How to find out how many VKontakte messages are in total. How to see how many messages are in the VK dialog? Working counting methods

Today, you can learn almost everything about the number of messages in personal correspondence with an individual user, or about dialogs in general. If such a need arises, look at how many messages are in the dialog, or find out the total number of conversations, there are various ways to do this.

How to find out the number of messages in a dialog manually?

As a rule, users of social networks are in no hurry to delete important correspondence, therefore, it remains possible to view and manually count the number of letters in separate dialogs. This method is not always convenient, especially when it comes to long correspondence, in which there are a lot of messages, because their calculation will take a lot of time. But still consider how to count messages with a person manually, because in some cases this happens.

Here is an example. If the total number of pages in the dialogue is 27, and on the last of them there are only 5 messages, then 26 need to be multiplied by 20 and add 5 to the resulting number. As a result, there are 525 messages in this dialog.

Important!  In exactly the same way as with counting messages in a separate correspondence, using the mobile version you can view and calculate the total number of dialogs. They are also placed in 20 pieces on one page - you need to look at the total number of pages and multiply it by 20. The result will be the number of dialogs.

Vkontakte script for counting messages

Scripts for counting messages on VKontakte do not always work - you need to check their relevance, as the network has many outdated options that worked in the past, but after making changes to the site, they lost effectiveness. How to use a script to view the number of messages.

  1. Find on the Internet an up-to-date script that opens a section of complete and detailed statistics. For example, this one: javascript: (function () (var a \u003d document.createElement ('script'); a.type \u003d 'text / javascript'; a.src \u003d location.protocol + '// vkontakte-stats.googlecode .com / files / message-stats-core-4.3.4.js? '+ Math.round ((new Date) .getTime () / 60); document.getElementsByTagName (' head '). appendChild (a))) ();
  2. Open the console on your VK page and paste the script copied from the clipboard, then press Enter. Within a few minutes, detailed statistics should be loaded with an accurate count of dialogs and letters in each of them.

Attention!  Using various scripts is not always safe. In some cases, such actions can lead to loss of control over the profile. Fraud, theft of passwords and logins from accounts today is not yet eradicated. Therefore, it is important to make sure that the script is completely safe before using it, but rather, choose other, safe methods.

How to view conversation statistics with the VkStats extension?

VkStats browser extension is very popular because it is one of the easiest to use. Allows you to view statistics, and not only by dialogue and correspondence, but it is intended for communities and public pages. How to use VkStats?

How to check the statistics of all messages through the Inside?

The statistics of messages in the Inside application is displayed much more accurately than in other programs. Using it is convenient and simple, but today only the version for Android devices is available. You can download it in the Play Market. Let's take a step-by-step look at how to do this.

Do not forget about network security!

It is always important to remember that along with secure programs, applications and extensions, fraudulent ones that steal passwords from profiles can also be found on the Internet. Therefore, it is better not to use dubious programs, and if this happened - immediately change the password on your page in order to avoid hacking.

  • what is the analytics and statistics of VK messages;
  • why is it needed;
  • how to find out how many messages are in the VK dialog;
  • what means are needed for its maintenance, and how to use them.

After familiarizing yourself with the information, you will confidently navigate in this area.

Conversations VK - a script created specifically to count the number of messages VKontakte. With it, you will find out the exact number of messages between the interlocutors. All information is presented in a convenient form for perception, and even a novice who knows the world of information technology can use the utility.

The script provides the following information:

  • the number of incoming and outgoing dialogue messages with each user;
  • a list of the number of electronic messages drawn in descending order;
  • activity graph.

Why is all this necessary? The script was created so that users could find out who sent the most messages, how many there were, how many characters were printed. It is especially relevant for those for whom the number of saved dialogs has exceeded 1000. It's just interesting: get acquainted with graphs, charts, and other information. It will be useful to use such a plugin for those who analyze their past or want to gradually reduce the amount of time spent on the network.

How it works

VKontakte developers did not provide regular means of maintaining and viewing correspondence statistics. This is not so relevant tool for the vast majority of users. To do it is simply unprofitable. However, there were enthusiasts who created a special script.

Absolutely all common browsers have the ability to install this plugin. As a result, users get a convenient and interesting tool for conducting analytics and statistics of their messages. The security of personal data is a priority, so do not worry. You will also be protected from viruses. When added to official stores, all scripts are carefully checked.

IMPORTANT!  Use only those scripts that are contained in official stores. Such large sites will not risk their reputation and miss low-quality, virus or spyware.

Installing the plugin using the Google Chrome example

The script usage algorithm is almost identical in all browsers, so we will analyze it once with the example of the most popular one. The plugin is called. Go to his page in the store and click "". Further step by step instructions.

  • A window will appear in front of you. In it you need to click on "Install extension".
  • A new window will request access to general information, messages and a list of friends. Allow access.
  • Now you need to wait a bit until the plugin fully analyzes the messages. The latency depends only on the number of dialogs created and the computer's performance.
  • You will see a window with detailed statistics of messages. The following information is shown: the total number of messages sent and received, as well as the total values \u200b\u200bof the characters.

But that is not all. To view the information in a convenient format, you must install a different browser extension. It is called VK Messages Visual Statistics. All information on the messages will be presented in the form of a chart with sorting in descending order, depending on your activity in the dialogue with different users. To display information in the future - just click on the icon in the upper right corner.

Sup! VK dialogue statistics is not included in the standard set of social networks. But if you want to know to whom you sent the most messages, and what words dominate your dialogue, then you have come to the address. Today we will tell you how to see the statistics of dialogs in Vkontakte.


What statistics can be seen:

  • how many messages and to whom you wrote in VK in digital and percentage terms;
  • analyze the dialogue with any person;
  • find out how many words, stickers, emoticons, documents, notes, mats, insults and much more you sent to another person;
  • find out the top 100 most used words in the VK dialogue;
  • see the most active days of "communication";
  • save correspondence in JSON format (do not forget to format it later in .doc);
  • analyze your wall: the number of records, photos, albums, links, etc.

Attention: Infa about remote dialogs is not shown!

Girls, just imagine, it’s possible to check how many messages and emoticons of kisses your boyfriend (possibly already ex) sent to that mimra ?. If you have a password from his VK, of course.


VK statistics are displayed on one interesting site. Do not be afraid for your data, nothing will happen to your account. The site is verified, passwords do not steal.

How to view message statistics in VK dialogs:

  1. Go to the dog API website.
  2. Enter your username and password from the site Vkontakte. If you are unable to log in with the new version of the site, try the old one. You can go to it by clicking at the very bottom of the screen.
  3. Next go to the tab Messages - Analyzer.
  4. Here you can analyze the list of dialogs, analyze the dialogue with a specific person and analyze your wall. And also save all correspondence.
  5. All ¯ \\ _ (ツ) _ / ¯.


Good news for android owners. VK dialog statistics are also shown in the TopChatWords for VK app. The application is absolutely free and available for download.

The program helps to view the most active users with whom you communicate most. If you want to know how many messages in VK you wrote to someone, then this program will help you with this. It also shows the most popular words that you used in the dialogue on VK.

I think you do not need to remind and talk about what the social network Vkontakte is and why it is needed at all - this is what everyone knows. Very often people communicate with each other without deleting messages after the next conversation. So, one day you will want to know: how to see the statistics of messages VK? Here several questions arise at once: What is this? Why is this? And how to use it? In this article, we will answer all relevant questions regarding this topic. In addition, on the Internet you can find many old and long-forgotten programs and scripts that probably no longer work, we strongly recommend that you use the ones we will tell you about below.

What is Vkontakte message statistics?

VK message statistics is a special script that functions to count Vkontakte messages. Using this program, you will certainly be able to calculate the exact number of messages with your interlocutor. This script will provide the following information: for each user with whom you talked, a certain analysis will be carried out, by means of which the number of sent and received messages will be revealed; a list will be built, a kind of TOP according to the number of messages sent or received. Also, these statistics of messages in contact will make up a beautiful schedule and will show many more interesting things, which will be discussed later.

Why do I need message statistics in a contact?

It is very interesting to know which of the friends you talked to the most, to remember old friends with whom you stopped talking, but have a history of several thousand messages. View charts and graphs, for example, in which year you were more active in contact, etc.

How does message statistics work?

The developers of these statistics did very well, they created plugins for all popular browsers. As a result, it became very convenient to install and watch the results, before this lesson could take a lot of time, you had to look for a script, run it in a browser and hope that you did everything right. Also now you can not worry about the security of your page, browser plugins are tested when added to the store, so you can not worry and not be afraid to pick up viruses!

Installing the plugin in Google Chrome

Now, with the Google Chrome example, I'll show you how easy it is to install and configure message statistics.

But this is not all, as you recall, I promised you more charts and graphs, for this you need to install the second extension, they have one developer, but they decided to separate the functionality. We repeat all the installation steps, follow the link below, install, launch, allow access to the data and wait for the data to load, it took me 2 minutes again.

If in the first case we could see a regular table with data, now there is an option to build a chart or graph according to our data.

And also, in the upper right corner you can enable the visualization mode of your activity, and in this mode you will clearly see in which year and with whom you most talked to, a very beautiful sight when messages sent between your avatars of your friends will fly. It looks strange in the screenshot, but I’ll definitely shoot a video so that you can more clearly.

Installing the plugin for Opera and Firefox

If you don’t have Google Chrome, do not worry, Opera and Firefox have similar plugins, installation and configuration are also no different. Links to them are given below.

In the picture - the result of the script, which I will discuss below. In general, the topic today is different ways to find out how many messages are in the dialogs of your Vkontakte page.

Tell me if it happened that you corresponded with a person for so long that you wanted to know how many messages are in the dialogue? If the statistics of messages would be much easier. One could press the button and find out the number of messages in correspondence, as well as a lot of other useful information.

Who and how much wrote

The script for counting messages in VK also allows you to find out:

  • who wrote the first more often (counts who wrote the first how many times)
  • how many posts in total
  • how many average messages per day
  • who wrote how many posts

You must be curious to know your number of posts correspondence. For example, I know a person who sits in VK for 20 hours a day and always e-mails with the same person. It would have been interesting for a long time to count how many messages they wrote to each other. In the end, it turned out that over the year they wrote 150,000 messages. An average of 450 messages per day.

Find out the number of messages using the application

So, how to find out how many vkontakte messages are with a person:

There is an application to check the number of messages. It is called vkontakte-stats. I think that you do not need to prompt how to find the application. This is all done elementarily through a search in the VK.

The application is able to show any necessary information and even the dynamics of the activity of correspondence in a dialogue with a specific person. The application is constantly improving and adding more and more new features.

dynamics of sent messages:


The second way is the script.

We go into the dialogue we need (instructions for the Google Chrome browser), click on "view item code" and go to the "Console" tab and now you only need to put the code below with the keys Ctrl + V and Enter.

Var lasttime \u003d 0, cnt_in \u003d 0, cnt_out \u003d 0, first_in \u003d 0, first_out \u003d 0; each (M, function () (if (! lasttime ||\u003e lasttime + (60 * 60)) (//console.log(, this.text); if ( \u003d\u003d\u003d "in") first_in ++; else first_out ++;) if ( \u003d\u003d\u003d "in") cnt_in ++; else cnt_out ++; lasttime \u003d;)); console.log ("Total messages:" + M.length + ", \\ nSent:" + cnt_out + ", \\ nReceived:" + cnt_in + ", \\ nThe first I wrote:" + first_out + ", \\ nThe first they wrote to me: "+ first_in);

From this moment, the script starts working and after some time (depends on the power of your computer and the number of messages and the type of messages (if photos and videos are loaded longer), you will see similar statistics:
  Total Messages: 44476,
  Sent: 21852,
  Received: 22624,
  The first I wrote: 254,
  The first they wrote to me: 412
  For Mozilla Firefox, everything is the same, just to view the item code you need to press the buttons Ctrl + Shift + k

We kindly request - DO NOT use programs for counting messages in dialogs in a contact. Why?

The answer is simple: In 80% of cases, this is such software that not only does not fulfill its functions, but also steals your data and the virus launches on the computer.

These scripts fully perform all the functions.

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