Is there a VKontakte application for viewing guests. How to see guests in contact: the official method. All about friends

According to the independent research company eMarketer, almost a quarter of the world's population today has at least one account in any of the modern social networks. These include Twitter, Odnoklassniki, Facebook, VKontakte, LiveJournal and other sites.

The number of social media users will only increase in the future. In Russia, the number of people with accounts on social networks is almost 80% of all Internet users, of whom today are more than 70% of the total population of the country. Millions of people visit their pages every day to check messages, count likes, and watch news. And almost all users of the social network are concerned about how to view the guests of Vkontakte. Is it possible?

Guest viewing methods

Some people come in to check what a certain person is doing at a given moment, to see if his "online" icon is lit in front of the avatar

"VKontakte", look through photos, read other people's posts on the wall. And at the same time, visitors remain confident that the person whose page is so carefully studied will never know about it. After all, the site does not officially have the function of viewing page visitors. But is it really so? The main question of all users of the server today remains: "How to view the guests of VKontakte?" Is it possible? And since demand, as you know, gives rise to supply, today you can find many offers, programs and sites where you can watch VKontakte guests.

Trap applications

Trap apps are the most popular way to view guests on your social media account. The principle of their work is that the user adds to his page an application that generates a link. It is she who is the trap for the guests of the page. This link is posted by the account owner anywhere on their page: on the wall, in the Websites section, as contact information in status, or in some other prominent place. After the visitor to the page clicks on this link, the application records his data and transfers them to the account owner. Examples of such applications are: Pathfinder, Friends! All your guests! ”,“ My guests ”and similar programs.

In order to install this application for yourself, you need to find it in the list, add it to your page. Then you need to run it. When the program asks you for permission to access your friends' lists, you need to agree and complete the installation. After the application generates a trap link for you, you need to position it on your page so that users who have visited will click on it. You can leave some kind of post on the wall and write that this link leads to some interesting site, news or your blog. After someone makes a transition on it, the application will notify you about it. You will know that someone has visited your page. The application will provide you with information about who came to visit, at what time and how many times.

The disadvantage of such programs is that they only record those page visitors who click on the link generated by the application. And since many users of the VKontakte site today already know about such a trick, they, wishing to remain unnoticed, will exercise caution. They will not follow outside links. The likelihood of catching a secret guest is significantly reduced. Such applications are also often blocked by the site administration, since officially there is no guest viewing function on it.

Programs offering viewing of guests "VKontakte"

Today on the Internet you can also find programs that offer you viewing of the page's guests. The developers of these proposals with firm confidence will give an answer to your question: "How to see the guests of VKontakte?" They will assure you that this is possible thanks to their installation, they will convince you of the safety of their use. You just need to download the program, install it on your computer, enter your ID in a special field, activate the protection system, and that's it - it's ready to use. An example of such a program is the "VKBreaker" version. It will help not only view VKontakte guests, but also hack other people's correspondence, change settings, view all files hidden by the user. However, with this method of viewing guests, there is always the possibility of a virus being installed on your computer.

Third Party Sites

Today, there are also sites that allegedly offer you to watch VKontakte guests for a fee. You just need to send SMS to the desired number. Be careful in such cases, as the cost of sending a message can significantly exceed the price indicated on the site.

There are also sites where you can watch VKontakte guests for free. They offer you just to enter your username and password. But you shouldn't do that. Do not enter your credentials or any other information that fraudsters can use to hack your account.

All third-party sites offering this service are aimed only at taking over your username and password. They will not let you see the actual list of visitors to your page.

Deleting a page

But what if you do not want to install any applications or programs for yourself, enter data on third-party sites, is there any other way of where to see the guests of VKontakte? There is.

In order to see a list of people who frequently visit your page, you need to delete it. Do not be afraid that it will be immediately deleted and blocked. You will have enough time to recover it. So, first, you will need to delete your page, choosing the reason for these actions in the account option: "My page is not commenting" After the account is blocked, you should restore it by clicking on the corresponding button on the left menu. Then you will need to go to the notes on your wall. The names of those who were frequent visitors to your page will be displayed here.

The disadvantage of this method of viewing guests is that it gives you the opportunity to view the guests of the VKontakte page only from among your friends. However, this method is the safest and does not contradict the official terms of use of the site.


So, how to see the guests of VKontakte? It is possible. But, unfortunately, today there is no universal way that offers to see all visitors. Each method has its drawbacks. The choice is yours.

Many Internet users are interested in how to find out who came to VKontakte on my page, because the social network does not have a "guests" section where you can get acquainted with the list of visitors. In this article, we have collected for you all possible ways to find out who comes to your page and what other users are doing there.

The VK application "My guests and fans" is the easiest way to find out who visited your page. You can launch this free application from here: Immediately after launch, the application will take you to the "My guests" menu tab, where you can see the visitors to your page. You can even use the application on an iPhone.

It is worth noting that this solution, alas, does not differ in high accuracy - it determines visitors solely by their activity. So if a guest came to your page, but did not take any action - did not put likes, did not repost your posts, did not add music or video from your audio and video recordings, he will remain invisible to the application and, accordingly, to you.

Application "My friends (connections, guests)"

Like the previous one, this solution can be used to find out who visited your profile. It's also completely free. You can launch the application from here:

After launch, you will be taken to the "Who visited?" Menu tab, where you can view the list of visitors to your profile. Unfortunately, the functionality of this solution is also very limited - you will only see those guests who have somehow checked in on your page - those who viewed the photo, liked it, left any comments, and so on.

The most important difference between this solution and the previous one is the ability to obtain detailed statistics of visits: this function will allow you to find out the total number of views of your profile and data on visits to individual sections, but not the personal data of visitors. In addition, such an opportunity is available only to those who have a hundred or more subscribers.

Other applications

In addition to the two applications described above, VKontakte has a large number of similar solutions that allow you to see who has visited your page. They work on the same principle, allowing you to guaranteed to see only those visitors who have performed at least some action on your page.

Here is a list of the most popular ones:

  • "My guests" (;
  • "Your guests and friends" (;
  • "My guests + Analytics" (;
  • "My Guests and Friends" (;
  • "My fans and guests" (;
  • "My guests are likes, friends, PR, ratings" (;
  • "Active guests and PR" (;
  • "I am a spy" (;
  • Guests and Infographics (

There are no significant functional differences between the applications, so you can use any.

Traps for guests

Using guest traps is a great way to find out who is visiting your page, especially if you're interested in non-friend visitors. Traps are links that the user clicks on to leave their trail. You can post them in status, contact details or on the wall.

There are traps in almost all of the VKontakte applications described above. To use this function, you need to go to the appropriate section.

So, for example, in the application "My guests and fans" you need to go to the tab "Do you want more guests?" and choose the most suitable method of placement, and to draw the attention of potential "victims" to the trick, you can write a heading to the link, for example "Look at my new photos", "Started blogging" and so on.

Trap guests

There is also a special solution for "hunting" visitors - "Guest Trap". You can run it from here:

After launching the application, you must allow it free access to your data, then go to the "Settings" section and copy the link from there to your page, for example, in the "Personal site" field of the "Contact information" section. You can track the users who follow this link in the "Caught guests" tab.

Guest and visitor tracking software

Even if you urgently need to get information about visitors to your page, never download programs for tracking guests. In fact, such programs do not exist, and everything that spreads under the guise of such solutions is either a virus or malware aimed at stealing your personal data. And even if there are dozens of positive reviews on a page with such a program, do not install it under any circumstances!

As you can see, finding out who visited your VKontakte profile is not so easy, and often completely impossible. But there are also advantages to this: after all, you probably also do not always want to betray your presence on someone else's page, do you?

I greet you, dear readers! In today's article, we will try to answer one very interesting and frequently asked question, which is driven into the search bar of Yandex or Google every day - “ Who visited my VK page". Yes, exactly how do I find out who visited my page on the VKontakte social network? Probably, you also had to ask this question.

Today Odnoklassniki and VKontakte are considered the most popular social networks in our country. If, for example, classmates have a "Guests" section, then "VKontakte" does not have such a section, so at first glance it seems not so easy to find out who visited my VKontakte page. By the way, I have awesome news for you, you can read the details in

Although not every user of the social network shows his curious nature towards viewing the guests of his account, some are only skeptical about this, others are most worried about it. Well, okay, in general, if you want to know what methods exist to find out , Then this article is for you.

Initially, I note that the purpose of writing today's article is to warn you against installing all kinds of programs, as well as registering in various services that exist on the Internet in a considerable number. As a result, these programs or services are able to tell you who visited your page on the VKontakte social network, and you just need to send an SMS from your mobile phone to prove that you are a real person and not a robot.

Although there are cases that under the download link of the program there are positive reviews of something like this: "Hurray, great program, everything works", etc. You should remember that such comments are written by scammers themselves, and gullible users believe that they become victims of deception, in addition, endangering the security of their data and the entire computer as a whole.

In fact, this is just a scam for money, remember friends! You do not need to download special programs, register in them, and even more so send SMS from your phone. Nowadays, the unimaginable fantasy of fraudsters sometimes confuses even experienced PC users. And the most interesting thing is that most of these, say, malicious programs are at the top of the search results and when you click on these links, the antivirus program blocks access to these sites.

REMEMBER - dear readers, that while in the social network "VKontakte" there is no such function that would show a list of users who have visited your page. Hence the conclusion that no programs, online services will help you.

Judging by the title of today's article, you will probably say that if everything is so complicated and no programs can track the list of account guests, then what to do?

In fact, there are several ways to find out who visited my VK page, the function of which is based on collecting statistics of visits to your account. Whether or not to trust such methods is up to you. However, there are such methods and now I will tell you about them. Before proceeding to the article, please read the following articles:

How do I find out who visited my VK page?

To begin with, I want to tell you that below you will find my video, in which I told and showed how to install the "Guests of VKontakte" application. You will also see my guests.

Method one - I will say right away that this method will not give you a complete list of the guests of your VKontakte page, but it will show several persons who visit your page.

To get started, you need to go to "My Settings" and at the bottom of the page click on the link "Delete your page". Do not be afraid, of course, we will not delete the page in any case.

As a result, in the window that opens, you will need to indicate the reason for deleting the page, namely, "My page is not being commented on." Thus, a notification will appear at the bottom of the window that the following users (first and last names will be listed) will regret your departure.

These two users are your regular guests who visit your page most often. As you can see, the method is quite simple and does not require installing any applications.

Method two - installation of applications "My guests and fans". Applications of this kind allow you to find out which of the users of the VKontakte social page is most interested in your VKontakte page. I suggest you consider this application in practice.
First of all, you need to download this application from the Internet.

So, first of all, we should install this application on our page. Go to the "Application" section and type guests in the search bar, as a result the "Guests and Fans" application will appear.

You just have to run this application.

When you click on the "Guests" tab, the application, after analyzing, will give you a list of users who have recently visited your page.

And the "Fans" tab is designed to determine the activity of visiting your page. In other words, you can find out the traffic to your page for a month, for 3 months or for the entire period. I think it's not worth explaining the whole principle of this application in detail, you just need to install this application, and then everything will be clear anyway.

In general, it should be noted that there are a huge number of such applications now, for example, you can try to install another "Pathfinder" application and track your guests.

Method three - you can find out who visited my Vkontakte page by going to the list of friends from your friend's account. Thus, it is believed that the higher you are in the position, the more often he crawls your page. In the same way, you can view the list of your friends that you visit most often.

Well, what about today's article " How to find out who visited my VK page"I will close. I hope the article was interesting for you. And what other ways to view VK guests do you know?

If you have any questions on the above topics, I recommend that you definitely study and consolidate your theoretical skills.

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So, for example, almost each of us will be interested in who visited their personal page on the VKontakte social network today. In other words - view the guests of your page. For this, there are now all kinds of third-party applications, and special trap applications, and the built-in application "My VK guests". In this article, you will learn about the most popular ways by which you can find out who was interested in your page.

How to see guests in contact: the official method

The administration of the Vkontakte network has long announced its position, which is to respect the personal privacy of users. That is, you should not expect and look for a built-in function for viewing guests. But there are several ways by which you can always bypass the ban on viewing visitors to your VK page.

Method one

So, firstly, this is the already well-known application "All your guests!". With the help of it you can see all users who visited the page and left any "trace" on it: left a "like", "reposted" a post or commented on a photo. And the tab "My visitors in" Contact "makes it possible to see data about such users. This app has one big drawback. If the guest visited your page, but did not perform any action on it and left, the application will not detect this.

Method two

This application is "My fans and guests". After an easy installation and configuration, you just need to select one of the tabs - "Guests of VK", "Fans" or "Statistics". This application already gives not just information about the person who was on your page and performed some actions, but also builds a kind of rating of those who most often did this among guys, among girls, as well as for a certain period of time.

Method three

This method consists in using a special hook link. Note that this feature is implemented in all applications of this type (even in the two applications discussed above).

For example, the application "Fans and Guests". You need to go to the main page of the application, select "Do you want more guests" from the menu and select the desired trap method. Most often, they choose the line "Personal site" - this is what guests are most often interested in. If you place a trap link on the wall, then you need to take care of some bright, attractive signature, so that the user simply had to click on it. Further - the matter is solely the application itself.

It is worth noting more and the number of third-party programs that you can stumble upon on the Internet and which I promise all the information about friends and guests of the page "right now". From experience, we can say that 99 percent of these offers are distributed by scammers who want to take over your account and personal data. And the rest of the percentage of such programs simply do not fulfill their promise. are placed with the aim of taking over your account. So it is always worth considering before taking the risk to answer the question of how to view your guests.

Users of the Odnoklassniki social network can see which of the visitors came to their page. Only the invisible ones cannot be revealed. But this service is paid and only a small part of OK users use it. From the moment of its foundation, it was impossible to find out who visits you on the VKontakte social network. Pavel Durov wanted it so. Even after the sale of the site, it was impossible to find out who is visiting your page. The VK administration respects confidential information, so viewing guests is not included in the internal function of the social network. Not every user is tormented by curiosity about the ability to view their guests. Someone is even skeptical about this. And for some it is very necessary. But not everything is so scary: there are several ways to bypass the rule. Let's take a closer look at them.

Note that this article was written with the aim of protecting the user from installing suspicious programs and acquainting him only with proven methods.

This is the most efficient way of all. But you should be aware that you can only see users who frequently visit your profile. People who very rarely visit your page will not be displayed in the list.

The second option is more popular. The website offers an archive with a program that will track secret guests. Uninitiated users download software without assuming that it contains a virus capable of causing significant harm to its hardware. A good antivirus will stop infection in time. In the absence of it, or a bad antivirus program, your next action will be to unpack the archive. A window will appear in which there will be an offer to send an SMS to a phone number in order to receive a code to access the archive. Attackers often point out that SMS is completely free. But this is cheating. As soon as the message is sent, a large amount of money will be debited from your account. The second option: money does not leave immediately, but every other day, or every day in parts. The amount leaving the user's balance may be so small that he will not even notice how his money disappears.

If you sent such an SMS, you should immediately call your mobile operator so that he will return the money that was left illegally to you. Or write a statement in any cell phone store. Money is always returned.

The situation is worse if, when unpacking, malware gets onto your computer. Usually, these are dangerous viruses that disrupt the life of your computer in a short time. Or spy programs that steal your passwords from mail, social pages. networks, money transfer systems, bank cards, etc. Here you have to be very serious, because the lost money may not be returned!

Often, under the description of a fraudulent program, you can see reviews like "Great, everything worked, thanks to the developers." Some users fall for this kind of comments. Remember, these reviews are written by the scammers themselves in order to increase the confidence of the incompetent user.


Do not download third-party programs under any circumstances. They will bring a virus to you and steal your personal information. You shouldn't send money for a suspicious service either. There are only 4 methods described above that are safe. All of them operate according to the method of collecting statistics of visits to your profile. Believe them or not - it's up to the user to decide.

The fantasy of modern attackers has no boundaries. Even experienced users fall into traps. And all because the proposed programs are in the top of the search results, which gives rise to trust in the resource. It's good if, when you click on the link, the antivirus immediately blocks the site.

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