Optimizing Windows by using the RAM disk. Increasing system performance with a RAM disk

RAM drive, RAM disk (disk in memory), ram disk - computer technologyallowing data to be stored in a fast random access memory as on a block device (disk). It can be implemented both in software and hardware.

The idea of \u200b\u200busing semiconductor memory as the main storage medium in a PC arose far from today. Its implementation is possible both as a separate device and as virtual disk in RAM.

One can argue about the effectiveness of this approach, there are different opinions: someone talks about an increase in performance by orders of magnitude, who denies the expediency of RAM Disk in principle.

After reading some information on the network and trying to use memory as a disk on my computer, conducting appropriate tests, mine and the experiments of other users have shown that with a sufficient amount of RAM, using RAM Disk almost always has a positive effect.

The number of calls to the hard disk decreases (the HDD resource increases), the execution speed of some applications increases, though not hundreds of times, as some promise.

For example, you need to work with photos or a video file, write it (them) to a disk in memory and work with these files at the speed and speed of our memory. True, there is a nuance, the memory should be commensurate with the files and the cache for processing them. And if the power suddenly turns off, then all the work can be lost. So we use UPS or laptop :)

Many browsers store a lot of all kinds of junk in databases that almost do not use computer memory, as a result, after a month of use, even typing an address becomes torture - the hard drive creaks, letters are typed in a second. All these problems are removed.

Main advantages:

# Extremely high access speed (up to several gigabytes per second);
# No delays in random access;
# Implementation without using additional hardware components;

Main disadvantages:

# Consumption of an extremely valuable resource (RAM);
# Small capacities (if there are 500-1000GB hard drives on the market, RAM modules are calculated in units of gigabytes);
# Loss of content on shutdown (can be partially overcome by saving the content to disk during shutdown, but there is still a risk of information loss due to an abnormal power outage);

Attention! I warn you - an article for advanced users, a lot of pitfalls! So everything that you will do, you do only at your own peril and risk.

So, the idea is simple. Make a RAMDisk (virtual "disk" in the computer's memory) and make programs store their affairs there.

1. Download one of the programs for creating a virtual disk in RAM - RAMDisk "\\ Enterprise \\". Among all similar products, RAMDisk "\\ Enterprise \\" stands out at least because the Russian-language version of RAMDisk "\\ Enterprise \\" is distributed free of charge, moreover, it has sufficient functionality and stability.

RAM Disk: http: // ramdisk .nm .ru / ramdiskent -rus .htm

The software consists of a RAMDisk driver (RAMDriv.sys), an installer support library and property page (RAMDriv.dll) and an installation file (RAMDriv.inf), which together, through the "\\ Hardware Setup \\" wizard, allow you to install RAMDisk on Windows 2000, Windows XP, Server 2003 and Vista.

For Windows 7 - go to Toolbox, System and Security, to Device Manager. In the Action menu, select install the old device. And manually point to the driver file.

In other systems, I think you can figure out how to install it yourself.

The settings are set through the RAMDisk properties in “\\ Device Properties \\” through “\\ Device Manager \\” Windows. The new values \u200b\u200bcan be activated without rebooting.

We press Configure operations with the image file and create the image file.

So that the data is not lost, put a checkmark "Save image when unloading the driver". Loading and shutting down the system will take a little longer, but for us the main thing is fast work.

If you work with photo or video data and do not want to accidentally lose them, then you can periodically dump the disk image onto the hard screw by selecting the appropriate option "Save RAMDISK contents in the image ... etc."

In principle, that's all. We put a tick "Restart RAMDISK after clicking OK", click "OK" and enjoy.

A virtual disk can also be used for its intended purpose (like a regular media - HDD), placing on it not only temporary and swap files, but also programs, user profiles, etc. There are publications with recommendations for using RAMDisk to place temporary files 1C , one of Photoshop's scratch disks, etc. Moreover, it is argued that productivity actually increases, although not significantly.

An interesting solution may be to use a RAMDisk to improve system security, since the data in RAM is destroyed when it is turned off. Naturally, in this case, the function of saving / restoring images of a virtual disk must be disabled.

Now a little about setting up Windows

It should be mentioned that the use of RAMDisk, depending on the tasks, can differ significantly, i.e. at the discretion of the user.

For instance:

To change the parameters of the system using standard procedures:

Let's set the size and transfer the paging file to RAMDisk.

We will perform a similar procedure in relation to the placement of "Temporary Internet files"

Speed \u200b\u200bup Firefox.

Open the "Start" menu and click "Run ...".

In the window that appears, type% appdata% \\\\ Mozilla \\\\ Firefox \\\\ Profiles and press "Enter". A window will open in which you will see a directory named "abracadabra.default". This is your Firefox profile folder.

Open the "Start" menu and click "Run ..."

In the window that appears, type% appdata% \\\\ Mozilla \\\\ Firefox \\\\ profiles.ini and press "Enter".

Notepad will open with the downloaded "profiles.ini" file. Replace "Profiles /" in the "Path" variable with "Z: \\\\", where Z is the letter of your ramdisk.

Make sure the "IsRelative" value is zero.

StartWithLastProfile \u003d 1

Path \u003d Z: \\\\ abracadabra.default

Launch firefox and enter about: config in the address bar of the browser. We agree that we will be careful and get to the firefoxa configuration page.

Click anywhere right click, select New -\u003e String and set browser.cache.disk.parent_directory as the parameter name, and set the path to the folder where the cache will be stored as the value. Z: \\\\ gibberish.default

A few more settings:

// Cache and memory
user_pref (\\ "browser.cache.memory.enable \\", false); // memory cache is meaningless
user_pref (\\ "browser.cache.offline.enable \\", false); // why is it needed at all
user_pref (\\ "browser.turbo.enabled \\", false); // disabled for whom. the parameter loads the Fox part into memory for quick launch... now everything is fast and in our memory
user_pref (\\ "config.trim_on_minimize \\", false); // not necessary either. the parameter resets Fox from memory to swap. on whist and 7 still does not work

Close Firefox.

Copy the "abracadabra.default" folder to the ramdisk. If there are requests to replace files, answer in the affirmative.

Restart Firefox.

We also change the paths of the system variables% TMP% and% TEMP%

Control Panel (this is for windows 7), system and security, view the name of this computer, extra options systems, environment Variables.

Change the system variables% TMP% and% TEMP% to the letter of your RAMDISKa Z: \\\\ Temp:

The problem is that many programs, for example, WinRAR or installers will unpack temporary files in R: \\\\ TMP, and if this file is larger than free space then unpacking will not reach the end, and the archive will not be unpacked.

Is it worth it?

For me, yes. The health of the hard drive and the speed of browsing are very important to me.

There are inconveniences, but they are scanty (save the state before rebooting, restore on power-up - of course - not for a novice user), but you have to clean the cache periodically (but this can be avoided by taking up more memory under RAMDisk or by writing a script that will clean the cache itself).

That's all for now, if anyone has additions, then write, we will add.

The article is taken from open sources. Original article: //whitebrotherhood.ru/whitebrotherhood/node/15

How to optimize your work Windows by use RAM -disk - created third-party software a virtual disk that's running out of excess RAM? Below we will talk about basic operations for such optimization. Let's consider in detail how to create RAM-disk and transfer content to it system folders "Temp" .

1. Creating a RAM disk

For creating RAM-disk in our case, the program will be used. It was chosen because of its simplicity in work, support of the Russian language, but most importantly - due to the possibility of saving data RAM-disk on hard disk... Recall that RAM can work with data within a single session with a computer. After a system reboot, the RAM-disk data disappears. To solve this problem, the developers of some programs to implement RAM-disk equip their products with mechanisms for saving data to a special file on the hard disk. The saved data when the system is restarted, respectively, is retrieved and takes its place on RAM-disk. The ability to save data is an optional condition for a program that implements windows system RAM-disk, if the latter will only be used to store temporary files (contents of folders "Temp", cache of browsers and temporary data of other programs) ... But if on RAM- the disk will store portable programs, profiles and working directories of browsers, other programs and games, the availability of the function of saving data to the hard disk will be of fundamental importance.

- a paid product, at the time of this writing, the cost is $29 ... But the developers of this program offer to test the fully functional trial version for a whole month for free. This period is more than enough to comprehend the effectiveness of such optimization and, accordingly, to make a choice - RAM-disk or SSD .

So, download and run the program. Add new RAM -disk.

Fill out the creation form RAM-disk. First of all, we indicate the size of the disk. Important: this size should not exceed the unused remainder of the RAM at the time of maximum computer load ... It is advisable not to leave the system with less than 6 GB ... Next, select any of the free letters for the disk and set the format file system NTFS... We press "OK".

Back in the main window , click the menu "Form" and choose "Create Image"... Creating and connecting a format image IMG - this is the very mechanism for ensuring the safety of data RAM -disk mentioned above. It is in this image will periodically record data so that it is available after restart windows, not just during the current session. What as mentioned will happen when implemented RAM-disk by programs without the support of the data storage mechanism.

In the graph you need to write the path to image file - specify the disk partition, folder and come up with a name for the file. If it is planned that RAM-disk will be used to store some important data, respectively, image file must be created on a non-system disk partition. In the graph "The size" we indicate the same size that was set for the very RAM -disk. For the graph "Format", again, select the value "NTFS"... We press "OK".

We will receive a notification about the creation of the image.

If further RAM -disk will be destroyed for any reason and take away valuable information, it can be retrieved by mounting the newly created one IMG -image - either with the help of , or through any other program that works with this format.

So, RAM -disk created, IMG -the image has been created, now they need to be tied to each other and adjusted. We return to the main window of the program. Here, in context menu on RAM-disk we choose.

The setting window will open. In the graph we write, respectively, the path to the newly created image IMG . Next, an important point - you must definitely check the box "Save Content" ... Click the button below "Additional".

At the bottom in the graph we set the time interval after which the data RAM-discs must be recorded in IMG-form. In our case, the best option is chosen - every half hour... If on RAM- the disk is not supposed to store especially important data, you can set a larger interval. In any case, before turning off or restarting the computer, all data will be saved in IMG -form. We press "OK".

Next, let's go back to the window previous settings... Click here below "OK", then in the window that appears, we confirm the application of the parameters and the launch of the associated remounting operation RAM-disk.

That's all. will automatically boot with Windows and into background provide work RAM-disk. At any time, the program can be found in the system tray to change the settings RAM-disk or even remove it. It can be removed very simply - using the option, respectively, in the context menu.

Intentional deletion RAM-disk does not result in the destruction of the associated IMG-image. It will still be in place until manually removed. From periodic automatic saving of data to IMG - we can refuse the image and save the data manually only if necessary. For these purposes in the window there is a dedicated button.

Created RAM -disk will now appear in Windows Explorer as regular disk... Possibilities of its use, in principle, can be any, as long as everything happens within the framework of compliance with the allocated volume. On RAM-disks with small volumes usually redirect storage cache (or entire profiles) browsers, save paths and other game data, working directories of bulky programs. But first of all on RAM-disk send temporary storage folders windows files"Temp"... From the performance of the disk where system folders are stored "Temp", performance partly depends as third-party programsand Windows in general.

2. Transferring the system folders "Temp" to the RAM disk

Folders "Temp" are located on system disk along the way:

- C: \\ Windows \\ Temp,

- C: \\ Users \\ User \\ AppData \\ Local \\ Temp.

Transferring them to RAM-disk is done by editing the values \u200b\u200bof the variables windows environments... For some system processes company Microsoft provided a standard mechanism for changing values \u200b\u200b- in particular, changing the storage location of the contents of folders "Temp".

First, create a folder "Temp" on the destination drive - on RAM -disk. Next, press the Win + Pause keys. In the system settings window on the left, select additional parameters. In the window that opens, go down and press the button "Environment Variables…".

The upper half of the window is responsible for the environment variables of the user profile. Editing values "TEMP" and "TMP" we will change the folder path "Temp" in the catalog "AppData"... Choosing a value "TEMP" and press the button "Change".

We carry out the same operation with the value "TMP", specify the same folder path "Temp" on RAM -disk.

Next, we move to the lower half of the window of variable environments - in system variables... Here we also choose "TEMP" and "TMP", these are the values \u200b\u200bcorresponding to the folder "Temp" in the catalog "Windows" ... We select the values \u200b\u200bin turn "TEMP" and "TMP" and for each of them press the button "Change"... Instead of the current path, we register the folder "Temp" on RAM -disk. As a result, it should turn out 4 changed values.

After editing the values \u200b\u200bof environment variables restart Windows.

Moving folder contents "Temp" on RAM -disk also makes it easy to access them. Which will come in handy for cases of allocation under RAM-small disc random access memory. Folders "Temp" it is necessary to periodically clean it, because often they grow to incredible volumes. You can also clear folders "Temp" by their previous path on disk FROM to free up extra space on it.

21.01.2014 13867

Computer performance can depend on many components, but the most important of them, of course, are the physical characteristics of the processor and the amount of RAM. Methods that allow you to increase the speed of a computer programmatically, as a rule, have significant limitations, but they should not be neglected. If the RAM is much faster than hard driveswhy not try storing and handling temporary files directly in RAM?

This can be done using the RAM Disk program from the well-known software company SoftPerfect. In the computer's RAM, the program creates a virtual disk on which the user can store and process some temporary files. In theory, access to these files should be much faster. In addition, according to the developer, the use of RAM Disk will not only increase the performance of the computer, but also significantly reduce the load on the physical hDD and reduce file system fragmentation.

Installing SoftPerfect is not particularly difficult. Together with the program, a special driver is installed into the system. RAM Disk has a very simple and convenient user interface with Russian language support. Work in the program begins with the creation of a virtual disk. If you click the Plus button, a window will open in which you will need to set the size of the virtual disk, assign a letter and select the type of file system, for example NTFS. Here you can create the necessary folders - the names of the directories must be entered on a new line.

After clicking "ok" the disk will be mounted.

The size of the created virtual disks limited. At the same time, the program itself determines the maximum volume that can be allocated for such a disk. You can work with virtual disks in the same way as with regular partitions, you can copy files to them, install programs, and so on. However, when the disks are unmounted or the computer is rebooted, all data stored on them will be destroyed.

There are two options here - either copy the data to a physical disk before turning off the computer, or save it to a special SVI image, also located on the physical disk. You can create an image in RAM Disk by selecting the "Image" option from the menu.

In this case, you will need to specify the location of the image file, the size of the disk being created and the type of its file system. After the image is created, all that remains is to mount it, not forgetting to tick the "Save content" box. So if you are going to install programs on a virtual disk, choose this method.

How useful a RAM Disk really is is difficult to say. Not so often there is a need to perform any one-time actions, on the other hand, is there any point in creating a virtual disk in order to edit one or two files? However, it's up to you. RAM Disk is distributed completely free of charge, so download, test and draw conclusions. The program is compatible with all popular versions of Windows, from XP to Windows 8 and 8.1.

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Optimizing Windows, as a method of improving computer performance, usually outperforms hardware upgrades. A rare exception to this rule may be the use of a RAM disk - a virtual disk created by special software at the expense of the RAM resource - and transferring certain system and program operations to this disk. Why a rare exception? This method of improving computer performance has a lot of conventions and nuances. We'll talk about them in more detail below, but first, a few words about the performance of the RAM disk.

1. RAM disk performance

One of the reasons for a slow computer is the limited speed of reading and writing data by hard hDD disks... Even the most productive hard drive, which impressed with the test results for sequential reading and writing of data, will hardly surprise with serious numbers when working selectively with small files. Namely, small files for the most part make up the system cache, browser cache and other programs. Solve the problem of low hDD performance drives of a new format are called - SSD. But not every user can yet master their cost. SSDs are today the only possible compromise between low-performance HDDs and ultra-fast RAM, but not capable of permanently storing data. The speed of 400-600 Mb / s created by the RAM resource, which only SSDs from good producers in conditions of sequential reading and writing of data, can provide selective work with small files. And the speed of sequential reading and writing of data from a RAM disk is determined by thousands of MB / s.

Let's compare these results with the HDD.

As you can see, the read and write speed of the HDD is many times lower. Sequential read and write speed hDD data in the best case, it will be 150-170 Mb / s. And based on the results of measuring the speed of selective reading and writing of small files, alas, we get a catastrophic indicator - 0.5-1 MB / s.

2. Conventions and nuances of Windows optimization due to the work of a RAM disk

The inability of RAM to store information is a nuance that limits the use of a RAM disk only for storing temporary data. Fortunately, this problem is solved due to the functionality of separate programs for the implementation of RAM disks. Such programs periodically write data from the RAM disk to a file on the hard disk. But with other nuances, not everything is so simple.

A RAM disk can only be created if there is excess RAM. If, when performing normal operations, the RAM is loaded in 70-80%, there can be no question of any extra volume. The remaining 20-30% of the RAM can be used to carry out some one-time operations. You can work with a RAM disk when at least 40% of the RAM is free - a resource that is regularly idle and does not participate in the operation of the system. It is advisable to consider the possibility of working with a RAM disk, provided that the system has at least 8 GB of RAM. If this volume is not designed for the operation of special software - hypervisors, complex professional software for working with video or 3D graphics, resource-intensive games, etc., the system can be left with 6 GB of RAM for its tasks, and everything else can be used for RAM -disk. In any case, the excess of RAM will be determined by the specifics of the tasks performed on the computer.

If a weak point there is both a hard disk and a processor in the system, there will be no use from optimization at the expense of a RAM disk. Random access memory does not solve the problem of a low-power processor.

RAM disk is virtual deviceimplemented by third-party software. Accordingly, so that there are no problems in running Windows, such software must be supported by developers and adapted for version updates operating systemfor which support is declared. Before testing programs that implement RAM disks, create a rollback point or backup Windows and preparing the recovery media for system recovery are imperative precautions.

Free programs for realizing a RAM disk usually do not support the function of saving data to a hard disk. If the implementation of a RAM disk requires both an increase in RAM and the purchase of a licensed program, it is advisable to compare these expenses with the cost of an SSD with a volume of 120 GB.

Another important nuance is the red tape with creating a RAM disk and transferring data to it. In this regard, of course, the SSD will win - you bought a drive, plugged it in and forgot about the problems. Modern windows versions 7, 8.1 and 10 themselves know which operations they should disable when they arrive on board computer SSD... By the way, creating a RAM disk and transferring individual system and program folderswhich are actively rewriting data, some consider not only as an optimizing operation, but also as a way to extend the period sSD services... This method may be relevant in a production scale of data rewriting or as a result of unsatisfactory results of assessing the remaining SSD resource. When home use Your computer's SSD can last for years. So before diving into the red tape with setting up processes for the sake of extending the life of an SSD, it will not be superfluous to find out the approximate time remaining until the drive is used up. Such analysis can be carried out special programs for health testing hard drivesnotably Hard Disk Sentinel and SSD Life.

3. What data can be transferred to a RAM disk?

The easiest way to benefit from a RAM disk is to work with those transferred to it. portable programs... But based on the performance of the system as a whole and when working with installed programs you have to tinker with the settings.

Usually, RAM disks created without using the function of saving information to a file on the hard disk are used to store temporary data. By editing the values \u200b\u200bof the Windows environment variables, the RAM disk can be specified as the new location for the system Temp folders. A RAM disk can be a place for storing the cache of browsers and other programs that provide for its placement not only on the system drive C, but also in another place on the computer. To a RAM disk, implemented using programs that support the function of saving data to a file on a hard disk, for better performance when surfing the web, you can transfer not only the browser cache, but also its entire profile. This is done using symbolic links. The operating data of other programs is transferred to the RAM disk in the same way. And especially sophisticated gamers, especially for the operation of the RAM disk, acquire an extra 8 GB of RAM in order to fully install the game.

It is not recommended to transfer to a RAM disk, even if implemented by means of programs with the function of saving data to a file on the hard disk, user profile folders, databases, project files of specialized programs and other important information.

4. Programs for the implementation of a RAM disk

A RAM disk can be created using programs such as: SoftPerfect RAM Disk, Radeon RAMDisk, Gilisoft RAMDisk, Primo Ramdisk, etc.

SoftPerfect RAM Disk is one of the easiest tools to install, configure and use.

After installing the application, you just need to select the "Add disk to be mounted at boot" option to specify the letter, size and format of the partition on the hard disk or SSD to which data from the RAM disk will be written.

Its size can vary depending on the amount of RAM available, as well as what percentage of it you are willing to allocate for use as an in-memory disk.

Most modern PCs have at least 4 GB of RAM, which makes them ideal for using SoftPerfect RAM Disk - in such a system, you can safely allocate 20-25 percent of the available RAM.

SoftPerfect RAM Disk will take care of the rest, including offering the ability to create more than one virtual disk. After assigning a letter, the drive will appear in the menu windows explorer and you can use it like any other device in the system.

But how do you benefit from such a disc? First of all, it can significantly speed up the loading of every program that uses temporary (cache) buffers - for example, Adobe Photoshop.

The same applies to any web browser - if you configure it so that it uses the RAM disk as the buffer cache, it will not only run faster, but also will not clog the hard disk with unnecessary temporary files.

RAM disks are also useful if you want to extend the life of your SSD. Known factthat after a certain number of rewriting cycles solid state drives “Wear out” and stop working. So if you are dealing with applications that love to constantly refer to disk device, redirect them to the created RAM disk - this will extend the life of the system SSD.

On the site of Alex Exler, an interesting battle. One of the commenters wrote that he created a RAM Disk in the memory of a computer running under Windows, and transferred "environment variables, paging file and browser cache" to it. When another asked him why there was a paging file in the RAM disk, which is used (usually) in cases when Windows and applications do not have enough RAM, the third commenter indicated that some programs require it (the file) to be unconditionally available, and noted that The RAM disk speeds up your work a lot. Then the chop began and the topic went tough. It will be interesting to remember one more thing: some commentators noted a logical moment - a RAM disk allows you to save an endless SSD resource. There is a certain reason for this.

But what about the swap file? And this is interesting. Exist windows swap file, and moving it to a RAM disk is somewhat illogical, here the critics are right. In order not to explain on fingers for a long time, I will say in a charade: "winrar.rar". Think about it and you will understand why the idea of \u200b\u200bsuch a construction is absurd. But, there is not only the Windows swap file, but also the swaps of individual applications, and here ... the absurd idea of \u200b\u200btransferring the swap file to the RAM disk begins to become more logical and logical. In general, it is not entirely correct to call these resources swap files - rather, they are some temporary files. The peculiarity of Photoshop and LR, for example, is that they are created anyway - whether you like it or not. And the commentator in the forum at Exler was right, only he called it wrong, which is why he received harsh ironic criticism.

I will move a little from the topic of swap and tell you what a RAM disk is. I fiddled with them actively back in DOS times, and then it was possible to get it using ramdrive.sys good acceleration for some programs. Then the topic somehow faded into the background, there was no time for ramdisks. But the concept has not changed even today - RAM is orders of magnitude faster than disk memory. Even the fastest SSDs (such as the OCZ RevoDrive 3 X2, with read speeds of up to 1500 megabytes per second) cannot compete with the RAM disk in the main RAM of the computer. What can we say about HDD - a modern 3-terabyte hard drive, for example, sends data at speeds up to 158 megabytes per second at the edge of the plate, and only up to 80 MB in its center (just be curious - there are specific numbers in our review of 3-terabyte HDDs ). For comparison, when testing a RAM disk with the Crystal Disk Mark program, I got the following figures:

Writing 8 gigabytes (!) Per second, reading - five. And this is also a measurement at DDR3 with a frequency of 1333 MHz, and if you return the settings to the standard 1600, I'm sure the numbers will turn out to be even higher. Obviously, the speed of the RAM disk is enormous, and the timings are minimal with anything else. Minuses? Very serious. If the computer freezes or shuts down unexpectedly, everything written on the RAM disk will not be saved. After restart Windows drive will be the purest. You cannot store any work on it - it is unsafe. Actually, therefore, a RAM disk is only needed to store temporary files and something that you do not mind erasing, but that when transferring to fast drive significantly accelerates. Type of temporary files, folders with operational cache etc. Well, the "swap file" can be placed there ;-) (see the beginning)

So, I didn't really think about it, but for some reason a lot of unrelated acquaintances began to talk about RAM disks. Today sat with podakuni , for example, at the Photo Project school in the evening, they tested on his MacBook a funny new Iomega hard drive (especially for a Mac model), and he also said that he uses a RAM disk, and on a Mac, and that he transferred temporary photoshop files and Lightroom. In his words, it greatly speeds up programs. Well, here I could no longer stand it - I came home, found the software and rolled it over. And at the same time I checked something. So far, only preliminary, for a more detailed study will take time. The first impression is that yes, a RAM disk in Windows is needed if you work with Photoshop and LR. Moreover, both are accelerated noticeably on a computer, which cannot be called weak. Someone manages to get acceleration for other programs, but I will bypass this topic for now. And now the nuances.

By default, Lightroom keeps a gigabyte pre-renderer cache (the capacity can be varied), and Photoshop creates a TMP file on the specified drive. And turn off disk usage in such a role really can't... But they can really be transferred to a RAM disk.

In the screenshot good example - after opening 14 images in Photoshop (and closing them) a 2GB temporary file was generated. I emphasize again - the Windows swap file is on my computer off completely and in the system 32 (thirty two) gigabytes of RAM. As you can see, this does not prevent Photoshop from creating temporary files, and if you have a laptop, for example, with a slow HDD that writes at a speed of only 100 megabytes per second, then it takes 20 seconds to create such a file. And he will waste time, how much RAM is not fed to him. And even a fast SSD will need some resources to spend on this file. As practice has shown, calls to this file occur in the process photoshop work quite active, and when using plugins, and when operating with files, and during serial processing. With Lightroom, the situation is somewhat similar - when you view images, its built-in engine Camera RAW creates a thumbnail, which it puts in special folder... Where this folder is located can be found in the settings. The files are small there - 500 kilobytes each, but in the process of processing a wedding shooting, they will be typed in a gigabyte there, and LR will access them. Thus, there is really a lot of meaning in the transfer. And given that these files are "temporary", there is no need to regret that they will be erased if the computer suddenly freezes or turns off.

Which RAM disk should you choose? For experiment, I installed Qsoft RAMDisk Enterprise under Windows 7 x64 Ultimate. Russian version of this driver free, and some reviews indicate that this is the best (and most productive) ramdisk under Windows. I cannot refute or confirm, I will just say that it started up under my OS, it works and does not beg for money, and this is already good. Note that functions include such a thing as resetting and loading the contents of the RAM disk at startup and exit. It is understood that before shutting down the PC, the contents are "gibbernated" to the main carrier, and during the start of Windows from there it will be loaded into the RAM disk. This allows you to keep the content of such a disk up-to-date and at least somehow deal with volatility. of this type "drive".

So I decided that I would experiment. Does anyone already have experience? It would be great to hear what you think.

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