Search VKontakte by geolocation. Search for photos on VKontakte map

Hello, friends! Today we will search for people by photos on the social network Vkontakte. Just imagine that we only have a photo, and we need to find its page from this photo. Perhaps this will be only if he uploaded this photo to a social network and did not hide it (). This can be done, I checked in practice, there are a couple of proven methods and now we will consider them.

Search VKontakte Photos

In order to use this function of a social network and find a person, we first need to upload a photo, by which we will search in our account (). Now we go to the album into which this photo was added and click on the photo itself so that it is completely loaded with us.

After the photo is loaded, we look at the address bar of the browser and copy the address of the photo. The address of the photo needs to be copied not all, but only the numbers that come after the word photo (along with it) and before the% sign. Look at the screenshot and everything will become clear:

Now go to your home page and click on the menu item "News"

Almost at the very top of the news page that opens, we have a search box for photographs. Paste the word copy into it: immediately after it is the address of the photo you uploaded and where you need to find the person.

See screenshot:

Click on Enter. And we upload all the exact same photos uploaded to the social network by different users. Naturally, if the photo is unique, then in your case such a user will be alone. You just need to click on the photo and follow the link to the owner of this photo:

That’s all, we have coped with the task.

Yandex Image Search

Now I’ll show you, for the general development, another way to find a person on Vkontakte photo. But note that it will only work if the user uploaded it to the profile picture. It will be about the search for pictures from the search engine Yandex.

In the next window, click on the "Select File" button to upload a photo to the system for search.

Through Explorer, locate the desired image on the computer, select it and click "Open."

The system will show your picture and below all the similar ones that I could find. With a high degree of probability, the first one to go will be exactly like yours.

Scroll below and see a list of sites where the picture occurs. Choose any of the proposed. In the example, I settled on Right-click on the title and select "Open link in a new tab" from the list.

On the website that opens, you can search for a person in any of the social networks that are in the list on the left. We have already selected Vkontakte and indicated the full name for which the results are displayed (by the way, I did not enter them, they were already registered when I opened the site. Although I was looking for a person with other full names, I did not change anything for the purity of the experiment).

The middle window displays all available, suitable user pages. Scroll through them and yes, there is the person I need, and on his avatar there is a photo that I used to search.

Click on the name and on the next page select any picture from the photo gallery. The Vkontakte page of the found user opens and you can assume that you found it.

Google Image Search

Exactly the same service as Yandex, Google has a search engine. Let's just also try to find on the photo that is on my avatar, my Vkontakte page.

We go to the main page of Google and in the upper right corner click on the link “Pictures”:

We open a search service for pictures, move the cursor to the right corner of the search bar and click on the camera icon. This button is called "Image Search."

In the window that opens, go to the tab "Download file" and click on the button "Select file":

We upload a photo by which we want to search for a VKontakte account and observe the results.

I displayed requests related to the official style of dress (because the people in the photo are in black and white). And in “Similar Images” there was nothing.

If you have the same, let's refine the search a bit. To do this, enter the name and surname of the person you are looking for in the corresponding line (it is desirable that they match the way the user is signed in to VK), and click on the magnifying glass.

As you can see, my Vkontakte page was found again, which means that we have reached the goal again. And this is where I end this article, in which we learned how to look for pages in VK from photographs.

A service was developed that, with the help of artificial intelligence, almost instantly found a person on VKontakte, taking into account facial features. With its help, it is easy to find out who is shown in the photo by finding his page.

He also found similar people. For example, it was possible to find a girl who looked like a famous actress or singer that you like.

You could find a stranger on VKontakte. To search it was enough to have his photo at home - even if this photo was just taken. The service was searched for free, there were paid services (an unlimited number of requests per month, additional search settings). You could search for people by photo from a computer or tablet, or you can from a phone if you install the application.

This service (FindFace) has been closed since July 2018, as it operated on personal data without the consent of its owners. Hardly anyone wants his page on the Internet to be found in the photo and find out the details of his personal life.

There are other ways that are described below:

How to find a person from a photo on a social network, the Internet. How to find out who is in the photo

Search for a person by photo in Yandex

Yandex has a good search on photographs. He can find on the Internet both exact copies of the photo, and with slight differences - for example, different photos of the same person.

Search for photos in Yandex

You will see all the sites and pages in social networks where the same or similar photos are found. You can open any page to find out what kind of person this is, what his name is and where he comes from. And if it is written “No such pictures found”,  then Yandex didn’t find anything.

Search for a person on a photo in Google

If you have a Chrome browser (Chrome), the easiest way to search for photos in Google is to right-click on the photo and select "Find this image on Google."

There is a Google Pictures service where you can search for a person by photo. He will find all the sites where it is, and - with any luck - he will determine what kind of person is in the photo. This can be used to expose fakes - people who use other people's photos on their pages (profiles) on social networks.

How to search for photos in Google? Very simple:

If it doesn’t work, do this:

  1. Simply open google  on a computer, laptop or tablet (you need the full version, not the mobile one).
  2. Click on the top right "Pictures"  - the camera icon should appear in the search bar.
  3. Further - from the 2nd point, as described above in our instructions.

Why can not I find a person in the photo?

Because it is not always possible. It all depends on where you got this photo. Maybe the person did not upload it on his page on the social network, and the search engine in this case will not find him in any way. Maybe he uploads photos only for friends - and then they are also unavailable for Google and Yandex. Or maybe the person is simply not on social networks (or he was, but left).

Photographed a man, how to find him?

You liked the person, you were too shy to go up and get to know him, but you took a picture of him secretly. How now to find a person from a photo that he took? For example, in VK?

No way, because only you have this photo. He is not on the Internet on this person’s page, and you cannot find him by photo search. You can only publish it in the VK group of your city like “Looking for you” or in the group of your educational institution and hope that someone recognizes this person (or he recognizes himself if he is subscribed to such a group). However, not everyone will like this: a person may demand to delete the photo.

How to find out a link to a photo, picture, image on the Internet (address)?

You can usually right-click on a photo and select Copy Image Address  (in different programs it may be called a little differently).

If you need a link to a photo of VKontakte, you can first click on this photo, select "Still"  and then “Open original”  - the photo will open in full size. Now right click on it and select "Copy image address."

After that, you can paste the copied address where you need it: either right-click there and select Paste  either first click the left mouse button, and then press the key combination on the keyboard Ctrl-v  or Shift-Insert.

How to find out if a photo is real or from the Internet (fake)? Where did the person get the photo from?

To find the source of a photo, you can search for a photo in Google or Yandex by searching through the pictures, as we just told. If the photo is found, you will see all the sites where it is. So you can determine where it came from. In fakes, photos can usually be found on many sites - they do not worry, where to get it from. If there will be a result “No such photos found”,  then, most likely, the photo is original, that is, the person himself posted it, and did not copy it from somewhere. But of course, in this case, it may not be him in the photo at all.

In addition, there is a TinEye service (“Tin Ai”), which searches through pictures and shows the source of this picture. You can upload a photo from your computer or provide a link to it, and TinEye will look for where this photo came from. Like Google Pictures, it shows all the sites where this photo was found.

Keep in mind that sometimes TinEye does not find all the photos, especially those that were recently posted.

What other search methods are there?

Instructions for finding a person on the Internet by name, surname, city, date of birth and other data are here:

Hello dear readers. Today, continue the series of articles about social networks and the search for data in them. And today we will search for people by profile avatars using interesting methods.

We are just sure that you at least once tried to find a person on the Internet for certain parameters. For this you probably used:

  • residence address;
  • name and surname;
  • geolocation and so on.

But, there are situations when you do not have data about the person you are interested in, except for his photo. What to do in this case? We will explain to you.

How to find a person by photo on social networks right now

Recently, wandering around the expanses of the Internet web, I asked one question: is it possible to find a person of interest only by one photo, you see, this is insanely interesting. Recently I wrote an article on a similar topic and I advise you to read it ""

It is clear to everyone that the more information about the person of interest that you intend to find by all means, the greater the likelihood of a successful search. However, in this case, there are some nuances. It’s not a fact that the person you are interested in has posted truthful information about yourself on the same social networks.

There are services that use the developed artificial intelligence to search only one photo. These utilities instantly find people in Odnoklassniki, Vkontakte, Facebook and so on. At the same time, a variety of factors in the photo are taken into account - from facial expressions to geolocation marks and the background.

Such utilities can also find people similar to famous artists, from whom you are simply crazy.

One of the most popular people search services, called Findface .

Important! This search engine is interesting because it searches for free, and also very effective. With the help of this program you can find a complete stranger to you in just one photo.

  • This is easy enough to do. The first thing you need is to register on the official FindFace website. Doing this is easy and fast enough.
  • Then you need to upload to the service a photo of the person you are interested in.

  • As you can see, this is also not difficult to do. You just need to drag the photo into a specific field, after which artificial intelligence will begin processing the image.
  • The final step is to wait for the search results. The program will display the profile of the person you are interested in.

How to find a person by photo on social networks, in particular Vkontakte? Very simple. The search itself is located in the news feed. It has the designation "Photos". If for any reason you do not have this tab, you must enable it by clicking on the plus sign.

Please note, below is the "Search by Photos", then you need it.

Let’s take a closer look at the features of this program when the image has absolutely no designations? In fact, this is not necessary. The search engine identifies the text in the photos and the description under the photo, which are entered when editing it.

Utility Options

At the moment there are several of them, with all the parameters we will get to know each other better and determine the principle of their work.

Built-in photo filters

Everyone knows that the VKontakte editor provides for its photo filters. Almost all users use them, as this significantly improves the quality of the picture. It is through them that you can search for a person in a photograph. To do this, enter filter: luna in the "Search by Photos" field. After these steps, the search engine will search by the applied photo filter, which has the name Luna.


This option allows you to find photos of interest by location. So, in the photo we see that the person we are interested in was photographed, for example, on the Champs Elysees. First you need to find out the coordinates of this place. Let's open the map, which is located on Vkontakte.

We go into the news feed and select the "Search" tab. Next, click on the search “Geolocation”

We select exactly the place that interests us, and click "Search by records nearby." The search will display the coordinates that need to be copied to the photo search field. As a result, you will get all the photos of people who were photographed on the Champs Elysees.

Similar photos

This is the most interesting parameter, which provides the ability to search for similar photos. All you need to do is copy the link of the image you are interested in. Copy it to the photo search and get the results of all very similar images. There is also the opportunity in interesting ways.

That’s probably all. Successful searches for you, you will certainly succeed. I hope the material was useful. Do not forget to subscribe to the blog newsletter and repost. All the best -))).

Sincerely, Galiulin Ruslan.

In this article I will tell you how to search for photos in social networks, and what we need for this. Imagine the situation: you have a photo of a person about whom you need to find all the available information. Invaluable help in the process of such a search can be provided by social networks, which often have the accounts of the people we need. They may contain a variety of information about a person, including his photo and video, interests, hobbies, favorite books and films, and other data useful to us. But how to find such a page, having in hand only a photo?

You can search for the right person in social networks in various ways (by name and surname, place of residence, geo-tags, age, other relevant descriptors). If you already have a photograph of him, then you can turn to the capabilities of special network tools that can provide significant assistance in our searches.

Some of these resources (for example, the popular “FindFace”) are specifically “tailored” to search for people in a certain network (in the case of “FindFace” it is the Russian “VK”). Others, at the level of Google and Yandex search engines, allow you to search for identical and similar images on many sites (including social networks), displaying the whole wealth of the results.

In some cases, you need to prepare the desired photo to search for it (for example, using the template graphic editor ""). It is necessary to get rid of the presence of other people in the photo (if any), as well as to remove other unnecessary details that could interfere with the search service in its work.

Consider ways to search for a person by the image of his face in social networks.

“FindFace” - effective photo search using neural networks

In November 2015, the University of Washington organized the “The MegaFace Benchmark” competition, which was attended by over a hundred teams, including those from Google and Facebook. The purpose of the competition is to create the most effective face recognition algorithm that allows you to accurately select a similar face among many analogues.

Despite strong competition, the Russian company N-Tech.Lab won the competition. Its algorithm, built on the work of neural networks, provided the highest recognition accuracy among analogs - about 75% of all the results.

  • Later, the specified algorithm was embodied in the service, which allows you to find the right person (or people similar to him) on the Vkontakte social network.
  • At the same time, the Android OS users also have the mobile application of the same name.

The findface service will allow you to quickly find the right person in VK

How to use Fifindface Search

How does the specified service work? To work with it, first of all, you need to have a page in VK (if not, create it). Then do the following:

  1. Go to;
  2. Click on the red button “Find the same”;
  3. Allow the service access to your account by clicking on "Allow";
  4. Upload the photo you need to search and wait until the search procedure is completed;
  5. View the results.

Free features of the service are limited to a certain number of searches in social networks (usually several dozen). For unlimited possibilities, you have to pay the developers.

“Google Images” - with the ability to find a person by photo

The capabilities of the popular international search engine “Google” allow you to search for images online, including searching for photos of a person on social networks. At the same time, the search engine displays both identical and similar results with information on the image found (including the probable name and surname of the person in the photo).

To work with the service from Google, do the following:

Yandex.Pictures - find anyone on the social network by face picture

The search for images on social networks from the Yandex service is organized in a manner similar to Google. To search, go to Yandex.Pictures or use to start the service, click on the image of the camera on the right, upload the desired image to the resource (or provide a link to it on the network). View the results.

You can also use the special Yandex tool that searches for people on social networks. Follow this link, enter the name and surname of the person you need in the search bar, click on "Find", and view the result (usually this photo, a link to a social profile, short information).

To search, go to Yandex.Pictures, and click on the camera icon on the right

Alternative resources for finding people by image

Among other services that search for images in the social. network, I would also note the following resources:


Search by photo in social. networks will help to perform the services listed by me above. Among the mentioned services, I recommend paying special attention to the service - its recognition efficiency is at a fairly high level, allowing you to quickly find the pages of the people you need in VK.

In contact with

Hello friends! Strange things sometimes happen in life, this is not a commonplace phrase, but the experience of many generations. It often happens that you need to find a person who has not been seen for a long time, or who you met by chance on the street and after that you cannot sleep soundly. Of course, before the advent of the Internet and social networks, this was not an easy task. However, now in the era of amazing technology, you can find a person with only one photo.

Most people have accounts on various social networks. Based on this, the topic of this article will be the answer to the question, how to find a person in contact by photo?

The simplest way to find a person in the "VK".

Firstly, now there are many sites offering to find your double "VKontakte". Such resources include, for example,, which also provides other services for VK. To search here, they suggest entering the number of your VKontakte page. This project and others should be treated with caution, as they can crack your profile. In addition, the VKontakte administration does not recommend the use of a variety of suspicious resources.

You can find a friend from the photo on the website, where you need to upload a picture or specify a link to it. Here you will not be deceived, but will be shown in which VK account there is such a photo.

The search engine of the VKontakte site

How to find a person “In Contact” from the photo, you already know. Let's look at what types of search “VK” offers yet.

First, use the "Advanced Search" function. There are three ways to enter this section:

Having come to the search page, carefully study the column in which you can limit and refine the search query. Here you can choose:

  • your friend's place of residence;
  • companies in which the person worked or studied;
  • life credo;
  • many other operations.

Select multiple search options, and then enter your friend’s name in the search bar at the top of the page. You can also see users in all other tabs of the site’s search section.

Your possible friends and acquaintances

Find the banner with the signature “All possible friends” in the left menu of the site. You can add directly to your page or follow the link under the banner.

By clicking on the inscription “All possible friends”, you will find yourself on a special page to view new friends. Here you will find a list of possible acquaintances, as well as the function “Search for friends through social. network ". In addition, from this page you can go to the advanced search.

Hello, friends! Today we will search for people by photos on the social network Vkontakte. Just imagine that we only have a photo, and we need to find its page from this photo. Perhaps this will be only if he uploaded this photo to a social network and did not hide it (). This can be done, I checked in practice, there are a couple of proven methods and now we will consider them.

In order to use this function of a social network and find a person, we first need to upload a photo, by which we will search in our account (). Now we go to the album into which this photo was added and click on the photo itself so that it is completely loaded with us.

After the photo is loaded, we look at the address bar of the browser and copy the address of the photo. The address of the photo needs to be copied not all, but only the numbers that come after the word photo (along with it) and before the% sign. Look at the screenshot and everything will become clear:

Now go to your home page and click on the menu item "News"

Almost at the very top of the news page that opens, we have a search box for photographs. Paste the word copy into it: immediately after it is the address of the photo you uploaded and where you need to find the person.

See screenshot:

Click on Enter. And we upload all the exact same photos uploaded to the social network by different users. Naturally, if the photo is unique, then in your case such a user will be alone. You just need to click on the photo and follow the link to the owner of this photo:

That’s all, we have coped with the task.

Yandex Image Search

Now for the general development I’ll show you one more way to find a Vkontakte person from a photograph only if he uploaded it to the profile picture. It will be about the search for pictures from the search engine Yandex.

We go to the address and click on the button with the camera icon called "Search by image":

The system instantly finds us a Vkontakte account on which this avatar stands. We just have to follow the link to get to the page of this person:

Google Image Search

Exactly the same service as Yandex, Google has a search engine. Let's just also try to find on the photo that is on my avatar, my Vkontakte page.

We go to the main page of Google and in the upper right corner click on the link “Pictures”:

We open a search service for pictures, move the cursor to the right corner of the search bar and click on the camera icon. This button is called "Image Search."

In the window that opens, go to the tab "Download file" and click on the button "Select file":

We upload a photo by which we want to search for a VKontakte account and observe the results.

As you can see, my Vkontakte page was found again, which means that we have reached the goal again. And this is where I end this article, in which we learned how to look for pages in VK from photographs.

Instruction manual

So that you can successfully find a person from a photo in VK, a photo of this person must be of acceptable quality. It is desirable that the photo resolution be at least 800-1000 pixels in length and 500-1000 pixels in height. A person’s face should be directed strictly in front (that is, the side of the beholder), and it is better if it occupies most of the image. The photo itself should be clear and not blurry. If the image quality is not very good, and the person is located on it in a different way, there are still chances to find it on a social network, but they are much lower than if the necessary requirements are observed.

Use the special web resources to search for a person by photo in VK. These are sites that verify a photo with the database of all images of a social network and as a result provide a list of people with the appropriate appearance. The most reliable and effective services are and Initially, they were created to check the pages for authenticity and just a fun search for similar people, but over time they have proven themselves well and as a great way to find a person from a photo on VKontakte. Register on both sites and upload a photo of the user you are interested in. Do not forget about the image requirements from the previous step. Wait for a while until the search is complete. After that, you will get access to the list of people whose VKontakte avatar most closely matches the photo you uploaded.

Please note that the results obtained are not necessarily accurate. To narrow down the circle of similar persons, you can specify the exact or approximate age of the person you are interested in on the FindFace website. At the same time, only the first 30 search attempts are free on this resource, after which it will be necessary to deposit a certain amount of funds into the account to continue. The VKfake website is completely free, but often it produces less accurate results.

You can find a person from a photograph through the VKontakte social network itself. First, right-click on the photo file and go to its properties. Please note if shooting date, location and other parameters are indicated here. After that, log in to your profile in VK and open the menu item "News", and then its subsection "Photos". In the search bar, enter the data from the photo that is at your disposal. You can also search the news, where the information about the place of shooting is useful. You may be lucky, and the results will show a link to the page of the person you are looking for.

We have already written about how to search for people on the VKontakte social network. Now I would like to highlight another aspect of the search capabilities of the service - search on VKontakte photos. Is this possible in practice? Is the function available directly on social networks or do I need to access third-party services? Is it possible to find a person from a photograph or is it just fairy tales? Well, if these questions interest you, read more!

Looking for a person through a photo

How to find a person in VK if you don’t know anything about him? Well, or do you know the minimum information, for example, city of residence and approximate age? It is realistic to find in theory, but on such a broad request you will get too many results, among which, perhaps, the person you are looking for will not be. And if, for example, do you have his photo? Will the task be simplified?

In fact, from the picture, indeed, you can find the user VKontakte. The result is not one hundred percent, but worth a try. So what we do:

1. Go to the Google search engine, go to the Pictures section.

2.Click on the camera icon, insert a direct link to the photo, or download the image from the computer if you downloaded the photo in advance.

3. We look at the results in search of a link to the VK page.

What are the advantages of this method? Firstly, it really works. Secondly, it is completely free. But there is one problem, and it will kill all the pluses. Unfortunately, Google is far from always successful in its work. Photos often do not “break through”, and you can’t find the right person. However, it’s still worth a try, as hits sometimes occur.

If Google-search turned out to be useless, go to the fallback. It's about a series of third-party resources promising to find a person on VKontakte in a matter of seconds. You will see a lot of sites and applications on the Internet, but not all work qualitatively. The most famous service to date is the FindFace application. It works on both PC and mobile phones.

In general, the search for people through this application can be called successful. And many use it simply to find their doubles. Of course, Find Face does not find direct frank twins, but you can also kill time in this way. And with it, you can find fakes, the existence of which you did not even suspect. Useful service, in a word.

Internal photo search

Few people know, but VKontakte still has an internal search on the photo. To be more precise, he finds photographs corresponding to certain topics or marked with geotags. And this is done like this:

  1. Go to your account;
  2. Go to the News section;
  3. Open the tab "Photos";
  4. We mark the search query: drive in a keyword;
  5. We look at the pictures corresponding to our request.

This function is rarely used, but simply for the reason that not everyone knows about its existence. But now you know and can safely test it.

So what we learned from the article. Firstly, the search for a person on VKontakte in the photo is possible, but not in the social network itself, but using special resources, in particular through FindFace. Secondly, the site is available for search by photos published by users, which few people know about. So, if you are faced with certain tasks related to the search for photos VKontakte, it is possible to solve them. Go for it!

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