The cell phone turns off when charging is connected. Samsung Phone Turns Off - Reasons

In a situation where any device, not only on Android, spontaneously shuts down, two reasons may be involved.

Why does the android shut itself down? Those involved in this trouble may be hardware problems or software failures. Problems in the hardware occur most often in the places of contacts - this is the battery, SIM-card, keys, detachable connection of the screen with the circuit board.

Also, breakdowns associated with iron occur due to overheating, specifically a video processor, most often a microprocessor. Failures in the software are the result of turning off the Android smartphone, or after flashing the Android OS or if a malicious program was installed.

In order to fix a bug on your own, in which specifically a smartphone on Android turns off by itself, you can try two ways.

The first way is to fix hardware problems.

After using the phone or tablet for a long time, the contact points are broken. Oxidation occurs at the battery terminals and connectors of the device, or solder joints on the contact pads of the circuit board are destroyed.

This especially happens often after careless handling of the device: when it was thrown into water, doused with water, picked up with wet hands, dropped to the floor, crushed in a pocket, tapped on keys.

To try to independently cure a glitch in which the android turns off by itself, you need to open the back cover of the phone and remove the battery. Next, you need to clean all the battery terminals and each clamp pin of the connector on the phone.

Do not rub them with sandpaper, after which they are oxidized even more intensively and the contact surface is reduced due to the presence of grooves on the surface.
  It is necessary to clean it with a small screwdriver, on the end of which cotton wool soaked in pure alcohol or a contact cleaner is wound. Contact cleaner is sold at car dealerships.

In addition to cleaning, you also need to slightly expand the pressure contacts on the phone so that they are pressed more firmly against the battery terminals.

Disassemble the tablet to remove the battery is not necessary. Because on the tablets it is connected by a soldered connection, and because of it, a malfunction with iron can not occur. And other iron malfunctions are difficult to find and eliminate, especially for a person without a special education.

The second way is to remove all software errors.

A very effective way, if before it was done manually, not through a standard update. But this method will not help if you got into the preinstalled applications or the operating system with the root (root) approach, and partially or completely remove these softwares. Then only the installation of a licensed Android OS will help.

Try hard reset. This procedure may fix the problem when the android shuts down by itself.

Turn off your phone or tablet and enter the “Android system recovery” menu.

To do this, use the following key combination:

  • For tablets, the key combination is this: you must simultaneously hold down the power off and volume down keys for 10 seconds (for some models increase the volume).
  • For phones, the key combination may be similar to a tablet or one: you must simultaneously hold down the power off, exit to the main menu (or camera), decrease the volume (or increase the volume) keys for 10 seconds.

In general, for a particular brand, the key combination is unique.

When working in the "Android System Restore" menu, use these prompts on the screen: highlight - this is the key to move around the menu; select - a key to select a menu item.

In this menu, you need to move to the item "wipe cache partition" "and select it. Next, go to the “reboot system now” confirmation point and select it. After that, and the device will turn on again.

If the described action with deleting data from the memory cache did not help, then reset to the factory settings. But, at the same time, personal data stored in the internal memory of the device is deleted. To do this, select "wipe data / factory reset" in the system recovery menu and confirm the action.

In the end, if using these two methods it’s not possible to fix the glitch in which the android turns off, then contact the specialists in the repair shop.

a is a battery malfunction, or a poor connection between the battery contacts and phonebut. This malfunction may be due to the purchase of the originally defective product, whether phone   or a battery, or the item becomes unusable due to clogged contacts. In this case, you should try to put another battery in phone   and check it for proper operation. Mechanical damage

A mobile phone may, in certain circumstances, turn itself off or restart spontaneously. The reasons for this behavior of the device can be various, both hardware and software.

Instruction manual

The most common cause of spontaneous shutdown is insufficient battery power. As a rule, before disconnecting for this reason, the device displays a warning message, sometimes even several times. If at this time you typed or edited the text, at the first such warning, save it as soon as possible, and leave further editing for later when the device is charged. Upon arrival, proceed to charge the phone immediately.

Inaccurate handling of the phone can cause it to suddenly turn off. For example, the apparatus often fell or was in a too humid room. Many people like to lie down while talking or playing various applications. The circuit board of the cell phone gradually oxidizes and closes. There is a constant spontaneous shutdown. It is possible to check the circuit board for a malfunction yourself. To do this, squeeze the phone in your hands, if it starts to hang or, then it is in it.

The battery has run out. Well, everything is clear here, the phone just needs to be charged. Sometimes there are times when the battery "dies". To save it, you should connect the phone to the network for 24 hours. After that, the phone should work.

The transmitter is out of order. The power amplifier may have been damaged. This malfunction leads to a large consumption of energy, and it simply turns off, not withstanding overload.

Check the phone’s power button. Maybe the button just sunk and the device. It can be replaced at a service center.

There are times when the phone turns off during a conversation, and, speaking on, the phone works fine. This may indicate that the speaker cable is damaged.

The phone may turn off due to a malfunction of the MiniUSB connector. Such a mobile phone battery is only off, and after charging it may not turn on for a long time.

When replacing the battery in the phone with a new one, problems with the mobile phone are also possible.

How to fix the situation

To do this, you should contact the contact center. Specialists will help to deal with the cause of the breakdown and eliminate it. If the phone is under warranty, you will be repaired. But if the failure occurred through your fault, be prepared to pay for the services provided to you.

The sudden disconnection of a mobile phone without your commands is a rather unpleasant feature. But even such a problem can be solved independently before fleeing to a service center.

Battery problem

One reason for this phone behavior may be the battery. There may be a poor connection between the battery and phone contacts or a malfunction of the battery itself. It is easy enough to check if there is another battery of the same model, insert it for a while. If everything is in order - then just replace the old battery.

Faulty software

Self-shutdown may occur due to a malfunction of the machine software. It is better to repair this type of failure in the service center.

Mechanical damage

And most often, such a problem with the phone occurs due to mechanical damage. If your phone starts to turn off after a fall or shock, the problem may be in damage to the phone’s motherboard or its elements. This can also be verified. Try to bend the phone slightly with your hands, but without too much fanaticism! If after that the phone freezes or turns off, this means that the reason is found. You need to contact the center where digital equipment is being repaired if this type of damage does not fall under warranty service.


Updating the firmware can save you from many problems. Try updating the software of your device yourself or take the phone to a service center.

If all of the above options do not fit your situation, first seek warranty service before the warranty has expired. Otherwise, contact the service center, where they quickly diagnose the cause of the malfunction and eliminate it qualitatively.

In the modern world, the phone is a necessary thing for a person, in which there are many necessary functions. Unfortunately, after long-term operation, it begins to live an independent life: it begins to turn off by itself when you are called or when you press the buttons. An unexpected disconnection of the phone is a very unpleasant incident, especially if you need to call at the same time.

To understand the causes of the malfunction, you do not need to immediately run for help from specialists to the service center.

There are a number of factors that provoke the next shutdown of the mobile phone, which you yourself are able to eliminate.

Main reasons

  • Mechanical damage. If you noticed that the device began to turn off after a shock or a fall, there may be a reason for the shutdown in damage to the motherboard or other elements of the device. To check the device for damage to the chips, you need to bend it with your hands. Only without fanaticism. If the phone starts to freeze or turn off, then the cause of the problem has been found. In this case, you will need to contact the service center employees.
  • Software crashes. A normal reboot will not help in this situation. You will need to flash the device. Enter on the Internet in the search line a request for firmware with the model of your device. You can find in the network a lot of step-by-step instructions for flashing the device. If you are having problems, contact a specialist. For a certain amount, a software update will be installed on the mobile phone, and the problem will be solved.

on the video why the phone turns off by itself:

  • Incompatible applications. Installing new applications can cause the phone to shut down and freeze. If problems persist during a restart, you will need to perform a hard reset. In this case, all user information is deleted, and the problem of self-shutdown is resolved. To do this, enter the “menu”, “settings”, “reset settings”, “reset phone settings”. Next, format the device’s memory and memory card.
  • Moisture affects many devices, especially mobile phones. After moisture gets into the equipment, a spontaneous shutdown begins. If water gets into the phone, you will need to remove the battery and wipe off moisture. After that, dry it in a ventilated place. Never dry your mobile phone in hot air! When heated, the microcircuit may be damaged, then nothing can be done, how to give the phone for repair or throw it away.
  • Lack of RAM. When several applications or one resource-intensive are simultaneously enabled on the device, in this case, an emergency shutdown is possible. To prevent the phone from turning off, do not leave several applications turned on, or use less resource-intensive ones.
  • Exploitation. Many devices are fastidious to temperature conditions. Some devices turn off in severe frost or heat. Sudden changes in temperature and humidity are not ruled out. Check your mobile phone's user manual to make sure it is used correctly. In order to protect against subsequent shutdowns, try to adhere to the operating rules for use.

When the above methods do not bring an effective result, there is only one option - take the mobile phone to a service center. Upon examination, they will tell you the reason for the self-shutdown.

Why does the phone turn off by itself? Possible causes and solutions to the problem.

Many people wonder why the phone turns off by itself. The answer to this question is not as simple as it seems. After all, there are a lot of reasons for this behavior. Do not panic right away if you are overtaken by this problem. Try to figure out what the true causes of this phenomenon are. It is recommended to act by the exclusion method. But which points are worth a closer look? Why does the phone turn off by itself?


Very often, our current problem appears due to the battery running out of the device. Detecting this phenomenon is not so simple. After all, few people will independently begin to check whether the battery is well attached to a mobile phone. Especially if before there were no problems with this.

To exclude this option, remove the back cover of your mobile, then firmly press the battery to the phone. It remains only to check whether the device will turn off. Yes? Then the reason is clearly in something else. Not? So you have found the source of the problem.


Why does the phone turn off by itself? The next reason for this behavior is none other than battery problems. Its malfunction almost always leads to the fact that the mobile device begins to turn off and on by itself. Do not be surprised at this.

What to do in this case? Think about how long your phone has been working. Have you followed the battery care guidelines? Have charging always started after a full discharge of the "problem" component? If not, then the reason most likely lies in the battery.

To eliminate this trouble, just replace the faulty component. Usually, after acquiring a new battery, the phone stops turning off without permission.

Battery charge

The reasons do not end there. Why does the phone turn off by itself? Check battery power. Not the most common, but practical case. It is the low battery of the phone that causes the device to turn off.

This situation is quickly resolved. All you need is to charge the phone, and then turn it on. You will notice how the problem disappears by itself. From now on, just monitor the battery charge. Then you will not have any surprises with the phone. In any case, you will be prepared to turn off the device.


Except that the reasons for such behavior are not hidden in anything more serious. Why does the phone turn itself off and on? Under such circumstances, the device’s battery and its problems are not always the source of the problem. Everything is much more serious.

The thing is that if you notice how the phone turns off on its own and then turns on, it's time to check the device for viruses. They become the cause of most gadget malfunctions. It is impossible to predict exactly how the phone will respond to a particular virus.

To exclude infection, it is recommended to use special anti-virus programs for mobile devices. Or take the gadget to a service center. There you will be helped not only to check the phone, but also to "cure" it if necessary.


The list of possible causes of our today's problem does not end there. Why does the Nokia phone or any other phone turn off? If all of the above options are not suitable for you, then you can think about installed programs and applications. Utilities often cause problems with the phone.

There are several possible options. First, you have little space left on your mobile. In this case, you just need to make room. Remove some of the most unnecessary programs or games - and the problem will disappear by itself.

The third is the presence of a malicious program. To fix the situation, you will have to find and fix the problematic utility. After that, you won’t have to wonder why the phone itself turns off and on (Samsung, Nokia or some other). After all, the problem will disappear. Its reappearance is possible when the gadget is again cluttered with programs.

System crash

Why does the phone turn off when charging and not only? The latest common variant of this behavior is crashes in the device’s operating system. They happen simply from time to time, and from viruses, and from the number of installed programs and applications. But most often, malfunctions in the operating system are the result of incorrect firmware.

In order not to understand the correction of the situation for a long time, you just need to flash the gadget. Doing it yourself is not recommended. It is better to take the phone to a service center.

Usually, after flashing, all problems are fixed. If even after that nothing helped, it's time to change the phone. Indeed, sometimes the reason lies in equipment malfunction. In such a situation, only a complete replacement of the gadget will help. Now it’s clear why the phone turns off by itself. It is not as difficult to fix this problem as it seems. The main thing is to know where to start. By the way, you should think about the firmware only after eliminating all of the above reasons.

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