How to update the old iPhone 4. Creating a backup in ICloud or on a computer via iTunes. Make data backup

Apple Products on russian market Goods occupy a very sustainable position. People are increasingly and more often acquire it. Iphone is enjoying much popularity. This device Combines the phone, camera, camera and a number of other components. Unique content contributes to the fact that users complement the gadget with incredible features. Nevertheless, it is sometimes necessary to update the operating system from this smartphone. What will required for this? How to update "iPhone 4" to iOS 8? Instructions and recommendations will be presented below. Disassemble in the process easier than it seems!

Is there a chance

The first question that occurs from most users: how much is the idea of \u200b\u200breal? Can I update "iPhone 4" to iOS 8 or not? Reply easily: Yes, there is such a chance. Each iPhone user is able to update the operating system on the smartphone to the last, 8th version. Nevertheless, it is not recommended to do so.

Why? The thing is that iOS 8 is intended for gadgets with a powerful dual-core processor. At "Iphona 4" he is only one. But this fact does not cancel this fact. Update "iPhone 4"? iOS 8, as already mentioned, is not the most the best choice. But if you really want, you can conduct a procedure. What will required for this?

Methods of updates

It should be paid to the fact that there are only two official method Conduct operation. If a person thought about updating "iPhone 4 S" to iOS 8, he can do it:

  • "By air", that is, with the help of the Internet;
  • via iTunes.

Such techniques are relevant for all Apple gadgets. There is nothing difficult in their implementation. The main thing is to know some features and nuances of the procedure.

iTunes to help

To begin with, it is worth paying attention to the most convenient alignment. We are talking about using a specialized application called iTunes. This is a software for a computer that allows you to work with apple products. How to update "iPhone 4" to iOS 8 with iTunes? Following a small instruction, it is possible to implement idea without much difficulty.

Look indications as follows:

  • Download and install on computer iTunes.. Be sure to check that the application version does not require updates. It is important.
  • Connect the iPhone to a computer using a special cable.
  • Run iTunes.
  • Click on the device button near the iTunes Store lettering.
  • Click on "update" in the list that appears. Happen automatic search updates. If they are available, the boot of software will begin for further initialization on the smartphone.
  • Read the update information. Next click on the "download and update" button.

It remains just a little wait. Now it is clear how to update "iPhone 4" to iOS 8. But this is not the only way to develop events. You can use another reception.


As it is not difficult to guess, we are talking about using the method called "Air Update". Wireless network - This is the most successful version of downloading and installing any software for a smartphone. Not necessarily from Apple. Unlike the previously proposed method, work with Wi-Fi is easier. But it does not give any guarantee that the procedure for updating the operating system will be successful. In addition, the process takes a lot of time.

How to update "iPhone 4" to iOS 8 with wireless Internet? For this you need:

  • Include the Internet to which Wi-Fi will be connected.
  • In the smartphone settings, connect to the network.
  • Go to "Settings" - "Basic" - "Update software".
  • Click on the "Download and Install" button.

Now it remains only to wait. Starting download latest version operating system. IOS 8 weighs about 1 GB, so it is recommended to gain patience. After the process is completed, the user will be invited to familiarize themselves with the description of the OS, and also confirm the procedure. To complete, you must click "Set".

Universal work

From now on, it is clear how to upgrade "iPhone 4" to iOS 8. In fact, it is not recommended to embody the idea of \u200b\u200blife. After such actions, the smartphone can start working slower. This is caused by the fact that the iPhone 4, as already mentioned, is very weak. It is not suitable for the 8th version of IOS operating systems. Novice users do not recommend the operation independently advise. Update software is a risky process. He is able to make a normal mobile device Useless thing. Therefore, it is best to refer to specialists.

IN service centers Apple Wizard for a specific fee will be able to update software and not cause the user's damage. This is the most safe option Event development. But advanced users can try to conduct a procedure for previously proposed algorithms. After all, it is now clear how to upgrade "iPhone 4" to iOS 8. This is not the most difficult task with which only to be faced when working with the device. Just a few clicks - and the case is done! Similarly, the software is updated on other iPhone. Everything is extremely simple. Nic third-party programs For the embodiment of ideas in life is not needed!

Apple regularly pleases its users with the release of new versions of the firmware, so each owner of the "apple" smartphone is thinking about whether it is worth updating the software on his smartphone. In this publication, we will tell about how to update iOS to the 8th version on the 4th iPhone, and whether it is worth doing.

IOS update options

When the company presented to its users a new iOS 8, it immediately became clear that the iPhone 4 could not function normally with this firmware version. The fact is that this operating system is intended for mobile devices with a 2-nuclear processor, while the 4thhone is equipped with only one. However, put new system IOS 8 on iPhone 4 can still be. For this there are two update options:

It should be noted that after the update, only the user brings all responsibility for the functioning of its gadget.

Using iTunes through computer

So how to update iPhone 4 using a computer?

To begin with, you need to download an update using a special iTunes applications (if much free space) or from the official site of the manufacturer. Before connecting the device, make sure that you use the latest version of iTunes., then click on "Help" in the menu bar and enable "Update". After that, you need to do the following:

When booting the firmware using Safari, you must turn off the automatic unpacking. Also, you can use for this Firefox or Chrome.

We update through Wi-Fi

Actually update on the smartphone with using wi-fi - a simpler way than the previous one, but there is no complete warranty that the update will be successful. First of all, it is worth noting that even at high speed, the connection is pretty difficult to download the firmware file with a weight of 1 GB. In addition, you should not forget about the device battery - the minimum charge for downloading the file should be no lower than half. If the update process starts after loading, the device will start and turn off, then you will have to connect the device to the computer and continue the process to Aytyuns.

If you are planning to use this option, you need to do the following:

  • Check Connection wireless connection and access to the browser.
  • Enable "Settings", go to the "Basic" section, select the "Update" item and click "Download and Install". The download process begins automatically and the process of updating software background mode. Launch the process on a smartphone without jailbreak you can not
  • After downloading the file, click the "Set" button and take the appropriate agreement for users.

After the update process is completed, it is necessary to make some adjustments and return all the saved content from the created backup Aiklaud or Aytyuns.

If you have such a device as iPhone 4 in your hands, then you would probably want to know how to update it to iOS 9.

It is quite normal that people always seek to be new, because usually newer versions of the OS carry quite a lot of new useful functions.

Let's try to find out if it is possible to turn this today. There is a response and he is very obvious, so I will be happy to share it and tell you about my thoughts on this topic.

How to install iOS 9 on iPhone 4?

I will start a little from statistics and history. Apple always tries to support devices to the most maximum version of iOS. and excellent examples, we were served by iphons 4 and 4s.

IPhone 4 came back in 2010 and I think you do not need to say how much the phone is already. At that time, he was very and very cool.

If we talk in general, then usually buying a new device from Apple should be understood that you can get a maximum of comfortable use for four years.

Most often iOS updates The devices occur in such ways:

  • by air (via Wi-Fi);
  • via iTunes.

Unfortunately, if you try to update your iPhone 4, you can get the maximum update to version 7.1.2 and any IOS 9 can go and speech.

As soon as this smartphone comes out, he had a completely different type of iOS and you probably heard such an expression as a skiorphism. All operating systems before iOS 7 were built on it.

When iOS 7 appeared, there were quite a lot of new features and completely redraws absolutely everything. And as you understand, each next version of the OS requires the best characteristics.

This system appeared in 2013 and the time of this phone has already approached the end. You just think that the phone has an Apple A4 processor with one core of 1 GHz and only 512 MB of RAM.

Maximum what can be done is to install Jailbreak and install a bunch of tweaks that will be able to change appearance Your system and no more.


As such a harsh truth about updating iphone 4 to iOS 9. It should be understood that the smartphone is already part of the History of Apple and no more.

The solution from this situation may be as follows. Today, the market has a very good choice of android devices, which are very tasty price and pull absolutely all new software.

Or, if you are a true Apple fan, look at older models, like iPhone SE, 6S and others. In principle, the six is \u200b\u200bnot so bad. For pricing options refurbished.

Apple's smartphones, as a famous to each fan of this company, work on the "Ourser" IOS. Updates of this system occur almost annually, so any owner of the "apple" phone sooner or later thinks about changing the software. This article will tell you how to update the iphone 4 and 4s, what methods for this will fit, and whether you need to turn to the workshop or you can upgrade iphone 4 yourself.

For the owners of the fourth version of the iPhone version, the iOS version 8 became sad, the joyful event, because it immediately became obvious that it was impossible to install this firmware on the iPhone 4. The reason for this is that this "Operation" is suitable for mobile gadgets with a processor in 2 kernels, and the fourth iPhone is equipped with only one.

However, on iPhone 4, as it turned out to be subsequently installed iOS 8 possible, with two different ways:

  • Using Aytyuns through a PC or laptop.
  • Through Wi Fi.

We update the firmware through a computer and aytyuns

To apply this method, do not do without a PC or laptop, as well as without installed program Aytyuns. Surely this utility has every Iphon owner. But if you have not had time to download it, be sure to do it. We should not forget that the version of the utility must be the most "fresh". You can download software from the apple official resource.

If you are thoroughly prepared, you can proceed to the firmware process itself. For this you need:

1 Phone Connect to a PC or laptop using a USB cord. 2 Aytyuns starts on the machine when a mobile device is detected. But if this does not happen, open the utility manually. 3 Click on the phone button (it is from the left of the ITYUNS STOR). 4 Go to the update section (the Shift key or some other you need to click). If there are updates, its injection will start automatically, as is the installation on the device. 5 In the pop-up window, data containing information about the update will appear. You need to click on the button attributing downloading and updating. And if after that in the window you will see a message that the last version is used on the device, you need to download a file with the firmware using the link provided by the system.

If you download with safari, you will need to disable automatic unpacking. You can still take advantage of this purpose by others. popular browsers - chrome, etc.

The firmware method through Wi Fi

This method is even more simple than the previous one. But also guarantee a safe outcome of the operation, as at the first method, no one can.

If you are going to apply this method, provide a high connection speed in advance, experimenting with different access points. The fact is that the weight of the firmware is much and is 1 gigabyte. In case the data transfer rate is low, the load time will be very long.

It is also necessary to recharge the gadget at least up to half the charge indicator. If this is not done, the device can be discharged and disconnect during the firmware, and you will have to continue on a PC or laptop, and do everything in the first way.

So, for the firmware of iPhone 4 via Fi, follow these steps:

1 Remove the stability of Wi-Fi connections and access to the browser. 2 Go to the main settings section, click on the update item, and then by the download and installation section. The operation will begin on the machine, the process will start in the background. Recall that the phone must necessarily be "jailbroken". 3 Click on the Installation File Installation button, accept the user's agreement by clicking on the appropriate button.

Upon completion of the operation, something needs to be corrected and moved the saved information from a pre-made in Aiklaud or Aytyuns Bacup.

As can be seen from the description of the firmware of iPhone 4, this is not a very difficult operation, but not fast. We'll have to wait about an hour, but this is the maximum time.

If the firmware for an incomprehensible reason failed, it is worth contacting the support service on the Apple's Internet resource.

What difficulties may occur during the firmware?

If you decide to take advantage of the second iPhone 4 firmware method, i.e. Work through Wai Fi, and the process is not set, the reasons can be at the following:

  • Lack of space for storing information in the memory of the gadget.
  • Long time to download the file with a slow connection.
  • The device cannot connect to the update server.
  • The update occurred not in full.

How to update iOS when overloading memory

Unfortunately, on outdated versions of iPhones, such as a fours, with a lack of space in memory, the device on the machine will not clean the system. This function is laid only on the phone operating on the iOS 9 and later versions of the Operations. In the latter case - when triggered useful function - Part of program files, which can then be downloaded again, the system will remove. Thanks to this user, you do not have to manually choose unnecessary files And alternately wash them. But if after removal unnecessary programs In any way, the problem remains, you need to try to update with the help of Aytyuns.

But if the PC or laptop did not turn to hand, i.e. There is no possibility to use the Aytyuns utility, manually remove the unnecessary software. To this end, go to the basic settings, in the program update section and click on the use settings.

To update the firmware, in any case the Internet will need. The download time of the firmware file will be directly dependent on its size and connection speed. During the loading process, the gadget can be used for destination (for example, making calls).

When the firmware file is loaded completely, the corresponding information will be displayed. To speed up the download, do not download other files during this operation. But if the connections remain slow, if possible, you need to use another access point to Wai Fi.

How to update the iPhone if there is no access to servers

If such a trouble or inability to check updates happened to your gadget during the firmware, do not be discouraged, and try re-updating the system in the same network.

In this article we will tell you how to update iOS on the iPhone or iPad to the latest version. To access the set of new features completely free.

We also explain how to launch the latest version on your device. And you will learn about the potential problems with which you may encounter after updating on iOS 11 and whether to leave your iPhone or iPad updated overnight.

IOS update is a fairly simple process, but there are several actions that we recommend to do before you begin to update - this will minimize the risks of data loss or collision with any other problems after the update. However, if you do not wait to touch the new iOS 11, you can follow our instructions below.

Note: Perhaps your friend saw an update before you, and therefore you do not see it.

How to prepare iPhone or iPad to update iOS?

As you learned from the instructions above, update the iOS is simple enough, but before you do this, we recommend implementing special training that will protect your iPhone or iPad from potential threats.

1) Make data backup

Use iTunes or ICLoid and make your data backup with iPhone, iPad or iPod Touch.. Never skip this step as your carelessness can lead to an irreversible data loss, if something goes wrong during the update. If you find that your photos or messages are disappeared after the update, you can simply restore them from your backup of your data.

How to make iOS backup with ICLOUD?

Step 1. Open the Settings application and click on your name to access settings icloud. (Users of older versions iPhone Have the ability to go to ICloud directly through the "Settings").

Step 2. Now click on "icloud" and then on "iCloud backup".

Step 3. Click on "Make backup Data "and wait for the end of the process.

How to make iOS backup with iTunes?

Step 1. Connect the iPhone or iPad to the PC when uSB help cable.

Step 2. Start iTunes and select the connected iOS devices by pressing their logos in the upper left corner of the iTunes screen.

Step 3. On the "Overview" screen, select Create a copy now. (Make sure that the encrypted backup function is enabled in order to save your passwords.)

Note: Bacup includes purchased music, TV programs, applications, books, photos, video, device settings, but does not contain any data from your PC. In order to reinstall this data, you need to re-synchronize with iTunes.

2) Make a copy of the old version of iOS

Before you know how to update the iOS you need to take care of copies of the old version. As a rule, this is a rather reasonable idea, because you can change your opinion and decide to return to old version iOS, and it will be much easier if you make it a copy. There is a chance that Apple will stop maintaining old IOS versions and then the refund will be impossible.

If you have a copy on the disk, you will find it on the next way: library / iTunes and then select the "Software Updates" folder for your device.

Your Mac could delete this file, however, in this case you can start the browser and find old versions of firmware on the Internet. You will see a huge number of sites offering the links you need. Make sure you choose the desired for your device.

3) Free enough space on your device

If you have little free memory on the device, you may not be able to update as it requires a large amount of free space. We recommend removing what you do not need. This item for those who are updated directly on the device.

4) Connect the iPhone or iPad to the power source

Make sure your device is connected to the power source. The disadvantage of the battery may be the reason for stopping the update.

5) Make sure your device is connected to WiFi network

If your device is not connected to WiFi, it will have to download via 3G or 4G network. It can eat your monthly traffic.

How to update iOS directly on the iPhone or iPad?

You can update by directly through your iOS deviceThis is called a wireless update mechanism. It is carried out using the "Settings" application. If you wish, you can update through iTunes using PC. You can use any of the presented ways, but the most simple is the wireless update through the "Settings" as it does not require the use of Mac or PC.

Step 1. Go to "Settings"\u003e Basic\u003e Update.

Step 2. Check the smartphone for updates.

Step 3. IOS will familiarize you with the details of the new update, including the amount of free memory required to install a new OS (maybe you have to make a place before starting the process).

Step 4. Click "Download" - Perhaps your device already downloaded iOS 11 automatically.

Step 5. Your smartphone downloads the update in the background. Once the download will be completed, you will receive a notification that contains information about the available update on your device.

Step 6. Click "Details" - To do this, go to "Settings"\u003e "Basic"\u003e "Update software".

Step 7. Click "Set". Now the iPhone or iPad will start installing the iOS update. It may take time depending on the power of your device and the stability of the Internet connection.

Step 8. If necessary, you can postpone the installation for later. Notification will remain in the "Settings" until you complete the update.

As soon as you finish the installation, the update on iOS 11 will be completed. Now you can learn about the features of the new OS or immediately begin the development of the updated smartphone.

How to update iOS on iPhone or iPad directly? (Video)

In the video, they will show how to update the iOS on the iPhone or iPad, through the device itself.

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How to update the iPhone by Wi-Fi?

"," Type ":" Inline "," Skip_Delay ":" 8 "," Time ":" 0.5 "), (" Source ":" "," Type ":" Inline "," Skip_Delay ":" 8 " , "Time": "0.99")] "\u003e

3 ways to update on new iOS.

"," Type ":" Inline "," Skip_Delay ":" 8 "," Time ":" 0.5 "), (" Source ":" "," Type ":" Inline "," Skip_Delay ":" 8 " , "Time": "0.99")] "\u003e

How to update iOS on old iPhone?

How to update iOS on iPhone or iPad via iTunes, using a computer.

If you do not have enough space on the device or update via "Settings" for some reason does not work, you can use the update via iTunes.

Step 1. Connect the iPhone to Mac or computer.

Step 2. Turn on your PC and run iTunes.

Step 3. Most likely you will see a message "The new software version for the iPhone is already available (11.0) for the" Name of your phone "iPhone. Do you want to download and install an update on the iPhone now? "

Step 4. Before pressing Yes, check whether your backup is relevant on iCloud. If data backup has been made significantly backwards and already outdated, we recommend that you make a new backup before upgrading. It will take you a few minutes.

Step 5. Click "Update" and wait until Mac connects to the iOS update server.

Step 6. Agree to the Terms of Use of the New OS.

Step 7. When you ask you a password on the iPhone or iPad, your fingerprint can be enough.

Step 8. After completing the update on Mac, firmware update on the iPhone will begin.

Step 9. Your iPhone will be rebooted and you can make starting settings for a new OS.

You can follow the entire process in the video at the bottom of this article. It may take some time, depending on whether you are updated at the same time. Like everyone else in the world, but in less good circumstances it takes only about 40 minutes from the beginning to the end.

When iPhone or iPad will finish installation IOS. 11, you will be offered to implement several simple settings. After completing them, you will move to home Screen And you can enjoy the newest OS!

How to update iOS on iPhone or iPad via iTunes? (Video)

In the video, you will show how to update iOS on the iPhone or iPad, via the computer (Mac) or any other PC using the iTunes application.

"," Type ":" Inline "," Skip_Delay ":" 8 "," Time ":" 0.5 "), (" Source ":" "," Type ":" Inline "," Skip_Delay ":" 8 " , "Time": "0.99")] "\u003e

Install a new iOS via iTunes

"," Type ":" Inline "," Skip_Delay ":" 8 "," Time ":" 0.5 "), (" Source ":" "," Type ":" Inline "," Skip_Delay ":" 8 " , "Time": "0.99")] "\u003e

Firmware of any iPhone through iTunes

Why do you need to make a clean iOS installation on the iPhone or iPad?

What is the advantage of a clean installation over recovery when upgrading to a new phone or tablet?

On old devices, clean installation can help the device work faster and smoothly. Even on my iPhone 6s Plus everything was much better when I performed clean installation. When performing a clean installation, you can follow two methods.

If you go to new iPhone Or iPad, you do not need a clean installation to speed up the work - only hardware updates will do it. But if you are still interested in performing a clean installation, read on and you will learn how to update iOS.

How to perform a clean iOS setting on the iPhone or iPad?

The method includes deleting phone data and recovery to the latest IOS version. Once you do it, you can configure the phone as a new iPhone or restore from the backup. If you really want to start from scratch, you will have to manually download all your applications and set up again. The reason why it does not make that you lose all your old messages and data.

How to update iOS? The first thing you need to do is open iTunes on your PC or Mac. You can not perform a clean installation with an iPhone or iPad directly. From the device itself, you can also update only to the latest IOS version.

First you need to download the firmware file compatible with your device, and save it to your desktop. Loading will take some time because the file firmware iOS. 11 Weighs a couple of gigabytes. It is best to brew coffee at this moment while downloading is running.

Download iOS 11.1 IPSW File

You can download the firmware file 11.0.1 for your device by reference below.

How to upload and install clean iOS on iPhone or iPad?

Step 1. Assuming that you have iTunes, and the IOS 11 firmware file is downloaded, connect the iPhone, iPad or iPod touch to a computer or Mac using the Lightning cable.

Step 2. After opening iTunes, click on the phone or tablet icon, which is displayed at the top.

On this screen you will receive basic information about your phone, such as a model, serial number, phone number, etc., to the right you will see the current IOS version.

Step 3. Now you have to see the button with the inscription " Restore iPhone" Click on it by holding the left key OPTION (MAC) or left sHIFT key (Mac) and select the iOS 11 IPSW firmware file.

Step 4. After selecting the iTunes firmware file will remove it, restore your device and confirm the update at the end.

When everything is ready, you will boot directly into the IOS 11 greeting screen. From now on, you can customize your device as you like. Or restore the backup you created, or stay in the fresh system if you want.

That's all. This method is a clean installation, because you clean the phone and install new version iOS 11. Even if you restore the backup after new InstallationYour phone will continue to work better than if you just updated iOS 11 to the device. If you have any questions or any problems arise, do not hesitate to leave comments!

How to update beta version iOS to final?

If you installed iOS 11 before the official output and became a beta tester, then we have good news for you. You do not need to do anything special for the transition to the final version of the OS. Both IOS versions have the same serial number - 15A372.

However, in order to receive new updates, you need to remove Apple's profile configuration from your device.

How to update iOS from beta version with iPhone or iPad directly?

If you are ready to update iOS on the iPhone or iPad, you do not even need to connect to a computer.

Step 1. Open the "Settings" on the iPhone or iPad.

Step 2. Click "Basic".

Step 3. Click "Profiles".

Step 4. Click "Beta IOS Update Profile".

Step 5. Click "Delete Profile".

Step 6. Enter your password if required and click "Delete" to confirm.

Step 7. Turn off your iPhone or iPad, holding the power button and selecting "Disable power" in the slider opened.

Step 8. Restart your iPhone way Hold the on button to appear Apple logo.

How to update iOS from beta version via iTunes on a computer?

If you are more convenient to update the OS on your iPhone or iPad via iTunes on Mac or PC, it is still feasible, but a little more difficult than directly from the device.

Step 1. Turn off your iPhone or iPad, holding the power button and using the power off slider.

Step 2. Connect the iPhone or iPad to your PC.

Step 3. Press and hold the "Sleep / Wake" button (side button and the volume slider down on the iPhone 7 and above). Do not release the buttons after the Apple logo appears, continue to hold them before logging into the recovery mode.

Step 4. After the window appears, click "Update", on your PC.

Step 5. Click on the "Update" on the PC again for downloading and installing the final IOS Versa.

Step 6. Click "Accept" for consent with the Terms of Use of the New OS.

Then your iPhone or iPad will download and install the final version of iOS.

Ready, you updated to a new iOS, now?

Now that you have updated, you can see some of the best new features in iOS 11 available on the iPhone and iPad. Some of the changes in operating system Pretty thin, so it is useful to note some of the best. But, as always, it is worth learning software Alone and feel what's new.

Enjoy iOS 11! We will continue to publish many tips and interesting chips, so continue to follow the updates in order to stay up to date. If you have any questions about the update, do not hesitate to share them in the comments to the article. If you have not been able to update, we recommend reading the article:

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