviruses with constantly up-to-date (fresh) databases of viruses and trojans;

2) Before entering login and password  from the VKontakte page, make sure that you have the exact address in your browser.

Due to your carelessness, you can give your password to an attacker by simply entering it on a page very similar to a contact, with a difference in address of just one character, for example;

3) Create a complex password for the VK page  and e-mail. Use not only letters or numbers, but alternate them, and also use uppercase and lowercase letters, also alternating them.

If you are currently using a simple password, but immediately go to the page settings and change it to a more complex one.

This will protect you from password guessing programs. Do not wait until you are hacked, and I will send spam on your behalf;

4) Do not download suspicious programs  or add-ons for contact, which, according to the creators, make friends, likes and voices;

5) Do not open suspicious lettersthat you receive by e-mail and don’t follow suspicious links in VKontakte messages, even if it’s from a person who is in your friends (but with whom you haven’t communicated before).

Remember that scammers are not asleep, and are finding new ways to earn money on you. Be careful and good luck to you.

VK blocked in Ukraine: how to get around blocking

The President of the country in May 2017 signed a decree on blocking Yandex, Vkontakte and other Russian social networks and large resources in the country.

Now all you have to do is use a VPN, or simply any browser extensions that use proxies.

To get from a computer to blocked sites, you will need to install one of the following extensions:

  1. friGate - recommended.
  2. Save traffic from Google  (in addition to saving traffic, allows access to blocked sites);

To bypass the lock from the phone, download and install any of the following applications on it:

  1. Opera VPN (stopped working);
  2. Opera Mobile (stopped working);
  3. Tunnelbear
  4. Zenmate
  5. Alternatives to Opera VPN (both free and paid)
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