The dimensions of the image are meters in Photoshop. How to change file size and resolution in Photoshop


First, try to find the picture using search engines. Enter your query, and then select the search settings tab. Google, for example, has a "Search Tools" button, while Yandex has an icon with sliders. Then you need to select the item "Size" and specify the exact values. Or, for example, if you need a photo with a good resolution, select Large.

If there is no picture with the required size, then it can be adjusted to the frames yourself. There are ways. The first is that you first create a document with the desired size, and then change the picture. The second is the opposite - you open the picture and change the size. There is essentially no difference: it all depends on your preferences and goals. Examples will be considered in Adobe Photoshop, but you can use other graphics editors.

First way. Click "File" - "New ..." or the key combination Ctrl + N. A window with settings will appear in front of you. Specify the parameters for the width, height and the required color resolution there. Then open the image you like in the browser, right-click and select "Copy picture". Then return to the program and press the combination Ctrl + V.

The picture will appear in the graphics editor window. Then click "Edit" - "Free Transform" or the combination of Ctrl + T. Key points will appear, with the help of which you can adjust the picture to the size of the working window. As soon as you get the desired result (by the way, you can go beyond the boundaries of the working area), click "File" - "Save as ..." or the key combination Ctrl + S.

Second way. You must first go to your computer, then click "File" - "Open ..." (or the combination of Ctrl + O) and select the desired image. Then select "Image" - "Image size ..." or press the Alt + Ctrl + I combination. Uncheck the "Maintain aspect ratio" checkbox and select the desired size. Then press the OK key.

Good day!

,? These questions often arise when posting images on a website or social media. I offer the simplest and most affordable ways for everyone.

Image resizing is a very common issue, and to solve this problem quickly, you need reliable and quickly available methods.

This is where we start. First, let's analyze the option, .
Here, too, we will consider two options, and you yourself choose the one that suits you best.
For the first option, you will need Photoshop CS5 or CS6 installed on your computer.

Don't be afraid of him. This is actually a very multifunctional and complex software, but we do not need all of its functionality. We will use this program to solve simple problems.

If you have photoshop installed, and you are at least superficially familiar with it - that's enough for us. If not installed, you can download it for free on the Internet, or from the official website, a 30-day trial version. (You can here:


We go into photoshop. After its activation, by simply dragging the desired image from the "desktop" into the Photoshop field, we begin to work with it. To do this, at the very top left, click on the "file" icon (shown in the picture below)

A window opens in which we must select "save for WEB". By clicking on this section, a large window will open as in the picture below.

The first thing to do is look at what format the image is in. The format will be shown to us (see the picture) at the top right marked with number 2. If the format is PNG, then it takes a lot of memory and you need to click on the triangle in the same place and select the JPEG format.

This will immediately reduce the size of the image by 5-8 times. In the picture you can see (number 1) at the bottom left, that in the PNG format the picture "weighs" more than 1MB. This is a lot.
When you change the format to JPEG, in the same place where the number 1 is, the size will change to 150 kilobytes, or almost 8 times smaller without degrading the quality.

If you need to change the size in pixels (in the picture it is shown at the bottom right under the number 3 “image size”), then you can manually change the size of the width and height. You just need to understand that if you change the width, the height will change proportionally, and the image will not be distorted.

The same will happen if you change the height of the image. When you have completed all the operations and reduced the image to the size you need, you need to click "save". Save to your "desktop", or to the desired folder. This is the easiest way how to resize an image in photoshop .
There is a second way, which I will describe in less detail.

Go into Photoshop, drag the desired image there, as described above. When the image appears in the Photoshop field, go to the "Images" section at the top right, then select the "Image size" section and in the window that opens, set the width and height dimensions you need.
After all operations, press "OK" and in the "File" section save the resulting image. It's that simple!


To answer the question - how to resize images online, go to the site This is almost the same photoshop, only it is provided by the service of this site online. We don't need to download and install anything.

We will do everything online on this site. Go to the specified site, when Photoshop opens, you will see a window on which you need to select "Upload image from computer".

In order to change the size of the image, go to the "images" section (shown in the picture at the top left) and click "image size". We will open a window where you can change the size in pixels to the size you need.
After resizing, go to the "file" section at the very top left and click "save". A window will open in which you will see the quality and size of the image. You can also change the format here if needed.

After all the operations, click "Yes" and save the image where you need it.
It's so easy to answer questions how to resize an image in photoshop and how to change the image online.

For a clearer understanding of the image resizing process, watch the detailed video tutorial:

Good luck to you!

Best regards, Valentin Chepurnoy.

\u003e\u003e How to resize an image in Photoshop

How to change the size and weight of a picture in Photoshop.

In this article I want to teach you, in Photoshop, how to reduce the weight of the picture, while the quality of the picture itself has not changed much. I will tell and show these actions clearly on the screenshots (in pictures), what and how to do so that your picture changes in size and weight. You just have to complete all the actions that I will show and tell.

At present, it has become fashionable on all sites, in addition to the most important thing - text, to use banners, videos, animation, and to complement the above - to apply images. Images can be of different nature - these are photos and screenshots, etc. Moreover, they have the same function - to show some process or action in addition to the text, in a visual form. I'm not telling you something new if I say that images convey information better to the visitor than plain text. But, higher in priority, of course, is video. Basically, pictures are used on sites in order to dilute large text so that visitors do not get tired of reading them and in order to clearly show what is written about in this article.

In general, there are many advantages of using images for a website, blog and for other purposes on the Internet. But, there are also disadvantages of this method. It consists in the fact that if you use a lot of images in your site or blog in good quality and with a lot of weight each picture, then this will not have a very good effect on the loading of the site page where these images are located. And a visitor who does not have a high Internet speed or he pays for traffic in megabytes, he simply does not wait for the download of this page of the site and leaves it. Therefore, in this article, I also want to show you a process that will allow you to reduce not only the size of the image, but also the weight without significant loss of quality. In some cases, the weight of the image can be changed 10 times. Therefore, do not neglect this opportunity to make the loading speed of your site pages faster. Plus, search engines pay close attention to site loading.

So what do you need to do to resize the image and still reduce the weight of the image. For these purposes, you will need any version of Photoshop. In fact, there are a large number of ways to resize an image, and everyone uses their own method to their liking, but in this article I will show this process in Photoshop, since I myself use this program for my images, which I then insert into my site. And in this article, all the pictures were compressed and reduced in size in this program.

So what do you need to do first. You need the Photoshop program itself. You can get it on the Internet in the public domain. Moreover, you can download the program of any version - this is not important, since the Photoshop program has undergone changes, only in design, and the functions and tools remained the same and in the same places. The only thing is that with each new version of Photoshop, some new feature is added. But in this case, this does not reflect on what I want to show you in this article, namely how to resize image in photoshop.

I hope you have already downloaded and installed this program. Then launch it. You should have approximately the same working area of \u200b\u200bthe Photoshop program, which is shown in the screenshot.

Everything is simple here: the main menu is at the top of the program; on the left are the main tools; on the right is an additional menu with tools. In order to change the image, you need to open it in this program. There are 2 ways to do this.

Method 1: move the mouse over the main gray area and double-click the left mouse button, after which you will have a window of your computer, where you must select the image that you want to resize.

Method 2: at the very top of the program there is a horizontal menu and there is the word "File". Click on it.

After that you will have a drop-down menu where you should find the word "Open" and go through it. After that, you will see the already familiar window with folders on hard drives on your computer and find the desired image there. After that, the image that you opened in the Photoshop program will appear in the main gray window.

Now, in order to proceed to the next step, which will consist in resizing the image, you need to go to the "Image" menu in the top menu.

After that you will have a drop-down menu where you should find such a line "Image size". Go to this menu item.

Then you will have a window in which you will change the size of the image. Here if you change the size, for example, the width, the height will automatically change and vice versa. This is done so that the aspect ratio of the image does not change. You will not set the size of the image separately here. You can do this further when you save this image. Therefore, here you need to set the size of one value, either width or height.

After you set the values \u200b\u200band clicked OK, you need to save this image in the next step, and in the same place you can change the proportions of the image of height and width as you want to see this image and at the same time reduce the weight (compress) the image. To do this, open the File menu at the top of the program and go to the Save For Web & Devices menu.

Then a window will appear in which you can additionally change the size and quality of the image. If you want to resize the image individually, you need to click on the icon shown by the arrow at the bottom of the screenshot. After that, the chain will break and you can change the aspect ratio of the image to your liking. After you change the image at the top of this window, you can select the format and quality of this image. After that, in the main window, you should observe all the changes you have made and the size of this picture will be below. After you are satisfied with everything, click "Save" and select the location on your computer where you want to save this image.

That's all, after that you take this picture and insert it into your site.

This concludes this article and now I think you will not have a question, how to resize image in photoshop.

If you liked the article, then, if possible, leave your comment so that I can evaluate the quality of my work.

In fact, reducing the size of an image in Photoshop is not difficult at all. To change the size of images in Photoshop, use the command of the same name "Image Size", the dialog box of which can be opened by going to the main menu tab Image -\u003e Image Size, or, you can press the combination Alt + Ctrl + I keys:

This screenshot of the command dialog was taken right after I opened the original photo in Photoshop, before any resizing.

The dialog box is divided into two main parts - Dimension (Pixel Dimensions) and Printed size (Document Size).

View other materials on reducing / increasing linear dimensions of images in Photoshop
How to properly save an image for the Web in Photoshop
Automatically reduce the size and weight of multiple photos
New Image Size Dialog Box in Photoshop CC
How to resize an image in Photoshop CC for the web

On the topic of this material, we are only interested in the upper part of the dialog box, where the size in pixels is displayed, since this parameter controls the actual and physical size of the photo in pixels.

Let's take a closer look at this section.

Immediately to the right of the word "Pixel Dimensions" there are numbers that show the current file size of the image. In my case, this tells me that the original file of my photo is 14.5M ("M" stands for megabyte, or "million bytes"):

Knowing the size of the image file can be useful if you want to compare the size of the original version with the volume after the change, but it will not help us change the linear size of the image. To do this, we need other information - the current width and height of our image in pixels:

Here we can see that my original photo is 2608 pixels in width (Width) and 1945 in height (Height).
Now I need to get a scaled down version of a photo that I can put on a web page. To do this, you just need to change the values \u200b\u200bof the numbers in the "Width" and "Height" fields to the one I need. For example, I'll enter a new width for my image of 550 pixels, with the height automatically changing to 410 pixels. To apply the command, press the OK button:

You can also resize in percent from the original image rather than typing a specific value into pixels... To the right of the "Width" and "Height" input fields there is an indicator of the type of units of measurement, by default they are set in pixels, but if you click on the word "pixels" or the arrow to the right of the word, a drop-down menu will open that will allow you to change percentage measurement type. Enter a percentage, click OK, and Photoshop will resize the image to whatever percentage you enter:

In addition, you can change the units of width and height separately. To do this, hold down the Shift key and click on the unit of measurement. Then, for example, you can set the width of the image as a percentage, and the height in pixels, or vice versa:

You will notice (unless you changed the default settings) that when you enter your width or height value, the second value changes automatically. In other words, if you try to change the width of the image, the height will change with it. This is because by default, Photoshop keeps the original aspect ratio of the image unchanged, because if you change the width of the photo without changing the height, or vice versa, the image will be distorted. Photoshop shows us that the image width and height values \u200b\u200bare currently linked to each other by displaying a link icon to the right of the values:

The relationship between width and height disables the "Constrain Proportions" option, the option is on by default, but if you need to change the width and height separately, just uncheck the checkbox:

Image size and quality change

Resizing an image in Photoshop is not difficult, but there is an important point to consider if you want to maintain image quality.

Let's look at this with an example.
Let's say I need to reduce the width and height of my photo by 50 percent. To do this, in the Image Size dialog box, I'll simply change both the width and height values \u200b\u200bto 50 percent:

I click OK in the upper right corner of the Image Size dialog box, and Photoshop closes the dialog box and resizes the photo. Since I made both the width and the height 50 percent, the photo is now one quarter of its original size.
As we can see, the photo is now much smaller, but the overall image quality remains pretty good:

Let's see what happens if I take this thumbnail version and try to scale it back up to its original size. To do this, I reopen the Image Size dialog box and enter the width and height values \u200b\u200bat 200 percent:

By enlarging the photo, I was able to return it to its original size, but the quality is now significantly worse than the original. I lost a lot of detail in the image, it now looks fuzzy and blurry. If I enlarged it even more, the image quality would get worse and worse:

And that's why it happened. When you use the Image Size command to shrink it, Photoshop makes it smaller by essentially discarding pixels. It simply selects some of the pixels in the image and removes them from the virtual window. Because Photoshop knows very well which pixels to remove without compromising image quality, image reduction is usually not a problem.

The problem arises when magnifying. If Photoshop shrinks images by discarding extra pixels, then where does it get them when it zooms in? Where does Photoshop get these new pixels that it adds to the image? He generates them himself.

And this is the main difficulty. When Photoshop enlarges an image, it has to add pixels that didn't exist before, and it has no idea what the enlarged photo should actually look like, it just has to guess. Of course, Photoshop is a very powerful program and its guesses are based on the most sophisticated advanced mathematical algorithms, but in the end, these are still only guesses and cannot be completely perfect.

Based on this, we can conclude that reducing images is normal and does not lead to special losses, but you should avoid enlarging them at all costs, if, of course, you are interested in the final quality.

We were given photo frame, into which you can insert several small photos (6 × 6 cm). And then the moment came when she needed to prepare photos of the required size for printing. I could probably go to a photo studio and instruct them to resize these photos, but I wanted to do everything myself. First of all, in order to visually see the final result, which will then be sent to print. To get a picture of the desired size, I used the program Photoshop.

So, first things first. From different photos I needed make images 6 × 6 cm... In the article I will use photos of famous football players as an example.

Run the program Adobe Photoshop... Open our first photo in it ("File" - "Open"):
In the toolbar, select the tool “ Frame” (“Crop tool”) :After that, the properties panel of this tool will appear on top. Here set the desired size of the future image (you can specify it in centimeters, millimeters or pixels). In my case, I set the dimensions 6cm x 6cm (I write it directly in the required fields by hand). Specify the resolution for printing 300 pixels:

Then select the desired area in the photo... When selected, the frame maintains the specified proportions. It can be moved, reduced or enlarged, but the width-height ratio will remain unchanged. The final image will have the dimensions that I specified in the properties panel of the “Crop tool” (ie 6 × 6 cm):
Having decided which area of \u200b\u200bthe photo will be selected - just press on the keyboard Enter... After that, we will see the resulting result:
Now we save the resulting image: go to the menu bar in “File” - “Save”. In the window that appears, select the quality “ The best"And click" Yes ":

This is how we resized the photo. This could be the end of the article. But I solved all the photos that my photo frame holds, prepare for printing... This required placing them all on one sheet of standard format A4.

So, we continue: we carry out the above operation of cropping to the desired size with all the other photographs we have.

Thereafter we lay out photos on A4 sheet... To do this, in Photoshop, go to "File" - "New". “International Paper Size” and A4 size should be selected here:
Click "Yes" in this window.

Next, select the tool “ Cutting”:
Then we right-click on the created sheet - select the item “ Split fragment”:
In the window that opens, set the value 2 - horizontally and 2 - vertically... Click "Yes":
Now go to the menu bar in "File" - "Open". Find all your edited photos - select them and click "Open":
All selected images will appear in the working window of Photoshop. Select the tool “ Moving”(Topmost): Now we grab each photo with the mouse and transfer them in turn to sheet A4... Thus, we place the images evenly on the sheet:
After finishing the distribution of the photo, go to "File" - "Save as" - set a name for the final image - select the file type Jpeg... Click “Save”. Then select “Best Quality” and click “Yes”.

Well, now, if there is such an opportunity, print the resulting file on a color printerafter inserting A4 photo paper into it. If this is not possible, then we drop this file onto a USB flash drive and carry it to a photo studio, where we print it out for money.

And finally, one more tip: in order to cut all these small images exactly, it is better to use not scissors, but take stationery knife and ruler... Put the sheet itself on some plywood so as not to ruin the table when cutting.

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